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Mr. Bondage : 01 - Hospitals: Great place for bondage (M/F)

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 3:21 am
by Canuck100
Mr. Bondage's stories
01 - Hospitals: Great place for bondage
Story index at the bottom

By Mr. Bondage

Friday, December 26th 2003 - 04:08:35 PM

Hospitals: Great place for bondage

I used to know this girl named Tammy who was a physical therapist in a hospital. At that time, she was having problems with her husband. I was a friend and frequently comforted her. We would talk for hours. Since she was married as was I, that is as far as it would ever go except this one time.
Tammy was working on one of those boring evening where she had to be there but there wasn't much going on. Two appointments were cancelled. As usual, Tammy called me and wanted to talk. She told me how her jerk husband was treating her so poorly and the situation was getting worse.

I told her she should divorce him and move on. Why hanf on to a guy who could care less about you? She agreed and asked me if I could stop by the hospital. I asked if anyone would mind. I mean this is a hospital. She responded negatively and said she was the only therapist on duty that I could meet her near the physical therapy dept and nobody would bother me.

Cool I thought.

TAMMY was a redhead, built and very attractive. She had recently lost 75 lbs. but her self esteem had not caught up to how great she looked. She was also a very nice person. Too nice for her own good.

As usual we talked for awhile then I suggested that Tammy tell me a little more about she did. And explain what the equipment was all about. I was trying to get her mind off her problem. Amazingly, as Tammy started talking about her work, she lite up. She had a sparkle in her eye and briefly forgot about her problems.

She showed me an ultra-sound machine and even demonstrated it on me. I had an old sports injury. Tammy said that this would serve a dual purpose; she could treat me and just in case anyone popped in, it would show her working. Great idea.

Tammy's whole disposition had changed. She us up and excited. Radiant and happy. I told her she should focus on her job and let this help her forget about "the idiot."

As we were walking around the physical therapy dept., I noticed a wooden table and asked her what they used that for. She explained that certain treatments required patients to lie down. I then noticed that there were straps that looked like seat belts and wrist cuffs. "What are they for?" I asked.

We rarely use that equipment but occasionally we have a patient that freaks out and we have to strap them down untill we can get help to get them out of here and back to a controlled area.

"Wow! That sounds scary. Can these restraints really hold somebody down? They don't look that secure."

"They are stronger than you think!" responded Tammy.

"NAH! I bet you could break loose easy from those restraints."

"No way."

"Yeah. I think you could. In fact, I'll bet you dinner on it. If you can't break loose, I'll buy you dinner at the restaurant of your choice."

"You know, I could use a friendly night out and this will be easy becuase I know that I won't be able to get out."

"Just one minute Tammy. When you do get out and I know you will, what do I get? I promised to buy your dinner if you couldn't. What are you going to do for me when you do?"

"I won't be able to get loose but to humor you...if I get loose...we'll I'll make it worth your while...I promise."

"That's all! You'll make it worth my while? I need a better guarantee than that."

"Okay. You know what you have always been asking me to do?"

"Yes!" I said excitedly.

"That is your prize. If I get loose which I know I won't."

"Okay. Let's do it. Lie down."

"First, I better turn some of these lights off and make sure the door is locked. I can always explain that I stepped out for a break or something in case anybody tries to reach me. One thing though if my beeper goes off, grab it and record the number."

"No problem now lie down."

As Tammy lied down I couldn't help but admire what a beautiful lady she was and what a shame that she was still married. Even worse, what a shame that she had a jerk for a husband who treated her like a piece of dirt.

I grabbed Tammy's right hand and placed it in the wrist cuff and strapped it tight. Then did the same thing with her left wrist. Then her right ankle and her left ankle. Then I slipped the seat belt type strap arcoss her thighs and the other run across her chest. She was totally secured. As I looked at this beautiful redhead, all I could think of...what a shame.

"Okay Tammy now break loose. I know you can do it."

Tammy didn't even try at first. "This is a waste. I won't be able to get loose. I told you that."

"C'mom Tammy, humor me. At least try."

Tammy gave it some effort but sighed in disgust and said "What's the use. I can't break free. Who do you think I am Superwoman?"

I just laughed and told her she was sandbagging to get out of delivering on her side of the deal.

"I can't get loose. I told you that before. Now release me."

"Not untill you at least try."

At this point Tammy started to get hot. Her face was getting about as red as her hair was and she reaffirmed that she couldn't break loose.

"Tammy, do you know how attractive you look lying down? Do you know how sensual you look all restrained? If I wanted to, I could really take advantage of you right now."

Surprisingly, Tammy smiled and said "I wish you would. I wish somebody would."

"Stop it Tammy. You are a very attractive girl. It is not your fault that you are married to a jerk who doesn't appreciate you. Yeah I know you can't break free and I wanted to get you in this position so I can talk some sense to you. You deserve better."

As typically happens, Tammy intruded and was talking over me. She had a loud mouth when she wanted to and always wanted to dominate the converation.

"You should be that aggressive with your hus..."

Tammy cut me off and started saying wierd things about herself.

"Okay Tammy, I am tired of your cutting me off and not listening to me." At which point I went over to another area that Tammy had showed me which had towels, wash rags and tape.

"What are you going to do to me? Tammy asked.

"I am going to make sure that you listen to me for once and I am going to keep that mouth shut." At which point I put a wash rag over her mouth, gently lifted her head up, placed a towel that I folded up behind her head and over her mouth and then started taping.

Tammy continued to complain about what I was doing for as long as she could but soon her words were replaced with mmmmphhhing.

"Now that is better. Don't worry, if you beeper goes off, I'll take care of it. They'll thing you are on break remember. And you know me well enough to trust me. I won't take advantage of you. I just want you to listen to me. Oh, I knew you couldn't get loose but I will still buy you dinner as I promised."

Tammy stayed that way for at least 40 minutes and I gave my best Dr. Phil on her to raise her self esteem. Undaunted, Tammy tried to speak out but all I heard were mmmmppphs and I loved it.

Tammy's beeper went off. She looked over at her beeper then back at me and again the mmmpphhhing went on.

"Relax, I'll see who it is."

One of the nursing stations were indicating that they would be sending a patient down. So I had to release Tammy. What a shame!

Mr. Bondage

Mr. Bondage's stories
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