First experience (?/?)

Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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First experience (?/?)

Post by tickletied84 »

"I’ll see you shortly, let’s see what you think of this.”

My first time tied, a dream come true, little did I know how helpless I would be rendered.

I reach behind me with my arms, feeling the rope above my wrists, rope circled around them both, and then what seemed to be a cross of rope between them, pulling them closer together. I strained my fingers trying to find any knots, but my fingers were useless in this endeavour.

Arching my back slightly I altered my focus to my lower limbs. My ankles had been moving when I tried to find the knot at my wrists, so I surmised they must be connected. It’d explain the aching in my back too if they were connected - I wondered if there were names for the different ways you could get tied in?

I’d ask my captor, but they have silenced me with what from the feel of was a large ball. It tasted rubbery when I ran my tongue round the edge of it, and it held my jaw slightly open, wedged as it was behind my teeth. I can only swallow a small amount of saliva past it, and the rest is already starting to run down my chin. I try to speak, but only some incomprehensible grunts escaped. ‘No chance of calling for help then’ I think to myself.

Moving my thoughts back to my ankles I realise they are tied similarly to my wrists. 5-6 strands of rope hold them together in parallel, with a perpendicular circuit or two cinching them tighter and slightly digging into my skin.

Straining I find the bind holding my ankles and wrists together and in combination with arching my back further I try in vain to find the knot that must be holding them securely. I stretch further and further but to no success - aside from making the rope dig in tighter, and my back feel as if it’s going to be permanently damaged. Deciding this isn’t the wisest course of action I admit to defeat - and after all escape wasn’t the aim, it was to experience instead.

I realise I’ve turned my head in an attempt to help with my exploration of the bonds, a completely useless exercise as my captor has seen fit to place a blindfold over my eyes. It felt comfortable, probably a sleep mask or something similar, but this was allowing no light in whatsoever. Completely blinded and realising this was just adding to my aching muscles, I returned my head to a comfortable position.

Now, what else was tied? My legs in another couple of places - rope securing them together above and below my knees. When these ropes were first tied they seemed quite loose, but now my legs are bent, and my weight is on them, they are making their presence felt - not painful, but I’m sure I’ll have marks when I’m allowed out.

I rock myself gently in the bonds, feeling a gentle glow inside. The only sound is my heart beating, and it seems to be going faster and faster. A final stretch for any knots is futile, and I can feel fatigue start to kick in to my already aching muscles.

Distantly, I hear the sound of an alarm, and then footsteps approaching me. I feel a presence in the room next to me, and then the ropes holding me in position begin to get loosened.

A whispering voice in my ear brings me back to reality: “Well now, I hope it wasn’t over too soon?”