~Skate_Chick!~ : 04 - The great escape (MM/ff)

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~Skate_Chick!~ : 04 - The great escape (MM/ff)

Post by Canuck100 »

~Skate_Chick!~'s stories
04 - The great escape
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By ~Skate_Chick!~

Wednesday, July 2nd 2003 - 02:45:18 PM

The great escape.....

So, as I said, John and Jeff told us, they would give us 45 minutes to escape, and if we didn't, we would get tortured!! They went out of the room, and Jenny and me immediately struggled to get free. Then I stopped struggling, and thought for a second. I got Jenny's attention by mmmppphhhing to her. She looked up, and I jolted my head sideways, trying to tell her to come over to me.

She caught on, and luckily the chair was one of those ones that swivels around. She pulled the chair as hard as she could over to me, and I made gestures with my hands, moving them up and down as if I was trying to get her to push her wrists against mine, so I could pick at her knots.

Luckily she could understand me, and we were back to back, and I was trying to pick at one of her knots. It was very hard, but finally I managed to find one of them, and I concentrated on trying to free that one, for about 10 minutes!! Finally, with a cramp in my hand, I managed to get one of the knots loose, while Jenny was then able to move her wrists around and gradually free them.

She quickly untied her ankles and removed her gag, and then untied me!!

"Phew!!! That was close! There's only 7 minutes left until my brother's come back!!"

I said, moving my hand around to get rid of the cramp.

"Well, what do we do now? We can't stay down here, or else they'll tie us up again!!"

I stopped and thought for a minute.

"Well, lets just get out of here anyway! Maybe we can split up, or something!! I dunno!"

We crept out of the basement, and went into the hall. I looked up the stairs, to see if I could hear any voices. There was just silence. My heart was pounding like a drum. I didn't know what to do!

"Er, Jenny, you go upstairs, and I'll go in the living room, or something!!"

"But what if your brothers are in their rooms? Then I'll get caught!! I can't go up there!!"

I looked around for a better place to hide.

"But there's no where else to go! Listen, just go upstairs, and go into the bathroom, and lock the door. Then they can't get you!! That, or go into the linen closet at the top of the stairs, and hide there!! Ok?"

"Yeah, alright, but what are you going to do?"

I stopped, and poked my head around the door of the living room. It was vacant.

"I'll go into the living room or something, I don't know. You just make sure you hide somewhere!!"

Without any hesitation, Jenny crept up stairs. I just stood in the hall, and paced up and down, not knowing where to hide from the brothers from hell!! Then, suddenly, I saw John and Jeff standing in the doorway in the kitchen!! Crap! I never thought if they would be in there!!

"Hhhhhmmmmm seems she's escaped John. We will have to sort that out now, won't we?!!"

They both smiled evilly, and then walked towards me! My eyes had the look of fear, and they knew it! I edged backwards, but then broke into a run. I ran into the living room, and then stopped, cos there was nowhere to run anymore! I was in front of the TV, and I slowly turned around. John was slowly walking in the door of the living room, so I decided to run out the other door to the hall. But then, Jeff appeared in that door. And I was cornered! They kept on edging towards me slowly, just grinning in such an evil way!!

"Well, we gotta hand it to you, sister! You escaped from the basement, and I assume your friend escaped too?"

John stopped walking towards me, and then Jeff stopped too.

"Well, duh!!! I wasn't going to just leave her there for you guys to come along! What type of idiot do you take me for??!"

I felt so happy I could stand up to my brothers!!

"Obviously a very stupid one!! You talk a lot of shit for someone who's cornered and can't run anywhere!!"

I stopped feeling good about myself. I didn't know whether to run, or face defeat... again!!

"Listen, you may as well accept defeat. We can do things the easy way, or the hard way!!"

Jeff said, as he pulled some rope out of his pocket. My eyes widened at the thought of what "The hard way" meant! I really didn't know what to do! I decided to run, cos there was a large gap between where John was standing, and where Jeff was standing. I thought if I jumped onto the couch, then my brothers would both run around different ways to catch me, so then I could try and jump over the couch and run out through the door!

I slowly walked over to the couch, and sure enough my brothers walked over each side of the couch, to try and block me from getting out. I suddenly jumped onto the couch, and was about to jump over it. I think Jeff was psychic or something, cos he suddenly moved to the centre behind the couch, and I fell right into his arms!! He brought me to the floor, and he held me down quickly before I could move to get free. John ran over and quickly hand gagged me.

"You know, you really don't listen, do you sister? We told you we could do it the easy way or the hard way, but you never seem to listen to us!!"

My heart started pounding again, cos I didn't know what they were going to do to me!! John pulled out a roll of duct tape from his pocket, tore off four long strips, and then stuck them over my mouth, pressing them down very securely! I could barely mmmppphhhh at all! Jeff pulled my wrists back, and then tied them together with the cotton rope he pulled out of his pocket. John then did the honours on my ankles.

"Well now, we did say we wouldn't tickle you if you could get free in the basement, BUT!! Since you failed to listen to us, and do things the hard way, you will have to pay!!"

I squirmed and struggled against the tight ropes, but it was one-sided competition! They laughed, and then John said,

"But we have to find her friend first! Hhhhmmmm, I wonder where she is?? Maybe our darling sister will tell us!"

He pulled the feather out of his pocket, and then Jeff removed my socks! I struggled as hard as I could, but I really needed Jenny there, to help me!! I wondered where she was!

"It's no use, you aint going anywhere sister!! Ha!"

As soon as Jeff said that, Jenny appeared at the door, and I mmmppppdd loudly.

"Hey, leave her alone! Catch me... if you can!! Ha ha! Only if you're fast enough!!"

"Get her!! Don't let her get away!"

John and Jeff immediately left me, and ran after Jenny. I had to hand it to my best friend! She risked herself to save me being tickled! My brothers knew I wouldn't get loose, so they left me without any hesitation! I heard loud footsteps upstairs, and I was afraid the ceiling would fall in, the footsteps were so loud! I only hoped Jenny was ok! I struggled to get free, so I might be able to save Jenny if she was captured!

Just then, the footsteps stopped...

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