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Graham uk : 01 - My first lesson from aunt Kay (F/m)

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 9:25 pm
by Canuck100
Graham uk's stories
01 - My first lesson from aunt Kay
Story index at the bottom

By Graham uk

Monday, July 25th 2005 - 08:27:16 AM

My first lesson from aunt Kay

part 1go

ok here I go

When I was at school I used to spend 2 -3 weeks each summer at my auntie Kay's house during the summer hol's whilst my parents had a 'break .

This started when I was about 10, and continued until I was 16. The first couple of years passed without mishap.

You see, Kay had two daughters Emily and Charlotte who were 1 and 2 years older than me respectively. We all got on together and played many games in their large garden and house.

It was in the third summer of visiting my Aunt that things changed and my life was shaped forever.

I had reached that 'awkward' age of 12, and had discovered girls, although this didn't affect my relationship with my cousins {Emily and Charlotte}, we remained just friends.

Around this time in my life I also became strangely aware of my feelings whenever I saw a girl tied up on TV or in a magazine. I also had a real arousal whenever I saw a 'dominant' or 'confident' woman. The character of Emma Peel in the Avengers absolutely mesmerised me.

Sorry if I am rambling, I will try to get back to subject matter!

At this stage it is perhaps useful if I describe my Auntie Kay: She was happily married to a quite wealthy chap {who was rarely at home by the way}, she was quite tall with straight dark hair, sometimes worn as a 'bob' or more often in quite a severe looking pony tail. It was around the early 1970's and she was the first female that I can recall wearing leather skirts and leather trousers.

This particular summer, I saw my Aunt Kay in a new light, she had always been strict { firm but fair as she would say} both to her daughters and to me. Suddenly this 'strictness' held a new attraction and challenge to me.

Having reached that difficult age of 12 and not knowing how to deal with my newly awakened feelings, I knew I wanted to somehow relate, or communicate my feelings to my Aunt, I just didn't know how.

But like so many boys that have just reached puberty I was a bit of a brat by all accounts, I was apparently beginning to get a bit above myself!

I had been at Kay's house for a couple of days, played the usual games with my cousins and I can recall getting bored quicker than normal. Emily and Charlotte had began to tease me over my voice breaking and my declared interest in girls.

I think that all three of us were on the verge on developing from children to young adults [indeed the girls certainly must have, as they were a little older than me}

On the particular day in question, it had been raining heavily, so we were indoors playing board games, Aunt Kay informed us that she was taking the car to visit her friend and she would be home around 5pm to get tea.

I will always remember seeing her on that occasion, she was wearing tight black leather trousers, and a figure hugging white roll neck nylon sweater. And she seemed even taller in a pair of stiletto heeled shoes.

She commanded our attention and said 'when I return I don't want to see any mess, so clear up after your games. And if it stops raining and you go outside do not under any circumstances dirty your clothes any of you as my washing machine is broken I do not want any dirty washing. If you disobey me there will be a price to pay'.

With these words she looked at me sternly and turned to leave. As she did so I mimicked her and laughed.

Aunt Kay halted in her tracks, turned and addressed me personally 'Graham, if you want to continue to come here you will have to learn that this is my home and you as a guest, will do things my way, understood?'.

I remained silent, as those new awkward feelings of arousal were stiring. Emily and Charlotte intuitively sensed this and taunted me.

I was soon to find out what Aunt Kay meant, I'll tell you in the next part. any reaction to this intro would be welcomed.

Graham uk


Monday, July 25th 2005 - 01:44:13 PM

My first lesson from Aunt Kay part2

I didn't expect to be continuing my story so soon, anyway, hope I'm not boring you all. I'll continue;

Aunt Kay left abruptly, and Emily and Charlotte warned me about how 'strict' she could be if they misbehaved. My cousins were what could be accurately described as 'nice girls' both a bit tomboyish but they were good early teenage company.

Anyway, the rain stopped, and we decided to play outside. I must admit I was becoming a bit of a rebellious 12 year old, and I was determined to push my Aunt to the limit, I was enthralled as to what she would do if I got dirty.

So, during a game of hide and seek I made sure that I fell over several times muddying my tee shirt and jeans. I couldn't wait for my Aunt's reaction. Secretely I wanted her to be cross and discipline me in some way I just didn't know how!

We went back in the house before Aunt Kay arrived home, both Emily and Charlotte said I was in for it as I had ignored her warnings { incidentely they both remained spotless}, their constant references to my misbehaviour only intensified my expectancy.

When Aunt Kay got home she put her bag down on the kitchen counter near where the three of us were sitting and greeted us with 'everything ok?'

Emily and Charlotte both affirmed they were and I leaned back on the kitchen chair in which I was sitting and laughed 'we've had a brilliant game of hide and seek' not really meaning what I said but foolishly seeing if I would get a reaction from my Aunt.

Aunt Kay ignored my jest and walked past me. The next thing I knew she grabbed my right arm and smacked me hard across the back of my hand.

I was completely shocked as this came all of a sudden and without warning, indeed I was speechless.

'You have totally ignored me Graham, you've got filthy dirty in spite of what I said' with that, she released my arm and grabbed my right ear and twisted it.

'come with me' she said, and lifted me out of the chair by my ear.

I don't mind admitting, now I was scared, I had never seen Aunt Kay like this although Emily and Charlotte had warned me that she could be very strict.

She led me by my ear upstairs. I went to go into my bedroom {the spare room} , but she stopped me 'Oh no, I've got plans for you' she said and took me to her bedroom.

'Right Graham, since you ignored me and got filthy, you need to be taught a lesson. You cannot wear those clothes around this house you will have to change' she said sternly.

I was now scared and asked if I could go to my bedroom and change?

My Aunt in a slow methodical voice told me she was going to lock her bedroom door and that I should undress whilst she decided what I would wear for the remainder of the day. With that she closed the door locked it and I was left to ponder; should I undress? or should I remain defiant?

I was nervous, so I undressed down to my underpants and socks and waited.

Within a couple of minutes Aunt Kay unlocked the door and entered 'Ah good you've decided to co-operate' she said as she removed my tee shirt and jeans. To my surprise she took my clothes and left the bedroom again locking the door.

It suddenly dawned on me that I had no clothes other than my pants and socks, what was I going to wear? My question was answered when Aunt Kay re=entered the bedroom 'take your socks off as well and put these on'.

My jaw dropped. 'These' consisted of a salmon pink satin party dress with a huge ribbon sash, a pair of white ankle socks, and a pair of white ballet pumps.

I totally refused to co-operate at first, I said that there was no way I would put those on. Kay had other ideas:

She came right up to me and in a loud menacing voice said 'you will put them on or else', and with that she again grabbed my right arm and delivered a sharp smack across the back of my hand, it hurt, and I began to cry.

'Not such a big boy are we now?' Kay said 'I'll leave you for five minutes alone, when I return I expect to see you in your cousins party dress. If you refuse to obey me , your parents will be informed and this will be the last time you stay here as a guest' with that she closed the door and locked it.

I really didn't have a choice, I did enjoy my summer breaks at Aunt Kay's house, and I would be in trouble with my parents if I couldn't stay because it would have disrupted their plans.

So, I put on the dress which obviously had belonged to one of my cousins, the socks and the ballet pumps, I felt stupid and humiliated, but worse was to come.

Aunt Kay unlocked the door and beckoned me out. She fastened the satin ribbon sash and instructed me to go downstairs.

As I have already said I got on well with Emily and Charlotte, but nothing could have prepared me for the whoops of laughter and taunts of derision that greeted me when I got to the kitchen. I was so upset that I attempted to run back upstairs stating that I was going to take this stupid dress off.

Aunt Kay was too quick and too strong for me she stood in my way, and when I trie to dodge past her she grabbed both my arms and pinioned me against the bottom of the stair rails.

She called to her daughters 'fetch me some rope from the cupboard'. With those awful words I just knew what was coming next and tried to struggle free, but Kay had me trapped. I was held face down leaning into the bottom five stairs with my Aunt leaning on me.

When Emily brought her the rope Aunt Kay with a real determination said those words I'm not sure if I ver wanted to hear 'hands behind your back'.

I had little option but to co-operate, I put my hands behind my back and felt the rope encircle my wrists and then cross between them finally to be knotted out of the reach of my fingers.

I felt Aunt Kay get up, so I turned around bewildered, humiliated, but strangely excited. 'Go and sit down like a good girl' she taunted 'it's about time you had a little lesson in discipline, you've been getting above yourself the past couple of days, things are going to change'

I slowly walked to the kitchen chair , where earlier I had been so cocky. Now I was wearing my cousins party attire, and I had my hands tied behind my back. Whatever next?

I'll continue as soon as possible.

Please , any reaction , let me know.

Graham uk


Wednesday, July 27th 2005 - 10:02:35 AM

My first lesson from Aunt Kay part 3

Continuing fro where I left off in part2:

So, there I was a sad 12 year old, wearing my cousin Charlotte's party dress, with my hands tied tightly behind my back, sitting in Aunt Kays kitchen as the centre of attention as Emily and Charlotte looked on.

'Right' said Aunt Kay 'Let's have tea', she then proceeded to organise food and drink with her daughters help. I couldn't believe it, I was being totally ignored.

I tried to get my hands free but it was hopeless, Aunt Kay had tied me securely. My head sank, and I remained a sulky silent as tea was prepared.

Whilst Emily and Charlotte was chatting, Aunt Kay came over to where I was sitting. She lifted herself up so that she was sitting on the kitchen table, and placed a foot on my chair between my knees.

This move meant that as my head was bowed and I was sulking, I could not avoid looking at her stileto shoe and her black leather trousers. I was beginning to feel strange.

'Look up Graham' she said calmly. sheepishly, I obeyed.

Aunt Kay smiled and began to explain; 'I understand that Emily and Charlotte have told you that I am a strict Mother is that correct?' I just nodded.

' And you thought that you would push my patience didn't you?' again I nodded, but I just didn't know wear to put my face, I was red with embarrassment.

Aunt Kay continued; ' when Emily or Charlotte misbehave, they are not grounded, rather they are confined or restrained, as you are now, and not in private, but in company, so that the punishment is more effective. And I know it is effective because a, they are by and large good girls, and b, I rarely have to confine them, indeed, in the past two years that you have visited my house you haven't seen either of them tied up have you?'

I shook my head and asked ' but why am I wearing Charlottes dress I have spare clothes?'

'It's called peticoat training' Aunt Kay explained 'My mother used it on my brothers to great effect. Obviously it's not appropriate for Charlotte or Emily, but for you, I can see already it has quietened you down'

' Charlotte' Aunt Kay called 'go and fetch those gorgeous ribbons that you wore with this dress to that party'

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Charlotte leave the room, at this point Aunt Kay's foot started flicking the hem of my dress ' Emily bring me a comb from the bathroom please' she suggestively asked.

I asked what was going on and how long would I be kept like this? Before I got an answer Emily arrived with a comb ' Are you going to put ribbons in his hair Mummy' she taunted.

'Of course I am he's got such nice long hair' Aunt Kay had noticed that like most teenage boys of that era my hair was quite long, and she began combing it into a centre parting forming two pig tails on either side of my head. She completed this particular humiliation by tying a large bow on each pig tail with the ribbons that Charlotte had found.

The ribbons trailed down each side of my face serving as a reminder, if needed, of my predicament. ' That's better' smiled Aunt Kay ' you look like a proper girl now. Emily / Charlotte/ What's the verdict?'

The three of them proceeded to make fun of me as I sat with my head bowed.

' Ok Graham, enough sulking, look up!' I ignored my Aunt determined to try and regain some dignity.

'It's like this Graham, if you don't look up and come to terms with your punishment, I will blindfold you for the remainder of the evening. also if you are cheeky or rude, you will be gagged, Emily and Charlotte have both experienced this and they will assure you it is no fun!'

My cousins certainly did affirm this and continued giggling at the exhibition that their Mother had made of me. 'All right ' I said and looked up 'but how long do I have to wear this dress and how can I eat with my hands tied?'

Aunt Kay, who was still sitting in front of my on the table with her leg perched on my chair, explained ' Emily or Charlotte will feed you, they've done it for each other before that's no problem. And you will remain in your cousin's pretty dress with all the trimmings for the remainder of the day. This will teach you to do as you are told'

Sure enough, my tea was fed to me by Emily, who kept referring to me as; 'baby', and the evening was spent watching TV.

On one occasion I asked to use the toilet, thinking I might be released, but Aunt Kay explained that even with my hands tied behind my back I would be able to take down my underpants and then yank them up. So I went to the loo and she was right!

At 10 O'clock Aunt Kay Said it was time for bed, she told Emily and Charlotte to go upstairs ahead of me, use the bathroom and go to bed, they obliged, mimicking me as they ascended the stairs, that just left me alone in the lounge with Aunt Kay.

'Have you been comfortable this evening Graham? ' she taunted. I said that I was sorry for being disrespectful earlier and that I would behave better in future.

''I am going to untie your hands now' Aunt Kay informed me ' and when you are free I want you to give me a cuddle, as a sign that we are still on good terms, you se it's for your own good what I have done to you'

When my hands were released I flung my arms around my Aunt and started sobbing uncontrollably. She calmed me down and then told me to go to my room, change my clothes, and got to bed. This I did.

The following day Aunt Kay told me that I would have to wash my dirty tee shirt and jeans myself, and that whilst I preformed this chore I would have to wear a full length rubber apron, \i complied with this, but again had a strange feeling about wearing the apron I just couldn't explain what these feelings were in my head.

That really concludes the FIRST lesson that I learned from my Aunt Kay, for the rest of that summer break I kept out of trouble.

I would have a whole year to try to understand my new feelings for Aunt Kay, in hindsight I was obviously developing a crush on her, all I knew was that once back at my own home and school I would not want anyone to know about my humiliation.

In future years I would learn more from my Aunt Kay, I'll try to post these in due course.

Graham uk
Graham uk's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section

Re: Graham uk : 01 - My first lesson from aunt Kay (F/m)

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:29 pm
by petkata41
I wish i had an aunt like aunt Kay.