Rusty : 02 - Rusty Scores (m/f)

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Rusty : 02 - Rusty Scores (m/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

Rusty's stories
02 - Rusty Scores
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By Rusty

Thursday, August 18th 2005 - 02:04:23 AM

Rusty Scores

Hey guys, I've got a story about tying up a pretty girl, if anyone's interested.

She was wearing a skirt, so if that sounds like your cup of tea just let me know.

So just leave a comment or send me an email if that sounds appealing. That way I'll know you want to hear my story about a pretty girl getting tied up.

You know what? I'll just tell it now.

Astute readers may remember I posted a story maybe a month back about getting tied up by a silly indie rock girl named Gabrielle. That story took place about a year ago and I was seventeen at the time and she was nineteen.

We see each other a lot and hang out and are close friends now. She doesn't tie people up that much anymore but she always reminds me about the time she had me tied up and at her mercy (that's kind of melodramatic) and it's a great memory of mine.

Actually that experience was an awakening of sorts for me as I've found myself increasingly enamoured with the idea of tying up girls, and often on the lookout for potential targets. I've given lots of thought to how I'd bring it up, you know, it's a delicate issue. Of course the most obvious candidate is Gabrielle because we already know she's freaky, but I figure it's a given that I'll tie her up one day. I'd rather take on someone a bit more evasive, plus I don't want to be a bondage virgin the first time I take on the master (mistress).

So this story does not involve Gabrielle. Except for that part where I was talking about her, which is over now.

I have another friend and her name is Maggie. She's a real cool chick. We have a complex relationship. She sings me songs and draws me pictures and wears tee shirts with the sleeves rolled up to her shoulders and I like her arms a lot. She has two tattoos, one on her tummy and one on her shin.
Lately I've been sad because she's about to move away to Michigan. Well she's moved by now but this was last week. We were hanging out for the last time because the next day she was taking off. I'd been telling her that I wanted to record her singing this Rolling Stones song (I have a weird obsession with this song, partly because it plays in my favorite Martin Scorsese movie Mean Streets).

So we were down in my basement where I have a four track set up with some guitars and mics and stuff. It's not much but it's a convenient little set up and I get a lot of work done down there.

So I was bringing some stuff down there, chairs and stuff and also - dun dun dunnnnnnnnn - a roll of duct tape.

About this roll of tape. It's possible that maybe I was actually going to need duct tape for some legitimate reason but also it's more possible that I was thinking I might be able to talk sweet Maggie into a kidnapping scheme on our last day together. When she saw the roll of duct tape, it was like she read my mind, she smiled and asked if I was going to tie her up. I couldn't believe she'd beaten me to the punch like that. I wondered if maybe she was hoping for the same thing as me.

I put on my best poker face and I said "I hadn't thought about it but now I think I just might". And I grinned a fiendish grin.

But first I wanted to get this recording out of the way so we went back to business. This was a good move on my part, I was a dedicated artist rather than I was some deviant who couldn't wait to get her down in my basement and defile her.

So after we recorded my song we were sitting around and talking. We were sitting close enough together that our knees were touching. This was one of the few times I'd known her to wear a short skirt and she looked very nice, nice arms, nice legs. I'm a fan of all her extremities.

I went back to the roll of duct tape, grinning fiendishly again. And she rambled on lazily about something or another I began making a big production of peeling off strip after strip of tape. She noticed what I was doing and eyed me with suspicion but didn't acknowledge it otherwise.

When I had a strip that was about 2-2.5', I tore it off with my teeth (it was being difficult) and she looked at me and she knew where this was going. And I wonder if she'd regretted bringing it up in the first place but she was also noticeably excited.

"Put your wrists out" I said but she blushed and said "but I have to go soon" she protested and I didn't like the sound of that so I said "but I thought you wanted me to kidnap you" and she said "well, I never said it like that".

This went back and forth for a little bit there but here's the important part. All you lurkers who are always asking "how can I tie someone up?". Here's how you do it:

I held the strip of tape taught between my hands and then looked at her with this practiced intense puppy dog eyes look and just waited patiently and without saying anything. Before too long she crossed her wrists in a docile fashion and held them out to me. I wrapped them together really tightly (yeah, hands in front, I know) and while I was doing it she actually asked "Why am I letting you do this again" and I said "Because I can be very seductive and charming when I want" and I guess that was a good enough answer for her. So there you go, there's your magic formula: 1. introduce duct tape innocently 2. tell her you want to tie her up 3. give her the intense puppy dog eyes till she melts 4. awesome!!!!!!!!!!!

As soon as I had her wrists secured I put her feet up on a crate and taped her ankles together very thoroughly. She said "oh no, how am I going to get out", she kept making a fuss but she was never anything less than completely cooperative which I took as encouragement. "I'll just keep you prisoner from now on I guess" and I liked that idea quite a bit.

When I had her bound hand and foot I sat back and admired my work while I anxiously tore off another, smaller, strip. "One more strip for you" I said excitedly. "Where are you going to put it" she asked. I like to think she knew the answer to this question so I just smiled and said "Where do you think babe?" and I took her silence as an admission that she knew exactly what I was going to tape up next.

I came next to her, so close that I was breathing on her neck, and I whispered in her ear "put your lips together" which she did very obediently, no protests at all and I pulled the tape tightly over her mouth, smoothing it down over her lips and fastening the corners. I think she was surprised how tightly I applied the tape and made a few "mpphhs" through the tape but it stayed on fine. All she could do now was look at me with pleading eyes and make sexy but otherwise ineffectual protest sounds through her gag. This was great, I couldn't believe I'd gotten away with this much and best of all I was getting the impression she was enjoying this as much as I was. With this in mind I wanted to make her a bit more secure so I moved back down to her legs and wrapped some tape around her naked thighs.

And now I'd like to take a quick moment to talk about music. No one ever seems to mention the soundtracks to there little bondage escapades but so far music has played a pretty important role in my adventures. When Gabrielle tied me up we were listening to the Shins, for no particular reason, and that was okay, there a good band and all. But while I was binding and gagging my hostage we were listening to Belle and Sebastian and I'd like to just go ahead and recommend that for all your deviant needs. Every song seemed to fit the mood just right. Plus if you've seen the movie Storytelling you already know that B&S is the music of choice for raunchy adolescent experimentation.

Moving right along, Maggie was taped up nice and good but I was starting to feel a little guilty. I decided I'd give her a chance to escape so I told her I was going to go upstairs and check on something and she should try to escape while I was gone. Except I didn't play fair exactly. Her hands were taped in front remember, and I didn't want her to be able to reach the tape on her mouth. So I had her sit on the floor (which she didn't seem to like she was gagged so she couldn't say anything about it) I put her wrists and ankles other and tapped them up, kind of a reverse hog tie, there's probably a name for it.

I was upstairs for just a minute ( I really did have to check on something) and when I came back down stairs she was lying on her back, which brought her legs up in the air, and she was making lots of noise under her gag. I hated to do it but I immediately undid the tape on her mouth and asked if she was okay. She said she was fine but that she didn't like not being able to move and that the tape was digging into her wrists (she had a bracelet on). I said "it's okay, I'll untie you".

Even though it was the last thing I wanted to do (Gabrielle got to keep me tied and gagged for like an hour!) I immediately undid her wrists. I hated untying her but I was very grateful for having the opportunity to tie a her up in the first place and I didn't want her to leave with a bad kidnapping experience.

"So I guess you didn't like being taped up after all" I said.

"No I did" she said. "I've never been tied up before. But I don't think I'd let someone else do it".

"You just want me to do it", and she nodded. I really like that she said that.

"You did a good job tying me up" she said.

And that's the end.


Rusty's stories
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