Family Therapy (m/mm)

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Family Therapy (m/mm)

Post by cj2125 »

Peter placed his bike against the side of the house and carefully stepped forwards. The 15-years-old teenager took a second glance to the text his best friend sent him “Meet me at my place ASAP. Use the spare key” he didn’t like it. The last time he answered to a suspicious call from him he ended bombarded by paint bullets, those bruises lasted for weeks! He mentally promised himself that if he found Rick bound and gagged again he was leaving him on his own and getting the hell out of there.

Peter looked through the plant pots until he found the spare key the Shermans usually hide there. The teen was wearing a blue muscle shirt that showed off his tanned and slightly muscular arms, white shorts black ankle socks and black adidas. He pushed the door opened and stepped into the kitchen, warily looking around “Rick?”
He heard a familiar muffled grunt, Peter was going to jolt to the door when he heard his friend’s voice “In my room!” well, at least it wasn’t him, which meant that only one other person was making those noises… when he stepped into his friend’s room his suspicions were confirmed

“MMPPHH!” the small blonde kid’s screams were muffled by the socks stuffed inside his mouth. Two kids lay on the floor in the middle of a destroyed room, clothes were spread everywhere, a tennis racquet was broken in half, a couple of books seemed to have been throw against the walls. The smaller kid, 13-years-old Tom angrily threw muffled curses at his assailant, he was wearing a white t-shirt and camo shorts, his feet used to have black ankles socks on them but they currently resided in his mouth. He tried to push them off with his tongue but a hand was clamped over his mouth to prevent that from happening

“Stop…squirming!” the older boy growled. 15-years-old Rick sat on top of his brother, his legs rested besides him, trapping his brother’s arms against his torso. That didn’t stop the kid from kneeing his back in a desperate attempt to get him off. “Why can’t you be still!” he snarled, his only free hand holding the phone he had used to send the text message asking for Peter’s assistance. Unlike his brother, Rick was only clad in the red shorts he wore to sleep, you couldn’t blame him, he hardly had time to get dressed!

“Ummm… what happened?” Peter asked unable to hide his smile, after what happened before, he couldn’t be too sympathetic of that brat

“Well Pete, I woke up with this brat…” he punched Tom’s arm, the kid let out a whimper followed by a barrage of curses at his brother “trying to tie my hands!” he jerked towards the discarded ropes lying on the floor; Rick licked his index finger and pushed it in Tom’s ear

“Mwwww!” the boy moaned trying to shake his head, Rick pressed his hand over his mouth even further to keep it still. Peter had to give it to Tom, the kid didn’t know when to give up! His knees kept hitting Rick’s back and his fists kept punching his thighs

“You seemed to have everything under control” Peter sighed watching Tom try to shake his head “So why do you need me?”

“Well… I managed to pin him down…STOP IT!” he growled as Tom managed to hit his ribs with his knee “But I need help to tie him up!” Tom’s eyes opened wide and his struggles gained significant strength

“Yep, that’s totally normal” Peter rolled his eyes

“Come on dude! I’m calling a favor as a friend” Rick made his best puppy eyes; after some hesitation, Peter finally agreed “Great! Just hold him down!” Rick beamed.

As soon as the hand was removed from his mouth, Tom used the opportunity to spit out the socks and launched another barrage of insults against his captors “LET ME GO! I SWEAR WHEN I GET OUT OF THIS I’LL FUCKING GET YOU…HELL NO! DON’T YOU DARE PUT THAT SOCK BACK IN MY MMPHHH!”

“Thanks” Rick smiled picking up the ropes while Peter used one hand to keep the socks in place and another one to hold the kid’s hands behind his back. Tom fought valiantly, managing to land a few kicks on Peter’s back but soon his hands and ankles were tied together in a hogtie. One of Rick’s belts was used to keep the socks in place.

“Wow, what he was planning to do with so much rope?” Peter asked inspecting the excess of ropes

“No idea” Rick shrugged and shoved his brother aside with his foot, more angry groans escaped the kid’s gagged mouth as he swung back and forth, unable to do much else. “Oh shut it!” Rick reached for his brother’s waistband and pulled his boxers up, giving him a massive wedgie “You know… I think the little brat needs a shower” Rick smiled, still poking his brother’s side with his toes. Tom’s attitude took a 180-degrees turn, going from angry and defiant to meek and submissive. His eyes opened wide and quickly shook his head letting out muffled pleas

“Are you gonna stop messing with Rick?” Peter asked, Tom nodded looking like a dear in headlights “It’s done, just lock him in the closet until your parents come back” he proposed; to be honest, Peter didn’t felt the need to further humiliate the poor boy, as a younger brother himself, he knew how hard life could be for their kind, unfortunately, Rick hadn’t had the displeasure of having an older brother so he was less sympathetic to his brothers plight

“Nope, it’s shower time for him!”


“Leave him alone Rick, you already won, no need to rub the salt on the wound” Peter tried to reason but his friend was too set in revenge to heed his advice. The little kid started whimpering as his brother grabbed his arms and tried to drag him towards the bathroom “Seriously Rick, the poor kid has enough” Peter pleaded but Rick didn’t seem willing to let it go. Peter’s eyes darted across the room until they fell on the discarded ropes “Sorry Rick”

“Sorry for whaaaaahhhh!” Rick screamed as he was knocked to the ground, the teenager was as weak as his younger brother so he didn’t offer much resistance; soon he lay on the floor, his hands tied behind his back while Peter’s weight pinned him down. “Traitor! Let me go now or I’ll kick your mmmpphhh!” just like with Tom, Peter stuffed a cloth he found on the floor in Rick’s mouth, unfortunately that cloth happened to be a pair of discarded boxers “HmT'F DNFGHFTNNNNG!” Rick screamed, his skin turning slightly green, but Peter kept his hand over his mouth. Tom was finding the whole situation highly amusing.

“Thank you!” he exclaimed the moment Peter removed the gag “I’m so sorry for everything I did to you! Thank you so much! I’ll be indebted to you…”

“I’m not doing this for you” Peter groaned “And I’m not planning on untying you yet!” he added making Tom shut up “I’m just tired of… STOP KICKING ME!” he slapped Rick’s head, that seemed to do the work and calm his friend down even though he kept fuming “As I was saying… I’m tired of your stupid little war, you really need to start acting like brothers and get along!” he exclaimed, Rick and Tom looked at him as if he had just suggested they joined the army

“It’s not my fault he is an asshole!”

“Hmt'f nht mn fhhlt hm Hmf h brht!”

“I don’t care whose fault is it! You need to grow up and stop dragging everyone in your stupid fights!” Peter admonished them like if he was talking to a pair of misbehaving toddlers “Now, I want each of you to say you are sorry and say something nice about your brother!” he demanded pulling the boxers from Rick’s mouth

“Dude! That’s disgusting!” Rick spat as soon as his mouth was free

“Forget about the boxers!”

“I wasn’t talking about them” he smirked glancing at Tom, the kid’s cheeks turned bright red

“Well, at least I don’t smell like rotten eggs!”

“I smell a lot better than you, skunk!”

“Pfff! You look like a pig! Your nose helps a lot!”

“At least I don’t look like a mutant rat!”

“Enough” Peter shouted rubbing his forehead “Are you seriously telling me you can’t get along?” both kids

exchanged glares and shook their heads “This isn’t taking us anywhere” Peter moaned

“Then let me go asshole!” Rick growled shifting underneath Peter

“Actually no…” he looked down at the two boys with a smirk on his face “I think Rick’s idea of a bath wasn’t that bad after all…”

Peter was particularly proud of himself, sure he got a couple of bruises and a bite mark on his arm but he managed to strip both guys to their boxers and leave them on the bathtub! Of course, they didn’t look so happy. In fact, he felt it was in his best interest to make sure they didn’t escape! Rick was lying on his back, his head near the faucet. Clad only on his red boxers, his hands were tied behind his back, his arms were pinned to his sides, ropes running above and below his chest and his ankles, knees and thighs were tied together.

Tom lay on his belly, his head near the bottom of the tub (close to Rick’s feet), he had been stripped to his gray boxers, hands tied behind his back, his elbows were tied together and the same rope was wrapped around his chest; his ankles and thighs were also tied. Their protests had been silenced by a few strips of tape applied to each kid’s mouth in an “X” shape

“Actually, I could get used to it” Peter smiled, ignoring the furious glares “Now ready for the shower?” the glares quickly turned to desperate looks as both boys silently shook their heads, of course Peter took their opinion on account. After a short deliberation, he decided to open the shower anyways

“MMMMPPPPHHHHH!!!!!” perhaps cold water wasn’t the best option, Tom and Rick squirmed on the tub as they were drenched head to toe, making a good imitation of fish.

“Well, it wasn’t that bad right?” Peter asked turning off the shower, below him lay two wet, shivering rats

“Hm'M GHNNG TH FHGGNNG GNLL NHH!!!” at least the brothers could be united on their hate towards Peter

“Pfff! You are too weak to threaten me!” he chuckled “But since you seem quite heated, I guess you’ll need to cool off”

“NH WHNT! WM DNDN'T HHHHHHHHHHHH!” once more the two squirmed and rolled over, legs flailing (and kicking each other) as the water once more covered their bodies

At least the water seemed to loosen the tape enough for Rick to open his mouth “MMMPHHH AAAAAHHHHH! MERCY! MERCY! YOU WIN! YOU WIN!” Peter liked the sound of it, Rick sank on the tub, shivering and coughing “Okay…okay you win… ummm…” he blushed glancing at his younger brother “Despite everything… Tom is smart, after all he always comes up with pranks I keep falling for”

“That’s what I was taking about!” Peter smiled sitting on the edge of the tub “Tom?” he bent over and ripped the tape from the kid’s mouth

“Ouch! You and Rick are a pair of stupid losers and AAAAHHHHH!” since Tom wasn’t willing to cooperate yet, Peter thought he might need some more time in the water… to bad Rick had to endure the same punishment

“THIS IS YOUR FAUUUULT” Rick shouted, kicking his brother with his bound feet

“YOU BROUGHT HIM HEREEE!” Tom replied slamming his body against Rick’s

“JUST SAY SOMETHING NICE ASSHOLE!” Rick headbutted the younger boy

“GRRR… FINE! RICK IS ALWAYS LOOKING FOR ME!” Peter turned off the shower and both kids collapsed panting, Rick laying on his back and Tom burying his face on his brother’s stomach “I mean…” he muttered significantly quiet while lifting his face “You are an asshole but you always make sure that nobody else messes with me” he gave him a sheepish smile

“See? That wasn’t that hard right?” Peter smiled ignoring the scowls the others gave him “Now be good brothers and tell each other you love them”

“Dude! I’m not gonna tell that brat-” Peter grabbed the shower’s handle “Okay! Okay! I love you Tom!”

“I love you too Rick” Tom grunted and rolled over, both brother remained lying side by side at the bottom of the tub panting, slowly recovering their strength

“Okay, we are good now” Rick finally growled “Mission accomplished”

“Yeah, can you untie us now?” Tom asked

“So we can kick your ass”

“Just for that I’m no doing it” Peter said

“You are an idiot Rick!” Tom yelled. Peter had to agree with him this time.

You can imagine Mr. and Mrs. Sherman surprise when the entered their house later that day and found it silent, only the noise of the TV could be heard, no yells, no cries, no breaking objects, no threats, only a soothing noise from a murder mystery on TV. Of course, their first thought was that something horribly wrong had happened to their children. Their surprise only increased when they ran into the living room and found Peter laying on the couch and on the floor, sitting on top of a towel, their sons, half-naked, slightly wet and tied back to back

“Frank! Julia! Nice seeing you!” Peter exclaimed getting up to greet them “How was work?”

The Shermans merely looked at their kids dumbfounded, the boys were remarkably quiet, only looking back at them with pleading looks. Finally, Julia Sherman managed to get the right words “Why?”

“Oh! Don’t worry! I guarantee you that Tom and Rick are perfectly safe!” Peter smiled walking behind the bound boys “They were being really unruly today so I thought a serious talk was needed” he crouched down and peeled the tape from their mouths. Judging by the red marks over their lips, they had been silenced for a long time “Now, why don’t you tell mom and dad what you’ve learned today?”

To their parent’s further surprise, Rick gave is best friend a fearful look before addressing them “That Tom is my little brother so his wellbeing is my responsibility, as such I won’t torment him again”

“And Rick is my big brother and as such I should respect him and listen to him” Tom added, looking equally scared of Peter “So I will let him be and stop playing mean-spirited pranks on him”

“And…?” Peter asked squinting

“We love each other” they said in unison making forced smiles. Their parents were slightly unnerved

“So, what do you think?” the adults stayed in silence, jaws hanging watching their children, only after a full minute did Mr. Sherman finally spoke

“Peter… have you think of a work as babysitter?”

“WHAT?” Tom and Rick exclaimed, they knew their parents well enough to know where this was going!

“You could come here whenever we are out and look after Tom and Rick, do whatever it takes to keep them safe… specially from each other” Rick glared at Peter, being humiliated by his best friend was one thing, being humiliated with his parents’ blessing was a complete different level! Peter looked back at him hesitant so Rick silently mouthed

“Don’t you dare”

Peter had to decline, this had been a one-time thing and frankly he doubted his best friend would ever consent to it “Thanks for the offer but I must say-”

“We’ll pay you 15 bucks the hour”

“That I’ll love to take the job!” Yeah, 15 bucks the hour was worthier than their friendship. Too bad the boys didn’t seem to agree

“Are you kidding me! I’m 13! I don’t need a stupid babysitter! Specially not HIM!” Tom shouted

“He is my best friend! You are mad if you think I’ll listen to him!” Rick shouted

“Can I…” Peter asked politely while holding the roll of duct tape, the adults nodded and he proceed to muffle the kids complains with more strips of tape

Their parents thanked Peter and headed upstairs to get dressed, ignoring their kids’ angry grunts “How do you think he managed to trap them?” asked Mrs. Sherman once they were in their room. Her husband scratched his chin pensively

“Honestly darling, I’d rather not know”
Last edited by cj2125 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MaxRoper »

The next time won't be as easy and Peter will definitely be earning that $15 hourly wage.
Thanks for a fun story.
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Post by harveygasson »

Another great story of the two brothers
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Post by FelixSH »

As always a joy to read. Thanks for writing.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Great story. Something tells me that the babysitting job won't be an easy one... :D
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Post by Xtc »

Sorry, late commenting but this is a well plotted tale that makes a true, complete, stand alone whilst leaving the door open for further tales. Good one.
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Post by LK3869 »

That pack of characters you're building is coming together nicely as we're getting familiar with them all... It's a real pleasure to read you. Your stories are both good and light spirited but never boring nor too cheesy.
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Post by Dominik »

Great story so far!

And millions of readers around the world impatiently wait for a report on Peter's first day as a babysitter.
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Post by cj2125 »

[mention]Dominik[/mention] don’t worry! As soon as I finish my current ongoin story (The Last Straw) Peter will have to match wits with these two brats :D
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Post by Cooltieguy »

:) I enjoyed this story thoroughly.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Cooltieguy wrote: 6 years ago :) I enjoyed this story thoroughly.
Welcome on board, mate!
Nice to see so many new faces popping up ;)

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Post by dwild »

Great story.
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Post by The slave »

what a wonderful story
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