Anonymous : 01 - Captured for a game (m/f)

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Anonymous : 01 - Captured for a game (m/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

Anonymous' stories
01 - Captured for a game
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By Anonymous

Sunday, May 22nd 2005 - 07:37:44 PM

Captured for a game

This is a short one, but a quick one. In the hopes of spurring on other writers, I'll tell you a little story of my own.

About ten years back, when I was 18, my younger sister Amanda, who was 8 at the time, had some of her friends over, Lisa (who was 10), her brother (8 I think), and a friend of his. My parents were out and had left me in charge of the kids.

They weren't bad, they didn't act up or anything and really just kept to themselves, playing this or that or just pretending. Well, this day they were playing some sort of Power Rangers type game in my sister's bedroom, and I was in the living room watching TV.

One of the kids left the room to go to the bathroom or something, and I asked him what they were up to (not like I cared that much, but I was just being nice, asking the usual friendly questions that older people ask kids). He said they were playing something Rangers (not Power Rangers, but something they made up), and I asked him if anyone was the bad guy. He said no, since they didn't have one. I asked if I could be the bad guy.

He said he'd ask everyone else if I could join in, and when he went in the bedroom, I heard him asking if Amanda's brother could be the bad guy. They argued about it for a while, then one of the kids opened the door and told me they said I could join.

So I walked in, and gave some stupid maniacal laugh, and said I was going to take Lisa hostage (which was the plan I was forming at the time once I decided to get involved). The kids said stuff like "no you won't" while some got confused about what I mean. I said to just pretend that I was the villain, and that I had captured Lisa and taken her hostage, and then later I'd come into their room as the "messenger" and tell them that I'd taken her captive, and that's when they'd come in and rescue her. (note that I invented the whole "wait for the messenger" idea so that I could have time with Lisa uninterrupted) Some of the younger kids needed it explained for them a bit better, so I explained it, and once we all agreed to my plan, I took Lisa's arm and gently pulled her out of the room and shut the door.

This was my chance, a chance I'd probably never get again. I took Lisa upstairs to my bedroom and told her to sit on my bed and close her eyes, and wait a bit. She did just that.

Lisa was a cute kid. She had short brown hair, and was dressed as I recall in a green shirt, blue pants, and socks without shoes (no-one wore shoes in the house).

I tried to think up a plan, since I was making this up as I went along, and I didn't want the kids to get restless and "rescue" Lisa before I had even done anything. So as she sat there with her eyes closed, I left the room and retrieved a couple of relatively small sheets. I went back to Lisa, and tied a sheet around her eyes, and behind her head. She asked me what I was doing, and I told her that I was blindfolding her, since she was my prisoner now and she shouldn't be able to see anything.

That explanation seemed to satisfy her, and she played along. I then took both of her hands, and put them behind her back. "You're tying me up?" she asked. "Yup," I said, "but just play along. I won't make it tight or anything." She did, and I used another cloth to tie her hands, wrapping it around her wrists, then wrapping it around again, basically trying to tighten it as much as possible so it would be effective before I tied a knot in it.

I then picked her up and put her on the bed so she'd be laying down, on her chest. I took another cloth and wrapped it around her legs, just above the ankles, and again, wrapped it around several times before tying it off. I then made her sit up again, and took another piece of cloth and tied it around, not in, her mouth, to resemble a gag seen in cartoons. She mumbled "I can talk through this real easy," and I told her to just pretend it worked. Pretending was the order of the day here.

I then tried to think about what else I should do, if anything. I debated pulling off her socks so I could see her feet, and come up with an excuse to do so, like tying her big toes together, but I couldn't see any way to do that which would fit in the story we were enacting. I didn't want to seem like I was doing stuff just for no reason. Then I thought maybe I could do some "foot torture" as an excuse to pull her socks off. Suddenly I had an idea.

I told Lisa to sit on the edge of the bed like that, and just stay put, but to go "mmmph" as if the gag actually worked. I told her that her friends would spot her that way.

She did just that, and I went downstairs. I entered Amanda's bedroom and announced that I was the villain's messenger, and that I had a message from him. That if they wanted to see Lisa alive, they'd have to come and get her themselves, and I told them to wait 20 seconds before they did. I then ran back upstairs and re-entered my bedroom.

I sat next to Lisa and told her that her friends would come looking for her, and to "mmmph" to try to get their attention. True enough, she did. I then pulled on her socks to loosen them, particularly the tops, but did not take them off.

I could hear footsteps walking around upstairs, and one of the boys said "I can hear her! She's in [my name]'s room!" I pushed Lisa back a bit and raised her legs at the edge of the bed, and put one arm underneath her legs. One of the kids then entered the room.

"Oh my gosh! He has her tied up! And gagged! And blindfolded!" he said.

"Don't make another move, or else the girl gets it!" I growled in my best villain voice. "I got just the torture for her," as I whipped off both her socks. I then put one hand right in front of her feet and tickled. Lisa laughed behind her non-working gag, and one of the boys said "we need to stop him!"

I decided I didn't want this game to end so quickly, so I sat behind Lisa and pointed one of my hands to her head in the shape of a gun. "One more move, and she gets it," I said.

"Don't kill her," Amanda said. "We'll do anything!" The boys echoed her sentiment.

I didn't have enough sheets to tie them all up, and I didn't want my parents coming home while I had four tied up kids, so I told the kids to exit the room or else I'd hurt Lisa. It took some coaxing, but they eventually agreed (they were annoyed at first that they'd come into my lair for nothing).

I still had some sheets left, so I basically tied Lisa's knees and torso in the same way, and then I put her in my bedroom closet. I then left my room, and saw the kids waiting outside.

"What did you do with our friend?" one of the boys asked. I told him that he'll never find out, and then I watched as the kids all entered my bedroom and quickly discovered Lisa in the closet. They started untying her, and I watched as one of the boys fetched her socks, which she put on once she was free. I left. My work was done, and I couldn't think of any way to stretch it out further. I certainly didn't want the kids telling their parents (or Amanda telling mine) about the tie-up game, so the less involved it was, the better.

And that's it. No more tie-up games since, but it was a nice one while it lasted. It's the only true story I have, but I've told it.

That wasn't so bad. Now if only other writers will tell stories as well.

Anonymous' stories
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