Wedgie Boy (mmm/m)

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Wedgie Boy (mmm/m)

Post by FelixSH »

Info: Another story that is based on one that I read on Wedgie Haven, years ago. The original vanished long ago, and this is, as always, my own version, even if it is strongly based on what I remember happened in that story. Just liked the setup, and wanted to be able to read it somewhere. Needed a writing exercise, something short, so why not.
Wedgie Boy

Sams heart pounded heavily, as he put a piece of duct tape over his mouth. Even applying it was complicated, as his hands were shaking like crazy. It took a few tries, before it actually covered his whole mouth.

The hands were even harder. Sam had prepared a piece of rope, looped and with the ends tied together, so he only needed to put his hands through. But being unable to see the rope behind his back, and with his hands unsteady, it took quite a bit of time, until the hands were both inside the loops. It was quite a bit of work to prepare the rope, the night before, in a way that looked like his hands were stuck inside the loops, while still being lose enough to take out, with a little bit of struggling.

And now, the wait began. For someone to come inside, read the note he had taped onto his black hoodie (“Punishment for being a loser. Offers as many wedgie-opportunities, as desired.”) and fulfill Sams dream – to receive wedgies, from someone else but himself.

His nerves slowly calmed down, as no one came for quite some time. This wasn't too surprising. The school was mostly empty at this point, with only a few students left, who had classes during the afternoon. Sam had to wait for the bus, for three more hours. It was the perfect opportunity, with nothing else for him to do.

As long as no one opened the door, Sam could easily ignore the nagging voice in his head, that told him how stupid this was. “Get out. No one saw you. There is still time to stop.” He could put these thoughts away. Sure, he was scared. He realized, what he set himself up to here. But he could always get out, if need be. At worst, someone would think he was a big weirdo. Which wasn't much different from what people thought about him, anyway.

His heart felt, like it would bump out of his chest, though, as he heard the bathroom door open. It took all his strength, not to struggle out of his bonds, and close the door to his stall. He waited, as excited as he was scared, but no one appeared. Whoever had come in just washed his hands, and went out, without ever taking a look at Sam.

Exhausted, he leaned back, his eyes closed. This was nerve wrecking. But he just had to remember, that he could get out, whenever he wanted. Nothing bad would be happening. “Just calm down, it will be fun.”

It took forever, until the door opened again. Or, at least, it felt like it. While he had set a timer, to remind him when he would have to go, there was no way for him to check the time.

This time, he was found. A big guy, probably one or two classes above Sam, nearly walked by without seeing the tied and gagged boy in the stall, but stopped in surprise, and turned. A mean grin appeared on his face, while reading the note. “What did you get punished for, dude? Oh, sorry, you can't talk. Well...” And with that, he went behind Sam, grabbed his slip and pulled.

Sam grunted, feeling and enjoying the light pain. This was it. A wedgie, that he didn't give to himself, that he had no control over. From the moment he saw the other student, he was paralyzed, his face feeling hot from shame. It was too late now. Whatever happened, would happen now. It was an insanely exciting moment, not knowing what would happen next. But now, he realized that it had been worth it. He loved the forced wedgie.

The guy repeated this a few times, before getting bored. “Well, hope you learned your lesson.” With that, he did his business and went away, not giving Sam a another glance.

Sam grinned under his gag. This was exactly what he had hoped for. No stupid questions, no explanations, just wedgies from someone else, forcibly applied to him. It was too exciting, realizing that this was exactly as he had hoped it would be.

With that, all the nervousness was gone. He waited, no hoped, for the next boy to enter the bathroom.

It was still irritating, when the door opened the next time. Being found tied and gagged felt, despite everything, embarrassing. But he could live with that.

This time, there were three, and they nearly passed him by, like the other guy. Sam gulped, realizing that he knew them, at least from sight. The were jerks, not quite bullies, but loved to find a victim and have a bit of fun with it. That class was known for being full of such people, so it wasn't as bad as it might sound – everyone got their payback in due time – but these were still the worst of the bunch.

Two actually had missed him, but the third one started to laugh, when he realized what he saw. “Haha, guys, look at this!” The other two turned back, and all three got a horrifying look of glee.

Sam thought about taking of his bonds, but stayed strong. Nothing bad would happen. This was actually perfect, exactly what he wanted. He would get so many wedgies from them.

One of them stepped forward, a rather slim, small boy with spiky hair, who you could guess to be a jerk, just by looking at him. “What did you do, loser? Did you make your classmates angry? I mean, with that face, I'm not surprised.”

Sam just looked, trying not to react, despite his face already red like a tomato, again. “This is fine, just give me some wedgies”, he thought. He had mentally prepared himself for something like this.

“Go ahead, Charlie. Do your best”, the small guy ordered one of his friends, a rather buff one. Charlie stepped forward, grinning with joy. He grabbed the waistband of Sams slip, and pulled it up. But he didn't stop, like the first guy did, but kept pulling. Sam enjoyed the sensation, but also felt the increasing pain. He tried not to make a sound, but couldn't help opening his mouth to make a small, painful sound, the single strip of tape not doing anything to avoid that.

“Wait, Charlie. Whoever did this was pretty lazy, the gag isn't working. Let's fix this”, the small guy said. His eyes moved to the floor. Sams look followed, and a chill ran down his spine, as he realized that he hadn't put away the roll of tape. “Take off one of the socks, Benny.”

The other guy, slim and tall, followed the order. It was already clear, who the leader of the group was.

Sam was unsure what to do. While this was exciting, it also seemed to get out of control. He wanted to get more wedgies, but also didn't want to get his sock stuffed into his mouth.

But before he could decide on a plan, Charlie spoke up. “I think we need to tie him up, too. The rope the other guys used, doesn't look like it will hold him, if he actually tries to get out.”

No, actual panic gripped the tied boy. He certainly didn't want, to get actually tied up! But struggling became useless immediately, as Charlie grabbed his hands, pushing them together, so that it became impossible for Sam to slip them through the rope.

“I'll hold his legs, Cid, you can tie and gag him. And do it better than the losers who did it first.” Cid, the leader, nodded.

It wasn't hard for him, to tear off one of Sams socks. Sam, still in panic, tried to plead with him, which was, of course, the worst thing he could do. Soon, one of his sock was stuck behind his teeth, and duct tape was wrapped around his head, extensively. He grunted, helplessly and scared, waiting for what these guys would do to him. He also felt deep embarrassment, being now the bullying victim of three boys younger than him.

But despite the age difference, there was not much he could do. He wasn't the fittest kid, slightly chubby, and certainly not as strong as Charlie already was. All he could hope for was, that no one from his class would ever find out about this.

Soon, the rope that held his hands behind his back, was reinforced by a few rotations of rope, which also bound his hands to his upper body. Sam struggled, but soon realized that there was no way for him to get out of this, on his own.

“These idiots even forgot to make sure he stays here. Didn't even tie up his legs. We really should find these dipshits, and show them how it's done.” Cid exclaimed, when looking at Sams free feet. A state, that soon changed, as tape made sure that the they were stuck together.

Sams tormentors stepped back a bit, enjoying the sight of their prisoner. Sam struggled, feeling helpless, scared of what was to come.

What followed was the most horrific parade of wedgies Sam could have imagined. It started harmless enough, with regular ones, but soon, Melvins were applied. Sam knew from his own self-experiments, that pulling the slip up from the front was more painful than from the back, but he hadn't expected the pain, when someone wasn't as careful as he always was. It was never long, thankfully, but the pain still was there.

At one point, Charlie even put Sam on the ground, grabbed his slip from the back, and pulled his victim over the ground this way. Sam was just glad, that there wasn't too much dirt down there.

The final piece of torture was a hanging wedgie. The stall door had a hook, so you could hang your coat onto it. Charlie and Benny didn't have too much trouble, pulling Sam up high enough to slip his underwear onto that hook. With care, so the slip wouldn't rip, they lowered their prisoner slowly, until he hung there, completely helpless.

“So, I have to take the bus in two hours. Tell you what, we let you enjoy yourself for one hour, and then we come back and play with you a bit more, before going. Does that sound like fun, wedgie boy?”

Sam, in discomfort and pain, only grunted helplessly into his gag. He didn't even dare to move, as it made the wedgie even more painful. And soon, his stall door was closed. Cid had even used a coin to close it off, so that no one would even think of opening it, and helping Sam.

It was quite some time, that the prisoner spent alone. He wanted to get down, wanted the pain to stop and be able to talk again. But then, the two times someone did come in, he didn't make a sound. Something about this, despite how horrible it was, was still exciting.

Sure, the whole thing was embarrassing and painful, but it also felt right. This was the real deal, the thing he had actually wanted – for someone to give him wedgies, no matter if he wanted to or not, unable to do anything about it.

Sam had often fantasized about scenarios very similar to this one. Stuck in a hanging wedgie, not able to do anything, but to wait for his captor to come back. Being actually tied and gagged just added another layer of helplessness – and therefor, of satisfaction.

After an amount of time that seemed like forever, he heard the bathroom door open, and his captors talking to each other. Soon, the stall door was opened, and the prisoner look helplessly at his tormentors, waiting for their next move.

“Well, get him down there. Can't do much with him, stuck on that hook.” Cids friends followed his order, and soon, Sam felt way better. Sure, his hands and feet were still bound, a sock was still in his mouth, but at least, the pain had gone away.

“Thanks, guys. You can go now, go catch your bus.” Charlie and Benny nodded, leaving the bathroom.

Cid looked at Sams worn-out slip, shaking his head. “I think that's not good for anything more. I guess I'll have to let you go now.” Sam didn't know, if he should be relieved, or sad. It was certainly exhausting, but also, he didn't want it to end. What if this was his only chance?

“But first, you get some swirlies”, Cid said, and without awaiting Sams reaction, he forced his prisoner around, onto his knees, and put his head into the toilette. Sam tried to escape, but it was hopeless. All he could do, was to accept the cold water, rushing over his head.

This torture probably didn't last as long as Sam felt, as he was completely exhausted, afterwards. Now, he certainly was ready to be let go. But Cid, grabbing him by the sweater, pulled Sams gagged face close to his. “Listen, loser. I will untie your hands now, you can then do the rest. But you WILL be back, here, in one week. If you don't...”

An evil grin appeared on Cids face.

“We will get you, at some time during regular hours, and give you a hanging wedgie in front of everyone. Get it? And don't think about getting away, I know which class you are in.”

Sam could only nod. Even if he hadn't wanted more, which he still did, he was way too scared of Cid to not obey his command. It was obvious, this promise would be kept.

“Great!”, Cid exclaimed, before starting to undo the tape, that bound Sams hands. As promised, he left his victim alone afterwards, as the rest wasn't too hard to undo. With his hand on the doorknob, Cid turned around one last time.

“I hope you had fun, too.”

And with these words, and a wink, he went out, and closed the door. Leaving behind a Sam, who just understood that all his wishes had come true.

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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

I remember this story. one of my favorites.
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Post by Killua »

They are real bullies but it's exactly what he wanted. Now he can "enjoy" that way more often... even though it's more than just the wedgies he hoped he would get.
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks for the comments, guys.

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Post by The slave »

Very good stories
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