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Jennifer : And so it Begins (MMF/MMFFF)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 12:22 am
by Fordman
And so it Begins
By: Jennifer

I know I haven't posted here in quite a while. There have been some complications with getting this story together. The last story I posted came with a lot of requests and feedback from the community on this site. I also received a lot of pms about it and I appreciate all the feedback. The community here appears to have an interest in some of the stories that I have posted outside of this site. The ones of a more adult nature that I post elsewhere on the web. I have tried to keep those instances separate from this community as it has always been on the more lighted side of things. The occurrences that happened during my college years are a reasonable compromise between them. There has also been a lot of interest in some tales of the restraining of my roommates. More often than not during my college days I was the one being held prisoner. I have a few anecdotes, but they are isolated.

When you are writing as an author, especially about the events of your life. It's difficult to make everyone happy. However, I do have one set of events that would probably interest the majority of the site. However, this set of stories comes with a grain of salt to say the least. The reason I have taken so long between postings is that I have heavily debated whether or not I wanted to post this set of stories. It's a long time commitment on my part and it does jump on the borderline of the rules the site has. After much deliberation, I have decided I am going to proceed. But, only after this first post has been up and I have approval of the moderators who govern this site to go beyond this first part of the story. If all goes well, I will probably update this 3 to 4 times a month depending on my schedule and how available my proof reader is.

While this story is going to still fall in the pg-13 range. It will explore some of the things that happened outside of my growing up. I also took some time to contact the other parties involved in this story. I wanted to obtain their permission to post it. I have obtained said permission via email from everyone involved excluding my sister. However, since my sister is now deceased, I am going to take her permission implicitly. She has allowed me to post more let's say exotic escapades on some more adult forums. This is also going to serve as a window into who my sister was and some of my adult world.

Now, one rule on this site is that minors and adults ties should be separated and this story does fall into that sort of a grey area. The rules explicitly state that children are defined as anyone under the age of 21. This was probably done to allow tugs between older siblings. I have spoken with Canuck and he advised me that this would be alright. However, I am posting this here ahead of time in case anyone would have a problem with it and might want to not read as a result. All the people involved in this story are between the ages of 19 and 22 with the exception of my sister.

Please also be aware that I am going to be using a more narrative style for this story. So, the start of this story will seem a little different from my normal writing. Everyone involved gave their consent for what is about to happen. I am just getting these warnings out of the way up front so that nobody has a misconception. I have been writing here for a long time and I don't want to offend anyone. If any of the admins take issue with this story please send me a private message. If you have questions about where it is going or if you would like me to not continue. Then please let me know and I will abide accordingly.

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It was a cold night in early March of that year when the dodge minivan turned down the old country road. The sun had already fallen behind the horizon as the vehicle passed down over the decaying pavement. The moon was 3 quarters full amidst a dimly clouded sky. The grey overcast hid the majority of the stars as it began to lightly snow. The driver clad in a blue down jacket and a matching balaclava. The mask covered the driver's face except for the eyes with a layer of wool. The driver switched on the wipers on an intermittent setting to accommodate for the newly fallen snow.

The 3 other passengers sat unaware of the changes in the weather. Much less their surroundings. The girl seated directly behind the driver was dressed in a purple down jacket, blue jeans and some black boots. She was tethered securely to the seat by one of the vest style harnesses. It was the same style used by my siblings and myself growing up. She shifted back and forth in the seat as the van moved slowly and unassumingly down the road. Her wrists were locked securely behind her back with some hinged handcuffs. Likewise her ankles were connected with a set of steel leg irons separated by about a 15 inch chain. All three of the passengers were blindfolded and cleave gagged.

To her left was a second girl. She was harnessed to the seat and identically restrained with handcuffs and leg irons. The sole difference being the cuffs on her wrists were connected with the standard 3 links of chain rather than hinges. The second passenger was dressed in a yellow Pikachu kigurumi. It was a fleece onesie with a low hanging crotch and matching slippers. I will assume most of you can use Google if you want to know what one looks like.

The third passenger was male and younger than his two female companions. He was dressed in a black snowsuit and tennis shoes. He was seated in the center of the rear seat. The boy was wearing all 3 rear seatbelts. The two lap shoulder belts were pulled across him forming an X. The main lap belt in the center position was also fastened. The male prisoner's ankles were also chained. However, his hands were not visible. In fact the sleeves on his garment remained empty. He was gagged and blindfolded as well.

The three captives wriggled in their restraints and mmmphed into their gags. It had been almost a 2 hour drive getting this far. They didn't know where they were or what their final destination. A few hours earlier they had been snatched off their college campus and thrown into the van almost mysteriously. All of them shared a mix of excitement and fear as they moved towards their destination. Only the driver knew what was in store ahead for the other 3. As the 4 of them drove deeper into the cold deepening night. One things was clear. It would be a period of time none of them had ever experienced before. It would also be something they never forgot.


Not the fanciest intro. But it will help set the tone and at least let me get something posted here. As always comments and feedback are appreciated.

Part 2

The van made its way down through a couple of intersections towards its final destination. The area began to grow more rural and any signs of close civilization began to fade. Not that any of the captive passengers could perceive any of this. Finally, the van turned onto a grave driveway next to an old farm house. The house sat a good 100 meters or so back from the road on which it resided. As the van's headlights shown on it during the movement up the driveway.

The farm house was quite old, most likely part of a farming homestead from a long forgotten era. The original paint on the home had been replaced with aluminum siding. The metal of which was showing that it had aged at least a decade or two from the time it had been installed. It was a tall looming structure 2 or 3 stories above the ground level. The house itself was pitch dark, excluding a faint light flickering slowly from a dark rear window. The van rumbled quietly down the driveway over the stone and lightly packed fresh snow. It came within to a stop at a short sidewalk leading up to the main porch on the house. The driver put the van in park, turned off the lights and then drew the key from the ignition.

The driver fished a pair of mittens out of the pocket of their coat. They were slipped over the individuals hands. Afterwards the driver gave two loud and distinct honks on the horn of the van. The sudden noise quickly alerted the captives from what had otherwise been a relatively quiet drive. There was a loud rattling of chains as they jumped in their seats. Not that there was any concern. The nearest neighbor was more than a mile away down the road. Likewise they wouldn't give any thought to a horn beeping off in the distance on a night like this.

"We're here. Now, don't make a fuss and just sit tight until we retrieve you." The driver instructed to the 3 college students who were shackled and gagged in the back of the vehicle.

A few minutes later a second figure emerged from the door. The second figure was larger and of a more muscular build than the driver of the van. He appeared dressed in some black colored jeans and a long brown wool overcoat that came down to his knees. The man was wearing some tattered brown work boots and had a black ski mask covering his head and face. This was everything except for his eyes and mouth. He walked from the house out to the van at a relaxed pace lighting his way with a battery operated lantern amidst the dimming darkness. The driver exited the van and came around opening the passenger door for the second man with the lantern. He stopped and surveyed the captives and their condition.

"Well, this one is not dressed for the snow. I'll take her in and then we'll return for the other two."

The man passed the driver the lantern to free up his hands. The driver took the lantern and held it aloft for the man to see what he was doing. He unhooked the seatbelt and the clips holding the harness of the girl in the Pikachu outfit from the seat. She squirmed against his grasp at first not knowing what was going on because of the blindfold. But a quick warning from the driver put a stop to that. The man shifted the girl’s weight and slung her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Then the pair headed for the house. The driver using the light to lead the way and the man following.

The door opened with a quiet creaking against the silence outside. The pair navigated their way through the rooms and made their way back a room and the rear of the house. There they deposited the girl on the hardwood floor and left her sitting up on her knees. "Don't move" They instructed her before departing.

The second trip out to the van took a more profession approach. The remaining two captives were unstrapped from the belts in the van. Then they were lead outside into the snow and instructed to wait. The driver took a few minutes to make sure everything in the van was off before locking the doors. Afterwards the man in the long coat reached out and removed the blindfolds from the two captives.

"Follow us inside, watch your step and don't try anything stupid." The man explained in a gruff and deep voice.

The driver led the way of the procession. The driver was followed by the two shackled prisoners and the other man brought up the rear. They crossed the short sidewalk, went up the steps and into the house. The house itself was dark inside save for a little moon light patching through the windows and the beam from the lantern. While the outside of the house looked dated, the inside was even older. The main hallway leading the way to the room they party was seeking was lined with antiques and artwork that dated back to at least the 1950's and some of it earlier. The journey needed in a big living room filled with well-worn furniture.

The man pushed the male captive a few more steps forward so that he was in line with the others. Then he put a hand on each of their shoulders and pushed them forwards driving them down onto their knees. The two captives went down slowly while the man kept a hand on each of them to keep them steady. Meanwhile, the driver used an empty hand to pull the hood back on the girl who was wearing the Pikachu outfit. The driver then took hold of the girls blindfold and lifted it off of her face. Next the driver took the blindfold and pocketed it. Next the driver pulled the girl's hood back up into place. Finally the driver turned off the lantern leaving the room dimly illuminate only by the small amount of moon light from outside. There was also some small illumination from a small dull fire burning someplace behind the captives dropping daunting dancing shows onto the figure seated on the couch in front of them.

Thus ends part 2 of this narrative.

Part 3:

Slowly Ashley's eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room. After having the blindfold on for so long any light seemed extremely bright. However, given the dimness of the situation it didn't take long for her to get the general idea of her surroundings. She was starting to second guess her choice in wardrobe. The Pikachu kigurumi she was wearing had been warm enough for the trip. But, it made her feel vulnerable kneeling there in what basically amounted to pajamas. She was on her knees as she looked around the room and surveyed the situation. She was really starting to regret letting Jennifer talk her into this. However, it was too late now. She had no idea where she was and it really didn't matter.

Ashley tried her hands, but they were cuffed securely behind her back. The shackles on her ankles limited her to walking at a slower pace. She wouldn't be able to run or even attempt a kick. The cloth bandanna gag in her mouth was more cosmetic than anything. It would reduce her volume, but she could likely dislodge it with 15 minutes of effort. But, she didn't know if anyone around where they were would be in yelling distance. Likewise she didn't want to risk upsetting her captors. In a situation like this misbehaving could have dire consequences. She decided to wait and take inventory of the situation.

The fire light didn't illuminate the finer details. To her immediate right was Stephanie. She was kneeling, shackled and gagged similar to her own situation. Making out the details further to her right was most likely Cody. His black snowsuit made it difficult to make him out against the darkness. The sound of metal clanking on her left drew her attention as she suddenly realized that she and her two friends might not be the only captives in the room. About another meter to her left was another captive. To her surprise he was wearing an outfit almost identical to her. She could see from the dim firelight he was a boy. He was also in a Pikachu kigurumi, but wore some leather fisherman sandals on his bare feet instead of slippers like she did.

There was a fifth captive beyond him on her left as well. She couldn't make out the gender from this distance, not that it mattered. Whoever it was, they were dressed in some blue jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt. Both of the other captives were kneeling as well. Give from the sounds and the general positions of their bodies. Ashley surmised they were most likely cuffed and gagged in the same manner as her and Stephanie. Their two captors stood silently behind them. Their arms folded gently in front of them and their eyes staring down from behind those masks covering their faces. Ashley tried her hands again, but the cuffs were not going to let go no matter how hard she struggled. The dark figure on the sofa in front of them began to rise to her feet. Ashley and the other looked forwards with terror.

"Good evening and welcome. I do hope your trip down was pleasant." The woman rose from the couch. She was dressed in a rather dated looking dress that went down to her ankles. It was black with white trim on the collar and sleeves making her blend almost as a shadow with the flickering darkness.

"I am Madame Lilith. You may address me as Madam, Master, Goddess or Lilith. My two associates here, well their names are unimportant. They will be helping me oversee your stay with us. They are to be obeyed at all times as am I. Is that understood?" The woman and black annunciated loudly. Her voice was meat by a quick not from all five of the captives present. "I cannot hear you." She replied.

The second statement gathered a more verbal response. Not a particularly clear one as all of the captives were cleave gagged. However, the tone got the basic idea of respect across. The woman nodded and took a few steps towards a large standing iron safe set against one of the walls. She knelt down and began working the dial on it programming in a combination. The old safe creaked as the inner workings of it spun to life. Once she was done, Lilith turned a small handle and the door to the safe shifted open.

"All right, now did any of you bring wallets, cellphones or other electronics?" She asked. Cody, Stephanie and the boy on the far end all nodded. "Are they on your person?" Again nods were the given response.

The man in the black ski mask moved forwards and began searching through the pockets of the captives kneeling on the floor. He collected Cody, wallet, a cell phone from Stephanie and both of them from the boy on the end. He then got up and walked over to the driver. The driver fished the keys and a cell phone from within the jacket that adorned the driver. The man moved towards Madam Lilith and fished his own wallet and keys out of his pockets as well. The woman in black took all of the items in question and deposited the lot of them into the safe. Then she slammed it shut and gave the combination wheel a good spin. The man returned to his position behind the captives. The woman wrapped her hands against each other as she stood up and faced the crowd.

"Now for the ground rules. I expect you to respect and obey me and my two friends here at all times without question. Likewise if any of you thought about attempting to escape don't bother. The power and the phone in the house have both been disconnected. The three vehicles outside are all locked and the keys you would need to start them along with your phones and money are inside the safe now. I am the only one who know the combination. So, don't expect to extort it from my cohorts. If you are thinking about making a run for it, the nearest neighbor is over a mile. We are surrounded on 3 sides by farmland and forest. It would be a long trek in those shackles and you will be wearing them for the majority of your stay. We are well out of ear shot of anyone out here and my neighbors don't like to bother with my business." She explained.

"Now, depending on the level of respect you show to me and how you behave. Your time here over the next week could be quite pleasant and interesting. I have many things you might find you enjoy. But, if you cross me. Well let's just say you don't want to know." Madam Lilith explained. She took a moment and looked across the captives. All of their eyes were on her.

"Good, now it's time for all of you to bed. Evening comes early this time of year and you all need your rest. The females well go to the tower, the males in the dungeon." Madam Lilith explained pointing at each of the pairs individually. "However, this one will pleasure me this evening." Madam Lilith said walking over to the boy on Ashley's left in the Pikachu outfit. She reached down and took hold of the bandanna in his mouth and pulled it forward enough to extract it.

"Yes Mistress." The boy replied.

Madam Lilith knelt down and took hold of the boy's chin in her hand. "If you're going to dress like an animal, you shouldn't talk like a human"

"Pikachu!" The man responded.

"What in the!" Madam Lilith responded.

"Pokémon can only say their name." He explained. "Pikachu." He repeated.

The woman in black reached down and took hold of the front of the kigurumi the man was wearing. She pulled him slowly to his feet and began to lead him out a door at the back of the room. Once she had departed with her new pet the man in the black ski mask fished a flashlight out of his pocket. He shined it on Cody and the other man gesturing for them to rise. The two boys did. Afterwards he gestured for them to follow and they began to take up a slow and steady pace behind him. They disappeared down the hallway and vanished into the darkness.

Afterwards the driver switched on the battery operated lantern and gestured for Ashley and Stephanie to get up off the floor. Stephanie rose quickly. It took Ashley a little longer. She wasn't used to being locked in shackles like this. The driver gestured for the pair to follow and took up the lead down a 3rd exit from the room they were in. Somewhat reluctantly, the two shackled girls followed the dim light of the lantern showing the way.

Tune in Tomorrow for the continuation of our little tale and have a nice weekend everyone.

I am going to end this section of the story here. I think for this story I am going to try something a little different. I think I am going to post this story in smaller sections of between 1 and 2 pages of text at a time. However, I am going to post them every 1 to 3 days. Often it takes me a while to sit down and write a 5 to 6 page story and it often gets put off until I can get a block of time. Likewise, my proof reader needs a few days to normally work a piece of literature that long. However, I emailed him this part and he got back to me in less than an hour. So, we'll try this format and see how it goes. That way it won't be two weeks in between my posts.

As for the question on Sean, his computer died about 3 months ago and he hasn't had the funds to replace it. He has his phone so getting online isn't a problem. But typing out a longer story is a pain in the ass with a smart phone. Especially when you want to send it out for proof reading and copying the edit text into a form. As it sit's replacing his computer isn't a priority and he is just waiting at the moment.

Re: And so it Begins by Jennifer (MMF/MMFFF)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 1:32 am
by freyjaceleste862
you should place italics or bold to distinguish your author's thoughts/narrative from the story.

Re: And so it Begins by Jennifer (MMF/MMFFF)

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 5:33 am
by puffalover
Great start so far! I really hope this story can be continued cause I'm dying to see where this is leading.