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charlie : Lauren (m/f)

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 4:04 pm
by Soraka
by charlie ยป Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:14 pm


My name is Lauren. Ever since I've was just a little girl I've had a fascination about being tied up. In case I have time to write up more than one of these, I'm putting them here in the intimate section for a couple of reasons. If I get to the part the happened during my "boy crazy" phase when I was about sixteen or seventeen, that stuff just has to go here.

Also, my stories have quite a bit of nudity in them, and some people get very uncomfortable with stories that include naked underage girls. Please be aware there was NEVER any sexual abuse or exploitation in my family. I just grew up in a family that was just very comfortable with our bodies and very casual about nudity. This went for all four of us; me, my wonderful Mom and Dad, and Andy the best brother a girl could ever have, 14 months older than me.

We never thought twice about changing in front of each other, and we often walked around our house naked. When we were little kids, Andy and I gently but thoroughly explored each other's bodies many times. My Mom and Dad didn't freak out about it; they taught both of us all the correct anatomical names for all the body parts, even the harder words like "clitoris" and "scrotum".

A couple of times Andy and I accidentally walked into Mom and Dad's bedroom when they were having sex. They were a little flustered at first, but then they explained that they weren't fighting or hurting each other, and this was something very nice for both of them, and this was something that kids didn't do but grownups did once they found the love of their life. That was a good enough explanation (mostly) for us at the time (although the curious side in me very much wanted to learn more; I saw the look on Mom's face and I wondered when I'd be able to feel as happy as she looked).

I think it is important to say all this now, since my stories include a couple of times that I talked Andy into tying me up buck naked. I don't want you to get the wrong idea that this was something exploitive or incestuous or anything like that. There was never any outright sexual activity within my family (except, of course, between Mom and Dad, and they tried to be private). Andy and I never did anything we weren't both willing to do, we never hurt each other, and we've never had any regrets. By the way, even though I was younger, I was very much the leader on all this; I was more socially mature, and when puberty crept into the scene, I was the first one there.

Also, I'm an incurable exhibitionist. I mentioned my whole family was comfortable about nudity. I was more than comfortable. I didn't care much for clothes, and as often as not I spent my time in the house completely naked. During my elementary school years, sometimes I'd keep a shirt, panties, shorts, and flip-flops by the door and put them on when I went out, but as soon as I came back in they came right back off.

I love to swim, which is a great opportunity for minimal clothing. After puberty started filling out my curves, whenever I'd swim in public pools or go to the beach, I'd wear the skimpiest suit my parents would tolerate. I noticed I got a lot of attention from the teenage boys, and I loved it. I was very confident and comfortable with my body, and frankly, I was a showoff.

Mom absolutely vetoed my wearing a thong bikini bottom, but she usually tolerated a skimpy string bikini that only covered about two thirds of my boobs and my behind. I was a little on the skinny side, and my breasts and butt were more small and firm than big and bouncy, so it's not like I was falling out of my suit. It was fun watching the boys' heads turn and seeing them try to check me out from every angle.

If you're finding any of this totally creepy, please give up on my stories now. But if you can accept this (and if it's as much fun for you to read as for me to tell), please read on. I know I've gone a long way without much "tie up", so, finally...

Andy and I had lots of sibling rivalry going on, and we annoyed each other, but we really loved each other too. When Andy and I would "fight" it usually turned into a wresting match and a tickle fight. As little kids, before puberty, I got bigger and stronger first, so I could easily beat Andy for a while, but later he got taller and stronger and he started beating me.

Anyhow, in our fights, the loser usually eventually ended up getting pinned down helplessly, and shirts got pulled up (if they were worn at all) to expose sensitive bare tummy skin for a tickle torture. Andy and I both liked getting tickled, and at the end of our fights we'd alway hug and cuddle. By the way, Andy was almost always clothed, but as you can guess from my introduction, I was completely naked as often as not.

Sometimes Andy and I would spank each other too. Our own parents never ever spanked us, but we knew other kids who'd get spanked (and they'd tell wildly exaggerated stories about it too). Once in a while the loser of our play fights would get a spanking. This was something we both decided on, just to make our little game a little naughtier and more exciting. OK, to be more honest, I decided on it, and as usual I talked Andy into going along; I'm a girl who knows how to get what she wants!

Back when I was the stronger one, I'd sometimes even pull down Andy's pants and underwear and spank him on his bare bottom. It was never hard enough to really hurt him, but just to prove I had won. All this started long before we had hit puberty, and certainly way before we had any clue about the sexual connotations of a bare bottomed spanking. But onward to Andy tying me up...

One warm summer day I was playing outside just wearing short shorts and a short little spaghetti strap shirt that left my tummy bare. I was about thirteen and my breasts had budded out to firm little cone shapes. The exhibitionist side of me was as strong as ever then, and it was fun to show off my new breasts by going braless in a thin, tight shirt. My Mom and Dad weren't crazy about me going out in public like this, but "family dress" rules were enforced only occasionally (and inconsistently) and they generally tolerated it around home with family.

My parents had to go out for some errands that I knew would take hours, and I was bored in the mood for some playful attention from Andy. Andy had grown enough by now that it was a pretty even match now when we "fought". I went really big time in my "pesty little sister" mode and I managed to get on Andy's nerves in a big way. Of course I just wanted to start a "fight", since that was my way of wrestling and tickling and eventually hugging and cuddling with my dear brother.

This time Andy really frustrated me. He ignored me more than usual, and something seemed strange; this wasn't like him. He left the living room and went up to his room, and when he came back a couple of minutes later I noticed kind of a sneaky grin on his face. I kept up my teasing him and poking at him, and asking what he was up to.

Andy really caught me by surprise. He pounced on me, and I was off guard so he was able to quickly wrestle me down so I was lying face down on the floor. I was expecting (and hoping for) a tickle torture. When he had me down, I was expecting he'd roll me over for a tummy tickling, but he didn't. He straddled me and gripped my hips tightly between his legs and he sat down right on my bottom. I was stuck face down on the floor. I wasn't strong enough to easily squirm out, and I was also wildly curious about what he would do next.

Before I had any idea what was coming, he took both my wrists and pulled them together behind my back. He pulled an old long thin necktie out of his pocket and wrapped it around both my wrists a couple of times. Then he used the extra length of tie to cinch off the loops between my wrists. He pulled it VERY tight, put in a double knot, and yanked the knot down as hard as he could. He actually made it so tight he had a hard time working it loose later to let me out.

Andy told me he had noticed how interested I became whenever somebody got tied up or handcuffed or otherwise restrained in a TV show or movie, so he decided to give me a first hand experience. For me, this was a dream come true!

Andy got up off my butt and he let me up. It was a little strange at first figuring out how to stand up with my wrists tied so tightly behind my back but I quickly adapted to my predicament. I still wasn't really sure what else Andy might do with me, but my fascination with actually being tied pretty much pushed out all my other thoughts.

Andy encouraged me to try to get out of it. I twisted and bent and wriggled and struggled, but he had done a really good job. I was totally stuck (and I was totally enjoying the experience). After he let me struggle for maybe five minutes, just to be sure I really couldn't get out of it without help, he told me it was time for my tickle torture. He sat me down in his lap and he hugged me and gave me just a gentle little tickle on my tummy. I was hoping for more but I didn't say anything. I was not to be disappointed.

After a few minutes of teasing me with really gentle tickling, Andy pulled my shirt up and bunched it up just below my breasts, so he left my whole tummy bare, from just below my breasts all the way down to the top of my low cut short shorts. He tickled me wildly and mercilessly. I laughed my head off, and I thrashed and struggled wildly, but I could not get my hands free to defend myself.

In all my struggles, my hair got all over the place and in my face. With my hands tied up I couldn't even brush my hair out of my face. Finally, when I thought I absolutely could not take it any more, Andy stopped tickling me and he hugged me again. That felt really nice. I figured he was going to let me go, finally, and I guess I was sort of ready, but I also didn't want it to end. Being tied up was the most exciting experience I could remember at that point in my life.

Andy stood me back up again, wrists still tied behind my back. Now for the big surprise. "Now it's time for my naughty little sister to get her spanking." The possibility excited me way more than it scared me, but I didn't expect what came next. I figured Andy would turn me over his knee and spank me, and give how I had teased and taunted him, I really had it coming to me. But he didn't start spanking me.

To my surprise, Andy popped the snap on my shorts and he unzipped them. He pulled them all the way down past my knees and then halfway to my ankles. The shorts kind of tied my legs together so I couldn't even walk or run away. I stood in excited astonishment now covered only by my thin, half pulled up shirt and a pair of little blue panties.

I wasn't sure how far Andy would take this, but I remembered that last time I had spanked him (months ago), I had given him a hard spanking on his bare bottom. Andy would soon reciprocate. He grabbed the sides of my panties and pulled them down where they joined my shorts below my knees. Before I recovered from the shock of losing my panties, Andy took my shirt and pulled it up above my breasts so they were completely exposed too.

Andy had seen me naked thousands of times before, of course, and I was completely comfortable with that. But this time I wasn't just naked; my hands were tied behind my back. He had tied my wrists opposing, like with my arms folded behind my back, instead of like wrists and elbows together. I would soon discover that this kept me from getting my hands down to protect my behind. There was absolutely nothing I could do to escape or cover myself. This made it WAY more exciting and naughty.

As the changes of puberty came, I spent enough time naked at the mirrors that I knew exactly what Andy could see. I had a thin fur of pubic hair starting to cover me in front, but I was a skinny girl with a little bit of space between my legs, and my inner pussy lips kind of peeked out. Andy turned me to face him, and he thoroughly looked over all the changes that had come over his little sister. This excited me a lot; I was glad he noticed and took interest.

When Andy finished his visual inspection, he took me and put me face down over his lap. He started spanking me, first slowly and softly but pretty soon it was hard enough to really sting. I felt both embarrassed and awkward and also more excited then I had ever been in my life. I knew Andy would never really hurt me, but just the thought of being tied up naked and helpless was the most naughty and most exciting thing I could imagine. Andy spanked me until my bottom was pink and warm.

He finally let me out. My struggles had worked the knot so tight it was almost impossible to get out. Andy had me step out of my shorts and panties and he led me practically naked down to the workbench in the basement. With a couple of pairs of pliers he was eventually able to work the knot out and free my hands. It seemed weird to be in just the pulled up little shirt, so I took it off and tossed it on the workbench. Andy gave me our traditional post-fight hug, him clothed and me completely naked.

After that, Andy and I were both super nice to each other. This was kind of a post "fight" tradition between us. But Andy had some regrets and he was kind of scared I'd tell our parents and they might not approve and he'd be in trouble. That was the last thing I'd ever do, since the thing I wanted most of all was to get tied up again.

I told Andy I wouldn't tell our parents as long as he agreed to tie me up again when they weren't around. I also told him it would be more fun and more exciting for me if he would just attack me by surprise and tie me up. I told him he should tie me up tight and make me super helpless so I couldn't get out of it and so I couldn't get away from him.

There was something else naughtier on my mind too, but I didn't say it; I thought Andy might find it too weird and he might not want to play. I hoped he would strip me of everything and tie me up completely naked. But Andy gave me a great opportunity for a hint. He tried to apologize for pulling my shorts and panties down, but I stopped him by hugging and kissing him and giving him a very naughty smile.

Around this time I was starting to discover my sexuality. I wasn't in my full blown "boy crazy" time yet (that will make a whole story in itself when I have time to write more).

But I was curious about what it would be like to be tied up by another boy instead of my brother. Some boy who would be delighted to have a naked helpless prisoner to explore and play with. Some boy who would drive his prisoner crazy by kissing her in all her special places when there was absolutely nothing she could do to "defend" herself. I had some fun fantasies on this theme but I won't spill all the beans yet on this part; that's a whole story in itself.

Re: Lauren

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 4:04 pm
by Soraka
Hi all my cuddly reader friends!

The next part I'll tell you about happened when I was 15. I was in 10th grade, and my sweet brother Andy was in 11th. Our parents didn't get home from their jobs until about 5:30 each evening, so that left us with a couple of hours of unsupervised time after school. We were good kids who did well in school and stayed out of trouble (aside from the stuff I'm telling you about!), so our parents were comfortable with that.

Andy was kind of the quiet introverted type, and I was the complete opposite. Andy was kind of a late bloomer too, while I tended to be "ahead of my time" socially. I was really good at talking Andy into doing whatever I wanted (even when it was something that could possibly get him into trouble). I was also pretty good at not getting caught, and at making the mischief fun for him too, so it would be easy to talk him into my next scheme.

In the winter and spring of that school year, I pursued two "extracurricular" interests. The first was in further exploration of tie up games with Andy. He wasn't into them as much as me, but my persuasive skills served me well. The second extracurricular interest was boys, actually just one particular boy, but that story will have to come later.

Because of computer work that our parents did, we had unusually good internet access for the time at our house. I discovered Usenet newsgroups. I learned that I was not the only person in the world (and not the only female) who was fascinated with being tied up.

I made contact with and chatted online (and didn't tell my parents about it, which was a major infraction!) with a college girl named Irene who was had interests a lot like mine. She had a sweet loving boyfriend who would tie her up and make love to her. She would come up with all kinds of fantasies, and her boyfriend would act them out.

I wanted a relationship like Irene had SO BAD! But I was only 15 and my parents weren't even allowing me to go out on one-on-one dates yet. So for now I decided to settle on the next best thing, which was save the "boyfriend" part for later and to talk my all too accommodating brother into being my tie up game partner.

As you can tell from my first story, Andy was fully aware of my delight in being tied up. Still, I think he found it kind of weird, and it took some additional persuading from me to get him to play again. My golden opportunity came one evening when we were watching some TV show that included an escape artist. I watched with excessive interest (and Andy noticed this), but it was late and we had school in the morning, so I didn't follow up immediately.

The next day after school I made my move. We had all kinds of random tools and supplies around our house. I found plenty of thick nylon rope; it was soft but very strong. When Andy got home a few minutes after me, I called him downstairs to our basement TV room that would serve as our playroom.

Andy was greeted by me, wearing just a little tank top and short shorts, along with a pile of rope. I told him I was at least as good as that escape artist and I bet Andy I could get out of any ropes he put on me.

Andy saw right through it. "Naughty little sister! You just want me to tie you up, don't you?" And then, to finish off the devastation, "Are you going to want to be tied up naked too?" Of course he was right on target on both counts. I kind of blushed and wasn't sure what to say next.

Andy didn't wait for me to respond. He told me he was pretty sure her could do as good of a job as the people on the show who tied up the escape artist. He said he was worried about hurting me or giving me rope burns, so he asked me to wear jeans and a long sleeved sweatshirt to protect my skin. I immediately agreed to the plan.

I suggested that if I got out without help, it would be my turn to try tying him up. If I couldn't escape, he could do anything he wanted with me. Andy and I loved each other so much that the "anything one wanted" bet was pretty much a codeword for a severe tickle torture followed by a whole lot of very sweet and gentle hugging and cuddling.

He agreed and told me to go get changed into my jeans and sweatshirt while he got the rope ready. Being the naughty little exhibitionist I was, I told him "sure", and I took off my shirt and shorts. I turned to Andy in just my bra and panties and teasingly asked if he was sure he wouldn't rather tie me up like this.

Andy said I was a bad girl and I really did need to be in jeans and a sweatshirt or he wouldn't tie me up. So I told him OK, took off my bra and panties, tossed them on a chair, and I went upstairs completely naked to my room. I came downstairs with my jeans and sweatshirt, still naked, and put them on in front of Andy. He kind of rolled his eyes at me and I just told him he hadn't said anything about requiring underwear.

Andy just used one long piece of rope to tie me up. He was smart enough to start with my wrists, and he did a decent job. Unlike the time in my first story with the necktie, he had me stand with my hands together behind my back with my arms almost parallel, elbows close together, fingers behind my bottom pointing to the floor.

He used the first part of the rope to ties my wrists together. He cinched the ropes between my wrists, tight enough but not nearly as tight as when he had used the old necktie. But after that he pretty much just wound the rope around me a whole bunch of times.

The first couple of loops held my wrists to my waist. Then he wound his way up to my chest above my breasts, just below my armpits, then back down to my legs. He did stop to put in extra knots at my knees and my ankles. By the time had my ankles tied, he was about out of rope. He used the last little bit to cinch off the loops tying my ankles together, and he was done.

Andy challenged me to get out of it. At first his ropework did seem pretty secure, but I eventually found the fatal flaw. If he had tied me up naked (like I was hoping), this wouldn't have worked, but there were thick, bulky sweatshirt sleeves between my wrists and the ropes. It wasn't easy, but by putting my weight in the right place to hold the sweatshirt against the couch fabric and then stretching and wriggling, I found that one of the sleeves would slide under the rope and up my arm just a little bit.

I diligently worked the sleeves up, little by little, until I finally got the cuff to pop free from under the rope. This gave me a little more slack on my wrists to work with. The other sleeve went much more quickly, partly because I had learned just what to do and partly because of the slack I had gained. Once both sleeves were out from under my wrist ropes, I had even more slack to work with. With some more carefully planned struggling, I worked all the slack onto one wrist.

I scrunched up my hand and pulled hard and wriggled more, and I soon had a free hand. The second hand came out easily, and once my hands were free I quickly untied all the ropes. I tossed all the rope on the floor, pulled the sweatshirt completely off, pulled off my jeans, and I turned to face Andy, completely naked and grinning with pride at my successful escape. Andy gave me a nice congratulatory hug.

I wasted no time in reminding Andy that I had won so I got to tie him up. I realized that the one long rope didn't work very well; it was too impractical to tie really secure knots and things always got sloppy in a hurry. I went to my Dad's workbench on the other side of the basement and I got his electrician's shears. They'll cut almost anything, and I used them to cut off some medium length pieces of rope. I used a tape measure to get the lengths just right, which aroused Andy's suspicions that I had been planning this (of course I had been!).

Andy watched my preparations with his usual funny look of nervous anticipation. He wasn't insanely obsessed with tie up games like me, but he was almost always willing to go along with my schemes. We had complete trust in each other and I knew he felt safe under my naughty but loving control. Also, Andy just loves to cuddle (and so do I), so I always cuddle up with him when I have him tied up.

I asked Andy to clasp his hands behind him. I took his arms by the elbows and gently but firmly tried to bring them together. I told him to tell me to stop if it started to hurt. I found out that Andy was a lot less flexible than me. I can bring my elbows together behind my back, but he is stiffer in his shoulders. "Oh well, I told him, forget the elbows together." I had been doing a little bit of naughty internet research on ways to tie someone up, and that had been my first plan.

Time for the backup plan. I had Andy fold his arms behind him, with his forearms parallel and each hand at the other arm's elbow. This was completely comfortable for him, so I sprang into action. I had practiced my moves earlier when Andy wasn't around, by stuffing an old sweatshirt of Andy's with other old clothes and tying up the arms, so I knew exactly what rope lengths I would need and where I would put all the knots.

I made Andy take his shirt off. I promised to be gentle enough to not hurt him with the ropes on his bare skin. He very reluctantly agreed. He knew he could completely trust me not to actually hurt him, but he also knew just how naughty and mischievous I could be. So now I had Andy stripped down to just his gym shorts. Of course in my usual style, I was completely naked, typical for me around the house, especially when I was feeling mischievous.

I selected my ropes. The first length of rope tied Andy's right wrist to his left forearm near his elbow. I folded it to find the exact center, and I worked from the center of the rope to the ends. This way I could pull all of the knots exactly where I wanted them, far from the reach of Andy's fingers.

I looped the rope several times, with the coils neatly arranged so it wouldn't pinch him. Then I wound a couple of turns between his arms to cinch it up tight. The first knot went here. My carefully planned loose ends next wrapped around his left upper arm, and I tied them off again. I repeated the same procedure with an identical rope for his opposite hand and arm.

To finish up my handywork, I brought the last loose ends in front of him, around his waist like a belt, and back behind him again. I used the ends to cinch his wrists one more time, with just the right number of turns to finish up the excess rope. Finally, the two ends met exactly centered between his wrists, at his waist behind his back. I tied them together and put in a very tight double knot.

Andy was a very secure prisoner now. With his arms folded behind his back, wrists to elbows, his arms and hands were useless. The rope belt around his waist held his arms tight to his back and made it completely impossible to slip his arms out of my rope harness.

The last piece of rope tied Andy's ankles together. Nothing fancy or special, but again I did it starting at the exact center of the rope, so I had two equal length free ends and I wouldn't be putting any important final knots within my victim's reach. I cinched off the ropes between his ankles, then I brought the free ends up to where the knot was at the center of his back. I made a quick, loose tie there.

Andy seemed to take note of my quick, sloppy work on the last knot. He confirmed later he was considering it as a possible first step toward an escape. I would soon destroy any such illusion.

I had left enough extra rope so Andy could just about stand up before he was out of slack in the rope that tied his ankles to his arms. I had him explore his mobility by trying to hop around the room a little. He almost immediately lost his balance and started to fall forward. I was ready and I sprung into place to catch him.

I squeezed my prisoner up against me. I liked the feel of Andy's bare skin against mine. He was starting to get a little bit of hair on his chest, and it felt good against my bare breasts. Andy has some hesitation about how physical his naked little sister can get, but as I said in part one, there wasn't anything sexual going on.

My Dad and Mom also still let me give them naked hugs. Sometimes they hesitate and get a little awkward about it. I've asked them why and they've been honest; they feel kind of stuck between contemporary American culture (where this is not accepted) and the culture of my great-grandparents, familiar to them, where nakedness and nonsexual hugging and cuddling between family members is widespread.

But when it comes down to it, all four of us love each other way too much to reject physical affection, so in private times with just immediate family I can hug anybody as much as I like, any time, naked or not. So please try not to think of this aspect of my stories as anything incestuous or creepy. It isn't, and it is wonderful to have that kind of closeness.

Anyhow, enough digression from our tie up game. After catching Andy when he tripped and started to fall from having his ankles tied, I got him straightened back up and I hugged him (and just about squeezed the stuffing out of him; I was in one of my cuddle moods too). Andy is such a cuddle addict I can pretty much melt him down this way. I think he would have forgotten he was all tied up if he hadn't tried to wrap his arms around me to return the hug.

I let Andy go, watching carefully to catch him if he fell again. He didn't. I grabbed a big beanbag chair that we often cuddle up together in to watch TV, and I put it right in front of him. I had him kneel down into it, and then lie face down in it, holding onto him tight so there would be no more mishaps.

One of the two loose knots at the ends of the ropes to Andy's ankles had already worked loose. I undid the other knot. Andy asked if I was letting him out. I laughed. I told him I had one last thing before I would let him go. I had him bend his legs at the knees as far as he could. This gave me lots of loose rope.

I wrapped the pair of ropes coming from his ankles up around the final knot between his elbows, then back down to loop around the rope cinching his ankles, then back to between his elbows again. I had just enough rope left to wrap the ends one more time around the other knot centered behind his back between his elbows and knot it off. I put a super tight double knot in this rope too.

Now Andy was hogtied in my beanbag chair. With some effort he could roll around or get himself turned over, but that was about it. His arms were tied uselessly folded behind his back. He couldn't stand up. And most importantly, the critical knots were all on his arms, halfway between his wrists and elbows, centered behind his back, hopelessly out of his reach.

I told Andy it was so much fun now that it was my turn to do anything I wanted with him. He protested that the agreement was that if I escaped, I got to tie him up; we hadn't said anything about my doing "anything I wanted" to him. I laughed again and told him that I didn't think there was much he could do to stop me. I tickled his sensitive ribs. With his shirt off I had full access to his bare skin.

Andy and I have had thousands of tickle fights as we've grown up together, and we've gotten pretty good at absolutely driving each other crazy. We're both very ticklish, and we both love to be tickled. So I was an expert on how to lovingly torment Andy.

After a few minutes of my torture, I told Andy I would leave him to escape on his own. I reminded him that I had escaped from his rope, and I expected him to do the same. Andy struggled fiercely. He tugged with his arms and his legs, but that only tightened my knots even more (exactly as I had planned). He picked at the knots near his elbows, but they weren't at the ends of the rope, so they were hopeless. He managed to bend his knees enough to reach the ankle knots, but they also were embedded in the middle of the rope so they couldn't be untied either.

I let Andy struggle like this for maybe five or ten minutes. I made sure his hands weren't turning blue, and he wasn't showing any signs of being in pain (just extreme frustration). I wanted to make sure he knew just how completely helpless he was, now that he was in the clutches of his naughty little sister. I got into the beanbag chair next to him and gave him another hug. A very tight, bare skin, chest to chest hug. I told him he was very lucky that I loved him as much as I did, because he was completely helpless and at my mercy now.

Just to prove I could do anything I wanted to him, and that there was absolutely nothing he could do to stop me, I grabbed his gym shorts and pulled them down to his ankles. I immediately repeated the procedure with his briefs. So now, except for the ropes on his arms and legs and the shorts and briefs bunched up at his ankles, Andy was completely naked (just like me, except that I wasn't all tied up and helpless!).

I gave my now naked prisoner my fiercest tickle torture of the day. With his arms folded behind his back, I couldn't really get to his armpits, but his very sensitive ribs, tummy, and feet were all mine. I've always kept my fingernails short (I'm very active and long nails are a pain and a hazard). My hands are very soft and warm, and I've learned the perfect light touch for a tickling guaranteed to drive the victim completely insane. I showed Andy no mercy.

I knew that sooner or later Andy would get his revenge (and I eagerly awaited it). He never got me back immediately; the element of surprise was important. I would sometimes wear more clothes around the house when I knew I had it coming to me. It wasn't really for protection; that would have been useless. The main thing was that then Andy would have to pull my clothes up, down, aside, or just strip me completely to get them out of way for the retaliatory tickling.

I loved this part of the game. Andy had some discomfort; he thought it was a little too weird and over the top to strip his little sister, but this was one way I could at least get him to do it to me once in a while. Of course in our very open household we saw each other naked practically every day. It's just that having your clothes forcibly taken away by somebody else is a whole different feeling.

Yes, I know, I'm horribly naughty for liking that so much. Of course I wouldn't want a stranger or someone who might hurt me to do that to me, but with Andy it was great. Also, around this time I was having increasingly detailed fantasies, that were starting to turn into plans, of how I'd capture the perfect boy and corrupt him and teach him to be just as naughty as me.

I wanted somebody as sweet, gentle, loving and cuddly as Andy. But I also wanted a guy who wasn't my brother. I wanted somebody who could turn in a second from cuddler to aggressor. My idea of excitement was knowing that at any second, I could get pounced on, stripped buck naked, tied up completely helpless and defenseless, caressed and kissed and licked and nibbled in all my most sensitive places, and fucked completely silly.

But enough about my fantasies. It seems while I was off telling you about them, poor Andy was left struggling in his ropes. He was so stuck! There was no way he was going to get out without help. And there was nobody around who could help him except for his naughty little sister. I told him he'd have to beg me to let him out. He didn't give in at first, but I soon had him begging me to let him have his freedom back.

I got down in the beanbag chair with him for one last cuddle with my beloved helpless prisoner (I'm so addicted to the wonderful feeling of bare skin on bare skin!) Then I went to the knots. I wasn't surprised that his struggles had worked the knots so tight they couldn't be undone. After a few minutes of trying without success, Andy started to get worried. He remembered how he had used pliers to get the knots out the first time he tied me up really tight.

I told him that was a great idea and he should go to Dad's workbench and get some. I don't think he appreciated my attempt at a joke. I went and got the pliers myself and worked at the knots. It wasn't easy, but I got them all loose. Of course I had the electrician's shears handy in case of emergency; I could have gotten Andy out in under ten seconds with them, but then I'd be wasting perfectly good rope.

Andy had some rope marks on his arms and by his ankles, but he really wasn't much worse for wear. I rubbed all the places where there were marks, and it seemed to help. Andy pulled his briefs and shorts back on and flopped back into the beanbag chair.

A TV show we both liked was coming on, so I got into the beanbag with him. He reached his arms around me from behind and snuggled me up close to him and held me. He told me I was very naughty and just a little bit insane but he loved me just the way I was. Sometimes our basement TV room gets chilly. I had thought about putting my sweatshirt back on, but being cuddled up in the warm arms of my brother and best friend in the whole world was so much better.

I hope you liked my second story!

I'm having trouble deciding whether to write next about Andy's "revenge" on me or about how I captured my boyfriend.

Re: Lauren

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 4:05 pm
by Soraka
I don't have another real tie up story written up yet, but I can't resist telling you one more naughty thing at least tangentially related. It's about a "game" I started playing as a teenager with blindfolds.

I'm sure I told you about my fascination with people getting tied up, straitjackets, handcuffs, and similar stuff (but if I forgot, you've probably figured it out by now). But I don't think I told you about my fascination with blindfolds. The helplessness that goes with not being able to see while others can see you has given me a thrill for as long as I can remember.

I think when I was in kindergarten I went to a birthday party for a friend from my class. It was a big outdoor party on a beautiful spring day. Her Mom and Dad had all kinds of games, and a bunch of them involved being blindfolded. Some of the kids didn't want to play, but I was the first to volunteer for every one of them.

I especially liked a blindfold tag game. I like touching and being touched. It was so exciting to not know when you were going to be touched, or where, or by who. Of course we were innocent little kids and we weren't thinking about the things I think about so much now.

At some point when I must have been in elementary school, I first saw someone wearing a sleep mask. I had no idea what it was or why they were wearing it, although it was obvious they wouldn't be able to see. I asked my Mom and Dad about it, and they explained how some people used them to sleep better when it wasn't completely dark. I was fascinated, and I wanted one very badly.

My parent indulged an awful lot of my experimentation. This one was pretty easy. Because of their business they had to travel a lot, and some airlines would give out free sleep masks to their passengers, particularly on long overnight flights between North America and Europe. The next time Dad was on one of these flights, he brought one home to me. I loved it. I slept in it every night for a long time. Between Mom and Dad, they must have gotten me masks from almost a dozen different airlines over those years, and I tried them all. Of course I liked the ones that put me in total darkness (no peeking!) best of all.

Later, as a teenager, I started doing my own clothes shopping more and more. I also started having much naughtier thoughts about blindfolds than just games for little kids. I found this one sleep mask at the mall that was incredible. It was all black with fake fur trim, and it felt so incredibly soft and sexy. It was this big oversized thing that covered all the way from up on my forehead to well down on my cheeks. When I had it on, I couldn't even tell if it was day or night; it was absolutely black, and not even a tiny faint sliver of light got through.

Unless it was ridiculously cold, I usually slept naked (and I still do!). If you read my earlier stories, you know I grew up in a family with a very relaxed attitude about nudity at home among family. Nevertheless, I pushed boundaries. On the warm days of spring and summer, to get a nice breeze I'd have my bedroom window and door wide open. I wouldn't used any sheet or covers; I'd just sleep on top of my bed completely naked.

Light from outdoors, and light from within my house if others were up annoyed me, but with my wonderful big sleep mask, I could shut it all out. So for those teen years in the warm season, I'd just get naked, lie on my bed, put on my mask, and I slept wonderfully.

Of course I knew everyone else in my house could see me. It made it even more exciting that I couldn't tell if somebody was looking at me. Of course it was just Mom and Dad and my favorite (and only) brother Andy, but that was enough. I love my body just the way it is and I have quite an exhibitionist streak (ha ha, get it). The thought that some guy could be in the house I didn't know about and he might pass my room and look in the open door was one of my little fantasies. He could look me over and check me out from every angle and I've never even know. As with so many of my little fantasies and inventions, it was the naughtiness of the idea that made it so exciting.

Sometimes I think my Dad thought my behavior was a little over the top, but he was very tolerant. After he got over the initial shock of my sleeping like this, he took it in stride for the most part. He had grown up with a brother and three sisters and none of them ever thought twice about being naked in front of each other, so this wasn't really much of a stretch for him.

Once he was used to it, Dad would sometimes do something I absolutely loved. Most nights in my teen years, Dad and Mom went to bed earlier than Andy and me, but every so often I'd be the first one to bed. When Dad was ready to go to bed too, he'd come into my bedroom, announce himself with "good night my beautiful angel", and he'd hug me and kiss me. I'd hear his voice and feel his wonderful hug on my bare skin, but with the mask on I would never see him. Mom would sometimes do the same thing too.

But I could always count on Andy. When Mom and Dad went to bed early, which was most of the time, he'd be the last one up. I got him trained well; the last thing he'd do each night was to stop by my room, lie down and snuggle me up nice and close for a few minutes, kiss me goodnight, and then go off to his bedroom and go to sleep.

As you can probably guess, that sleep mask did come out a lot when Andy and I played our tie up games, but I'll have to tell you about the next one later.

Re: Lauren

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 4:05 pm
by Soraka
Hi friends! Sorry to leave you in suspense after part 2. This story gets a little more explicit than my others toward the end, but I have a feeling you wouldn't be here in the first place if that sort of thing disturbed you.

If you've forgotten what happened back in part 2, I tied up Andy in an inescapable hogtie and I stripped him naked and tickle tortured him. Andy and I are both cuddle addicts, and we both love to touch and be touched, so it was lots of fun for both of us. The game ended with an expectation from me that Andy would catch me by surprise at some point and "get me back".

By his nature, Andy invariably erred on the gentle side with me. I had to push and drop dozens of hints, usually not very subtle ones, to get him to try the naughty things I was really interested in. If it was up to him to decide, he'd probably just tie my wrists and ankles together with a couple of pieces of Christmas wrap ribbon, put a stick-on bow in my hair, and call it good. That would have been good enough for me back when I was a little girl, but now I wanted to play with the real stuff.

My current topic of investigation and exploration was gags. I had experimented with putting tape on my mouth (all in the name of scientific research!). Specifically, I tested duct tape, painters masking tape, and medical adhesive tape. I was playing alone, so I'd just tape up my mouth and see if I could get it off without using my hands. The duct tape and painters tape tasted vile. Of the two, the duct tape was more secure, but it just wasn't nice to use.

On the other hand, the medical tape had some real advantages. It was this foam surgical tape, and it was actually very effective; when pressed on well it was almost impossible to get off without using my hands. It also didn't have such an awful taste, although I won't go quite so far as to call it pleasant.

I did a fair amount of Internet research on the topic, mostly on some "bulletin boards" that were popular at that time. The "adult" stuff was mostly behind age restriction gateways. At fifteen I was already pretty good with computers, and I quickly defeated all the silly age restrictions. There weren't videos online like there are now, but there was lots of written stuff with a few still photos mixed in.

I found one very loving and adventurous couple on my favorite bulletin board. They were named Ann and Tim (or at least that's what they went by online). They'd tell about their adventures, and once in a while even post a photo. They always did the photos so their faces were off camera, or covered by a blindfold, or otherwise not recognizable. They said they were from a conservative family in a conservative town and it would make too much trouble if word got out about their "recreational sports".

Ann had a personality a lot like me. She was a happy, cheerful fun loving person who like to get tied up because it gave her a thrill. "Like the first big drop on a roller coaster" she would say, and I knew exactly how she felt. Tim was kind of like Andy; very sweet and gentle. He wasn't the leader on their tie up games, but he'd do just about anything to please Ann.

I shared some (but not all) of my "Internet research" with Andy. For one thing, it was a way to give him big hints on what I wanted to try. He thought some of it was unsafe or too creepy, but he mostly went along with me.

Ann had just posted some stuff about explorations in being gagged. This time she included a little series of pictures. They took a while to download (remember, this was before "high speed Internet"), but they were well worth it. I got the whole set downloaded, and I couldn't wait to grab Andy and drag him to the computer.

In the first shot, Ann was standing in just her little pink bra and panties and a big black sleep mask blindfold (a lot like mine!). She was holding a red rubber ball. There weren't captions on the photos, but she had posted text to go with them. Ann wanted to try being gagged with a ball. She wanted to try it while she was helpless so she couldn't get the gag out herself. In the next shot she was wearing three big pink furry padded cuffs on her ankles and one wrist, and she was in the process of fastening the fourth cuff on her other wrist.

She said it was a little hard to put her cuffs on herself while she was blindfolded, but with practice she had gotten good at it. Cuffing herself was part of their games; it was one of her favorite signals to Tim that she was in the mood to play. In the third shot, Ann was sitting in a big wooden chair. There were clips on the legs by her ankles that had been attached to her ankle cuffs. The fourth shot showed Tim's hands locking a little padlock that attached Ann's wrist cuffs to a little ring at the back of the chair seat.

The fifth shot showed that three pink nylon webbing straps had been added. They all went around Ann in front, and around the chair in back, and they all looked very snug. One strap was around her waist, and the other two were around her chest, right above and below her breasts. It was very obvious that there was absolutely no way Ann was getting out of that chair without help. Ann had a big smile on her blindfolded face.

The sixth shot showed Ann with the ball stuffed in her mouth. The ball was well in her mouth, behind her teeth, and it filled her mouth completely. In the seventh and last shot, Ann's whole mouth and chin were covered in white medical tape that very securely held the ball in her mouth.

Ann wrote about the experience. She said that with the ball in her mouth, she couldn't use her tongue to probe at the tape. She couldn't say a thing, and she could hardly make much of a sound. Tim kept her like that for half an hour, blindfolded, gagged, and cuffed and strapped to the chair. He stayed with her and watched her very closely to be sure she was breathing OK. Once Ann found out she couldn't get the gag out without her hands, she started to struggle, but with her wrists and ankles cuffed to the chair she was totally stuck.

Tim wrote too (that was the end of the part in pictures). When the time was up he peeled off the tape (Ann said that was the worst part of the experience). He popped out the ball, and Ann stretched and rested her jaw. While Ann was still strapped and ankle cuffed, he unlocked the wrist cuffs from the chair but immediately locked them back just to each other. Then he unclipped her ankle cuffs from the chair, and finally he undid the nylon webbing straps. Now Ann was free except for having her wrists cuffed and locked together behind her back.

Ann didn't get graphic about the details, but she said that Tim led her cuffed to their bedroom and he stripped her naked and they had great sex. She could hardly wait for her next adventure.

When I showed him this, Andy rolled his eyes a little. "Hey Andy, maybe next time we play naughty I should try gagging you with a ball. Except that you're already so quiet I'm not sure it will make a difference." He said that since I was the one who talked so much, maybe he should gag me. I hugged him and gave him a very naughty smile and said yes; he had better gag me next time I'm tied up.

But time went by and nothing happened. I eagerly looked forward to Andy's retaliation, but we both got too busy and distracted by some school projects we needed to finish.

On top of this, there was another complication. I was just starting to become romantically involved with Andy's best friend Glen. I should probably stop for a minute to tell you just a little more about myself. Even though I have a fascination with tie up games and I was (and am still) a very politically progressive young woman, I'm actually pretty conservative about rushing into sex.

Glen was similar, so our courtship was slow. We did all the fun stuff that "nice teens" did together; we held hands, we went out for ice cream together, saw a couple of concerts together (we're both music lovers). Eventually we starting hugging and kissing and cuddling more too (and Glen is wonderfully cuddly).

My naughty fascination with being tied up was by no means gone; I was just very private about it with Glen. Even before Glen and I became a couple, I did have a plan drafted in the back of my mind. I was going to find the sweet, cuddly, innocent guy of my dreams. Once he was mine, I'd teach him about the fun of exploring the naughtier things in life. I was determined to "help a good boy go bad". And I've always been the kind of girl who works hard to get exactly what she wants.

Glen and I really did have a lot in common. Although he was a grade ahead of me, like Andy, he was actually only about seven months older than me. Neither of us had ever been in a relationship before. Andy warned me that Glen's family had some differences from ours. They were super private and downright prudish about any kind of nudity. Glen didn't have any sisters, and Andy said Glen told him he'd never been naked with a girl, even as a little kid.

I wasn't sure how Andy would feel about my pursuing his best friend, but he turned out to be very supportive. He thought we'd be good for each other. Maybe I'd bring Glen out of his shell a little, and maybe Glen would keep my wild side in check a little. Similarly, Glen was comfortable with the super close relationship I had with my brother.

For now, I was kind of stuck in the middle. I wasn't ready to share my little secret with Glen, but I wanted so so badly to have another experience of being tied up, helpless, and vulnerable. It needed to be with someone I trusted completely to keep me safe. There was exactly one person in the world who could do all this for me, and that was my beloved brother Andy.

My frustration was increased when a temporary change in our parents' work schedules had one or the other of them working from home most afternoons to finish something up for an important client. That totally killed our private time after school when we were alone in the house together. The weeks went by, and my sixteenth birthday passed.

It finally all came together in the spring when Glen was out of town for a couple of days doing a college campus visit. As Andy was arriving home from school, Mom phoned from the other side of the state. She and Dad had to take care an emergency for their business way over there, so they'd have to spend the night and they wouldn't get home until tomorrow afternoon. By this time, I had just turned sixteen, and Andy was seventeen so we were fully capable of getting our own dinner and breakfast and generally take care of ourselves. Finally, some private playtime!

I got home much later than Andy, since a club I was in had a park cleanup service project after school. I was glad Mom and Dad would be away for the night, since the cleanup had cost me two perfectly good potential hours of unsupervised playtime with Andy.

I was hungry when I got home, so Andy and I popped a frozen pizza in the oven for a quick early dinner. I was hoping he'd have time for me after dinner, but Andy told me he needed to go out and finish up a little bit of spring yard work. I felt grungy from the cleanup project, so I decided to take a shower while Andy was outside.

Andy was still outside when I got out of the shower. I was bored and hoping to talk him into some naughty "playtime", so I decided to go out and join him. I had to throw on something to go outside (we do have neighbors who do not share our family views about nudity). Since it was such a nice warm late spring day, and I was feeling especially naughty I grabbed one of my tiniest string bikinis (plenty of string, four bows, and not very much cloth) and I tied in on quickly.

I almost went out the door like that when I saw one of our less tolerant neighbors out in her driveway. My bikini bottom wasn't quite a thong, but about two thirds of my bottom was bare. My top kept my nipples covered but the tops of my breasts were bare. I didn't want to deal with some awkward scene with "Mrs. Figleaf" as I derisively called her (privately), so I went back and grabbed a pair of tight denim short shorts and a very small T-shirt and I pulled those on over my bikini.

I made it outside to join Andy just as he was finishing up. He gave me a hug and he showed me that the clippers had a small nick in the power cord, not bad enough to need replacing, but still not perfect. I did see that Mrs. Figleaf noticed me in my minimal shirt and short shorts. She gave me kind of a dirty look but I pretended not to notice her and Andy and I went inside together. The instant we got back in the house my T-shirt came back off.

Andy brought the clippers down to the basement workshop for a repair and I followed. On the way I told him I was really bored, but he seemed to just ignore me. I figured he was focused on the repair (he gets like that) and maybe I'd try again later to get his attention. Complaints about "being bored" from me were usually a thinly coded message that I wanted to go do something naughty or mischievous (and Andy was well aware of this).

Andy took out a roll of black electrical tape. "Best electrical tape in the world," he said to me. "Stands up in all kinds of weather... great way to fix a dangerous power cord ..." Then he gave me a wicked smile. "Also a great way to fix a dangerous little sister who has been very naughty!" He grabbed me hard and pulled my hands around behind by back. I put up a bit of a fight and broke loose, not because I actually wanted to escape but because that was part of the game I wanted to play. Andy chased me out of the workshop into the TV room, tape in hand.

He tackled me into our favorite beanbag chair and he pinned me face down in it. He sat down right on my behind and pinned me into the chair. I looked back to see him peel the first of the tape off the roll. He took my wrists and pulled them around behind me. I'm skinny enough he can grab both my wrists in one of his hands pretty easily, and he did. Next thing I knew, he had wound several turns of tape around my wrists, holding them snugly together.

My boredom lifted in a instant; I was so happy Andy was taking time for me. I liked getting lots of attention, and one of the best things about being Andy's "victim" (an all too eager and willing victim at that) was that I got his complete, undivided attention. Still, I was a little disappointed about the electrical tape. I wanted the thrill of being tied up completely helpless, and here I was with some silly electrical tape wound around my wrists.

I pulled hard against the tape, surprised to find that it didn't break. It did stretch a little, but not quite enough to pop a hand free. My one escape opportunity came when I found that by twisting my arms hard, the tape would stretch enough so I could get the fingers of one hand onto the tape at the other wrist.

I began picking at the end of the tape with my fingernails. SMACK! My escape efforts were interrupted by a hard swat on my bottom. Andy never hit me in real life, but the "naughty girl getting a spanking" was part of my fantasy role playing that he was (reluctantly) willing to go along with.

BAD GIRL! Andy grabbed me from behind and he squeezed my arms together. I'm skinny and very flexible so he had no trouble getting my arms completely together with my elbows touching behind my back. Several more turns of tape soon circled my arms, just above my elbows. I was surprised by just how restrictive this was. With my elbows taped together, I couldn't twist my arms around anymore, and all the tape was now out of reach of my fingers.

Andy watched me as I struggled in my predicament. I soon realized just how helpless I was. Maybe if I had gotten my hands on something sharp I could poke at or cut the tape, but there wasn't going to be any quick easy escape. I headed toward the workshop; there were a hundred things in there I could use to escape. I didn't really want to escape, but my little game required I make a good effort to get out.

Andy's part in the game was to completely frustrate my efforts, and so far he was doing a good job. He grabbed me before I made it into the workshop, and he delivered another more playful swat to my bottom and he pulled me back to the TV room. He picked up a magazine that was hiding my favorite big black sleep mask. He put the mask on me, making sure it was pulled down low and smoothed tight against my cheeks so I couldn't peek even a tiny bit.

He marched me upstairs blindfolded. By this time I was so excited and turned on I was almost shaking. In just a few minutes this had turned from a boring afternoon into the most fun I'd had in quite a while. Andy asked me if my hands were feeling tingly or numb (they weren't). He made me wiggle my fingers. Once he was satisfied I was OK, our little game continued.

Andy pulled the blindfold back up and he looked me in the eyes. We're so close we can always read each other pretty well. He told me this was the most excited he has seen me all spring. He told me I should probably be a lot more careful about what I ask for, because things were about to get rougher. I brightened up with even more excitement at the prospect, and he gave a naughty smile back so I knew he noticed.

He took the tape and he started on my arms just above my wrists but he wound three turns all the way around my waist like a belt. He added one more ring of tape, three turns that circled my chest right at the bottom of my breasts and also went behind me and circled my arms near my elbows.

I thought about my situation. My elbows and wrists were taped tightly together behind my back, so my arms were quite useless. The heavy duty black electrical tape proved far too strong for me to break or stretch out of. Now two more pieces of tape held my arms and hands tightly to my back. My hands were basically pinned tight to my bottom; I couldn't even try to flex my arms around. The blindfold was up on my forehead, as a reminder that Andy could put me back in darkness in an instant, any time he chose. This turned me on even more.

Andy said he was probably the only guy in the world with a little sister so naughty that he had to do stuff like this to her. Next thing I knew, he pulled a loose end of the bow behind my neck on the halter top of my bikini. The knot easily popped out. A quick pull on the lower string undid the bow behind my back too. Andy grabbed my top and yanked it right off. He tossed it across the room onto my dresser.

Of course Andy had seen me naked a thousand times, but the idea of having my clothes taken away and not being able to cover myself up was deliciously naughty right now. My breasts aren't all that big (I wouldn't pass a "pencil test"), but they are round and firm and perky. My nipples stand up prominently when I'm aroused, and I was very aroused. Having my elbows taped together behind my back forced me to thrust out my chest, so the effect was even greater. I liked my body, and it turned me on that Andy was getting such a show (even if he was just my big brother).

Andy stood me back up and he marched me over to my full length mirror. My legs were still free through all this, so I could easily walk over to the mirror. I was surprised at how excited I got looking at myself in the mirror. The realization that I was that taped up and topless girl in the mirror gave me a huge thrill.

Andy took the tape again and went to my knees. He peeled up the end from the roll but found there was only a tiny bit left. I was disappointed, but not for long. Andy pulled my blindfold back down over my eyes and he smoothed it into place again. "You'll be so much easier to control if you can't see", he told me. He also said it wasn't safe to leave a helpless person alone, so I'd have to come with him.

He put his arm around me and he started to marched me topless and blindfolded toward the basement. We were alone in the house, and I'd walked through our house naked only about ten thousand times or so, but the idea that I couldn't cover up my breasts even if I wanted to made this more exciting.

When we got to the steps, Andy stopped. I was fine with walking downstairs blindfolded, but he said it would be safer if I carried him. He scooped me up in his arms and he squeezed me close to him. That felt so good! All the "cuddle addict" circuits in my brain were turning on. Andy said he was going to take me downstairs, and if I didn't want to get hurt I had better not wiggle or struggle. He was using a fantasy play voice; it wasn't the way he would have sounded if he was actually concerned about my safety.

So I wiggled and struggled and kicked. My legs were still free. SMACK! Since I was blindfolded, I never saw it coming until I felt the sting on my bottom. At least my denim shorts provided some protection. I struggled and kicked even more. "BAD GIRL!" I had hoped this wouldn't be necessary, but I don't see any other way!"

I felt him pop the snap on my shorts. He quickly unzipped them and pulled them down below my knees. Now I couldn't kick much. He picked me up again, and I started struggling again. SMACK! This one stung more, since my denim shorts were down and my tiny little bikini bottom offered essentially no protection. He gave a couple more good swats, then he picked me back up in his arms. He cuddled me close to him as he carried me back to my bedroom.

He put me down on my bed and sat down on it with me. He cuddled me in close, lifted my blindfold, and he started asking me about stuff. Mainly, he asked me about how it was going with Glen. I told him I wouldn't talk and he'd have to torture it out of me. I knew exactly what kind of torture I would get, and I could hardly wait for it to begin.

With nothing on but my little bikini bottom, all of the sensitive places on my tummy and ribs were totally available to Andy's fingers. With my hands taped behind me, I was completely helpless and defenseless. My pulled down shorts even bound my legs together so I couldn't kick. Andy gave me a great tickle torture. I loved it, but eventually I "confessed".

Andy asked if I had gotten Glen to tie me up yet. I said no, which was the truth. I still hadn't let Glen know about my interest. I wasn't sure how he'd react; maybe he'd think I was a weirdo because I actually thought it was fun to get tied up.

I also didn't trust myself; if I did actually get Glen to tie me up, I'd probably get so insanely turned on I wouldn't be able to control myself; when Glen let me out he might get thoroughly ravaged by a wild woman. But I was barely sixteen years old and I didn't feel ready to start having sex. Finally, if I was going to head down that path, I'd need to hurry up and figure out a birth control plan.

Andy stopped his interrogation. He gave me another nice hug and he told me how glad he was that I was taking it slow and being smart and cautious. He made me wiggle my fingers, and he checked my hands and arms to make sure they weren't turning any funny colors. They weren't, but he was still worried about how long my wrists and elbows had been taped together.

There was a stash of ropes hidden at the back of my bottom dresser drawer. Andy knew about these; that was the whole idea. What good are ropes if you don't have your best friend to surprise you and pounce on you and tie you up in them? Andy went and got the ropes and he tossed them on my bed. He finished pulling my denim shorts off, and he tossed them over by my bikini top, so now I was stripped down to nothing but my tiny little bikini bottom.

Andy snipped all the electrical tape with some scissors from my desk and he helped me peel it off. Knowing that the ropes were out and ready took away my fear that our game would be over once Andy got me out of the tape. I stretched my arms out, and I stuck my tongue out at Andy (my signal to play more and to make it rougher and naughtier, as Andy knew very well).

Andy tackled me onto my bed and gave my bottom a few pretty good spanks. He pinned me down and he sat on my bottom and squeezed me between his legs. My excitement grew. He told me he thought I needed to stretch my arms out more. He picked a rope and tied it onto my right wrist. A second rope was immediately tied onto my left wrist.

Two more ropes were used to tie my legs together at the ankles and knees. Andy tied those quickly; he didn't cinch them up or fuss with them, so maybe I could have eventually wriggled out of those, but Andy had bigger plans that kept me otherwise occupied.

He got up off me and rolled me over and he sat me up against the headboard of my bed. He arranged a pillow behind me and told me he wanted to make sure I was comfortable, just in case I ended up stuck like this for a while. I was so curious about what he would do and so excited I totally forgot about the part of our game where I was supposed to resist. It didn't matter much. In another minute, both my wrists were tied up to the head of my bed.

I should tell you a little about my bed. It is a double bed with lots of brass at the head and foot. Mom and Dad bought me new bedroom furniture a couple of years ago. I was already having naughtier thoughts about tie up games at the time. Of course I didn't give my reasons, but when we shopped I liked all the beds with posts and lots of handy hardware you could tie somebody up to. Mom and Dad liked shiny brass too, so I got my first choice.

Anyhow, my wrists were both now tied to the brass rod that ran across the very top of the head. Andy took some time to get these knots "just right". He made sure they were too snug for me to escape but just loose enough not to hurt me, even if I struggled. He left excess rope and after he had my wrists attached to the top rod, he used the extra rope to wind down the corner posts and he tied the ends of the rope off down low, where the important last knots were more than a foot out of my reach.

So here I was, sitting up in bed, propped up against the headboard, with my arms stretched out wide open just as far as I could reach. Andy added four more short ropes at my elbows and my shoulders, tieing them to the rod too so I was thoroughly immobilized. He took some time to arrange my pillows behind me so I was nice and comfortable like this. And he put my wonderful sleep mask blindfold back on me and he carefully smoothed it down on my cheeks.

I was back in total darkness, trying in vain to get a tiny peek, when the tickle torture began. Sitting up in bed like this, Andy had great access to all my ribs. Worse yet, with my arms stretched out like this my armpits were fully exposed, and I couldn't move an inch to evade his naughty fingers. The last straw was the blindfold. I never knew where I'd be tickled next. My armpits, my ribs, the soles of my feet; nothing was safe.

But Andy wasn't done with me yet. In my struggles, the sloppily tied ropes at my knees and ankles had started to loosen. Andy finished untying those ropes and he let me move and stretch my legs for a few minutes, still blindfolded with my arms tied very securely to the headboard.

After I had stretched my legs out, Andy made me bend my right leg at the knee as far as I could, and I felt him wrap a rope around both my upper and lower leg so I was "frog tied" where my knee was fully bent and I couldn't straighten out my knee. He did the same thing to my left leg too, then he used a little more of the ropes to cinch off the loops.

With the loops cinched off, the leg ropes were even tighter, and now there was no way I could wriggle around and work the ropes up over my knees. Andy lifted my blindfold and I looked at what had been done to me. There was still a length of excess rope at each knee.

I expected Andy to tie my knees together, but he didn't. Instead he brought the rope from the cinching loop behind my right knee over to the top of the headboard by my right wrist. He wrapped it a few times around the brass parts, then brought the end down to where I couldn't reach it and he tied it off. I watched in fascination and shocked surprise as he did the same with the rope by me left knee, pulling it back near my left wrist.

So here I was sitting in my bed with my legs bent at the knees, knees up, and tied so I was spread wide open! I still had my bikini panties on, but I was starting to feel very exposed. This felt like a more intimate tie than Andy had ever done on me. I didn't get long to think about it, since I realized Andy was holding two more items that had been hidden with my rope stash, a red rubber ball and a roll of medical tape. I had found the perfect sized ball, and in my solo experiments I had gagged myself with it and taped up my mouth before.

But this time was different. I was being gagged by somebody else, and I was all tied up and helpless, so I would have no way to get the gag out. My captor could do anything he wanted to me, and I wouldn't be able to protest or beg him to stop or anything. I eagerly opened my mouth wide, and Andy popped the ball in.

He asked me if I was OK and I nodded yes. He asked me if I wanted our game to get rougher. I was so excited I just automatically nodded yes. I was on "naughty autopilot". I don't think I could have shook my head "no" even if I had wanted to.

Andy clamped his hand tightly over my mouth with the ball in it and he asked if I could breathe OK through my nose. I was totally fine and I nodded yes. He used the tape to very securely tape up my mouth, all the way onto my cheeks and my chin. With the ball in my mouth I really couldn't probe at the tape with my tongue, and once he had me all taped up I almost couldn't make a sound. He finished me off by pulling my blindfold back down and pressing it in close against my cheeks.

He told me he was going to get to the bottom of what I was up to with Glen. He asked me if I was ready to confess the rest. I defiantly shook my head "no", hoping for another tickle torture. I was not disappointed. I had almost forgotten just how exposed and vulnerable I was like this, blindfolded, gagged, topless, and tied up with my legs wide open, but Andy's gentle teasing fingers quickly reminded me. Now he had access to almost everything; my armpits, my ribs, my tummy, the soles of my feet, and my very sensitive inner thighs.

He used the lightest tickling touch to drive me absolutely insane. With the ball in my mouth I thought I was going to explode, like a champagne bottle that was all shaken up and about to blow its cork. And gagged and blindfolded I had no way to signal to him that I'd had enough. I was stuck in an out of control situation of my own making. Finally Andy asked me if I was ready to talk and I nodded "yes". Being gagged and blindfolded, my second interrogation consisted of yes/no questions that I'd respond to by nodding and shaking my head.

"Ever held hands with Glen?" [nod]
"Ever hugged him?" [nod]
"Kissed him?" [nod]
"Cuddled with him?" [nod]
"Slept with him?" [shake]
"Seen him naked?" [shake]
"Has he seen you naked?" [shake]
"Has he seen you without your shirt?" [shake]

Andy stopped and took my blindfold completely off and put it on the bed next to me. He gave me a very naughty smile. I knew he was up to something.

"So that means you and Glen haven't gotten naked together... and that means Glen has still never seen a naked girl in his life ... I know he's seen stuff like pictures from Playboy that the guys sneak around in the locker room [this story happened way back before big time Internet porn!], but he's never actually seen a real live naked girl."

The idea of being the first naked girl that Glen would see and touch was turning me on even more. I think Andy knew exactly what I was thinking, because he gave me a particularly wicked grin.

"I think my favorite little exhibitionist would like nothing better than to give her sweet innocent boyfriend Glen a lesson on the delights of female anatomy that he'll never forget." Andy swiftly grabbed the two bows tied at the sides of my string bikini bottom. One quick pull was all it took. Without hesitation, he snatched the last bit of clothing off me and tossed it onto my dresser to join my top and my shorts.

I couldn't believe just how exposed I was! With my knees up and my legs wide open, everything I had was out on public display. Then I saw Andy's jaw drop as he stared. I had to look down myself before I remembered.

It seems that the school sports team I was on had taken to experimenting with various degrees of pubic hair trimming and styling. One girl who was sexually active with her boyfriend had trimmed hers into a cute little heart shape to surprise him. This was way before shaving pubic hair completely was fashionable, but I had given myself a complete shave, partly to satisfy my naughty curiosity of what it felt like and partly to shock the other girls in the showers and locker room.

Andy took the opportunity to have even more fun with me. He picked up my bedroom phone and pretended to dial.

"Hi Glen, come on over right away. I have quite a tasty surprise for you. I know how much you love licking ice cream cones, so you're really gonna love the little sweetheart I've got for you to lick now! Nice like ice cream, but so much warmer and sweeter and more delicious! The best part is that once you've licked her enough to finish her off, she'll be all smiles and she'll cuddle up with you and keep you nice and warm. And she doesn't even have any hair to get stuck in your teeth!"

One problem with having somebody that you're so close to that you can even share your fantasies with them is that they can be used very effectively to tease you. Andy was right on target. And now that the shock that Andy had just stripped me naked was wearing off, I was feeling especially turned on. The wild and reckless side of me was hoping Andy would really make that call and Glen would show up and have some fun with me while I was helpless and exposed like this.

Andy looked at me with his wicked grin again. "You've gotta see how you look, kiddo!" There was a hanging mirror in my room. He unhooked it from the wall, propped it up at the foot of my bed, and angled it so I'd see exactly what Glen or any other guy would see if he walked into my bedroom.

As much as I had explored my own body, I was actually a little shocked by what I saw. I'm on the skinny side, so my outer lips don't cover up much. My inner lips are kind of prominent, and in my aroused state they were really out there for all to see.

It gets worse. I also could see in the mirror that I was quite conspicuously damp between my legs. And Andy was staring right on target. We'd seen each other naked a thousand times, we'd explored each other's bodies completely as little kids, but somehow now, with us almost adults, the idea of being seen exposed and aroused was just too embarrassing.

What a wild rush of emotions! Now I was unbelievably excited and unbelievable embarrassed at the same time. Here I was tied up buck naked with my legs spread wide open without so much as a single public hair to cover me. With the ball in my mouth there was no way I could beg Andy to stop. I had never felt so completely and utterly helpless and vulnerable. And that thought made me even damper between my legs.

You know the saying, "Be careful what wish for because you might get it"? Well I had wished for Andy to do the naughtiest thing he could ever bring himself to do to me, and I had gotten it.

Andy's fingers made one more long slow tickle run over nearly all of my bare skin. He tested almost every inch of me for ticklishness. He teased me by coming in ever so close to all my really sensitive female places. He'd tickle up and down my ribs and stop just at the bottom of my breasts. The inner thigh tickling was even more of a tease. He'd stop just as he got to the edge of my outer pussy lips.

The dampness between my legs was turning to wetness, and I knew Andy could see this. I knew my brother wasn't going to really do something explicitly sexual to me, but he sure did tease me.

It was a good thing I was tied up, because no man in the area would have been safe. If Glen had been with me and the ropes had given way, I probably would have pounced on him and ripped his clothes right off him.

When Andy finally decided I'd had enough of his loving torment, he stopped his tickling and looked at me and smiled. He reached to my face and he started to peel off the tape on my mouth. Yow! Now that is the one thing he did to me that day that really hurt. When the last piece of tape came off my lips, I drooled all over the place.

Andy reached up and popped the ball out of my mouth. By this time my jaw was starting to ache, so I was glad to get rid of it. He got a couple of tissues and cleaned me up from where I had drooled down my face and breasts and tummy. He hung my mirror back on the wall as I stretched my jaw.

I told Andy he had done a great job on me, and that this was the most fun I could ever imagine. I didn't have to say this; he knew from the sparkle in my eyes. He started to untie me, but before he got the first rope off, he stopped and picked up the blindfold from my bed. He said it would be more fun to untie me while I was blindfolded, and he carefully put it back on me.

Then he went back to work on the ropes on my left arm. He took off the ones by my shoulder and elbow, and he undid the end of the rope that went to my wrist. As he untied the rope from my wrist. I got one more naughty idea. I told him that now that I had one arm and hand free, I wanted him to leave me like this to escape the rest of the way on my own. Andy said he didn't like the idea. He said it wasn't safe to leave a tied up person alone. As I've said before, he really did take good care of me.

I was persistent; I insisted I'd be fine, and if necessary I could easily call him for help, since I wasn't gagged any more. I told him to go downstairs and give me half an hour to try to get out of the rest of the ropes on my own. Andy finally agreed with some reluctance.

I also asked him to shut my door on the way out. This was a pretty unusual request from me, but I heard my door shut tightly.

I actually was planning to let myself out, but not until I attended to another matter. This whole experience had left me hornier than I could possibly even imagine, and I needed relief. My one free hand rushed down to give me some self pleasure, detouring on the way to give my nipples a few pinches. I started in on a fantasy in my head...

"Ouch Glen! My nipples are really sensitive! Oh my God! That was a really hard pinch! You're turning into a complete animal!

This was becoming my current favorite fantasy. Just because I wasn't sexually active with Glen in real life (at least not yet), didn't mean I couldn't give him a starring role in my fantasy. I imagined Glen actually showed up and found me exactly the way Andy had left me, of course with the other arm still tied too, so I was completely helpless and defenseless.

"Get that one on my wrist next." I imagined Glen starting to untie the ropes, staring wide-eyed at my body, especially all the really interesting places. And I imagined Glen losing control.

"Oh my God Glen, what are you doing to me? Please let me out!"

And of course my captor, thoroughly tempted by my feminine charms, gives in to his animal instincts and ravages me. My naughty fingers stroked my bare and exposed pussy as I imagined things he might do to me. I imagined myself losing control too.

"Glen, stop that! Oh my, that feels so good! But stop!"

My fingers pressed more firmly and slid faster between my very wet and sensitive inner lips. I was already so aroused from the wonderful tie up game and the sexy surprise of being stripped and exposed that it didn't take long for me to climax between the fantasy in my head and the fingers stroking my most sensitive parts.

When I came, I was noisy. Very noisy. I sat there with probably the biggest smile on my face that I've had in a long time. I took a minute to catch my breath. Finally I reached to my face and lifted my blindfold.

I was not alone. Andy was sitting on the chair in my room staring at me. My smile turned to shock and anger. I'm not entirely sure why I reacted this way, but I was mad. I felt my privacy had been invaded.

Andy apologized profusely. He said he had planned to go downstairs, but he got worried about leaving me tied up alone, so he decided to stay. He figured with me blindfolded I wouldn't know, and he'd slip back out once he was satisfied I'd untied myself enough.

Then he said something else. He told me I had put on a really great show. He told me he'd never seen any girl masturbating before, much less one as cute and sweet and sexy as me.

He asked me if I had ever seen a boy masturbate. My face got kind of red and I didn't answer. The truth was I had seen exactly one boy. I had spied on Andy a few times. I felt sort of guilty. I shared almost all my secrets with him, but I hadn't told him that. I had a hunch he knew, that I had been caught. He looked me right in the eyes and told me he'd bet me I had.

He apologized again and he climbed onto my bed and started to untie my legs. He told me he'd do anything to make it up to me. "Anything?" I asked, feeling a lot less mad and already starting to think about the possibilities. He told me I could tie him up as tight as I wanted and do anything I wanted to him. As he continued to untie me, I made an artificially stern face and said that wasn't enough, but it was a good start.

I told him he'd have to make it up to me in two rounds. One would be for me to tie him up and do whatever I wanted to him. The other was that he would have to tie me up again, and I'd be telling him just how I wanted to be tied. He had to do anything I asked for, even if it was something he wasn't entirely comfortable with.

He told me he wouldn't break his rule about keeping me safe and not doing anything that could seriously injure me. He said I was too precious to him for him to take any chances with me. But aside from that, anything goes and he'd do whatever I asked. By this time he was taking the last rope off my right wrist. I was free again.

I was of course still completely naked, and Andy was still in just his gym shorts. I stretched out my arms and inspected them. There was a bunch of icky sticky goo on my skin from all the electrical tape. Andy helped me up off the bed. We went down to the laundry room and he got a bottle of some citrus cleaner and a rag. He carefully cleaned me up. I was all sweaty from my adventure, so I went straight into the shower. One nice thing about going around naked in the house is it sure makes it quick and easy to step in the shower.

After I had showered and dried off, I went back to my room to find that Andy had just finishing tidying up. All the ropes were back in their hiding place at the back of my bottom dresser drawer, the ball had been washed off and put with the ropes, and my bed was made.

By this time, a thunderstorm had come up. Although I'm generally pretty fearless and adventurous, I've never liked thunderstorms. I told Andy I wanted some company during the storm. He was hesitant, but I reminded him he had promised to "make things up to me". He agreed to cuddle for a while after he took a quick shower.

After a few minutes, Andy came from the shower wearing his gym shorts. I knew he really couldn't have cared less if I had seen him naked, but the idea of being naked in his little sister's bed was too much for him. I really didn't care that much either, as long as he would tolerate my favorite sleepwear, which was no sleepwear at all.

We went to my room. I started to put my sleep mask on, but I stopped and handed it to him; I told him it was more fun when he put it on me. Andy rolled his eyes again and mumbled something about an incorrigible but still loveable little sister. He put the mask on me and smoothed it down my cheeks, every bit as carefully and lovingly as during our tie up game earlier.

I flopped onto my bed and rolled on my side. Andy came into bed behind me and he put his arm around me and snuggled me up wonderfully close. He told me he'd stay with me and hold me for a little while, until I was able to relax.

I knew what would really happen but I didn't say anything. Sure enough, in a few minutes, Andy was sound asleep, cuddled up just the way I liked. I was soon asleep too. The next thing we heard was my alarm clock signaling it was time to get ready for school. It was so nice to way up with Andy's warm arm still around me.

I took my sleep mask off and we both got out of bed. Andy asked me if I was still mad at him. How could I be? I stretched out my arms and offered myself. He took me in his arms and gave me the best and most wonderful hug I could imagine. He squeezed me in close to him and held me so nice and tight. I felt the hair on his chest against my bare breasts. We just held each other like that for minutes. I thought about just how lucky I was to have someone like Andy, someone I could play just so naughty with and still feel so completely safe.

I hope you liked my story! After this point, Glen started playing a bigger and bigger role in my life. I think I'm just about ready to write about my first playtime with Glen. It's pretty tame and mild compared to this story, but I think you'll still like it (I sure did!).

Re: Lauren

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 4:05 pm
by Soraka
I was going to write about getting Glen into my TUGs, but a couple of fans privately let me know they wanted to hear about what I did to Andy next after his wonderfully naughty game which ended with him secretly watching me get myself off. This is a good time to also tell you about a little "textile engineering" project of mine. I had something I was eventually planning to surprise Glen with, but I thought it wise to test it thoroughly first, and I had exactly one available "test pilot": Andy.

I wanted something that could be used to restrain the arms of my "prisoner of love" that would be as secure and inescapable as a few well tied ropes but much quicker to put on. It would be even better if it looked very innocent and non-threatening. My unauthorized online research had given me a few ideas, but the final design was my own original work, and I was proud of it.

I wasn't exactly a world class seamstress, but my Mom and her sister (who was and still is a world class seamstress) had at least done a good job of teaching me to use a sewing machine. I obtained a supply of well worn but still useful denim from our family "rag bag". Most of it came from worn out jeans. I also got a couple of straps including the all important strong sliding adjustable buckles from a worn out book backpack.

We had plenty of extra heavy duty thread in Mom's sewing supplies. The last critical item I needed were a pair of strong, stiff plastic rods. Stored with some scrap lumber in the workshop, we had a bunch of red plastic stiffening rods from some vinyl siding when we had our house fixed up. They were perfect; they were fiberglass reinforced, and they flexed a little (like a fiberglass fishing pole), but they were much too strong to break by hand, They did cut just fine with a fine toothed hacksaw.

The final thing I needed were some measurements. I didn't have a good way to measure Glen directly without arousing suspicion. However, Glen and Andy were about the same size, and in a few cuddle sessions I was able to compare each of their arm lengths to my own, and also get a good idea of wrist circumferences. I didn't need things perfect; just close enough. Fortunately, Glen and Andy were close enough that it was easy for me to make a "one size fits both" design.

So off to Mom's sewing machine when I had plenty of time home alone. I used lengths of old jeans legs to make a pair of arm sized tubes. I folded and sewed one end of each one tightly shut. I sewed a couple more layers of denim over the closed end of each, to make them stronger and give them some padding.

The next piece was the cleverest part of my design. I started like I was going to make a denim belt, but I sewed it so I left two long thin open tubes in it. From my measurements, I had determined that about ten inches was the perfect length. I cut two pieces of the strong plastic rod and slipped it into the tubes. I sewed the ends tightly shut, and padded the whole thing with a second layer of denim.

The fiberglass reinforced plastic rods were kind of scratchy, especially at the ends. I didn't want them touching my prisoner's skin, so a third layer of denim went over the rough ends for good measure. The end result was something about the size and shape of a regular school ruler, but covered in denim and much too strong to break or even to bend much.

Final assembly consisted of sewing the two tubes together tightly, with the stiffening rods between them and the openings at opposite ends. The finishing touch was to use the old backpack straps with their sliding adjustable buckles to make cuffs that could be tightened around my prisoner's wrists while his hands were in the closed and thickly padded ends. I had also worked one extra pair of bands of denim into my design that would fold over the straps and buckles to keep everything neat.

I couldn't fully test my creation on myself, at least not without help, and I wanted to surprise Andy first. Just in case anyone should ever want to give me a taste of my own medicine (a very sweet tasting medicine indeed!), I did deliberatly make it adjustable enough to fit even somebody with thinner wrists like me. As was happening all too often that spring, private playtime was scarce, so my wonderful invention stayed hidden in my bottom dresser drawer (along with my favorite rope collection).

Finally the opportunity came. Our parents were once again gone on business until the next day. Andy had been out doing some outdoor work for an elderly neighbor (not the despised "Mrs. Figleaf"; this a very nice neighbor!). He was washing up in the shower, and I made my final preparations.

Andy finished his shower and put on gym shorts, his usual home attire in warmer weather. I think I've already told you my usual home attire in hotter weather, but this time I was actually dressed in summer clothes. Andy must have suspected something was up; the fact that I was dressed and not paying much attention to him would have been two big clues.

He came to my room and asked what I was up to. I told Andy I had just finished a sewing project. He asked if I would be modeling something for him soon, and I told him that actually he'd be modeling something for me. He rolled his eyes as usual, but he also smiled a little. I sensed that Andy was bored, and he wanted to "play" almost as much as I did.

I started with a reminder of just how naughty he had been to me in our last little game, and how he had promised me I could do anything I wanted to him next time. Then I told him to hold his right arm out. I pulled out my "denim device" and slipped his arm into one of the openings. I pulled it onto his arm, until his hand was all the way at the sewn shut end. Andy asked me if this was supposed to be the world's smallest straightjacket. I just smiled and told him he'd see soon enough.

Andy had some idea what was coming, and he held out his other arm. I told him to fold his arms behind his back. He hadn't expected that at all, but my "prisoner" obediently followed my orders. With Andy's arms behind his back, I put his left arm into the other tube and pulled it on all the way. Now Andy's arms were parallel, folded behind his back, with his right hand by his left elbow and his left hand by his right elbow.

I folded back the outer denim flaps to reveal the straps and buckles. I had them already buckled, but adjusted to be very loose so I'd easily be able to slip Andy's arms in. I pulled both adjusting straps up nice and snug. I folded the denim flaps back over the straps and buckles to keep them neat, keep the buckles from scratching or pinching, and make sure everything was thoroughly out of reach.

The whole operation only took about a minute. I asked Andy to try to take it back off. With the straps pulled snug around his wrists, he couldn't get his hands out, and the stiffener kept his arms neatly folded so he couldn't scrunch up the denim or get his fingers anywhere near any important parts. Also, his hands were almost completely useless trapped inside the multiple layers of denim.

I gave my loveable prisoner a big hug and just a gentle little tickle on his ribs. I told him he'd better hurry up and figure out how to get out of it or he'd be in for even worse things.

I was so excited about finally having Andy strapped into my creation that I got a bad case of the giggles. Andy told me I was the cutest captor he could ever imagine and he surprised me by knocking me over backwards onto my bed and pinning me down with his body, even while his arms were strapped behind his back. He kissed me and I hugged and kissed him back. We were both having so much fun; somehow everything just clicked; we were both in the perfect mood for this magic moment.

After I got my prisoner back "under control", I opened my "toy drawer". I held my hand over Andy's mouth and asked if he could breathe OK through his nose. He gave a muffled "uh hum". Of course he knew what was coming, but he offered no resistance. I popped my rubber ball into his mouth, pushed it way in, and took my medical tape and taped over it very thoroughly. I checked again to make sure he was breathing OK with his mouth all taped up, and he nodded he was fine.

More often as not, I was the "victim" who was asking for more, but now it was Andy's turn. I teased him a little and asked him if he wanted to wimp out and have me let him go now. He gave me an aggressive "no" head shake. I asked if he wanted it naughtier, and he nodded a "yes". "MUCH naughtier" I asked, and I got an unusually enthusiastic yes. I was so glad I had caught Andy when he was bored and playful.

The next things out of my drawer were three ropes. I teased more. "The nice thing about having your arms strapped behind you like that with your hands in my padded mittens that is that I don't have to worry about your naughty fingers getting to my knots.

I helped Andy up off my bed and he stood for me. I took the first rope, and I just started to loop it around his legs at his ankles, but I stopped. My fingers went into "tickle mode" and slowly worked their way up his outer legs and to his ribs. Andy expected a much worse tickle torture than he actually got at this point.

My fingers started heading back down, but before they got far they slipped into the elastic waistband of his gym shorts and pulled them down to his ankles. A second swift motion relieved Andy of his briefs too. I ordered him to step out and he immediately obeyed. I went back to the ropes, and in a couple of minutes I had Andy's legs tightly bound together. I got my big soft black sleep mask and tossed it to the foot of the bed near Andy.

I was thinking of blindfolding Andy with the sleep mask, but I thought it would be a shame not to show him just what he looked like. He was in the wrong place at the wrong angle to see himself in my full length mirror, and with his knees and ankles bound and cinched up tightly, he wasn't exactly going to take a leisurely stroll across my room.

So I put my arms around him in a big hug so he'd be safe and I could hold him tight if he started to fall. I had him hop over to my mirror like this. The trip was lots of fun; if you ever get the change to hug somebody naked and tied up while they hop, I highly recommend it.

Andy got to my mirror safely, and boy was he a sight. He looked himself over in the mirror, starting at the floor. Rope number one was neatly wound around his ankles and cinched up very snugly between his legs. Rope number two was similarly tied and cinched just below his knees. The third rope just above his knees completed his matching ensemble.

My rope tying skills work pretty good by this time. I used soft thick white nylon rope. It was way stronger than necessary, but the nice thing about the thick rope was that it spread out the force so it wouldn't cut in and hurt the prisoner, even if she or he struggled a lot. And when the prisoner was me, she definitely struggled very hard. The discovery that I really couldn't get out always helped to get me even more excited and turned on.

But back to poor Andy looking at himself in the mirror. Moving up from his knees, the next thing to be seen was his naked manhood. Andy was 18 now, and he had grown from a boy into a very handsome young man. His manly equipment was trimmed by beautiful soft brown fur. I saw Andy blush slightly as he looked at himself in the mirror. He was really just as comfortable with his body as I was with mine, but he lacked my exhibitionist tendencies.

From the front view that the mirror offered Andy, the "denim device" was completely hidden behind his back. The casual observer would think he was simply standing with his arms folded behind his back.

Continuing up the view, we come to Andy's strong chest, which was starting to get furry too, although not so thick like his pubic hair.

Finally, the last noteworthy landmark on our body tour was Andy's face. His upper lip, cheeks, and chin were covered in white medical tape. From all that tape, it wasn't obvious that his mouth was filled with a rubber ball, but my prisoner's silence was striking.

I wanted to give Andy the rest of the view, so I hugged him again and had him hop around so his back was to the mirror. He looked back over his shoulder to see his bare behind and his denim clad arms and hands.

I told him it was finally time for me to get him back for all the naughty things he had done to me last time we had played. Of course he and I both knew I'd had the most fun of my life while he did those things to me, but "revenge" was a big part of our games. I told him that if anything I did was too much for him, he could just say "please stop". Of course with that ball taped in his mouth, he could barely even grunt.

With his arms strapped into the stiffened denim tubes, Andy couldn't even get them quite down to his waist. That left his whole behind completely uncovered and vulnerable. I gave him a pretty good spanking. Andy wasn't particularly into spanking, but it was fun for me to rub in just how exposed and helpless he really was. Also, my hands are small and soft so I know it didn't hurt much. I still did manage to give a little bit of pinkness to his bottom.

Next on my agenda was a tickle torture. With my fast little fingers and my years of practice I can drive Andy completely insane this way. I was planning on a particularly intense tickle session, and the last thing I wanted was for Andy to fall and hurt himself, so with another big hug I hopped him over to my bed and flopped him onto my bed on his back.

The way his arms were behind his back looked uncomfortable to me, so I sat him up and arranged my pillows under his back. Naughty little Lauren likes to keep her prisoners nice and comfortable during their torture sessions. I asked Andy if he was nice and comfy like that and he nodded a "yes".

I remembered Andy's "interrogation" of me about Glen while I was gagged with the rubber ball and tied to my bed topless in just my bikini bottoms. This time I happened to have something juicy to interrogate Andy about, and I decided that would be more fun than starting with a tickle torture.

A couple of months ago, Andy had taken notice of a girl in a school club we were in. Emma was a junior like me. Also like me, she liked the smart, handsome, quiet, shy guys (like Glen and Andy). Glen and I were known to be dating at school, but Andy was "unattached". When a club project needed a pair of volunteers, Emma asked Andy if he'd volunteer with her. I knew Andy had a big crush on Emma; he had admitted this to me months ago. Of course he couldn't turn down an offer like this.

Andy's nosy little sister knew something about the project, but it was time to get the whole story out of Andy. Now it was my turn to tease Andy with awkward and embarrassing questions, and my poor naked and helpless Andy had to nod or shake his head to answer yes or no. I started with the obvious stuff.

"So you really like that Emma from the club?" [nod]
"She's super cute, isn't she?" [nod]
"That was clever of her to volunteer you to clean up the storage room with her, wasn't it?"
I discovered that in addition to "yes" and "no", Andy had a third answer, as he shrugged his shoulders.
"That gave her plenty of unsupervised private time with you in that storage room off the stage, didn't it?"
Andy didn't respond at all to this one.
"Did she hug you and kiss you when she got you in there?" [after a long pause, Andy nodded]
"Did she do anything else to you?" [no response]
"Maybe pull down your pants just like your naughty little sister did?"
Andy blushed a little as he shook his head.
"Some of the shelves in the storage room are pretty high aren't they?" [nod]
"Did you have to use a ladder to reach them?" [nod]

"LIAR!" I was working on something else for the club, and the only possible ladder was folded up in the room with me that whole afternoon. Andy had been caught. I told Andy that since he had been caught in a lie, he was due for a severe tickle torture. With his arms strapped behind him in my diabolical denim device, he was very vulnerable.

My fingers went to work. Andy's sensitive ribs and his even more sensitive tummy were my prime targets, with an occasional detour to his feet. On the way back and forth my fingers went up and down his legs. I'd tickle him up to the edge of his most sensitive manly places, just enough to tease him even more and remind him I really could do absolutely anything I wanted with him without really touching him "there".

Andy thrashed wildly on my bed as I tickled him. He struggled for all he was worth, but my arm restraint proved to be inescapable. When I'd finally decided I'd given Andy enough, I stopped the tickle torture and went back to my interrogation.

I actually knew a little more of what had gone on in that storage room than I had let on. Another girlfriend of mine from the club had walked by the storeroom and seen Andy and Emma in there, and I had gotten a full report. It was all good natured; I liked Emma a lot, and I was glad she and Andy were taking an interest in each other. But back to my interrogation.

"You lied about using a ladder, didn't you?" [slow, sheepish nod]
"Emma knew how to get to those high shelves, didn't she?" [no response]
"You let her sit on your shoulders, didn't you?" [slow, sheepish nod]
"Did you pick her up by her cute little butt?" [no response]
"Did she just climb up you like a tree?" [no response]

I told Andy I remembered cleanup day. In particular, I remembered how Emma was wearing a cute tiny little spaghetti strap top and tight little short shorts. I teased Andy even more. "I saw how you were looking at Emma."

"Did you like the way those tight shorts showed off her cute little bottom?" [nod]
I turned around and wiggled my own bottom at Andy.
"She's skinny but she has some nice curvy padding."
"She felt nice and soft and warm up on your shoulders, didn't she?" [another nod]
"Did she rub herself against the back of your neck?" [no response]
"I'll be she wanted something of yours besides your neck between her legs!"

I was probably being a little too mean, but Andy had it coming after what he had done to me. I picked up the phone and pretended to dial.

"Hi Emma, this is Lauren. I have a big surprise for you that you'll really like! Yes indeed, my surprise is Andy; how did you ever guess? You'd like to talk to him? Oh, I'm sorry, he's tied up and he can't come to the phone now! Ha ha ha!"

"Hey Andy, do you think you could deal with two wild women at once? You know I've always been good about sharing my toys, even my favorite ones of all."

I pounced on Andy and cuddled him close to me. "You could get snuggled up between us; you'd stay so nice and warm." I started to sing... "And the Northern girls with the way they kiss ... They keep their boyfriends warm at night". I kissed Andy on his chest and his forehead and cuddled him close again. "I really should get Emma over here; she'd have so much fun with you like this, and I'm sure you'd love every second of it!"

I'm out of time for writing now, so I'll stop here for now. Of course my poor sweet helpless Andy will still be tied up for my further tickling and teasing when I get a chance to write up the next part. I promise you it will be naughtier than this one.

Re: Lauren

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 4:07 pm
by Soraka
When I had to take a writing break, my poor brother Andy was left with quite a mouthful. Specifically, it was a big rubber ball. His face was all taped up to keep the ball in. His legs were tied together at his ankles and just above and below his knees with soft thick nylon ropes.

Best of all, his arms were folded behind his back strapped into a device of my own creation that I made from old blue jeans and a few other scrap items I found around my house. During an intense tickle torture session, Andy had put up a fierce struggle, but my device had proven to be inescapable. I had two purposes in mind for this long tie up game. One was to thoroughly test my invention, and the other was just to have lots of fun.

As Andy struggled (to no effect), I teased him about Emma. Emma was a friend of mine from a school club that she, Andy, Glen, and I were all in. Emma and Andy had become increasingly close over the past few months leading up to this story. I had "caught" the two of them hugging and kissing more than once. I knew Emma was the aggressor in the relationship (kind of like me with Glen), and this was fine with me. Emma was smart and cute and friendly, and I could see how happy it made Andy to be with her. I wanted things to work out between them. But I still loved to tease Andy about it!

So back to teasing my sweet bound and gagged brother...

As I cuddled Andy on my bed, I started in again.

"Hey Andy, I have a great idea for a new school club for girls. It'll be for all the owners of shy but cute and cuddly boy toys. Emma and I could be the founding members. We'd tie up you and Glen and bring you in for show and tell."

"We could play fun sexy games too. Maybe we'd strip all our boys naked and tie them up and gag them. The we'd pick a girl at random and we'd blindfold her and let her try to find her boy by feel. She'd have to feel around to find the boys, then she could touch them any place she wanted. Of course the boys would all be tied up nice and tight so there wouldn't be a thing they could do to stop her."

Andy couldn't really smile with that ball taped in his mouth, but I could tell from this look in his eyes he was kind of enjoying my teasing.

"What do you think the game prize should be? Maybe if the girl guesses her boy right she gets to take him home and do anything she wants with him. But if she gets it wrong, maybe the guy she guessed should get to tie her up and have some fun with her instead. What do you think? I guess to make it fair for all the girls, we'd give them all a chance to get blindfolded and feel up all the guys before we did prizes."

"We could play the game with both the boys and the girls. Since we've all found such sweet cuddly loving boyfriends, we could let them tie up all of us girls at once and then the lucky boy whose turn it was would be blindfolded and he'd have to try to find his girl by feel."

It was obvious by this point that Andy was enjoying the crazy story I was making up. With each new naughty detail, he rose to the occasion a bit more. I thought about pulling up my sheet and teasing Andy about being a human tent pole, but I had better ideas (and I liked watching the show directly, as well as knowing how embarrasing it must have been for Andy to be so conspicously aroused).

I took my sleep mask blindfold and put it on Andy. I carefully positioned it and smoothed it on his cheeks so peeking would be impossible. "If a guy guessed wrong, the penalty would be that he'd get stripped naked, bound, gagged, and blindfolded. Then whatever girl he had picked would be untied and he'd be left completely at her mercy. Just like I've got you right now."

"Of course when it was the guys turn to identify the girls, I'm sure you naughty guys would strip us of everything before you tied us up, and you'd make sure we were nice and helpless with our hands tied behind our backs so we couldn't even defend any of our sensitive places. I think you'd be great at that game, Andy! Your so competitive when you play games I'll bet you'd be very thorough when you felt the girls, just so you wouldn't make a mistake and lose. And you know how to tied up a girl so she's really helpless and exposed and defenseless."

"I'm glad I saved all my patterns for my 'diabolical denim device'. It looks like I'll need to make a second one pretty soon. That way Emma and I will be able to keep you and Glen both helpless at the same time for our pleasure and enjoyment."

But I was starting to worry. I'd had Andy bound and gagged for quite a while, and I needed to make sure he was OK. I realized that one problem with my device is that I couldn't see and touch his hands to check on their circulation. I decided to be safe and make a change. I went to my toy drawer and got out three more short ropes.

I sat Andy up in my bed and I got behind him. I flipped back the outer denim flaps, unclipped the plastic buckles, and slipped his arms out of the tubes. "I'm letting your arms out, but you have to keep your blindfold on." Andy stretched out his arms in front of him, while I hugged him from behind.

I liked the way Andy had tied me sitting up to my bed headboard, so I thought I'd try it on him. His legs were still tied together, but I slid him back against the head of my bed, repositioning the pillows for his comfort. I got both his wrists tied to the top brass rail of the bed, and one elbow.

I had six ropes of the appropriate length, but the other three were already in use on his legs. At least now with his wrists tied, Andy wasn't going anywhere, so I untied his legs and used those ropes to finish tieing his arms at the shoulders and elbows.

I thought about the "frog" pose Andy had put me in that left me so deliciously exposed and vulnerable, but Andy isn't nearly as flexible as me, and since he's a guy, it wasn't really necessary; all his interesting equipment was already out on display. So I just got a pair of longer ropes and tied his ankles to the bottom bedposts, legs wide open.

I was also getting worried about Andy's jaw, and I kind of wanted to hear his voice again. I pulled the tape off his face (not a pleasant experience for him, but that's the price we pay for some of our games). I popped out the ball, and just like me he drooled all over himself. I got a washcloth and cleaned up his face and chest.

"Still having fun, my loveable prisoner". Andy nodded his head vigorously "yes", forgetting that he could talk now. I asked him if his jaw was OK after being gagged. He finally spoke, and he said his jaw was a little stiff but he would be OK. I took off his blindfold. I had another naughty "prisoner experiment" that I wanted to try.

I asked Andy if he were ever captured and somebody wanted to get some information out of him, would they be able to torture it out of him? Andy told me he thought he could hold out no matter what. I asked him if we were both being tortured, who did he think would hold out longer. He thought about that for a while. He told me he thought he was tougher but I was crazier, so it would be a close call. He also told me that the one thing that might make him give in was seeing somebody hurt me. He said he loved me too much to watch that.

He's such a sweetie! That remark deserved another long cuddle, this time with a little more skin to skin. I pulled off my shirt, and I unhooked my bra and slipped it off too. I tossed both over onto my dresser. I still had my panties and my short shorts on. I hugged my tied up Andy, enjoying the wonderful feel of his lightly furry chest on my bare breasts.

After the hug, I told Andy about something else the couple I knew from online tried in their play. I went back to my toy drawer and pulled out something new, something Andy hadn't seen before. It was a pair of clothespins, the old fashioned wood kind with two wood jaws and a steel coil spring in between them.

"Do you know you can use these to punish a naughty girl?" Andy was already at least slightly in on my "online research" about nipple play, so he had a pretty good idea where this was heading, but he played dumb. "Really, what do you do, take her to the clothesline and hang her out to dry?" and he gave me sort of a half naughty smile. "I suppose you could, but it would work much better to put them right on her nipples. They'll pinch hard enough to drive her crazy; they'll sting and burn, but they won't cause her any real damage. I think they'd be a great way if you had to get a girl to spill her secrets."

I continued my "instruction". "Of course you'd tie the girl up first. You could tie her in a chair, and tie her hands behind her back nice and tight so there would be no way she could reach to get the clothespins off her nipples. She'd squirm and struggle with all her might but there wouldn't be a thing she could do about those things. She'd be totally at your mercy."

"You know what I learned from Ann and Tim at the online bulletin board? These work on guys too. Guys don't grow breasts like girls, but their nipples still have all the same nerves so they can be very sensitive too." I picked up the pair of clothespins and approached Andy's nipples menacingly. I pinched one of his nipples in my fingers and pretended to start putting the first clothespin on when I stopped.

I pulled a second pair of clothespins out of my two drawer. "Let's have a competition. Let's see which one of us can stand these the longest before they give in and beg for mercy. Andy pointed out that it wouldn't be a very fair competition. His arms were tied to the bed, so even if he gave up he still be at my mercy to actually take the clothespins off his nipples.

I was ready for this, and I had a clever plan. Even though Andy was my prisoner, I wanted an even match for this. I picked up one of the clothespins and held it in my teeth. I bit down to open it, bent down, and clamped it onto an edge of my bedspread. I let go and sat back up and we saw it stayed in place. I bent back down, bit it in my teeth again to release it, and pulled it back off, held in my teeth.

I pointed out to Andy that we could take off clothespins from each other's nipples without our hands. That way we could make a game where we would each be dependent on the other. I went to my drawer and got out one more surprise, a shiny set of handcuffs. I had picked them up at a rummage sale (a lucky find!), and a pair of keys was included with them. A little chrome polish work and I had them looking like new. I unlocked the handcuffs and pressed the keys into Andy's right hand. I locked one cuff onto my right wrist.

I told Andy to hold on tight to the keys. I'd put the clothespins on both of us and handcuff myself with my hands behind my back. I wouldn't be able to get out until he let me have the keys, and I wouldn't be able to reach my own clothespins to get them off, so I'd be just as helpless as he was. When one of us couldn't take it any more and gave up, they'd present their clothespins to the winner's mouth, and the winner would release them with their teeth.

Andy told me that sometimes he just couldn't believe how naughty I was, but he agreed to play my game. I introduced one more rule. Since I didn't want to damage either one of us by keeping the clothespins on too long, I set a little wind up kitchen timer for 15 minutes. We agreed that if neither of us had given up before the 15 minute mark, it would be a draw.

I moved very quickly with the clothespins. I pinched one of my nipples very hard and put on the first clothespin. It felt like it hurt more than when I had practiced before, but I went on and immediately did the same to Andy. Then on to my other nipple, and Andy's too, then I immediately reached behind my back and locked the cuffs on my other wrist.

We teased and taunted each other, each of us boasting that we could easily outlast the other. They were worse than I had remembered, and I could tell from the look on Andy's face that he wasn't having an easy time of it either. Still, we were both so stubborn and competitive that we stuck out the full time. We were both relieved when that timer buzzed. I bent over to Andy's chest, took one clothespin in my mouth, bit down to open it, and pulled it off.

Andy let out quite a gasp. Taking them off hurt as much as wearing them, maybe even a little more. In my case, I hadn't thought about carefully picking clothespins that all had the same spring tension, so my left nipple was hurting a lot more than my right. I positioned myself so Andy could reach it with his mouth, and he promptly brought me a similar feeling like I'd been struck by lightening as it came off. We repeated for the other pair of clothespins.

Andy said he couldn't believe how much it hurt after they came off. I told him that Ann and Tim had said that sucking on the victims nipples after the clothespins came off would make them feel better sooner. Andy was skeptical but I went to his chest and gave one of his nipples a good long kiss with lots of suction. I repeated for the other one, and he said that it did seem better.

Andy knew I was going to want the same treatment. He didn't hesitate or complain about such intimate contact with his sister, and it really did help me feel better. After he finished he told me he probably should have bitten my nipples for coming up with such an incredibly naughty game in the first place. Of course I immediately stuck my breasts in his face and dared him to to it. He eventually gave me just a little love bite.

He let me have the handcuff keys back and I let myself out and put the cuffs and keys away back in the toy drawer. Now that my arms were free, I hugged Andy for another nice cuddle break before the next round. After a few minutes of gentleness, I went back to teasing Andy with my fantasy girl's club game...

"Hey Andy, if Emma and I blindfolded you and Glen and made you try to tell us apart by touch, how would you do it?" I put the blindfold back on him and carefully arranged and smoothed it. "Emma and I about the same size and shape so it wouldn't be easy for you guys. Our hair color is different but that wouldn't do you guys any good blindfolded."

Andy joined in the game. "If you two ever got me into a game like that, I'll bet if I spanked both of your naughty little bottoms, I could tell you apart by the different sounds. Emma would probably cry out, and you'd probably squeal with delight hoping for more, you naughty little thing."

I was ready for that one. "How do you know your sweet Emma isn't just as naughty as me. In fact, she might be even naughtier. Don't say I didn't warn you when I come home one day to find you tied up naked and in her clutches. And don't expect me to rescue you!" Andy responded, "What makes you..." I piped up in unison with him "... so sure I would want to be rescued."

I had a huge smile (which Andy couldn't see). I was so happy I had succeeded in getting him to not just go along with my tie up games, but to actually start having some real fun with them. Time for a little more teasing...

"So how well do you really know Emma. Is she the gentle sweetheart she comes across as, or is she really a crazy wild woman like me? Do you know what I think, Andy? I think that inside every gentle sweetheart there is crazy wild woman just waiting to burst out."

Andy teased back. "Just imagine if they all burst out at once. No man would be safe! But seriously, you've known Emma longer and better than me. What do you think she'll be like? Well, you know..."

"You mean what do I think she'll be like in bed, don't you? You know Andy, you're really just as naughty as me!"

I picked up my creation and dragged it lightly across Andy's chest. "Here's another way to play the game. Instead of just blindfolding the boy, us girls could use my little denim invention to strap his arms behind his back. Then he wouldn't be able to use his hands at all. He wouldn't be able to take off the blindfold either. He'd have to use his lips and tongue to identify the girls. Maybe he kiss them, or lick them and see how they tasted."

"He could lick her where she liked it the best and see if she was the quiet type or if she was a squealer or a screamer when she came. There might even be one girl who is a real noisemaker when she comes." Andy spoke up again. "And we'd all know who that would be!" Guilty as charged. One more secret of mine that Andy knew now, since he had watched me getting myself off (a couple of stories ago).

I kept up my game teasing. I picked up the phone and made sure Andy heard the dial tone. I punched a few buttons and acted like I was talking to someone. "Hi Emma, can you come over right away? Remember that game we came up with? I've got your favorite cute boy all tied up and ready to play with us. Oh, you're with Melissa and Sarah? Bring them too; the more the merrier!"

I took a couple of minutes for more tickle fun with Andy, then I jumped up. "I hear a knock ... it's the girls." I ran up and down the stairs a couple of times to make the sound of a lot of foot traffic.

"OK young ladies, remember the game rules. For this round you have to stay completely silent. Violators will be gagged for the next three rounds. When your number is drawn make yourself available for our handsome contestant."

I was hoping the game would get especially naughty, so I took off my shorts and my panties to get completely naked (very quietly, so as to surprise Andy).

"Contestest Andy: I will release your arms and hands for the game now. You may touch the girls any way you'd like, but you can't ask them any questions or take off your blindfold." I undid all the ropes securing his arms to the bed. Andy stretched his arms out and felt around gingerly in thin air.

"Girl number 1! Present yourself to the contestant." I stayed silent from this point on. I climbed onto my bed naked and took up a very naughty pose indeed. I knelt down next to Andy and I bent forward onto my hands and knees with my backside in comfortable reach. I had my knees well apart, so all my female charms were out there for a full "rear view" display.

My blindfolded Andy pawed high in the air and missed me altogether. Then he swept his hand slowly down near the bed. He made first contact with my leg, on my inner thigh, just above my knee. He very slowly worked up my leg, staying at my inner thigh. He was touching me with a silky soft light touch. It tickled and it took everything I had not to explode laughing.

I was starting to squirm and shake a little from the tickling touch, and I'm sure Andy felt this, since he backtracked on my inner thigh heading toward my knee again. The tickling was too much, but the light touch on my sensitive skin was also turning me on incredibly.

His reversed again and his hand made its way up once more. He was using a feathery touch that tickled and turned me on at the same time. He thought I still had my shorts on, so he was quite surprised to find his fingers stroking my bare outer pussy lips. At this point all thoughts of proper boundaries were out of my mind. It just felt way too good to stop.

Then "smack", I felt a swat on my bare bottom. Andy's aim was a little off, thanks to the blindfold, but it was enough to bring me back. He spoke up.

"I figured it out. This must be Lauren. There's no way Emma could be THAT naughty!"

"You win! I believe under the contest rules you get to take me home and do anything you want with me. You can even tie me up if you like."

"That sounds more like something you'd like. But at the least I should probably give you a proper spanking just for being so incredibly naughty."

Andy pulled off the blindfold. He was greeted by the sight of me wriggling my bare bottom at him. He used both hands to give me a couple of dozen fast swats alternating on both sides of my bare bottom. Then he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me to him. He told me I was crazy but he loved me more than anything in the world.

We cuddled and talked about our developing relationships with Emma and Glen. Things were going very well between Emma and Andy, other than the fact that they were both so busy with schoolwork and other responsibilities that they didn't have very much time for each other. By now it was late spring, and they both eagerly awaited summer break. The situation with Glen and me was pretty much the same. We were going a little slower, for a variety of reasons, but little by little things were heading toward a more intimate relationship.

Then Andy shared something with me he had noticed about Emma. They were doing lots of hugging and kissing at this point, and he brought up a particular hug style. "Hey Lauren, you know that one way you like to be hugged?" I actually didn't know; I love touching and cuddling and hugging, so I pretty much like to be hugged every way possible as long as it isn't by somebody who isn't good to me.

Andy got more specific. "The way you'll come up to me with your arms down at my sides and I wrap my arms totally around you, including your arms, so you're trapped in the hug. Then I squeeze you really close against me and I hold you tight that way and I don't let you out for a while. You love it; you practically glow when I do that to you." So now at least I got what he meant. He went on.

"When I was saying goodbye to Emma after the this week's club meeting she came up to me for a hug like she always does. She had her arms down like that and it was so instinctive from my hugging you I just grabbed her and squeezed her really close and held her really tight against me. And I got kind of turned on and I think she noticed my, um, physical response. I don't know how she wouldn't have; I had her against me so close and tight. I was afraid I might have gone too far, but when I let her go she looked all excited and happy."

"But it gets better. When I let he go, she just said 'my turn now', and she ran her hands down my arms like I was supposed to put them down by my sides. I did, and she grabbed on to me and held my arms by my sizes. She squeezed me so hard I thought I might pop. And she wiggled her hips around and rubbed herself against me, if you know what I mean. The effect on me was obvious (and embarrassing). When she was done with me her ride was heading down the school drive, so she just gave me a big kiss and ran off. At least I don't think anyone else saw me like that."

I told Andy this was a great sign of things to come. Emma and I weren't absolute best friends, but we were friends, and she had commented to me a few times about how much she liked Andy.

Then I talked about Glen. I still had lingering fears that he was going to be too straight laced for me. Andy admitted he couldn't be sure, but he was willing to bet that Glen was so wild about me that he'd do anything I ever asked for, no matter how naughty or crazy. I hoped Andy was right.

Andy told me I should be careful if I ever tried tying Glen up to my bed and tickle torturing and teasing him (like I had done to Andy). "He's pretty strong, and might get so insanely turned on he'd put up an incredible struggle. He might break out." I told Andy my ropes were strong enough to lift a car; there was no way they'd break. Andy persisted. "They're only as strong as what they are tied to. And that would be your bed. If he pulls hard enough ..."

"Mom and Dad are pretty liberal and tolerant, but this might be pushing it. I can just see it." Then Andy started imitating my voice: "Daddy, could you please buy me a new bed? I'm sorry but I had my boyfriend stripped naked and tied spread eagle to my bed and I was teasing him by shaking my bare bottom and my shaved pussy in his face and he got so excited that he pulled on the ropes really hard and broke my bed." He went back to his own voice: "I guess that's a little better than saying that a man came in the window and he started jumping on your bed."

We had a laugh and more cuddling. By this time we were both pretty hungry, so we went off to make ourselves some dinner. After that we had schoolwork to finish, then we went off to bed. I didn't even need a thunderstorm or any extra pushing or scheming to get Andy to come to my room and snuggle up with me for the night.

That's all for that TUG. The funny thing about writing up these stories is that each time I think I'm ready to tell you about my first time with Glen (which was pretty tame), I remember something even naughtier that Andy and I did that spring, so I'm not sure which I'll be ready to write up next...