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Kim83Kim : 02 - Babysitting, Part 2 (self/F, M/F)

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 2:27 am
by Fordman
Kim83Kim's stories
02 - Babysitting, Part 2
Story index at the bottom

By Kim83Kim

Note: This story was recovered from the old site, assembled from multiple posts, and edited for spelling and format to improve the reader’s experience. This story was also edited for content to comply with current posting guidelines.

Quick recap. I am babysitting neighbors for a few days. It started Monday morning, and they were going to be back Thursday evening sometime.

My last experience ended Tuesday morning. The rest of Tuesday and Wednesday went good. When Wednesday night came around, Jimmy had gone to a friend’s house and was spending the night there, and Jake and Josh were both out doing stuff with their friends and I told them to be back by 11 pm, so I was basically alone for the night.

I started watching some movies that were on TV and came across one that had someone being tied up. I sort of laughed and thought of my experience earlier. I quickly became disinterested in the show and turned it off. I made my way back to my room and again dug out the bag of bondage material.

I was so intrigued by my last experience and thought I could experiment for a little bit without having to lose control. I started digging through the stuff trying to decide what I wanted to do. I decided that I would start with a gag. I loved the gag last time except for the fact that it made me lose control.

This time that wasn't a problem. I went for a ball-gag. As I started to dig through more, the phone started to ring. I took out my gag and went to find a cordless phone. I did not recognize the caller ID so I did not answer (that is what I had been doing if I was by myself) but I did think it wise to have a phone by me.

I again put the ball-gag on, and decided that I would just start tying my legs, and see how I could do as I was not experienced at tying up rope. I followed what I remembered them doing before, and while not perfect, I was glad with what I had done. I spent a little time trying to escape, then re-tying up my legs trying different things to get a feel for how to do it. I was enjoying myself.

Just for info, I had a pair of jeans on, and one of my favorite pink tops. It was slightly small for me, and therefore tight, which is one reason that I like it. I didn't want to hurt my ankles, so after the first few times I started tying on top of my jeans. After a little bit I found a good tie for my ankles, and moved on to my knees. I quickly had rope both above and below my knees. I was surprised at how much more secure that made my ankles feel when I had those two.

Feeling proud of myself I slowly made my way back to the TV, bringing the bag with me. By this time it was about 8:30, plenty of time. I started watching TV and tried to think of a good way to tie my arms securely while still being able to get out easily if needed. I came up with some good ideas with rope, but nothing that I couldn't easily slip out of. After a little bit I decided to try the cuffs I had on before.

I first got the key, put it on a string, and tied that string to a wrist so I would have it with me. Before I locked it I tested to see if I could get the key and let myself free. It worked alright. I did that and watched TV until about 9:30 occasionally changing having my hands behind me, in front of me, over my head etc...

I turned off the TV, set my arms free, and started digging through the other treasures that were in there. I took off my ball gag and got out a bandana to try a different sort of gag. After being unsatisfied with just the bandana I grabbed another and shoved it in my mouth, then tied the other one over again. I decided I didn't really like that so I replaced it with some tape that was in the bag still with my mouth stuffed. This was a different feel and I liked it, way more comfortable than the ball-gag, but didn't have as much of a helpless feel to it.

I again made my way back to my room and sat on my bed. I cuffed my hands again to the headboard this time and determined that I would not unlock my hands until a) I got my legs free or b) 10:30 rolled around. Well I didn't get free, but I did get close I thought. I got the knee ones to wiggle lose, but I couldn't get my ankles lose so they wouldn't slide all the way off. I unlocked my hands, untied what was left of my legs and took the gag off. As I was putting the stuff away, I heard the door open and close, I had gotten out just in time. I quickly threw everything in the bag and determined that I would organize it later. I had fun though. I briefly talked with Jake and Josh, and we all went to bed.

More to come of the next day’s events when I have time

Sorry it has been so long.

So back to the story. So now it was Thursday, Their Parents were due back that evening. All morning I kept thinking of how I could get them to tie me up again without Jake and Josh thinking that I wanted to be tied up. They asked me a couple of times to tie me up saying that it was their last day, I usually left it open but tried to decline by saying "maybe later" or "not now" setting up a game later, but acting like I didn't want to.

Around Lunch Josh said "so when are you going to let us tie you up? We have been waiting patiently for long enough." now was the perfect time to implement a well thought out response. (By the way, I had on a skimpy tank top, and a button down shirt over it, as well as some shorts.)

"How about this" I said "We will do a little game, I will take off my shirt (the button down one) and you get one rope. You can put me and the shirt in any room you want in the house, as long as it is the same room, and if you can keep me from getting my shirt back on in 30 min with only 1 rope, you can have fun until your parents get home. But, if I can get my shirt on, you have to stop bugging me for the rest of the day about tying me up. Deal?"

Jake and Josh talked about it then said "how about 2 ropes and 1 hour and 15 min? We will make them two normal ropes instead of one long one."

I thought about it, I really liked the Idea, especially since they brought it up, then it doesn't look like I'm too eager. After a little bit I said "fine" and tried to sound a bit reluctant.

They took me back to where I had first been tied up, this time they secured my shirt to the loop where the punching bag once hung. They then took me over to the weight bench, grabbed the bar they used to bench press, and tied my wrists to that. The bar had stoppers to keep the weights from going too far in, and had removable clamps to keep weights from falling off.

They secured me to the bar using those two things to keep me from sliding the rope off the bar. They had me lay on the bench as if I were going to lift some weights. They then grabbed a roll of duct tape and taped the bar to the bars it rested on so I couldn't lift it up, I protested, but they said I didn't prohibit them from using duct tape on something else, the only rule was only 2 ropes for me. I tried to argue, but they had me.

Jimmy finished it by saying "even if it was against your rules, what are you going to do about it now?"

I was starting to get a little mad, and very excited. I knew exactly where this was leading

Well, I did get farther then I had originally thought I would, but I still didn't escape. They came back almost 2 hours later, and just laughed.

"Now we have you for the rest of the day.” They said.

I said I would do what I said, but they had cheated.

"Here's how it will work," I said, "Your parents are due back between 7 and 8 tonight, so you have two options. Option 1 you can have your fun, but nothing too extreme, and you start to untie me at 6 and I won't tell your parents. Option 2, if you don't care about me telling your parents, I don't have any leverage now so you can do whatever you want, and even leave me tied up and let your parents find me and you can find out how they react. It is up to you."

Jake and Josh were both surprised, and excited by the 2nd option, neither one had thought of that. They neglected to make a decision right then, but decided that I needed a new position, and some more restraints. Before they untied my hands they started to tie my legs.

"Remember, you have over 3 hours, and that is a long time to stay tied up in an uncomfortable position, so while you can do whatever you want, it would be easier for me to last 3 hours if it isn't all extremely tight." I said.

"Oh don't worry we will take care of you." Jake said.

After untying my hands, and tying them up again behind my back, they carried me over to the recliner by their TV, and tied me to that, by putting my hands over my head, and fastening that to the bottom of the chair. They put the leg rest up and tied my feet to that. They added some more rope to make sure I was secure, and a Gag. They then sat back and started watching TV. they would occasionally come over and tickle me, as my feet were very open to that.

The next couple of hours were like that, just relaxing watching TV, with the occasional tickle, and as time went on they decided to lift up my shirt, and other such things that boys will do, but it was mostly just TV.

Just a little after 5 the phone rang. Josh went and got it, then he said oh yeah, hold on a minute. He then came and got me, told me it was his parents and they wanted to talk to me. He said if I said anything about being tied up, they would make sure I regretted it.

I consented, and he brought me the phone. They told me that they could come back if I needed them to, but if I was alright to stay for another day, they were going to extend their vacation until tomorrow night. I said that was fine. They asked if I was going to miss anything, I told them I was ok to stay, and if I did have to leave for some reason, I could call a friend to come and stay the extra day. They thanked me, and hung up. That made my situation a lot worse.

After explaining what they said to Jake and Josh and Jimmy (who had joined us watching TV) they were all very excited, and said, "We get to keep you tied up another day. Now we can really have some fun."

kim83kim's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Adults" section