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Western tie up

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 8:21 am
by WyattW5
I enjoy the old classic's when it comes to bondage, and when I think DID I think back to those old western images of a poor damsel tied to train track. it would be the coolest thing to read a western story. if your interested Message me for more details.

Re: Western tie up

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 12:40 pm
by SweetDamsel
My favorite damsel in distress scenario has always been the poor sweet melodrama heroine tied helplessly to the railroad tracks by the dastardly moustache-twirling villain in a cape and top hat. Of course shes always rescued by the brave, dashing hero just in the nick of time but that means the villain can capture her again later and tie her to the buzzsaw in the old sawmill.

Re: Western tie up

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 9:01 pm
by WyattW5
SweetDamsel wrote: 5 years ago My favorite damsel in distress scenario has always been the poor sweet melodrama heroine tied helplessly to the railroad tracks by the dastardly moustache-twirling villain in a cape and top hat. Of course shes always rescued by the brave, dashing hero just in the nick of time but that means the villain can capture her again later and tie her to the buzzsaw in the old sawmill.
that's a good one too

Re: Western tie up

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 4:21 am
by SweetDamsel
And then when she’s rescued from the buzzsaw the villain captures her, carries her off to the abandoned mine, ties her to a post, places dynamite at her feet, and lights the fuse. Or he ties her to a chair next to a powder keg in an old shack and lights the fuse.

Re: Western tie up

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 11:57 pm
by Amberbound
I like the idea, I'd be willing to write something like this when I have some more free time, though I'm not sure I'd write something that would need to be in the adults section

Re: Western tie up

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 7:33 pm
by WyattW5
Amberbound wrote: 5 years ago I like the idea, I'd be willing to write something like this when I have some more free time, though I'm not sure I'd write something that would need to be in the adults section
go ahead and write it if you like, doesn't need to be in the adult section, just where I put the request, figured I might get more responses from it.

Re: Western tie up

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 4:29 pm
by Amm1973es
Only the scene of the damsel tied to the train tracks initially attracted me to discover my fetish, although I soon lost interest in those scenes specifically for me. Although they were still just as attractive to others that can be linked to Westerns such as being tied in a horse, an old mine, kidnapped in a wagon, prisoner of bandits in a house in the middle of the field, etc ...

Re: Western tie up

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 2:17 pm
by Dpsiic
I think I could write a story along the theme of a western style damsel in distress. After all that is one of my earliest influences. I grew up in the time when there was no computers or internet. Only a couple of TV channels and videos. Thank God for the western DiD and detective magazines.

Might be a while, got a few other stories to write and not getting much computer time during the school holidays here.

Re: Western tie up

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 4:26 am
by SweetDamsel
Dpsiic wrote: 4 years ago I think I could write a story along the theme of a western style damsel in distress.
I’d love to read a story like this if you ever get the time to write one.