Party Blues (M/M)

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Party Blues (M/M)

Post by FelixSH »

I wrote and posted this story on the old board, years ago, so there are probably people who never saw it, who might enjoy it. I hope. << and >> indicate thoughts.

Part 1

„Are you really sure it´s necessary to dress down to my underware?”, I asked, as my flatmate Jake started to wrap my legs with shrinkwrap. “Of course”, Jake answered, slowly and carefully wrapping his way upwards. “It will get very hot when I´m done with you, and you will be happy for every single piece of clothing you don´t wear.”
I just nodded, leaving him to his work, wondering how he talked me into this. But I guess his professor will be impressed, if he gets to see a real-life mummy at the presentation.

Maybe I should introduce us. My name is Benjamin, and I´m studying economics. Looking at me you wouldn´t notice that, as I still dress like a teenager, with jeans and t-shirts, and my halflong dirt blond hair is most of the time pretty shaggy.
I live together with Jake in this flat. He studies history, though he looks more like some of my colleagues, with his relatively short, gelled hair and the expensive poloshirts he wears.
Some days ago he told me that he has some sort of presentation about egyptian stuff. He didn´t tell me the details when he asked me to help him, just that he would love to have someone play a mummy for him there.
Normally, I don´t agree to such things. I hate to be the center of attention, and it´s not like we know each other that well at the moment. My former flatmate moved away, Jake replaced him just last month. But since than, he bugged me about having a party here, which I always declined.
I know, now you think I´m a killjoy or something like that, but I just don´t want people here who I don´t trust, and I can´t stand his friends. And the way of how the flat is divided means that the living room is my room, which would be more suitable for a party than his small one. Of course, he can bring anyone here he wants, but not into my room.
Anyway, we came to an agreement. He would stop bugging me about this when I let him mummify me.

“How is it, buddy? Feels good?”, Jake asked, smirking, after fixing the end of the shrinkwrap with a piece of ducttape into place. My body, starting from under my neck down to my feet, was completely wrapped up.
“You were right, it would get pretty hot, I guess. Pretty tight also, I´m not even sure if I could get out without your help.” I pressed a bit against the wrapping, mainly in the way of trying to move my arms away from my body, but they were stuck by my side. If I wouldn´t be in a corner, I would have probably fallen down, as I wouldn´t be able to hold my balance that way at all.
“Wait, wait, I´m not done yet”, Jake said, putting the shrinkwrap on the table and picking up the role of silver tape again. “What? Isn´t that a bit overkill?” “No, it´s necessary. I mean, it´s possible to see your body under the wrapping, which should probably not be the case.” “Yeah, I guess...”

“You made it even tighter than it was before. I can´t move at all”, I said, somewhat impressed. It was an interesting feeling, being stuck in such a cocoon, totally helpless. “Yeah, that was the point, wasn´t it?”
I looked confused. “Sorry? Why was that the point?” Jake grinned at me, in a way that made me somewhat uneasy. “Nevermind that. But I´m not done yet.” He went over to the wardrobe, leaving the role of tape at my feet. There he picked a pair of socks, coming to me again.
“What do you want to do with this socks?”, I asked, feeling a bit scared. “Well, a mummy shouldn´t talk, should it? For authenticities sake I have to gag you, to make sure you won´t talk. So open up.”
<<What? That is stupid, I´m not planning of talking anyway>>, I thought. But as I tried to say that, my flatmate stuffed the socks into my mouth, holding them in with one hand. With the other, he picked up the role of tape, ignoring my angry protests. Soon, part of the tape was over my mouth, with the role, the piece still attached to it, circling my head a few times. But it didn´t stop there. After the wrapping was done, my hole head was hidden behind behind tape, excluding my eyes and nose. My whole body, excluding the neck, was now covered in tape.

“You look awesome, dude”, Jake said after he was done, watching me with a fat grin. I wiggled angrily in my bonds, but neither could I give my arms or legs some sort of freedom nor getting my mouth even a bit open, so I could spit out the socks. “What the hell?!”, I tried to shout, but what Jake heard were only some useless grunts.
“Now that you are prepared, I wanted to tell you about the presentation. Yes, there will be one, but not at the university, but here. You see, I told some of my friends that I would throw a party today”
Struggling, I heard what he said, and got angrier with every word. I couldn´t move an inch, and all the time he smiled stupidly into my face. “I also told them you wouldn´t be here today. So, I guess I have to hide you somewhere until tomorrow.”
I screamed obscenities into Jakes face, but he only continued to grin. Finally, he patted my cheek while saying: “Come on, don´t be angry. If you wouldn´t have been such a jerk about this, I wouldn´t have had to do this. It´s all your fault.”

Slowly the feeling of powerlessness settled in. I was completely at the mercy of this bastard. While I wanted to punch the face of my captor, I at least trusted him enough to protect some of my dignity, where his friends probably didn´t even know the meaning of this word. At least he didn´t use me as some sort of party-game device.
As Jake picked me up without a problem, another scary thought dawned on me. When he could carry me that easily, he was probably strong enough to tie me up without tricking me. This meant obviously that we would have more parties in the future, no matter what I said. The only thing I could have a word about, was if I would be free or tied up in the meantime.
And even more worrisome, what if we had a disagreement? Would this happen all the time when I got in the way of his plans?
“Have fun in there. I will free you tomorrow”, my captor said, as he sat me on a thick blanket in our storeroom. It was small enough, that my upper body leant against the wall, with my feet nearly touching the wall on the other side. To make sure I wouldn´t slip to the side, Jake tied a rope around my upper body and tied one of the ends to a hook in the ceiling. Afterwards, he taped the rope to my body. Finally, now that I was sitting, my feet, too, were enclosed in shrinkwrap and tape.
At this point, I had already given up struggling and just sat there, hoping to fall soon asleep and being woken up through my captor when he freed me. I just shot him a last angry glare, as he said “bye”, viciously grinning while closing the door.

Part 2

I don´t know how long I had slept, as I was woken up by the door being opened and light shining into my face. Slightly confused it took me some seconds to remember what had happened. It didn´t feel like a long sleep, so I guessed Jake had a change of hearts, freeing me now.
“What the hell?!”, the person at the door, which I had assumed to be my flatmate, shouted. In horror I looked in his direction, recognizing the voice. Theo, one of Jakes friends, watched me with a baffled face, unable to take his eyes from me.
<<No, that can´t be happening. Nonono, I must be dreaming, please let this be a dream.>> My face took on the color of a tomato, while I struggled like crazy against my bonds, moaning the whole time into my gag. My efforts were completely useless, not only couldn´t I loosen the tape, moving from my position at all was impossible because of the hook I was tied to.
“Dude, the bathroom is...”, I could hear Jake saying, stopping in mid-sentence. It didn´t take long for him to arrive near his friend, watching me apologetic. I answered with the angriest face I was able to make, still continuing the useless fight against my cocoon.

“Who is this?”, Theo asked, still not able to wrap his head around what he was seeing, while grinning nontheless. He had already seen me, but with nearly my whole body covered even I would have had trouble recognizing me.
“He...uh...wait, what are you doing?” Jakes nervous try to explain what he had done gave way to shock, as he saw his friend getting a pocket knife out of his jeanspocket. “I just want him to have some fun with us”, he said, cutting the rope that connected me to the hook. “Can you take his feet?”
“Come on, just leave him here, ok? I only wanted him out of the way, so I could finally have a party with you guys here, but...” “We won´t hurt him, only have some fun together. Nothing bad will happen to him, promise.”
I prayed to every god I could think of for Jake to protect me against whatever his damned friend had in mind and just closing the door again, but after some further thoughts he gave in, grabbing my legs, still the apologetic look on his face.
What a jerk! I trashed around in my bonds, screaming obscenities at both of them, but it was no use. Wrapped up as I was, every form of resistance was futile. I just had to take whatever came my way.

There were only two people in my room, Jakes other friends Peter and Ian. The former immediately started laughing, while the latter had the same reaction as Theo and just starred at me.
It seemed to be pretty bad luck that they had found me. The way they were dressed it seemed clear that they still planned to go to some club later on. While Theo was similarly dressed as Jake, with a poloshirt and an expensive looking black jeans, Peter wore a black dress shirt with some light gray dress pants. Even Ian, who often wore clothes like mine had put on a dark grey dress shirt with one of his better, dark jeans. They all had their hair short and spiky at the front, except for Ian, who had his halflong and parted in the middle, but still used gel like the others.

I felt horribly exposed and helpless, as my two carriers lay me down on the floor. Peter, who had started to calm down went into another laughing fit as he looked at me again, which made my head even more red than before.
“So, who is this?”, Ian asked, curiously watching me. “Not that I have anything against a joke, but we can´t get into trouble, can we?” Theo, who was obviously fascinated with me, laughed. “Don´t worry, I think it´s just the other guy who lives here. No one will miss him for tonight.”
Jake seemed to get his confidence about being in control back, as he explained: “Don´t worry guys, he has agreed to this.” Angrily I grunted into my gag, as I tried to kick him. He was even in my reach, but cocooned as I was, there was no force behind the kick.
“Agreed, sure”, Peter said, laughing. “Let me guess. You tricked him into this, didn´t you.” “Well, I said it was for a presentation. I promised to free him afterwards.” “What exactly did you ask him for, anyway?”, Ian asked, with an evil grin on his face.

Theo didn´t seem to be particularly interested in the discussion, as he tried to tickle me. He did his best to get his fingers through to my soles, but had no success, thank god. After some time he gave that up, trying my neck next, which worked better. I trashed around and screamed into my gag, but in the end that was the lesser of the possible evils. I am ticklish everywhere, but my neck is the least responsive part of my body.
“See, told you that he would have fun with us. Look how he laughes.” Yes, I laughed. And hoped they weren´t any more creative than that.

Jake looked in my direction, to see if everything was ok, than gave his attention back to Ian. “I didn´t give him any details, all he knew was that I wanted to present a real-life mummy. And if he agreed to play this part I would never again bug him about throwing a party here.”
“Then that´s covered in your agreement. You wanted to present us your new flat, egyptian style. I mean, you never said something about the presentation being held at the university, right? And if you just said something about freeing him afterwards, this could mean anything, like in a year.”
“That´s right! Hear that, captive? You agreed to this. I told you it was your fault.”

Unfortunately, after the last kick, Jake made some space between him and me. Elsewise, that I was tied and tickled didn´t mean I couldn´t at least try to kick him again.
Suddenly, the torment stopped. “Don´t worry, the fun will be continued in a minute, just let me prepare something”, Theo said. He sat behind my head, so I couldn´t see what he was doing, but I could see Peter, as he made a confused face, watching me and his friend.

“But I also promised him that I would never ask him about a party again. I mean, I just want to use this room, it´s not like we would have dozens of people here. This time I got fed up, but I promised never to have a party here again. I might trick people, but I promised this, and I stand by my word.”
“Yeah, sure, calm the rest of your lousy conscience. We know that your sense of justice is screwed up”, Peter said. Ian ignored him and went on:”But you didn´t promise him to have no more parties, just that you wouldn´t ask him about it. So, the way I see it you can do whatever you want. Benny will have fun with us, either out of free will or as our, uh, party toy. You just aren´t allowed to ask him.”
I couldn´t believe what I heard. My whole fears came true. “You are awesome, Ian”, Jake said, before starting to laugh, were Peter and Ian joined him. The latter just added: “You should join me with my law studies. I think you would have a lot of fun there.”
I always knew law students were jerks. But there wasn´t a lot of time for me to think about this, as I felt the tape and shrinkwrap that covered my soles coming of, exposing them. I saw Theo grinning, as he put his pocket knife away. “Guys, come here, we will have some fun with him. I will take the left foot, you can choose between the right one and parts of his neck.”
To be honest, I was surprised. Theo was careful enough to expose my soles, not only without cutting me, but not even making me notice, as I listened to this ridicules argument of my flatmate and his friend.
Aside from that, I also noticed that they didn´t make any stains with their beer and also didn´t touch my stuff, except for my couch and the table.

But I still cursed them infinitely, as all of them tickled me at the same time.

Part 3

“So, what are we going to do with him?”, Theo asked.
Exhausted I lay on my back, my eyes closed, breathing heavily. The tickling felt like it took forever, and I hadn´t any energy left in me.
Jake looked sympathetic into my direction. “Maybe that was enough, don´t you think? I really didn´t intend to torture him for hours.” According to the looks on his friends faces, they weren´t particularly happy with this idea.
“Come on, this is such a good opportunity, we can´t let it go already”, Ian said. After a short pause, he added: “You don´t happen to have some playing cards here?” My flatmate looked confused. “I guess I have some in my room. What´s the plan?” “We will just let luck decide if we play with him some more. It´s simple, really. Everyone gets a card, including Benny, and the one with the highest card wins. If that is our little captive, we will leave him alone for, let´s say, five minutes. If one of us draws the highest card, he gets to choose what will happen.”
Jake still looked somewhat uneasy, and I hoped this time he would be able save me from further “games”. “Ok, but only one round. Then it´s time for us to go anyway, I´d still like to get out tonight.” Before Ian could say anything, Peter interrupted. “Only if you agree to not interfere when someone of us wins a round. Again, we will not hurt him. Trust us.”

My prayers, again, went on deaf ears. “Ok, we have a deal”, Jake said, getting up to get the cards.
Tired as I was, I had my eyes closed, just praying silently for a lot of luck. I could make out some whispering, but didn´t pay it any attention. They were to far away from me to understand them anyway, even if I tried.

“Let´s see what Bennys card is”, Ian said, drawing the first card in my place. I watched him, my eyes fixed on his hand. At least they had moved the game near the corner, where they sat me up and leaned me against, which made it able for me to follow the game. “Nice, it´s a queen. Maybe he is lucky this time.” Ian, Jake and Peter all had lower cards, and I already hoped for five more minutes of piece, but my hope shattered as Theo drew a King.
“Awesome!”, he cried. “So, how long do I have time for some more tickle-torture?” Peter looked disappointed. “Dude, be a bit creative, it might be your only chance.”
“Let´s say five minutes, that should be enough”, Ian said, ignoring his friend. I didn´t know if I should be happy about this or not. I trusted my captors, especially Peter and Ian, to come up with way meaner ideas, so I accepted my fate as good as possible.

While I was lucky enough to win the next round, it was all the luck I had in this game. The next winner was Peter, and, going by his devilish look, he already got a plan. “Five minutes, yes? Ok, here we go”, he said, clamping my nose shut.
I immediately started to panic, wiggling my head to get his hand of, but it was, of course, of no use. Some seconds later Peter allowed me to breath again.
“Hey, you said you wouldn´t hurt him. What are you thinking? That´s dangerous”, Jake said. Peter rolled his eyes. “Calm down. I will not suffocate him, and as long as I do it only for some seconds there is no danger at all.” My flatmate didn´t look particularly happy with this, but was reminded that he had promised not to interfere, so he finally nodded, looking angry.
My attempts to get away from my tormentor were, of course, hopeless. I was held in position with one hand, while the other disrupted my breathing, sometimes with warning, sometimes without and with different intervals. I was very happy to hear the words “Time up”.

The next round was, again, won by Peter. “Awesome. Let´s see.” Everyone looked at him, as he walked to the apartment door, taking a look at the different shoes. After a short time he grabbed Jakes left gym shoes, taking a sniff, looking disgusted and grinning, finally.
Maybe I didn´t want to admit to myself what was probably going to happen, but I felt really confused by this. Peters friends seemed to have got the idea already, either grinning or, in Jakes case, looking sorry again.
<<Don´t look so stupid, help me>>, I thought, piercing him with my eyes. But this time he didn´t even try to interfere with the plans of his friends. My eyes became big, as my head was held in place, forcing me to take a sniff of the shoe. It wasn´t as bad as it could have been, as Jakes last training lay back more than a day ago, which made the smell at least manageable.
At first, Peter just brought the shoe near my face and away again. He always waited until I had to breath, before he moved the disgusting thing away again, only to bring it up after I had taken one breath of fresh air. After some time though, he seemed to get tired. After thinking about it a bit, my tormentor pressed the shoe with the opening against my face, covering my nose with it, and tied the shoelaces together behind my back, brought them in front again and made a second knot behind the shoe sole.

I tried to shake it off, moaning into my gag, but there was no escape. The stinking thing was stuck in my face, the awful smell everywhere. Pleading I looked at Jake, who already seemed to fight with his conscience.
“Ok, the game stops here”, he said, taking the shoe of my face. Even though I wanted to be angry at him, I just couldn´t stop being thankful. All I wanted at this point was going to sleep, not caring about being tied up or not, as long as this game stopped.
“Hey, what are you doing? This weren´t five minutes, and we still have some rounds”, Ian said, looking annoyed. “Yeah, stop messing with our game”, Theo agreed.
“No, I think he had enough. Come on, we should finally get going, it´s pretty late already.” Jake looked hopefully in the round, but his friends didn´t seem to agree. The only one who still smiled was Peter. “Look, we will do what we agreed on. We will continue the game, then we will go.” “No, we don´t. I will free Benny now. Theo, could I borrow your knife?”
Theo didn´t react, Ian answered instead. “No, he won´t, and we will continue, even you. But, I guess your role in our game will change.”
The look in Jakes face seemed to tell me enough. He disliked this change of events as much as I did. “What are you talking about? Hey, what are you doing?”, he asked, nervously, as Peter stood up, coming in his direction. Ian and Theo followed, all of them grinning viciously. My flatmate turned around and tried to run into his room, but was caught by his friends before he could get anywhere.

Ian couldn´t suppress a grin, as he said: “Sorry dude, but you are way too annoying today. I´m afraid we have to punish you”

Part 4

I couldn´t decide how to feel by this turn of events. At one side, he had earned whatever was now coming his way. On the other side, I feared for myself. He was the only protection I had.
“Stop! Please, don´t do this!”, Jake screamed, being pressed down against the floor by Peter and Ian, and probably having no idea what “this” even was, he only was sure that it wasn´t anything good.
Theo, in the meantime, seemed to have found the role of tape. Most of it was already used up on me, but the rest was sufficient to tie Jakes hands behind his back, crossed. “Come on, stop it. Please!”, he continued begging. “You just won´t shut up, will you?”, Peter said, obviously more amused than annoyed. He especially seemed to get all the enjoyment out of this situation that he could.
“Don´t worry about that. Look what I found”, Theo said, producing a pair of socks. Jake didn´t seem to understand what they were for, as he tried to plead again to be freed, but he was stopped mid-sentence. After Theo was done, the tape was nearly used up and Jakes lower face was as plastered as mine.

As the tape was used up, Theo started to search for more material, while Ian and Peter made fun of their new captive. He seemed to continue his whining, or whatever it was he said under his gag, but soon gave it up. Instead, he used his energy in trying to free himself, without any success.
Shortly afterwards, Theo came back. “Look what I found guys. Some rope and...this.” Peter couldn´t suppress a laugh. “A sleeping bag? That´s great!” He started to pet Jakes head, much to his annoyance. “He will look so cute in it, haha!”
I couldn´t help but grin, as I watched the scene unfold. Jake trashed around, but couldn´t defend himself as Theo added more and more rope. Soon, the whole body was entangled, and the captives movements were reduced to squirming on the floor.
“He looks a bit uncomfortable, don´t you think?”, Ian asked, looking satisfied at his trust up friend. “Of course, no one likes to lie on the floor. Let´s make it a bit more cosy for him, shall we?”, Theo said, rolling out the sleeping bag, holding it open. Peter and Theo acted immediately, picking up their captive and putting him, with him still fighting against it the whole time, in the bag. Up to this point, his struggling had never ceased, even though it got increasingly harder for him. But after the bag was zipped up, with only his gagged face looking out of the hood, his movements were even harder to see.

Jakes eyes produced a pretty desperate look at this point, probably still unable to wholly grasp that he had completely lost control of this situation. And I, too, started to worry about this. I took it as good as I could, but that both I and my flatmate were now captives in our own place, unable to do anything against the will of people who where, after all, still strangers to me was a scary thought. After what happened until now, I was sure they would stay to their word and wouldn´t hurt us, but my mind still wandered to scary places. What if they intended us to stay that way? If they wanted, they could just leave us tied up, basically owning the flat.
Even though I new that this was very likely nonsense, I still looked fearful, as our captors added there last touch to Jakes little prison. A last piece of tape made sure that the zipper wouldn´t open up, and some additional rope was used to make the bag even more restrictive than it already was.

Jake tried a last time to get out of this situation, looking at his friends with puppy eyes and moaning some random things into his gag, probably some useless pleas. The only thing he earned for this was a lot of laughter from Ian and Theo. Wouldn´t I have been scared about the next time the attention was back on me, I would probably had joined in, as it just looked funny to see the helpless movements and the pleading on half of his face.
Peter, in the meantime, put his next plan in action. The shoe that was just some minutes ago tied to my face, was now placed on Jakes, much to his displeasure. Moving his head was of course of no use, and soon the stinking thing was strictly fixed in place.
“See, that´s what you get for being annoying. But I´m sure you were just jealous of all the attention little Benny got, right? Aren´t you happy now, that you can join him in all the fun he has?”, Peter said, leaving me and Jake to rolling our eyes. Peter ignored this, coming back to me.
“Sorry for ignoring you. Here, let me fix our mistake”, he said, producing the other gym shoe. Soon I had to smell the same awful odour as before Jakes interference, with the only difference that I was now joined by him.

After having done their work, the game continued, with the correction of giving neither me nor Jake a card. The only reason why I wasn´t tormented every single round was that sometimes only my flatmate was chosen.
Thankfully, their ideas were pretty harmless, at least compared to the shoes. There were further instances of breath control and tickling, though the latter was only used on me, as Jakes bag at least made every try pointless. After some time, Ian at least included him indirectly, as I was tied on top of Jake, face to face. I´m sure my wiggling body was very annoying, especially my face.

Taking their time, our captors still needed over an hour to finish their game. But finally the last card was drawn, the last torment was endured and it was time for them to go.
“So, any idea where we should go?” Theo asked, getting up. “No, just let´s look around, I´m sure we will find something interesting”, Peter answered, while putting on his coat.
<<What are you doing? Free us, you jerks!>> While Jake still didn´t seem to get that we were to be left alone, I started moaning. “You two wanna come too? Then get up, we aren´t waiting for you”, Theo said, grinning.
Jake joined me in my tries to get them to change their mind, but all we earned was further laughter. Finally, Ian came nearer, kneeing down to us. “Just take it like men. We will come back tomorrow and free you.”
Angrily, I made a useless try to kick him, but again, without a lot of success.
Ian seemed to be somewhat unhappy about this, getting closer to my face. “You know, I still have some ideas and time left, if you don´t behave. I think if we squeeze you really hard, it should be possible to have you both in the sleeping bag. And maybe you would like to be gagged with a sock that...let´s say corresponds better with the smell of these shoes?”
I wasn´t sure if he was serious, but both I and Jake stopped moaning immediately. “Good boys”, Ian said, as he got up again.

I heard as the key to our flat was pulled out of our door lock. “Bye, guys. Have fun”, Ian said, before the door was closed and locked.
As silence fell down, I moved my head away from the door in Jakes direction. He answered my angry stare with a sorry look. I still wanted to kick him for all this, but that was impossible. In an act of mercy, the shoes were taken away from us after the game ended. But as a final touch, both I and Jake got a rope tied around our feet, which, even though it was long enough to give us some room to move, was tied to a leg of the couch, mine to the left one and his to the right one.

Suddenly, he tried to say something. The way he still looked, it probably was an apology. I didn´t care for this, answering with “Oh, just shut up.” But I guess he, too, didn´t understand a word.
Finally, I closed my eyes. I tried to sleep, but some sort of exciting feeling kept me awake. As understanding dawned, a smile came across my face.
I couldn´t wait for Jakes next party. I just had to make sure that next time he wouldn´t forget to lock the storeroom.

Provided by bondagefreak
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Post by Xtc »

It's good to have this one on bord again. Thanks.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Sock gags, non-consensual bondage, forced shoe sniffing, sleeping bag bondage, tickling...what is there not to like!?

Great stuff my friend!
I hope you'll add this to the Story Catalogue section so that other M/M readers will better be able to find this in the future.

The ending is especially nice and leaves quite a bit of room for additional chapters and/or a sequel story.
Looking forward to more from you Felix ;)

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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks for the replies. :)
bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago Sock gags, non-consensual bondage, forced shoe sniffing, sleeping bag bondage, tickling...what is there not to like!?

Great stuff my friend!
I hope you'll add this to the Story Catalogue section so that other M/M readers will better be able to find this in the future.
Done, and I borrowed the terms you used for the tags in that post. I hope you don't mind. ;)

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Post by bondagefreak »

I saw ;) Of course not my friend. You wrote the story, I just summed up the tags.

I hadn't read this on the old somehow. But I'm glad you posted it here.
I think this is ripe for a sequel 8-)

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Post by FelixSH »

I think you did, it's just years ago that I posted it. I at least got the idea for the sneakers and the sleaping bag from your story, which was still pretty new back than. :mrgreen:

Regarding a sequel: I thought the same when I reread it now, but I also find it to work pretty well on its own, so probably not. I would like to write something, but probably something different. We'll see.

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Post by bondagefreak »

Ah, then that makes sense.
The name of the story was familiar, but I didn't recall much about it.
It's quite possible I read the first chapter on and then lost track and didn't check for updates.
Still, better late than never.

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Post by Xtc »

FelixSH wrote: 6 years ago I would like to write something, but probably something different. We'll see.
OK. That's good to read. No hurry . . .

. . . . Have you done it yet?
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
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Post by cj2125 »

Awsome story! Duct tape, socks, (almsot) revenge! What can someone ask? I hope you get to write a sequel sometime
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]cj2125[/mention] It looks like you, Xtc and I make one hell of a peer-pressure team ;)

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Post by FelixSH »

An interesting ability of loners like me is a strong resistance to peer pressure. How unfortunate that you can't use any more direct forms. 😁
cj2125 wrote: 6 years ago Awsome story! Duct tape, socks, (almsot) revenge! What can someone ask? I hope you get to write a sequel sometime
Thanks for the kind words. :)

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Post by Veracity »

I never saw this one on the old board. I enjoyed it.
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Post by cj2125 »

FelixSH wrote: 6 years ago How unfortunate that you can't use any more direct forms. 😁
Unfortunate indeed since I’m sure that given the chance, many of us here might be able to “persuade” you of the benefits of writing a sequel. Now, how long would it take might depend on your resistance but I’m sure you’ll agree with us in the end :twisted:

Alas, that can’t happen (I think so) so we’ll have to respect your decision. :D
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Post by fratboydanny »

This is an incredibly fun story. I do not remember seeing it on the old board. I hope, Felix, you will write more for us to enjoy!
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Post by Ropelover98 »

I wish i had roommate like that with friend like that hehe!! Hot story!!
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Post by Veracity »

I remember liking this story the first time I read it. Thanks for sharing it again.
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Post by The slave »

this story is absolutely amazing, who wants to turn me into a mummy lol?
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Post by John2222 »

Read this before, but worth reading again!
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