abenial : 02 - Curtain Drawn (F/M)

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abenial : 02 - Curtain Drawn (F/M)

Post by Canuck100 »

abenial's stories
02 - Curtain Drawn
Story index at the bottom

Sun Jun 15, 2008 1:41 pm

Some people prefer to make love in the light. Some others prefer to do it in the darkness. Both are interesting, in my opinion. In the light, you can enjoy the sight of your partner, the beautiful curve of her breast, the colour of her lips and the firmness of her belly. Blind, you have to focus on your other senses, and you can hear the movements of her body.

This night was an adventure in the darkness. I didn’t make the choice. She did it. She was waiting for me in her underwear, lying on the bed, curtains drawn. I was in my jeans –shirt off- when I entered her room. I dated Diana for about three months now. We had spent all this time making crazy love as new lovers always do. I can say I knew her body. She was a little bit smaller than me, smiling brown eyes, and brown hair cut short. She was also well-shaped, with shoulders a little bit wider than girls of her size. Two mouth-watering tits on the very top of her chest gave her quite a length tummy, my fetish.

So, she turned off the lights. My palpating hands found her in the dark, and I kissed her on the lips, softly first, then a little bit more wildly. She nibbled my hear –an always disgusting but how-so-exciting-gambit-; I sucked her neck.

I don’t know if I am normal, but I always prefer when my partners keep their bra on when we make love. I don’t know why. Breasts that are encased turn me on.

We were still playing with each others bodies, when Diana put my hands behind my back. Then, she buckled the straps of the cuffs on my wrists. They were leather cuffs, with leather straps. She buckled them with no hurry. Even if I had not seen that coming –not at all, I swear-, I would have been able to rush and stop her. But here I was, in the kingdom of confidence. I let her do.

- What’s that ?, I asked, pulling on my bonds.
- Nothing important.
- Nothing important ?, I repeated, diverted.
- Just something new, she answered, smiling in the darkness.

God, I love this girl. In one second, we were in a bdsm relationship, but it was just “something new”. It was as simple as that. …And yes it was! How on earth can people see that as a sin ? There are people I’ll never understand.

By the way, my bonds were securely tied, with my arms horizontally stuck in my back. The chain between each cuff should not be that large.

- And what now ?

Now, it was my duty to ride on her, with my hands in my back. Usually, the one bound is back to the bed, but I was not so lucky. I tried to make love to her. But is was quite impossible. I often skidded in our sweat and we laughed a lot this night.

Finally, as she was in charge, she chose another game. She made me sit on the bed and sat behind me, with her soft legs around me. I felt her tits pushed against my back.
Then, she tightened a little bit more the leather cuffs.

- Wow -sigh- that’s tight !, I said.
- Hoop. Tight but still fine ?, she asked me.
- Tight but still fine, I answered, enjoying the feeling of being al little bit more trapped.

Then, Diana winded up her legs around mine. My thighs under her thighs, my legs above hers, putting me in a king of double leg lock. She just had to tense her legs to hyperrottate my laps, causing a diffuse pain.

Now, my legs were stuck too! But it was incredibly more arousing, because she was my human bond, because she could increase and decrease the tightness of her grip at her will, and because she also could be sure I was compliant to her least desire.

She felt down on the bed, with her legs still around mine, and asked me to give her pleasure. I tried to do my best, but I can say it’s quite tricky to do so with your hands behind your back. I tried to pleasure her with my fingers; Diana giving me good reason to be careful through her legs.
Jeeze, it was so exciting to be hold under control by the grip of this little girl. I was hard as rock in my underpants.
At the end, I found the best way for my fingers guided by her whispers, and she came right in my hands.
A few seconds later, she strongly hug me in her arms, her head and her hear against my back.

- I still have to take care of you, sweetie, she said.

With that, she buckled a collar around my neck, and leashed it to my cuffs. My hands were pulled higher in my back in fits and starts. It hurt again, but I said nothing, enjoying all these new sensations.
She began to masturbate me with her tiny hand.
A few seconds later I began to softly moan. I was on the edge to explode. When, what …? She stopped touching me and firmly put her hand on my mouth to gag me.
She pulled my head back and I was held on her shoulder.

- I am sorry, but to give more pleasure, I have to act against your own will, she said.

I had never been so frustrated before, and tried to free my hands, but it was without hope, she was the boss there. But I wanted it ! It wanted to climax now. I could feel her tits against my back, touching my hands. I tried to tell her, to pray her, but what I tried to say was only a useless

“Mmmpmmphph !”.

When I was calmed down, she took one more time my sex in her tiny hand. The room was only filled with our whispers. I was quick to climax, but once again, she stopped, and effectively handgagged me. Her grip was a very harsh one. But I can say, it wasn’t enough. I would have come alone if she hadn’t used the last means. At the same time, she tense her legs, and pulled again on the leash. I was prisoner in a double legs and armslock, and the pain only forbid me to come. I moaned in her hand, with bulging eyes, frustrated as ever.

- Shhh-hh-hht, love. Shh--, she whispered in my ears.

I hated her for my predicament, and loved her so much at the same time.

It is this day I discovered how deep our feelings were for each other.
For the third time, she began her little game, and this time, I exploded in the best orgasm ever.

Tue Jun 24, 2008 6:57 am

This is the sequel of the first 'Curtain Drawn' story.
As often, when a sequel is ordered, will the director use the same components but 'more'.
More action, more explosions, more visual effects,...
I did the same here.

The final result is often a lack of originality. But is can also mean 'more fun'. It's the risk I have also taken here. I hope you will enjoy. Feedback i always welcome. Just tell me if it aroused you.

I haven’t told you yet how I met Diana. I met Diana at our sport club.
Actually, it’s more a training factory than a club. This complex harbours hundred of different rooms, one for each sport. Tennis, badminton, soccer, volleyball, and everything else you can imagine… Even curling ! Nobody ever dares to reveal he knows one of these guys who find funny to spend their free time scratching man-made ice with a big broom ; I do know a whole team of them !
(And yes, for those who wonder, these little guys are as you can imagine them : half-insane and dangerous).

I met Diana in this factory. I was a representative of the noble art of boxing, and she was a representative of the oriental art of judoing. I met her in the common lunchroom.

This year, I had managed to be ranked at the 8th position of my league. The ranking was a national ranking, which doesn’t mean anything, as in my country, boxing is not a spectator sport anymore and the challengers are not so many.

This year, she was ranked at the 9th position of her league, which does mean a little bit more.

I had went to see her for her final fight, and I had congratulated her after the defeat. I was unexpected there, and it was enough to show my interest… men always have to do the first step.

She had lost even if she was good. Not that good, but it didn’t matter. She didn’t want to spoil her studies spending days to become more muscular. And I totally agreed as I was soon the only guy in the gallery who had a judoka girlfriend who was also a bird.

Now, this evening was another boring evening with nothing else to do than having sex.

To send the message that I was in the mood of doing it, I used a well-tried method of annoying my girlfriend, teasing and tickling her, just to create a physical simulation. Both of us were plenty aware of where it led.

Diana answered with the well-known girlish hypocritical behaviour : “Noooo. Stop that ! Pleaaase, honey, stop now’’, only to say yes, that she was having fun but that she wasn’t an easy girl (and she is not, I’ll kick the ass of the first who dares to say the contrary).

But this day, her answer became a little bit more pugnacious.

After a while, she fought back and made me fall from the settee. In one-two, she jumped on me, and pinned me on the ground. There I lied, her knees on my shoulders and with my two hands hold above my head.

- I said : ‘stop that !’, she concluded with a shiny grin.

I smiled back, and struggle to remove her from her top position. She almost lost her balance for a short while… and came back to her prior perspective point.

- Is that everything you’ve got ? I know girls with more power.

And there, I made the first mistake of the evening. I answered to her little provocation and tried to struggle to put her away. I gave haunch struggles, I tried to force my path with my arms, I tried to catch her with my legs, but it was no use.

Actually, it’s not so easy to put away a girl of 60 kg who is half seated on your throat.

Maybe if I had been a little bit more focused in the beginning of the struggle, would I have been able to win the fight, but time after time, I became exhausted, while Diana, from her top position, had not such problem.

I looked at her. Her lovely breasts were just above my head, hanging through her t-shirt. Her hands were slatted on my polls. And I don’t know why, but in this position, with my armpits wide open, without being able to hide them, I felt like she had made me nude, and I felt a knot of excitation in my stomach. Her struggling face was a wonderful sight ; she sometimes gave little nods to drive away locks she had in her eyes, waiting for my next helpless move.

After a while, she let me go, dead beat, not without humouring me.

I answered that it was completely normal, that she took me by surprise, and that I could spank her ass without any problem.

- Oh, come on, answered Diana. Can’t you find a better excuse than these craps ? You know, I don’t disrespect your manhood. In the street, be sure that I would hide behind you… I just say that the ground is my territory.
- I am three times stronger than you are !
- Oh, please honey, don’t yell at me. I didn’t know you were so ticklish about that.
- I AM NOT TICKLISH AND I DON’T YELL !!!, I answered without showing the least emotion.
- Ok, then. So if you want a good lesson, what do you think about a little contest ? The first to three points. It’s already 1 – 0.
… And that’s how I fooled myself.

I was quite confident in my chances of winning. Not because I am do not believe in the ability of women to wrestle, nor even because I was a little bit stronger than Diana (if I am bigger than her, I am quite slim), but only because I knew her and I knew myself.

The first moves were in my favour. I gripped her hands and tried to not let her go. But what can I say ? She had exhausted me with her previous pin and I was in a deep power failure. She blew my hands of and she rolled on my side. Once in my back she catched both my arms and made me fall on my ass. There, in two seconds, she repeated the same gambit than during our first session. She quickly winded up her legs around mine. My thighs under her thighs, my legs above hers, putting me in a double leg lock. Her legs were fast, and seemed to act like independent creatures.

- Damn, what king of snake-girl are you ??, screamed I through the room.

Stuck in this position, I had no chance of striking back. After all, she could make me feel miserable only in tensing her legs, so I had no other choice than giving her my arms too as she asked it. She trapped them in two nasty armlocks, and a few seconds later, I couldn’t move from an inch without her agreement. It was a total defeat.

She played a while with me, making me gently suffer with all her martial skills. I was trapped as a puppet in her hands

It was unbelievable. This little girl had her seize on me, and I couldn’t do anything about it !

I have to say that through my predicament, I enjoyed my fate. It was more exciting than the first time, because this time there was no rope except her own body. I was bound by the knots she had made with her legs and her arms. It was a nasty living rope.

Diana asked me many times to officially give up, every time, inch by inch tightening her grip on me. I have to confess that I did not. Not only because I was a dumbass proud guy, but also because I was very aroused, and that all the struggles I made to try to get free created squirmings in my clothes which electrified the head my cock. I enjoyed it with delight.
Finally, I had no other choice than to give up.

2 – 0.

Between the inter-round, I didn’t say a word, and she didn’t dare to get me on my nerves. It was a kind of cold war. And after all, the result talked by itself.

Goddam, look at her. All sweating, hands on her butt. She is soft, she is warm, and I watch to the side as her breasts gently rise, gently fall.

Even if my members ached a little bit, I had find a second breath in the second round, and I was well decided to enjoyed it to find a breach in her guard. My idea was to pull her between my arms so she couldn’t escape. I would find a way to trap her at this moment.

… Unfortunately, I skidded, and once again, this little traitor attacked me in my back. In one-two, she had put me in a full Nelson, arms under my arms, hands sealed on my scruff.

During a while, I wondered if she did it on purpose. Maybe putting me in those sexy predicaments was a full part of her strategy.

Because, to be sure you have a good idea of my situation, there I was, with both my arms hanging in the air like two pathetic wings, and her pelvis harshly pressed against my cheeks. More than that, she forces my head to climb in a quite a submissive manner.

- “This is unbelievable,” I thought. “You can’t let that happen. You have to react.”

“Well : now.”

“NOW !”

It was just brute force. Nothing more. I could break her grip, as good as it was, and that’s what I did. She resisted a while, but it was useless. I felt her hands skid on my neck.

- “A last effort and it’s goo—“

A that moment, Diana, seeing that she was loosing her asset, let me go, and in my alan, pushed me on my back, head first, right to the wall.

- It’s not very fair-play--, I began to say, too confident and too happy to be free.

Because she was already there. She crushed me on the wall and once again, took my arm in a nasty armlock, pulling it higher in my back.

As I tried to move, she pulled it higher, as I tried to speak, she pulled it higher, as I didn’t do anything, she pulled it higher, showing no mercy.
There was the challenger back. She knew that it was the last round, she knew that she had to kill the contest now, so did she.
It was not a strange-but-enjoyable diffuse pain anymore. It really hurt ! Soon, I stood on my tiptoes, trying to earn one inch or two, trying to delay the ineluctable end of this story.

My legs were shuddering, my face, firmly hold on against the wall was wincing through the pain.

- Say it !
- N… No.
- SAY– IT !
- A… Ha… Ouch….O- Ok…
… You’ve won.

On ne connaît pas son bonheur. On n'est jamais aussi malheureux qu'on croit.
M. Proust

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