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Sketchy : 01 - Ambush (M/F)

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 11:35 pm
by TapeBondage123
Sketchy's stories
01 - Ambush
Story index at the bottom

By Sketchy

I recovered this from the old site. It was originally posted by Sketchy.

Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:40 am

Hey guys, I'm baack!


A while after our last game, I finally had a plan to capture my girlfriend.
One weekend, when our parents were gone, I planned a typical dinner and movie date for Friday night, with us going to her house afterwards for the weekend. There was no game planned. Or so she thought.


On the night we left I hid outside her house sketchily until I saw her go into the bathroom to shower and change. At that moment, I went in through her window and hid in her closet, duct tape at hand. When I heard the water go off, I waited for a few mintues, and called her cell phone.

"Hey, T! You ready?"

"I'm sorry, but something came up."


"My boss asked me to work an extra shift. We have to cancel for tonight."

"What? Is there any way you can leave?"

"Believe me, I tried."

She sighed.

"Well, I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Yeah, sorry about that. Bye."

"Yeah, bye."

This was somewhat believable as my boss could be really strict. Now all I had to do was wait.

She came out of the bathroom a little while later, sighed, and began to undress. I almost regretted what I was about to do, seeing all the preparation she had gone through. She tossed of her socks and shoes, pulled off her pantyhose, and began to unzip her jean skirt. I got ready.

As she began to pull off her top, I silently left the closet, a strip of duct tape cupped in my hand.

Before she could do anything else, I slapped the strip of tape over her mouth, wrapped my arms around her and lay her face down on her bed. She began to scream through the tape, because she didn't know what was happening. I quickly bound her wrists and ankles with the tape, and sat her up facing me.

She was silent for a brief moment, and then began to scream angrily at me through her gag. I took a brief moment to admire the sight. She was wearing semi-skimpy, lacy, black bikini panties and a matching bra.

I put a hand over her mouth and said;

"If you don't yell, I'll take this off. Okay?"

She nodded her head, and I carefully peeled the tape off.

"What the hell are you doing?" she whispered angrily.

"We had a date!"

"No, you said last time, anything you do to me, I can do to you. Since you tricked me the first time this all happened, I'm well within the rules."

After I had said this, she calmed down.

"All right, you got me."

She flipped over onto her stomach and held her wrists up towards me.

"I surrender for now."

If the rules were against her in any situation, she would always go along quietly. But I still had to make sure she couldn't escape and turn the tables, as that was also with the rules.

I cut the tape off her wrists and did a better job of binding them. I taped her elbows together before reinforcing her ankles and taping her arches.

Next, I sat her up and wrapped tape above and below her breasts, and around her wrists and waist.

I stood her up so I could tape her shins, above and below the knees and the thighs.

To complete the binding process, I wrapped some string around her two big toes, "sewing" them together, before wrapping them in tape. I finished by having her clasp her hands together in a two-handed fist, which I heavily wrapped in tape, making a duct tape club. She wouldn't be able to escape now.

"Big man, making escape impossible for a poor little girl," she jibed.

"I guess all that's left is to shut me up."

I smiled at her, puzzled

"You want me to gag you? I thought you'd want to have a little time to 'Say goodbye' to your speaking privleges."

"Well, think about it. I've been kidnapped by a scary boy, and the only thing keeping me from escaping is the fact that I can call for attention. Or chew my way out of my binds."

She grinned. She wasn't letting any of this get to her, like I had let it get to me.

I shrugged.

"Have it you way."

I started towards her dresser to get something clean to gag her with, when my foot kick a rather large duffel bag.

"What's this?"

Her face went pale.

"Uhh, nothing! Just some girly stuff inside, don't open it."

Suspicious, I opened it. Inside was a few rolls of tape, rope, a pink lingerie set complete with garter and stockings, and few stray pairs of panties. Sealed in not so dry baggies.

"Nothing huh? I guess I wasn't the only one planning a surprise tonight."

"T, easy now."

"Were you... "thinking" about me when you wore these?"

She shifted uncomfortably, before reluctantly answering; "Yes."

"Okay then, I'm not going to play Mr. nice guy now."

I grabbed one of the damp, bagged panties (Satin, bright red.), went over to her hamper and saw the perfect thing to gag her with. I showed it to her.

"Remember these?"

They were pink, with a large, red heart on the front.

T, NO!

"You got me with these the first time you caught me. How fitting it would be if I used them now?"

I came over with both and she clamped her mouth shut.

Prepared, I first balled up the pink ones the way she had done so long ago. Then I took a clothespin out of my pocket and pinched it on her nose. When she opened her mouth, I quickly popped the red panties, and then the pink panties into her mouth, pushing a little with the second pair.

I took the pin off so she could breath, grabbed her camera, quickly snapped a photo identical to the one she had taken of me, pushed the panties in again after she had tried to spit them out, and smoothed a single strip over her mouth.

She shook her head back and forth so I couldn't tape any more, emitting muffled grunts through her gag.

I held her head still and said;

"You need to stop shaking your head. I don't want to get any tape in your hair."

She muffled an incoherent agreement. I did her hair into a ponytail, held it up and wrapped tape around her head around ten times. She tested it out by mmphing a little, but the gag did it's job well. No one outside would be able to hear her, let alone a person a few rooms away.

She looked at me apprehensively. She had been bound and gagged before, but never helpless before a captor. Not to mention she hadn't treated me that well when I was her captive.

She let out a pitiful mmph.

"Don't worry. I won't treat you like you treated me. And I know you said anything you do to me, I can do to you; but if there is anything that's iffy, I'll ask; and you just shake your head, and give three quick mmphs through your gag if it's not okay."

"Mmph, mmph, mmph?" she grunted through her gag.

"Exactly. Now I'm going to make sure that the doors are locked and the blinds are shut so nothing stupid happens, and so we don't get any unwanted visitors. When I get back, I'll figure out what to do with you, okay?"

Not like she had a say in the matter anyway. She seemed somewhat more relaxed. I kissed her taped lips, picked her up and lay her on her back, head on her pillow, on her bed.

She made barely audible, muffled calls after me as I left. When I closed the door, I couldn't hear a thing.
Finally, things had changed! After being at her whim many times, I had finally turned the tables on my girlfriend! I wandered around her house, brainstorming what to do now that I had caught her. My eyes landed on something, and my question was answered.
I grabbed what I had seen, packed a bag of things that could be useful and went back into her room. She was no longer lying on the bed, but standing a few feet away from it; wearing nothing but her lacy, black lingerie. She had been bound so well with duct tape, this didn't concern me. It wasn't like she could hop far.

I gathered a few changes of clothes for her and some other things that might be useful and moved them out of the room. I returned and said; "Guess what we're doing now?"

"Mmph?" was the curious reply.

I dangled some keys in front of her and said; "We're going on a roadtrip!"

She immediately began to protest through her gag panickedly. I ignored her, scooped her up, and slung her over my shoulder; holding her by the legs so she couldn't kick me. I noticed that her skimpy, lacy bikini panties were stretched especially tight over her butt when she was in this position. I gave it a firm squeeze and remarked; "Damn, you've got a nice ass!" She Mmpphed indignantly at both and thrashed as she tried to kick me.

I carried her into the garage, stood her up and popped the trunk. I grabbed her again, held her and looked into the trunk. Before I had taken her from her room, I had padded the trunk with cushions and a few towels.

"Well," I said. "I loaded up the bags, now it's time to load up you. This all seems kind of familiar, doesn't it?"

She glared at me, recognizing the allusion to her loading me into a trunk one time.

I laid her face down in the trunk. Then I took a short length of rope and connected her wrists to her ankles, hogtying her. Now she couldn't kick up a storm while she was in there.

I removed one last thing from my pocket and showed it to her.

"See this?" I indicated a large, black, cloth object.

She looked at it, warily.

"This used to be a ski mask. I sewed the eyes and mouth shut, and cut a hole for your nose, so it's going to be your hood now. But with this material, it'll be less like a hood and more like a giant sock over your head."

She shook her head and grunted in protest, but I got it on without much trouble. The nose hole meant she could breath completely without restriction, but it was still small enough that no light would be let in. For the same reason, I had cut the nose hole on the opposite side of the sewn-up eyeholes, so that she could not see even the tiniest bit of light that got in through the stitches. She was in complete darkness. I tucked what of her brown hair protruded from under the hood inside the hood, making her look hairless; a giant, sock-clad foot

"Sit tight," I remarked to her muffled protests.

I shut the trunk. After checking if the house was locked, I opened the garage door, started the car, and drove away. From the second I had seen the car keys, I knew where I was going to drive, but it would still be a surprise for her. I drove on the highway for a half-hour, then turned onto rural roads. After I had been driving for an hour, I pulled over where no one would see us to check on her. She squirmed and wriggled when I opened the trunk.

"How're you doing?"

She let out a chain of desperate Mmphs, not in any prearranged communication pattern.

"What's wrong? No circulation? You need to pee?"

She nodded her head up and down vigorously and exclaimed as loud as she could; "Mmph-Mmph!"(Mmm-hmm)

I untied her hogtie. Then, I cut the tape off her ankles and bound them with an eighteen-inch hobble rope. Finally, I attatched a dog collar around her neck, not uncomfortably tight, but not so loose she could get it off. I attatched a leash to this, helped her stand up, and helped her step out of the trunk.

She looked around, disoriented by her blindness and shivered. It was cold. She began to walk in one direction, but I gently yanked her back towards me.

"Not that way, this way. A little to your right, now straight. Be careful, we're going down a hill."

I guided her down the hill. She stumbled once or twice, but didn't fall. Once I was satisfied no one would see us, I stopped her and dropped the leash. She hopped up and down and Mmphed impatiently, her bladder doubtlessly pulsating violently. I pulled her panties down around her knees, and held her up by the shoulders so she wouldn't tip over while she squatted to do her business. After almost two minutes, the long hot stream trickling down the hill ceased. I pulled her up by her shoulders into a standing position, restored her decency by pulling her not so decent or proper panties into their proper position, and walked her back up the hill.

I removed the leash and collar, retaped her legs and redid her hogtie. She muffled something like; "Thank You" through the hood and gag.

"Your welcome," I replied, and shut the trunk.

I drove on, to my destination.

Sketchy's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Adults" section

Re: Ambush by Sketchy M/F

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 11:36 pm
by TapeBondage123
At long last we reached the cabin. It was dark and we werent near any other buildings so I decided we could take our time. I undid the hogtie and reattatched the collar and leash. Then I cut all the tape from the thighs down, freeing her legs.

"Alright, we're here. Let's go."

I led her in to the cabin slowly, but faster than I had during our pitstop. Once inside I asked her if she need the bathroom again before we continued. She nodded yes, apparently to tired to try to project something through the gag. I led her to the bathroom, pulled her panties around her ankles and sat her down on the seat.

"I'm going to take care of a few things while you do your business so you can have some privacy this time. Don't try to run off or you'll trip and rip those nice little panties of yours."

She mmpphhhed something along the lines of 'O.K.', somewhat sarcastically. Understandlbe though. Where would she go gagged, blindfolded and bound from the waist up without wearing a bottom? The idea wasn't too bright.

While she was there, I unoladed the car and made sure all the doors were locked and all the blinds and curatins were closed. Despite the nature of everything that had happened, we would be hard-pressed to explain ourselves to any pontential window gazer; however improbable.

When I was done I moved a heavy wood chair with arms into the kitchen before going to get Sarah.

When I got to the bathroom, she wasnt very thrilled. She was grunting and thrashing her torso back and forth. Her lower body remained still though, so as not to lose her undies.

"Easy! Calm down, I'm back. Let's stand you up and pull those panties back on."

I did exactly that and flushed the toilet. I led her to the kitchen and noticed something funny about the whole deal. She didn't put on any sort of wilting flower act as part of our game. She did the exact opposite: As I led her to the kitchen she slowly strutted, sticking her nose up and holding her chest high (Compunding the bulging her beasts underwent when they were taped) in a regal manner. I laughed and said "Come along, Lady Godiva". She mumbled something that I took to mean that Lady Godiva was naked on horseback. I grinned insidiously and quipped; "If you'd like, that could be arranged." She mppphhed 'NO!' as loud (Sort of) and coherent (Not at all) as her gag would permit and shook her head violently. I laughed again, said that I was joking, and she quickly regained her composure.

When we reached the kitchen I sat her in the chair and removed the collar and leash. I retrieved some thick rope from one of the suitcases and went to work. I looped rope around her wasist, above and below her breasts and a little across her midriff.

She began to kick legs at me playfully. I started to tie her ankles together when I got an idea. I fastened each ankle to a separate chair leg. I moved up her lower legs fastening them to the chair legs at the shins and above and below the knees as well. To finish off I wrapped rope over her thighs and under the seat, binding her lap the the seat of the chair. Between tape and rope, she was completely bound to the chair. I sat back and watched her moan and squirm as she tried to escape or move the chair. It was so heavy it didn't budge.

She stopped moving and her protests started to sound plaintive and a little frightened. I furrowed my brow, wondering why this could be so when I realised it. She had finally realised that she was completely helpless and was remembering what had happened to me when she put me in the same position. It hadn't hit her earlier because she had been preoccupied with her bladder and escaping her hogtie but she was completely... at... my... mercy.

Lots of thoughts went through my head as to what I could do to pay her back for the first time she tied me up and delivered me signed and sealed bound and gagged to that sleepover. But I eventually dismissed those thoughts. I've always believed two wrongs only make a right in self-defense, which this wasn't. So I decided to do the right thing, but not without some minor mind games first.

"Sarah, I've been thinking." She stopped moaning and tried to look at me despite the hood. She actually did a good job, judging by where her nose was.

I began to pace around her. "Now the first time you kidnapped me, you really went all out. You threw everything you could think of at me. Various tortures, painful gags... you even tried to trick me into thinking you were going to really hurt me."

I straddled her lap and the chair. I leaned in close and slowly pulled off the sewn up ski mask. Her eyes blinked as they tried to adjust to the light. Her face shone with a fine layer of sweat from the hot mask. Strands of hair stuck to her red face. The duct tape still held strong; an iron-colored band sealing her lips shut over her panties. Her eyes focused on me and her crimson cheeks went ashen.

My face inches from hers I spoke: "Given the eye-for-an-eye quality of our rules, I could make this weekend absolute hell for you." Her eyes sprung wide and she shook her head, mpphing pleadingly. I enjoyed her panic a little before I let her down gently.

"However, that's not what I'm going to do." She stared at me, afraid I was joking. After a few moments she sighed through her nose and beamed a look of relief.

"I'm going to stop this cycle before it really gets going and leave you be. That little speech was the most severe, probably the only toture of any sort I'd give you this weekend. I'm still going to keep you bound and gagged, but when I am not doing my own thing, I will wait on you. I will feed you. I will pamper you. You will be my lady... my princess. I caressed her cheek. She leaned into it and smiled; mphhing contentedly. We moved in for a kiss and in the heat of the moment forgot a small detail.

Our lips touched, or rather lips touched tape. It was still tender and sweet until I tried to go deep and my tongue bounced off.

I laughed softly and said; "That's right. It's kind of hard to kiss when you can't open your lips." She furrowed her forehead and mpphed in an amused and exasperated way.

I noticed it was late and quipped; "Come on, it's past the princess' bedtime. Let's put you to bed."

I retrieved a pair of cloth pads and tilted her head back to I could place them over her eyes. I put a pad over each eye, and an 'x' of tape over each pad, finishing up with a few strips of tape over both eyes. I dragged the chair into a closet in the kitchen. Feeling extra corny I said; "Good night, fair maiden," and kissed her forehead. She mpphhed goodnight back and I closed the door. I changed into my boxers and crashed onto a bed in the other room.

It had been a long night.

It would be a long weekend.
The next morning, I woke up. I wondered where I was for a second; drowsily--then I remembered! I sprung out of bed, showered and got dressed. I went to the closet in the kitchen and opened it. There she was, still bound to the chair and gagged; wearing close to nothing; her head drooping. Something that sounded like a high-pitched snore escaped from her nose. I grasped her shoulders and massaged them a little to wake her. She stirred.

"Morning beautiful."

She followed my voice, tried to look at me and "Mmm"-ed a reply.

"Want some breakfast?"

"Mmm-mm" she mumbled through the gag, and nodded.

I dragged the chair out to the table and took off her blindfold. She gave me a small smile from under the gag. I got a knife and cut the tape wrap at the back of her head. Gently, so as not to hurt her, I peeled it off. When it was almost all the way off, some of the packing popped halfway out of her mouth it had been so tightly packed in. Her jaw must have been sore from being gagged for so long, so she didn't make any attempt to further dislodge the packing. I gingerly pulled it out and put it with the other dirty clothes in another room. When I came back she was slowly working her jaw back and forth.

"How are you feeling?"

"My jaw is really sore. I'm sort of hungry and really thirsty; but aside from that I'm good. I'm eager to see what this bound pampering entails." She smiled.

I smiled back. "What do you want for breakfast? My parents came here last weekend so there's a lot of food leftover."



I'm not a great cook. It wasn't a great omelette either, but when you went through what Sarah did it doesnt matter. We ate; or I ate and fed Sarah, we talked, and I massaged her jaw, shoulders, and any other stiff areas.

After a while I asked; "Want the bathroom? A shower?"

Her eyes lit up. "Yes! Please! I'm not going to have to be bound for that, am I?"

"No, I'll just lock the door. Take as long as you want. After you do that and change, your getting tied up again though."

"I figured as much. Wait, you brought changes of clothes?"

"Yeah, I grabbed some before we left. Don't get to excited though, it's just more underwear and some revealing stuff; I only brought one set of normal clothes for the ride back for you. You would have done the same if our situations were reversed!"

"Yeah, you're right I guess."

I untied her all the way, except for her hands. Once we were in the bathroom, I had her kneel and then I cut her hands loose and locked the door behind her.

While she used the toilet and bathed, I gathered a change of clothes for her and a pair of handcuffs, put them into a bag and stuck it inside the door while I heard the shower running.

When she finished I told her to look in the bag for her change of clothes.

"Really?! This?!"

"I think you'd look sexy in it. When you're done changing,cuff your hands behind your back and lie on the floor. I know turnabout is still fair play, so I'm not taking chances."

About two minutes later, I heard a click and; "Okay! Come on in!"

I had given her some simple pair of white cotton underwear and a bra, but what was really great was what she wore over it. Lying face down, hair done in a ponytail, hands cuffed behind her, was my girlfriend; wearing a black, backless leotard with sleeves that went down to her wrists. Under it she wore a pair of tan pantyhose, really showing off her legs.

"It's great! Every contour, every curve--"

"Don't be a perv!"

I laughed. "Alright. Let's go then." I helped her up and we walked to the back room.

I sat her on the floor an began to tie her; with rope instead of our favorite; tape, so as not to rip the hose on removal.

I tied her wrists and got rid of the cuffs. I tied her elbows; above, below and between her breasts; around the waist, thighs, knees, ankles and the arches of her feet.

While I did so we had the following conversation.

"Why do you have this anyway? It fits you perfectly, and you definitely haven't done ballet since you were younger."

"I though it would be a change of pace for my intimate apparel." She smiled. "Also, I though if I added quiet shoes, a ski mask and gloves, it would be a perfect kidnapping outfit."

"Ooh! Definitely do that! That would be a turn on! But it looks like for now, its just a kidnapped! outfit!"

We both giggled a little. Then we drew closer. Things would have gotten intimate when the unthinkable happened: The doorbell rang. We both froze in panic.

"Quick untie me!" Sarah implored.

I was frozen by fear. But then, I got an idea.

"No. I have a better plan!"

I threw her to the floor. I grabbed the panties she had worn the previous night and straddled her stomach; panties in one hand, duct tape in the other.

"No!!!" she hissed angrily.

"If whoever that is finds me--!"

A idiot grin came over my face and in a mock villian voice I said;

"But they won't find you!"

I quickly stuffed the panties in her mouth and placed a strip of tape over her mouth; muffling her logical pleas against my stupid idea to continue the tie up game.

A second ring. I wrapped the roll around her head a few times, careful not to trap her hair. To finish the gag, I took a large torn remnant of an old sheet from my equipment bag, folded it into a thick band and tied an OTN gag across her face; double-knotting it in that little notch in the back of your skull so it couldn't be dislodged. She was still 'Mmph"-ing, but her protests were sufficiently silenced.

I placed her in the bed room closet under a bunch of hanging clothes. She stared at me with a panicked look; not wanting to be discovered.

"Just don't make any noise, and they won't suspect a thing." I transitioned back into mock-villan voice. "No one will find you here! A ha ha!"

She continued to grunt and struggle. I took some boxes in the closet and used them to build a barricade around her. Between the boxes around her and the clothes hanging over her; if whoever it was came looking, they wouldn't see her. Hopefully.

3rd ring. I closed the door, hid all signs of tie up games in the house, and answered the door.

Re: Ambush by Sketchy M/F

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 11:37 pm
by TapeBondage123
I ran to the front and opened the door to something I never expected. A rifle pointed at me and a shout of "HANDS UP!"

I stood bewildered; recognized the person and said; "What the hell?! Mr. Jones its me!; T!"

There was a pause while the confusion got sorted out; after which he lowered the gun and said; "T! Sorry about that! How are your parents?"

Mr. Jones lived the next cabin over, through several hundred yards of woods; a neighbor only in the loosest sense. He was friends with my parents

"Fine; Thanks. What was with the gun; by the way?"

"Well; my wife and I were here for the weekend as you can tell. Last night; we saw a car pull into your drive very late. We thought it a little strange to come so late at night, but didn't think too much of it. I came over to say 'hi' this morning; but saw it was a strange car--"

Not surprising since its my girlfriend's, I thought.

"--so we thought it might someone breaking in to vandalize the cabin or steal from it. So I went back, got my gun and then we had this awkward little encounter. So are your parents here?"

"No, just me--" I debated whether or not to continue based on how suspicious this might sound; then decided being alone was even more suspicious. "--and my girlfriend. My parents don't even know. I'd introduce you; but she's sleeping." With a blanket of rope., I thought

"Oh!" Mr. Jones gave me a sly look. "Well, I'd invite you two over sometime this weekend, but my wife and I are having a personal weekend." He gave me a wink. "I'll see you later."

"See ya." As soon as the door closed, I went to the window and peeked out. As soon as I was satisfied he wasn't coming back, I rushed back to the bedroom closet, opened it and moved aside the boxes\.

Sarah wasn't trying to speak anymore but she still strained against the ropes. When she saw me, she began to grunt in anger.

"That was a close call. Just a well-meaning neighbor who saw your car and thought burglars broke in." I smiled, picked her up and placed her on the bed. "He probably would have flipped out if he knew that a kidnapper broke in instead."

She rolled her eyes at me; then grunted and pointed her eyes down several times; indicating she wanted the gag off. I reached behind her head to untie the gag and paused as my hands touched the knot. Then I brought my hands back down.

"I think I'm going to leave the gag on. I like you better quiet sometimes; like right now. Besides; rope with the OTN gag? You look like a classic damsel in distress. Its cute and sexy!"

She shook her head to try to dislodge the gag and grunted a few times, but eventually stopped; not wanting to make a fool of herself for trying to protest what had proved itself to be an effectively silencing gag. She contented herself to fixing me with a look that seemed to say; "What now?"

"I've got an idea."

I sat her up on the bed and sat behind her. I started to massage her; starting with the shoulders and continuing to the rest of her body. When I got to her hosed legs, I lightly dragged to of my fingers along them, up to the thighs. Then, I started moving them up and down her thighs; moving to the inside and outside at the same time. She shivered and Mpphed in a way that indicated she enjoyed it. Finally; I massaged her feet.

I ended by drawing my fingers along her soles in the same way I had done to her legs. She convulsed once and giggled; giving me an evil idea that I immediately acted on :twisted: .

I flipped her onto her stomach and straddled her thighs; facing her feet. I bent her feet up towards me and held her lower legs to my body with one arm. By now she knew what I was doing and was doing the best she could to yell 'NO!' through the gag.

With my free hand I started to tickle her; my fingers dancing along the soles of her feet. She began to thrash back and forth. As she laughed; the loudest sounds she had made yet managed to escape her thick gag; although they wouldn't penetrate the walls of the house, they would certainly be heard if anyone else was there.

That thought made me remember to give her a two or three minute break at regular intervals so she could catch her breath. I don't think either of us would have liked the headline; GIRL SUFFOCATES! BOYFRIEND LITERALLY TICKLES HER TO DEATH!

When it seemed like she had reached her limit; I turned her onto her side and we spooned for a while. She breathed heavily through her nose and sweat stuck a few stray hairs to her head. She made a few muffled sighs of contentment. After a while, her stomach growled.

"Would you like me to stop cuddling with you long enough for me to make us lunch?"

She made a sound meaning yes.

"One second."

I retrieved two lengths of rope and another torn strip of sheet. I tied a crotchrope on her; not too tight or loose, just the right amount of snug; and blindfolded her with the sheet strip.

"I'll be a while making us a feast. Enjoy yourself."

She "mmmed" in reply and I left and closed the door.
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Re: Ambush (M/f)
Postby Sketchy ยป Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:24 am

The finale:

Last time, I left my girlfriend alone so that she could have some time to enjoy herself while I made us some food. After a while, I finished and returned to see her squirming and making sounds that seemed to indicate enjoyment.

"Time to eat," I said; untying her lower body and leading her into the kitchen. There I tied her thighs to the seat of the chair and undid everything else. I finished by cuffing her hands in front of her so she could eat. She could escape this way, but only if I left her alone for a long enough period of time.

She talked the entire time to make up for the long periods of being gagged, and eventually one topic came up.

"So when are we heading back?" she asked.

"It'll have to be tomorrow or late afternoon the day after."

She grinned. "Otherwise, my parents will think I might been kidnapped. Or something."

"You know I had thought about that, but I didn't have an exact time planned myself. How do you feel about it?"

"Well, due to the fact that our weird fetish is mutual, I have conflicting feelings about whether I want to escape or stay captive. But, I am the captive, so its sort of up to you in the end."

A mischievous smile spread across her face. I paused for a second, then came up with the answer:

"How you choose anyway? Would you like two milder tie-ups and leave the day after tomorrow, or would you rather go through one intense one and leave tomorrow?"

She thought for a second and replied; "Let's get it done quick! Besides, I'm curious about what you're thinking of throwing at me."

"So am I. I'm not sure what it's going to be yet!"


After lunch, she managed to read a newspaper with limited success while I thought something up. Finally, I went with the best I had so far. She used the bathroom and showered while I readied my scenario, leaving her a change of clothes in a bag inside the bathroom like the previous day.

When we were both ready, I opened the door to the bathroom to find her standing, clad only in a pair of cotton, hot pink bikini panties, and a matching bra. When she saw me, she turned around and offered her wrists to me in the 'ready-to-bind' position.

As I wrapped duct tape around her wrists, I asked; "I forgot to get you to cuff yourself. How come you're not trying to get me?"

She looked over her shoulder and said ;"Because it would be silly to do that now! We don't have that much time left, and if I wanted to tie you up, I'd want as much time to enjoy it as you've had with me!"

She grinned at the unsettled look that crossed my face. She started taunting me, which I ignored until:

"Thanks for picking this set of underwear, by the way! Not only are they really comfortable, but I'm pretty sure I gagged you with these panties once before! I think about it every time I wear them, and it feels awesoMmphh!"

I put a strip of tape across her lips. She continued to babble through the flimsy gag and smiled at me through the tape. I wrapped both of her hands individually in tape, placed a piece over her eyes and led her into the part of the cabin she hadn't been yet: the basement.

It was used for extra storage at the cabin, so its walls and floors were bare concrete. Sarah made an uncomfortable "Mmph!" upon feeling the cold floor on her bare feet.

I walked her over to a corner where I had placed a heavy wooden chair, supplies and a bright floor lamp facing the chair. I took the roll of tape and secured her arms at the waist and wrists, and above and below her breasts. I sat her in the chair and taped most of her torso to the chair back. Then, one at a time, I took each foot and pulled it back and to the outside of the chair. Then I taped her ankles to the bars running between the front and back legs of the chair. I finished by diagonally wrapping tape around the tops of the chair legs and the part of her legs below the knee that I could reach with this wrap.

She grunted in discomfort, and I replied; "Don't complain: You wanted an intense tie."

She made a sound of grudging acknowledgement.

I turned on the bright lamp and removed her blindfold. She squinted at the light before turning her attention to me. I peeled the tape off her lips and she asked; "So what's the deal with all this?"

"You know how you joked about your parents thinking/ finding out you had been kidnapped? I thought that maybe we should make it official, until tomorrow morning at least. We can pretend I really am holding you for ransom."

I rifled through the supplies bag and found what I needed.

Playing along, she smiled and said; "Really? I always wanted to be worth a fortune to someone!"

I came up with a pair of white cotton panties, the ones she had been wearing earlier.

"Well, I guess no one can pay your ransom then, because to your family, and to me, you're priceless."

She laughed at the corny and sentimental joke as I stuffed the panties in her mouth, going from loud chuckles, to muffled ones quickly. After I put a strip of tape over her mouth, I could see the crease of a smile through the tape.

"One last thing," I said.

I took two pieces of rope and tied each around the middle of each of her thighs. I let the ends drop over the sides of the chair. Then, I looped them around the side supports that ran between the legs and pulled them tight, causing Sarah to make a loud "Mmph!" as they pulled her legs apart as far as the chair would allow. She glared a 'what-gives?' look at me as I knotted them off

I began to write a sign on a piece of paper while I explained.

"Let me explain ransom to you," I said, dropping into evil character.

"Even if you are a gentleman to your captive, which aside from your scant dress, I assure you I will be, the best way to put the payers into a psychologically beneficial state is to give them an impression of the most pitiful, vulnerable captive possible.

I hung the paper around her neck with a piece of string. It read: "Pay $10 Million, or I disappear for good."

I indicated her spread legs and said; "I have no intention of taking advantage of you, but it's to my benefit if the people who want you back think the exact opposite."

She grunted a reply, playing along.

I took a few "ransom photos", blindfolded her with a torn fragment of a sheet and took a few more.

As I took photos, I said "There are three rules for being kidnapped: Stay still, don't try to escape, and don't call for help. You're doing them all very well!" She groaned at the bad joke.

I shut off the lamp, went upstairs and let her struggle for a bit. I packed up all the things that needed to be packed, and disposed of discarded bindings and other trash

When I went down to check on Sarah, she was puffing exhaustedly through her nostrils and her head was resting on her shoulder. I clicked on the regular light hanging from the ceiling, a bare lightbulb, and she picked up her head and looked in my direction. Her skin glistened with sweat and the few clothes she had were saturated with it, turning them a slightly darker shade of pink.

"Do you wish you had gone for the two easier ties?" I asked.

She shurgged indifference. She mmphed, tried to squeeze her thighs together and ineffectually rocked the chair a few times; moving it less than half an inch.

I dropped back into character: "What do you want? The bathroom?"

She mmphed 'Yes!' and nodded her head up and down.

"Well I'm sorry, that won't happen. I can't afford to risk you trying to escape now. Besides, you're on a concrete floor and chairs come cheap; unlike your underwear you little brat! But don't worry, I'm sure mommy and daddy can buy you new ones after they buy you back."

Sarah protested and thrashed in the chair, but the gag and bindings turned them into small grunts and squirms. Not wanting to clean up a large mess, I placed a towel under her chair.

I then grabbed some supplies and came up behind her, dropping out of character to say; "Here's the really intense part of this session!"

I took off her blindfold, only to replace it with a sleep mask, saying; "It's to protect your eyes." Dropping back into character for the last time, I said; "Time to ensure my hostage will cooperate, no matter what."

Then I took a pair of earplugs and stuck them as deep as they could safely go in her ears; removing my fingers only when they had fully expanded. Then I took a swim cap and tucked all of her hair under it. She started to wriggle again, because she knew that a swim cap for whatever reason, was not good.

I took the roll of tape and wrapped it around her head to reinforce the gag. Then I wrapped it under her jaw and over the top of her head a few times, forcing her jaw to really clamp down on the packing. then I continued to wrap her head in tape until every inch was covered, except for her nose; a flesh colored iceberg in a sea of gray.

I stepped back and watched her shake her head and thrash against her bindings. She was completely silent, enable even to "Mmph". Eventually she settled and hung her head in resignation, the only sound in the room the sound of her breathing through her nostrils.

I started to pack up everything in the basement I didn't need and brought it upstairs. When I came back down, I noticed her trying to squeeze her thighs together again and I came over to check on her. After several tries of trying to make her legs meet, they went slack and the sound of a stream of liquid began and continued for a long period of time. When it stopped, there was no sound but a steady dripping sound from the chair. A puddle had formed on the seat of the chair and below it. Though she couldn't have heard or seen that I was there, she cringed at the inherent humiliation of wetting herself. I left, but came down every few minutes to check on her, finally falling asleep long after she had.


The next morning I cut away the tape on her head, and removed the swim cap and sleep mask, but left her gagged when I saw the look she gave me. After I finshed untying her, she ripped off her gag and snapped; "When I get you next time, I'm doing thatto you--she indicated the remnants of the head tape-- and locking you in a rubber lined footlocker!!"

"I think that's fair," I replied weakly.

"Fair? It's more than fair!"

There was a tense pause.

"But on some level, did you enjoy that?"

She looked at me and sighed. "Because we are both this weird, on some level, yes, I did enjoy that. Are we ready?"

"I'll clean this up while you shower, and then we are good."


I finishing cleaning and Sarah dressed in a shirt and jeans. We loaded up the car and took off; Sarah describing what she would do to me in great detail the enire ride back.

I'm wary, but I also can't wait.