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Post by bondagefreak »

Alright, I've made up my mind and am building my own team as well - which I will not be rating.
It was a hard decision to exclude Mitch from my selection, seeing as how he and his colleagues could prove invaluable. With that being said, Mitch comes with a highly justified, yet hefty price tag. Hence my decision to exclude him. I don't have as much life experience as he does (being only in my early 30s), but I'm very wilderness savvy, I have the brawn and could act as a backup medic due to having emergency/CPR training. I would rate myself a 6 on the credit scale, so my being part of the team partially mitigates some of the disadvantages associated with Mitch's absence.

I decided to maximise brawn, cold/harsh weather survival skills and go positively batshit crazy on capture & restrain skills. Once our immediate needs are met, a defendable shelter is built and our food supply becomes less of a concern, the capturing of a few trainable prisoners - future wives - will become a high priority. Though it may take months or even years to harvest suitable would-be spouses, my team will initially include only a single dependent, so as to make room for more able-bodied men.


ZACK, NICK and MYSELF would serve as team leaders. Three is a good and perfectly balanced number in my books. All three of us are reasonably experienced, brawny, experienced builders with excellent survival skills and high capture & restrain skills. I also think we would even each other out, personality-wise.

SHAWN would be our chief lieutenant; in charge of executing and enforcing whatever decisions Zack, Nick and myself took + in charge of keeping his fellow backup providers (Ryan and Andrew) in line. He will be pivotal in ensuring group cohesion and will be tasked with many duties so as to keep him oriented and focused. Shawn is not the type of guy you want left to his own devices. He requires a clear purpose to thrive. He will be our right hand and our backup.

RYAN would be our chief torturer and prisoner bailiff. His scout training and high capture and restrain skills coupled with his brawn, his slyness and his somewhat more sadistic tendencies makes him an excellent choice to carry out hard decisions. His scouting experience, his stamina and hunky-athletic build would make him a very potent raider. He will act as Shawn's right hand and as a secondary backup provider. Ryan will be in charge of orchestrating and overseeing the training of prisoner spouses.

ANDREW would be our chief medic, with myself acting as his backup. Though lacking our brawn, he is possessed of great height and slightly higher-than-average strength, making him more than suitable for basic offence/defence missions. His high capture and restraint skills make him an invaluable asset out on the field, but always as part of a team and never alone. Andrew's mandate, however, will be very clear; he is the domestic enforcer, in charge of keeping our single dependent under close watch. He will also be doubling as a secondary prisoner bailiff when/if suitable captives are found.

All three secondary backups will be personally mentored by Zack, Nick and myself. Zack will forge a mentorship bond with Shawn. Nick will forge a similar brotherly relationship with Ryan and I will take care of personally training Andrew and mentoring him in the ways of survival.

STEVEN would be our team pillar. He will be tasked with keeping the shelter in order, outdoor and indoor (hydroponic) farming year-round. He will be in charge of all things domestic; be it cooking, food management, laundering and cleaning. All of it, under Andrew's watchful supervision. Steven will serve as our communal cum-dump, most likely for months and quite possibly even years before finally benefiting from the presence of fellow captive-turned-dependents and being taken as Nick's personal wifey-boi.

Additionally, extra care will be placed on Steven's physical and mental well-being; with myself, Nick and Zack enforcing reasonable limits on his usage. Steven will also be privy to one-on-one nights with Zack, Nick and myself, during which he will be granted a reprieve and/or exposed to very slow and gentle love-making.

Steven's mental well-being will also come in the form of a strong bond between himself and Andrew; both of whom would enjoy each other's company and forge a close "big brother/little brother" type bond. Zack, Nick and I will make it our personal duty to keep a watchful eye over the secondary providers and their relationship with Steven. Shawn in particular will be encouraged to treat Steven gently and with great care.

Should Steven suffer a morale breakdown, Zack will immediately jump in to offer his support and remind our dependent of how critical and important he is to the group.

So there you have it.

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Post by bondagefreak »



ADVANTAGES: Large-size party. Very good amount of brawn & muscle (Mitch, Shawn, Chris & Ryan). Decent amount of capture & restrain skills (Mitch, Ryan, and to a more limited extent Shawn). Numerous providers with numerous dependents to cook, clean and take care of more menial & domestic tasks. One highly capable and experienced leader with three very brawny and capable backups (Shawn, Chris & Ryan). One very restraint-savvy backup provider (Ryan) to supervise and keep dependents/and or prisoners under strict control. Dedicated prisoner-bailiff/torturer (Ryan). Resourceful members (Joshua). High potential for romance and pairing-offs. Strong friendship bonds (Shawn & Chris). Perfect parity between providers and dependents.

DISADVANTAGES: Young party with somewhat lower than ideal overall experience. Only a single experienced provider with no experienced backups to take his place.


A - Very high survivability
B - High survivability
C - Medium survivability
D - Low survivability
E - Very low survivabilty
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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

I'll take a B+!
If Shawn was switched out for Nick, what would the rating have been? Maybe doing that would've bumped up the quality a bit.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Be proud of your team. You've assembled a nice one! Also lots of pairing-off opportunities.
I'm not sure whose personal boi you'd end up being in that scenario (Shawn's? Chris'? Ryan's? Maybe even Mitch's? :o ) but with Steven, Ethan and Joshua in the mix (plus Ryan to keep you twerps in check) you and your friends are bound to have a lot of fun.

As for the overall score I gave your team, Nick's inclusion would've bumped the score up to A tier. Nick is basically a more potent & more experienced (plus more costly) Shawn. Shawn is still a very solid pick though. I chose him for my team as well.
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Post by Footsub123 »

bondagefreak wrote: 11 months ago Alright, I've made up my mind and am building my own team as well - which I will not be rating.
It was a hard decision to exclude Mitch from my selection, seeing as how he and his colleagues could prove invaluable. With that being said, Mitch comes with a highly justified, yet hefty price tag. Hence my decision to exclude him. I don't have as much life experience as he does (being only in my early 30s), but I'm very wilderness savvy, I have the brawn and could act as a backup medic due to having emergency/CPR training. I would rate myself a 6 on the credit scale, so my being part of the team partially mitigates some of the disadvantages associated with Mitch's absence.

I decided to maximise brawn, cold/harsh weather survival skills and go positively batshit crazy on capture & restrain skills. Once our immediate needs are met, a defendable shelter is built and our food supply becomes less of a concern, the capturing of a few trainable prisoners - future wives - will become a high priority. Though it may take months or even years to harvest suitable would-be spouses, my team will initially include only a single dependent, so as to make room for more able-bodied men.


ZACK, NICK and MYSELF would serve as team leaders. Three is a good and perfectly balanced number in my books. All three of us are reasonably experienced, brawny, experienced builders with excellent survival skills and high capture & restrain skills. I also think we would even each other out, personality-wise.

SHAWN would be our chief lieutenant; in charge of executing and enforcing whatever decisions Zack, Nick and myself took + in charge of keeping his fellow backup providers (Ryan and Andrew) in line. He will be pivotal in ensuring group cohesion and will be tasked with many duties so as to keep him oriented and focused. Shawn is not the type of guy you want left to his own devices. He requires a clear purpose to thrive. He will be our right hand and our backup.

RYAN would be our chief torturer and prisoner bailiff. His scout training and high capture and restrain skills coupled with his brawn, his slyness and his somewhat more sadistic tendencies makes him an excellent choice to carry out hard decisions. His scouting experience, his stamina and hunky-athletic build would make him a very potent raider. He will act as Shawn's right hand and as a secondary backup provider. Ryan will be in charge of orchestrating and overseeing the training of prisoner spouses.

ANDREW would be our chief medic, with myself acting as his backup. Though lacking our brawn, he is possessed of great height and slightly higher-than-average strength, making him more than suitable for basic offence/defence missions. His high capture and restraint skills make him an invaluable asset out on the field, but always as part of a team and never alone. Andrew's mandate, however, will be very clear; he is the domestic enforcer, in charge of keeping our single dependent under close watch. He will also be doubling as a secondary prisoner bailiff when/if suitable captives are found.

All three secondary backups will be personally mentored by Zack, Nick and myself. Zack will forge a mentorship bond with Shawn. Nick will forge a similar brotherly relationship with Ryan and I will take care of personally training Andrew and mentoring him in the ways of survival.

STEVEN would be our team pillar. He will be tasked with keeping the shelter in order, outdoor and indoor (hydroponic) farming year-round. He will be in charge of all things domestic; be it cooking, food management, laundering and cleaning. All of it, under Andrew's watchful supervision. Steven will serve as our communal cum-dump, most likely for months and quite possibly even years before finally benefiting from the presence of fellow captive-turned-dependents and being taken as Nick's personal wifey-boi.

Additionally, extra care will be placed on Steven's physical and mental well-being; with myself, Nick and Zack enforcing reasonable limits on his usage. Steven will also be privy to one-on-one nights with Zack, Nick and myself, during which he will be granted a reprieve and/or exposed to very slow and gentle love-making.

Steven's mental well-being will also come in the form of a strong bond between himself and Andrew; both of whom would enjoy each other's company and forge a close "big brother/little brother" type bond. Zack, Nick and I will make it our personal duty to keep a watchful eye over the secondary providers and their relationship with Steven. Shawn in particular will be encouraged to treat Steven gently and with great care.

Should Steven suffer a morale breakdown, Zack will immediately jump in to offer his support and remind our dependent of how critical and important he is to the group.

So there you have it.
@bondagefreak Great team! would love to be captured by you all, and turned into a wifey boi lol

I don't know the rating criteria but given that you have quite a lot of members, you have the same skills as Mitch, and Andrew is a training paramedic, you could survive a long time. However, you have lack of members to be used as a sexual release. I'd give it a B+ but you could be an A if you get another sub on board - me or @Stormee for example lol ;)
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Post by 4toes »

bondagefreak wrote: 11 months ago Alright, I've made up my mind and am building my own team as well - which I will not be rating.
It was a hard decision to exclude Mitch from my selection, seeing as how he and his colleagues could prove invaluable. With that being said, Mitch comes with a highly justified, yet hefty price tag. Hence my decision to exclude him. I don't have as much life experience as he does (being only in my early 30s), but I'm very wilderness savvy, I have the brawn and could act as a backup medic due to having emergency/CPR training. I would rate myself a 6 on the credit scale, so my being part of the team partially mitigates some of the disadvantages associated with Mitch's absence.

I decided to maximise brawn, cold/harsh weather survival skills and go positively batshit crazy on capture & restrain skills. Once our immediate needs are met, a defendable shelter is built and our food supply becomes less of a concern, the capturing of a few trainable prisoners - future wives - will become a high priority. Though it may take months or even years to harvest suitable would-be spouses, my team will initially include only a single dependent, so as to make room for more able-bodied men.


ZACK, NICK and MYSELF would serve as team leaders. Three is a good and perfectly balanced number in my books. All three of us are reasonably experienced, brawny, experienced builders with excellent survival skills and high capture & restrain skills. I also think we would even each other out, personality-wise.

SHAWN would be our chief lieutenant; in charge of executing and enforcing whatever decisions Zack, Nick and myself took + in charge of keeping his fellow backup providers (Ryan and Andrew) in line. He will be pivotal in ensuring group cohesion and will be tasked with many duties so as to keep him oriented and focused. Shawn is not the type of guy you want left to his own devices. He requires a clear purpose to thrive. He will be our right hand and our backup.

RYAN would be our chief torturer and prisoner bailiff. His scout training and high capture and restrain skills coupled with his brawn, his slyness and his somewhat more sadistic tendencies makes him an excellent choice to carry out hard decisions. His scouting experience, his stamina and hunky-athletic build would make him a very potent raider. He will act as Shawn's right hand and as a secondary backup provider. Ryan will be in charge of orchestrating and overseeing the training of prisoner spouses.

ANDREW would be our chief medic, with myself acting as his backup. Though lacking our brawn, he is possessed of great height and slightly higher-than-average strength, making him more than suitable for basic offence/defence missions. His high capture and restraint skills make him an invaluable asset out on the field, but always as part of a team and never alone. Andrew's mandate, however, will be very clear; he is the domestic enforcer, in charge of keeping our single dependent under close watch. He will also be doubling as a secondary prisoner bailiff when/if suitable captives are found.

All three secondary backups will be personally mentored by Zack, Nick and myself. Zack will forge a mentorship bond with Shawn. Nick will forge a similar brotherly relationship with Ryan and I will take care of personally training Andrew and mentoring him in the ways of survival.

STEVEN would be our team pillar. He will be tasked with keeping the shelter in order, outdoor and indoor (hydroponic) farming year-round. He will be in charge of all things domestic; be it cooking, food management, laundering and cleaning. All of it, under Andrew's watchful supervision. Steven will serve as our communal cum-dump, most likely for months and quite possibly even years before finally benefiting from the presence of fellow captive-turned-dependents and being taken as Nick's personal wifey-boi.

Additionally, extra care will be placed on Steven's physical and mental well-being; with myself, Nick and Zack enforcing reasonable limits on his usage. Steven will also be privy to one-on-one nights with Zack, Nick and myself, during which he will be granted a reprieve and/or exposed to very slow and gentle love-making.

Steven's mental well-being will also come in the form of a strong bond between himself and Andrew; both of whom would enjoy each other's company and forge a close "big brother/little brother" type bond. Zack, Nick and I will make it our personal duty to keep a watchful eye over the secondary providers and their relationship with Steven. Shawn in particular will be encouraged to treat Steven gently and with great care.

Should Steven suffer a morale breakdown, Zack will immediately jump in to offer his support and remind our dependent of how critical and important he is to the group.

So there you have it.
Pretty solid line up you have come up with, sir. I like how you carefully put into mind, Steven, while creating your team. How I would love to be in his place :lol: or I could be your first captive :lol:

Kidding aside, it is very evident that you have given great attention in the mental well-being of others and I think this is very important in this type of scenario. Without this, chances of survival would be next to nothing.
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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

You know what? Here's an interesting question for everyone. Partially inspired by @bondagefreak - How many Earth Credit Points do you think you would give yourself?

I'd legit give myself 0, or even +1 (add to the total available ECs) / -1 (take away from the number of used ECs) as in given I'd be such a detriment you get point benefits to picking me 💀
Why? I see myself as a big liability in a situation like this. I'm young, deeply inexperienced, and not at all physically fit. I have medical issues, mental health issues, and would likely have a lot of difficulty coping. In addition, I'm sex-repulsed, and so pairing up with someone would be tricky. I complain and drag my feet a lot, and very well could end up annoying everyone else around me. I'd be likely more useless than Jeremy, as at least Jeremy has someone easy to pair off with, he's got a decently fit body for manual tasks, and he's quiet. Me? No :lol:
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Post by Footsub123 »

@OrdinaryWorld This a cool concept. I think I'm in the same boat as you, a 1, maybe a 2. We might make good captives though ;)
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Post by Volobond »

Despite not having access to your personal metric, allow me to give you a rating and explain.

Given Nick's sheer possessiveness, I can see an immediate fracture point in the group considering you have only one dependent, and Steven would definitely lower in performance should he be given reason to feel guilty or unfaithful. I do think Nick has the chance to prove a possible problem point, as if Zack isn't able to balance you two out, you may eventually grow to fight for dominance and chafe at sharing leadership.

You may be able to keep Shawn focused, but I worry about your use of him as chief upholder of group cohesion. Your plan of having a mentor and student relationship between leaders and backup enforcers is a sound one, but I fear with so many in that tier, you won't be able to keep Shawn busy and focused enough to keep him from going off in his own direction.

Steven being the sole dependent is a worry for me considering how vastly horny your leader tier is as well as Shawn and possibly Ryan. I may even suggest Andrew share some of Steven's domestic duties just to help him with the massive load (no pun intended) of work.

Ultimately, you have a risky start that could lead to a very strong outcome and solid raider territory slash outpost or a Jenga tower of personality that comes crashing down in spectacular fashion. Thus, I have to grade you a B+ for the disparity in provider to dependent ratio and potential personality pitfalls, despite your solid game plan.


You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by socjuc »

I am not sure we on this forum have the expertise to accurately select teams, as we don't know what they will be facing....especially on the alien scenarios.... :x

Now applying some basic math 18! = is a very large number of combinations, but then the points not allowing to go over 25, means this factorial would be reduced significantly.....likely more something like 3!x + 2!y + ...kidding just kidding. :lol:

My strategy I think is know how, fighting potential, and a smaller team able to learn and adapt...

+ MITCH; - experience both on how to tackle fires, I believe builds thinking out of the box, and using scarce materials to meet challenges. Medical training will be a necessity for handling injuries on the team. (7 Credits)

+ NICK; - It was a toss up between Nick and Zack for this pointage I was trying to hit. Nick because of his protective nature I could see him working with his entire team and always seeking to have his team safe. His tie up skills will easily be taught to his crew (6 Credits)

+ CHRIS; + COREY; + ANDREW; - The muscular soldiers needed to put plans in action, and to fight off any zombie or alien. And I think they are scrappers :lol: (11 Credits)

& ME (I am the spy/scout) I have 1 credit left but am not sure I need to use it? Will pick ETHAN then

It's a smaller team....like a seal team yeah! We are called 'Death Squad' :P

Here is where Bondagefreak'sChatGPT machine annihilates us :lol: Am ready!
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Post by Sockgaggedman »

bondagefreak wrote: 11 months ago Once our immediate needs are met, a defendable shelter is built and our food supply becomes less of a concern, the capturing of a few trainable prisoners - future wives - will become a high priority.
Well, I wouldn't mind abandoning my team and accidentally getting lost near Sir @bondagefreak's camp. I'm sure his merry men can house me for a night and then let me go. Very sure 8-)
A year ( or more) worth of torture and training is a good price for the posibility of being assigned as Zack's boi-wife.
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Post by bondagefreak »



ADVANTAGES: Very good amount of brawn & muscle. Overall excellent experience with high capture & restrain skills (Bob, Mitch, Andrew and yourself). Two level-headed providers with strong fatherly instincts. Two passive and brawny backup providers (Corey & Chris). One very restraint-savvy middle-lead (Andrew) to keep dependents and/or prisoners under strict control. Resourceful members (yourself).

DISADVANTAGES: Medium-sized party. Limited number of hands and eyes. No dependent dedicated to domestic tasks, with possibly yourself being the only viable means of sexual release for Bob, Mitch, Corey, Chris & Andrew. It may take months or years to secure suitable captives.


A - Very high survivability
B - High survivability
C - Medium survivability
D - Low survivability
E - Very low survivabilty

Notes: The small size of your party would have normally earned you a lower score, but your life experience and versatility brings much to the table and adds itself rather nicely to Bob's and Mitch's. This bonus somewhat negates the small party size disadvantage.
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Post by bondagefreak »



ADVANTAGES: Medium-large party. Very good amount of brawn & muscle. Overall good experience with fairly high capture & restrain skills (Mitch, Nick & Andrew). Numerous providers with numerous dependents to cook, clean and take care of more menial & domestic tasks. Two level-headed providers with strong fatherly instincts. Two passive and brawny backup providers (Corey & Chris). One very restraint-savvy middle-lead (Andrew) to keep dependents and/or prisoners under strict control.

DISADVANTAGES: Disparity between dependants and providers, resulting in yourself having to be shared. Mitch will not allow his youngest son to be shared in this manner.


A - Very high survivability
B - High survivability
C - Medium survivability
D - Low survivability
E - Very low survivabilty
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Post by socjuc »

Well I was not expecting that one.... :lol: Team survivability great....my survivability...low :lol:
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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

In Which It All Goes Horribly Wrong
The OrdinaryWorld attempt to create the worst, most disastrous team ever while also spending the most amount of Credits possible and aiming to minimise survivability and happiness.

Right! Let's get moving! I'm doing this with the assumption that this is operating outside the BF-verse, and so the storylines of EP, BaG, etc do not apply (as our OP told me in DMs).

Brad (4 points): I mean, come on. It's Brad - by far the most abusive and destructive character in BaG, maybe even the whole bondagefreak-verse. He could cause some serious, catastrophic damage to team cohesion and morale, which is perfect for what I'm trying to do here. Brad leads into my selection of...

Jeremy (1 point): As harsh and cruel it is putting a guy abused by Brad in another universe in a situation with him this time, for maximum chaos and misery this is necessary. I think Brad would see poor Jeremy as a very easy target in a desperate situation like this, and would end up repeating/causing the same issues as in BaG. Disaster. Not to mention Jeremy's emotional/mental paralysis would just continue with no real resolution thanks to Brad.

Ryan (4 points): While objectively he's a talented and capable person (bad for this exercise), he has a bit of a cruel/mean streak. Him and Brad would be the worst for each other, and they'd both prompt each other to descend further into cruelty and unpleasantness which could get further inflicted upon Jeremy/others, harming group cohesion even more.

Steven (1 point): We saw what he can be like in BaG. Can be completely paralysed in the face of severely painful happenings (deeply concerned about Jeremy's treatment, being too enamoured by his feelings for Nick and letting himself fall into debt). He also really can't stand up for himself. He'd be far too stressed in a situation like this, and it just wouldn't go well.

So far it's 4 people and 10 points. This is much harder than building a good team :lol:
Honestly, adding too many more people will just upset the balance too much and actually improve the team, which I don't want.
I'm aiming for an E grade here, BUT I want that grade by spending as many points as possible.

Joey (4 points): He has the lowest empathy score out of those left while not being too powerful and useful (such as Shawn). He's a good way to dump points into a pretty unremarkable and average person, who will largely let the shitfuckery around him just, happen. He likely wouldn't care much about the relationships around him, which is good for me.

Mike (4 points): I refuse to call him Big Mike; that's weird! Anyway, he's just a lanky guy who would care about the relationships around him and how everything's falling apart, but he's far too passive to do anything about it. The 'gentle' part of 'gentle giant' is going to come back to bite him. He also has no special skills or extra knowledge of anything.

At this point there is no way to add points in a way that won't improve the team / will harm it, so I have to stop many points short.

And there you have it!
6 people for a total of 18 points.

Brad - Ryan - Joey - Mike - Jeremy - Steven:
My selected disaster crew!

I eagerly await the shit grade, because honestly I'm not sure how else you're supposed to do this unless you go for Bob - Frank - Mitch for a total of 21 credit points which is a tiny team consisting entirely of older, primary-providing heavy-hitters. But, the 3 of them would be too capable and likely result in a D or C. I want an E dammit!
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Post by Footsub123 »

OrdinaryWorld wrote: 11 months ago In Which It All Goes Horribly Wrong
The OrdinaryWorld attempt to create the worst, most disastrous team ever while also spending the most amount of Credits possible and aiming to minimise survivability and happiness.

Right! Let's get moving! I'm doing this with the assumption that this is operating outside the BF-verse, and so the storylines of EP, BaG, etc do not apply (as our OP told me in DMs).

Brad (4 points): I mean, come on. It's Brad - by far the most abusive and destructive character in BaG, maybe even the whole bondagefreak-verse. He could cause some serious, catastrophic damage to team cohesion and morale, which is perfect for what I'm trying to do here. Brad leads into my selection of...

Jeremy (1 point): As harsh and cruel it is putting a guy abused by Brad in another universe in a situation with him this time, for maximum chaos and misery this is necessary. I think Brad would see poor Jeremy as a very easy target in a desperate situation like this, and would end up repeating/causing the same issues as in BaG. Disaster. Not to mention Jeremy's emotional/mental paralysis would just continue with no real resolution thanks to Brad.

Ryan (4 points): While objectively he's a talented and capable person (bad for this exercise), he has a bit of a cruel/mean streak. Him and Brad would be the worst for each other, and they'd both prompt each other to descend further into cruelty and unpleasantness which could get further inflicted upon Jeremy/others, harming group cohesion even more.

Steven (1 point): We saw what he can be like in BaG. Can be completely paralysed in the face of severely painful happenings (deeply concerned about Jeremy's treatment, being too enamoured by his feelings for Nick and letting himself fall into debt). He also really can't stand up for himself. He'd be far too stressed in a situation like this, and it just wouldn't go well.

So far it's 4 people and 10 points. This is much harder than building a good team :lol:
Honestly, adding too many more people will just upset the balance too much and actually improve the team, which I don't want.
I'm aiming for an E grade here, BUT I want that grade by spending as many points as possible.

Joey (4 points): He has the lowest empathy score out of those left while not being too powerful and useful (such as Shawn). He's a good way to dump points into a pretty unremarkable and average person, who will largely let the shitfuckery around him just, happen. He likely wouldn't care much about the relationships around him, which is good for me.

Mike (4 points): I refuse to call him Big Mike; that's weird! Anyway, he's just a lanky guy who would care about the relationships around him and how everything's falling apart, but he's far too passive to do anything about it. The 'gentle' part of 'gentle giant' is going to come back to bite him. He also has no special skills or extra knowledge of anything.

At this point there is no way to add points in a way that won't improve the team / will harm it, so I have to stop many points short.

And there you have it!
6 people for a total of 18 points.

Brad - Ryan - Joey - Mike - Jeremy - Steven
: My selected disaster crew!

I eagerly await the shit grade, because honestly I'm not sure how else you're supposed to do this unless you go for Bob - Frank - Mitch for a total of 21 credit points which is a tiny team consisting entirely of older, primary-providing heavy-hitters. But, the 3 of them would be too capable and likely result in a D or C. I want an E dammit!
@OrdinaryWorld I love this concept a lot. Why is all of these groups making me so turned on haha? I wouldn't mind being a prisoner to this team, I wouldn't survive, but it'd be a very interesting time, especially knowing how sadistic Brad and Ryan can be ;)
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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

Footsub123 wrote: 11 months ago @OrdinaryWorld I love this concept a lot. Why is all of these groups making me so turned on haha? I wouldn't mind being a prisoner to this team, I wouldn't survive, but it'd be a very interesting time, especially knowing how sadistic Brad and Ryan can be ;)
LMFAO, hey, whatever floats your boat! I get it! It has a certain appeal :lol:
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Post by Footsub123 »

OrdinaryWorld wrote: 11 months ago
Footsub123 wrote: 11 months ago @OrdinaryWorld I love this concept a lot. Why is all of these groups making me so turned on haha? I wouldn't mind being a prisoner to this team, I wouldn't survive, but it'd be a very interesting time, especially knowing how sadistic Brad and Ryan can be ;)
LMFAO, hey, whatever floats your boat! I get it! It has a certain appeal :lol:
Haha yeah the whole sadistic stinky footed master really appeals to me. I should come up with a team of who I'd want to be held prisoner by.

If I only had 25 credits to play with, I think it'd be:

Nick (6 Credits)
Shawn (5 Credits)
Brad (4 Credits)
Ryan (4 Credits)
Andrew (3 Credits)

I have 3 more credits but I'm not sure who I'd pick. All of these guys are really hot, have super stinky feet, and know how to capture subs, plus they like to torment them and lack empathy. I think being there sub would be a hell of a time lol...also I'd say a group like this has medium survivability so I could potentially be there slave for a long long time hopefully lol
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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

@Footsub123 Hehe I like what you're thinking. Although, not really a disaster crew - that group would actually do decently well!
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Post by Footsub123 »

OrdinaryWorld wrote: 11 months ago @Footsub123 Hehe I like what you're thinking. Although, not really a disaster crew - that group would actually do decently well!
Haha yeah that wasn't my disaster crew, if I had to have one of them, it'd be the same as yours, like you said, any other guys and it'd have helped the team out instead of worsening it.
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Post by socjuc »

Footsub123 wrote: 11 months ago
OrdinaryWorld wrote: 11 months ago
Footsub123 wrote: 11 months ago @OrdinaryWorld I love this concept a lot. Why is all of these groups making me so turned on haha? I wouldn't mind being a prisoner to this team, I wouldn't survive, but it'd be a very interesting time, especially knowing how sadistic Brad and Ryan can be ;)
LMFAO, hey, whatever floats your boat! I get it! It has a certain appeal :lol:
Haha yeah the whole sadistic stinky footed master really appeals to me. I should come up with a team of who I'd want to be held prisoner by.

If I only had 25 credits to play with, I think it'd be:

Nick (6 Credits)
Shawn (5 Credits)
Brad (4 Credits)
Ryan (4 Credits)
Andrew (3 Credits)

I have 3 more credits but I'm not sure who I'd pick. All of these guys are really hot, have super stinky feet, and know how to capture subs, plus they like to torment them and lack empathy. I think being there sub would be a hell of a time lol...also I'd say a group like this has medium survivability so I could potentially be there slave for a long long time hopefully lol
:lol: I did the same thing! and scaled it to 25. Oh @bondagefreak is going to likely say something coz we have all gone rogue on his game :lol: :oops: :?
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Bootmark wrote: 11 months agoSome mid-level talent for 8 credits: Corey and Kyle
and some grunts to dress in red shirts for the remaining three credits: Steven, Jeremy, Ethan
Hahaha! :lol: Bonus points for the great reference, my friend. Bloody redshirts.
Love how the TNG/DS9/VOY era switched that up by making the goldshirts the expendable ones.
Come to think of it, I think the one constant throughout the entire franchise has to be "O'BRIEN MUST SUFFER!"

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Post by Footsub123 »

socjuc wrote: 11 months ago
Footsub123 wrote: 11 months ago
OrdinaryWorld wrote: 11 months ago
LMFAO, hey, whatever floats your boat! I get it! It has a certain appeal :lol:
Haha yeah the whole sadistic stinky footed master really appeals to me. I should come up with a team of who I'd want to be held prisoner by.

If I only had 25 credits to play with, I think it'd be:

Nick (6 Credits)
Shawn (5 Credits)
Brad (4 Credits)
Ryan (4 Credits)
Andrew (3 Credits)

I have 3 more credits but I'm not sure who I'd pick. All of these guys are really hot, have super stinky feet, and know how to capture subs, plus they like to torment them and lack empathy. I think being there sub would be a hell of a time lol...also I'd say a group like this has medium survivability so I could potentially be there slave for a long long time hopefully lol
:lol: I did the same thing! and scaled it to 25. Oh @bondagefreak is going to likely say something coz we have all gone rogue on his game :lol: :oops: :?
Haha I hope @bondagefreak does. He should punish us thoroughly for going rogue on his game aha ;)
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Post by bondagefreak »

Footsub123 wrote: 11 months ago
socjuc wrote: 11 months ago Haha I hope @bondagefreak does. He should punish us thoroughly for going rogue on his game aha ;)
Nonsense, boyz. This is a public RP thread. It's made to fool around and encourage public participation.
I'm more than happy to see you troublesome busters chatting away on here ;)

Oh wow. Definitely an E! Would make for a fun and highly dramatic story though :lol:

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Post by Starcomet »

I am a scholar and an intellectual and have a very weak and mostly frail body. I need strong guys to protect me during the apocalypse. My choices for that are:

Shawn 5
Nick 6
Brad 4
Frank 7

For counsel to help me strategize:
Shawn can assist with this given he seems to be very level headed.
Andrew 3 is a gamer and likely would have some intuitive thinking about surviving the apocalypse from the video games he has played.

That should equal the full 25.
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