A Trip To The Seaside (F/M)

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A Trip To The Seaside (F/M)

Post by mrjones2009 »

Part 1

The town was busy as I made my way along the promenade from the railway station enjoying the breeze and the slightly sulphuric taste of the fresh sea air. Although out of season the place was busy, mostly with groups of adults some of whom were wearing military uniforms. I assumed that was why I was having difficulty finding a room on such short notice. It hadn’t been the best of weeks as I had found out that my firm was downsizing and I was on the list of potential redundancies then my now ex-girlfriend had decided that she needed to grow as an individual and asked that I leave the flat that we had been renting for the past two years. I ended up throwing my stuff in the back of the car and heading back to my old room at mums. Anyway, in order to clear my head, I had taken the last-minute decision to jump on a train for a break and ended up at the seaside. I stopped then decided to try my luck a couple of streets back for a hotel, it might be quieter off the main drag.

I found myself drawn to large hotel three streets back, The Royale. It was a bit faded but there was something about it I liked so bounded up the stairs where a doorman held the door open for me. I nodded a thanks. “Welcome sir,” the man said. Inside the decoration was well maintained but slightly dated. There was a restaurant on one side and a hall for entertainment on the other. I approached the reception desk and nodded at the woman sitting behind it.

“How can I help you sir?” she asked.

“I would like a room please,” I replied.

“Do you have a reservation?”

“No, I am just trying my luck.” The woman gave me a look that wasn’t promising, like I had made a mistake. “It was kind of a last-minute decision to come here.” A man in a grey suit, white shirt and black tie appeared from an office behind the desk.

“How are we sir?”

“Fine, just looking for a room,” I said smiling.

“The town is busy this weekend sir. A couple of conferences on.” The receptionist continued to punch away of the keyboard of her computer. “You will struggle to find a room in a good hotel, especially one as prestigious as The Royale,” the man seemed proud of the place.

“Sir, you are in luck,” the receptionist replied. That’s a nice change, I thought. Perhaps bad luck didn’t come in groups of three after all. “It seems that we had a cancellation twenty minutes ago.”

“I’ll take it,” I said. I went about the process of checking in and paying for the room before the receptionist handed the key to the man.

“Tony here will show you to your room and take your luggage,” Tony smiled as the receptionist turned and headed for the office. “Room 519 Tony.”

“No, that’s fine I will make my own way. Just this bag,” I lifted up my battered holdall. “Just point me in the right direction.

“If you’re sure,” Tony said. I nodded and Tony gave me directions. “If you need anything else, let me know.”

“Thank. I don’t want to be disturbed so if anybody asks, I am not here,” I winked and slid a folded bank note across the desk.

“I understand sir. Here at The Royale we respect the privacy of our guests,” Tony winked.

The directions were good and I found the room easily and went inside. It was neat and tidy with a double bed, large wardrobe, bedside cabinets and a bathroom. I chucked the bag on the bed before hanging my jacket up in the wardrobe. The events of the past week had caught up with me and I was a bit tired. As I was planning on a late night to unwind, I decided that I would try and get a couple of hours sleep in the afternoon. I went into my bag and pulled out my pyjamas, toilet bag and headed for the bathroom looking forward to a long, hot shower.

As I exited the bathroom, I noticed the laundry basket sitting beside the bed. I stopped and look at it. Now, unless I was going mad it wasn’t there when I went for a shower and I hadn’t heard the door opening or any shouts from staff about entering the room. My focus was solely on the laundry cart as I headed toward beside cabinet, looking to use the phone to call reception. Not paying attention to anything else in the room I pick up the phone and was about to dial reception I sensed movement behind me followed by a whiff of perfume. I paused and suddenly a hand wrapped around my waist and I felt myself pulled backward and held tightly against another body. Before I could say anything, a hand was clamped over my mouth. I could tell by the feminine curves of the body that the person that had grabbed me was a woman. The arm around my waist was removed and then I felt a sharp, metallic object jab into my back, just below my ribs. “OOMMWW,” I moaned into the hand over my mouth.

“Don’t move, don’t even make a sound.” I nodded my head as much as possible, my head was pressed against the woman’s breasts so I don’t have the full range of movement, to show that I will be compliant with her instructions. Well who wouldn’t with what was obviously a gun in their back. Whoever this woman was, she was obviously a thief raiding hotel rooms and I had surprised her, don’t get in her way and she will leave soon enough. I then hear footsteps on the thick carpet and a woman wearing the uniform of the hotel maid service appeared. Well, no problem there are just two thieves. The woman was around five six with long black hair and piercing light brown eyes, very pretty. I also noticed that the maids uniform hugged the contours of her body extremely tightly. If the situation was different, I may have asked her out for a drink. The woman had something in her right hand. “Put your arms out,” the woman whispers into my ear. Although I find this a strange request I comply and the woman standing in front of me slaps padded leather cuffs on both of my wrists. They are now bound together with a short chain between them.

“MMUUPPHH,” I moan again into the hand confused. What I assumed was a gun was then pressed deeper into my back as a sign that I have done something wrong.

“I suspect you think that we are robbing hotels rooms,” the woman whispered into my ear. Once again, I nod, rubbing the back of my head against her breasts. “Well, we would need to tie you up to make our escape.” Now, that does make sense. I suppose I can take being loosely bound for a bit. “Now when I remove my hand no noise as Erin gags you.” Gags me! I didn’t think about that. The hand is removed and I take me chance.

“There isn’t really MMUUPPHH,” the hand goes quickly over my mouth, even tighter than before. I was just trying to tell them there was nothing much to steal from the room, some cash in my wallet, my phone and not much else.

“What did I say about being quiet?” I feel another jab into my back. I nod and raise my cuffed hands in a gesture of surrender and apology. The hand is removed again and I keep my mouth shut which actually was a problem as Erin was bringing a large, wadded up white cloth toward my mouth.

“Open wide,” Erin said. Not wanting to risk being hurt I comply and Erin stuffs the cloth into my mouth quickly and I find my mouth being completely filled with soft cotton, at least it tasted clean. The cloth was that large that Erin had to force it all in by prodding it with her fingers. I moaned slightly as this task was completed. Erin delved into a bum bag fastened around her waist and produced another cloth of identical material but perhaps a bit longer with a knot tied in the centre. The young woman lined up the knot with my mouth and placed it right in the centre, taking both ends and reaching around my head to tie them together, tightening it so that it is tight and forces the wad of cotton already in their deeper into my mouth. I moaned again. Assuming that was Erin finished I was surprised as she went back into her bum bag and came back out with a very large and thick wad of cotton wool pleats and a large white silk scarf. I couldn’t believe that Erin was going to gag me further but that is exactly what happened, placing a thick wad of cotton wool over my mouth and then tying the ends of the silk scarf at the back of my head tightly, I moaned again the tightening on the knot compressed the thick wad of cotton wool against my lips. Surely, that was Erin finished. I was wrong. A roll of flesh coloured medical elasto-crepe cotton bandage and wrapped that around the lower part of my face seven or eight times before she used several wrappings of micro-foam tape to keep everything in place. Even if I wanted to speak now, not only would it be difficult as my gag prevent my tongue, lips or jaw from moving in the normal patterns of speech but the amount of fabric prevented any noise from escaping.
“Finished Penelope,” Erin said with a smile.

“Good job,” Penelope said as she ran a hand around my gag. And she walked to stand next to Erin. “Very, effective.” I just stood there and seethed at them over my heavily gagged mouth. I could now see both of my attackers. Penelope was a tall, elegant woman in her late thirties with shoulder length dark hair and was currently standing with her hands behind her back. No doubt the gun dangling menacingly from one of her hands. “Now, get on the bed and lie with your hands over your head.” I assumed that they were going to tie me to the bed so did as instructed. As I walked to the bed, I saw Erin reach into the laundry cart and produce a large, white blocky package and start to unfurl it. After lying on the bed Penelope jumped onto the bed and sat astride me with a knee of either side of me and her bum resting partly on my chest leaning over and pining my arms down. I was now slightly more uncomfortable with what was happening.

“Ready,” Erin said. I couldn’t see what was happening beyond the smirk on Penelope’s face. Then I felt hands on the waist of my pyjama bottoms as they were started to be pulled down.

“MMMUUUPPPHH,” I moaned and started to struggle and thrash but the way that Penelope was positioned I couldn’t move and didn’t have the leverage or strength to move her.

“This is why I do this at this point. Stop struggling will you.” I did and felt my bottoms behind removed. “This isn’t some kinky game. Erin is going to put an adult nappy on you now.”

“MMMOOOHHH,” I moaned, I was embarrassed about this turn of events and could feel my cheeks becoming red.

“Don’t worry it is just to stop you wetting the bed. Who knows how long you will be tied up for in here after we have gone?” I had to admit that it was a valid point and beside who else would find out. So, I stopped struggling and lifted my hips and allowed Erin to slip the nappy under my bottom. “Good boy.” Penelope said. There was a tap on my hip that I took as the sign to lower my hips, when I did my bottom hit a thick, padded surface that I assumed was the nappy. I heard some rustling then felt the front being folded over my private areas. There was a bit of discomfort as Erin made sure the nappy was fitting snuggly before using the sticky tabs to secure it in place. With that job now complete Erin slipped on my pyjama bottoms and they helped me up into a standing position a couple of yards away from the bed. Erin was delving into the laundry cart again and came out with six padded leather straps. “Hold still,” Penelope said as Erin used two of the larger straps on my upper body to pin my arms tightly to my body. After those straps were secured to Erin’s satisfaction she moved down to my legs and used the straps on my upper thighs, I moaned as Erin tightened that strap due to the nappy. “Don’t be a baby,” Penelope commented as Erin used the final three straps to bind my legs just above and below the knee, as a final bit of binding Erin final strap around my ankles. I was growing more nervous with every strap. I mean how many thieves carried around this kind of stuff on the chance they bumped into someone that they had to tie up. Surely a roll if duct tape would be sufficient? They both were now standing in front of me, looking my bound and gagged figure up and down. Penelope produced what I assumed had been a gun from behind her back and held it up.

“OOMMOOWW,” I moaned. It was a tube of lipstick and not a gun. I had let myself be tied up under threat of cosmetics.

“Now, I am sure that you are wondering what is happening. You must think that this is a robbery but the only thing that we are taking form this room is you.”

“MMMMHH, UURRPPMM,” I moan basically silently as my eyes widened in shock, start to move around only to almost topple over.

“Well, that was pointless. And I did say I suspect you think this is a robbery.” They both had wide grins on their faces. Well, I suppose I had to concede that point. But why would they want to take me anyway, I wasn’t important. Perhaps they thought they needed a hostage.
“We aren’t quite finished yet.” I watched with interest as the top was pulled off the laundry cart by Erin. Penelope had an arm around my waist holding me tightly which seems totally unnecessary given my current bindings. I watched on as first one, then a second and finally a third sleeping bad was pulled out and deposited on the bed. I shrugged and assumed that Erin was emptying the laundry cart for them to put me in it, to get me out of the hotel unseen. But I was wrong in that assumption. “I know you are thinking but you are wrong, the sleeping bags are for you!”

“OOUUMMPPHH,” I moaned as I took in the three sleeping bags, one light blue, one dark blue and the other was red, were now lying out on the bed. From left to right they got bigger, the last was monstrously huge and looked bigger than any sleeping bag that I had seen before. It was a massively puffy blue lump of nylon and down.

“Just for the avoidance of doubt it isn’t what one fits you best. It’s all three.” I swallowed hard and started to really panic. It was my own fault I should have resisted earlier but now I was in the hands of these clearly very weird women. Penelope aided me as I hopped over to the far side of the bed, which was made harder with a nappy. Once they had me positioned to their satisfaction, they grabbed the thinnest, and that was a relative term, of the sleeping bags, the light blue one and pulled it to the edge of the bed. Erin opened it up and then Penelope guided me down with her hands on my shoulders until I felt my bum hit the sleeping bag. “Now, swing your legs up and in.” I did as instructed and found that I was now lying in the sleeping bag. Erin quickly pulled the top over and fastened the zip before I could get out, it was a double zip and Erin clipped them together with a small travel padlock. I was now encased in a down cocoon with no means of escape from inside. I heard the second bag being opened and for some reason I tried to resist more this time but bound as I was there was little I could do to stop my would be kidnappers from pulling the second bag, this one had a centre zip and was red, up and over my body and zipping it closed around me. As Erin grabbed the last bag, the massive dark blue one, I looked my eyes widened at how puffy it was. The bag was so laughably, monstrously inflated with down that when laid on the bed in was already as big I was cocooned in two sleeping bags. The air was filed with the swish of nylon and my extremely muffled pleas for mercy. However, the thickness of the gag insured that anything I said was far to unintelligible to understand. “Don’t worry, you will be nice and comfy,” Penelope commented and laughed at the same time. This woman seemed to be enjoying this part of the abduction far too much. I heard a zip and then the swishing of nylon fabric as the monstrous third bag was fully opened. Working together the two women managed to shimmy across my current down cocoon and began to work me into the third sleeping bag, which considering how thick my down cocoon of bondage already was not going to be easy. It took then almost five minutes to get me and my down cocoon inside the final bag and zip it up. I gave a very weak scream that was part defiance, part frustration; I was far too exhausted from my earlier pathetic and pointless struggling at that point to do much more. Once again Erin took a small luggage padlock and used it to secure the double zips together. “Wriggle around and get comfy. But not too much as the heat will build up.” Comfy! With the amount of soft down and nylon currently pressing down on my body from all directions it was hard to move but I tried all the same. Finally, the women grabbed leather straps and began to apply them to my giant sleeping bag cocoon. Even through the massive amount of down I could feel the straps being tightened, eventually they had five straps around me from shoulders to ankles with the material of the bag bulging out that much the straps were difficult to see. Not that I could see much from my current position. Penelope and Erin both patted the outside of my down cocoon. “One last sweep to make sure we haven’t missed anything and we can head off.” I heard Penelope say. I flung my head back in frustration, I couldn’t believe that I had been so easily subdued by these two women. Although they were clearly professionals it was still embarrassing. I decided to stay calm and say my strength for later, plus Penelope has been correct any movement just ramped up the heat.
They must have completed the sweep as Penelope’s head appeared over mine. “Now, I know what you are thinking. How are they going to get me out of here without anyone noticing, even in the laundry cart? Even as tightly packaged and restrained I can thrash about, cause a disturbance, maybe knock something over, cause enough of a fuss to get some attention.” That was exactly what I was thinking if I was being honest, what I was conserving my strength for. There was no way that they could smuggle past everyone in the hotel. “Well, this is where this comes in,” Penelope raised a small bottle made of dark glass with an evil grin on her face. “This is chloroform.”

“HHHMMMUUUPPPHHH,” I moaned but it was absolutely pointless.

“Look, there is nothing that you can do to avoid being chloroformed. The more you fight it the worse it is.” I hated to agree with her but she was correct, bound as I was there was absolutely nothing I could do. “So, you may as well take it like a big boy.” Now she was just being condescending. “It will just put you to sleep for an hour or two. I can’t lie though the smell isn’t the best and you will have a sore head when you come back round.” Penelope uncapped the bottle before grabbing a large wad of cotton wool peat in her other hand and scrunched it up. I watched on as Penelope poured what I considered to be a generous amount of the chloroform onto the cotton ball.
I saw the massive cotton will ball get bigger as it loomed toward me, although still some way from my face I could smell the fumes wafting from it, they were sickly sweet. I knew that it wasn’t like in the old black and white television shows where the damsel, I just realized that I was the damsel in distress in this movie, where a handkerchief was held over her nose and ten seconds after that she would be out. It could take anything between sixty seconds and two minutes to put me fully out. Instinctively I turned my head away. “Now, that isn’t nice.” I moaned before turning my head back. The instant it was the back to acing Penelope the cotton ball was thrust over my nose, forcing me to inhale the overwhelming scent of chloroform through my nostrils. The initial hit of the fume caught the back of my throat as the scent of the potent chemical filled my breath. Part of my brain was telling me to fight off the cotton ball that was forcing me to inhale the fumes but I managed to resist that with no more than a slight squirm inside my down cocoon. I continued to take even breaths letting the drug invade and then dull my senses, my head became fuzzy and I couldn’t focus on anything. My eyes were starting to water. I continued to inhale and could feel the drug start to affect my body, my limbs felt disconnected from my body, everything was beginning to relax as my field of vision started to narrow as I started to feel extremely tired. Time seemed to slow down and I could feel my eyelids getting heavy and had great difficulty keeping them from closing, my eyelids fluttered and but I managed to force then open, I don’t know why, the whole point was to slip into unconsciousness. I involuntarily moaned again and I was almost out when the cotton ball was removed from over the lower half of my face but relief was short lived as Penelope placed the chloroform-soaked ball neatly into a dust mask, before placing it over my nose and gagged mouth, tying the traps behind my head. There was no escaping the fumes and I knew that a couple more breaths and I would be out. the last sensation before my eyes closed was being lifted off the bed in my down cocoon. Then everything went black.

“That’s him out,” Erin said to Penelope as they lowered the large down cocoon containing my unconscious form into the laundry cart. Erin pulled the top back over to hid what was inside from prying eyes.
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Nightly Binds
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Post by Nightly Binds »

A Very nice and " captivating " start heh heh looking forward to see how this can go and what his capturers have in store for him.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

What a fantastic start to a story, [mention] mrjones2009[/mention]!

I am a gay man who prefers men tying men up and gagging them...but a B&G tale of a man tied up, gagged, and at the mercy of his captors (no matter their sex) always gets me!

I hope you continue... :)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Part 2

As I was starting to come around, I could feel the unmistakable motion of a vehicle as it went round corners. Slowly I felt the fog clearing from my mind and I could put everything back together from getting out the shower to the cotton ball dosed with chloroform being pressed over my nose. I must have moaned as I was coming around or they must have somehow sensed movement within the confines of my down cocoon as I heard Penelope instruct Erin to do something which I couldn’t quite make out with my brain not fully functioning yet. I soon found out what it was as Erin leaned over and placed a padded silk sleeping mask over my eyes and then placed an earplug in each of my ears. In addition to being bound I now couldn’t see or hear anything. All I had now to focus on was the movement of the vehicle. I decided that it was pointless trying to work out how far we had travelled, I could have been unconscious for an hour or three of four depending on when my abductor removed the mask and I stopped inhaling the chloroform’s fumes. Unfortunately, I let my mind wander to the purpose of this. There was no doubt in my mind that these women were professionals, nobody using disguises, brings three sleeping bags and carries chloroform on the off chance that they might grab someone. This had been planned. As far as I was aware, I was not important enough to be abducted and neither was anyone in my family rich enough to pay a significant ransom. Was I the victim of some kind of human trafficking ring? I certainly hoped not. I tried to relax and pushed those thoughts from my mind. Although I was bound if I was being honest, I wasn’t uncomfortable so retuned to concentrating on the movements of the vehicle.
For a while it was pretty constant, I concluded that the vehicle was on either a motorway or A road. After a while I felt the vehicle slow down and take a curve. Then it was always contact changes of acceleration, breaking, stopping and turning left and right. My down cocoon and I must have been held in place as all that happened was that my body moved very slightly in the cocoon, compressing into the down as I did so. I had no sense of time but eventually I felt fingers picking at the ears and the plugs were removed, followed shorty after by the blindfold. I blinked a couple of times as my eyes adjusted to the dim light in the van just in time to see a cotton ball coming toward my face, the sweetly sweet smell assaulted my nostrils before the damp cotton made contact and I moaned as loudly as gag would allow. “Sorry, but we need you to be sleeping again,” Erin said as she positioned the damp cotton ball dosed with chloroform over my nose. There was an almost instant explosion of light behind my eyes as my brain reacted to the fumes. I felt the effects of the drug quicker this time, no doubt from still having the drug in my system. It wasn’t long before my eyes closed over and everything went dark.

As I regained consciousness for the second time today, I assumed it was still the same day, my head was pounding a little. This was no doubt the effect of being chloroformed twice in such a short period of time. I shifted a little inside the down cocoon and tried to raise my head to get a look at where I was. It was harder to fight against the down filling than you would think, either that or I needed to start doing some crunches. Even from my prone position I could tell that I was no longer in a van, but a room, with a ceiling that needed a coat of paint. After a couple of attempts I managed to hinge at the hips and raise my head a bit, moaning into my gag as I did so. I took in as much of the room as I could from my position. There were two single beds, I was lying inside my down cocoon on the bed closest to the door, a cupboard, a wooden chair in the corner and a bedside cabinet between the beds. There was a window which had blinds and curtains, both of which were currently closed. The effect of raising my head was causing me to start to sweat so lowered by head back down into the pillow. My mind started to wander as there was nothing to do but stare at the ceiling and drift away. I had to give them some credit. My down cocoon wasn’t as daft a restring solution as you would think. The combination of the smooth nylon lofted down made movement difficult and the heat generated by any movement increased the discomfort so much that you just wanted to lie still. I know that this seems strange as essentially it was only down stuffing inside nylon casing but I really couldn’t move that much no matter how much I struggled. The down in all of the bags had now totally lofted up and I could feel it pressing tightly all over my body. I couldn’t roll around or even get into a position where I could sit up before the mount of down go in the way. Any type of effort just led to extreme sweating and almost instant exhaustion as well, with being heavily gagged I couldn’t get enough air into my lungs. It was an ingenious bondage solution. I wasn’t going anywhere. They I heard he creak of footsteps on floorboards outside the room, the sound of a key in a lock and the creak of hinges as the door opened. Turing my head toward the door I saw Penelope entered the room. “MMUUPPHH,” I mumbled.

“I know that you are comfy but I am going to let you out,” Penelope said. “But nothing silly or the chloroform comes out.” I nodded my confirmation. “Good. The boss wants a word.” After Penelope had extracted me from the multiple layers of down, I was led into a room where there was a wooden chair and not much else. The walls were painted an ugly shade of lime green. After being pushed into that chair my ankles were crossed and lashed together with a length of soft rope. “I am going to take your gag off now but no shouting or the chloroform gets used,” Penelope said. I nodded my understanding of the deal. Penelope used that threat a lot but it was an effective one. Having sampled the delights of being chloroformed twice I was in hurry to undergo the experience for a third time. Although I was sure that would only be a temporary reprieve.
For the first time in a don’t know how long my mouth was free.

“Thanks,” I managed to croak, my mouth felt cottony and dry after being gagged for so long. Erin held up a bottle of water and I nodded. She took off the cap and held it up to my lips so that I could drink. I don’t think that I had enjoyed a drink of water so much, I drank most of the bottle. Not long after that the door opened and in stepped a woman wearing a black business suit, heels and a white blouse. Her dark auburn hair hung just past her shoulders and her piercing green eyes dissecting everything in the room. My first impression was professional, classy, elegant, intelligent and dangerous. I surmised that this was The Boss. When her eyes settled on me, the woman did a double take. She put her hands on her hips then looked at Erin and Penelope in turn, she didn’t look happy.

“Who is this?” the woman asked in accented English. If I was guessing it would be Italian.

“The person in room 519,” Penelope replied. “The target was going to be in that room and here they are.” The woman shook her head and looked at the floor as if trying to compose herself. “Something wrong boss?”

“Does this look like Wing Commander Doctor Gail Denmark the eminent mathematician who is leading up the work on that new stealth technology?”

“You said the person in Room 519,” Penelope replied knowing there was a problem. “This was the person in room 519.”

“Repeating it isn’t going to erase the mistake,” the woman said.

“Mistake,” I said in my head but unfortunately it also came out my mouth.

“Yes, my dear,” the woman said. “Sorry we haven’t been introduced my name is Sophia Bianchi.” Suddenly, I didn’t really think it was a good idea to know these woman’s names or have seen their faces. If my abduction had been a mistake was I now expendable? “And your name is?”

“Jake, Jake Walker,” I answered then shut up. Sophia took a phone out and took my photograph before showing it to me.

“You, do not look like,” and then used her index finger to flick through some photographs on her phone and then held it back up, “this.” On the screen was a photograph of an attractive woman of around my age with full lips, high cheekbones, shoulder length dark brown hair and matching eyes. Sophia then showed the image on her phone to Penelope and Erin who were retreating physically into the corner.

“Sorry,” they both said in unison.

“I must apologise for the error of my colleagues, they have put you in a difficult and dangerous position.” For want of anything better to do I nodded.

“This was a big contract for us,” Sophia had turned her attention toward Penelope and Erin. “The first for this client and we have managed to kidnaped the wrong person. It could have been a steady flow of good quality work.”

“Please just let me go. I won’t tell anyone. I promise.”

“This isn’t the movies kid,” Penelope commented, obviously trying to deflect attention from their mistake.

“People will be looking for me,” I said with a measure of confidence. That bubble was burst when Penelope pulled out my phone and started reading from my last text message.

“Hi mum, hope that you are well. Decided to get away for a bit and clear my head. Won’t be answering messages so don’t worry if you don’t hear from me for the rest of the week.” I slumped in the chair.

“That’s why we keep captives gagged. That kind of pathetic pleading,” Sophia commented. Erin, taking the hint walked across and stuffed the damp cloth back in my mouth before tying the knotted cloth over it. This time that was as far as the gagging went but it was still sufficient in my opinion.

“What shall we do with him then?” Penelope asked.

“MMMUUURRRPPHH, UUUGGHHHTTTHHH,” I screamed into my gag in panic thinking that they were going to ‘dispose’ of their mistake and not take any chances, no witnesses.

“Relax, we are not going to hurt you,” Sophia said. “That is not what we do. We pride ourselves on being professional snatch artists.” Sophia made a point on glaring at Penelope and Erin as she said this. If I didn’t know better, I would have sworn they were blushing.

“Feed and water him then take him back to the room and make sure he doesn’t go anywhere,” Sophia tuned and exited the room and after sharing a glance Penelope and Erin followed her out, closing and locking the door behind them. I was left alone to stew on what fate what befall me.
Penelope came back in carrying a tray with a bottle of water and bowl of steaming food on it around half an hour later. Whilst alone I couldn’t hold it in any longer and had relieve myself into the nappy, fortunately it absorbed all of the liquid comfortably. I could see her looking around, there was no other furniture in the room.

“I’m sure you won’t mind,” Penelope said as she put the tray down on the floor and sat on my lap, her legs were either side of my body. “There you go, both comfy,” Penelope said as she wiggled her bottom around a bit. I was trying not to look at her cleavage that was now more exposed in a revealing low-cut top. “I see you had to use the nappy.” I blushed. “Don’t worry, that’s what it is for. Erin and I will sort you a fresh one before you go back in the bags.” I mewed into my gag at the thought of going back in the bags, perhaps they wouldn’t use all three this time. Penelope reached around and loosened the knot holding my gag in place enough so that she could let the knotted cloth and let it hand around my neck. Penelope then picked the damp wad of cotton from my mouth. “Get you a fresh one of these as well.”

“Any chance we could forget the stuffing.” Penelope gave me a ‘are you serious look.’ “It’s just that when it becomes sodden it could choke me.”

“Alright, alright. As long as you behave, we can find other ways to keep you quiet.” Penelope replied as she leaned over and picked up the bowl and fork. I could see that it was pasta in some sort of sauce. Penelope stuck some of the pasta tubes and brought them up to my mouth.

“You are going to feed me?” I asked.

“I am certainly not untying your arms and giving you a fork.” Penelope said sternly. Admitting defeat, I nodded and opened my mouth. It wasn’t too bad as we soon got into a rhythm but Penelope did like to talk. “It wasn’t really our fault. Sophia called the contact at the hotel and that Gail Denmark woman was supposed to be in room 519 she just cancelled the reservation twenty minutes before you arrived. We were already set up and our contact was busy and didn’t notice until it was too late.” I just nodded and chewed. “I know the Boss can seem mean but we aren’t going to hurt you, That, is not what we do. We just have to keep you out of the way until we can track down our actual target.”

“Uh-huh,” I said as I finished the last of the pasta, wondering how long that would be. The food had been good, I assumed Sophia’s Italian heritage played a part.

“What we do have is a particular set of skills, skills acquired over a very long career, skills that make us a nightmare for people like you. If you are too be kidnapped, we will look for you, we will find you and we will take you.” Penelope smiled as she finished the speech.

“Taken,” I said.

“You have been,” Penelope said. Despite my situation I found myself smiling at the joke.

“Yeah but it works well in this situation.” Now that I had been fed and watered Penelope replaced the gag and Erin entered the room. They undid the rope around my ankles and helped me up. Erin then put a set if padded cuffs on my ankles and we made the slow journey back to the bedroom. Once inside Penelope mentioned to Erin about changing the nappy. Penelope kept a tight grip of my upper arm as Erin went into the cupboard and pulled out a nappy and some other supplies. When the cupboard was open, I caught a glimpse of more sleeping bags and other down clothing inside it. Erin laid a towel down on the empty bed an indicted that I should lie on it. I did and raised my hands above my head. Erin slipped off the ankle cuffs pulled my pyjama bottoms down and off before ripping off the sticky tabs to let the front of the nappy fall down. I lifted my hips to allow Erin to remove the soiled nappy and put a fresh one in place. As I lowered my hips back down, I felt the nappy below my bottom. This time however Erin used a wipe to clean me up and then applied some talcum powder before finishing the application of the nappy and then put my pyjama bottoms back on. I was then helped back onto my feet.

“UURRUUMMPPHH,” I muffled into my gag.

“Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about no stuffing.” Penelope removed the cloth with knot and picked put the stuffing that was in my mouth. Relief was short lived as I heard the ripping of tape and then Erin appeared with a thick section of white micro-foam tape in her hands. “Put your lips together.” I looked at Penelope. “This is the trade off for no packing.” My shoulders slumped but I complied and Erin placed the tape over my lips and then took great care to smooth it into place. Erin then produced the folder silk scarf and tied that over my mouth as well. Then they led me back over to the other bed and repeated the process of binding me, putting me into all three sleeping bags and then strapping the belts around it. At this point the bags were much loftier and the down was far tighter around my body so I snuggled in to get comfortable. I heard movement as Erin and Penelope moved around the room and tidied up. Then Penelope appeared leaning over into my line of sight with a bottle in one hand and a call of cotton wool in the other.

“MMOOHH,” I moaned.

“Sorry, I know it isn’t nice but this is a kidnapping so you have to expect this type of thing.” I watched on as Penelope unscrewed the cap on the bottle

“I will get you downstairs,” Erin said as she left. As she held the dosed cotton ball in her left hand, Penelope began to undo the buttons of her blouse with her right. Once they had all been undone, she opened the blouse fully to reveal her ample bosom being contained by a skimpy black bra. “I saw you catching a glimpse earlier. Now, you have been a good boy so thought that I would give you a treat. Concentrate on these whilst you go under. Give you something to dear about.” Penelope leaned in any placed the cotton ball over my nose. I couldn’t help but look at her enticing assets as I breathed in the sweet-smelling vapour chloroform vapour. Once again just as I was about to go under the cotton ball was removed and Penelope placed it in a dust mask. It must be the best technique to hold whatever is applying the chloroform tightly first so that the person gets a good dose I thought. Penelope gently placed the mask over my nose and mouth before slipping the straps over the back of my head to hold it in place. The last thing that I remember before everything went black was the curve of her breast and the wicked smile on her face.
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Post by tpton »

great story so far!
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Post by Nightly Binds »

This is really great. love the detail told, and the reveal of the mistake made, I certainly am only more intrigued now to see how the events will unfold for him, but it at least it doesn't seem like it can't be all too bad to being held captive in the hands of these women.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Thanks for all of the views and positive feedback folks!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Part 3

It had been a fitful night’s sleep, being knocked out with a sedative wasn’t the same as getting decent sleep. Even when the chloroform had dried in enough for the fumes to lose its effectiveness the smell and the irritation of the dust mask over my face meant that sleep was hard to come by. Later that morning the door opened and Penelope and Erin entered carrying a tray that I assumed was breakfast. They extracted me from the bags and liked with dinner the previous evening Penelope fed me breakfast as Erin looked on. “Good night’s sleep?” Penelope asked.

“No, despite having some nice dreams,” I replied.

“Yeah, sorry the chloroform can be rough sometimes. Will see I we can avoid for tonight.” My shoulders must have slumped as Penelope gave an encouraging smile. “Just for another couple of days and we haven’t been treating you badly, well for kidnappers.” Once breakfast was finished Penelope helped me over to the other bed and Erin gave me a fresh nappy and then it was back into the bags for who knew how long.
I had lost track of time and dozed off when the crash of the door bursting open jolted me awake. I turned my head and found Penelope and Erin carrying a thrashing and bucking down cocoon, very similar to the one that I was currently encased within. Well whoever was in the down cocoon was thrashing as much as the restrictive down and straps would allow. “Alright Jake, meet Gail Denmark.” Penelope said cheerily. As they carried the bundle over to the other bed in the room and carefully deposited Gail onto it. As the cocoon passed the end of the bed I could hear very muffled moans, groans and screams coming from it.

“That could have been less effort,” Erin complained, stretching her back and wiping sweat from her brow. “With a bit of chloroform.”

“Sorry, I spilled the bottle.” Penelope said. “Don’t worry plenty more where that came from. I will go and get one.” I was disappointed at the statement. I watched on as Gail continued to squirm around inside her massive down cocoon in a futile, utterly pointless attempt to escape. The air in the small room was filled with Gail’s very muffled screams and the swishing of the nylon against nylon as the different layers of Gail’s down cocoon rubbed against each other as Gail bounced about. If I could have spoken, I would have told Gail that this kind of resistance was futile. It was wasted effort. I didn’t have a full view due to the hoods of the sleeping bags I now had a view of what my down cocoon looked like, massive would be correct word for it. From this angle I could see that the external straps left deep indentations on the massively down stuffed bags. Whilst Gail was struggling Erin went to the wardrobe and removed a nappy. Then the door opened and Penelope came back into the room. “She really needs to learn some manners.” I watched on as Penelope dosed one of her favourite large cotton balls with chloroform and headed toward the thrashing down cocoon. “You need to calm down missy,” Penelope said as she reached in and clamped the cotton ball over Gail’s nose. I watched as the thrashing increased for a while, but it was all safely contained within the down cocoon. Eventually the struggling stopped but Penelope held the cotton ball in place so that Gail was forced to continue to inhale the fumes. “Erin, Pandora, that’s her out so you can work your magic.” Penelope then crossed the room, leaned in and placed the cotton ball over my nose and started talking. “That’s another reason for all of the down padding,” Penelope began. “Prevents the package getting damaged in transit or should they decide to thrash about they can’t hurt themselves.” I had to admit that was another benefit that I hadn’t thought of. The chloroform was having its now familiar effects on my body as I took deep, even breaths. “Sorry about the sedative again but there will be naked ladies and we can’t have you staring. Suppose I could have blindfolded you but where is the fun in that.” Penelope smiled. “Great story about how we grabbed her. I will tell you later, after your nap.” I moaned as my eyes fluttered and closed.
Not long after coming round the door opened and Penelope entered, pulled over the chair from the corner and set it next to my head. “Now, let me tell you how we captured Little Miss Grumpy over there.” Penelope took off her jacket and slipped it over the back on the chair before taking a seat. “I will let you get comfy before I start,” Penelope smiled. I glanced and looked from Penelope and then turned to look at the down cocoon containing Gail. “Don’t worry I gave her a good dose of chloroform in mask after the girls had worked on her. She will be out for a while yet.”

“MMHHMM,” I mumbled.

“I will start. I do like a captive audience,” Penelope joked.

“UURR,” I moaned.

“Sorry. So, the boss thought that we needed help for this one,” Penelope began. “Not just because we grabbed you at the hotel by mistake, just an extra pair of hands and to be honest it was useful. It was Pandora, you haven’t been formally introduced yet but you will like her, full on hot and nice but not a talker. And yes, Pandora is her real name before you ask. Anyway, the boss had managed to track down Wing Commander Denmark. Seems that she was supposed to be attending a conference and staying at that hotel but at the last minute she was redirected.”
“I shall set the scene for you. Pandora, Erin and I are sitting in the van waiting for a military car to come into view. Now, Wing Commander Denmark is important enough to have a driver to take her to and from the base. So, we figure that the best place to grab her is on the way to or from the base. It is easier to subdue one person at a time so I suggested that we nab the driver, one of us replace them and then drive the Wing Commander to a suitably remote location where we can take her. The plan went perfectly.” Penelope looked away for moment. “Well, mostly.”
“There is it,” Pandora said as she started the engine on the van. Penelope and Erin slipped out of the other door and started walking slowly along the pavement in the direction that the vehicle was coming from. As the large, green car approached it became clear that the driver was a woman. Not that they couldn’t easily deal with a man, a female driver did make it slightly less complicated. Penelope and Erin stopped walking behind a large tree that would almost shield them from the view of anyone driving on the road. As the care drove past them Penelope and Erin hurried back the way that they had come just as Pandora pulled the van out of the junction and in front of the military car causing the brake lights to flare as the driver stopped to avoid a collision. With perfect timing Penelope opened the door and jumped into the front passenger seat whilst Erin slipped into the rear seat and shuffled along until she was sitting behind the driver.

“Morning,” Penelope said with a smile. Obviously shocked at what had just happened the driver looked at Penelope like she had arrived from the moon.

“Who the hell are you?” the driver asked.

“That is not important. What is important that my partner has a gun in your back so don’t do anything. Do as we say and everything will be fine.” The driver swallowed and nodded slowly, still shocked by the turn of events. “Now, follow that van.” Penelope nodded as Pandora swung the van fully onto the road and the driver out the car back in gear and followed. They had to take her somewhere, it would take too long and draw too much attention to take care of her in the middle of a road in a built-up area. It only took two minutes for driver to gain a bit of courage.

“What are you going to do with me?” the driver asked.

“Nothing bad, I promise,” Penelope replied.

“Then what do you want with me?”

“Shush, we will take care of that mouth at the next set of lights,” Penelope commented. When the stopped at the next set of lights Penelope ordered the driver to open her mouth. The driver gave Penelope a looked but did comply.

“Look where you are driving.” As the driver turned back Erin leaned around and forced a cloth into the driver’s mouth. The driver moaned but quickly Erin followed that up by placing a knotted cloth over that mouth stuffing and tying it securely in place at the back of the driver’s head. The whole process was completed before the light turned green and the small convoy pulled away and turned left. The car followed the van for about ten minutes before they arrived at the location that they had agreed on earlier, a secluded country road with fields of long grass on one side and woodland on the other. Pandora pulled the van onto the verge and the driver pulled in about a car length behind and shut off the vehicle. The trio sat in silence for a time with the ticking of the cooling engine the only sound. “Keys,” Penelope said holding out her hand. The driver removed them from the ignition and deposited them in the open hand. Penelope slipped them into a pocket and then from the other pocket produced a clear zip lock bag containing a pre-prepared chloroform cloth which she removed from the bag. The interior of the car was instantly filled with a sickly-sweet odour. The driver had a concerned look on her face, everyone had seen the movies and television shows, so the driver must have had an idea what was going to happen next. Penelope nodded and Erin leaned around and bearhugged the driver from behind, meaning that the woman couldn’t use them. Penelope leaned across and pressed the moist cloth over the lower half of the driver’s face. Instantly the driver’s eyes went in panic as she got the first, intense whiff of the sleep inducing fumes.

“MMMMMMMMM,” the driver moaned but behind the gag and cloth it was barely audible even to Penelope and Erin in the car. The driver tried to struggle as the fumes attached her senses, it was only natural, but there was nowhere to go, she could hardly move. With the cloth in place the driver continued to inhale the sweet fumes from the cloth.

“Just relax and go to sleep, we aren’t going to hurt you,” Penelope reassured the woman. Even in this position the driver tried to call out for help and shake her head to try and get free from the cloth but it was wasted effort, Penelope could tell that the chloroform was starting to have an effect as the driver’s movements became slower and her eyes started to have a glazed look and lose focus. Eventually the driver’s head lolled forward and there was a last moan as the driver’s eyes closed. Penelope kept the cloth in place to make sure that the driver inhaled a good dose of the sedative. As Penelope was doing this Erin got out of the back seat and open the driver’s door.

“Let’s get this show on the road,” Erin commented. Erin and Penelope carried the unconscious driver from the car to the van and deposited her on a thin mattress that was lying in the back. All three members of the crew got in and looked down at the slumbering woman. “Looks like you are best fit for the uniform Pandora,” Erin commented. Without any reply Pandora just started to strip off her own clothes, trainers, socks, jeans, sweater and jacket. As Pandora was disrobing Erin and Penelope stripped the driver down to her underwear before using silver duct tape to bind the woman’s wrists behind her back then her legs at the ankles, just above and below the knees and then around the thighs. Unfortunately, as she was not a high value target the driver didn’t get the luxury of being restrained with padded leather straps. As Pandora finished getting dressed to replace the driver by slipping on her uniform jacket and then hat. “We can’t leave her like that,” Erin said, looking down at their bound captive.

“Pandora,” Penelope asked. Pandora just shrugged. “Alright use the spare bag,” Penelope conceded. Erin smiled as she grabbed a compression sack, pulled out the sleeping bag contained within and spread it out on the floor. With a little assistance from Penelope, Erin managed to position the driver on one half of the sleeping bag and then flipped the other half over and zipped it all the way up, drawing the string around the hood tight. That job complete Erin and Penelope picked the sleeping bag containing the driver up and carried it from the van to the military car where Pandora was waiting with the boot open. They deposited the driver in the boot and Pandora slammed it shut.

“How long will she be out?” Pandora asked.

“Long enough, she got a good dose.” Penelope replied. Pandora nodded and headed for the driver’s seat. “Good luck,” Penelope called. Pandora did not respond or acknowledge the statement in any way. Erin and Penelope watched on as Pandora got in, got settled and then drove away.
“Ma’am,” Pandora saluted as she opened the back door.

“Where is Corporal Lane?” Gail Denmark paused with one foot in the car and a hand on the roof.

“Taken ill at short notice I believe. I was asked to fill in today.” Gail seemed to accept that explanation with a nod of the head and got into the back seat which allowed Pandora to close the door. Before getting behind the wheel Pandora sent a quick text to confirm that she had made the pickup. Sliding into the driver’s seat she pulled on a pair of leather gloves, started the car and pulled away.

“On their way,” Penelope said to Erin as she put the mobile back in her pocket and pulled the bottle of chloroform out, as the bottle exited the pocket Penelope fumbled it and it fell onto the tarmac, shattering and spilling its contents. “Sugar,” Penelope said.

“Looks like we do this the old-fashioned way,” Erin commented, giving Penelope a look.

“Better stand down wind just to be safe.” Erin nodded slipped on a dust mask before handing Penelope an identical one. “Might not be a bad idea,” Penelope responded and slipped the mask over her nose and mouth.

“This isn’t the usual route Corporal,” Gail had been sitting in the back looking through some papers and had only just noticed. From the front seat Pandora could see the last turn and she would have to make before meeting up with Erin and Penelope.

“Security procedure ma’am,” Pandora replied glancing in the rear-view mirror. “Instructions are to vary the routes.” Gail seemed to accept that answer and went back to looking through her papers.

After making that last turn Pandora spotted the van sitting by the side of the road and began to slow down the car. “Why are we slowing down Corporal?” Gail asked form the back seat. Pandora doesn’t reply, just continues to slow the car down and edge it toward the side. “Corporal, I asked you a question.” Gail said. “Is there something wrong with the car?” Pandora once again ignored the question and stopped the car at the side of the quiet country lane. Gail still hadn’t noticed the van sitting just on front of them nor the two figures wearing dust masks running toward the car. “Corporal will you answer me?” An edge had crept into Gail’s voice. Then she noticed Penelope and Erin making their way toward the car. “Who are they?” Pandora just shrugged as Erin and Penelope reached the car. They work as a well-rehearsed team. Erin opens the door and Penelope leans in and drags Gail out of the back seat. “Who are you? What do you want?” Gail asked in a voice that now had an edge of panic to it. “Take your hands off me!” Gail shouted as Penelope spun her around and took both of her upper arms in a firm grasp.

“Calm down Wing Commander,” Penelope says. “If you just relax this will go much easier on everyone.” Penelope’s voice was slightly muffled by the mask over her face.

“Easier? What do you mean easier?” Gail’s had now gone into full panic mode and she started to try and shake off Penelope’s firm grip but Penelope and serval inches in height and a significant weight advantage over Gail. “Would you let me OOOOHHH.” Gail didn’t get to finish that sentence before Erin rammed a wadded-up cloth into her mouth. Gail’s eyes went wide in shock. “MMMM UUHHH,” Gail screamed, it didn’t get any better for Gail as she pushed the knotted cloth deep into Gail’s mouth after the wadded cloth and secured it tightly at the back of her head.
Pandora, having retrieved Gail’s bag from the backseat tossed the mobile phone and car keys into the long grass of the field at the side of the road before grabbing Gail’s legs and lifting them off the ground. Gail bucked and thrashed for all that she was worth, trying to break free of her attacker’s grasp, but with the three women now holding her it was a fight that she was going to lose. They carried her to the side of the van where the large sliding door was lying open. Between the three of them they managed to get Gail into the interior of the van. It was a complicated operation, not helped by how much the woman was struggling.

Suddenly Gail found that she was face down on a thin mattress in the back of the van, pinned down by three sets of hands. There was a short period of relief as one set of hands, the one holding down her legs were removed so Gail decided to kick out. “Now, that’s now very nice,” Penelope said. Then there was a sliding noise and then a click as the door was shut and the light went out. Pandora had closed the door and was about to jump into the driver’s seat to get them moving. There was now no way that Gail could get outside assistance in her struggle, nobody could see in the van and gagged as she was her shouts were reduced to almost inaudible muffled noises. Suddenly Gail felt a another set of hands leave her body, now this could be her chance to turn the tables, but then a large weight landed in the small of her back, it was Penelope, and forcing her deeper into the thin mattress.

“MMUURROOWW,” Gail screamed into her gag. Now, that had hurt. Penelope also leaned down and grabbed both of Gail’s wrists and pinned them into the mattress. Now Gail found that she had absolutely no leverage. Then Gail felt an arm warp around her ankles, holding them together as something was slipped around them then tightened. “OOUUMM,” Gail complained as her ankles were bound together securely by a padded leather strap. That was followed by Erin placing tightening and buckling in place further straps around Gail’s legs just above and below the knees and then around the thighs. Although her legs were now securely bound Gail continued to resist the women that had snatched her.

“Now, will you quit struggling,” Penelope said into Gail’s ear.

“MMMMMM,” Gail replied.

“I take that as a no,” Penelope replied with as she lifted Gail’s wrists from the mattress and wrenched them behind her back. That move elicited a muffled grunt of complaint from Gail before Erin locked a padded cuff around each of Gail’s wrists. Although Gail guessed what had happened, she tried in vain to pull her wrists apart but they were now locked close together. Then all of the weight pining her down was removed and she instantly rolled over to find two women with dark hair looking down at her over the white dust masks that they wore. There was a brief stare off before the taller of the two, Penelope, leaned over and banged on the interior of the van above Gail’s head. Suddenly the engine sprung to life and the van pulled off the verge and onto the road and Penelope and Erin braced themselves against the side of the van. “Now, let’s finish her off.”

“NNSSHH UURR HOF,” Gail mumbled. What did that mean? Penelope knelt down behind Gail and lifted her up at the waist so that the top half of her body was now upright. That allowed Erin to bind Gail’s arms to her body using two of the padded leather straps. As this process was being carried out Gail got a look over Erin’s shoulder at a pile of down sleeping bags near the rear doors of the van. So concentrated on that was Gail that she didn’t notice the large, thick pad of cotton wool at the centre of a silk scarf headed toward her mouth until Erin smashed it over Gail’s mouth placing a thick wad of cotton wool over Gail’s already gagged mouth and then tying the ends of the silk scarf at the back of Gail’s head tightly. Gail moaned, shocked that they would even think of reinforcing her already sufficient gag. A roll of flesh coloured medical elasto-crepe cotton bandage and wrapped around the lower part of Gail’s face several times before Erin used several wrappings of micro-foam tape to compress everything and keep the gag in place. Once that job was complete Penelope slid the first sleeping bag over so that it was sat next to Gail,

“This will go easier if you don’t struggle so much,” Penelope said.

“It does seem pointless now that we have her tied and gagged” Erin said to Penelope just as the heaved Gail up and into the sleeping bag and managed to get her zipped up inside. There seemed to be a delay whilst she worked out what was going on before Gail bucked and thrashed for all that she was worth as Erin and Penelope dragged her onto the second sleeping bag.

“There is no point in that all struggling, all you will do is tire yourself out.” Erin flipped over the top of the second bag and zipped it up, using a travel lock to secure the double zippers together. Gail stopped thrashing around, as much as she hated to admit that her captors were correct the gag was making it difficult to breathe properly when making that amount of effort and her lungs were burning. Even now though Gail wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction of making it easy and when she heard the swish of another bag being prepared Gail started to buck and thrash again.

“Now I really wish I hadn’t dropped the chloroform,” Penelope said as she finished securing the buckle on the last strap that held Gail in place on the fold down cot. Whilst Penelope was doing that Erin was slipping a blindfold over Gail’s eyes and putting ear plugs in each of her ears. Their captive secured and sense deprived for the trip Penelope and Erin sat down on the floor and took a rest for the remainder of the journey to the safe house.
“Good work ladies,” Sophia said as Penelope and Erin wrestled the squirming form of Gail past her and straight up the stairs. Pandora entered the house next and casually handed Sophia Gail’s bag before heading toward the kitchen. “Nice uniform, suits you.” Sophia said before shutting the door and following Pandora to the kitchen taking a quick look at her watch as she did so. In the kitchen Pandora had just stuck on the kettle to make a round of tea. “You English and your tea,” Sophia commented and got a look from Pandora. “Not for me, I have to take the bag to the drop off. I should be back in a couple of hours. Until then take good care of our guests.” Pandora nodded then went back to making the tea, getting the cups from the cupboard and milk from the fridge as Sophia shrugged and left.

“I’m Canadian,” Pandora commented to the now empty kitchen.
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

Really nice chapter.
I feel like Pandora could be an infiltrator in the criminal gang.
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Post by Red86 »

Really good story so far! Now that the women have the original target, I wonder how long they'll hold on to Jake? Looking forward to seeing this continuing!
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Very good chapter. pretty interesting getting to hear how they finally caught their intended Target. and now that they finally have them, I'm certainly carious to see where this will all lead to and what awaits Jake. seems they may have a bit of a liking to him being their unintended " captive " :lol:
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Part 4

“If you two just relax for the next two days then we will all get through this fine,” Penelope said as she stood between the two beds looking from Gail to myself as she spoke. “Unfortunately, it isn’t going to be that exciting for you just lying here. Now, before you ask, I can’t take your gags off and let you talk as that just isn’t how this is done. We appreciate your understanding and co-operation.” With the speech over Penelope exited the room and left Gail and I to our own devices.

The next two days weren’t exactly the most exciting of my life but I did manage to get through it. The majority of it was spent bound and gagged in my down cocoon staring at the ceiling and trying not to move around too much and just enjoy the relative comfort of being surrounded in down. Trying to find the positives in my current situation it gave me time to think and consider things. Even if I didn’t get downsized it was time to leave my job and find something that I liked doing. Plus, my former girlfriend wasn’t right for me, a couple of close friends had tried telling me as much but I hadn’t listened at the time. It was time to make some changes. Assuming the criminal gang that had abducted me and were holding me against my will kept to their word and released me.

At different times twice a day both Gail and I were released from the prison of down to stretch our legs, well our legs were cuffed so it was more like a hobble, up and down the corridor outside the room where we were kept. It meant that I got the occasional look at my fellow captive and I had to admit that I found her very attractive. When free we were fed, watered and our nappies were changed. The only downside on being let out was once we were back and snug inside the down cocoon we were sedated again with chloroform, the now familiar cotton ball was pressed over my nose and it was off to dreamland. Then just when I was starting to worry if they would ever release us the next morning when Penelope entered the room Penelope was carrying not a breakfast tray but two dust masks. “This is a good news, bad news kind of deal kind of morning.”

“MMUUPPHH,” Gail and I moaned in unison.

“The bad news first. No breakfast I am afraid.” Penelope was now lowering the dust mask toward my face and I could tell that it was heavily dosed with chloroform by the strength of the fumes that were invading my nostrils even from six inches away from my face. “The good news is that you both get to take a nice long nap,” Penelope placed the mask over my nose and mouth and then headed over to Gail. I was that used to the smell and associated sensations on chloroform now that it did really register in my brain that I was slipping into unconsciousness. “And when you are asleep, we will take you on a trip. Won’t that be nice.” That didn’t really register as just afterwards everything went black.
The light started to break through the darkness as I started to come round. My head was a bit sore so it must have been a hefty dose of chloroform. I shook my head and things started to come into focus, although I was still a bit disorientated. My eyesight was a bit fuzzy but I was sure that Wing Commander Gail Denmark was lying very close of me. As I recovered more, I realised that very close might have been playing it down slightly, we were in fact tied together. My wrists were bound with rope behind Gail’s back and although I could not see I assumed that Gail’s wrists were bound in a similar fashion behind my back. I tied to lift my arms but felt a bump into my back after I had moved them barely an inch or two. I also felt something rub against the padding on the nappy I was still wearing. I surmised that our abductors had attached a rope between each of our bound sets of wrists which meant that neither of us could move our arms. Looking down our legs were bound together from ankle to upper thing in silver duct tape. I also noted that our bodies were taped together from just above the waist to just below the armpits. We were basically locked together, we at least we weren’t gagged. It was just as I had finished assessing our situation when I felt movement against my chest. “OOOHHH,” Gail moaned as she started to regain consciousness. At this point a really didn’t know what to say so just lay as still as possible not making any noise. As Gail’s opened her eyes, I could see that she was having difficulty if focusing. “Who are you?” Gail asked, blinking rapidly.

“Jake, Jake Walker,” I replied nervously. “Erm, I was the person in that other pile of sleeping bags.” Gail then tried to move her hands and must have felt the same sensation as I did when I had attempted the same thing. As Gail was starting to fully regain her faculties a turned my head to have a look around.

“Do you know where we are?” Gail asked, she was still obviously feeling the effects of the chloroform. I looked around as much as I could to confirm my initial suspicion before answering.

“Room 519 at the Hotel Royale,” I replied then smiled.

“What? Are you smiling?”

“Well, in addition to surviving being abducted I just realised that all of my clothes and stuff will still be in the room.”

“Why did they kidnap me?” Gail asked

“They were hired to,” I replied.

“How do you know that?”

“Penelope, the tall kidnapper with the chloroform told me.”

“Hired by whom?”

“I don’t know,” I replied, shrugging my shoulders as far as I could. Why would I? I wasn’t involved in the plot.

“Why did they kidnap you?”

“It was a mistake,” I replied.

“A mistake.” Gail echoed. I nodded to confirm.

“They thought I was you, believe it or not. This was the room that you were booked into.” Gail went quiet and seemed to be running something around in her head.

“Alright, I believe you,” Gail stated.

“Thanks,” I replied somewhat annoyed, although I must admit that being this close to her was hardly a chore. My earlier observation of her being attractive may have been an understatement, she was absolutely beautiful. There was a period of silence until Gail started to squirm around.

“Don’t suppose you remember of there was a knife lying around the room?” Gail asked. I shook my head. “My arm is going numb. Can we roll over?” We were part of the way through turning with Gail was lying on top of me when there was a knock on the door.

“Is everything all right in there?” It was Tony from when I checked in, I recognised the voice. Gail and I both looked at the door, then back at each other, then back at the door.

“HELP!” we both called in unison. “HELP!” Then the door was flung open and Tony and the receptionist were framed in the doorway. The sight that greeted them had obviously thrown them off balance.

“Tony, call the police,” the receptionist said. As Tony disappeared back to find a phone the receptionist hurried over and started working on getting us free, picking at the knots on the rope around my wrists.
We weren’t even allowed to take our clothes off and take a shower before we were whisked away to the Police Station. At the station Gail and I were split up, stripped of what we were wearing for evidentiary purposes before being led to a windowless room and interviewed individually by a pair of straight-faced detectives. I don’t think that they believed a word that I told them, even though I was able to provide very detailed descriptions of all of the women involved. My guess was that they believed it was some kind of kinky sex game gone wrong. After hours of being the asked the same questions I was thanks for my time and told that they would be in contact should they have any further questions. Fortunately, Tony had kindly arranged for my clothes and other belongings to be dropped off at the Station. As I exited the toilet form putting on some fresh clothes, I bumped into Gail sitting on a plastic chair wearing a disposable white suit. “Hello,” I said.

“They don’t believe us? Do they?” Gail said despondently.

“Nope,” I replied and took the seat beside her.

“Do you have anything that I could wear?” I had a rummage in my bag and pulled out a pair of plain black jogging bottoms and a football shirt.

“These might be the best that I have.”

“Thanks,” Gail said and grabbed them before heading for the toilet. Five minutes later she appeared wearing my clothes and I had to stop myself saying something stupid. “Let’s go.” I jumped up hoping that meant that we were going somewhere together. I could murder a pint. Just as walked through the station’s main door and into the fresh air two burly Military Policemen turned up.

“Wing Commander Denmark?”

“Yes,” Gail replied.

“You are under arrest.” Without any further comment they brought her arms behind her back and slapped on a pair of handcuffs. “What’s this all about?” Gail asked as they two Military Policemen ushered her toward a waiting car.

“That will all be explained later,” the MP who seemed to be in charge replied. I watched stunned as they put Gail in the back of the car and they drove away. Anyway, it turned out that Sophia and her team had been hired to disappear Gail and keep her out of the way for a couple of days in order that some criminal organisation could replace her with a lookalike so that they could break into an Air Force Base and steal research on upgraded stealth technology. Anyway, I tried to get in contact with Wing Commander Denmark on a couple of occasions afterwards but my messages were never returned.

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Post by mrjones2009 »

Thanks for all of the positive feedback on this story, it was just something that I wrote form an idea that I had. I wanted to keep it short and short.

As there has been interest will look at a sequel when I have some time!
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Post by scarfgagged »

Great story! I enjoyed it!!!
If you're not gagged and blindfolded, then you're not tied up at all!!! :D
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Nightly Binds
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Oh forget to comment when I finished reading, so, yeah this was a pretty great story, the whole F/M theme is something I usually look for in stories and this certainly had a great theme for it, from the accidental kidnapping to the rather kind but also firm personalities of the capturers lol , also Glad it to ended on a happyish note , but it certainly is making me wish to see more with this setting and characters. either, Great job and thanks for sharing !
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Post by mrjones2009 »

[mention]scarfgagged[/mention] [mention]The skeleton Beam[/mention]

Many thanks for the positives comments.

I am sure these characters will return in another adventure at some point.
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