Spring Break Bonding (m/ff)

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Spring Break Bonding (m/ff)

Post by smokeyfoggynight »

Hello, Steven here with another story from my childhood.

In my last story, I had enlarged my Tie Up Game circle by capturing three of my female classmates: Denise, Jaime, and Rachel. Up until now, however, the games we played had all been incidental, while I had been in the middle of doing something else. Now, however, I was about to experience for the first time being invited to someone's house specifically to utilize my roping skills on willing victims.

It was March of 2004, the Thursday right before Spring Break. I was spending my recess at school in my usual spot, sitting by the picnic tables under the old oak tree in the schoolyard, trading Pokemon cards with my fellow collectors. It was nearing the end of recess and I was packing my cards up into my backpack, when I noticed Denise and Rachel standing a little ways away. I should mention that since tying them up last month, Denise, Rachel, and Jaime had all been on much more familiar terms with me, chatting with me during school and recess every so often. A few of the other boys in my class had noticed, and some were even a little jealous of my new relationship with Jaime, who was a pretty popular girl in 7th grade. Anyway, Denise and Rachel were having an animated conversation, and I noticed that Denise was gesturing in my direction. She took Rachel's hand and tried to pull her towards me, but Rachel dug her heels into the dirt and refused to budge, vigorously shaking her head. Denise shrugged and ran over to me. waving.

"Hey Steve!" she cried as she approached. "Got a minute?"

"Sure," I replied, zipping up my backpack, "what's up?"

"Well, Rachel and I were wondering if you'd be interested in coming over to my place sometime during Spring Break and tying us up again." Denise made no attempt to lower her voice and we were still a little too close to my fellow Pokemon card collectors for my liking, so after taking a discreet look over my shoulder to make sure none of them had heard, I took Denise by the arm and led her away from the other kids.

"Keep your voice down," I hissed. "You want everyone to hear?"

"What's wrong with that?" asked Denise with a mischievous grin.

"Well, because..." I paused, realizing that I was at a complete loss. "Because it's embarrassing!" I exclaimed finally. "Wouldn't you be embarrassed if your friends found out I've tied you up?"

"No," Denise laughed. "Why would that be embarrassing?" I couldn't argue with her simple logic, but I also wasn't comfortable with the whole school finding out what I did and having a mob of angry fathers showing up at my house in the dead of night to beat me to death, so I told Denise that and she agreed to be quieter.

"Anyway," she said. "Will you come over? I don't think I had enough time to get loose the last time you tied me up, and I want another chance."

"I'll have to check with my mom, but if she says yes, then yeah, sure," I replied. I looked over at Rachel. "Why didn't she walk over here with you?"

"She's like you," Denise grinned. "She doesn't want the whole world finding out she's getting tied up in her spare time."

"Does your mom know what we'd be doing?"

"Oh, yes! I told her about our game back when it actually happened!"

"What about Jaime? Will she be coming too?"

"Jaime's spending Spring Break working at her parents farm, so she won't have much time for this stuff." I was a little disappointed to find out Jaime wouldn't be coming, but at least I had another chance to tie Denise and Rachel up! I told Denise I'd ask Mom tonight and then give her a call to confirm. She wrote her number down in one of my textbooks, then waved goodbye and ran back over to where Rachel was waiting for her. I realized with a slight feeling of pride that this was the first time a girl had ever given me her number, and I was only 12 years old!


Next Monday, the week of Spring Break, I was driving with Mom to Denise's house for our Tie-Up Game. The first time I had been to Denise's place was back when we were doing our history assignment and then, just like now, I was amazed at the size of her home. It was like a small mansion, a large three-floor house occupying 3 acres of land out in the countryside. Her father was a high-profile lawyer, so I shouldn't have been surprised. My family was not poor by any means, but this level of wealth was always a little intimidating.

"Have fun, Steven!" Mom called as I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. I turned and waved as she pulled away, clutching my bag of ropes and gags tightly in my other hand, as though terrified someone might see me with my binding tools. The front door opened, and Denise's mom greeted me.

"Hello Steven!" She said. She was a small, short-haired woman with a ever-present smile on her face. I was reminded a lot of Denise. "Come on in, the girls are waiting for you in Denise's room!" I followed her in and up the staircase, then left to Denise's room facing the rear of the house. Her room was almost twice the size of mine, with a walk-in closet and her own bathroom. Denise and Rachel were standing by her bed talking, and they turned toward me as I walked into the room.

Denise was wearing a dark-green corduroy skirt with black leggings. She also had on a light-grey blouse. Rachel had on purple track pants with white socks and a matching purple hoodie.

"Hey, Steve!" Denise said cheerfully. "Ready to get started?"

"Remember to keep your bedroom door open, Denise," her mother said as she walked away. "I'll be checking in on you intermittently, okay?"

"Okay," Denise replied. Her mom left, leaving me alone with the girls. I opened my bag and started to pull lengths of rope out.

"So, how do you want to do this?" I asked.

"Hands first," replied Denise, turning around, "like this." She placed her arms behind her back, but instead of crossing her wrists the way I was used to, she bent her arms 90 degrees at the elbows, making her lower arms parallel to each other. I began wrapping rope around her arms. As I worked, she looked at me over her shoulder.

"After you've finished," she ordered, "tie Rachel's arms in the same way. Then, we're going to sit down on the floor back-to-back and you can tie us together. Then tie our legs and gag us, and it will be our job to get loose."

"Can Rachel even bend her arms like you can?" I asked. Rachel answered my question by turning around and placing her arms behind her back in exactly the same way Denise did. I was impressed with how flexible girls could be. Also, it was a little weird to be following the girls' instructions as I was tying them up. despite subjecting them to my ropework, it didn't feel like I was in complete control of the situation, which was interesting. I finished with Denise's arms, and she wriggled her shoulders a little to test the tightness of the ropes. She nodded to me in satisfaction, and then slowly lowered herself to the ground as I tied Rachel. After I finished, I assisted Rachel to the ground and moved her into position so her back was up against Denise's. Then I got one of the longer lengths of rope from my bag and wound it around both girls three times, pinning them together. As a joke, I tied the knot right in front of Denise so she could see it.

"There," I said as I finished, "now you can look at the knot all you like, and not untie it."

"Jerk," Denise answered, giggling. I tied their legs next, and gagged them. Then I sat back on Denise's bed and whipped out my Gameboy Advance SP so I could play it while I waited for the girls to either get free or give up.

"Okay," I said, "go ahead and start." Denise and Rachel started struggling against the ropes, and I began playing my Gameboy. However, I found it difficult to concentrate on my game. I could still see the girls out of the corner of my eye, and I found myself trying to sneak looks at them while they were squirming. I liked when they would look at each other over their shoulders and try to communicate. It would usually go something like this:

Denise: "Rrmmll, cnn ymm rrmmph thm rmmpph mmnn rrmmmph?"

Rachel: "Hhhrrmmm?"

Denise: (exhales through nose in frustration)

I also enjoyed when Denise would wriggle her shoulders, trying to pull her arms free, Rachel would be forced to move in tandem, and vice versa. This would lead to some amusing moments in which the two girls would be fighting against each other by both struggling in opposite directions. Then, either Rachel or Denise would get tired and go limp, and their arms and shoulders would start moving in time with their fellow prisoner's movement. Another thing I noticed was that Denise's escape strategy had changed from the last time I tied her up. She wasn't thrashing about as much as she used to, and her struggles seemed more deliberate, as though she had a definite plan for escape.

Half an hour after I first tied them up, Denise's mom poked her head into the room.

"Just checking in!" she said. "You girls doing okay?" Denise and Rachel nodded their heads, and Denise's mom withdrew.

After more time had passed, I could tell Denise was making real progress in her escape. The rope around her and Rachel's middle was going slack, and she was able to move her arms more. Denise closed her eyes, gave a great tug, and her arms came free! She immediately reached down and untied her legs, and then cast aside the rope that had been around her arms. She stood up and put her hands in the air.

"Mm frrmmmph!" she exclaimed before realizing that her gag was still in. She reached up and undid the gag, spitting it out of her mouth.

"Phheeww! I meant to say, I'm free!" she cheered.

"Congrats," I said, "but aren't you forgetting someone?" I gestured down to where Rachel was still seated on the floor, bound hand and foot.

"Oh, right!" said Denise. She knelt down to untie Rachel, but her friend squirmed away from her, 'mmmpphhing' insistently.

"What's the matter?" asked Denise.

"Hrrmmm. Hrrmmm!" Rachel answered, nodding in my direction. Denise understood.

"She wants you to do it." Denise said, smiling at me. I wasn't sure why that mattered, but I stepped forward to untie Rachel. As I was untying the knots, Denise said in her best Damsel in Distress voice, "Oh, thank heavens you found us, Steve! I thought we were done for!"

"What do you mean 'found you'?" I couldn't resist answering. "I was the one who tied you up to begin with!"

"In that case, thank heavens you changed your mind!" I pulled the last of the ropes off of Rachel and helped her to her feet. Then, without warning, Denise threw her arms around my neck and kissed me very sloppily on the cheek.

"Our hero!" She cried.

"Bleeuurrgh!" I exclaimed, pushing her away. "Cooties!" Denise giggled, then seized Rachel by the shoulders and pushed her in my direction.

"Go on, Rachel," she teased. "Give your rescuer a kissy kissy!" Rachel shrieked and pulled herself out of Denise's grip.

"Denise, cut it out!" she cried.

"So, Denise," I said, trying to change the subject, "I noticed your struggling changed from the last time I tied you up. This time, you really seemed to know what you were doing."

"Jaime gave me some pointers," Denise answered. "She's very knowledgeable on the subject of escaping."

"Sounds as though she's been tied up before, even before I tied her up," I ventured.

"Well, she does live on a horse farm," smiled Denise. "I'll bet she's been tied up by cute cowboys a few times. Wouldn't that be nice, Rachel?" she added, turning to her friend. "Wouldn't you like to be captured and hogtied by a cute cowboy?" Rachel's eyes fluttered to me for a moment before looking back at Denise.

"Sure, I guess," she said, smiling slightly.

"Well, I don't know about you two, but I really gotta use the bathroom after being tied up for an hour and a half. 'Scuse me." Denise walked into her personal bathroom, leaving me alone with Rachel again. I was beginning to feel awkward again, and tried to think of something to say. Before I could however, Rachel made a move first. She looked at me, then at the ground, then at the closed bathroom door. She bit her lip, then took my shoulders in her hands and leaned forward, giving me a gentle peck on the cheek.

"Thanks for rescuing me," she said quietly. I was stunned. I was spared from having to think up an appropriate response, however, by Denise's return and Rachel's leaving to use the bathroom herself. Afterwards, we all went downstairs for lunch, and shortly after that, Mom arrived to take me home. I waved to my two Tie-Up Buddies and climbed into the car.

"So, how did it go?" asked Mom. "Did you have a good time"

"Uh, yeah," I answered distractedly. I was actually thinking hard. I had been seized by the sudden desire to get a cowboy costume, but the only reason I could think of to get one was for Halloween, and that was still months away. I had a bit of a wait ahead of me...

If you liked this story here are links to my other stories:

Tying up Mrs. Miller (m/F): https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=20104
Mom's Favourite Song (m/F): https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=20126
The History Assignment (m/fff): https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=20166