Tyler's Spooky Adventures (M/MM/?)

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Tyler's Spooky Adventures (M/MM/?)

Post by Chris12 »

A specter is haunting the French village of Soleil-the Specter of capitalism! Those arrogant, stuck up French jerks will come to appreciate Halloween whether they like it or not!

That's really just the worst thing about my parent's divorce. That I now live at a place that does NOT celebrate Halloween. That's some horror! And not Halloween horror! Actual, existential horror! So it falls to me, Tyler, the American to save Halloween! Because saving the French(even if its from themselves) is just what us Americans do best!

The American Vampire
I'm Tyler, an all American boy growing up in France. I'm just your average 14 year old kid. I love football, video games and going out in the wilds for big adventures. By now I've fully integrated into the village of Soleil with a super duper best friend, and a surrogate little brother who I sometimes dream of tying up and leaving in the wilds. I'm perfectly integrated in my new society. And yet today all my friends and neighbors scoff and go ''Ugh! an American'' or ''ugh...something something capitalist'' or even ''But mu French values!''.

Perhaps it has something to do with my flowing black cape, red waistcoat, my bleached face or the fancy white jabot tied around my neck. I'm walking the streets as a vampire! A blonde vampire. A 14 year old vampire. A handsome vampire. Sadly that whole thing where vampires hypnotize girls into falling in love with them is a trick I haven't mastered yet. They seem more repulsed than smitten at my vampiric gaze. My candy haul is very unimpressive too. French people definitely prefer receiving tricks over giving treats. But egging all my neighbors isn't really an option.

So if trick or treating isn't possible I'll just have to start my own Halloween tradition! With that goal in mind I had two houses to visit, dressed as a vampire and with a big bag of materials under my arm. It was time to get spooky!

The French Werewolf.
Naturally Nicholas was first on the list. My best friend in the whole world and the one who gets me. The only one in town who'd get this! Nick is definitely friendly and cultured enough to appreciate Halloween. '

''Hellooooo miss Argent!'' I said with a beaming face when Nicholas mom opened the door. She liked me a lot. She adored how happy I made her son. And yet when I showed my (empty) candy bowl she rolled her eyes and mumbled ''américain'' in that typical haughty French fashion ''Me and Nick got ourselves a playdate. He's home right? I'll just go upstairs'' As always meeting Nick made a huge smile form on my face.

''Hellooooo Tyler!'' I was met with an auburn haired boy who shared my big smile. Nick was the same age and size as me, just a bit thinner which explains why I can often make him my little captive. Right now he was wearing a black shirt with a pumpkin on it. Aww, he did get me! ''You look so cool!''

''And you don't! But I appreciate the thought!'' I grinned. We both pulled an arm around each other and pushed our cheeks against each other's. Even if Nick had a little Halloween tribute he didn't have a costume.....yet.

''So I got some spooky films for us to watch! Since you must be bummed about everyone, and I do mean everyone rolling your eyes at you for looking awesome!'' Nick grinned. He really, really got me ''Hey you've got a big bag? What's in it?''

''I'm glad you asked! I've got you a costume!'' I answered happily.

''Ty we talked about this. I think its awesome but trick or treating just wo-MMMMH!'' before Nick finished speaking I clamped my hand on his mouth.

''Shhh. Just be a good boy and surrender'' I hushed the lad.

''Mmmmh!'' Nick frowned. Surrendering was something he didn't do. Instead I saw his hand reach out to grab my wrist. He was just a glutton for punishment.

''Ehehe! Oh Nick!'' I answered by seizing his wrist with my free hand ''Sit....still!'' I barked and started wrestling the boy to the ground.

''Hrmmh! Nmmmmm mmmf!'' Nicholas moaned, feeling himself fall down on his stomach. I quickly sat down on top of my friend and made sure to keep my hand clamped on his mouth ''Grrrrm!'' he growled but I could tell that under my hand he was smiling.

''I win. Again'' I gloated and pulled my bag closer. Removing the hand from Nick's mouth I pulled out a balled up cloth.

''Y-you're going to kidnap me aren't you!?'' Nicholas gasped ''Wait! Are you...Tyler I don't wa-MMMMH!'' I hushed him by stuffing the sock in his mouth. I then took out a cloth out of the bag and pulled it between the lad's teeth ''Nrmmmh! mmmf! GMMMMMMMMH!'' Nick might be under the assumption he'd be going trick or treating as a helpless prisoner, which explained why he suddenly wasn't liking it anymore. The playful whines turned in angry muffles. Nick made a really good guess on what was to happen to him....but he was wrong. I had other plans for him. But said plans DID involve a costume!

''Always the cute one aren't you?'' I giggled. Nick had a habit of squirming helplessly under me and I found that amazing ''Okay! PANTS OFF!'' I yelled and pulled off the boy's shorts.

''H-hmmh! Nmmh! Tmm mr pmmmhs!'' Nick moaned as I barred his legs. He didn't stay in his briefs for long because immediately after I pulled a set of trousers out of my bag and hoisted the boy in them. These were special trousers. They looked ragged with clawmarks and holes in them, and some parts of the pants were covered in grey fur-like material.

Next I forced off Nicholas' shirt ''Ehehe! Still more skinny than me!'' I gloated and pinched his bare, thin arm.

''Urgh! Shmm hmmh!....yrmm jmm fmh!'' Nick winked as muffledly implied I was the ''fat'' one of the two. As if! I'm made of pure muscle!

''I'd wedgie the crap outa you for even saying that. But I'm on a tight schedule'' I frowned and took out a new shirt for him. Same as with the pants Nick wouldn't be shirtless for long since I hoisted him in a purple shirt that only barely wasn't cut to ribbons. For the next step I took out the duct tape and wrapped it around the squirming Nick's torso. I made it a point not to tie his hands behind his back, I'd be needing those, so for the time being Nick was tied just by having his arms pinned to his torso.

''Hrmmh! hmmmh! mmmmmh!'' Nick moaned helplessly on the floor. With the holes in his pants and his shirt being more holes than shirt he showed plenty of skin. Really catched that vibe of a wherewolf growing out of his outfit! And I kinda liked looking at it ''Lmmh mmh mmmmht!' he mewled loudly, still under the assumption I'd drag him trick or treating as my prisoner.

''Before the night is up you'll be freed'' I promised Nick. Out of the bag came four more items. A pair of furry slippers, and furry gloves with claws on each, a dog collar and a pair of adorable grey dog ears. With Nick laying there helpless I applied each of them on him. The slippers on his feet, the gloves on his hands, the collar on his neck and to finish it off the dog ears on his head.

''Awwww! Who's the adorable little wherewolf!'' I grinned and pulled Nick in front of the mirror.

Nick rolled his eyes before mumbling ''Mmh mmh....'' he seemed to agree at least! Standing in front of the mirror was an auburn haired boy with a gag in his mouth, ragged clothing and werewolf accessories ''Nmmhm! Mmmh thrmmh!' Nick grunted and nudged his head to the nearby table, specifically to a marker laying there.

''Ehehe! You really DO get me!'' I was absolutely delighted at the help. I took the marker and painted three lines on each of Nick's cheek to draw some whiskers on him ''Costume complete!'' I yelled and raised my hand for a high five.

''Yrmmh dmmh!'' Nick rolled his eyes and futilely tried moving his arms a bit. Giving a high five wasn't really possible like this.

''Right! Now on to Jules!'' I yelled and prepared for my next target.

The bratty mummy

Nick really didn't have to worry much. As much as he feared I'd drag him across town as my prisoner I did my best for him. As we walked to Jules I put a white sheet over the boy. With two holes near the eyes of course. Having Nicholas walk the streets in a ghost outfit helped disguise the fact that I was totally kidnapping him! And the muffled mewling could be explained by the sheet just muffling him.

''Hrmmmh!'' Nick narrowed his eyes and mumbled something judgmental at me when we reached Jules house. Maybe it had to do with me having helped myself to Nick's key to the place(Nick and the boy were cousins you see) and me technically planning to break into the place.

''Oh shut it, dog boy'' I just said. With Nick's key I opened the door and walked inside. I knew for a fact Jules parents were away and that the tyke was alone. Walking upstrairs to the boy's room I could hear the sound of video games being played. I opened the door and....

''Huh? What the heck are you doing here?'' A haughty voice asked. Sitting on the couch was a 12 year old with really messy brown hair. Jules curly hair was as per usual so long it fell over his eyes. His eyes were hidden but his lips forming into a scowl implied he wasn't happy with me breaking and entering ''Oh wow....wow you look REALLY stupid!'' he then said when observing my costume ''Kay. I've seen your outfit. Now get outa my house!

''Okay you seriously shouldn't complain about this! Last week YOU broke in and locked me on my toilet!'' I just had to point out the hypocrisy ''Or that time you snuck in to put a pink shirt in my laundry! I've been walking around in pink shirts for weeks!

''Ehehehe! Yeah that was really funny! But I'm me and you're you. And when YOU break into houses its wrong. Now get out. And go change outta that...you look silly!''

''Jman. I've got an outfit for you'' I smiled at the boy and showed him my bag. Even without seeing his eyes I knew they went wide in shock, if not outright terror.

''NOOOOOO! Someone help! HEEEEMMMMMMMMMMH!'' Unlike Nick Jules had the typical french mentality of not liking Halloween. As such I'd have to put some work into this. I covered that screaming mouth with my hand and ignored the bites that inevitably followed.

''HRMMMMH! NMMH! NMMMMMMMH!'' Jules screamed, and he kicked but we had grown close enough that he had stopped kicking my groin whenever we fought. This did mean his win rate had shrank drastically. I was far bigger than this scrawny little brat after all. My first task was to stop the biting. To save my poor hand I quickly withdrew it and pulled some silver tape on the boy's lips instead, from there I wrapped the roll several times over his head with Jules screaming it out the entire time.

''HRRMMMH! NMMMH! MMMMMMMMMM!'' Helpless but very VERY loud Jules was left to impotently fume in rage as I crossed his arms on his chest and used duct tape to keep them in place there. I further wrapped up his torso, then applied the tape over his squirming knees and ankles to end that annoying kicking.

''HRmmh! GRMMMMH! TLRMMH! HMMMMMMMMMH! GRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMH!'' Now fully helpless, wrapped up and gagged Jules could only glare angrily. Oh wait! With that stupid haircut he couldn't even glare! HA!

''Oh Jules!'' I sang and showed him the impressive heep of toilet paper in my bag ''Wanna be a mummy for Halloween!''

''NMMH!'' Jules said very firmly and shook his head.

''What's that? You think its a GREAT idea!?'' I asked and forced his head to nod in ''agreement''. How nice of the tyke to give permission!

''Nmmh! Stmm bmmh!' Jules whined. I started rolling the toilet paper around him, starting by the feet. I wrapped the white paper over his ankles and then wrapped, wrapped and wrapped, using glue and tape to ensure the wrappings would keep in place.

''HHMMMMMMMMMMMMH!'' Not at all helpful was the Tyke's incessant squirming. He wriggled and kicked so much the bandages around his legs broke several times.

''Jules'' I said a little coldly. Putting my hands in the boy's pants I yanked his briefs up his butt as far as I was able ''Work along if you know what's good for you!''

''EEEEEEEMMMH! YMMS! MMKAY! MMMMMMMMMMMH!'' Jules seemed to have gotten the memo. After the wedgie he stayed perfectly still, even if he mewled the occasional death threat my way. And so the wrapping continued! From ankles all the way to his head! When I was done I stood before a very angry, but adorable little mummy. Wrapped from head to toe in toilet paper. Even with his head all wrapped up I had kept a little opening around the forehead so the boy's mop of hair still hung over his eyes to indicate it was Jules, and to give some personality to the mummy outfit.

'Awwww! You look so cute, champ!'' I giggled and patted his bandaged head.

''Mmmh klmmh ymmmmh!'' Jules screamed.

Awww! Love ya too champ!'' I said affectionately which seemed to briefly calm Jules down. Small as he was I easily swung Jules over my shoulder ''Mummy secured! Now lets take you somewhere spooky huh?''

Place of darkness

''Urmmmh! nfmmh! Hlmmh mmh! Mmmh knhmmnmd! hlmmmmmh!'' Jules kept moaning at random villagers for help when I took him out of the house. Sadly for him it wasn't uncommon for me or him to drag each other through town in a tied up state. Jules being tied up by his ''big brother'' was something the townsfolk found ''adorable'' so they weren't concerned at all when I took a mummified and screaming Jules out of his house. (Even if they were annoyed at the Halloween touch I added to our little routine)

''Hmmh Jlmmhs'' Nicholas the friendly ghost said when I walked up to him.

''Tlmmr ymm hrmmbl!'' Jules evidently didn't agree with me ''corrupting'' Nick through the power of Halloween. And he hadn't even seen the epic werewolf outfit I gave Nick yet!''

''Hmm tmmh mms trmmh mmh trmmming'' Nick mumbled, explaining to Jules what he thought would happen. It prompted a horrified yelp from the mummy. The idea of all his peers seeing him go trick or treating mortified him for some bizare reasons.

''That's where you're wrong, Nickyboy'' I smiled and gave the ghost boy a shove ''Walk! C'mon. Keep walking''

with Nick being forced to walk at my orders and Jules over my shoulders the boys were at my mercy. They'd go where I wish them to go, and to their surprise I was leading them out of the village. I pushed Nick into the woods and kept leading them away from the village.

''Spooky huh!'' I grinned. It was past sundown so a darkness had fallen over the woods. To my delight I did hear Jules winch a little and press himself closer to me. Awww.

''Mmmmh! Tmmh cmmlh!'' Nick gasped and despite the ghost outfit hiding his face I knew he was grinning at me.

''Yup! I'm taking you to Soleil castle!'' Nick was completely correct. Our destination was the local castle ruins. Like any self respecting French town Soleil had a ruined castle in the vicinity.

Soon stone walls and crumbling towers rose to meet us. We had reached the castle. Pushing Nick into the stone building I guided him down some stairs until we reached a cold, damp and ruined dungeon. Manacles, broken bars and even some broken torture equipment could be seen all around us. Well...um....not seen per se. It was pitch dark, so I took out three flashlight to light up the room.

''Mmmmmh.....'' Nick looked at me in what I guessed was awe. I suspected he could appreciate the spooky atmosphere! He dutifully sat down and waited in anticipation.

''Mmmhm!'' Jules whined when I dropped him next to Nick.

''Welcome gentlemen! To a really spooky night of horror! Mwuhahahaha!'' I let out a harrowing laugh. Nick saw fit to join me in a muffled laugh but Jules just narrowed his eyes.

''You two must be wondering why I put you in costumes and dragged you here huh?'' I asked and pulled the ghost cloak off Nick to reveal the cute wolf boy that lay underneath. Jules didn't seem impressed and even scoffed when looking at his cousin.

''Ymmh!'' Nick answered my question and nodded but Jules just scoffed again.

''Its simple! If Soleil doesn't want to come to Halloween we'll bring Halloween to Soleil! The three of us will start our own Halloween tradition. Right here....right now'' I said.

''Rht hrmh! Rht nw!'' Nick smiled and repeated after me.

''......'' Jules just sat silent until I made a small opening in his bandages to reach his waistband ''Rhht rmmh! Rnnh Nmmh!'' he very quickly started to say!

''Awww! You guys are the best!'' I smiled and for being such good boys I ungagged the two. The Wherewolf was released from his cloth gags, and the mummy had the bandages around his mouth pulled loose, and the tape on his mouth removed of course.

''So...count Dorkula. What's this stu...um spooky tradition you had in mind?'' Jules asked.

''I'm glad you asked! Mwahaha!'' Taking my flashlight I put it under my own face ''Ghost stories, Jman! We're gonna sit in a ruined castle and tell ghost stories! And eat candy!''

''Aw yeah!'' Nick laughed ''Count me in!''

''I'm kidnapped and have no choice in the matter'' Jules grumbled but at least it wasn't a no. Him doing his best to crawl closer to me might even imply a ''tsundere's'' yes! I'll take it!

''Nicholas! Jules'' I said very seriously ''Let a day of spooky horror.....commence!''
Last edited by Chris12 2 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by cj2125 »

That was adorable (and spooky). Glad to see more of Tyler and his friends! I loved how Jules is now a complete tsundere and how Nick just (mostly) happily plays along! Great story!
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Pup Wingletang
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

I'm conflicted. As a Brit I'm honour bound to applaud anything that pokes fun at the French but at the same time I do have to agree with their portrayed stance on Halloween, particularly the over-the-top American brand!

I love the idea of Tyler going around and kidnapping his two friends, forcing them to dress up in classic werewolf and mummy costumes with added bondage and gags. Nick's werewolf costume was a highlight for what are hopefully obvious reasons.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by Killua »

That's a great story! Jules sometimes has his cute moments, doesn't he? :lol: I like the idea of the werewolf costume :D

When I read that there are old manacles I thought he would tie them to the walls and leave them there to scare them, but that would be probably more a move from one of them when Nick isn't around :lol:

Great to read another of your stories, you still have that great writing style
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Post by drawscore »

Interesting. Technically and grammatically sound; no glaring spelling errors, and well written. Chris has a tendency to be a bit verbose, but when I write, I get that way, too. A solid A.

The slave
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Post by The slave »

Great story
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