Summer Game (m/Ff - F/m)

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Summer Game (m/Ff - F/m)

Post by Detective-Gag »

It was midsummer, and Mark’s grandmother, aunt, and cousin had all come to visit them at their home. The weather outside had started to grow humid, and the heat had caused them to take their conversations indoors where the AC could keep things cool.

Of course, Mark himself wasn’t very interested in sitting around & chatting…he was growing bored; and with him stuck at home and none of his usual friends around, he was contemplating what he could do to pass the time.

Sabrina, his cousin, was only a bit older than himself. Wearing her blonde hair long, with a black hair-band, she was seated at the end of the table where the adults were talking, absently fiddling with her cell phone, seemingly not engaged in the conversation.

Perhaps, Mark wondered to himself, she might be interested in one of the games he played with his friends.

When Sabrina stood up from the table and started to leave the living room, Mark decided to bring up the subject.

“Hey,” he said as Sabrina rounded the corner. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Go ahead,” she said, looking up from her phone.

“My friends couldn’t make it today,” Mark started to explain. “So I was wondering if you’d like substitute for them?”

“Substitute for what, exactly?”

“Well, we usually play Cowboys & Indians, or Cops & Robbers,” Mark said. “Basically, one side chases the other, and we capture them.”

“Hmm,” Sabrina mused. “So it’s like tag? And then the game ends?”

“Not exactly,” Mark said, grinning. “Once you capture the other side; you take them back to base & tie them up.”

“Ah,” Sabrina said. “So you’re either taking prisoners; or a robber taking hostages.”

“Exactly!” Mark confirmed. “Interested?”

Sabrina shot a glance back towards the living room where their relatives were still talking. “Sure, why not?” she replied, after thinking it over. “How do we start?”

“I guess you’ll need a head start,” Mark suggested. “Go ahead and take a minute to hide somewhere.”

Sabrina smiled, nodded, and took off down the hallway.

Taking advantage of the time to let his cousin hide, Mark quickly ran up to his bedroom to grab his backpack, which had some ropes & cloth inside. Slinging it onto his back, he ran back downstairs to find his cousin.

After silently skulking from room to room, Mark finally found Sabrina, who was peering around the corner at the end of the hall, looking into the foyer. Her back to him, she apparently did not notice him.

Silently, he crept up behind her, and with sudden boldness, reached around and clamped a hand over her mouth.

“Mmph!” Sabrina said, stiffening in shock.

“Gotcha!” Mark laughed, and Sabrina’s shoulders sagged as she realized she’d been caught.

“Now you’re coming with me,” Mark said, keeping his hand over her mouth, and pulling her arms behind her.

“Hmph!” Sabrina giggled, as Mark dragged her down the hallway, and brought her into the office, releasing her so that he could shut the doors behind them.

Sabrina stood in the center of the room. “Now what are you going to do?”

Mark set the backpack down on the carpet, and pulled out a white handkerchief. “Now we have to keep you quiet,” he said to her.

Sabrina put her hands to her cheeks, feigning terror. “Oh, no!” she cried, though it was more of a loud whisper. “Please, don’t.”

“Shut it,” Mark said, joining her in acting it out. He went behind her and dropped the cloth over her face, and pulled the handkerchief over her mouth.

“Gmph,” Sabrina mumbled, as Mark tied the gag in place, knotting it behind her head, carefully over her hair.

“Now put your hands behind your back,” Mark demanded, and Sabrina did as he said, putting her wrists together behind her.

Mark then took a length of rope from his backpack, and looped it several times around her wrists, tying her hands together. Then he stepped back to appraise his work.

“Mm-mmph,” Sabrina mumbled into the gag, clearly smiling underneath, swaying left & right with her hands behind her.

“Right, so now you’re held prisoner,” Mark stated, pleased with how the game had gone. “So now we’re going back to the hideout, and with you as my hostage, nobody will dare try anything to…”

“Kids, what’s going on in here…?” came a woman’s voice from outside the room.

Mark turned to see the office doors open, and his mom standing in the entryway. A tall woman in a beige sweater with dark hair, she blinked as she saw Mark standing their, backpack in hand, and Sabrina standing behind him gagged, her hands tied behind her.

“Goodness,” she breathed. “What sort of trouble are you two getting up to?”

“Nmph trmble,” Sabrina said through her gag.

“Mark, why does your cousin have that rag over her mouth?” his mother asked him. “Is that rope?”

Mark’s thoughts started racing, attempting to produce an explanation, when he suddenly had a thought.

“Looks like we have ourselves a snoop who’s seen too much, eh?” Mark said, looking at Sabrina while gesturing to his mother. “It’s a shame we can’t have any witnesses, can we?”

Sabrina locked eyes with Mark and, realizing what he was doing, started jumping up and down while fervently mumbling at Mark’s mother. “Rmph whlmph ymm cmph!” she said.

Mark’s mother looked between the two children. “Ah, I see,” she said slowly. “You two are playing some sort of kidnapping game.”

“It’s no game, lady,” Mark said, staying in character. “Now how about you shut that door behind you; and get in here…or else this girl gets it.”

“Mmph!” Sabrina added, for emphasis.

Mark’s mother raised an eyebrow, looking somewhat bemused…but then turned and gently shut the office doors. “There,” she replied. “Satisfied?”

“Not sure I appreciate your tone,” Mark said, deciding to push his luck. He jabbed his finger like a gun at his mom. “Hands where I can see them!”

“Oh, dear,” his mother said, stifling a laugh, but raising her hands up, palms facing him. “Whatever are you doing?”

“Making sure you can’t cause any more trouble,” Mark responded. “Stand next to her!” he said, pointing at Sabrina.

Hands still in the air, his mom went over to stand next to Sabrina. “Are you quite all right, darling?” she asked her.

“No talking to the hostage!” barked Mark, who pulled out another length of rope from his backpack.

Now for the moment of truth, he thought to himself.

“Now put your hands behind your back like her,” Mark said, stretching the rope between both his hands.

Mark saw his mother glance over at him over her shoulder. There was a pause, and much to his surprise, he saw her lower her hands and place her wrists horizontal behind her, near the small of her back.

“Please be gentle,” his mother requested, and simply looked forward again, waiting.

Genuinely surprised by her willingness to go along, Mark gathered himself and carefully wound the rope around his mother’s intersecting wrists, binding them together in a firm knot.

“There!” Mark said, brushing his hands together. “That’s what you get for poking your nose where it doesn’t belong!”

“Why are you doing this to us?!” sang his mother, acting melodramatic, which caused Sabrina to giggle into her gag.

Mark was impressed that his mom seemed to be having fun getting involved. He wondered exactly how far she was willing to take it.

“Enough,” he grunted, deciding to test it. “I can’t have you blabbing about this predicament to anyone who might hear.” He bent over and pulled out another white handkerchief from the bag.

“Ooh, what are you going to do, mister bad guy?” she crooned.

“Be quiet!” Mark thundered. “Get down on your knees!”

His mother laughed, perhaps partly because of how serious Mark was behaving, but also probably because she knew what Mark was planning; and that he would not be able to reach with her standing at full height.

And so Mark’s mother, her hands still tied behind her, stooped down onto the carpet on both her knees, now more or less at the same level as Sabrina, who looked over at her silently.

“Are you going to gag me like her?” Mark’s mother asked, faking horror.

“I can’t take the risk you two will raise the alarm,” Mark said, dangling the cloth down over his mom’s face.

“Oh, please, you don’t have to do that,” his mother acted, tugging at the ropes around her wrist. “I’ll be quie-MMPH!”

Mark cut her off right before she finished, pulling the white handkerchief right over her mouth. So surprised by her son’s enthusiasm, she started laughing into the gag, sputtering as he fastened the knot behind her head. Sabrina also joined in, pretending to be outraged, as she muttered for him to let his mother go against her own gag.

Then Mark was standing before the two captives, both of whom who were now looking at each other, white cloths bound tightly over their grinning mouths, kneeling on the floor with their hands held behind them.

“Well, this is a first,” Mark thought to himself. He and the boys had always played these sorts of games; but he never thought he’d have convinced his family…let alone his own mother…into participating.

And as Mark faintly heard the sounds of conversation coming through the ventilation & walls of the office, he wondered if perhaps there was an opportunity to take it even further.

“Right then,” he announced, looking down at his two hostages. “Now that I’ve finally shut you both up; it’s time to get down to business!”

“Dmph bmm mmnmph!” Sabrina mumbled.

“Whdrymph gnumph dmph wmph umph?” asked his mother.

“I was planning on taking all your valuables; but I think there’s another way to make even more,” he revealed. “Both of you, come with me!”

Mark strode over and pulled his mother to his feet, and hooked his hands around the arms of both the would-be damsels-in-distress. This inspired fresh fits of laughter in the two captives, who started gag-talking with each other and asking where he was taking them, as he marched them out of the office and down the hall.

Realizing where Mark was taking them, both Sabrina and his mom started mumbling through their gags as he led them towards the living room, where both Mark’s aunt and his grandmother were still seated and speaking with each other. Upon seeing the trio enter, however, both his aunt and his grandmother stopped mid-sentence as Mark saw their eyes widen in surprise.

“My word!” Mark’s grandmother gasped, her hand still gripping a steaming cup of tea. “What on earth is happening here!?”

“Sabrina!?” Mark’s aunt, Gale, squawked, upon seeing her daughter with a gag on her mouth. Then her gaze flickered to Mark’s mother. “Sis? You too!?”

“Wmph bmmn kdnmphed! Wmph bmmn kdnmphed!” both of the two captives yelled, and then giggling through their gags.

“What is the meaning of this, young man?” Mark’s grandma said as her eyes fell on the boy currently holding the two by their arms. Mark’s grandma, Susan, wore a black turtleneck sweater, and had dark hair which had begun to gray, which she kept cut short.

“I’ve kidnapped both of your daughters!” Mark declared, both Sabrina and his mom showing their bound wrists and issuing another fresh round of mumbles. “If you want to keep them safe; you’ll do exactly as I say!”

Both his grandmother and Aunt Gale looked at each other in disbelief. “I suppose now we know where Beth went,” his grandmother sighed, taking a sip of tea from her cup.

“Went and got yourself kidnapped again, eh sis?” Aunt Gale chuckled, looking at Mark’s mother. She looked a lot like Mark’s mother, except her hair was blonde, and she wore a green shirt & black skirt.

Mark’s mom, Beth, tittered through her gag, nodding her up and down.

“You both always enjoyed playing your little tie up games when you were younger,” Mark’s grandmother commented, setting her tea cup down on the coffee table. “It seems as though the hobby now runs in the family.”

“How you doing, kiddo?” Aunt Gale asked her daughter.

“Mmph fnmph,” Sabrina responded into her gag, bobbing her head.

“Can’t understand you, hon,” Aunt Gale said, grinning at her. She looked at Mark. “So you whipped up this little game, huh? Tying up my daughter, too. You got a lot of nerve.” She looked at Mark’s mom. “Tying up my little sister, though? And gagging her, too? That’s pretty funny.”

“Gmph to hlmm, Galmph,” Mark’s mother grumbled.

“Manners, ladies,” Mark’s grandmother cut in. “It seems that this young rapscallion intends to disrupt our afternoon.” The matronly tapped her fingers over one of the knees of her skirt. “What exactly are your intentions, young man?”

“First, both of you are going to surrender yourselves,” Mark explained. “I’m going tie you both up like your daughters here; and then you’re both going to give up all your valuables while I lay low from the police.”

“I see,” Mark’s grandmother stated. “And what if we refuse?”

“Then both your daughters will pay the price,” Mark said gravely, and both Sabrina and Mark’s mom took that as their cue to start making noises into their gags again.

“I suppose we don’t have a choice then,” Mark’s grandmother said, once they quieted down. She looked over at Mark’s aunt. “Gale?”

Aunt Gale was trying not to laugh. “Well, I guess if that’s the way it’s gotta be,” she sniggered, holding up both her hands. “I surrender; just don’t hurt my daughter!”

“Hlpm mmph, Momph!” Sabrina groaned into her gag.

“First things first,” Mark began, pulling on the arms of his two hostages. “Both of you take a seat on the couch. Aunt Gale…I mean, miss…you stand up, and put your hands behind your back…”

Aunt Gale did as she was bid, and got up from her chair. Turning around, she lowered her hands and crossed them behind her back. Mark got out more rope, and quickly wrapped them around her wrists.

“Don’t you move, either,” warned Mark to his grandmother, who still sat in her chair while he tightened Aunt Gale’s knots.

“I would not dream of it, dear,” his grandmother said.

“Wow, the boy can tie a knot,” Aunt Gale remarked, as Mark finished the binding.

“Who you calling “boy”, miss?!” Mark grunted, taking out another handkerchief.

“Ah, is this the part where you gag m…MMPH!” Aunt Gale started to say, right before the cloth was pulled tightly over her mouth.

“Such a brute,” Mark’s grandmother chided, as Mark tightened the gag on his aunt.

“Save it, lady,” Mark told her, in character. “You’re next.”

“All the more reason to air my grievances while I can,” his grandmother quipped, taking a final sip of tea before setting it down on the coffee table.

“Go sit with the others,” Mark ordered Aunt Gale, giving her a small nudge. She took the spot on the couch next to her daughter, and the two of them started mumbling at each other, while Mark’s mother fidgeted in her seat.

“Shall I stand?” Mark’s grandmother asked, now that it was her turn.

“No, you can sit right there,” Mark declared, walking over to her with the rope. “This will make sure that you do,” he added, as he began looping the rope around her arms and chest, then around the backside of the chair.

“You will not get away with this,” his grandmother stated, as he gently but snugly secured her against the chair. “Ruffians like you always get caught.”

“I think I’ve heard enough out of you,” Mark said, producing the final handkerchief, and dropping it down in front of his grandmother’s face. She did not even protest when Mark gagged her, merely going silent once he tightened the knot.

Mark strode around to face her. “Not much else to say, huh?” he mocked.

“Mmmm,” his grandmother intoned, wiggling side to side as she sat stuck to the chair.

“Lmph mm mthrmph gmph!” Mark’s mom demanded, shaking her head from her spot on the couch.

Mark was beaming at the sight of all his relatives now tied & gagged around him. It was a marvel that he had completely shifted the tone of the get-together with just a simple game.

“Now that you’ve all been secured, it’s time to rob the place,” Mark continued, walking over to his mother. “You hostages will stay here and keep quiet.”

“Mmmph!” the three of them all mumbled, shaking their heads in defiance.

“What did I just say?” Mark commented, grinning at their reactions. “I tied those over your mouths so that you’d stop your yapping, so knock it off!”

Suddenly, Sabrina, Aunt Gale, and Mark’s mom all started hopping excitedly up-and-down on the couch cushions. “Gmph hmph!” they cried through their gags.

“Maybe I have to tie all three of you to chairs, if this is how you’re going to act,” Mark sighed, shaking his head. “All right; who’s going first? Mom, Gale, or Sabrin…MMPH!”

Mark was taken by surprise as someone clamped their hand down over his mouth from behind him, cutting off his taunting. “Hymph!” he shouted.

“I did say that you wouldn’t get away with it, didn’t I?” his grandmother whispered in his ear, as she pulled her gag down from her mouth.

“Hmph!?” Mark muttered, his grandmother’s hand still smothering his words.

“As I’ve said: I’ve played my share of these games with my own daughters,” his grandmother explained, to which both Aunt Gale & Mark’s mothers nodded in agreement.

“And so, I learned how to escape from ropes quite well,” his grandmother continued, dragging Mark back towards her chair. “You’re technique needs a bit of improvement, young man.”

She then sat Mark down in the chair, releasing his mouth as she did so. “Fah!” he breathed. “Well, good game, then! I guess you want me to let them g…GMPH.”

“Not exactly,” his grandmother interjected, as she swiftly brought the cloth that had gagged her down over Mark’s mouth. After tying a knot behind his head, she then started lashing him to the chair as she’d been.

“Mmph!” Mark said through the gag.

“It was customary in our own kidnapping games for each participant to be tied & gagged,” his grandmother elaborated.

His grandmother gave the ropes a final squeeze, and Mark grunted as the ropes tightened, leaving him bound against the back of the chair.

“Mm-mmph!” he tried to speak, but found that the gag was adequately stifling him.

“Now then,” his grandmother continued, as she approached the others on the couch. “It was an entertaining afternoon, darlings, but it’s getting late, and I really must be on my way.”

“Mmmmph!” the ladies all mumbled in unison.

“Hmm? No, I don’t believe so,” Mark’s grandmother said. “I’ll leave you all to finish your game.”

And with that, she turned and walked out of the room, leaving all four of them wide-eyed & in disbelief that they’d been left there, unable to move or speak.

All three heads turned from the couch to look towards Mark.

“Mmph,” he grumbled, shrugging his shoulders.

What else could he say?

It seemed like grandma had won the game.
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Post by charliesmith »

Fantastic story, I enjoy family based tie up games. I hope you write more :)
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
My ongoing stories:

Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by Flyingfoxman »

This story is terrific. You introduce the characters efficiently, get straight into the action, and it ends with a nice surprise.

Please consider doing more with these characters, or this premise.
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Centennial Club
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Post by Detective-Gag »

Flyingfoxman wrote: 1 year ago This story is terrific. You introduce the characters efficiently, get straight into the action, and it ends with a nice surprise.

Please consider doing more with these characters, or this premise.
Thanks for the compliment!

I think this story ran it’s course; but I do have other stories about ready to go. Stay tuned?
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Post by Canuck100 »

Detective-Gag wrote: 1 year ago I think this story ran it’s course; but I do have other stories about ready to go. Stay tuned?
Happy to know that there will be other stories; really enjoyed this one !
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