The Wild Side (f/m)

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The Wild Side (f/m)

Post by cj2125 »

When the Winslows heard their little princess had gotten her first boyfriend, they set a bunch of rules for how she would behave; after all, teenagers’ brains were constantly being cooked in a soup of hormones and were known to make less than stellar decisions. Even though the Winslows could agree that the boy Amanda had chosen seemed well behaved and pretty harmless, they were still adamant that their daughter must follow the rules. Among them, the most important was that she wasn’t allow to bring him home if no adult was around.

Amanda was a nice girl who usually obeyed her parents. She was also a teenager who was yearning for a little bit of rebellion so naturally, the moment her parents left that evening, she broke the first rule.

She nervously looked at herself in the mirror trying to further style her hair and adjust the turquoise t-shirt she wore, then, telling her reflection that everything would go smoothly, she hurried to open the main door.

Her boyfriend stood at the entrance, giving her a nervous smile. She had to admit he looked rather good tonight, wearing an open short-sleeved green shirt with a white T-shirt underneath and a pair of jeans.

“No parents?” he asked almost in a whisper, as if afraid that saying it aloud might summon them

“No parents” she smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him closer for a kiss while moving inside.

Dylan let her take the lead, wrapping his arms over her shoulders and leaning forwards for a kiss while pulling the door close with his foot. Amanda let out a soft giggle at her act of rebellion and pulled Dylan towards the sofa.

Now, before you start thinking of all the wild things those two could have done, it must be pointed that both kids were fairly inexperience in the whole dating thing and most of their knowledge came from movie and overhearing older people so neither was ready or willing to try more risqué things, their meeting had been planned just for the sake of breaking the rules than for any romantic intention.

It’s not surprise that, after a short and sloppy make out session in the couch, both moved away from each other and started to think what to do next. Or at least Amanda started to think one their next move, she couldn’t help but feel that the last make out session had been mostly a one-man job on her part; her boyfriend seemed distant, as if his mind wasn’t in the moment. Even now as she lovingly looked at him, his attention seemed to be focused on his cuticles rather than on the girls besides him “You okay?” Amanda asked breaking the silence. Dylan looked at her surprised and nodded “You seemed rather distracted” she explained

Dylan was surprised by his girlfriend’s insight, for he had been debating all day whether he should come clean to her about the recent events in his life. After all, technically he had cheated on her even though it was against his will. What if she got mad and break up with him? But on the other side, if he remained quiet as Tom suggested, the guilt will eat him inside and there would be hell to pay if she ever found out

“Are you shoes THAT interesting?” she asked leaning against the couch. Only then Dylan realized he had been staring at his feet all this time, lost in his own thoughts. Perhaps coming clean to her wouldn’t be such a bad idea
“Amanda… have you ever had a friend who suddenly, out of nowhere confesses they have a crush on you?” Amanda’s face darkened immediately

“What did Gwen did?” she asked sounding strangely protective

“What? Nothing! I didn’t even… wait a second” a small cocky smiled appeared on his face “Does Gwen has a crush on me?”

“Nope!” she quickly replied looking askance “But… we were talking about you, what happened?”

“Well, do you know Luke?”

“Your friend who is always liking everything you post on Facebook?” Oh god! How did he not see the signs! After Tom pointed that it had been pretty obvious for everyone Dylan went back and reevaluate every interaction he’d had with Luke, coming to the conclusion that, yes, it was pretty obvious. Of course he had to be literally delivered to Amanda’s room and have everything written down for him to realize she had a crush on him so perhaps it was his fault for not noticing it.

Still a little apprehensive, he told Amanda the events that transpired a few days ago. How he was tied up on the couch, how he and Luke were just talking when, suddenly, Luke leaned on top of him and kissed him and how award for both of them was the aftermath. Amanda listen to it carefully with a blank expression, although he detected a hint of a smirk on her face when he mentioned the kiss

“I’m sorry!” he exclaimed once he was done “I swear I didn’t want to do it! I didn’t even think he would kiss me and-”

“Dylan!” Amanda exclaimed crossing her arms and legs “I’m not mad at you!”

“You aren’t?”

“No! I know it wasn’t your fault so I’m not mad at you, in fact, I’m glad you told me about it” Dylan beamed at her, suddenly feeling as a weight had been lifted from his shoulder. “Look out you!” she chuckled “you were terrified I would break up with you didn’t you?” she spread her legs across the couch, a cue Dylan took to roll over and lay his head on her lap

“I wouldn’t say terrified” he smiled as she gently stroked his hair, he really liked it when people do that “But I didn’t want to be secrets between us” he added, somehow that felt like the right thing to do

“In that case there is something I don’t understand” Amanda’s hand stopped, resting on his head “Why were you tied up?” Dylan froze, suddenly he didn’t feel so relaxed anymore

“Ummm... we were playing a game” he really hopped that explanation would suffice for her. It didn’t.

“Just a game? Because now that I think about it, I’ve seen you tied up quite a few times…” Dylan gulped and tried not to look at her, he now realized that he had been so worried about the kiss that he had completely forgotten something even bigger about himself. “Dylan?” Amanda asked softly “What’s up with you getting tied up so often?”

Dylan frowned trying to think of an answer but he couldn’t think of anyone, anyone that wouldn’t pain his friend in a really negative light. Besides, hasn’t he just admitted not wanting to hold secrets from her? “It’s something we do. Tom, Luke, Max… and me” he finally admitted “It’s a game, sometimes we try to escape, sometimes we pretend to be robbers or spies and sometimes… we just do it” now that he said it aloud he realized that sometimes, there wasn’t any real reason to do it, someone will just suggest it and the next thing they knew, two or three of them (usually Tom, Max and himself) would end hogtied on the floor

“Why?” she asked, Dylan got up and hugged his knees

“I’m not sure, it’s hard to explain but… I guess it’s fun? I mean, I kinda like it… being helpless, tied up, unable to get out, struggling” He stopped himself from speaking even further, after all he was just digging himself deeper. He could already tell from Amanda’s expression her thoughts. She was being weirded out by him, feeling repulsed, having second thought about their relationship. At any moment she would ask him to leave and tell him not to call him ever again

“Dylan…” Here it comes! He buried his face on his knees bracing himself, trying to fight back the tears “Can I tie you up?” he lifted his head surprised and looked at her with wide eyes “I mean, I want to see what the deal is about and… are you crying?”

“No!” he quickly said wiping the tears from his eyes “But, ummm… you want to tie me up? I guess you can” he was still processing what was going on, did his girlfriend just ask this? “Do you have anything to tie me?”

“I think I can improvise” she smiled holding his hand “Come on, we can do it in my room” Dylan was starting to like this more and more. He grinned as she led him upstairs, down the corridor until they got into her room. He sat on the bed while she closed the door. The Winslows second rule was “If a boy goes to your room, the door must always be open” they were going wild tonight!

Dylan watched her turn her back to him and start rummaging through her drawers, looking for something to tie him up. The boy’s excitement grew as she picked up some knee-high socks and proceed to examine them, as if measuring their effectiveness to restrain a person. Once satisfied, she turned around untangling a pair of purple socks “How are we gonna do this?”

“I don’t know; you are the boss” Dylan shrugged although he did give her a clue by putting his hands behind his back

“I’m the boss? I like how that sounds” she giggled and climbed on the bed, kneeling behind him. Dylan closed his eyes and smiled feeling her fingers holding his hands, soon followed by the fabric of the sock wrapping around his wrists. Her job was quite good, a little bit tighter than he was used too yet still comfortable

“Have you ever tied someone up?” he asked watching her walk in front of him and hold his ankles together

“Not really. Am I doing it good?” Dylan nodded, watching as she tied his ankles together, he even suggested she cinch the loop so it would be harder to escape. “So what now?” she asked standing up. Dylan started struggling to test his bindings; not as good as Luke’s work but he would still have some trouble getting out of them

“Well, you could tie me even more, leave me to struggle, really there is little I can do” he twisted his body to show her his bound wrists “So whatever happens is up to you!” Amanda rubbed her chin pensively, her smile growing wider as a myriad of opportunities rose in front of her. Finally, she settled on a course of action and headed back to her drawer, pulling a second pair of knee-high socks, this time pink ones. She untangled them and walked towards Dylan, pushing one of them between his teeth and tying it behind his head

“You look cute like that” she smiled patting his cheek

“Luke said the same” Dylan grinned not even bothering to hide the fact that the sock was a terrible gag. Amanda took notice and pulled it down “Interestingly enough Tom also pointed that”

“Should I be concerned about Tom?”

“Of course!” Dylan laughed “You should know that between him and you, he’ll always win!”

Amanda gave him a bemused look “Okay, I won’t feel so guilty about doing this…” she unceremoniously pushed the other pink sock inside Dylan’s mouth and pulled the gag back up

“MMFFF!” Dylan exclaimed trying to push the sock with his tongue. Having socks stuffed in his mouth wasn’t new to him, but usually the boys wore small ankle or no-show socks which fit perfectly well inside his mouth. This was huge! His mouth was completely filled and his cheeks were bulging, making him look like a chipmunk (a fact that Amanda gleefully pointed)

“Can’t do anything uh?” she grinned, Dylan rolled his eyes and shook his head, he was sure they had already made that clear “So I can do anything to you?” she raised her hand and flicked his nose

“Mhh!” he exclaimed pulling back, that actually hurt!

“Did it hurt?” she grinned deviously and flicked it again, Dylan gave her a quick glare followed by more muffled demands for her to stop, which only made her flick his nose even more; since when was she such a brat? After a few more flicks, his patience finally wore thin; Dylan lifted his legs and swung them forwards, using the moment to lift himself up and quickly started hopping away “Are you seriously trying to flee?”

The boy turned to her and nodded before bunny hopping once more. Amanda burst out laughing and got up, calmly walking after him “You look adorable like that!” she teased “Maybe I should make you bunny hop more often!”. In all honesty, Dylan wasn’t going to get very far like that. The girl easily caught up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist pulling him closer; Dylan huffed and lost his balance, leaning against Amanda who, in an effort to keep her hold on him, dug her fingers into his stomach making her boyfriend chuckle and shiver

“Wait, are you ticklish?” she asked smiling deviously

“NH! NH!” the boy quickly shook his head

“So you won’t mind if I do this?” she ran her fingers across Dylan’s stomach. The bound boy let out a loud laugh, falling on his knees and bending over in an effort to get away from her. Amanda tightened her hold and kept assaulting his belly and ribs while Dylan could only laugh and curse out loud, trashing and wiggling around the floor

“Man! I can get used to this!” Amanda chuckled five minutes later. Dylan, who lay on the floor exhausted, let out a pitiful moan. To be honest though, he was more than happy that his girlfriend had tied him up, he usually enjoyed the games he played with his friends, but he was starting to realize that being tied up by a girl was far more enjoyable, although in a different way.

Amanda leaned next to him looking into his eyes “You okay?” Dylan nodded assuring her of his conformity with their situation. His girlfriend leaned closer and playfully kissed his mouth, over the sock before pulling back “I can see why you like this so much” she chuckled and gently brushed a few hairs from Dylan’s forehead. She was quite pleased to see her boyfriend blushing and smiling under his gag

After a few minutes, Dylan finally recovered his strength and rolled on his back, trying to escape again. Amanda merely lay sideways, watching as he squirmed and arched his back, writhing his wrists and letting out a few grunts. To be honest, it was quite a nice view, especially as his shirt had fallen back, running down past his shoulders.

Dylan kept struggling, trying to figure a way to get out of his bindings. The socks were softer than the ropes they usually use yet the knots seemed to be tighter, still there was another possibility since the material had certain elasticity to it, allowing him to pull his wrists apart just enough to create some slack. After a few tries, the slack grew loose enough so he was able to pull his hands free.

“Hmmm!” he exclaimed bringing his wrists to the front; it was the first time he ever escaped something on his own! He looked at Amanda with a huge smile which she returned along with an applause for his feat, the sense of accomplishment felt really rewarding! He could tell why Max liked those challenges so much.

“How was it” she asked once he had finish undoing the other knots

“That was amazing!” Dylan beamed, adjusting his shirt “I’ve never been able to escape before! Usually Luke makes it impossible to escape!”

“Really?” She pouted “Next time I’ll get some ropes, maybe you could bring Luke here, I would love to get some tips!” Dylan frowned and looked at his now free feet. Luke, he really hadn’t seen him since the kiss, not because of a lack of opportunity but mainly because he had been consciously avoiding him like the plague.

“I don’t think I’ll be seeing Luke anytime soon” he finally told her

Amanda sighed and scooped closer to him “Because of the kiss?”

Dylan nodded “I don’t know, it feels weird being around him, know that I know how he feels about me, I just don’t think things will be the same again”

“They won’t” Amanda explained “but the way you’ve described him before, you really seemed to enjoy hanging out with him. Do you want you to be friends?”

“Yes! I guess, but what if things are weird between us? What if he keeps crushing after me? Wouldn’t it be better if we just stay away from each other?”

Amanda raised her hand and gave him a quick slap on the back of his head “Of course not! That would be incredibly stupid! Dylan, I know you need time for this, but eventually you’ll have to talk to Luke and sort things out, because the way I see it right now you don’t seem happy about where things are heading. I doubt things well be the same between you but that doesn’t mean they will be worse” Dylan looked at her surprised

“You… are right”

“Of course I am!” she smiled proudly “Take your time but talk things with Luke… and if you want a reconciliation kiss I wouldn’t oppose” she added in a really low voice


“Ummm…. I said he can give me some tips for tying you up” that was not what Dylan heard “I mean I guess I could tie you to the banisters, or maybe to your pool ladder”


“Oh I know! Since you are ticklish I could use a feather next time!”


“What if I hide you in my closet and tell my parents you left? I could keep you for a long time…” Dylan was getting quite unnerved and fascinated by Amanda’s change of demeanor, the usually nice and proper girl seemed to be going on a full maniacal mode as she listed all the things she could do to Dylan. That abrupt change almost reminded him of Luke… a thought that was both alarming and revealing of his own tastes. By letting Amanda to tie him up, he seemed to have awoken a monster

“Dylan” he turned around to see her looking straight at him while holding the long sock “I want to tie you up again!”

Dylan smiled and nodded, turning around and crossing his wrists behind his back. He liked this monster!
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Amazing story!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by Solarbeast »

Yea, great story. I’m hoping you will be writing more stories between these 2 characters.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Dylan has the kinds of friends we all want. This is great stuff.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Great story! I hope there will be other chapters
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Post by LK3869 »

Very well done ! It's subtle and lively, an interesting conversation and situation, and a lovely, fun TUG. You're good at girls too ! :lol:
Needless to say I rarely venture into M/F stories and knowing the characters from before led me to it, but it's been a charming experience. ( goofy word maybe, but you don't have that much 'charming' stuff these days so lets use it )

A very positive integration of TUGs into 'normal' life and there's even a progressive message, wow!
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by harveygasson »

Excellent story in the ongoing saga
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Post by alkaid_ »

I'm love it!
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