Superhero Camp (f/f, f/m, m/f)

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Superhero Camp (f/f, f/m, m/f)

Post by trainer »

So sorry for the slowish build up, wanted to set the scene and explain the camp properly, do hope some of you enjoy it :)


Jade was getting herself ready to go, she had packed all her bags the night before, she stood in front of her mirror taking a last look at herself before heading downstairs. Her blonde hair flowed down past her shoulders, and her hazel eyes contrasted nicely with the light blue t-shirt and shorts she wore. Pleased with how she looked she grabbed her small suitcase and backpack and ran downstairs. Her mother was waiting for her at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal.

"Ready to go?" her mother asked.

"Yes!" Jade squealed in excitement.

Her mother smiled, "Alright head outside and put your stuff in the car."

Quickly dashing outside Jade stuffed her things in the truck and rushed to the passenger door opening it quickly and strapping herself in. Her mother came out of the house locking the door behind her and got into the car. Jade had been to many summer camps over the past few years, but this one had a really cool theme that Jade couldn’t wait to get into. It would be just over three hours before they got to the camp, so as they started driving off Jade leaned back into her seat and thought about the camp she was going to spend the next five weeks.

Jade and her mom drove through the massive wrought iron gates of the camp, Jade’s face was pressed against the window trying to catch every detail, to her left was a dense forest with thick trees blocking out the sun from hitting the ground. To her right in direct contrast to the lush green was a vast, sprawling sand-filled desert with dunes rising up and down as far as her eye could see. Obviously, all of it was artificial no natural geography could have formed like this. After driving for more than fifteen minutes, Jade could hardly believe the sheer size of the camp, they started seeing small villages cropping up either side of the road, the hamlets took on many different themes from western wooden styles to stone houses to traditional Chinese designs. None of the villages they passed were much larger than ten or so buildings, and Jade could see that there were at least some common buildings between the villages, most it seemed had small stores, and at least two of the larger ones boasted banks as well.

Over twenty minutes after they drove past the first villages they entered the heart and absolute centre of the camp. While the outlying villages were composed of old-school designs this much larger city was entirely modern in theme, and far larger with easily over fifty small buildings dotted around in a large circle. The largest building Jade had yet seen was directly in front of her with a huge printed sign displaying ‘Governor’s House’. The courtyard here was bustling with hundreds of kids and parents milling about and chatting excitedly.

Jade could see up ahead as older teens were leading campers into the Governor’s House for registration. Jumping out of the car Jade quickly unloaded her luggage as her mom parked and joined her. Walking briskly towards them Jade notices an older boy holding a clipboard, “Hello!” the boy greeted cheerfully, “my name is Josh I’ll show you to the registration desk, please follow me.”

Walking off hardly waiting for a response Josh manoeuvred the mom-daughter pair through the throngs of people towards the large imposing building. Once they reached the door, Josh led them through right past the empty lobby and towards one of the many open doors along the back wall. Inside the room was a small desk with a form for Jade’s mother to fill out as well as two identical cards laid face down on the tabletop. Handing the sheet to Jade’s mom Josh turned to address Jade, “as you know here at Superhero Camp all campers are divided into two groups, with one half becoming heroes and the other villains. These teams are non-negotiable and are not tradable, the team you end up with is the team you are stuck with for the during of your stay here.”

Jade nodded her head swiftly showing she was following, Josh pointed at the two cards on
the table and continued, “you will select one of these cards it will tell you what team you will be joining, it is entirely your choice which to choose the selection is random.”

Jade closed her eyes and hovered her hand over the cards, silently she hoped she ended up in the hero team, it appealed to her a bit more. Reaching down Jade picked up a card and lifted it to her face, opening her eyes Jade sighed sadly, the card front displayed a black and red design with the word ‘VILLAIN’ written across the top. Josh nodded and added Jade to the villain roster, “you’ll be spending the first two days of camp here in Mega City, the teams won’t be divided yet, all campers will get a chance to create their characters and costumes. After the two designing days, all of you will be split into the two teams, and we’ll show you to your home base.”

Josh went on for a bit longer explaining a few extra rules as well as showing them where Jade would be spending the first couple nights. Turning to leave Josh told Jade’s mother, “all parents are required to leave by nine pm please feel free to explore the City with your daughter but please don’t stray outside the borders. We have a no technology policy so please ensure that Jade doesn’t have her phone with her, don’t worry campers with have access to the Governor’s House once a week should they wish to contact their parents. If you want to deliver a message to her, then feel free to send us the mail, and we will hand it over.” With that, Josh walked off to register the next camper.

Jade and her mom had a fun time exploring Mega City together, they discovered that behind the core group of buildings around the Governor’s House there were a lot more. Of these the most interesting was the large ugly grey walled building that stood out like a sore thumb amongst all the other sleek looking modern buildings. Walking inside they soon found out that this was Mega City Jailhouse, a three-story structure with traditional looking jail cells running the length of the building. For now, the building was completely empty; Jade sincerely hoped she didn’t get caught and sent here by one of the heroes.

Nine o’clock quickly came, and Jade bade her mom farewell, before heading back to her room, earlier there had been no one else in the two-bed dorm upon entering though Jade found herself face to face with a short girl’s brown eyes and the most vivid shade of red hair Jade had ever seen. The redhead nodded at Jade, “Hey! I’m Chantal, I’m a villain! I’m so excited to get started!”

Chantal spoke so fast that Jade almost didn’t catch any of that, returning a small Jade introduced herself and said, “I’m also a villain, but I was really hoping to end up on the hero team.”

Chantal frowned slightly asking, “but why?” Jade gave her a confused glance, so Chantal continued, “the villains get to have all the fun!”

“Wouldn’t the heroes get to have all the fun in a camp literally called Superhero Camp?” Jade shot back emphasising the superhero part.

Chantal waved her hand dismissively, “I was here last year the heroes have to do all the work running chasing villains, guarding villages and all that other boring stuff. While we get to ignore all that responsibility stuff and rob from the villagers and take whatever we want. As long as we don’t get caught, we can pretty much do anything!”
Jade had to admit that did sound kinda fun, “were you a villain last year as well?”

Chantal nodded her head, “and I am so glad I got to be one again, it was loads of fun.”

“Did you get caught?”

Chantal pouted cutely but responded anyway, “yeah three times, I was so good at getting away,” pausing slightly she continued with a happier tone, “but it’ll be different this year I’ve been practising.”

Jade mentally took note that she probably shouldn’t be taking any notes about surviving this camp from Chantal, changing the topic Jade asked, “So have you come up with a character yet?”

“I’ll pretty much use my character from last year with a couple changes,” Chantal posed dramatically and announced in an obnoxious voice, “You have the honour of standing before the great super dastardly… Red Menace!”

Jade and Chantal started at each silently before they both broke down giggling, Chantal then asked, “what about you?”

Jade shook her, “I only thought about a hero character I’ll think of something tomorrow.”


With that, the two girls settled down for the night with thoughts of heroes and villains racing through their heads.
Jade woke up the next morning with the sun shining in her eyes, Chantal was still peacefully snoring away. Jade climbed out of bed and sat down at the desk, after her standard morning routine, with a notepad in front of her intending to get cracking at her villain persona.

It was after a couple of hours with Chantal’s snores providing background noise that Jade finally had a semi-reasonable character that she didn’t hate. Picking up her notebook she left the room and went to the storeroom where the camp kept all the potential costumes and clothes. Of course, lazier campers can collect a readymade costume but most wanted to be creative, so they pick up individual items to cobble together something that isn’t atrocious.

Jade walked into mayhem with tons of boys and girls running around screaming, picking up and discarding clothes as quickly as they could. Massive pileups of clothes were forming in various places around the room, Jade made her way to the largest of the dump sites in the middle of the room hoping to find something she was looking for quickly.
Unfortunately, she was forced to spend over three hours rifling through the stacks of clothes, but she did walk out feeling very satisfied with her selection. Her primary piece of costume was a very dark blue spandex suit, covering her from neck to ankles, she also selected a black cape to drape over one of her shoulders. For a belt, she choose to loop a long coil of rope, and to top off her look, she selected a thin blue mask to cover her eyes. Jade decided not to complicate her villain name and took a page out of Chantal’s book; Blue Mask.


Two days following Jade’s costume selection, the camp proper began. Camp Councilors came around and collected all the villains, Jade and Chantal stuck together walking amongst a considerable crowd of campers all dressed in their villain regalia. A massive variety of colours and accessories accompanied the campers as they all collected in the centre of Mega City, the councillors then divided the almost 200 villain campers into two large groups and began leading them in opposite directions.

Jade and Chantal luckily remained in the same group, following the camp councillor as he led the large group out of Mega-City and into the surrounding desert landscape. The other villain group was led away into the forest landscape on the opposite side of the City. Soon the City was left far behind Jade’s group as they trekked for more than an hour minutes in the sand. They passed lots of the small hamlets Jade saw from a distance when first driving through, except now these villages looked occupied, councillors all dressed up in their civilian costumes.

At the end of their trek they came up a massive rock wall that dominated the edge of the camp, cut into the rack right in front of their group was a large double door easily three times Jade’s height. The councillor stopped at the threshold of the door and turned to address the group, “this will be your main hideout, inside you’ll find many rooms for you to claim and a large selection of fake weapons for you to use. As soon as I leave you this year’s Superhero Camp will have officially begun, you all know the rules for today none of you can be touched by any of the heroes if you stay out of Mega City. This one-day ceasefire should be used for you all to go out into the surrounding countryside and do villainy things. Tomorrow the ceasefire will be lifted, and warrants for the greatest of the villains will be issued, expect retaliation from the heroes. Of course, make sure you have fun!”

And with that the councillor stepped out of the way and let the villains charge at the door, quickly throwing it open, the kids charged in to see themselves in a massive cave. Looking up Jade could see that the cave rose up in tiers with the ground floor that they were on being mostly wide open space. Above them all the other levels were cut in semi-circles with rooms spaced evenly apart, ahead of them there was a huge scramble towards the weapons displayed along the back wall of the ground floor.

Jade stepped towards the weapons display to get at it before all the good stuff was taken, but Chantal grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the ramp leading up, “come on! We can get those later but we’ve got to claim the better rooms or else we’ll be stuck in the tiny ones!”

As they ran up the tiers Jade could immediately see what Chantal was talking about, all the rooms on the first tier were absolutely tiny, with four bunks to a room and cramped space as well as a large shared bathroom for the whole tier. The second tier mainly looked the same with only slightly more space between the four bunks, the two girls ignored the second tier and kept climbing. The third tier was far better each room just had three beds and a bathroom they only shared with the room adjacent to them, so six people to a bathroom.

As they reached the ramp to the fourth tier, Jade and Chantal were stopped by two burly older male campers. Somehow a hierarchy had already been established, a group of older campers were busy dividing the upper two tiers between themselves and Jade could see behind the two guards that the older campers were huddled over a map of some kind planning out a strategy. Knowing it was hopeless to try continuing up Jade and Chantal claimed a third tier room. Putting away their things, the two girls with room keys in hand locked the door behind them and walked down towards the weapon rack, on the way down it was clear that most of the third tier had been claimed and the second tier was quickly filling up.

Upon reaching the weapon display, it was clear that a lot of weapons were already gone, but they still had quite a decent selection to choose from. Chantal clad in her red shorts, red t-shirt, red fedora and red mask made her choice reasonably quickly, picking up a long plastic sword and a big back bag to carry their loot. Jade picked hers more slowly, but she finally settled on a huge gun at least half her height, it had a shoulder strap, so at least jade didn’t have to lug it around the whole time. The gun didn’t shoot bullets but was instead loaded with a single bolo that Jade could fire at someone to tie them up or trip them over. She also grabbed two extra bolos to hang off the rope on her belt so that she had some extra ammo as the gun only held one bolo at a time.

Finally fully equipped the two girls made their way out of the lair and discussed where they should head. Deciding that all the nearer villages would be overrun by other villains the girls choose to make a long trek following the border wall of camp to a tiny town that they both saw was positioned on the entrance to the desert area. They figured it was too far and too small for anyone else to bother heading there. So the two girls began the long walk to the edge of camp, wading through dunes of sand, even though the landscape was desert like the weather was very mild with a cool gentle wind breezing through.

The two hours it took for them to first spot the village passed quickly for the girls as they joked around and got to know each other better. Finally, though the village came into sight, it was, in fact, tiny with only six little buildings made in the western style. Thankfully for the girls, the village looked untouched by any villains. The girls slowly crept forward sword drawn, and bolo gun pointed up, coming to the first building, a house, they discovered it to be empty.

Creeping past the next two empty buildings the girls finally heard laughter coming from the ‘Beamstown Saloon’ located at the end of the street, it looked like all the villagers had congregated there. The two girls positioned themselves outside the Saloon door and decided to make a dramatic entrance, Chantal kicked the door in charging inside with a ferocious yell. Jade followed at a more sedate pace but entered to with gun pointed forward to find seven cowering civilians with Chantal standing in front of them holding up her sword.

Jade stood there menacingly as Chantal took over since the redhead had more experience she knew what she was doing. Barking out commands she directed the four female villagers and three male villagers to stand against the back wall facing it. Chantal then selected one girl and a guy to help her pack as much stuff into her bag as possible. On her way out she told Jade to make sure the remaining villagers couldn’t go anywhere.

Jade didn’t quite know what Chantal meant, but looking at the villagers in front of her and some of the items strewn around the room Jade had an idea, “Alright everyone!” She shouted, “hands behind your backs!”
While all the villagers placed their hands behind them, Jade collected a couple short lengths of rope from other sections of the Saloon. Walking back over she started at one end of the line, with a tall black haired guy wearing a loose white shirt. At first, Jade was slowly trying to get the rope adequately looped around his wrists, she kept fumbling the line, and the knots were just a bit too loose. However, she soon started to recall some of her girl scouts experience, and before long the teen had his hands securely tied behind him with the knot far out of reach of his fingers to make sure he couldn’t untie them if he tried.

She proudly stood back and took in her handiwork, but she quickly realised that she wouldn’t have enough rope to tie up all of them similarly. She moved on to the next person in line deciding she would do as many as she could. The girl that she approached was only slightly taller than Jade herself with long blonde hair that had a purple streak down one side, Jade didn’t hesitate this time nor did she take as long with the binding. Soon the girl had her wrists securely bound like the guy before her, Jade figured that she might have enough rope for one more person but just as soon as she was about to get to the next one Chantal walked back in.

The red-clad villain pushed the villagers ahead of her at sword point, ordering them to join the rest of them on the wall. Turning to Jade, she said, “Emptied all the houses got us a good selection of loot. I see you’ve been busy,” pointing at the two teens that Jade tied up.

Jade smiled, “Yeah but I don’t think I have enough rope for the rest of them,” she said as she held up the remainder of her rope.

Chantal smiled, “don’t worry we’ll just take the two with us.”

Jade frowned, “what do you mean?”

Chantal ignored her and barked out at the villagers, “all of you turn around and get on your knees!” pointing at the two that Jade had tied she said, “expect you two, stay right there.”

As the other six teens got down on their knees Chantal went and stood behind them, she grabbed the head of the brunette at the end of the line and pulled her head back exposing the girl's neck. Chantal then placed her sword against the girl’s neck and sliced it across the girl’s throat. Jade was surprised when the sword dripped out a thin trail of red paint, it was obviously not blood, but the intention was clear. Jade was suitably impressed with the gurgling the girl made as she flopped to the ground as well as the shrieks and screams of the other villagers as they saw someone ‘murdered’ in front of them. They were all undoubtedly talented actors.

Chantal didn’t stop with the brunette, she moved down the line slicing her sword across the remaining villagers’ throats until all but one of them were splayed out across the floor in various position acting dead, the red paint even slightly staining the floor. Chantal pulled the last male to his feet, before telling Jade, “hand me your extra rope,” she then proceeded to loop the rope around his wrists cinching it tightly, her actions far quicker and more efficient that Jade’s could ever hope to be. Chantal then stood on a chair and threw the other end of the rope up and over a bannister forcing the boy to stand on his toes as his wrists were pulled high above his head. She tied off the rope and forced him to remain in that position.

She then walked over to the ‘dead’ bodies and pulled off one of the girl’s shoes and long black socks. Heading back over to the boy she told him, “When they come looking for you, tell them that Red Menace and Blue Mask were here understand?!” She shouted in his face, as he opened his mouth to reply Chantal shoved one of the black socks deep in his mouth filling up his cheeks completely, she then deftly tied the other socks around his head cleave gagging him with it and ensuring he couldn’t spit out the disgusting footwear.

When Chantal turned around her job done, she found Jade gawking at her, shrugging Chantal said, “had a lot of practice last year.”

Jade chuckled softly at her new weird friend and simply decided to go with it, she asked pointing at the two remaining villagers that still had their wrists tied behind them, “what do we do with these two?”

Chantal still had a bit of rope left in her hand, walking up to the blonde girl she threw a loop of rope over the girl’s head and tightened it just enough that it wouldn’t slip off her shoulders. The other end of the line she held in her hand and very quickly had a makeshift collar and leash. Chantal pointed at Jade’s waist and said “using your belt to do the same for the other one.”

Jade looked down and blushed having completely forgotten that she had way more rope just hanging off her waist. Quickly untying the rope belt, she walked over to the black haired teen quickly emulating Chantal’s collar and leash. With their two hostages in tow, the villains exited the Saloon for the long trek back to their lair, leaving behind four dead villagers and one boy in a very uncomfortable situation.

Unknown to the girls, when the warrants go up in the morning their heist would become known to the heroes as the ‘Beamstown Massacre’, and the two perpetrators are going to become two of the most wanted villains at camp.


That's the first part, let me know if you guys would like to read more, and if so what exactly? Cause I can continue Chantal and Jade's story or I switch over to another area of the camp and tell a different story. And do let me know if I've adequately explained things I don't know if I got everything across properly.

Anyway have a great day!
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Post by Steak in a Tree »

Wow, i'm loving this, very cool concept. I half remember reading a similar story a while back, but this one is much more well written and detailed.
Perhaps one more installment with these two just to develop their characters a bit more, then switch to another person(s). I'd like to see what their reaction is when the warrants go out for them heh.
Very cool, please continue :)
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Post by Solarbeast »

[mention]trainer[/mention] it would be useful for some of us to be able to read your story from the start. You mention in your first sentence that you had made build in another story. So for me, at least, it would be nice to see the buildup on the same post, before I start reading this one. If you don’t know how to do that, a mod would be able to help.
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Post by trainer »

Steak in a Tree wrote: 6 years ago Wow, i'm loving this, very cool concept. I half remember reading a similar story a while back, but this one is much more well written and detailed.
Perhaps one more installment with these two just to develop their characters a bit more, then switch to another person(s). I'd like to see what their reaction is when the warrants go out for them heh.
Very cool, please continue :)
Glad you enjoyed it! :D Yeah that sounds like what I might do, one maybe two more post with Jade and Chantal and then switch over
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Post by trainer »

Solarbeast wrote: 6 years ago @trainer it would be useful for some of us to be able to read your story from the start. You mention in your first sentence that you had made build in another story. So for me, at least, it would be nice to see the buildup on the same post, before I start reading this one. If you don’t know how to do that, a mod would be able to help.
Oh sorry, that isn't what I meant, I was simply saying that the intro to this story may be a bit long before arriving at any actual tie-ups. Go ahead and read it, there's isn't anything before this! :)
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Post by fratboydanny »

Well done [mention]trainer[/mention]. I love the concept and this chapter certainly laid a nice background. Looking forward to reading more.
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Post by trainer »

fratboydanny wrote: 6 years ago Well done @trainer. I love the concept and this chapter certainly laid a nice background. Looking forward to reading more.
Glad you liked it! I'll try to get another post done soon :D
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Post by trainer »

A shorter section than the last one but figured I'd bang this one out now, thanks for all the support guys glad this idea intrigued some people :D


Jade and Chantal’s walk back to the lair was far slower than when they made their way to Beamstown, their two hostages kept falling over into the sand since they could retain their balance as well with their hands tied behind them. It was about fifteen minutes after the sun fell that the four were able to see the light streaming out from beneath the doorway of the lair, the sounds of raucous laughter and excitement soon greeted them as well.

Upon reaching the door, Jade banged loudly on the wood, one of the older burly teens who had prevented them from entering the fourth tier earlier in the day opened up the door and let them in. Jade didn’t quite know what to expect from the villain lair at night but she certainly never anticipated the sight that greeted them upon entering the cave. What earlier had been a wide open empty space on the ground floor was now full with two types of people, the villains in all their colourful costumes and the captives, all bound in lots of different creative ways.

Jade saw tons of villagers tied upon on the floor, some hooked up along the walls, and others were trapped in cages of various sizes (Jade did not know where those came from). The villains were having a great time tickling and torturing their hostages, most that Jade could see had been gagged resulting in a cacophony of grunts, moans, and muffled laughter.

Jade looked back at the two captives that she and Chantal brought in, while the male looked kind of indifferent to the whole situation, the girl looked more than a little nervous. Jade wanted to comfort her, letting her know that they wouldn’t do anything like that to her but she was beaten to the punch by Chantal who grinned devilishly and said, “Come on! Now the fun starts!”

With that, the redhead dragged the girl by her leash to the right side of the room where there was a bit of extra space. Jade pulled the boy behind her as she followed her excitable friend, even though she was only a couple of seconds behind her excitable friend Chantal had already managed to shove the blonde girl to her knees and had collected a large bundle of ropes dropping them by their ‘workstation’. Jade guided her captive to his knees beside his former villager, she then turned to Chantal and asked, “what are we going to do with them?”

Chantal grinned, “Well anything we want! That’s why it’s fun,” She pushed the blonde till the girl was lying on her stomach, Jade decided to watch what her friend had in mind before doing anything else. Chantal wasted no time and efficiently started tying a tight rope around the blonde’s ankles, cinching it tightly, probably too tightly as the girls let out a bit of a gasp as Chantal tightened the rope. She didn’t stop there though, she pulled the girl ankles up off the floor and ran another length of line in between them before attaching the other end to the knot on her wrists. Chantal kept on pulling the girl's ankles closer and closer to her wrists arching her back in what must have been painful, she did not stop until she couldn’t physically pull the girl's legs any closer to her wrists before tying off the harsh hog-tie.

Throughout the tying process, Jade watched the blonde girl’s face, and she could tell that she was attempting not to show any pain on her face but it soon grew a bit too much for her and she started letting out a low moan as Chantal finished up her hog-tie. The blonde gave Jade a pleading look her big eyes almost begging Jade to intervene, but Jade had no intention of attempting to get in her friend's way. Plus she’d be lying to herself if she said she wasn’t curious about where this might be going.

Chantal pulled up a chair and sat in front of the hog-tied girl, she calmly pulled off her shoes and peeled off her sweaty red socks. Jade figured she knew where Chantal was going with this, especially after her performance with that boy in the Saloon. The blonde also obviously knew what was about to happen and started shaking her head, but she was wise enough to keep her mouth firmly shut.

Chantal wasn’t fazed though, “Open up now, come on! It won’t even be that bad, I’ve only been wearing these for one day.” That at least Jade knew was a blatant lie, sure Chantal only had those on for a single day, but they had been walking out in the sand for most of that day, those socks would be both excessively sweaty and sandy.

When the girl still didn’t react to Chantal’s orders, the redhead reached forwards and clamped two fingers over the blonde’s nose shutting her nostrils shut. The girls valiantly tried to keep her mouth closed as long as possible, but very soon she ran out of breath and was forced to open her mouth. As soon as Chantal had an opening, she brutally shoved both balled up socks into the girl's mouth stuffing them full with a pair of disgusting socks.

Chantal held her hand over the girl’s mouth so that she couldn’t spit it out, looking over at Jade she said, quick hand me one of those bandanas over there,” she said pointing towards the pieces of cloth. Jade walked over and gave her a green bandana which Chantal pulled across the girl’s mouth and tied behind her head to ensure the socks wouldn’t be leaving her mouth any time soon.

With the gag secured Chantal finally leaned back in her chair, satisfied with her work for now. Seeing that she was done Jade finally asked some questions which had been bugging her, “Why’d so many people bring back hostages tonight? I don’t get it what’s the appeal?”

“Tonight is the only night during the entire camp that villains have free reign to do whatever they like, starting tomorrow all the villages will be guarded by heroes making it way more difficult to get anything done.”

Jade thought about that with a confused look on her face, “but I don’t get why take the hostages? It’s not like we can keep them, so it seems kinda pointless.”

Chantal looked at Jade briefly and then laughed out loud, “didn’t you pay attention to anything during the instruction session a couple days ago? Hostages that villains are not allowed to escape unless a hero rescues them OR,” and she emphasised the or, “the villains that originally captured them are caught.”

“Oh,” was all Jade had to say as her face went red, she vaguely recalled the information, but she had tuned out because she knew Chantal would guide her through everything. After a moment’s pause Jade asked the other thing that was on her mind, “but why tie them all up? If they aren’t allowed to escape anyway why tie them and stuff their mouth with socks?”

Chantal shrugged, “cause it’s fun,” she pauses, “and because if we are ever caught, you’d better get ready for something similar so might as well take advantage now.”

Jade’s eyes widened as she took another look around the room at all the tied up captives, taking it all in she turns back to Chantal and says, “if you ever get me caught I’ll be very angry.”

Chantal simply laughed and turned back to their captives, smirking as she thought about what they would do to them tonight. Casually reaching forward Chantal with her now bare feet pinched the blonde’s nose lightly with her toes lightly toying with her by shaking her head back and forth. Her first order of action would be teaching Jade how to secure her captive properly.

“So Jade……..”
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Post by Steak in a Tree »

"If you ever get me caught I'll be very angry."

Oh Jade, don't you have any idea how these types of stories go? You poor, naive villain.

Very nice, sure it was a short update but you wrote it up quick, so it's a fine tradeoff. Looking forward to the next part for sure.
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Post by fratboydanny »

Very nice continuation. Small chapters are fine and help the story flow. I can’t wait to see what they do with Jade’s captive!
Last edited by fratboydanny 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by trainer »

[mention]Steak in a Tree[/mention] and [mention]fratboydanny[/mention] I'm glad the two of you enjoyed it! I'll see about getting another one out soon.
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Post by Solarbeast »

[mention]trainer[/mention]. Like everyone else has said, this story is really good and the story idea is very interesting. I can’t wait to read other parts to this story. One idea for future parts of this story would be to have Jade captured alone so that she doesn’t have Chantal to help her along the way, if this was not something you were already looking at doing. Also I very much like your profile photo.
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Post by trainer »

Solarbeast wrote: 6 years ago @trainer. Like everyone else has said, this story is really good and the story idea is very interesting. I can’t wait to read other parts to this story. One idea for future parts of this story would be to have Jade captured alone so that she doesn’t have Chantal to help her along the way, if this was not something you were already looking at doing. Also I very much like your profile photo.
I'm so pleased that this story has generated interest, and I'll be sure to keep your idea in mind as I go forward. And yeah haha I really like that pic as well, been one of my favourites for a couple years now :D
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Here's the next part! Slighly longer than the one before, enjoy! :D


The four occupants of the room were jolted awake by a loud banging on their door, Jade and Chantal woke up grumpily from their comfortable sleep on some nice beds. Whereas their two captives groaned groggily from their location of the ground, thankfully for the blonde Chantal had been merciful and let her out of the hogtie before setting her down to sleep. However the gag had remained firmly stuffed in her mouth, her two wrists were tied to the leg of Chantal’s bed on one end, and her ankles were roped and tied to the same bed on the other end. Leaving her stretched out uncomfortably in an awkward position while trying to get comfortable enough to sleep.

Jade ever more merciful than Chantal had similarly tied up the black haired teen, but instead of a disgusting sock gag, she had elected to merely cleave gag him with a blue bandana which she very quickly discovered didn’t actually do much when it came to limiting the sounds he was able to make. And like Chantal, Jade also kept his wrists and ankles bound but didn’t bother connecting them to the bed, so he was able to sleep far more comfortably than the blonde had.

Last night had been a surreal experience for Jade, her devious friend had walked her through all types of different tie-up positions. They spent hours bending and twisting their captives around as they looped numerous cords around them. At one point the two girls had their prisoners fetch their dinner for them and ordered them to do all sorts of ridiculous things. Jade had been reluctant at first, but she had quickly grown accustomed to giving orders, relishing in the little power trip that it gave her. Chantal had even managed to convince to use her captive’s face as a footstool for about ten minutes while the two of them chatted about trivial things. She wasn’t yet sure how she felt about that, but there was definitely something exciting about having such total power and control over a person to the extent that they wouldn’t dare disobey you even in the most humiliating of circumstances.

The banging on the door grew louder as the girls adjusted to the sunlight and shook of the fogginess of sleep. Chantal was first to speak, “Hey blondie get up! Don’t you hear that knocking?”

The blonde only muttered angry words into the socks, muffling her response. Chantal looked down at the tied blonde and recalled that the blonde couldn’t move. Jade took over and spoke to the boy, “Gavin could you get the door?” Unlike Chantal, she had learned the name of her captive during the course of the night.

Gavin nodded and stood up, opening the door they were greeted by the burly older teen who had guarded the upper tiers yesterday. Speaking to them for the first time he said, “You two are requested on the top tier; don’t keep the rest of us waiting.” He paused looking at their two captives, “keep these two here, no captives allowed upstairs.”

With that abrupt visit, the teen turned and left leaving a surprised room in his wake. Jade looked over perplexed at Chantal, but for the first time since camp started the redhead looked confused. Seeing no answer was going to come from Chantal, Jade drew back the covers pulling herself out of bed, she quickly began going through the standard morning routine.

“Aren’t you gonna get up? Jade asked Chantal seeing as the girl still hadn’t moved.

“Yeah yeah of course,” Chantal replied absentmindedly as she also got out of bed.

Jade recognising her friend’s slight distraction asked, “Anything wrong?”

“No,” she paused, “well not really, just a bit confused about why they’d want to see us. The older kids don’t normally interact with us, they like to plan and scheme without our interference.”

“I’m sure it’s nothing too important, probably just checking in with all the villains seeing how their day went and stuff.”

“Hmm… maybe,” but Chantal still didn’t sound too convinced.


Ten minutes later the girls found themselves on the ramp to the fifth tier; neither of them had seen this area before, and both were gobsmacked when they finally reached the top. It looked like this floor only had three rooms, while they couldn’t see inside any of the rooms it was evident from how far apart the doors were that each room must have been at least four times as big as the little one they were staying in. If Jade were a betting girl, she would guess that each room only housed one occupant as well, which seemed extraordinarily unfair to her.

However, it wasn’t contemplation about the room sizes that left the girls shocked but rather the common area in front of the room. The floor was covered in plush red carpet as opposed to the rocky surface of the rest of the lair, at the back of the room there was a billiards table with a couple of players surrounding it even now this early in the morning. Most shockingly though, in direct contradiction to the no technology rule, there was a massive flat screen TV with extremely comfortable looking couches facing it.

The girls didn’t get too much time to mull over their jealousy as burly teen waved them towards where he was seated with another guy. They approached and stood in front of the two older males, the burly teen remained silent, but the other one glanced them over before dismissively asking, “you two Red Menace and Blue Mask?”

Jade took an instant dislike to him, he had that type of confidence that just bordered on arrogance, Jade reluctantly admitted to herself that his sandy blond hair and green eyes were striking enough to at least afford him a measure of good looks. His voice drawled in such a way that clearly indicated he would rather be doing anything than talking to two younger campers. Chantal bristled at his tone and immediately went on the offensive, “Yeah we are and who are you?”

Ignoring her question, he instead said, “Guess I should thank you two, you made it to the six and eighth spots on the Most Wanted List, meaning that your two slots weren’t given to the villains in the forest.”

He waved his had at the burly teen who reached forward and handed them a brown piece of paper, and sure enough, Red Menace was at the sixth spot and Blue Mask two places under her. Chantal’s jaw had dropped to the floor, Jade was similarly shocked, but she just didn’t get why it was a big deal. The guy let them stare at the sheet for a while longer before waving to the burly teen who quickly plucked the paper out of Chantal’s hands.

“You can leave now,” dismissing them with a wave of his hand before returning to the book that lay beside him.
Well, that was beyond rude, while Jade could tolerate some of the earlier comments she wouldn’t idly stand by while this guy treated them like they were nothing, “Hold on! What gives you the right to boss us around?”

The guy completely ignored her outburst, instead, the burly teen stood up imposingly over the two shorter girls, “the boss organised the raid yesterday that got six others from our lair on that Most Wanted List, every day that we have more than fifty percent of the List the camp gives our lair perks. There were supposed to be eight of us on there, but you two took their spots so now make sure you keep them, or we’ll be speaking again, but far less pleasantly.” Pausing he let his words sink in, “the boss asked you to leave, so scram.”

For all of Jade’s righteous anger she gulped down in fear after the dressing down she just received before Chantal tugged on her arm and led her downstairs. As soon as they had put enough space between them and the fifth tier, Chantal started babbling excitedly, “that’s soooo cool! I’ve never been on the Most Wanted List before! Isn’t it awesome?”

Without even giving Jade the chance to respond she quickly rambled on going a million words a second before Jade felt the onslaught of a headache and held up her hand. Chantal quieted down enough for Jade to ask, “What exactly does being on the Most Wanted List mean?”

Chantal stared at Jade like she had grown an extra head, “did you really not listen at all during the information session?!” She asked incredulously.

Jade blushed and was about to answer before Chantal waved her hand dismissively, “doesn’t matter, don’t want to know. The Most Wanted list is awesome, it means we have the biggest bounties on our heads, and all over camp, they’ll have these posters with our faces on them. Remember when they took those profile pictures of us with our costumes on before we started?” She asked rhetorically, “the List is what those photos are for.”

While Chantal seemed super excited about this prospect, Jade’s face took on a look of open horror, before she grasped Chantal’s shoulders and shook her, “why are you excited about this? We are going to get caught, and then we’ll be taken to that jail, and it’ll be horrible!”

Chantal brushed Jade’s hand off her before replying calmly, “don’t worry Jade I know this place like the back of my hand nothing’s gonna happen to us!” She placed her hand consolingly on Jade’s back, “Trust me, when have I ever failed you?” She finished with a broad smile.


So I thought I'd be able to get to the climax of Jade and Chantal's stories here but the words kinda got away from me so hopefully the wait is worth it.
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Post by Steak in a Tree »

Jeez, you're pumping these out fast. Not that i'm complaining. :P

The goons seem very vanilla, but i wouldn't mind meeting the boss. Seems like a pretty smart person, knowing how to get people on that list. Unless you're going for heroes' perspectives next, that'd be who i'd want to see.
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Post by trainer »

Steak in a Tree wrote: 6 years ago Jeez, you're pumping these out fast. Not that i'm complaining. :P

The goons seem very vanilla, but i wouldn't mind meeting the boss. Seems like a pretty smart person, knowing how to get people on that list. Unless you're going for heroes' perspectives next, that'd be who i'd want to see.
Got myself some free time for a few days, normally I'd probably just watch youtube or game, but since it looks like people on here have enjoyed the stories I've motivated myself to type faster. :D

Alright, thanks for the critique I'll see if I can spice up the goons. Yeah, I'll probably come back to him later but I don't think it'll be for the next arc.
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Post by Solarbeast »

[mention]trainer[/mention]. These are really good and, like said above, are coming out really quickly. It is ok to go slower if you want. I also tend to watch YouTube for entertainment, so if you are getting behind on that, it’s fine to go slower. Anyways, I can’t wait to see what the next part has in store for Jade and Chantal. Also there is a section on this site called story catalog, or something similar, where you should advertise your story so more people can see how good it is. Just remember to follow the format for it and also gender tag it in the title.
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Thanks! I'll look into it :D
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