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Beth : 02 - Harnessed at School (m+/f)

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 4:18 pm
by Canuck100
Beth's stories
02 - Harnessed at School
Story index at the bottom

By Beth

Tuesday, March 15th 2005 - 11:27:36 PM

Harnessed at School

Great stories folks! I've only been tied up once which i wrote about a couple of years ago. As I haven't been tied up since I hope you won't mind if I repeat my one experience:

This happened to me a while ago. A group of us had been teasing a boy at school in the year below us. It was all a bit of fun but he said to us "just you wait..."

Well the next day during the lunch break I went into our form room to fetch something. I got into the room and the door closed behind me. I turned and saw the boy we'll made fun of along with a group of his friends.

"We're hear to get revenge" they said.

They took me to the sports hall. There was no-one because it was lunch time and everyone was outside and the teachers were all in the staff room. They said they were going to look for some rope to tie me up.

We all went into a store room and they hunted around and came across all the school climbing equipment which was used on outward bound courses and stuff. It was a large crate with rope and climbing harnesses.

They decided that they were going to put me in a harness and then use a rope to pull me off the ground so I would be hanging in the air. They pulled out a selection of harnesses of various types, but they could agree which one I would wear, so they decided I should put them all on!

They soon came across a problem. All of the harnesses had straps which went between your legs or had leg loops which you stepped into but because i was wearing a skirt they didn't know what to do. I reluctantly agree to take my skirt off so they could put the harnesses on properly. I was wearing thick black tights so nothing was exposed otherwise i wouldn't have agreed to it.

Eventually all the harnesses were on me and done up so tightly I couldn't stand up straight without the straps pulling up between my legs. I struggled back into my skirt - if anyone else was going to come in and find me like this I didn't want to be half dressed as well!

They then got a length of rope and tied my hands tightly behind my back so i couldn't take the harnesses off. It was a long length of rope so they used the rest of it up by tying it around my body, pinning my arms to my sides.

Then they got another length of rope and tied one end onto the various harnesses I was wearing. The other end they threw over a beam in the ceiling. They then managed to pull and lift me off the ground and then tied the roof to the wall. I was left dangling with my feet at about head height.

Then they took my shoes off and said they were going to tickle my feet as revenge for the teasing I had done the previous day. As soon as they started to tickle I started shrieking with laughter. They stopped immediately because someone would be bound to hear.

The next thing I knew was I was being lowered down. I was wearing a pair of long socks over my tights and before I knew what was happening, they had taken them off me, stuffed one in my mouth and used the other to tie around mouth so I couldn't spit it out. I was totally silenced.

They hauled me up again and started to tickle. Despite the fact my skirt restricted my legs somewhat I desperately kicked my feet around so there ticking was pretty pathetic.

They must have thought so too because they lowered me down a second time and got another length of rope which they used to tie my feet together. Again it was a long length of rope so they used it up my tying my legs together right from the ankles to my waist.

They lifted me up a third time. I was totally helpless. Not only was I trussed up in several harnesses, i was completely tied up from head to foot and gagged as well. I couldn't move at all. They started to tickle. I shouted out but all that came out was a quiet mmmpphh. I struggled as much as I could but all my wriggling did was to pull the harnesses tighter between my legs (which wasn't an unpleasant feeling although i wasn't going to admit that to anyone afterwards).

Eventually they got fed up and lowered me to the ground. They untied my legs, put my shoes back on me and said that they hoped I'd learnt my lesson. Then they said goodbye, see you and started to leave.

I mmpphhed frantically and struggled in the ropes when i realised they weren't going to untie the rest of me. I followed after them but they started to run but because I was wearing a skirt not to mention all the harnesses and ropes I still had on they were soon out of sight.

I walked back through the school to my classroom. luckily there weren't many people around but there was still a lot of stares and laughter from the few people who did see me.

i got back to my classroom and before long my friends arrived who had been looking for me around the school. There was a lot more laughter as I mmmppphed and struggled for them to untie me.

Before long they managed to undo all the knots take off all the ropes around my body and my arms were free. i pulled off the gag and took the sock our my mouth.

At that moment the bell went for the end of the lunch break. Quick i said, I've got to get all these harnesses off. Yet it was easier said than done. I was completely strapped up in several different types of harnesses and it wasn't at all obvious how to started undoing them. Any moment the teacher was going to arrive.

We decided to cut our losses and quickly hid the rope that that all around the room. Then one of my friends lent me a jacket which I put on to cover up all the straps of the harnesses. I just had time to take my shoes off, put my socks on and then my shoes back on again before the teacher arrived.

So I had to go for the rest of the day all done up in the harnesses. It made concentrating in lessons very difficult - why did they have to put so many on me and do them up so TIGHT!!!

Eventually the final bell went and I went to my friends house who lived near the school and she helped my take all the harnesses off, which took the best part of an hour because they had all got muddled up with each other. Free at last!!

The next day I had to sneak back into the sports hall to put them back from where they came. Needless to say the boys that had done this to me didn't let me forget what had happened and they teased me about it for some time to come!


Beth's stories
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