Anomalee : 04 - Fourth time : finally, her turn! (ff/m, m/f)

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Anomalee : 04 - Fourth time : finally, her turn! (ff/m, m/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

Anomalee's stories
04 - Fourth time : finally, her turn!
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By Anomalee

Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 01:01:15 PM

Fourth time

This is my fourth story of some of my childhood tie up games with my babysitter Michelle.

Quick recap, it was 96, i was 10, Michelle my 14yr old babysitter who i adored and got me into tie up games.

This is the story of the next time Michelle babysat me. It was nearly a month since the last time, and i once again couldn't get it out of my mind. I'd keep tying myself up after school, and wished Michelle had forgot those handcuffs, for one it would be easy to get in and out of them keeping the key in hand, and two, it was a very helpless feeling that i liked, there was no way to get out of them without the key.

I debated starting tie-up games with my friends, but never got up the nerve, such a thing could be seen as gay, (and no offence to any gay people, but at 10years old as all boys know, being titled gay was not a good thing).

It was a long month.

Then it came, my moms company was buying out another company, it was over 3 hours away or something and she'd be gone all weekend!

First night i got home late from school, i hung out with a few friends, there was no hurry after all, I'd have Michelle all weekend! Just calling her to tell her i'd be late, just hearing her voice got my heart racing. My crush on her was soooo Huge!

I got home at dinner time, panzorati's (sp?) where on the way, Michelle was there in the middle of cleaning, and unfortunately she had her friend Shelly over who was watching some lame show on the tv.

Shelly was the same age as Michelle and tall (well 5'5" which seemed tall, me being like 4'8" and Michelle 5' even). She was curvy and had, what i thought, were big boobs. She dressed normal compared to Michelle, with only a couple raver-like pieces of jewelry and such. She had reddish-blonde hair, long and curly (tied in a ponytail that night), and was nowhere as cute as my Michelle. She was dressed in jeans, tight tee-shirt that ended right at her belt line, and thick white socks.

Michelle was dressed in baggy cargo pants with a bunch of pockets and stuff sewn on them (looks like she bought two pairs to make one crazy pair), her usual jewellery, red sparkly socks i've seen her wear before, and a tight shirt with some anime looking face on it that ended just below her navel. Her hair was back in two little tails and just bleech blonde this time.

I was dressed in army-looking shorts and a nirvana t-shirt, and barefoot.

I've met Shelly before, and didn't much like her, she was nice to me and all, but she wasn't Michelle, and worse yet, her being over meant Michelle's attention would be focused on her, and i was positive i wouldn't be getting tied up.

Unfortunately I was right about that night, with one fun acception. They had rented a couple movies, one i could stay up for. The movie sucked so i decided to give Michelle a bunch of quick tickles. Her screeches and giggles kept interrupting the movie. They got pissed and decided to pause the movie and teach me a lesson. This was to be a new experience for me.

Michelle started wrestling with me. We fell on the floor, and she was trying to pin me. We were both laughing, struggling to get the upper hand, tickling and wrestling.

Michelle managed to get me on my back and straddled my waist. She was struggling to grab my hands, and probably pin them under her legs, but then Shelly jumped in grabbing my wrist and pulling my arms above my head and sitting on them (Michelle was stronger and faster than me, but Shelly was even stronger than Michelle).

Michelle move down to straddle my legs above my knees. I struggled with everything i had, but they had me.

They were both laughing at my helpless condition and i could just fake annoyance. Some was real, i wish it was just me and Michelle playing, and Shelly wasn't there.

"Tickle tickle tickle" Michelle said, and her finger crept into my shirt, her nails dancing on my pulled taut stomach.

"Ahhhhh!" i screamed and was soon lost in laughter.

Shelly then pulled my shirt up and above my head bellow my elbows. How embarrasing was this.

Michelle i didn't mind seeing my bare skin, but shelly, what the hell!

But then she started tickling my armpits!

It was TORTURE! Michelle working away at my stomach in her quick constant moving fashion, and now shelly digging her fingers into my helpless armpits!

I was screaming with laughter, and in tears in no time, it seemed to tickle a great deal more cause i didn't want to be tickled, not by shelly at least.
Fortunately they stopped after only a couple minutes, cause it was my bedtime unfortunately.

I found being restrained helplessly fun in a sense, not as scary and exciting as being tied, but exciting none-the-less, and the shelly factor took away from it.

I head to bed a bit grumpy, Shelly was staying quite late.

The next day would be a better day though!




Thursday, February 12th 2004 - 03:42:54 PM

fourth continued

The morning started with me eating lots of pancakes, made by sweet Michelle.

That day i played with friends and Michelle was off doing whatever she did.

I got home around dinner time, the pizza was already there and Michelle was setting the table.

She was sooooo CUTE!

"Hi Lee. You hungry kid?" she asked, and gave me a killer smile (one side of her upper lip was always higher when she smiled).

Her hair was down, she was wearing her standard jewellery (with which time the necklaces would get more trinkets), baggy coreroids, rainbow striped socks (i wished her feet were exposed though), and a tight button up short sleeve shirt, with only two buttons done up, showing her cute belly and that gorgeous 'in-betweeny' navel, and what little cleavage she had (which i didn't get to see that often). She was wearing that belt that she had first ever tied me up with, my heart jumped out of my chest.

I was in jogging pants and the same nirvana shirt from the day before, and barefoot shortly after entering.

I poked her in the sides when i entered the kitchen causing her to jump in her seat and make a silly squeek noise.

"You bugger!" she protested as i sat down.

I imitated the squeek noise, we both laughed.

"You make some crazy noises yourself when tickled!" she teased, that got me so pumped, tonight MUST have some tie up fun i swore, the thought of being tied, the belt, the cleavage, the bellybutton.

I was sooooo excited, I was very hyper as we ate and talked.

After dishes, i crushed Michelle at play station over and over, obviously getting bored with this, but being a good sport anyway, Michelle said, "Ok, lets play something else"

"Like what?' i asked hoping my excitement wasn't to obvious.

"Lets play some cards," she suggested.

"Sure," i said, but thought DAMN IT! lets play Tie me up!

We sat at the kitchen table and she shuffled the cards, we decided on crazy eights.

"What are we going to bet?" i asked, she grinned at me with a mischievous look in her eyes, it must have been so obvious to her when i wanted to be tied up.

"How bout, 2 out of 3, if i win i tie you up," she suggested.

"Ok", i said, trying to sound non-chalant, but was SOoooo pumped!, "not, like you can beat me anyway,"

She gave me a cute sneer.

"What if i win?" i asked, not that it mattered, at this point i WANTED to loose and get tied up.

"How about i let you stay up a half hour later?" she suggested, this was So win win!, but i got an idea.

"What if i win, i tie you up?" i asked, and couldn't believe i did, and the thought of what it would be like to have our roles reversed, Michelle tied up and completely in my control, started racing through my head, would i like it? Would it be as good as being tied up myself.

"Nooo, we can't do that" she said, there was obvious nervousness in her voice, and i wondered if i was that obvious when i thought about being tied.

"Come on, its a fair equal bet," i protested.

"But i'm responsible, what if something happened?" she countered.

"I'd untie you right away!" i said, sounding a bit too excited.

"No, i don't think so lee," she said.

"Come on, please," i said. "It'll make the bet fair".

"Hmm" she thought a bit and giggled at me, i was grinning like a moron.

"Well your going to loose anyway, but if you win...ok," she said.

"Cool lets play," i said, but thought YES! YES! YES! YES!

I was probably going to get tied up, and if not i would get to see what it was like to tie up michelle!!

Two out of three, we talked as we played and it was just like a typical card game between us. On the outside, on the inside i was so hyped, i fought not to sound nervous and excited, especially after she won the first game, i was probably getting tied up.

Upon beating me she said, "i brought my handcuffs again".

My heart was racing.

I beat her the second time. "Ha!" i said, "Playstation, cards, doesn't matter, i'm the man!" i cheered.

"One more" she said, "and your going down"

The last game seemed to go on forever, i thought she was going to win for sure, and nervousness and excitement was showing in my voice, until i discarded my last card.

"Ha!" i said, jumping up, "i beat you, i beat you," i did a little dance.

"You got lucky!" she said.

Then nervous silence between us, we both knew what was to happen.

"So i get to tie you up now right?" i asked.

"Ok kid," she said, her voice a bit shaky, "Lets change for bed first, then you can tie me up"

"Ok," I flew up the stairs, i swear there was one of those cartoon cloud silhouettes left behind me.

In a flash i was changed into pyjama pants and a t-shirt, and then had to wait, what seemed an eternity, for Michelle to change. I was waiting downstairs playing some more playstation.

She came down and messed my hair.

"All right kid, lets hurry and get this over with", she said.

I stopped my game right in the middle of a board (something i rarely ever willingly did).

She had changed into cotton pj pants with pics of teddy bears all over them, they hung low on her hips, she had a blue tight muscle shirt that ended unfortunately just bellow her navel, her feet were bare, and smooth looking as ever, there was no nail polish this time.

"Get your handcuffs," i said excitedly, too excitedly, making her giggle at me.

As she returned cuffs dangling from one hand, she said, "Ok, here are the rules, the second i say untie me, you do"

"Of course," i said.

"No tickling," she said.

"Ok," i said, sounding disappointed, but THERE WOULD BE TICKLING! i already decided that.

"And be gentle tying me up," she said.

"Ok, now my rules," i said.

"Your rules?" she said with that killer smile.

"I get to pick where, and how," i said.

"Ok, as long as i'm comfortable," she said, comfortable i though.

My mind raced as she handed me the cuffs, she stood there with her hands in front of her as if waiting, how and where damn it, i remembered the first time when she tied me on my stomach with the belt, the second spread eagle to my bed, and the last time she hogtied me with those wonderful but scary handcuffs. The bed it would be, I decided.

Even though i felt as helpless hogtied, especially cause cuffs where involved, but stretched out like that seemed more helpless, with more places accessible for tickling.

"Lets go to my room," i suggested.

She gave me a questioning glance, but walked up the stairs, i was right behind her.

"On the bed, like the time you tied me," i said, "Oh!" i remembered and left to get the bathrobe belts.

I got back and she was laying on the bed on her stomach, head resting on hands and those cute feet swaying behind her. This was soooo exciting!! i loved it! and i wasn't nervous or scared at all, it was michelle who would be helpless, just pure excitement.

"Lay down Michelle," i asked.

She layed on her back looking at me with that smile. "Remember the rules," she said.

I climbed on the bed next to her and grabbed her wrist, as i put the handcuff on, click click click click, she showed me where the safety was so that they wouldn't get tighter. I pulled on the cuff and her hand to make sure it was in their for sure. I lifted her hand towards the headboard.

"What are you doing?" she asked, resisting.

"Tying you like you did me, to the bed," i answered.

She looked at me with doubt.

"Please, come on, it's only fair," i said.

"The key is on your night table," she said.

She let up, i pulled her arm upwards looping the other cuff around the solid wooden pole on my head board, then pulled up her other hand towards the cuff.

"Remember the rules" she said, with very obvious shaky nervous voice.

Click click click click, a put the safety lock on, pulled her hand to make sure she was secure.

I admired the cuffing, and she was looking up, pulling on the cuffs, she wasn't going anywhere, her arms above her head had lifted her shirt far up her stomach. I moved to her feet and began tying the cotton belts around her ankles. While I was doing this, she was giggling nervously and fiddling with the cuffs. I made sure to tie the ropes well, i had been practicing on my self and was totally confident her feet wouldn't slip out.

I then got off the bed, walked to the end, grabbed her ankles and pulled her taught. "Ug" she moaned as i pulled her tight, this showed even more of her belly.

Each in turn i pulled the rope to my foot board and tied her leg taught and securely, looking at her smooth soles and wiggling little toes as i did.
I stood back with a devious smile and admired Michelle.

Hands totally trapped in those cuffs her body stretched the length of the bed (not that she made the whole length), she was giggling nervously and trying to struggle, but she could only move her head, feet and hands, everything else couldn't budge an inch.

Oddly i was staring at her as if she couldn't see me, like i would when she wasn't looking. I was understanding i was in control of her.

I admired her taught slender arms and exposed armpits, the budges of her breast through her shirt, her shirt high enough to show lower ribs, the skin stretched across them, her stretched out stomach moving slightly from her breathing, that cute belly button moving slightly up and down, the skin pulled tight over two cute hip bones, down her pulled firmly legs, to her helplessly tied little smooth barefeet. She didn't seem to react to me looking her up and down, just giggled nervously.

"Allright kid, you had your fun, time to untie me," she said, voice shaky and giggly.

I didn't react, just looked at her stretched out helplessly before me, helpless!

if i didn't untie her, she couldn't do anything about it, in fact she couldn't do anything about anything, she was completely at my mercy and not getting out unless i let her out, she wouldn't tell my mom i knew.

I wondered how mad she would be at me....she never really got mad at me.

"Ok, Lee," she giggled, "let me out now kid, remember the rules"

I thought of how she would tie me up, even against my will, and tickle me even if i begged for mercy, this must be the way she liked the game, she wouldn't be mad!

"Allright Lee, come on," she pleaded, struggling hopelessly, her cute hands and feet wiggling. She kept looking up and down testing her hopeless predicament.

Hopeless she was, and started gigggling again seeing the devious smile on my face as i walked around the bed.

"That's a good boy," she said, eyes never leaving me, as i climbed on the bed, obviously hoping I was to untie her.

But no, the crush of my life was all mine, I could take her clothes off if i wanted to and she couldn't stop me, not even cover herself up. I decided that would be going to far though.

"Lee?" she said very nervously, she was beginning to realise she was at the complete mercy of a 10 year old boy, young enough not to truly understand mercy, young enough to enjoy his very whims without mercy.

I decided to tickle torture her.

"I'm going to tickle you Michelle," i said menacingly, imitating her from before, my fingers tickling air above her stomach.

"No!" she screeched, "Don't tickle! the rules! untie me now Lee!" she tried to sound stern but was giggling and shouting madly, it was hard to take her serious.

"Coochie-coochie, i'm gonna tickle you michelle, and you can't do a thing about it," I said, hands still moving, ignoring her continuing mad protest.

"Lee! games over, Untie me, don't you dare!"

"Tickle tickle tickle," i said musically, as if saying to a little kid 'i'm gonna get you!', and danced my fingers over her stomach, up and down, then one on her stomach the other one around and on her navel.

Her head dropped back on the bed and she screamed! in laughter, Music to my ears!

"Lee! No! AhhhhH! Hah!! AHHHHH!!!! Leee!!!! Help!! Mercy!!"

She screamed, I continued with "tickle tickle tickle," in the same silly way, now moving my hands up and down her sides and ribs, lifting up her shirt as i did, but stopping bellow her breast, "NOOOOO!! AHH!" she screamed.

I focused on her armpits and danced up and down her arms with my tortorous fingers, "tickle tickle tickle!"

I was giggling too now.

She was laughing her head off and couldn't stop me, i could do this as long as i wanted.

"Coochie-coochie coo!" i said now tickling around her neck, causing her to giggle and make strange noises as she dug her chin in, in defense.
"Coochie-coochie coo, tickle tickle tickle," i sang, my fingers now moving from armpits, to stomach, to ribs, armpits, stomach, ribs.

She was screaming, couldn't even make out words, save the occasional funny sounding "HelP-ha-ha!",

The Feet! i nearly forgot!

Catching her breath quickly as spun around and crawled towards her feet she yelled, "Mercy! ok, thats it! Lee! Stop!" between breaths, I didn't listen.

"I'm tickling michelle," i began to sing, "i'm getting your feet". She couldn't respond for i was now hunched over her feet, my fingers dancing up from heels to toes, down and up, down and up. I tried to tickle her with super speed like she tickled me, and it was working!

She was now screaming her head off, it didn't even sound like a laugh, just a long scream burst, a breath, a scream, a breath, a scream.

"Tickle tickle!" i laughed, attacking her wiggling feet, then i grabbed the toes of one foot holding it still, i let michelle catch her breath for a second, but at the sound of one word coming out of her mouth, i dissolved it into more screaming and laughing.

I held her foot still, and my other tickling fingers moved with a fury, she was going nuts!

I moved to the other foot holding it still, "i'm tickling michelle," i sang, tickled it for a bit then moved to both feet, more screaming laughter,
finally i stopped to give her a breather, straddling her waist.

Straddling her, i admired her taught form before me, her shirt nearly so high as to show her breast off. She was sweating, her hair caked around her forehead. She was breathing very heavy, chest and stomach heaving quickly.

She was looking at my with an exhausted look on her face,

"I tickled michelle!" i sang.

Out of breath she said,"Ok, Lee, you had fun...untie me, or your in huge trouble, more trouble than your"

I was mad with power and so excited i couldn't take her seriously at all, tied totally helpless, for as long as i wished, and i could turn her into a screaming wrech with little effort for as long as i wanted to.

"I'm in trouble?" i said, "tickle tickle" i followed, my hands tickling air evily before her.

Her eyes bulged out of her head, she tried to stay calm.

"No lee, not in trouble, just all fun, but that's enough, untie me," she was starting to really feel her helplessness, her lack of authority.

"I got new rules," i said cocky.

"Huh?" she said, trying to shake the hair from her face, i helped brushing it aside.

"I'm going to untie you, once i'm done tickling you"

"Tickle tickle" my hands tickle air and closed in on her.

She weakly struggled against her bonds. She wasn't going anywhere, and i was an evil 10 year old tickle torturer. Her eyes were bugged out and she kept weakly struggling, and looking around the room, in some mad way, for help. There was no help, just her helpless body and a cruel kid.


I believe she was actually scared at that point, and later i felt guilty for what followed, which was non-consensual from her frightenned helpless point of view.

But i was too excited and fully in the moment.

My hands didn't stop advancing and i began tickling again, she screamed in laughter as i imitated her tickling method, moving my fingers very quickly over her hips, stomach, navel, sides, ribs, armpits, one hand would tickle an armpit, the other her stomach, then both to her hips, then ribs, the whole time laughing and verbally taunting her "tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle!". I would slow it down to one fingered caress tickling to let her catch her breath, but before she could speak i would go back again with adrenaline pumped intensity.

Her eyes went from squeezed tight to bugged out in terror, she had tears streaming and was covered in sweat, she'd shake her head back and forth between her arms in a hopeless attempt to block out the tickling.

The noises she made other than screaming laughter were nearly inhuman at some points, it seemed i did this forever, and it overall must have been a half hour.

Lucky for Michelle i started to get tired.

I was mad with power and may have done it all night.

I finally stopped and cuddled up next to her, head on hand looking over her as she caught her breath.

She looked at me with fear in her face, "Lee...Please..." she said with weak breath, her pleading eyes melted me, and i started feeling real bad.
Her timing was good though, cause i was starting to get a second wind.

"i'm sorry Michelle" i said, "i didn't mean to go so far, i'll stop tickling you now".

She let out a huge revealed sigh.

"Untie me please," she said.

"You're not mad at me are you?" i asked. I was feeling guilt, but an evil part of me got excited at her asking me helplessly to be untied, started thinking of how helpless she was and debated some more tickling.

"Come on kid, please," she pleaded, those damn eyes defeated me though, and i was worried she may actually be mad at me.

"Ok michelle," i said, and moved to the end of the bed. I tickled one foot gently and slightly, she squeeked and looked at me with fear in her face, but i started to untie her and she relaxed visibly.

I debated briefly more torture once more before uncuffing her, but thought the wiser, now free michelle curled up on her side, i saw that her wrists where a bit bruised and felt even worse.

She looked so weak and tired and slowly was catching her breath, sitting next to her on the bed i started crying.

"I'm so sorry michelle! please don't hate me!" i was bawling, she sat up and put her arms around me in a tired hug, she couldn't stand to see me cry, even if she was mad.

"It's ok kid, it was all just for fun....You just overdid it is all," she squeezed hugged me and walked slowly out of the room, she looked to be fighting for balance in her exhausted muscles.

She wasn't mad I thought! SweeT! I stopped crying and helped her turn everything off for it was my bedtime. I was dumb, for she was kind of mad and just wouldn't show it to me, she was soo sweet to me.

She came in to tuck me in and say goodnight.

"Swear your not mad?" i asked, about to cry again at the thought of loosing my precious crush and the fun relationship we had together.

"I don't get mad kid, i get even," was the last thing she said before she left the room, I was scared.

The next night continued


Anomalee's stories
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