The Pokemon Trap (Multiple Pokemon M/mm)

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The Pokemon Trap (Multiple Pokemon M/mm)

Post by Terry »

The third in a series of Pokemon TUG fics revolving around pokemon capturing humans. This story will have the same kinds of pokemon; mostly all small bipedal types, as my previous two fics but relocated to a forest area in a human inhabited area.

Chapter 1
In the midst of Eterna Forest, a group of pokemon were chilling out not too far from Moss Rock in the west. They very rarely have much trouble from human travellers but always stayed on guard. Especially trainers who would try and capture them. This day everything would change.
Two trainers just happened to be walking through the eastern part of the forest close to a footpath.

“I wonder what kind of pokemon we will find here,” Thomas said, a 14 year old trainer from Johto who was travelling through Sinnoh to compete in the Sinnoh League.

“There are many kinds of pokemon here. Let’s hope to find a bunch,” Lammy; another trainer who was accompanying Thomas through his journey and was the same age as him.

As if luck would have it, a Marowak stepped right out in front of them from a bush to the left of them.

“A Marowak,” Thomas said excitedly. “I’m going to catch it,”.

The Marowak wasn’t too happy to see the pair of humans and took a fighting stance.

“Come on then, humans. You think you can take me? Bring it on,” he said waving his bone in a threatening manner. Thomas and Lammy didn’t understand what he was saying and just heard the Marowak saying his own name.

“Go, Squirtle,” Thomas said throwing a pokeball and letting out a Squirtle in front of Marowak.

“A water type? Obviously,” The Marowak said sarcastically.

“Squirtle, use water gun,” Thomas said, which the Squirtle did getting a direct hit.

“Aaaaah, no way, I’m done for,” the Marowak cried as Thomas then caught him in a pokeball then he, Squirtle and Lammy all celebrated.

Meanwhile they were being watched from behind the bush where the Marowak had come out of. It was a Chespin who had stayed out of sight the entire time.

“Oh no, this is bad. I got to tell the others and fast,” Chespin said and ran off in the opposite direction.

He ran back quickly to where the rest of the pokemon were at the start and became out of breath.

“Trouble. Humans. Marowak captured,” Chespin barely said through his struggling breath but managed to let the rest of the group know what just happened with such little words.

The rest of the pokemon looked at each other shocked and then back to Chespin.

“This is indeed troubling news. Thank you for letting us know. Can you describe these humans?" Azumarill asked.

“Both look to be quite young. The one who caught Marowak had a Squirtle. White cap, striped shirt, black shorts. The other more dark skinned, black hair, red shirt and jeans,” Chespin replied.

“You mean my best friend is gone? He belongs with us. He’s part of our family. Not some dumb human who knows nothing about Marowak’s needs,” Sandslash said in quite an angry tone.

The rest of the pokemon nodded in agreement.

“This has never been done before. At least not to our family. Our friends in the southern continents would never take this lying down. We’ll take back Marowak and while we are at it, take the humans also”, Azumarill said and changed the tone of voice on that last part of the sentence almost grinning.

The pokemon cheered and started to make their plans on how to save Marowak.
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Centennial Club
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Post by Terry »

Chapter 2
Thomas and Lammy were still walking through Eterna Forest going towards Eterna City. They hadn’t caught any pokemon since Thomas caught Marowak. They were being watched discreetly by an Emolga, who Azumarill had sent to keep an eye on.

Back with the pokemon, they began planning on how they would capture the teens and keep them secured.

“So there are two of them, eh? And one of them has Marowak. What if we isolate the other one and use him as bait to bring the other one here,” a Pinsir said.

“Great idea. Then once we have that kid’s friend all trussed up, get word to the other kid and force him to make a trade. His friend for Marowak,” Sandlash replied.

“Exactly,” Pinsir said. “Only there isn’t going to be a trade. Both kids will be ours once Marowak is returned. We’ll have them both tied up and gagged here on the forest floor. No one removes one of our family and gets away with it,” Pinsir replied. Sandslash and the others smiled and nodded. Sandslash especially and he was looking forward to it.

“Brilliant. When Emolga returns, we’ll discuss the next steps and how exactly we will get those humans here,” Azumarill said.

“I’ll return to camp and prepare the ropes and stuff,” Chespin said walking a short distance away from their current location.
Emolga returned to them to report on Thomas and Lammy.

“The two humans have now left the forest and entered Eterna City. No doubt they will be staying at the Pokemon Centre there. Have you decided on how to get back Marowak?” Emolga asked.

“Yes, we will be taking him back by force along with the humans also,” Azumarill replied.

“Interesting, we’ve not done anything like this for a while. I’m in definitely. Looking forward to dominating some weakling human children,” Emolga smiled.

Azumarill filled Emolga in on the plans, which pleased Emolga.

“So according to Chespin’s description, we are to take the one called Lammy first and bring him here then Thomas afterwards who has Marowak, sounds good,” Emolga said.

“Now we just need to figure out how to do it,” Sandslash replied.

Chespin then returned with a bunch of ropes as well as two cloths.

“Those kids aren’t going to know what’s hit them. Knowing that pokemon like us have managed to get hold of stuff like this and knowing how to use it,” Azumarill laughed.

“That Wartortle and Charmeleon taught us well. Oh and that Breloom teaching the pokemon here how to pin,” Pinsir said.

“We don’t have an Ariados here, at least in our close unit for string shot, so we’ll have to do this ourselves but that’s good enough for us,” Azumarill replied.

“How far is Eterna City from here?” Sandslash asked.

“Not too far. A few miles or so. The Pokemon Center is not too far from the forest either. Are you thinking of going there?” Emolga asked.

“Yes, me and Pinsir will walk there and escort the one called Lammy here,” Sandslash replied as he and Pinsir wasted no time in going there.
Meanwhile back at the pokemon centre, Thomas was trying to befriend Marowak to no luck.

“Aaw, come on. Please let’s just be friends. I want you to help me win the Sinnoh League,” Thomas said.

Marowak just gave him dirty looks and turning away. He hated that he was captured. He knew his friends in the forest would be looking for him and just waited. He suspected they’d have a plan so wasn’t too determined to run away at this point.

Lammy was in the neighbouring room, which only would make it easier for Sandslash and Pinsir to get him alone.

Emolga had also followed them and flew past them. He’d get to the centre faster and perched outside the window of Thomas’s room.

Marowak quickly looked up to the window and Emolga put a finger in his lip, which Marowak acknowledged but didn’t want Thomas to know about the window.

“Good, he’s safe. Hopefully we don’t screw up,” Emolga said to himself before flying back to Eterna Forest.

Sandslash and Pinsir reached the Pokemon Centre’s automatic doors. They looked around for Lammy’s room. They knew what to look for from Chespin’s description.

They managed to sneak upstairs away from Nurse Joy’s attention to the residential rooms and got to a room near the centre of the corridor.
“Found him,” Pinsir said looking through the keyhole.

“Good, let’s hurry up and drag him to the forest,” Sandslash said about to rush in through the door.

“Wait a second, let’s not spook him that he’ll run away, we don’t want to alert the other kid also just yet,” Pinsir replied.

“Right, we’ll go in slowly. It looks like he has a PokeGear also. That might come in useful,” Sandslash said.

“Huh, what’s that,” Lammy said to himself. He heard noises outside the door and walked towards it.

“Dammit, he’s coming towards us,” Sandslash said.

“Relax, he’ll be coming WITH us soon,” Pinsir replied.

Opening the door, Lammy saw Sandslash and Pinsir looking at him.

“Oh hello, what brings you guys here,” Lammy said.

“Quick, grab his bag. And the Pokegear,” Pinsir said to Sandslash who quickly rushed past Lammy to grab the bag and put the pokegeat in then both pokemon then rushed out the Pokemon Centre.

“Hey wait, what are you doing? Give me my stuff back,” Lammy said running after the two pokemon.

“Good, we got him following us. Let’s get back to the forest quick,” Pinsir said as he and Sandslash ran back to the forest with Lammy tailing them.

“Hey, that’s mine. Give it back,” Lammy said still running after them.

“Give us back Marowak,” Sandslash replied. He knew he wouldn’t be understood but said it anyway.

“Where are you going? Where are you taking me?” Lammy cried nearly out of breath from running after the pokemon. They were now in the forest but off the footpath.

Lammy eventually stopped when Sandslash and Pinsir did back where they started. Lammy saw the other pokemon looking at him.
“Good work guys, we have one of the kids here. Tie him up,” Azumarill said.

“What’s going on?” Lammy said. “Why are you looking at me funny?”

Emolga threw a nut at him from a tree above him.

“Ow, that hurts,” Lammy said rubbing his head and looking up at Emolga. While he was distracted, Sandslash charged at him with a tackle and brought Lammy to the floor.

“Hey, what yommmph,” Lammy tried to say before Sandslash clamped his hand over Lammy’s mouth. As he fell to the floor, Azumarill and Pinsir wasted no time in going over to pin him down.

Chespin and Emolga brought the ropes and cloths over. Lammy saw what they were holding and realised he was in trouble. He also felt so humiliated how these pokemon who were a lot smaller than him were able to dominate him and keep him on the floor. Now he was going to be tied up by these same pokemon.

Sandslash removed his hand from Lammy’s mouth while Emolga tied the cloth around his mouth securely gagging him.

“Mmmmph,” Lammy tried to protest but hardly any sound came out. Sandslash then assisted in keeping Lammy pinned while Chespin and Emolga tied up his hands and feet. More rope was tied around Lammy’s chest and upper legs.

They didn’t stop until he was fully tied up and were satisfied he would be completely secured.

Throughout all the time he was getting tied up, Lammy tried to struggle free but the pokemon were easily able to overpower and control him.

Now he was secured and not going anywhere, the pokemon walked back and watched Lammy’s pathetic struggling as well as their handiwork, which they were pleased at.

“Good work boys, we got ourselves a prisoner. And also phase 1 of getting Marowak back complete,” Azumarill said.
Lammy was face down on the forest floor and looked up at the pokemon who looked back smirking. He gave up struggling as they’d tied him up really well.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by Terry »

Chapter 3

The pokemon watched with amusement as Lammy had now given up completely and just lay still. Embarrassed and humiliated by a bunch of small pokemon with strong hands, he didn’t know he would live this down. What would Thomas think?

“Looks like the wimp has given up. Now let’s begin the next step,” Sandslash said.

“Search his bag for something what might be useful,” Azumarill added. Lammy tried to protest in his gag and shook his head. This only made the pokemon laugh at him.

“You’re not in any position to do anything about it, bud. Now you just keep quiet like a good captive and stay perfectly still,” Chespin said.
All Lammy could hear was Chespin repeating his name but could tell from the tone of voice he was being mocked.

Pinsir removed Lammy’s belongings from his bag.

“Throw over that PokeGear. I know how to work one of these. I bet his friend has one also. We can use this to send over the ransom note,” Azumarill said.

Lammy was puzzled and a bit scared when Azumarill took a picture of his tied up form.

“There, a nice picture. That’ll do. Now a nice little message for Thomas. The trap is set for both of these kids,” Azumarill added.

Pinsir searched through the rest of Lammy’s bag revealing potions, pokeballs and other stuff. He released the pokemon from some of the pokeballs.

“Oh gawd, don’t let them see me like this,” Lammy thought when he realised his pokemon were about to see him all tied up on the floor.
Too late, they did and they all laughed and mocked him embarrassing him further. They said to the wild pokemon that they wished they could have tied him up like that but was happy the wild pokemon did it.

Meanwhile back at the pokemon centre, Thomas had just received Azumarill’s message. He was shocked. He saw the picture of Lammy tied and gagged along with the message, “Give us back Marowak now or else you will never see your friend again. From the Eterna Forest Pokemon!”

“Oh no, Lammy’s been kidnapped and by pokemon no less. And they want me to return Marowak to them,” Thomas said.

Thomas sent Marowak out the pokeball to tell him what happened. Marowak just scoffed and gave him a look as if to say, “Told ya so.”

“I’m sorry I caught you and took you away from your family. I guess it’s time to go back,” Thomas said bringing Marowak back to its pokeball while Marowak gave him one last smirk. He knew what was really about to Thomas.

Back in the forest, Lammy’s now released pokemon were enjoying the company of the wild pokemon as well as the sight of their captured trainer.
“What’s going on? Why are these pokemon being like this? Also I’ve never known my pokemon to suddenly turn on me like that. Has that feeling always been there and I’ve just never seen it?” Lammy thought to himself.

At the start of the forest, Thomas released Marowak from the pokeball one last time.

“Okay, guide me to where we have to go and I’ll let you go. Just promise that Lammy will be let go and is okay once you are free,” Thomas said.

Marowak just gave a grunt and walked on and Thomas followed not understanding Marowak’s expression.

“I’m back. What did I miss?” Marowak said as he reached the rest of the pokemon.

“Welcome back friend,” Sandslash replied as he went over to give Marowak a hug.

“So this is Thomas,” Sandslash said then looking at Thomas. Thomas looked a bit uneasy by the way the pokemon were all looking at him.

“Err.. hi. As you can see, Marowak is back safe and sound. Sorry for the trouble. Now please can you let Lammy go,” Thomas said.

Lammy couldn’t turn his head in his position but could tell something was off and Thomas was in danger.

He tried to tell Thomas to run but couldn’t with the gag being so efficient.

“Get him,” Azumarill said as the other pokemon charged at Thomas and forced him to the floor.

“Hey, what’s gmmmph,” Thomas tried to say before Sandslash handgagged him.

“Let me tie him up. I want to teach this guy a lesson not to mess with us,” Marowak said grabbing some rope.

“He’s all yours,” Sandslash replied. “Me and Pinsir will hold him down for you. You can tie up every part of him as well as gag him. Sandslash removed his hand from Thomas’s mouth to allow Marowak to gag him before beginning to tie him up. Marowak single-handedly tied up Thomas until he was fully secured the same way that Lammy was.

Marowak and Sandslash then dragged Thomas closer to Lammy and left him on the floor.

“Good, we got them. We got them both and there’s nothing either of them can do about it,” Azumarill said.

“I suppose me being captured in a pokeball was a good thing in a way. It gives us an excuse to grab some weakling humans and show how dominant we are,” Marowak said.

“True that. These two will be our prisoners for a long time,” Sandslash replied.

“Now search his bag also and release all his pokemon,” Azumarill said, which Pinsir did once again.

Just like with Lammy, the same thing happened. The Squirtle who defeated the Marowak earlier made up with him.

All Thomas and Lammy could do was just lie there and do nothing while watching these pokemon laugh and mock them for their predicament.
Marowak later admitted to the rest of the pokemon he allowed himself to be captured because he knew it would result in the two humans being where they are now. This amused everyone.

Azumarill then walked up to their two new captives and said,

“Now you know what it’s like to be captured. But forget pokeballs and all that junk, this is REAL capture. I know you won’t understand me but I’m telling you anyway. You two will be stuck here for a long time. You’re not the first humans we’ve captured and you certainly won’t be the last. Anyway good night.”

The pokemon then headed off the site and deeper in the forest while leaving Lammy and Thomas alone to struggle to no avail.

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