Forced Overtime CYOA Now with illustrations!!1!!

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zerg rush
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Forced Overtime CYOA Now with illustrations!!1!!

Post by zerg rush »

I recently played a game with a similar title, which game me an idea. This game is heavily inspired by chapter 26. I wanted to make a game where your choices affect how the intruder reacts. That means a lot of branches and entries. Many entries are very similar, and a few that are identical but on different branches, but that seemed the least confusing.

A warning. While the vast majority of this is suitable for everyone, most of the endings are not, which is why they aren't here. I'll put them in the adult section later.

I'm not naive. The bad ends are 343, 344 and the 500s. You're welcome.

Below is a map of the office the game takes place in. Just to give a sense of where things are and to plan actions.

Illustrations are at the bottom. Just imagine the person in the pictures is you. If you don't want them to be you, play better!

Also, a free hint
► Show Spoiler
With that, lets begin!

Friday afternoon, and as usual it’s just you, all alone in the office. Your lazy, workshy colleagues always leave on the dot of just before 5 on a Friday. You on the other hand can’t leave a task unfinished.

A male, dressed all in black, appears. He seems anxious. He doesn’t seem familiar. He seems you and runs over. He is of average build. In a fight, you would probably win. Were it not for the gun.

“No-one was supposed to be here. No funny stuff, and no-one gets shot. Hands behind your back”

At gunpoint, you don’t have many options. Your wrists are crossed and taped behind your back with duct tape. 3 strips of the stuff are used to gag you. You are quickly searched. He finds your phone and keys, confiscating them. He marches you to the storage cupboard, where he forces you to the ground, and tapes your ankles. He leaves you bound and gagged in the cupboard, closing the door behind him.

You have a few options. You could phone for help using a phone in the office. There are a pair of scissors in the printing area. Or you could search the cupboard for something.

Stay in the cupboard - 1
Go to the printer - 101
Go to the main office and the phones - 202

This isn’t an area of the office you are familiar with. All around you are filing cabinets, full of paperwork. On the floor are more boxes of paperwork. Using the wall, you manage to stand up. You slowly hop around, looking for something useful. There is nothing here that will help in this room. Slightly dejected, you hop over to the door, opening it with your hands. You now have two options. The printing area or the main office.
Printer - 136
Main office -

PRINTER 101 - 136

Using the wall, you manage to stand up. You hop over to the door, opening it with your hands. Do you want to hop slowly or quickly?
Slowly - 102
Quickly - 103

You hop slowly. It quickly dawns on you that jumping with your wrists and ankles bound is not easy. Roll a dice.
1 or 3 - 104
2, 4, 5, 6 - 105

You hop quickly. It quickly dawns on you that jumping with your wrists and ankles bound is not easy. Roll a dice.
1 or 3 - 106
2, 4, 5, 6 - 104

You get halfway before you stumble. You jump faster, trying to regain your balance, but your momentum takes you flying to the ground with a painful landing. The thud alerts the intruder, who can’t help but chuckle as he runs over to see you lying in a heap on the floor. He drags you back into the storage cupboard.
Go to 301

You jump slowly towards the scissors in the printing area. You get half way before you start to lose your balance. Roll two dice.
Roll a double - 107
Don't roll a double - 108

You jump quickly towards the scissors in the printing area. You get half way before you start to lose your balance. Roll two dice.
Roll a double 109
Don't roll a double - 107

You jump faster, trying to regain your balance, but your momentum takes you flying to the ground with a painful landing. The thud alerts the intruder, who can’t help but chuckle as he runs over to see you lying in a heap on the floor. He drags you back into the storage cupboard.
Go to 301

You wobble, but manage to stay on your feet. As you get to the printer, you are dismayed to find the intruder approaching the printing area from the other side. He sees you, and you find yourself staring down the barrel of his gun.

“You were supposed to stay in the cupboard” he says as he drags you back there.
Go to 301

You wobble, but manage to stay on your feet. As you get to the printer area, you see the scissors near a box of printer paper. The scissors are normally used for cutting the plastic straps on the boxes, but this evening they will be used to cut duct tape. Conveniently, the shelf the scissors are on is an ideal height for you to pick them up. Do you want to free your wrists or ankles first?
Wrists - 110
Ankles - 111

By bending your wrist as far as you can, you manage to get the blades of the scissors pointing at the tape on your wrists. It takes effort and concentration, but soon your wrists are free!

You now have several options. With your wrists free, you can easily cut the tape on your ankles. You could take the scissors with you and free your ankles somewhere else. You could dial for help using an office phone much faster with your hands untied. Or, since you are fairly close to the exit, could make a break for it.
Free ankles here - 112
Take scissors and free ankles somewhere else - 113
Leave scissors - 114

You lower yourself to the floor to free your ankles. By bending your wrist as far as you can, you manage to get the blades of the scissors pointing at the tape on your ankles. It takes effort and concentration, but soon your legs are free!

You now have several options. You can free your wrists here. With your legs free, you can run, making moving around the office much easier. You could take the scissors with you and free your wrists somewhere else. You could dial for help using an office phone. Or, since you are fairly close to the exit, could make a break for it.

Free wrists here - 115
Take scissors and free wrists somewhere else - 116
Leave scissors - 117

You decide to free your ankles where you are. As you bend down to cut your the tape on your ankles, you hear footsteps. The intruder runs over to you, his gun pointing at your face. He orders you to drop the scissors, but in your panic at being caught, you have dropped them anyway. He tapes your wrists behind your back and drags you back to the storage cupboard, with you cursing your decision to stay where you were.
Go to 302

You put the scissors in your pocket. With your hands free, you can easily dial the phone and open doors, but you’ll have to hop until you free your legs. Do you want to hop to the main office, the exit, or the storage cupboard?
Main office - 118
Exit - 119
Storage Cupboard - 120

You leave the scissors where they are. With your hands free, you can easily dial the phone and open doors, but you’ll have to hop until you free your legs. Do you want to hop to the main office, the exit, or the storage cupboard?
Main office - 121
Exit - 122
Storage cupboard - 123

You decide to free your wrists where you are. As you manoeuvrer the scissors with your taped wrists, you hear footsteps. The intruder runs over to you, his gun pointing at your face. He orders you to drop the scissors, but in your panic at being caught, you have dropped them anyway. He tapes your ankles and drags you back to the storage cupboard, with you cursing your decision to stay where you were.
Go to 302

You put the scissors in your pocket. Where do you want to run?
Exit - 124
Main office - 125
Storage cupboard - 126

You leave the scissors where they are. Where do you want to run?
Exit - 127
Main office - 128
Storage cupboard - 129

If you want to go via the Exit, go to 119.
If you want to go via the storage cupboard, go to 120

You hop the short way round. Straight into the path of the intruder, who is coming from the main office. He runs towards you, gun in hand. He tapes your wrists behind you and drags you into the main office.
Go to 402

You hop the long way round. You get halfway down the corridor, when the intruder spots you from the printing area. He runs after you. You feel yourself pushed to the ground. He tapes your wrists behind you and drags you back to the cupboard.
Go to 303

You hop the short way round. Straight into the path of the intruder, who is coming from the main office. He runs towards you, gun in hand. He tapes your wrists behind you and drags you into the main office.
Go to 402

You hop the long way round. You get halfway down the corridor, when the intruder spots you from the printing area. He runs after you. You feel yourself pushed to the ground. He tapes your wrists behind you and drags you back to the cupboard.
Go to 302

You hop the long way round. You get halfway down the corridor, when the intruder spots you from the printing area. He runs after you. You feel yourself pushed to the ground. He tapes your wrists behind you and drags you back to the cupboard.
Go to 302

You run the short way round. Straight in front of the intruder, who comes from the other direction. He intruder runs over to you, his gun pointing at your face. He tapes your ankles and drags you to the office, with you cursing your luck that he was there..
Go to 402

You run the long way round. As you turn the corner past the cupboard you hear the printer whir. “Where are the scissors?” You hear footsteps. Do you want to try and make a call in the main office? Or run to the exit?
Make a call - 230
Exit - 130

You run to the cupboard. You use your hands to open the door. Having no way of slowing the door with your hands behind your back, it closes with a loud crash. You hear the intruder running towards the cupboard. The door opens, and he points his gun at your face. He tapes your ankles together
Go to 403

You run the short way round. Straight in front of the intruder, who comes from the other direction. He intruder runs over to you, his gun pointing at your face. He tapes your ankles and drags you back to the storage cupboard, with you cursing your luck that he was there..
Go to 302

You run the long way round. As you turn the corner past the cupboard you hear the printer whir. Do you want to try and make a call in the main office? Or run to the exit?
Make a call - 203
Exit - 131

You run to the cupboard. You use your hands to open the door. Having no way of slowing the door with your hands behind your back, it closes with a loud crash. You hear the intruder running towards the cupboard. The door opens, and he points his gun at your face. He tapes your ankles together
Go to 302

You get to the exit. With your taped wrists, it’s hard to open the heavy door. You fumble with the handle, and hear rapidly approaching footsteps. “Step away from the door!” you hear from behind. He tapes your ankles and drags you over to a chair.
Turn to 402

You run to the exit. The printer is whirring. You glance over. It looks like the intruder is scanning a load of documents. With your wrists taped, opening the heavy door is hard. Roll a dice.
Roll 1-4 - 132
Roll 5-6 - 133

You try with all your might, but with your hands tied, you can’t open the door. The intruder happens to glance up and sees you in front of the door. He runs over. He tapes your ankles and you feel yourself dragged into the office towards a chair.
Go to 403

You try with all your might. The door opens, but the catch makes a loud noise as it releases. Roll 2 dice.
Roll a double - 134
Don't roll a double - 135

He doesn’t hear the sound of the door over the printer. You run down the stairs and out of the office. A passer-by sees you. They untie you, and call the police on their phone. By the time the police arrive at the office, the intruder is long gone with whatever he was looking for. But you escaped unharmed, on your own. YOU WIN!!

Unfortunately, he stops scanning just as the catch goes. He runs over to you. You aren’t fast enough to stop yourself getting dragged away into the office. So near and yet so far. He tapes your ankles together.
Go to 403

You hop over to the door, opening it with your hands. You hop out of the cupboard, right in front of the intruder. He drags you back into the cupboard.
Go to 301

You hop over to the door, opening it with your hands. You hop out of the cupboard, right in front of the intruder. He drags you back into the cupboard.
Go to 301

PHONE 201 - 230


Using the wall, you manage to stand up. You hop over to the door, opening it with your hands. Do you want to hop slowly or quickly?
Slowly - 202
Quickly - 203

You hop towards the main office. It quickly dawns on you that jumping with your wrists and ankles bound is not easy. Roll a dice.
Roll 1 or 3 - 204
Roll 2, 4, 5 or 6 - 205

You hop quickly. It quickly dawns on you that jumping with your wrists and ankles bound is not easy. Roll a dice.
Roll 1 or 3 - 206
Roll 2, 4, 5 or 6 - 204

You get halfway before you stumble. You jump faster, trying to regain your balance, but your momentum takes you flying to the ground with a painful landing. The thud alerts the intruder, who can’t help but chuckle as he runs over to see you lying in a heap on the floor. He drags you back into the storage cupboard.
Go to 301

You jump slowly towards the main office. You get half way before you start to lose your balance. Roll two dice.
If you roll a double - 207
Do not roll a double - 209

You jump quickly towards the main office. You get half way before you start to lose your balance. Roll two dice.
If you roll a double - 208
Do not roll a double - 204

You jump faster, trying to regain your balance, but your momentum takes you flying to the ground with a painful landing. The thud alerts the intruder, who can’t help but chuckle as he runs over to see you lying in a heap on the floor. He drags you back into the storage cupboard.
Go to 301

You hop into the main office. The intruder spots you. He runs over to you. You are dragged over to a chair. Turn to 401

You hop into the main office. You can faintly hear the printer whirring The long journey to the office has worn you out, and you feel wobbly on your tied legs. Do you want to sit down?
Yes - 211
No - 210

You continue to stand. You bend over to try and use the phone. Roll a dice.
If you roll a 2 or 5, turn to 212
If you roll a 1, 3, 4 or 6 turn to 213

You lower yourself on he chair as best you can. You land with a thud. You spin round in the chair so your hands are next to the phone. You knock the phone off the base. Suddenly you are pulled away from the phone. The intruder must have heard you sit down.
Turn to 404

You overreach, but you manage to shift your balance and lean on the table. You knock the phone off the base with your nose. Roll a dice
Odd - 214
Even - 215

You overreach trying to reach the phone. You fall over with a thump. The noise alerts the intruder. He picks you up off the floor and sits you down on a chair.
Turn to 401

You manage to dial with your nose.

“911 emergency?”
“Mpph. Mff Tmmd Ummmm!”
“Your tied up?”
“Is the person that tied you still there?
“We’ll send some officers over right away. Try to stay safe”

Unable to put the phone back with your taped wrists, you leave the phone. The intruder spots you from behind. “Good job I checked the cupboard before I left” You feel yourself dragged away from the phone.
Turn to 405

You bend over, dialling with your nose. You push down 9 on the keypad. You go to press 1, but are dragged away by the intruder, who entered from the print room. Turn to 404

You can feel yourself losing your balance. Do you want to sit on a chair or tough it out?
Sit - 217
Stand - 218

You lower yourself on he chair as best you can. You land with a thud. You spin round in the chair so your hands are next to the phone. You knock the phone off the base. Suddenly you are pulled away from the phone. The intruder must have heard you sit down.
Turn to 407

You continue to stand. You bend over to try and use the phone. Roll a dice.
If you roll a 5, turn to 219
If you roll anything else, turn to 220

You overreach, but you manage to shift your balance and lean on the table. You knock the phone off the base with your nose. Roll a dice
Odd - 221
Even - 222

You overreach trying to reach the phone. You fall over with a thump. The noise alerts the intruder. He picks you up off the floor and sits you down on a chair.
Turn to 406

You bend over, dialling with your nose. You push down 9 on the keypad. You go to press 1, but are dragged away by the intruder, who entered from the print room. Turn to 407

You manage to dial with your nose.

“911 emergency?”
“Mpph. Mff Tmmd Ummmm!”
“Your tied up?”
“Is the person that tied you still there?
“We’ll send some officers over right away. Try to stay safe”

Unable to put the phone back with your taped wrists, you leave the phone. The intruder spots you from behind. “Good job I checked the cupboard before I left” You feel yourself dragged away from the phone.
Turn to 408

You can feel yourself losing your balance. Do you want to sit on a chair or tough it out?
Sit - 224
Stand - 225

You lower yourself on he chair as best you can. You land with a thud. You spin round in the chair so your taped hands are next to the phone. You knock the phone off the base with your face. Suddenly you are pulled away from the phone. The intruder must have heard you sit down.
Turn to 410

You continue to stand. You bend over to try and use the phone. Roll a dice.
If you roll a 5, turn to 226
If you roll anything else, turn to 227

You overreach, but you manage to shift your balance and lean on the table. You knock the phone off the base with your nose. Roll a dice
Odd - 228
Even - 229

You overreach trying to reach the phone. You fall over with a thump. The noise alerts the intruder. He picks you up off the floor and sits you down on a chair.
Turn to 409

You manage to dial with your nose.

“911 emergency?”
“Mpph. Mff Tmmd Ummmm!”
“Your tied up?”
“Is the person that tied you still there?
“We’ll send some officers over right away. Try to stay safe”

Unable to put the phone back with your taped wrists and hands, you leave the phone. The intruder spots you from behind. “Good job I checked the cupboard before I left” You feel yourself dragged away from the phone.
Turn to 408

You bend over, dialling with your nose. You push down 9 on the keypad. You go to press 1, but are dragged away by the intruder, who entered from the print room. Turn to 410

You run to the main office. The intruder is nowhere to be seen. With your legs untied, it's easy to bend over and knock the phone off the base. You quickly dial 911 with your hands

“911 emergency?”
“Mpph. Mff Tmmd Ummmm!”
“Your tied up?”
“Is the person that tied you still there?
“We’ll send some officers over right away. Try to stay safe”

Unable to put the phone back with your taped wrists, you leave the phone. The intruder spots you from behind. Your ankles are taped up before he drags you to a chair.
Turn to 411

CUPBOARD 301-344


The intruder adds more tape. Below and above the knee and elbows are bound with layers of tape. Your wrists and ankle binds are reinforced with yet more tape. Your wrists are taped to your ankles, hog-tying you.

He leaves you in the cupboard. You look for something you can use to untie yourself. The best you can come up with is a corner of one of the shelving units. You can do nothing until you are free of your hogtie.
Roll a dice until you reach 27, counting how many times you have to roll.

If it takes 5-6 rolls, turn to 304
If it takes 7-8 rolls, turn to 305
If it takes more than 8 rolls, turn to 306

The intruder adds more tape. Below and above the knee and elbows are bound with layers of tape. Your wrists and ankle binds are reinforced with more tape. Remembering what you did with the scissors, he taped your hands and fingers, rendering them useless. Your wrists are taped to your ankles, hog-tying you.

He leaves you in the cupboard. You look for something you can use to untie yourself. The best you can come up with is a corner of one of the shelving units. You can do nothing until you are free of your hogtie.
Roll a dice until you reach 27, counting how many times you have to roll.

If it takes 5-6 rolls, turn to 307
If it takes 7-8 rolls, turn to 308
If it takes more than 8 rolls, turn to 309

The intruder adds more tape. Below and above the knee and elbows are bound with layers of tape. Your wrists and ankle binds are reinforced with more tape. Remembering what you did with the scissors, he taped your hands and fingers, rendering them useless. Your wrists are taped to your ankles, hog-tying you.

He leaves you in the cupboard. You look for something you can use to untie yourself. The idiot didn't check you for the scissors. You roll on your side and they fall out of your pocket

You plan on how to use the scissors. Getting out of this room will be next to impossible while hogtied, so that has to go first.
Roll a dice.
Roll odd - 310
Roll even - 311

After a lot of sweat and tears, you cut through the tape hogtying you! You struggle to your feet. Balancing with your knees and elbows tied takes more energy, and there is much less room for error. You open the door with your hands.
Turn to 312

You find cutting through the tape with a sharp corner hard going. You are 2/3rds of the way through when the intruder walks through the door again.
"I’ve got what I’ve come here for. I just need to sort you out then I’ll be on my way." You don't like the sound of being 'sorted out', whatever that entails. He looks at the frayed mass of tape hogtying you. "Looks like I timed that well"
Turn to 343

You find cutting through the tape with a sharp corner virtually impossible. Maybe your technique is wrong. Maybe he used a huge amount of tape. Maybe the corner isn't as sharp as you hoped. Either way, the tape remained stubbornly where it was left, keeping you hogtied. The intruder walks through the door again.
"I’ve got what I’ve come here for. I just need to sort you out then I’ll be on my way." You don't like the sound of being 'sorted out', whatever that means.
Turn to 343

After a lot of sweat and tears, you cut through the tape hogtying you! You struggle to your feet. Balancing with your knees and elbows tied takes more energy, and there is much less room for error. You try to open the door with your taped hands, but you can't get a grip on the handle. You lower yourself down onto the ground. You lift your legs up and try to turn the handle with your feet.
Roll a dice.
1 or 6 - 313
2-5 - 314

You find cutting through the tape with a sharp corner hard going. You are 2/3rds of the way through when the intruder walks through the door again.
"I’ve got what I’ve come here for. I just need to sort you out then I’ll be on my way." You don't like the sound of being 'sorted out', whatever that entails. He looks at the frayed mass of tape hogtying you. "Looks like I timed that well"
Turn to 344

You find cutting through the tape with a sharp corner virtually impossible. Maybe your technique is wrong. Maybe he used a huge amount of tape. Maybe the corner isn't as sharp as you hoped. Either way, the tape remained stubbornly where it was left, keeping you hogtied. The intruder walks through the door again.
"I’ve got what I’ve come here for. I just need to sort you out then I’ll be on my way." You don't like the sound of being 'sorted out', whatever that means.
Turn to 344

You try to open the scissors with your shoes, but it’s no use. You can't get anything in the loops, or any purchase to force the scissors open. You accidentally knock the scissors away, well out of reach, under one of the shelves.
Dismayed at the turn of events, you shuffle as best you can to the nearest edge, and try to saw through the tape hogtying you. As you reach the shelf, the intruder walks through the door again.
"I’ve got what I’ve come here for. I just need to sort you out then I’ll be on my way." You don't like the sound of being 'sorted out', whatever that means.
Turn to 344

You manage to open the scissors with your shoes. Roll a dice.
Roll odd - 315
Roll even - 316

You can either hop to the main office or the printer.
Main office- 317
Printer - 319

Gripping the door with your shoes, you just about manage to turn the handle. Using your feet to hold the door open, you lean on the doorframe and use your leg muscles to haul yourself off the floor.
You can either hop to the main office or the printer.
Main office - 318
Printer - 320

You can't get enough grip in your shoes to turn the door handle. Your feet keep sliding off. You keep trying in vain to open the door. Finally it opens!
The intruder walks in, seeing you on the floor, with the tape that once hogtied you roughly sawn in two.
"I’ve got what I’ve come here for. I just need to sort you out then I’ll be on my way." You don't like the sound of being 'sorted out', whatever that entails. "And you need a lot of sorting out”.
Turn to 344

You roll on your side. Gripping the scissors with your feet, you manage to saw your way through the tape hog-tying you. The scissor blades are covered in the glue of the tape. You felt them stick as you got through the last of the hogtie. You can try and use the scissors to cut more of the tape. Or you can try and open the door with your feet.
Scissors - 321
Door - 322

You try to pick the scissors up, but you can’t quite reach. You stretch as far as you can, and accidentally knock the scissors away, well out of reach, under one of the shelves.
Dismayed at the turn of events, you shuffle as best you can to the nearest edge, and try to saw through the tape hogtying you. As you reach the shelf, the intruder walks through the door again.
"I’ve got what I’ve come here for. I just need to sort you out then I’ll be on my way." You don't like the sound of being 'sorted out', whatever that means.
Turn to 344

Will you hop slowly or quickly?
Slowly - 323 office office
Quickly - 324 printer office

Will you hop slowly or quickly?
Slowly - 325 office office
Quickly - 326 printer office

He wheels you in one of the offices. He picks up the phone and throws it out of the office.

He leaves the office, then returns with 2 huge rolls of 3 inch wide silver tape. He starts at the top of your shoulders, and slowly wraps down, mummifying your upper body the the chair. He stops when he gets to the seat of the chair, and rips the tape free. Your thighs are mummified to the seat. Your lower legs are wrapped in tape from just below your knees to the bottom of your ankles. He used the rest of the roll on your wrists and hands. It lasts for 27 turns before finishing. You panic. You're going to be stuck here all weekend!!

He starts using the second roll. 50 layers are used to reinforce your already massive gag. He doesn’t stop. Your entire head is wrapped in layers and layers of tape, cocooned almost completely. When he finishes taping you up, all that is exposed is your nose and your bare feet.

He tilts the chair back, leaving you on your back on the floor, with your vulnerable feet in the air.
He grabs your ankles, and holds your feet to his face. He takes a shallow breath. Then a massive breath.

Every inch of your sweaty work feet are inhaled. Heels, soles, toes, between the toes. His grip on your ankles is far too strong for you to pull your helpless feet away from his nose. He tickles your feet, making you wiggle your toes. You can't even hear your own mumbling laughter through your rank socks and all the tape encasing your head. As you wiggle your toes, he takes an enormous inhale. After half an hour, when he is finally done sniffing them, he licks, sucks and bites your feet. The vast majority of the time is spent sucking your toes. He starts by gently sucking the little toe on your left foot. He works his way from left to right, making sure each toe gets a thorough going over. He starting sucking 2 and 3 toes at once, far more vigorously than before. You can feel his saliva dribble down your soles and between your toes. You can just about detect his moans of pleasure as he devours your feet. He aggressively licks your soles from your heels to the balls of your feet. He licks them like he is possessd. You can hear his moans get louder as he slurps, sucks and slobbers all over your defenceless toes and soles. His tongue snakes between each of your toes, tickling you. Your pleas just turn him on more. There isn’t a millimetre of your toes and soles that isn’t soaked in his spit.

Suddenly he stops. You can hear a lot of muffled screams through all the tape wrapped around your face and head. You can feel your face being touched. “mmmmmm”

Tape is removed from everywhere. When the last of the tape is removed from your eyes, you are surrounded by the police, who are busy freeing you from the chair. It takes 10 minutes for the one working on your face to remove your gag. 15 minutes later you are free.

The intruder is arrested and later sentenced to spend 30 years in jail. You are rewarded with a medal for bravery and a promotion, but that doesn't make up for being strictly mummified to a chair and having you feet molested for nearly two hours by a freak.

You will never stay late at work again. YOU WIN!!

Illustrations are in the 500 sections.

Will you hop slowly or quickly?
Slowly - 327 print office
Quickly - 328 printer printer

Will you hop slowly or quickly?
Slowly - 329 printer office
Quickly - 330 printer printer

You place the scissors so that the blades are open. You sit on them to hold them in place, and try to cut the tape on your ankles. The scissors cut once, but you lose your grip on them. You try to use your feet to open them, the glue on the duct tape hold them together. Eventually you manage to prise the scissors open again.
The intruder walks in, seeing you on the floor, with the tape that once hogtied you roughly sawn in two.
"I’ve got what I’ve come here for. I just need to sort you out then I’ll be on my way." You don't like the sound of being 'sorted out', whatever that entails. "And you need a lot of sorting out”.
Turn to 344

You struggle to your feet. Balancing with your knees and elbows tied takes more energy, and there is much less room for error. You try to open the door with your taped hands, but you can't get a grip on the handle. You lower yourself down onto the ground. You lift your legs up and try to turn the handle with your feet.
Roll a dice.
1 or 6 - 331
2-5 - 332

Roll a dice 3 times.
Total 6 or lower - 333
Total 7 or higher - 334

Roll a dice 3 times.
Total 5 or lower - 335
Total 6 or higher - 334

Roll a dice 3 times.
Total 6 or lower - 336
Total 7 or higher - 342

Roll a dice 3 times.
Total 5 or lower - 337
Total 6 or higher - 342

Roll a dice 3 times.
Total 6 or lower - 338
Total 7 or higher - 334

Roll a dice 3 times.
Total 5 or lower - 339
Total 6 or higher - 334

He wheels you in one of the offices. He picks up the phone and throws it out of the office.

Your hands are wrapped in 12 layers of tape, from fingertips to forearms.

He leaves the office, then returns with 2 huge rolls of 3 inch wide silver tape. He starts at the top of your shoulders, and slowly wraps down, mummifying your upper body the the chair. He stops when he gets to the seat of the chair, and rips the tape free. Your thighs are mummified to the seat. Your lower legs are wrapped in tape from just below your knees to the bottom of your ankles. He used the rest of the roll on your wrists and hands. It lasts for 27 turns before finishing. You panic. You're going to be stuck here all weekend!!

He starts using the second roll. 50 layers are used to reinforce your already large gag. He doesn’t stop. Your entire head is wrapped in layers and layers of tape, cocooned almost completely. When he finishes taping you up, all that is exposed is your nose and your bare feet.

He tilts the chair back, leaving you on your back on the floor, with your vulnerable feet in the air.
He grabs your ankles, and holds your feet to his face. He takes a shallow breath. Then a massive breath.

Every inch of your sweaty work feet are inhaled. Heels, soles, toes, between the toes. His grip on your ankles is far too strong for you to pull your helpless feet away from his nose. He tickles your feet, making you wiggle your toes. You can't even hear your own mumbling laughter through your rank socks and all the tape encasing your head. As you wiggle your toes, he takes an enormous inhale. After half an hour, when he is finally done sniffing them, he licks, sucks and bites your feet. The vast majority of the time is spent sucking your toes. He starts by gently sucking the little toe on your left foot. He works his way from left to right, making sure each toe gets a thorough going over. He starting sucking 2 and 3 toes at once, far more vigorously than before. You can feel his saliva dribble down your soles and between your toes. You can just about detect his moans of pleasure as he devours your feet. He aggressively licks your soles from your heels to the balls of your feet. He licks them like he is possessed. You can hear his moans get louder as he slurps, sucks and slobbers all over your defenceless toes and soles. His tongue snakes between each of your toes, tickling you. Your pleas just turn him on more. There isn’t a millimetre of your toes and soles that isn’t soaked in his spit.

Suddenly he stops. You can hear a lot of muffled screams through all the tape wrapped around your face and head. You can feel your face being touched. “mmmmmm”

Tape is removed from everywhere. When the last of the tape is removed from your eyes, you are surrounded by the police, who are busy freeing you from the chair. It takes 10 minutes for the one working on your face to remove your gag. 15 minutes later you are free.

The intruder is arrested and later sentenced to spend 30 years in jail. You are rewarded with a medal for bravery and a promotion, but that doesn't make up for being strictly mummified to a chair and having you feet molested for nearly two hours by a freak.

You will never stay late at work again. YOU WIN!!

Illustrations are in the 500 sections.

Roll a dice 3 times.
Total 6 or lower - 340
Total 7 or higher - 342

Roll a dice 3 times.
Total 5 or lower - 341
Total 6 or higher - 342

Gripping the door with your shoes, you just about manage to turn the handle. Using your feet to hold the door open, you lean on the doorframe and use your leg muscles to haul yourself off the floor.
You can either hop to the phones or the scissors.
Phone- 319
Scissors - 320

You can't get enough grip in your shoes to turn the door handle. Your feet keep sliding off. You keep trying in vain to open the door. Finally it opens!
The intruder walks in, seeing you on the floor, with the tape that once hogtied you roughly sawn in two.
"I’ve got what I’ve come here for. I just need to sort you out then I’ll be on my way." You don't like the sound of being 'sorted out', whatever that entails. "And you need a lot of sorting out”.
Turn to 344

You hop slowly and carefully to the main office, stumbling and swaying a few times, but able to stay upright.
As you jump round the corner, you see the intruder. He runs towards you, pointing his gun at you. He drags you towards a chair.

Turn to 405

You barely make it halfway down the corridor before you stumble. You jump faster, trying to regain your balance, but your momentum takes you flying to the ground with a painful landing. The thud alerts the intruder, who can’t help but swear as he runs over to see you lying in a heap on the floor. He drags you back into the storage cupboard, a foul look on his face. "I’ve got what I’ve come here for. I just need to sort you out then I’ll be on my way." You don't like the sound of being 'sorted out', whatever that entails. "And you need a lot of sorting out”.
Go to 344

You hop to the main office, stumbling and swaying a few times, but able to stay upright.
As you jump round the corner, there is no sign of the intruder, so you hop to the nearest phone.
Turn to 216

You hop slowly and carefully to the main office, stumbling and swaying a few times, but able to stay upright.
As you jump round the corner, you see the intruder. He runs towards you, pointing his gun at you. He drags you towards a chair.

Turn to 405

You hop to the main office, stumbling and swaying a few times, but able to stay upright.
As you jump round the corner, there is no sign of the intruder, so you hop to the nearest phone.
Turn to 223

You hop slowly and carefully to the printer, stumbling and swaying a few times, but able to stay upright.
As you jump down the corridor, the intruder comes round the corner. He runs towards you, pointing his gun at you. He drags you back to the cupboard, a foul look on his face. "I’ve got what I’ve come here for. I just need to sort you out then I’ll be on my way." You don't like the sound of being 'sorted out', whatever that entails. "And you need a lot of sorting out”.
Go to 344

You hop to the printer, stumbling and swaying a few times, but able to stay upright.
The intruder is nowhere to be seen. You try to manouver the scissors so they will cut the tape, but with your elbows taped, it's tricky. The intruder comes from the main office, catching you in the act, a foul look on his face. "I’ve got what I’ve come here for. I just need to sort you out then I’ll be on my way." You don't like the sound of being 'sorted out', whatever that entails. "And you need a lot of sorting out”.
Go to 344

You hop slowly and carefully to the printer, stumbling and swaying a few times, but able to stay upright.
As you jump down the corridor, the intruder comes round the corner. He runs towards you, pointing his gun at you. He drags you back to the cupboard, a foul look on his face. "I’ve got what I’ve come here for. I just need to sort you out then I’ll be on my way." You don't like the sound of being 'sorted out', whatever that entails. "And you need a lot of sorting out”.
Go to 344

You hop to the printer, stumbling and swaying a few times, but able to stay upright.
The intruder is nowhere to be seen. You look round for the scissors, and remember they are back in the cupboard! You wonder if you would have even been able to use them, with your hands and elbows taped. The intruder comes from the main office, catching you in the act, a foul look on his face. "I’ve got what I’ve come here for. I just need to sort you out then I’ll be on my way." You don't like the sound of being 'sorted out', whatever that entails. "And you need a lot of sorting out”.
Go to 344

You barely make it halfway down the corridor before you stumble. You jump faster, trying to regain your balance, but your momentum takes you flying to the ground with a painful landing. The thud alerts the intruder, who can’t help but swear as he runs over to see you lying in a heap on the floor. He drags you back into the storage cupboard, a foul look on his face. "I’ve got what I’ve come here for. I just need to sort you out then I’ll be on my way." You don't like the sound of being 'sorted out', whatever that entails. "And you need a lot of sorting out”.
Turn to 344

With you taped and hog-tied, the intruder can do more or less what he wants, so you are confused when he cuts the tape hog-tying you. The tape on your wrists is cut as well. Joy turns to terror, however, when you feel something cold and metal forced round your wrists. 3 more are fastened round your wrists as well. More are tied in the gaps between the tape on your arms, before that tape is removes and replaced with the metal. Your hands are wrapped in 12 layers of tape, from fingertips to forearms As he does do your legs what he did to your arms, you finally see what they are. Steel zip ties! A bag of hundreds of them. Soon your legs join your arms, practically mummified in tight thin steel, as the duct tape is removed. Your clothes provide no protection against them. The intruder cinches every single steel zip tie with another.

He bends down, removing your shoes and socks. The stench is horrific. Your job doesn't pay quite as much as you'd like, so a while ago you decided to start selling your sweaty socks online. The socks you are wearing are 9 days old, and they look and smell every second of it.

The tape is pulled from your mouth, and your thick stinky work socks are roughly forced in your mouth, filling it to the maximum and stretching your jaw and cheeks.

9 days of hard work instantly flood and pollute your tastebuds. You never understood why people would be interested in sweaty socks, and now they are in your mouth you understand even less. 15 layers of tape keep them firmly locked inside your mouth.

He leaves the cupboard, then returns with a huge roll of 3 inch wide silver tape. 50 layers are used to reinforce your already large gag. He doesn’t stop. Your entire head is wrapped in layers and layers of tape, cocooned almost completely. When he finishes taping you up, all that is exposed of your head is your nose.

He rolls you on your back, with your vulnerable feet in the air.
He grabs your ankles, and holds your feet to his face. He takes a shallow breath. Then a massive breath.

Every inch of your sweaty work feet are inhaled. Heels, soles, toes, between the toes. His grip on your ankles is far too strong for you to pull your helpless feet away from his nose. He tickles your feet, making you wiggle your toes. You can't even hear your own mumbling laughter through your rank socks and all the tape encasing your head. As you wiggle your toes, he takes an enormous inhale. After half an hour, when he is finally done sniffing them, he licks, sucks and bites your feet. The vast majority of the time is spent sucking your toes. He starts by gently sucking the little toe on your left foot. He works his way from left to right, making sure each toe gets a thorough going over. He starting sucking 2 and 3 toes at once, far more vigorously than before. You can feel his saliva dribble down your soles and between your toes. You can just about detect his moans of pleasure as he devours your feet. He aggressively licks your soles from your heels to the balls of your feet. He licks them like he is possessed. You can hear his moans get louder as he slurps, sucks and slobbers all over your defenceless toes and soles. His tongue snakes between each of your toes, tickling you. Your pleas just turn him on more. There isn’t a millimetre of your toes and soles that isn’t soaked in his spit.

Suddenly he stops sucking on your toes and licking your soles. It feels like hours have gone by, and they have. You feel another steel zip tie being fastened around your big toes, tying them together. You feel something fleshy and rock hard on your soaking wet soles...

Turn to 602 in the adult version. WARNING ADULTS ONLY

With you taped up and with a gun pointed at your head, the intruder can do more or less what he wants, so you are confused when he cuts the tape on your wrists. Joy turns to terror, however, when you feel something cold and metal forced round your wrists. 3 more are fastened round your wrists as well. More are tied in the gaps between the tape on your arms, before that tape is removes and replaced with the metal. Your hands are wrapped in 12 more layers of tape, from fingertips to forearms As he does do your legs what he did to your arms, you finally see what they are. Steel zip ties! A bag of hundreds of them. Soon your legs join your arms, practically mummified in tight thin steel, as the duct tape is removed. Your clothes provide no protection against them. The intruder cinches every single steel zip tie with another.

He bends down, removing your shoes and socks. The stench is horrific. Your job doesn't pay quite as much as you'd like, so a while ago you decided to start selling your sweaty socks online. The socks you are wearing are 9 days old, and they look and smell every second of it.

The tape is pulled from your mouth, and your thick stinky work socks are roughly forced in your mouth, filling it to the maximum and stretching your jaw and cheeks.

9 days of hard work instantly flood and pollute your tastebuds. You never understood why people would be interested in sweaty socks, and now they are in your mouth you understand even less. 15 layers of tape keep them firmly locked inside your mouth.

He leaves the cupboard, then returns with a huge roll of 3 inch wide silver tape. 50 layers are used to reinforce your already large gag. He doesn’t stop. Your entire head is wrapped in layers and layers of tape, cocooned almost completely. When he finishes taping you up, all that is exposed of your head is your nose.

He rolls you on your back, with your vulnerable feet in the air.
He grabs your ankles, and holds your feet to his face. He takes a shallow breath. Then a massive breath.

Every inch of your sweaty work feet are inhaled. Heels, soles, toes, between the toes. His grip on your ankles is far too strong for you to pull your helpless feet away from his nose. He tickles your feet, making you wiggle your toes. You can't even hear your own mumbling laughter through your rank socks and all the tape encasing your head. As you wiggle your toes, he takes an enormous inhale. After half an hour, when he is finally done sniffing them, he licks, sucks and bites your feet. The vast majority of the time is spent sucking your toes. He starts by gently sucking the little toe on your left foot. He works his way from left to right, making sure each toe gets a thorough going over. He starting sucking 2 and 3 toes at once, far more vigorously than before. You can feel his saliva dribble down your soles and between your toes. You can just about detect his moans of pleasure as he devours your feet. He aggressively licks your soles from your heels to the balls of your feet. He licks them like he is possessed. You can hear his moans get louder as he slurps, sucks and slobbers all over your defenceless toes and soles. His tongue snakes between each of your toes, tickling you. Your pleas just turn him on more. There isn’t a millimetre of your toes and soles that isn’t soaked in his spit.

Suddenly he stops sucking on your toes and licking your soles. It feels like hours have gone by, and they have. You feel another steel zip tie being fastened around your big toes, tying them together. You feel something fleshy and rock hard on your soaking wet soles...

Turn to 602 in the adult version. WARNING ADULTS ONLY

CHAIR 401- 432


The intruder tapes your legs above and below the knee. You feel your elbows taped together, above and below. All of these are cinched with more tape.

He sits you down on the chair. Your arms are lifted over the back of the chair and dropped behind the back rest. Your waist and lower arms are taped to the bar holding the back rest to the seat. Your ankles are taped to the pole attaching the seat to the base.

The intruder walks off to continue whatever it was he was doing. Your only chance of escape now is to try and use one of the phones. Or you can wait and see what happens.
Try to use phone - 412
Wait and see what happens - 428

The intruder tapes your legs above and below the knee. You feel your elbows taped together, above and below. All of these are cinched with more tape. Remembering you using the scissors, your hands are wrapped in 12 layers of tape, from fingertips to forearms. He does a quick search. He finds the scissors and takes them from you.

He sits you down on the chair. Your arms are lifted over the back of the chair and dropped behind the back rest. Your waist and lower arms are taped to the bar holding the back rest to the seat. Your ankles are taped to the pole attaching the seat to the base.

The intruder walks off to continue whatever it was he was doing. Your only chance of escape now is to try and use one of the phones. Or you can wait and see what happens.
Try to use phone - 414
Wait and see what happens - 431

The intruder tapes your legs above and below the knee. You feel your elbows taped together, above and below. All of these are cinched with more tape. Remembering you using the scissors, your hands are wrapped in 12 layers of tape, from fingertips to forearms.

He sits you down on the chair. Your arms are lifted over the back of the chair and dropped behind the back rest. Your waist and lower arms are taped to the bar holding the back rest to the seat. Your ankles are taped to the pole attaching the seat to the base.

The intruder walks off to continue whatever it was he was doing. Your only chance of escape now is to try and use one of the phones. Or you can wait and see what happens.
Try to use phone - 414
Wait and see what happens - 431

The intruder tapes your legs above and below the knee. You feel your elbows taped together, above and below. All of these are cinched with more tape.

He sits you down on the chair. Your arms are lifted over the back of the chair and dropped behind the back rest. Your waist and lower arms are taped to the bar holding the back rest to the seat. Your ankles are taped to the pole attaching the seat to the base.

He remembers how close you came to using the phone. He bends down, removing your shoes and socks. The stench is horrific. Your job doesn't pay quite as much as you'd like, so a while ago you decided to start selling your sweaty socks online. The socks you are wearing are 9 days old, and they look and smell every second of it.

The tape is pulled from your mouth, and your thick stinky work socks are roughly forced in your mouth, filling it to the maximum and stretching your jaw and cheeks.

9 days of hard work instantly flood and pollute your tastebuds. You never understood why people would be interested in sweaty socks, and now they are in your mouth you understand even less. 15 layers of tape keep them firmly locked inside your mouth.

"Try talking through that! Hope it tastes good."

The intruder walks off to continue whatever it was he was doing. Your only chance of escape now is to try and use one of the phones. Or you can wait and see what happens.
Try to use phone - 413
Wait and see what happens - 430

The intruder tapes your legs above and below the knee. You feel your elbows taped together, above and below. All of these are cinched with more tape.

He sits you down on the chair. Your arms are lifted over the back of the chair and dropped behind the back rest. Your waist and lower arms are taped to the bar holding the back rest to the seat. Your ankles are taped to the pole attaching the seat to the base.

He remembers how close you were to the phone. He wants to stop you from using it, not knowing you already have. He bends down, removing your shoes and socks. The stench is horrific. Your job doesn't pay quite as much as you'd like, so a while ago you decided to start selling your sweaty socks online. The socks you are wearing are 9 days old, and they look and smell every second of it.

The tape is pulled from your mouth, and your thick stinky work socks are roughly forced in your mouth, filling it to the maximum and stretching your jaw and cheeks.

9 days of hard work instantly flood and pollute your tastebuds. You never understood why people would be interested in sweaty socks, and now they are in your mouth you understand even less. 15 layers of tape keep them firmly locked inside your mouth.

"Try talking through that! Hope it tastes good."

The intruder walks off to continue whatever it was he was doing. Knowing the police will be here at some point, where's no point trying to escape and annoying him even more. You decide to wait for the police to show.
Turn to 429

He sits you down on the chair. Your arms are lifted over the back of the chair and dropped behind the back rest. Your waist and lower arms are taped to the bar holding the back rest to the seat. Your ankles are taped to the pole attaching the seat to the base.

The intruder walks off to continue whatever it was he was doing. Your only chance of escape now is to try and use one of the phones. Or you can wait and see what happens.
Try to use phone - 412
Wait and see what happens - 428

He sits you down on the chair. Your arms are lifted over the back of the chair and dropped behind the back rest. Your waist and lower arms are taped to the bar holding the back rest to the seat. Your ankles are taped to the pole attaching the seat to the base.

He remembers how close you came to using the phone.He bends down, removing your shoes and socks. The stench is horrific. Your job doesn't pay quite as much as you'd like, so a while ago you decided to start selling your sweaty socks online. The socks you are wearing are 9 days old, and they look and smell every second of it.

The tape is pulled from your mouth, and your thick stinky work socks are roughly forced in your mouth, filling it to the maximum and stretching your jaw and cheeks.

9 days of hard work instantly flood and pollute your tastebuds. You never understood why people would be interested in sweaty socks, and now they are in your mouth you understand even less. 15 layers of tape keep them firmly locked inside your mouth.

"Try talking through that! Hope it tastes good."

The intruder walks off to continue whatever it was he was doing. Your only chance of escape now is to try and use one of the phones. Or you can wait and see what happens.
Try to use phone - 413
Wait and see what happens - 430

He sits you down on the chair. Your arms are lifted over the back of the chair and dropped behind the back rest. Your waist and lower arms are taped to the bar holding the back rest to the seat. Your ankles are taped to the pole attaching the seat to the base.

He remembers how close you were to the phone. He wants to stop you from using it, not knowing you already have. He bends down, removing your shoes and socks. The stench is horrific. Your job doesn't pay quite as much as you'd like, so a while ago you decided to start selling your sweaty socks online. The socks you are wearing are 9 days old, and they look and smell every second of it.

The tape is pulled from your mouth, and your thick stinky work socks are roughly forced in your mouth, filling it to the maximum and stretching your jaw and cheeks.

9 days of hard work instantly flood and pollute your tastebuds. You never understood why people would be interested in sweaty socks, and now they are in your mouth you understand even less. 15 layers of tape keep them firmly locked inside your mouth.

"Try talking through that! Hope it tastes good."

The intruder walks off to continue whatever it was he was doing. Knowing the police will be here at some point, where's no point trying to escape and annoying him even more. You decide to wait for the police to show.
Turn to 429

He sits you down on the chair. Your arms are lifted over the back of the chair and dropped behind the back rest. Your waist and lower arms are taped to the bar holding the back rest to the seat. Your ankles are taped to the pole attaching the seat to the base.

The intruder walks off to continue whatever it was he was doing. Your only chance of escape now is to try and use one of the phones. Or you can wait and see what happens.
Try to use phone - 414
Wait and see what happens - 431

He sits you down on the chair. Your arms are lifted over the back of the chair and dropped behind the back rest. Your waist and lower arms are taped to the bar holding the back rest to the seat. Your ankles are taped to the pole attaching the seat to the base.

He remembers how close you came to using the phone. He bends down, removing your shoes and socks. The stench is horrific. Your job doesn't pay quite as much as you'd like, so a while ago you decided to start selling your sweaty socks online. The socks you are wearing are 9 days old, and they look and smell every second of it.

The tape is pulled from your mouth, and your thick stinky work socks are roughly forced in your mouth, filling it to the maximum and stretching your jaw and cheeks.

9 days of hard work instantly flood and pollute your tastebuds. You never understood why people would be interested in sweaty socks, and now they are in your mouth you understand even less. 15 layers of tape keep them firmly locked inside your mouth.

"Try talking through that! Hope it tastes good."

The intruder walks off to continue whatever it was he was doing. Your only chance of escape now is to try and use one of the phones. Or you can wait and see what happens.
Try to use phone - 415
Wait and see what happens - 432

He sits you down on the chair. Your arms are lifted over the back of the chair and dropped behind the back rest. Your waist and lower arms are taped to the bar holding the back rest to the seat. Your ankles are taped to the pole attaching the seat to the base. Realising you must have used the scissors, your hands are wrapped in 12 layers of tape, from fingertips to forearms. He does a quick search. He finds the scissors and takes them from you.

He remembers how close you were to the phone. He wants to stop you from using it, not knowing you already have. He bends down, removing your shoes and socks. The stench is horrific. Your job doesn't pay quite as much as you'd like, so a while ago you decided to start selling your sweaty socks online. The socks you are wearing are 9 days old, and they look and smell every second of it.

The tape is pulled from your mouth, and your thick stinky work socks are roughly forced in your mouth, filling it to the maximum and stretching your jaw and cheeks.

9 days of hard work instantly flood and pollute your tastebuds. You never understood why people would be interested in sweaty socks, and now they are in your mouth you understand even less. 15 layers of tape keep them firmly locked inside your mouth.

"Try talking through that! Hope it tastes good."

The intruder walks off to continue whatever it was he was doing. Knowing the police will be here at some point, where's no point trying to escape and annoying him even more. You decide to wait for the police to show.
Turn to 429

You scoot over to the nearest phone. With your legs and body taped tightly to the chair, generating momentum is difficult. Roll a dice until you reach 27, counting how many times you have to roll.

If it takes 5-6 rolls, turn to 416
If it takes 7-8 rolls, turn to 417
If it takes more than 8 rolls, turn to 418

You scoot over to the nearest phone. With your legs and body taped tightly to the chair, generating momentum is difficult. Roll a dice until you reach 27, counting how many times you have to roll.

If it takes 5-6 rolls, turn to 419
If it takes 7-8 rolls, turn to 420
If it takes more than 8 rolls, turn to 421

You scoot over to the nearest phone. With your legs and body taped tightly to the chair, generating momentum is difficult. Roll a dice until you reach 27, counting how many times you have to roll.

If it takes 5-6 rolls, turn to 422
If it takes 7-8 rolls, turn to 423
If it takes more than 8 rolls, turn to 424

You scoot over to the nearest phone. With your legs and body taped tightly to the chair, generating momentum is difficult. Roll a dice until you reach 27, counting how many times you have to roll.

If it takes 5-6 rolls, turn to 425
If it takes 7-8 rolls, turn to 426
If it takes more than 8 rolls, turn to 427

You make it to the phone. You try to bend over to reach it with your head, but the tape doesn’t let you reach quite far enough. You spin round and try to knock the phone over with your hands. Success! You stretch with your hands and dial 911. As it dials, you flip the phone up so you can communicate to the person on the other end.
You bend over as far as the tape will allow.

“911 emergency?”
“Mpph. Mff Tmmd Ummmm!”
“You’re very faint. Can you speak up?
“Your tied up?”
“Is the person that tied you still there?
“We’ll send some officers over right away. Try to stay safe”

The intruder comes back. He notices the phone has been used. He rolls you and the chair into one of the soundproof offices.
Turn to 503 between 328 and 329

You make it to the phone. You try to bend over to reach it with your head, but the tape doesn’t let you reach quite far enough. You spin round and try to knock the phone over with your hands. Success!
You stretch and dial with your hands. You push down 9 on the keypad. You go to press 1, but are wheeled away by the intruder, who entered from the print room. Turn to 501

The intruder comes back from the printing area. You have made almost no progress in trying to reach a phone.
He rolls you and the chair into one of the soundproof offices.

Turn to 501

You make it to the phone. You try to bend over to reach it with your head, but the tape doesn’t let you reach quite far enough. You spin round and try to knock the phone over with your hands. Success! You stretch with your hands and dial 911. As it dials, you flip the phone up so you can communicate to the person on the other end.
You bend over as far as the tape will allow.

You make it to the phone. You try to bend over to reach it with your head, but the tape doesn’t let you reach quite far enough. You spin round and try to knock the phone over with your taped fingers. Success! You dial 911.
You bend over as far as the tape will allow.

“911 emergency?
“mmmm. mmmmmm.”
“Hello, 911 emergency?”
“Is anyone there”

You are devastated that the thick sweaty socks taped in your mouth are such an effective gag. The intruder comes back. He notices the phone has been used. He rolls you and the chair into one of the soundproof offices.
Turn to 502

You make it to the phone. You try to bend over to reach it with your head, but the tape doesn’t let you reach quite far enough. You spin round and try to knock the phone over with your hands. Success!
You stretch and dial with your hands. You push down 9 on the keypad. You go to press 1, but are wheeled away by the intruder, who entered from the print room. Turn to 502

The intruder comes back from the printing area. You have made almost no progress in trying to reach a phone.
He rolls you and the chair into one of the soundproof offices.

Turn to 502

You make it to the phone. You try to bend over to reach it with your head, but the tape doesn’t let you reach quite far enough. You spin round and try to knock the phone over with your taped fingers. Success! You try and dial. You can’t dial with your taped fingers. You push multiple buttons at the same time, confusing the phone. You try in desperation to dial the phone with your nose. Your nose is half an inch from the phone when you are suddenly wheeled away. The intruder came from the printing area.
He rolls you and the chair into one of the soundproof offices.
Turn to 504

You make it to the phone. You try to bend over to reach it with your head, but the tape doesn’t let you reach quite far enough. You spin round and try to knock the phone over with your taped fingers. Success! You try and dial. You can’t dial with your taped fingers. You push multiple buttons at the same time, confusing the phone.
The intruder comes back from the printing area. He rolls you and the chair into one of the soundproof offices.
Turn to 504

The intruder comes back from the printing area. You have made almost no progress in trying to reach a phone.
He rolls you and the chair into one of the soundproof offices.
Turn to 504

You make it to the phone. You try to bend over to reach it with your head, but the tape doesn’t let you reach quite far enough. You spin round and try to knock the phone over with your taped fingers. Success! You try and dial. You can’t dial with your taped fingers. You push multiple buttons at the same time, confusing the phone. You try in desperation to dial the phone with your nose. Your nose is half an inch from the phone when you are suddenly wheeled away. The intruder came from the printing area.
He rolls you and the chair into one of the soundproof offices.
Turn to 505

You make it to the phone. You try to bend over to reach it with your head, but the tape doesn’t let you reach quite far enough. You spin round and try to knock the phone over with your taped fingers. Success! You try and dial. You can’t dial with your taped fingers. You push multiple buttons at the same time, confusing the phone.
The intruder comes back from the printing area. He rolls you and the chair into one of the soundproof offices.
Turn to 505

The intruder comes back from the printing area. You have made almost no progress in trying to reach a phone.
He rolls you and the chair into one of the soundproof offices.
Turn to 505

After all the effort you've expended, you decide you need a rest. It's not like you can do much to free yourself from here, you say to yourself.
The intruder comes back. He rolls you and the chair into one of the soundproof offices. You start to think you could have tried harder to escape while you had the chance.
Go to 501

Having already dialled the police, there’s no point doing anything other than wait for them to arrive.
The intruder comes back. He rolls you and the chair into one of the soundproof offices.
Go to 503 between 328 and 329

After all the effort you've expended, you decide you need a rest. It's not like you can do much to free yourself from here, you say to yourself.
The intruder comes back. He rolls you and the chair into one of the soundproof offices. You start to think you could have tried harder to escape while you had the chance.
Go to 502

After all the effort you've expended, you decide you need a rest. It's not like you can do much to free yourself from here, you say to yourself.
The intruder comes back. He rolls you and the chair into one of the soundproof offices. You start to think you could have tried harder to escape while you had the chance.
Go to 504

After all the effort you've expended, you decide you need a rest. It's not like you can do much to free yourself from here, you say to yourself.
The intruder comes back. He rolls you and the chair into one of the soundproof offices. You start to think you could have tried harder to escape while you had the chance.
Go to 505

Having already dialled the police, there’s no point doing anything other than wait for them to arrive.
The intruder comes back. He rolls you and the chair into one of the soundproof offices.
Go to 506, between 318 and 319



He wheels you in one of the offices. He picks up the phone and throws it out of the office.

He bends down, removing your shoes and socks. The stench is horrific. Your job doesn't pay quite as much as you'd like, so a while ago you decided to start selling your sweaty socks online. The socks you are wearing are 9 days old, and they look and smell every second of it.

The tape is pulled from your mouth, and your thick stinky work socks are roughly forced in your mouth, filling it to the maximum and stretching your jaw and cheeks.

9 days of hard work instantly flood and pollute your tastebuds. You never understood why people would be interested in sweaty socks, and now they are in your mouth you understand even less. 15 layers of tape keep them firmly locked inside your mouth.

Your hands are wrapped in 12 layers of tape, from fingertips to forearms.

He leaves the office, then returns with 2 huge rolls of 3 inch wide silver tape. He starts at the top of your shoulders, and slowly wraps down, mummifying your upper body the the chair. He stops when he gets to the seat of the chair, and rips the tape free. Your thighs are mummified to the seat. Your lower legs are wrapped in tape from just below your knees to the bottom of your ankles. He used the rest of the roll on your wrists and hands. It lasts for 27 turns before finishing. You panic. You're going to be stuck here all weekend!!

He starts using the second roll. 50 layers are used to reinforce your already large gag. He doesn’t stop. Your entire head is wrapped in layers and layers of tape, cocooned almost completely. When he finishes taping you up, all that is exposed is your nose and your bare feet.

He tilts the chair back, leaving you on your back on the floor, with your vulnerable feet in the air.
He grabs your ankles, and holds your feet to his face. He takes a shallow breath. Then a massive breathe.

Every inch of your sweaty work feet are inhaled. Heels, soles, toes, between the toes. His grip on your ankles is far too strong for you to pull your helpless feet away from his nose. He tickles your feet, making you wiggle your toes. You can't even hear your own mumbling laughter through your rank socks and all the tape encasing your head. As you wiggle your toes, he takes an enormous inhale. After half an hour, when he is finally done sniffing them, he licks, sucks and bites your feet. The vast majority of the time is spent sucking your toes. He starts by gently sucking the little toe on your left foot. He works his way from left to right, making sure each toe gets a thorough going over. He starting sucking 2 and 3 toes at once, far more vigorously than before. You can feel his saliva dribble down your soles and between your toes. You can just about detect his moans of pleasure as he devours your feet. He aggressively licks your soles from your heels to the balls of your feet. He licks them like he is possessed. You can hear his moans get louder as he slurps, sucks and slobbers all over your defenceless toes and soles. His tongue snakes between each of your toes, tickling you. Your pleas just turn him on more. There isn’t a millimetre of your toes and soles that isn’t soaked in his spit.

Suddenly he stops sucking on your toes and licking your soles. It feels like hours have gone by, and they have. You feel something thin and cold being fastened around your big toes, tying them together. You feel something fleshy and rock hard on your soaking wet soles...

Turn to 601 in the adult version. WARNING ADULTS ONLY

He wheels you in one of the offices. He picks up the phone and throws it out of the office.

Your hands are wrapped in 12 layers of tape, from fingertips to forearms.

He leaves the office, then returns with 2 huge rolls of 3 inch wide silver tape. He starts at the top of your shoulders, and slowly wraps down, mummifying your upper body the the chair. He stops when he gets to the seat of the chair, and rips the tape free. Your thighs are mummified to the seat. Your lower legs are wrapped in tape from just below your knees to the bottom of your ankles. He used the rest of the roll on your wrists and hands. It lasts for 27 turns before finishing. You panic. You're going to be stuck here all weekend!!

He starts using the second roll. 50 layers are used to reinforce your already large gag. He doesn’t stop. Your entire head is wrapped in layers and layers of tape, cocooned almost completely. When he finishes taping you up, all that is exposed is your nose and your bare feet.

He tilts the chair back, leaving you on your back on the floor, with your vulnerable feet in the air.
He grabs your ankles, and holds your feet to his face. He takes a shallow breath. Then a massive breath.

Every inch of your sweaty work feet are inhaled. Heels, soles, toes, between the toes. His grip on your ankles is far too strong for you to pull your helpless feet away from his nose. He tickles your feet, making you wiggle your toes. You can't even hear your own mumbling laughter through your rank socks and all the tape encasing your head. As you wiggle your toes, he takes an enormous inhale. After half an hour, when he is finally done sniffing them, he licks, sucks and bites your feet. The vast majority of the time is spent sucking your toes. He starts by gently sucking the little toe on your left foot. He works his way from left to right, making sure each toe gets a thorough going over. He starting sucking 2 and 3 toes at once, far more vigorously than before. You can feel his saliva dribble down your soles and between your toes. You can just about detect his moans of pleasure as he devours your feet. He aggressively licks your soles from your heels to the balls of your feet. He licks them like he is possessed. You can hear his moans get louder as he slurps, sucks and slobbers all over your defenceless toes and soles. His tongue snakes between each of your toes, tickling you. Your pleas just turn him on more. There isn’t a millimetre of your toes and soles that isn’t soaked in his spit.

Suddenly he stops sucking on your toes and licking your soles. It feels like hours have gone by, and they have. You feel something thin and cold being fastened around your big toes, tying them together. You feel something fleshy and rock hard on your soaking wet soles...

Turn to 601 in the adult version. WARNING ADULTS ONLY

Only cheaters will read this

He wheels you in one of the offices. He picks up the phone and throws it out of the office.

He bends down, removing your shoes and socks. The stench is horrific. Your job doesn't pay quite as much as you'd like, so a while ago you decided to start selling your sweaty socks online. The socks you are wearing are 9 days old, and they look and smell every second of it.

The tape is pulled from your mouth, and your thick stinky work socks are roughly forced in your mouth, filling it to the maximum and stretching your jaw and cheeks.

9 days of hard work instantly flood and pollute your tastebuds. You never understood why people would be interested in sweaty socks, and now they are in your mouth you understand even less. 15 layers of tape keep them firmly locked inside your mouth.

He leaves the office, then returns with 2 huge rolls of 3 inch wide silver tape. He starts at the top of your shoulders, and slowly wraps down, mummifying your upper body the the chair. He stops when he gets to the seat of the chair, and rips the tape free. Your thighs are mummified to the seat. Your lower legs are wrapped in tape from just below your knees to the bottom of your ankles. He used the rest of the roll on your wrists and hands. It lasts for 27 turns before finishing. You panic. You're going to be stuck here all weekend!!

He starts using the second roll. 50 layers are used to reinforce your already large gag. He doesn’t stop. Your entire head is wrapped in layers and layers of tape, cocooned almost completely. When he finishes taping you up, all that is exposed is your nose and your bare feet.

He tilts the chair back, leaving you on your back on the floor, with your vulnerable feet in the air.
He grabs your ankles, and holds your feet to his face. He takes a shallow breath. Then a massive breathe.

Every inch of your sweaty work feet are inhaled. Heels, soles, toes, between the toes. His grip on your ankles is far too strong for you to pull your helpless feet away from his nose. He tickles your feet, making you wiggle your toes. You can't even hear your own mumbling laughter through your rank socks and all the tape encasing your head. As you wiggle your toes, he takes an enormous inhale. After half an hour, when he is finally done sniffing them, he licks, sucks and bites your feet. The vast majority of the time is spent sucking your toes. He starts by gently sucking the little toe on your left foot. He works his way from left to right, making sure each toe gets a thorough going over. He starting sucking 2 and 3 toes at once, far more vigorously than before. You can feel his saliva dribble down your soles and between your toes. You can just about detect his moans of pleasure as he devours your feet. He aggressively licks your soles from your heels to the balls of your feet. He licks them like he is possessed. You can hear his moans get louder as he slurps, sucks and slobbers all over your defenceless toes and soles. His tongue snakes between each of your toes, tickling you. Your pleas just turn him on more. There isn’t a millimetre of your toes and soles that isn’t soaked in his spit.

Suddenly he stops sucking on your toes and licking your soles. It feels like hours have gone by, and they have. You feel something thin and cold being fastened around your big toes, tying them together. You feel something fleshy and rock hard on your soaking wet soles...

Turn to 601 in the adult version. WARNING ADULTS ONLY

He wheels you in one of the offices. He picks up the phone and throws it out of the office.

He leaves the office, then returns with 2 huge rolls of 3 inch wide silver tape. He starts at the top of your shoulders, and slowly wraps down, mummifying your upper body the the chair. He stops when he gets to the seat of the chair, and rips the tape free. Your thighs are mummified to the seat. Your lower legs are wrapped in tape from just below your knees to the bottom of your ankles. He used the rest of the roll on your wrists and hands. It lasts for 27 turns before finishing. You panic. You're going to be stuck here all weekend!!

He starts using the second roll. 50 layers are used to reinforce your already large gag. He doesn’t stop. Your entire head is wrapped in layers and layers of tape, cocooned almost completely. When he finishes taping you up, all that is exposed is your nose and your bare feet.

He tilts the chair back, leaving you on your back on the floor, with your vulnerable feet in the air.
He grabs your ankles, and holds your feet to his face. He takes a shallow breath. Then a massive breathe.

Every inch of your sweaty work feet are inhaled. Heels, soles, toes, between the toes. His grip on your ankles is far too strong for you to pull your helpless feet away from his nose. He tickles your feet, making you wiggle your toes. You can't even hear your own mumbling laughter through your rank socks and all the tape encasing your head. As you wiggle your toes, he takes an enormous inhale. After half an hour, when he is finally done sniffing them, he licks, sucks and bites your feet. The vast majority of the time is spent sucking your toes. He starts by gently sucking the little toe on your left foot. He works his way from left to right, making sure each toe gets a thorough going over. He starting sucking 2 and 3 toes at once, far more vigorously than before. You can feel his saliva dribble down your soles and between your toes. You can just about detect his moans of pleasure as he devours your feet. He aggressively licks your soles from your heels to the balls of your feet. He licks them like he is possessed. You can hear his moans get louder as he slurps, sucks and slobbers all over your defenceless toes and soles. His tongue snakes between each of your toes, tickling you. Your pleas just turn him on more. There isn’t a millimetre of your toes and soles that isn’t soaked in his spit.

Suddenly he stops sucking on your toes and licking your soles. It feels like hours have gone by, and they have. You feel something thin and cold being fastened round your big toes, tying them together. You feel something fleshy and rock hard on your soaking wet soles...

Turn to 601 in the adult version. WARNING ADULTS ONLY

Nope. Last reference isn't the winning screen. Cheat better.

Well done for making it this far. Have some pictures. It made sense to put them all in the same place, otherwise if I put them where the related text is, there'd be many, many copies of the same picture.



Mummified to chair


Head encased


Post worship


I worked out the probability stuff. The hardest roll you will have to make is about a 10% chance, on the hardest path. On the golden path I think it's 67% chance of success.
Last edited by zerg rush 2 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
"Wait, why are you taking off my socks? My mouth? But I've worn them all day and they're all sweaty and they're far too big to fi-mmmmpgffph!
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Post by wataru14 »

Excellent work! I adore CYOA stories. Tried to write one myself a while back but it's insanely difficult. You did a marvelous job.
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Post by gin »

So much tape bondage love fantastic just wish there would be also some Latex love
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Great job! I love the concept and it was really difficult to reach the good ending.

As you said, there were a lot of similar sections but I didn't mind it that much since there were a lot of options given to you at any location.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Headmistress »

Great story. This was like one of those "Choose your own adventure" books and I liked this concept as it was something different.
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Post by harukatsukino »

where's the adult section?
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Post by Jarris Scott »

Would love to see what is in store for the adult section, beautifully done none-the-less!
zerg rush
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Post by zerg rush »

Thanks to everyone who commented. Less thanks to anyone wo played it and enjoyed it but didn't comment.

I fixed a few things. One of the links was broken, and now works. I left in some notes to help me plan stuff, which I have deleted. These are a bit embarrassing, but whatever.

Some of the descriptions have changed. A bit more detail on some of the more significant entries.

Adult bits are coming, and should be up by the end of the weekend.

Also, poor images are now available for your viewing displeasure.
"Wait, why are you taking off my socks? My mouth? But I've worn them all day and they're all sweaty and they're far too big to fi-mmmmpgffph!
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