Jean's birthday (f/fm)

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Jean's birthday (f/fm)

Post by Gil »

Hello everyone 😊. Here is a new story about Kyle. This time with Jean and her sister Susan. I hope you like it. Have fun 😊:

As I said, this summer of 2010 was full of tie-up games. This happened just a week after the last time I played the new game with my babysitter and Andrew. It was Friday and it was Jean's birthday. I had been thinking about what to give her for weeks beforehand. We arranged to meet on the Tuesday before her birthday. We were outside and also talked about her birthday. I was allowed to sleep at her house, as the only one, which made me very happy and also honored me.

"You don't have to get me anything material, Kyle. I'd like something else there." She said to me.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Would you please bring your TuG-bag?" She asked me.

"Haha, I should have guessed that." I laughed.

"Does that mean yes?" She asked again hopefully.

"Well, sure it does. My birthday present to you." I grinned.

"YAY, thank you." Rejoiced Jean.

"No problem." I laughed back.

I couldn't very well say no to that. First, it was her birthday wish, and second, I would have fun doing it. The days passed and her birthday came. My father drove me to Jean at 2 pm. I had an overnight backpack with me and of course the TuG bag. When I arrived, Mr. Wilson greeted me and let me in. I went straight to Jean's room. I knocked on her room door and she opened it.

"Hey, Kyle. Glad you're here already." She grinned at me.

"Happy 14th birthday, Jean." I grinned and hugged her.

"Thanks." She thanked me and invited me in.

She had already put a mattress next to her bed so I could sleep on it, with a blanket and pillow. I put my things down next to the mattress.

"Thank you for bringing the bag." She said cheerfully.

"No problem. After all, it's your birthday present, just like you asked for." I grinned back.

"Hey, Kyle. Good to see you." I heard a voice behind me.

I turned around. It was Jean's little sister, Susan. She was standing in the doorway, grinning at me.

"Oh, hey Susan. Good to see you, too." I grinned at her.

"I see you brought the bag, very good." Grinned she.

"Susan also gave me the present of letting me tie her up, as a thank you for our present back then on her birthday." Added Jean.

"That sounds funny. It will be just like Susan's birthday, only you two will switch positions." I said smiling.

"Yes. But we'll start it after everyone leaves tonight." Grinned Jean.

Susan and I nodded in agreement. We left their room and headed down the stairs. Everything was already prepared for the party. At 3 o'clock the guests arrived. Jean had invited 4 more from our class. Among them was Andrew. We stayed in the house and Jean unwrapped her presents. Jean said I had given her a big painting set so that no one would suspect anything. She had gotten one from her parents because she loved to paint and she was very good. I mean, when she wasn't tying me up. That was her other big hobby. After that, we all went to the movies and watched Iron Man 2. The Marvel movies were very popular in our class, so we were all very happy to see the movie. After the movie, we went to her house and had dinner. After that, we went outside. Andrew came over and we talked for a while.

"I'm sure Jean was very happy about your present." he said to me.

"Well, to be honest, she got one, but from her parents. I made her another present." I explained to him.

"What did you get her?" He asked.

I just looked at him and twitched my eyebrows.

"Ahhh. I get it." He said with a grin. He knew what I meant, of course.

"Well, have fun tonight, haha. Too bad I'm not with you two." Ha laughed.

"Thank you. But maybe next time. And last weekend we had an interesting game with Lucy. We'll have to play that with Jean or my siblings sometimes." I suggested to him.

“Oh yeah, that was great. We need to do that again." He grinned.

By 8 pm we were back at Jean's and everyone was picked up. We cleaned everything with her parents and then went upstairs to Jean's room.

"So, no hesitation. Get changed so we can get going quickly." Said Jean with a grin.

Susan and I nodded. I got my blue pajamas out of my bag and Susan disappeared into her room. I went into the bathroom, used the toilet, and changed into my pajamas. I went back to Jean’s room. She had already prepared everything. On the floor were several ropes, several rolls of tape, a large roll of plastic wrap, a bag of zip ties, the belts, my bondage mittens, and padlocks. A short time later, at 8:30 pm, Susan came back into the room. She was now wearing pink pajamas.

"I'll start with you, Susan, because Kyle is going to be tied up a lot longer than you." She grinned.

"Okay, here we go." Grinned Susan.

I suspected evil, or rather, I now knew how long I would be tied up. Probably overnight. I sat down on Jean's bed and watched the two of them. Jean grabbed the first 5-yard rope, guided Susan's hands behind her back, and crisscrossed them. Jean wrapped the rope around her hands. First horizontally, then vertically, and always alternating, using up all the rope. She knotted the end over her hands. Then she took a 10-yard rope and wrapped it around Susan's upper body. She started at her hands and then wrapped them up to her shoulders so that her upper body was almost mummified. Then Jean took a 5-yard rope and wrapped it around her ankles. She wrapped the last piece between her ankles and knotted it tightly. Then she did the same with her knees, above and below. Each with a 5-yard rope. Then Jean helped her little sister lie down next to the mattress I was to sleep on and grabbed a large cable tie. Jean angled her legs and bound Susan's feet with her hands so that she was lying in a hogtie. Finally, she took a roll of tape, cut a piece, and taped it over Susan's mouth.

"Number one is done." She said, then turned bolt upright to face me. "Now number two." She grinned at me.

"Well go ahead, do it. I can't wait to see what you have planned." I grinned at her and stood up.

"I'll just say this. You might get warm." She grinned again.

I was excited to see what she had planned. She took the two mittens in her hand and placed them over my hands. She locked them both with one of the padlocks.

"Very well done, applause, applause, haha." I laughed and clapped my hands with my bondage mittens.

"Yeah yeah, you're still laughing now, haha." She laughed too. "Now please put your arms by your sides." She added.

I nodded and let my arms dangle down by my sides. Jean took the large roll of plastic wrap in her hand. She pressed the beginning of the roll against my chest and began to wrap the roll around my torso. She continued to wrap the roll around my torso and with each wrap a little deeper. Always a little bit. By the time she reached my hands, I could tell it was hard to move my arms. Susan was watching everything closely from the floor. Jean continued to wrap them down to my hips, then to my knees, then to my ankles. And then all the way back up to my shoulders. Then she loosened the roll and laid it aside. Half of it, about 30 yards, had been used up as far as I could tell. I briefly tested my cocoon while Jean picked up a roll of tape. Escapechance = 0. Then Jean began wrapping the tape around my cling wrap cocoon. She started at the shoulders and kept wrapping it down. Each wrap she wrapped halfway around the previous one. She did this until she reached the bottom of my ankles. Then she wound it up again, as she had done with the cling wrap before. Below my knees, the roll was empty. She put on a new roll and wound it up to my shoulders. She took off the roll, which was now also more than half empty. That was a whole 100 yards she needed.

"Well, what do you say, Kyle?" Grinned Jean very clearly.

I tested the mummification of plastic wrap and tape once again.

"You weren't exaggerating. I'm already getting a little warm." I said, wriggling in my bonds.

"But I'm far from done. But for now, it's time to shut up." She grinned and held out the socks I had been wearing earlier.

"Oh, please don't. Can't you use mmmmmpppphhhhh?" I asked as she stuffed them in my mouth and then quickly wrapped the tape around my head. About a dozen times.

"Sorry, what were you going to say?" She asked laughing.

She enjoyed teasing me. My socks didn't taste very good. Jean lifted the blanket and spread it around the room. She came over to me, pushed me towards the blanket so I had to jump, and then laid me down on one end of the blanket. She wrapped me in the blanket. That was enough for 2 laps. Then she got some zip ties. She tied some of them together and then tied them around the blanket in 5 places. Around my ankles, above my knees, above my hips, above my elbows, and around my shoulders. Then she stood up and looked at me for a second. She just grinned and then walked away. I tried to move a little, but not much was possible. I could see Susan smiling behind her gag. She seemed to like how tightly I was bound.

"Look, Kyle." Jean said to me.

I looked at her and widened my eyes. She was holding a red sleeping bag in her hands and placed it next to me. She opened it and rolled me into the sleeping bag. She zipped it up and tied 4 of the belts slightly above where she had used zip ties before. Only around my shoulders did she leave them off. She padlocked them all and then stood up.

"Now we're done, Kyle. I don't think you've ever been tied this tight before, have you?" She asked me with a grin.

"MMNOOO." I shook my head, which was about the only thing I could move.

Slowly, It was getting warm inside my cocoon. Jean then pulled me onto the mattress and put the pillow under my head. It was comfortable that way, even though everything was a little tight.

"I hope I don't regret this present." I thought to myself as I tried to move a little again.

"Nine o'clock already? It took longer than I thought. But anyway, I want to immortalize this. But not with a photo ..." She stopped talking and picked up her new painting kit. "I want to paint you guys. So don't move." She grinned.

She began to paint us on her pad. She had the whole color palette at her disposal. I held still since I couldn't move anyway. Now and then I glanced at Susan. She, too, remained still. It took 45 minutes for her to finish.
"Here, look. I'm done. How do you like it?" She showed us the picture, beaming with delight.

"iffs, wewwy goof." I nodded, and so did Susan.

"Really?", Jean asked me.

I nodded again. It was very well painted, with lots of detail. Jean was glad we liked it.

"Well, I'll keep that." She said and packed the painting and things aside.

Then she walked over to Susan and sat at her feet.

"Since Kyle is tied up too well, it's your turn now, Susan. You won't be tied up as long as him for that, though." She grinned and began tickling Susan's feet.


I watched as she did this. It was nice to see someone other than me being tickled when I was tied up. But since I was tied up, there was no room for tickling either. Susan tossed and turned, but Jean kept going. She would stop now and then to let Susan catch her breath, but would start again after a short time. She continued like this for about 15 minutes until she stopped at her feet and began tickling Susan's sides. Susan tossed and turned again. She didn't seem to like it at all. But since she was tied up, she had no choice and had to endure it. After a short while, Jean turned back to her feet and continued tickling them. She kept changing positions to tease her sister as much as possible, which I succeeded in doing. Susan had to keep laughing until at some point tears came to her eyes. At 10:30 p.m., Jean finally stopped. She got up and grabbed her pajamas.

"I want to change, too. Then I'll let you go, Susan." Said Jean to us.

Susan nodded as she quieted down from all the tickling. Jean left the room and I looked at Susan. She noticed and looked at me. I nodded at her in agreement. She did the same. Then I looked up at the ceiling again.

"I wonder how long I would stay tied up like this. It's really warm. I don't think I'll have any trouble falling asleep." I thought to myself.

I was already pretty tired just from the heat. I mean, I was mummified, wrapped in plastic wrap and duct tape, wrapped in a blanket, and tucked into a sleeping bag. The ultimate cocoon. After a few minutes, Jean returned in purple pajamas.

"And are you ready to be released, Susan?" Asked Jean.

"MMMEEEFPPH." Susan nodded in agreement.

Jean got a pair of scissors from her suitcase and cut the cable tie Susan was holding in her hogtie. Then she untied the restraints from Susan's legs. First the knees and then the ankles. Jean helped her to her feet and then untied the rope that was tied around her torso. Then she untied the rope around her hands and was free again, after almost hours. Finally, Jean took the piece of tape from her mouth.

"So how was it, Susan?" asked Jean.

"It was okay. Only the tickling was bad. But at least I'm nice and tired now and can fall asleep quickly." She replied.

"That's just the way it is when you're tied up. You have to accept what your captor does to you, haha. But now a good night then Susan and thanks for the present." Jean grinned and hugged Susan.

"You're welcome." She grinned back. "And good luck, fun, and perseverance to you Kyle. I honestly wouldn't want to trade places with you the way you're tied up." She said to me.

I just nodded to her. Susan walked out of the room.

"Tired already Kyle?" Jean asked me.

"mmmeeefph." I nodded.

"From the heat, right?" She wanted to know, though I think she already knew the answer.

I nodded again.

"Well, let's get some sleep. It's been a long day." suggested Jean, turning out the light.

She lay down in her bed and looked down at me.

"Good night, Kyle." She said with a grin.

I nodded back at her and she settled neatly into her bed. I closed my eyes as I was pretty tired. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep either.

...The next morning...

"Good morning, little mummy. Rise and shine." I heard Jean say.

Slowly, I opened my eyes. I was about to get up until I realized I couldn't. I looked down at myself and realized again that I was mummified in several layers.

"mmoonniinmm." I tried to say good morning.

At least I could be understood a little.

"Do you sleep well in your cocoon?" She asked me with a grin.

I nodded. I had slept really well and was rested. Only my tongue was all numb from m< socks. I wanted to get rid of them, but I couldn't communicate that very well.

“Do you want to get out of your cocoon?" she asked me.

I thought about it for a moment but then nodded at her in agreement.

"Well, maybe after breakfast, haha." Laughed she.

She went to her closet and pulled out some clothes to wear. She left the room to change. I was now alone in the room. I tried to roll back and forth a little. Somehow I even enjoyed rolling back and forth a little. I didn't notice Jean standing in the doorway.

"HAHAHA, someone is having fun." She laughed.

"MMHAHAHHHAMMMAAH." I laughed too.

I turned around so I could look at her. She had 2 bowls of cereal with her and a bottle of water. She placed these on her nightstand. Then she grabbed me by the top of my shoulders, pulled me to the bed, and leaned my upper body next to it. Because of the thickness of my mummification, it wasn't easy to stay seated like that, but it worked. She took the scissors from the nightstand and carefully cut my gag. She loosened the tape and I spit out the socks.

"Finally the socks are out." I said happily.

"Haha, I believe you. Take a sip first. Your mouth must be very dry." Said Jean.

I nodded and she held the bottle of water to my mouth. I must have drunk half of the bottle. Jean set the bottle down and put it aside.

"Thanks. But did you really have to use the used socks?" I asked her with a grin.

"No problem. And yes. First, because it was your present to me, and second, as I said to Susan, you were the one tied up, so no say in the matter, haha." She laughed again.

"Yeah, you got that right, haha." I laughed as well.

"Well, let's eat." She winked at me.

She picked up a bowl and started feeding me. I mean, it wasn't good otherwise either. And she was enjoying it. I looked at the clock for the first time. It was close to 10. When I finished eating, she set the bowl aside and ate herself. She turned on her television. We watched The Big Bang Theory in peace. A very good series. After two episodes, Jean looked at me.

"Kyle. Thank you." She grinned at me.

"For what?" I asked her in amazement.

"For being friends. For everything, we've been through. Tied up and not tied up, haha. And thank you for the present." She grinned at me and hugged me.

"Oh damn." I said with a grin.

"Why damn?" She asked.

"Now I can't be mad at you about the socks, haha." I laughed.

She laughed out loud as well.

"But I also thank you for everything. You and Andrew are my best friends." I grinned at her.

“Glad to hear.” She grinned back. "Come on, I'll let you go. I think you've been trapped in your cocoon long enough." She added and picked up the padlock key.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." I confirmed with her.

She found the key and opened the padlocks on the belts. She undid the belts and packed them aside. She opened the sleeping bag and rolled me out. Then she took the scissors again and cut the zip ties that were around the blanket and rolled me out of it. I could already tell I wasn't that warm anymore. Jean then helped me to my feet and began to cut open my cocoon of duct tape and plastic wrap from my shoulders to my feet. She did this very gently so she didn't cut my pajamas. She did this pretty quickly and set the cocoon aside. Then she unlocked the padlocks on the mittens and I was completely free. I stretched properly and took a few steps around the room.

"That feels good, haha." I grinned.

"I can imagine it does. Thanks again for the great present." He grinned at me.

"Anytime." I grinned.

"Glad to hear. I'll clean everything up and you can change in peace.

"Fine, thanks." I nodded in agreement.

I grabbed my overnight backpack and headed for the bathroom. I took off my pajamas, which I noticed were a little sweaty, but that was no wonder with the way I was tied up. I went to the bathroom and took a long shower. Then I brushed my teeth and put on a fresh pair of underpants, black sneaker socks, blue shorts, and a white T-shirt. I packed my pajamas in the bag and went back to her room. Jean had neatly put everything back in my bag. I put my backpack next to it and we went down the stairs. It was 11 am now. We talked with her parents and then went out for a bit. At 1 pm, my dad came and picked me up. Jean and I hugged again and I went home. It was a great experience.

The End

I hope you like my story 😊.

If you have an idea for a scenario or costume, just post it in the comments or private message me, and I’ll try to incorporate it into the stories as best I can and I will link you. Thank you 😊.

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Post by Killua »

Nice story. That surely was warm but Kyle endure it pretty well. It's always funny when Jean adds something to tease Kyle that he didn't like. It's cute when complains into his gag then :lol:
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Post by Gil »

Killua wrote: 2 years ago Nice story. That surely was warm but Kyle endure it pretty well. It's always funny when Jean adds something to tease Kyle that he didn't like. It's cute when complains into his gag then :lol:
Thank you :). Yeah, Kyle definitely had it warm in his cocoon :lol:
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Post by Stormee »

Happy birthday to Jean now. What a wonderful gift from Kyle to give to her. To make him a mummy under layers upon layers. Must've been warm under all of that and complaining of his socks. At least his gag wasn't as bad as any other times when he complains of it. :lol:
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Post by Gil »

Stormee wrote: 2 years ago Happy birthday to Jean now. What a wonderful gift from Kyle to give to her. To make him a mummy under layers upon layers. Must've been warm under all of that and complaining of his socks. At least his gag wasn't as bad as any other times when he complains of it. :lol:
Yes that's right, the gag was not so bad :D. But for once the restraints were new and more intense :lol:
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Post by GermanTUGFriend »

Again a cool new story and a tight good night for Kyle in his mummification and gagging :) At least he was lucky and Jean didn't blindfold him ;) And it's great to see that Susan is also there in a "normal" rope bondage and a "normal" tape gag. Maybe she will go further with that in the future ;)
No proper TUG without gagging and hooding ^^ And don't forget a blindfold ;)
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Post by Gil »

GermanTUGFriend wrote: 2 years ago Again a cool new story and a tight good night for Kyle in his mummification and gagging :) At least he was lucky and Jean didn't blindfold him ;) And it's great to see that Susan is also there in a "normal" rope bondage and a "normal" tape gag. Maybe she will go further with that in the future ;)
Glad you like it :). Yeah, i thougt it would be a little comeback :D. We will see how she will be included in future :)
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Post by GermanTUGFriend »

So I'll stay tuned for new adventures and tie-ups ;)
No proper TUG without gagging and hooding ^^ And don't forget a blindfold ;)
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