An Unexpected Bonding Experience (M/FFF)

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Centennial Club
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An Unexpected Bonding Experience (M/FFF)

Post by Gagfan »

“Listen, you are going to absolutely love this girl. She has all the same interests as you and is sweet as can be!”

Tiffany had made it her mission to find her introverted best friend Courtney a girlfriend. The outgoing young woman had met Courtney’s practical twin at the rec center a few weeks ago and quickly established a friendship with her. Pamela had been eager to meet Courtney as she had been having trouble finding a dating partner as well. At last Tiffany had managed to convince her friend to come over to Pamela’s place tonight to meet her.

“Yea yea so you keep telling me! It just feels awkward to be set up with someone like this.”

The two friends were walking to Pamela’s house, Courtney had an exasperated tone to her voice but deep down she was excited at the prospect of finally finding someone. They lived in a fairly conservative town so it wasn’t exactly easy for her to meet partners, much less ones who matched up in interests and personality as much as Tiffany insisted these two did. They soon were standing in front of a small bungalow, Courtney took a deep breath as they stepped up onto the porch and knocked on the door. They waited awkwardly for a moment for a reply that never came.

“Ummmm well she is expecting us so let’s just head on in!”

Before Courtney could voice any complaints, Tiffany had opened the door and walked in. The introvert shook her head in exasperation, but quickly followed after her friend. A short distance inside however, Courtney saw TIffany standing staring with her mouth agape and her eyes wide open in shock.

“What is it? Is something…. wrong”

Courtney was soon standing next to Tiffany with an equal expression of shock on her face. In the middle of the living room was Pamela, which obviously wasn’t shocking. No what was shocking was the condition the young woman was in. The beautiful ginger was sitting on a wooden chair, but clearly not by choice.

Numerous passes of rope were passing above, below, and around the woman’s breasts making a rather strict looking chest harness. The ropes passed around Pamela’s arms and the chair, pinning her torso and arms to the uncomfortable looking seat. Considering the state of the redhead’s arms however that seemed unnecessary, countless feet of rope had been wrapped around her limbs, essentially mummifying them under the scratchy cord. Whoever had done it had not been kind, the ropes had forced Pamela’s arms tightly together to the point her elbows were touching, making what was basically an armbinder of rope. As an almost comical touch of overkill, the woman’s hands had been duct taped into useless silver balls. Additional rope had been lashed numerous times around her stomach and lower arms, even more thoroughly binding her to the chair.

The mystery attacker had not been any kinder to her legs which were spread out so they were on either side of the seat. More of the seemingly endless brown rope had then been used copiously on her legs, tightly restraining them so that the back of her calves were pressed against her thighs. Ropes then ran from her ankles to the end of the thick braid her long red hair had been tied into, forcing her head to bend backwards and causing any mild squirming to pull painfully on her hair.

The poor woman was in clear agony, her face and eyes were red from the strain of the positioning. She appeared to be whimpering, although it was hard for Tiffany and Courtney to hear it as Pamela’s entire lower face was buried in countless wraps of duct tape. The thick gag was clearly quite tight as the ginger’s pale skin was bulging out from above and below the gag. Not that the two friends could see it but Pamela was silenced further by a mouth full of her own well used socks which her captor had roughly pushed inside prior to wrapping up her face. The coed turned her head to the two friends and gave some sort of utterly incomprehensible plea into her thick gag.

“Jesus please tell me you didn’t do this to her Tiff, I know you are desperate to find me a date but kidnapping would be a bit much”

Courtney was deeply sarcastic so even in this terrifying situation she couldn’t help but make a snarky comment. Tiffany for her part was still staring at Pamela with a mix of shock and horror on her face.

“She wasn't like that the last time we met earlier tonight…”

Tiffany spoke scarcely above a whisper.

“No I imagine she wasn’t, however you two soon will be.”

Courtney and Tiffany nearly jumped out of their skin and turned to face the source of the voice. A large man wearing a ski mask was pointing a gun at the two women who instinctively raised their hands in surrender.

“Luckily I bring plenty of rope and tape on my little burglary trips so we’ll be able to get you two just as comfortable as our host there. Now why don’t you be a couple of dears and grab some chairs from the dining room there so you can have a seat next to your friend.”

Seeing little choice, the two friends went to the adjacent dining room and each grabbed a chair identical to the one Pamela was bound to and set them on either side of the restrained homeowner.

“Now then, make yourselves comfortable, have a seat!”

The two women exchanged frightened glances, but didn’t dare protest as they each sat down. The man smiled as he dropped a large duffel bag on the floor in front of the three women. He took a length of rope and lashed it tightly around Tiffany’s wrists, binding them snugly together. She gave an involuntary whimper as the brown cord was even more rough than it looked. The burglar gave no response however as he quickly gave Courtney’s wrists a matching wrap of rope. The women weakly tested their bindings and realized the man was quite good, even with no additional rope they would have difficulty getting their arms loose and they knew from Pamela’s pained expression much more was coming.

The burglar now took some more rope and began wrapping it around Courtney’s arms just above her wrist bindings. He slowly progressed upwards, making sure each pass of the brown rope was as tight as possible. As the man neared her elbows her involuntary whimpering was growing louder as the strain intensified. By the time he had passed her elbows, Courtney couldn’t take it anymore and finally spoke up.

“Oh that really hurts! Please stop!”

“Ah good I was waiting for you to give me an excuse to cram that mouth full. Red here was such a loud mouth I had her gagged before I even started tying her”

The large criminal began rummaging in his bag, removing four well used looking socks. Courtney’s nose gave an involuntary wrinkle as they were set in her lap and the smell began filling her nostrils.

“Luckily our host is quite the procrastinator when it comes to doing her laundry, gave me plenty of supplies to work with.”

Pamela gave a muffled attempt at apology, Courtney immediately clamped her mouth shut in a vain attempt to prevent what was coming. The burglar gave a smirk as he grabbed a sock then used his other hand to pinch her nose shut. The young woman managed to last nearly a minute before finally opening her mouth to breathe at which point the man immediately rammed the first sock in. Courtney nearly gagged as the flavor hit her mouth, but the man gave her no time to recover as he immediately began forcing the second sock in.

“Come on leave her alone!”

Tiffany protested and began to get out of her chair. The man wordlessly glared at her then looked towards his gun hanging from its holster. Tiffany gulped nervously then sat back down, helplessly watching as her friend was in clear misery. The cruel burglar soon shoved the third and fourth socks in at which point Courtney’s cheeks were bulging outwards to attempt to make room for the stuffing. Fortunately for the young woman, the man appeared satisfied as he now grabbed a roll of duct tape and began wrapping it around her lower face. Courtney grunted into her growing gag, the tight passes of tape made her feel as though her eyes were going to pop out of her head. The man paid her protests no mind, continuing to wrap her face in the sticky silver tape. He went beyond overkill on the coed, eventually using up the entire roll of duct tape to gag her and leaving her lower face thoroughly mummified.

“There, shouldn't have to deal with any more interruptions from you should I? Now clearly your friend here wants an early gagging since she spoke up before I could even get started with the ropes.”

The man picked up his bag and walked over so he was standing in front of Tiffany who nervously swallowed as he stood over her.

“Now unfortunately I’m out of socks, but luckily our little ginger host had plenty of underwear too!”

“Come on, this seems unnecessary. Do you have to be so gross abummmmmpphhhh”

Tiffany’s complaints were cut off as the man began shoving the first set of underwear into her mouth. She sputtered and coughed as she fought her gag reflex, instinctively she began to try and get away from the man so he sat down on her lap and pinned her to the chair.

“Oooo you’ve got a big mouth, definitely gonna have to pack it nice and full”

Soon a second and third pair had been jammed past her lips. The man was now forcing a fourth pair in, Tiffany’s eyes were tearing up from the strain the disgusting mouth packing was putting on her. Apparently the burglar was not joking though when he said he needed to pack her full though as he now grabbed a fifth pair of panties. He playfully dangled the red underwear in front of Tiffany who frantically shook her head no, pleading for mercy into the massive wad already filling her mouth. No mercy was coming tough as the man began shoving the fifth pair in, with her mouth already so full he really had to poke and prod at the pair to get them in, after a couple of minutes of work though essentially all of the red pair was in her mouth.

“There I think that’s enough, let’s make sure you don’t get excited and spit those out”

He grabbed a fresh roll of tape and began wrapping it around her lower head. The air filled with the loud ripping of tape and the muffled whimpers of the three women. Around and around he went, the tape roll slowly shrinking as it deposited itself on her face. After several minutes he was finally left with an empty cardboard tube which he tossed aside.

“There, now that your gags match, let’s get that bondage matching”

Forty Minutes Later

The burglar stood back and looked at the three whimpering women who now had matching bondage and similar looks of pained agony on their faces.

“Well ladies now that I have ensured I won’t be interrupted as I work, I’m going to get to it. You three have fun, I plan on leaving you like this so you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy yourselves.”

As the burglar left the room the three women groaned into their massive gags. Courtney and Pamela gave each other miserable looks as they weakly squirmed in their bindings. When Tiffany pushed her to get to know this young woman, this wasn’t exactly the bonding experience Courtney had in mind...
For my stories I haven't gotten around to posting here: