Harry and Max's Solo Adventures (m/m)

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Post by BDBrit »

Thanks again, everyone, for the views, messages and comments. It is all very much appreciated. I've got a solid idea about how Tommy will be punished for his behaviour, although you'll have to wait until the next part to find out the details. I'm still open to suggestions if anyone has any ideas. Here's the next part in the mean time:

Harry's Revenge - Part 2: Putting Plans into Motion

The following Saturday, Harry's phone buzzed. At this point, he was used to the weekly texts from Tommy with orders to report to him. Sometimes, it was so that Tommy could tie him up in a new way, and sometimes it was to give him some menail task to do. Since they had recovered a large amount of supplies from him, Tommy's options had been more limited. As far as he was aware, they had been taken by the other swimming team, which suited Harry just fine.
This week, Tommy was particularly direct: Slave, report to my house ASAP. My parents want me to take Mikey to the park whilst they're out. You'll do it for me.
At least, that's what it said once Harry had translated Tommy's dreadful text speak. It actually read: Sl@ve, my house NOW!!! Take the idiot to the park! Or Else! Not exactly eloquently put.
This was the perfect opportunity. Harry had been concocting his plan for a while, and this presented the perfect opportunity to lure Tommy in. He would kidnap Mikey! Tommy may have hated him, but his parents would not be happy to come home to find Mikey missing, meaning Tommy would have little choice but to come and get him back.
It's go time! Harry's text to Kyle was simple and to the point. He would know what to do.

Harry made it to Tommy's house to find Mikey sitting on the front step. He was wearing a blue T-shirt, brown shorts and a blue backpack. He looked thoroughly bored. Harry grinned at him, "Hey, how're you doing?"
"Tired," Mikey said.
"Oh?" Harry said, sounding concerned. "Didn't sleep well."
"No," Mikey replied. "Tommy made me chew on a sock all night."
Harry took a sharp intake of breath. "Sorry, kid," he said.
"It's ok," Mikey said, wiping his nose. "I'll be fine. Tommy always says what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
"Ummm..." Harry said, unsure of how to respond. "It doesn't have to be that way."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean... um... I'm not sure," Harry said. "Look, let's get out of here. It'll help you to feel better."
"O-okay," Mikey sniffed.

The route Harry took to the park with Mikey conveniently went past Kyle's house. At the front of Kyle's garden, there were large hedges which stopped people in the street from seeing into the garden. As Harry and Mikey walked past the gate, four boys wearing masks jumped out.
Harry stepped in front of Mikey and put his arm out protectively. "What do you want?" he asked performatively.
Their assailants said nothing, and instead closed in on the boys. Harry felt Mikey's hands cultch his arm fearfully.
Harry suddenly barged through them. "Go, Mikey, get away! I'll hold them off!" he shouted defiantly.
Mikey ran, before turning back to see the boys overpower Harry and begin to drag him into the house. "No!" he shouted. He ran back to help, but was swiftly overpowered. Everything went dark as a bag was thrust over his head.

The bag was pulled off Mikey's head as the sound of raucous laughter filled the room.
"Ha! We got you!" came a voice. "Admit it, Harry, you were porperly scared!"
"No!" Harry said! "I'm never scared!"
"Hey, kid, sorry we freaked you out," one of the boys said kindly. "We just wanted to freak Harry out, and it worked!" He grinned broadly.
"Wait," Mikey said. "I know you; you're Kyle!"
"Sure am," Kyle said. "Nice to see you again. Do you want something to eat or drink?"
"No, thanks," Mikey said. "Tommy says I shouldn't eat until I get home."
"Oh," Kyle said. "Are you sure you don't want some water?"
"Ummm," Mikey said. "I don't want to get in trouble."
"So that's a yes then," Kyle said. "Don't worry, Tommy won't find out."
Mikey visibly relaxed.
"What do you like? Lemonade? Cola? Fruit juice?"
"Lemonade, please!" Mikey said happily.

Half an hour later, the boys were playing video games and laughing. "I like this kid," Sam said. "He's a much better sport than Tommy!"
Mikey blushed. He wasn't used to older boys saying nice things about him.
"Hey," Harry began, "shouldn't we discuss our plan with him now?"
"We could do," Kyle said. "But I'm not doing anything unless he's comfortable with it. He's a good kid."
"What plan?" Mikey asked, slightly defensively. "What do you want?"
"What we want," Sam said. "Is to teach that brother of yours a lesson for messing with the wrong person."
"What do you mean?" He asked pointedly.
"We mean," Kyle explained, "that we know about how he's been treating you. And we want to put a stop to it."
"It's ok," Mikey said weakly. "Tommy says it'll help me build character."
"No," Kyle said calmly but firmly. "It's cruel, it's bullying and it stops today."
It must have been the certainty and clarity in Kyle's voice, but Mikey's eyes widened as he realised what this would mean. "You mean it?" he said, hardly daring to believe it. "You can get him to stop tying me up all the time?"
"We can," Max chimed in, "but we need to teach him a lesson first."
"And the only way to do that," Harry said, "is to lure him here."
"What, like with some bait? Like in Scooby Doo?" Mikey asked.
"Yes," Kyle said. "I'm sorry, but we need to make him think that we've kidnapped you. Would you be ok with that?"
Mikey thought about it for a moment. "Okay," he said. "That could be fun."

The boys had agreed not to tie him up any tighter than they had to. It just needed to look like he'd been kidnapped. They agreed to tie him to a wooden chair. Mikey sat down, and his wrists were tied to the arms of the chair, and his ankles were tied to the legs of the chair. The boys tied the ropes tightly enough so that Mikey was secured, but not so tightly that he would be uncomfortable.
"Are you alright?" Harry asked him.
"Yep," Mikey said happily. "It's tight, but quite snug. Not at all like Tommy does it."
"We're going to need a photo to send him," Kyle said. "Are you ok if we put a bit of tape over your mouth?"
"Yep," Mikey said in the same tone as before. "I've had worse."
"Hey," Clive said, "shouldn't we also tie up Harry so that Tommy thinks we've grabbed them both?"
"Good idea," Harry said. "He won't ask why we've tied Mikey up so lightly if he thinks I had nothing to do with it."
"Agreed," said Sam. "Sit down, then!"
"On what?" Harry asked.
"Wait, I've got an idea," Max said. "We'll need to untie Mikey first."
"Awww," Mikey said.
"Don't worry," Max said. "It won't be for long."

Harry had to admit, Max was very creative. His plan was simple, but effective. Mikey was untied from the chair, whilst Harry was told to sit in his place. His wrists were tied to the arms of the chair and his ankles to the legs as Mikey had been. Mikey was then instructed to sit on Harry's lap. His wrists were placed on top of Harry's and tied to the chair, with his ankles also tied to Harry's ankles, thus binding them together.
"How's that?" Max asked.
"Much more comfortable," Mikey said.
"Do I make a good cushion?" Harry asked.
Mikey giggled, "You do!"
"Right, tape time, then we need to take a photo," Kyle said.
A single strip of black duct tape was placed on Harry's and Mikey's mouths.
"Mph! Mmmphhh! MMMPHHH! MMPPPHHH!" Mikey said in a sing-song voice. He was still very much enjoying himself.
"Smile for the camera," Kyle said, taking a picture with his phone.
Mikey shuffled awkwardly on Harry's lap, as if he were a bit camera shy.
"Ok, I'll send this to Tommy," he said. "Hey, dude, look who I saw outside. I'll let him go if you come over and get him back."
Mikey giggled into the tape.
"How long do you think it'll be before he gets here?" Max asked.
"Dunno," said Kyle. "He'll either come straight away to defend his honour as a big brother, or he'll make us wait for a few hours. You can never tell with him. Let's put the TV on whilst we wait for him."

With that, the boys resumed their games, leaving Harry and Mikey to watch. Harry felt Mikey lean back into him and relax. Before long, his breathing had slowed down and he was fast asleep. Harry smiled, well tried to smile at any rate. Even if Tommy wasn't coming for a while yet, Mikey was enjoying his first safe tie-up experience. That was one victory already.
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Post by Killua »

Awwww, that's a really wholesome and great part. I really like it how Mike is enjoying it and feels safe. And it's great thst Harry and Max can have some time together that way anf with their friends.

But even that one text message made me immediatley angry at Tommy again. It's just not the way how to treat a friend. He is a mean bully and nothing else. I hate him so much. Can't wait for the punishment. Hopefully Max and Harry can enjoy some fun games agsin after it or maybe during it who knows. Mike surely could learn a lot from them on how great TuGs can be if they are done safely. Exactly how Harry showed it to Max.
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Post by Stormee »

I finally got all caught up in this story. A lot had happened in this and I love it. Harry and Max just having fun, while exploring new ways to these games. Tommy being a jerk who wants nothing but control of others while bullying his poor brother. I'm glad Max and Harry are there to help him along with the rest of the team. Ooh I can't see to see the revenge coming around to capture Tommy and teach that bully a lesson. Keep up the great work, I can't wait for more. :D
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Post by BDBrit »

Right, sorry this took so long. I'm sure you've gathered by now that I'm not a big fan of torture during TUGs, which made this very difficult to write. I will try and finish this off before the start of next week. Here's the next part for now:

Harry's Revenge - Part 3: Springing the trap

"WHERE IS HE?" Tommy's voice boomed as the door flung open. It was a good thing that Kyle's parents weren't home. Tommy's voice sounded wild and affronted. "KYLE, WHERE IS MY BROTHER!?"
No response.
"I'M WARNING YOU!" Tommy continued, his voice getting closer, "YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT I CAN DO TO YOU! HE'S MINE!" There was something about the way he said that last word. It wasn't loving or concerned, but possessive, like Mikey was nothing more than a symbol for Tommy.
Harry felt Mikey tense up as the angry stomping stopped outside the door. It flung open with enough force to break a window if there'd been one there.
"YOU!" he said directly to Harry.
"Mpph, mmmphh!" Harry gently protested.
Tommy slowly advanced. "Only I get to tie up this little twerp. You've not even done it properly! Where's the- WHAT THE - ?!" he shouted as he was suddenly interrupted by Kyle, Max, Clive and Sam all jumping on him at once.
The scene before Harry and Mikey could best be described as a cartoon brawl. There might as well have been a cloud of dust to obscure the action, with the occasional "POW!" appearing to clue in the viewer as to what was going on. The whole scene was a tangled mess of limbs all fighting for supremacy. Tommy appeared to fight like he had four arms, with how much he was struggling.
There was not much said during this battle. The occasional "NOW!" or "Give me-" rung out from the scrum, but nothing wholly coherent could be heard.
After a couple of minutes, Tommy's loud grunts and shouts became more muffled, before the sound of tape being ripped off a roll completely transformed them into a more recognisable "MMMPPHHH!" which resonated about the room. He continued to thrash and fight, although things gradually calmed down as he lost the use of his limbs.
Eventually, the others stood back to reveal their work. "That was tough," Max said, "but I think we've got him where we want him."
"MMPHHH, MMMPPHHH! MMPPPHHH!" Tommy tried to scream whilst thrashing about violently on the floor. He was effectively hogtied, with his elbows bound together behind his back and to his torso. His legs were tied together at the ankles, knees and thighs and bent fully as his ankles were tied to a rope tied over his waist, which has also holding his wrists down. He was weaing nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs. His cheeks were bulging beneath several layers of black duct tape wrapped around his head.
"He's not getting out of that," Kyle said. "Now let's free our friends here."

Soon, Harry, Max, Kyle, Sam, Clive and Mikey were all stood around Max's struggling form. "He's got a lot of fight in him," Clive said. "Are you sure those ropes'll hold him."
"The knots haven't loosened at all yet," Max said. "The tape'll be easy to reapply if need be."
"What should we do with him then?" Sam asked pointedly. "We still haven't taught him a lesson."
"Harry," Kyle said warmly
"Uhhh," Harry said.
"Oh, don't tell me you're getting cold feet now!" Sam said. "Let's just torture him and be done with it!"
"It's just," Harry began, "I've never tied someone up to hurt them before. That's not how it's supposed to be. It doesn't seem right to torture him."
"I guess Harry's the good cop!" Sam said impatiently. "I guess that makes the rest of us the bad cop!"
"Calm down," Kyle said. "However, righteous your anger is, Harry's right. Let's not race into this."
"Alright then, oh wise sage," Sam continued. "What would you do?"
Kyle thought about this for a moment, before crouching down in front to Tommy. "Look at me, please," he said calmly.
"MMPHH!" Tommy shouted at him before lowering his face.
"Look at me, please," Kyle repeated.
Tommy did nothing.
Sam grabbed him by the hair and lifted his face up.
"Thank you," Kyle said to Tommy, who looked like he really wanted to spit in his face. "Now, Harry here has told us everything you've done to him and Max, and - of course - to your younger brother."
Mikey looked away and turned red at the mention of himself.
"It's not cool," Kyle continued. "Therefore, we've decided to show you the error of your ways. You can either consent to being our prisoner so we can help you, or you can continue to resist, in which case we'll be forced to be considerably less kind. It's your choice."
"MMPHH MMPHHH!" Tommy said, starting to thrash again.
"Language!" Clive said. "There's a small child present!"
Kyle sighed. "He's not ready to listen to reason, Harry. I'm sorry, but it looks like we'll have to show him what happens to people who hurt our friends."
"And what exactly are we going to do?" Max asked.
"Do you know..." Kyle began, "I'm not sure. I didn't think this far ahead."
"I think that would've been pretty important!" Harry said sharply.
"Well, I don't exactly make a habit of torturing people," Kyle replied. "Do you have any ideas?"
"I've got one," Max said. He searched through his bag before producing a couple of marker pens. "They've dried out now, but they can still be very annoying."

In the meantime, Tommy had been thrashing about trying to break free. He was never one for subtlety. Why try and carefully and unpick the knots when you can simply rip the ropes apart by sheer force of will, neither of which he would be able to do without help, which was not forthcoming. He hadn't been listening to the conversations going on around him, as if pretending the others weren't there would lessen his humiliation. He was rudely reawakened when he felt the tickle of marker pens moving up his sides. "MMPHHH!" He grunted, and started trying to thrash at the hands.
"Use his momentum, like in Judo or whichever one it is!" Clive shouted.
As Tommy shifted towards his right, he felt hands grasp his shoulders and use his momentum to pull him onto his side on tip him over onto his back, exposing his front to the marker pen assault.
"Target the ticklish spots!" Max said. "And the sensitive areas!"
"MMPHH!" Tommy shouted angrily as he felt random shapes and patterns being drawn over his stomach and into his armpits. He could see that they weren't leaving any marks, but the affront was offensive enough. "MMPPHH-MMPHHH!" He shouted as he wriggled and tried to fall onto his stomach, but several hands held him tightly and kept him still.
"You have a go, Mikey," Kyle said.
Mikey held the pen hesitantly. His eyes met Tommy's.
Tommy locked him into a hard, cold stare, which has quickly broken with a hand started tickling his armpit. "MMPHH-MMMMPPHHH!" Tommy laughed in a high-pitched voice.
Mikey giggled, walked up to him, and flicked him in the ear.
"MPHHH!" Tommy cried indignantly.
"Let's see," Mikey mused. "That can be the pupil," he said, poking Tommy's nipple with the marker pen. He 'drew' a circle around both nipples, mimed drawing a nose and a mouth underneath. "And that," he said, poking his naval, "is the chin!" He started miming colouring in the eyes, running his pen over and across his nipples."
"MMPHHH-MMPHHH!" Tommy groaned.
"I think he enjoyed that!" Kyle joked.
"Did you enjoy that?" Sam asked him.
"I don't know. You were laughing a lot just now," Sam teased.
"MMPHH!" Tommy grunted, trying not to make eye contact.
"Come on," Kyle said. "Let's give him a break."
"Mph," Tommy grunted as he was released and dropped back onto his stomach. He resumed uselessly thrashing and pulling at his bonds, awaiting the next phase of his torture.
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Post by drawscore »

Very good collection. The only problem I see, is line spacing. Much of the time, it's there, but remember: Every time the speaker changes, it's a new paragraph, and should be line spaced.

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Post by Killua »

That´s typical Harry again :lol: They really should´ve better made a plan how to deal with that brat Tommy AFTER tying him up. It´s great that they manged to restrain him but if they don´t want to keep him restrained for the rest of his life (which wouldn´t bother me at all since I hate that brat from the bottom of my heart!), they better find a way to make him understand that what he is doing is wrong or just scare him enough to delete the pictures of Harry and Max and stop the torment of his brother. Right now, he doesn´t look like he would change anything... he seems as stubborn and evil as usual. He really deserves a bit of his own medicine... maybe becoming the slave of them for a change or just experience what he was doing to Harry and his own brother. Maybe Harry even find another way of showing him that what he is doing is wrong without hurting him... but Tommy seems to be the pure evil and I´m not sure if he listens to Harry at all.

I hope they find a way to solve the problem with their new prisoner to be able to get back to their usual happy games. And now that the whole swimming team knows about their games, they maybe even have some more mates to play with.

I´m really curious how this goes on.
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Post by BDBrit »

Right, for once I actually managed to finish a part when I said I would. Can you believe that this is the 30th part I've written for this thread? That's certainly a milestone. I'd like to take a break from this story after this part and write a few more one-off stories. I think it's hard to motivate myself sometimes when I've got so many ideas but also want to finish off this one. I think I've reached a decent point now where I can pause this for a bit. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the final part to Harry's Revenge:

Harry's Revenge - Part 4: Endgame

Whilst the others were having a break in the other room, Harry stayed with Tommy. He justified it to the others on the grounds that someone had to make sure he didn't start choking or injure himself, which wasn't a lie on his part, although he really wanted to see Tommy in this position. He watched Tommy lying on his stomach, thrashing about in an effort to break free of the hogtie. He had gone red from the heat he was generating and was starting to look much sweatier. Why wasn't he enjoying the scene in front of him? Seeing Tommy here, helpless, vulnerable and very annoyed should have been cathartic. However, he just felt really sad. "It's not fun, is it?" he said.

"Mmph!" Tommy grunted, dismissively.

"Starting to get that ache in your shoulders? Jaw getting a bit stiff? Feeling hot and wanting a drink?" He tried to stop his voice from cracking as he spoke.

Tommy shook his head. "Mmph-mmphh!" His eyes burned with defiance.

Harry ignored this and continued. "Feeling vulnerable and very embarrassed? Very aware that you're in your underwear and anyone could just touch you, and there's nothing you can do about it?" He knelt down and put a hand on Tommy's bare shoulder. It was warm and slightly sweaty, as expected.

"MMPH-MMPHHH!" Tommy instinctively tried to pull away.

"What's the matter? Don't you like me touching you?" Harry said, whilst doing his best Tommy impression. "Just say no if you want me to stop."

"NGHH! NNGHH!" Tommy said.

"Sorry, what? You've got something right there, right there, across your mouth," Harry said. He was trying to sound playful, which was difficult whilst also trying to hold back his true emotions. He moved his hand to the small of Tommy's back, eliciting a sharper reaction. "Oh, alright," he continued. "Stop trying to headbutt me."

Tommy lay still, saying nothing.

Harry moved away and looked him in the eye. "You just don't get it, do you? The whole world may as well belong to you, given how you treat it. It doesn't matter how everyone else feels, or that everyone else has their own life. No! I'm Tommy, what is convenient for me is what everyone wants, and what annoys me is everyone's problem. It's never my fault if something goes wrong for me. It's because someone else made me make a mistake. No-one wants to hang out with me, because they have a problem with me. It can't possibly be because of things I've said or done!" Harry felt a fire burning inside his chest as he spoke.

Tommy defiantly refused to break eye contact, and narrowed his gaze, as if trying to ask what he is saying.

"I bet you have no idea why you're here right now! You're here because of what you have done to me, and your poor brother, and the rest of us! Do you know how lucky you are to have someone as sweet as Mikey as a brother! How me must once have looked up to you. Now, he's terrified of you. Have you no shame, no guilt? Do you not care? That's why you're here now. If you won't come to your senses, they will find a way to make you care. I'm telling you now, this could be over straight away. All you have to do is agree to delete those photos of us, and we can start again."

Tommy shook his head very slowly and very purposefully, not breaking eye contact with Harry for a moment.

"Look, I'm trying to help you out!" Harry stammered.

"Harry," came Kyle's voice, "it's not going to work. He can't see past the tip of his own nose. Stop trying to be so kind. Be selfish, let him see your perspective."

"It- it still won't work," Harry stammered. "He's just impossible."

"Not impossible," Kyle said. "We just need to find his breaking point first. Only then will he understand how he's made you feel."

"I can't," Harry said. "I won't turn a thing I enjoy into a tool for revenge. I don't want to think of today every time I'm tied up. I want to enjoy it again!" He started to cry.

"That's it, big guy," Kyle said, patting him on the back. "Let it out. You matter just as much as Mikey does. This is about you too."

Tommy rolled his eyes. "Mmphhh... MMPHH!" he grunted, trying to sound like he was vomiting.

"GOT IT!" came a voice from the other room. Sam came charging in. "We got into his phone. Turns out he uses the same password for everything, so you'll never guess what we've found." He turned to Tommy and grinned.

"You haven't deleted them?" Kyle asked. "Tommy still has a choice to make."

"Mmmmmphhh..." Tommy said slowly.

"Either way," Kyle said. These pictures will be gone by the end of tomorrow. You can give us permission to delete them anytime before then and put an end to this. Otherwise..."

"MPPHH!" Tommy shook his head and resumed thrashing at his binds.

"OK, then," Kyle said. "Max helped us work on plan B. Harry take Mikey out for a walk to the park. We'll rehydrate Tommy and get him set up for the night. You'll love our plan."


"How did you manage that?" Harry asked, bewildered. He'd never imagined anything like the sight in front of him. Tommy was, in a word strung-up. His wrists were still tied behind his back, with his forearms pinned to his torso as before. However, several ropes were tied to the old ropes, which were then tied to the ceiling. He had been let out of the hogtie, and his legs had been bent fully so that his ankles were tied to his thighs in a frogtie position. Another set of ropes were tied and cinched close to his knees, and these were attached to yet more ropes which were tied to the ceiling. Finally, a rope had been tied around his waist, looped between his legs and up to the ceiling, so that his weight was distributed as far as possible. Harry noticed that his underwear had been pulled up into a tight wedgie, with a piece of duct tape holding the wedgie in place. His gag had been rapplied, with lots more tape from the looks of his, and tape had also been wrapped around his eyes, leaving him blind. He was suspended about two feet off the floor.

"Practice," Sam said. "Max noticed the wooden beams in the ceiling and plotted how to use them. He let us practice on him on Wednesday when you weren't available."

"I take it he refused to delete the photos?" Harry asked.

"Unfortunately," said Max, putting his arm around Harry. "Anyway, he can't really hear us that well, since his ears got caught up in the blindfold. We thought you and Mikey would enjoy letting off a bit of steam." He handed both boys a plastic stick covered in coloured paper - the sort that would normall come with a pinata.

"Oh, but-"

"No buts!" Sam interjected. "Well, ok, maybe one butt..." He sniggered.

"Look," Max said. "We all know how you feel, but Tommy is just going to exploit that unless you stand up for yourself and show him that he needs to respect you. We all love you for how you stand by your principles, and we would never force you to do something you're not willing to do."

"But Tommy doesn't need to know that," Clive said. "So either you hit him, or we'll do it and tell him it was you. And we all know how much you hate lying..."

Harry sighed. "Ok, but just once." He walked up behind Tommy, and took a couple of slow practice swings. He was at an awkward height. A gold swing would probably hit where it hurts. Harry settled on squatting slightly and swinging it like it was a rounders bat. One... two... three. He struck Tommy in the backside with light force.

"MPHH!" Tommy squeaked, surprised at what was going on. He began thrashing as best he could, causing him to swing slightly.

"Hey," Harry said slowly. "That felt kinda... good. Like letting out something I've been holding onto for a while."

"Now he gets it," said the others in unison.

"Maybe... maybe just once more, after Mikey of course."

The room was soon filled with the sounds of high pitched "MMPPHHS!" and laughter. After Mikey hit him from all directions, Harry and Max stood either side of Tommy and gently swung him back and forth between them. It was going to be a long night for Tommy, and for Harry, but - for the first time in a while - for a good reason.
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Post by Killua »

It's important that you write what you like to write and enjoy writing. It's an open end but indeed a nice place for a break. If you come back to the story, you can easily start on the next day/week with a short summery of the result of Tommys very... err... comfortable night.

I like it that they still make sure to not hurt the boy seriously by using those plastik sticks for a pinata. It surely stings to get hit by one but it won't harm him seriously. It's great that Harry and Mikey can let out their anger a bit and it's typical Harry again that he was hitting him with light force. Hopefully Tommy learns his kesson out of that. I like the swinging. It really shows Tommy how helpless he is and that his wellbeing is compeltely at the hands of Max and Harry in that moment.
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