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Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 6:13 pm
by Sealherlips
Can someone write me a story about a 12 year old girl being kidnapped by a woman and held for ransom?

Edited because the board rulers don’t know how to read their own rules, then get angry when I follow the rules to the letter.

Re: Kidnap

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 7:31 pm
by chadmc90
You know, it's people like you that ruin a good thing for the members that don't push the boundaries. Why would anyone write about a story involving child slavery where a minor is being sold into what is probably sex trafficking. This scenario reflects a very real world issue and is one that would put the board on notice.

This will be discussed amongst the admins and mods, but don't be surprised if you get this thread locked and a potential suspension for posting something like this.

And before you even begin to argue about the story you reported yesterday, that story is a friendly encounter between two persons, while this story has the potential to turn dark and downright cruel to a minor.

You've pushed the line too far in the past and you're bordering on getting a permanent ban.

Re: Kidnap

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:17 pm
by Xtc
I must agree with every word in the post by [mention]chadmc90[/mention]. Such ideas are certainly not the sort that I (and, I suspect, the majority of members) wish to see reflected on the pages of this board. I presume the request is supposed to be provocative, if so it has succeeded. I advise going no futher with this thread which, if it were to be pursued could, in my opinion, endanger the future of the board.

Re: Kidnap

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 10:18 pm
by Sealherlips
That’s funny, according to the rules, my request doesn’t violate them. I requested no sexual or harmful content. There have been plenty of kidnap stories before. Hell, KP Presents had dozens of stories of a grown man invading women’s homes and tying up their daughters. Funny how you, xtc, only have a problem with it when it’s me. Just because one time I didn’t cow down to your supreme authority and said “Ja mein Fuhrer.” Almost as if you have a personal bias in the situation. Xtc’s ego is so large that he can’t just let one snarky remark from over a year ago go. Talk about petty. There were hundreds of stories like this on the old board.

Re: Kidnap

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 10:20 pm
by Xtc
Bye Bye!