Freshmen Hell (m+/m+) complete Aug 19/23

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.

With The Bound Bratty Brother almost complete, what Freshmen Hell spin-off should I work on next?

Poll ended at 4 months ago

Brayden's messy tie up fun - the follow up to the anonymous note from the end of Swim Team Hell
Owen's spinoff - what was he planning with the zip ties and tape at the end of freshmen hell?
Cole tutors Aiden again - picking up where freshmen hell ended
Skid Mark -A collection of short stories about the bullying and humiliation that Owen's older brother has faced since The Walk of Shame
Other (post it in the thread below)
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Post by The slave »

Interesting lol i'm so curious to discover this
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Wedgieboy69[/mention] Hey buddy!
I'm going to be catching up over the next week or so and have Freshmen Hell real high up my list of "To Read" stories.
Just wanted to stop by and say how honoured I am that you're dedicating one of your upcoming chapters to me.
Can't wait to see what you've been up to and find out what you have in store for us next!

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Post by John2222 »

Are we about to see some sleeping bag action? Cannot wait to see what happens.
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

When I got to this part in the story, I knew what I wanted. I wanted it to be like many of my favorite works on this site. Works written by the master of this forte. This chapter was written from the insperation of the many stories written by the legandary [mention]bondagefreak[/mention]. There is no doubt why his stories are some of the most popular on this site. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as one of his own.

Chapter 13 - A Tasty Bedtime Snack

Cole looked suspicious yet intrigued by Owen's request for a favor. The tense moment of silence after his question seemed like an eternity for the nerdy teen. He started to regret even asking it. Eventually, Cole broke the silence with a simple "go on..".

Owen had never felt so nervous as he explained his strange request to the stone faced and intimidating looking Jocks. He stuttered his words and stumbled as he talked. Painfully, he eventually managed to spit out his plan. In short, he wanted them to find Mark at school Monday and persuade him to stop bullying Owen at home.

Tex was the first to respond. "Hell Ya! We would love to beat his bitch ass on monday!" offered the massive linebacker.

"No!" cried Owen, "I don't want to hurt him more than you already have. I just want you to talk to him. I just want him to leave me alone".

Cole thought about it for a second, exhaled loudly in frustration, then replied "No!".

Owen just stared at the senior in confusion and disbelief. This wasn't the way it was supposed to go.

Cole elaborated, "He only picks on you because you let him. He isn't strong or tough or a real threat. If you aren't willing to stand up for yourself against that little bitch, then you are an even bigger bitch and probably deserve it.

Owen looked absolutely heart broken and dejected. This was not the answer he was looking for. He felt stupid for ever thinking the Jocks would ever stick up for a loser like him.

"Ok, freshies, it's bedtime", announced Cole.

"You're going to bed at 9:30?!" questioned Aiden

"I never said anything about us. You losers are going to bed now. We have some friends coming over, so you nerds need to disappear for your own good", said Cole.

Despite some whining and complaining, the three underclassmen were reluctantly matched off to a spare bedroom upstairs. This trip through the home had far less fanfare than the original walk to the basement earlier in the afternoon. This time the trio was allowed to walk under their own power, without the torment of headlocks, wedgies or having to crawl. It seemed that the boys may have finally earned a little respect from the Jocks. That elusion however was soon shattered once the boys learned of their sleeping accommodations for the evening.

Laid out before them were two musty and ridiculously puffy arctic sleeping bags, and one smaller youth size sleeping bag. Both of the adult sized Bags looked almost identical, except for the color. One was dark green, and the other was dark blue. Both looked super thick and heavy duty, the kind you would see on documentaries about expeditions to the north pole. The smaller youth sized sleeping bag had an image of Spiderman on the front of it, and it appeared to be more of the traditional kind, that they would sell at Walmart or a sporting goods store. Being the smallest of the freshmen, Aiden had no doubt which one he would be forced to sleep in.

One by one, the freshmen went to the adjacent ensuite bathroom to do their business before bed. Reluctantly, each nerd stripped down to their underwear in front of the Alpha Jocks. The intimidating atmosphere was reminiscent of the school locker room during gym class. Despite not normally being subconscious about his pale, small and skinny body, Brayden felt a little vulnerable and uncomfortable being almost naked in front of the three muscular and popular football players. Neither Aiden nor Owen looked any more comfortable with the situation.

Just when things didn't seem like they could get any more awkward, Tex spoke up, bringing the embarrassment to a whole new level. "Are you twerps even toilet trained yet? Do we need to find you runts some of those bedwetter diapers?", teased the giant. All three Jocks laughed at the suggestion. The freshmen remained quiet and nervous, each silently praying that diapers were not actually in their near future.

"Ya, you dorks better not have an accident in those sleeping bags. Those have been in my family for years!", scolded Cole.

As Brayden climbed into the mammoth cocoon, he couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the musty yet masculine stench of the well used sleeping bag. The puffy vessel seemed to swallow his scrawny frame. Once the sleeping bag was snuggly zipped up, Mitch pulled the hood around Brayden's head and pulled the draw strings tight. The thick plush prison had consumed everything except for the small area around his eyes, nose and mouth. The hood blocked his peripheral vision, and restricted movement of his neck. His only view would be of the bedroom ceiling, until the athletic overlords allowed his eventual release. Strangely, this soft and snug confinement felt almost calming and peaceful.

Tex stood the mummified teen upright, and held him steady. Mitch began wrapping an intricate web of white cotton rope around the puffy encasement. The small amount of movement that was left in his arms and legs was now completely gone. The Jock's then carefully laid the incapacitated teen back down on the floor, before moving on to do the same with Owen, to Brayden's immediate right.

Next was Aiden, who was positioned to Brayden's left side. The tiny teen's much thinner regular duty sleeping bag was less confining, and didn't have the extra restriction of a built in hood. Unfortunately, the tight web of ropework made it feel equally restrictive.

The calming tranquility of the musty old sleeping bag was soon revoked, as soon as Aiden saw what Cole was approaching with in hand. The muscular senior had removed one of his sweaty socks, and slowly brought it up to the tiny nerd's defenceless face. The rancid wad radiated a strong stench of rotten cheese and vinegar. The eye watering fumes immediately caused the scrawny teen to cough and gag. Aiden could feel the warm damp sweat of the well marinated garment against his nose.

"Oh god! please no! It burns!", begged the nauseated teen, between coughing fits. This one was definitely far worse than the sock that Mitch had fed him in the locker room.

Even the others began to protest the smell in the room.

Cole mercifully pulled the sweat stained fabric away, as he explained the situation to the immobilised twerp. "This is purely for your own safety. If you were to make noise and alert our guests to your presence up here, the night would become far worse for all three of you. We know after telling Tex all about our deal earlier, that you can't be trusted to keep your big mouth shut", said the foul footed Jock.

Aiden knew full well that this had absolutely nothing to do with keeping them quiet, and everyting to do with being punished for confessing to Tex during the toilet bowl version of water boarding torture.

"Now open up, like a good little nerd", ordered Cole, as he brought the puke inducing stink wad back up to the freshman's mouth.

Aiden defiantly shook his head, while clamping his jaw shut with all his might. The rancid fumes had already started to make his eyes water again.

"You have till the count of three to open your yap, or not just will you be getting the matching shoe taped over top, but both of your little friends are going to face the same fate!", growled the irritated Jock.

Brayden and Owen began voicing their protests, as Cole began counting slowly, "one........Two......Th"

Reluctantly, Aiden chose to accept his punishment, and save Brayden. Although not an easy decision, he could not risk losing his only friend over the matter.

The instant that the biohazardous tubesock first touched his taste buds, Aiden immediately regretted his decision. Cole continued to push the fabric into the small teen's equally small mouth. This caused Aiden's cheeks to bulge out like a chipmunk. The squishing of the pungent fabric caused some of the stomach churning sweaty foot juice to ooze out, and run down his throat.

Aiden instinctively tried to spit the putrid sock from his mouth, but the senior firmly planted the palm of his hand across the smaller teen's mouth, preventing it. "Don't you fucking try that again!", hissed the angry Jock. Mitch passed Cole a roll of super sticky industrial strength duct tape. Cole was not gentle as he aggressively wrapped layer after layer around the nerd's lower face and chin. The deafening growl of tape being pulled from the roll seemed to go on forever. A dozen layers in total sealed Aiden's mouth firmly shut. Spitting out the cheesy fabric was no longer an option.

Cole straddled Aiden's chest as he looked the nerd straight in the eyes and said, "now what do you say when someone gives you a tasty treat like that?"

Aiden made a muffled noise, incomprehensible through the gag and tape.

"Oh, your welcome little buddy", mocked the senior, as he ruffled the incapacitated twerps hair, playfully.

Cole then stood up and looked directly at the other two sleeping bag prisoners. "Any trouble out of you two brats tonight, and I will dip the socks in hot sauce first, just for the trouble", warned Cole. Both freshmen just nodded silently.

The Nerds remained silent for quite a while after the Jocks had left the room. Neither wanted to feel the wrath of the seniors if they returned. All three were far too wound up to fall asleep so early. Had they been at home this evening, being that it was not a school night, all three would have probably been gaming long into the night. Once the loud music started playing downstairs, Brayden knew it was safe for them to talk quietly.

"Are you okay, Aiden?", asked Brayden.

He couldn't understand what Aiden tried to say back, but he didn't sound like he was in any pain or danger.

A little while later, Brayden tried to make small talk again. "Is everyone else sweating their nuts off too?". Both of his roommates just gave grunts of agreement.

After some more awkward silence, Owen blurted out, "Argh! My nose is so itchy and I can't scratch it! It's driving me crazy!"

"I am surprised they didn't put itching powder in our sleeping bags", joked Brayden.

Owen had spent most of the time since the Jocks left being deep in thought. He wrestled with the new found truth about his brother, and how he was treated by people in general. Was there truth to Cole's words? Did he really just let people treat him poorly? Was everything at least partially his fault?

"Why do you hate me?", asked Owen, very casually.

"I don't hate you!", replied Brayden, defensively.

"Really? Because yesterday when I tried to save you in the locker room, you didn't sound happy to see me. And so far today you have kicked me in the face once and ribs repeatedly. And after that, you threatened me on the stairs. I am not stupid, I can tell you don't like me. Nobody likes me. I just want to know why?!" shouted the frustrated nerd.

"Ssshhhh!, keep it down or you will get us gagged like Aiden!", whispered Brayden, sternly. "You want to know the truth? Yeah! I don't like you. I think you are a slimy little snake! Yesterday I freed you from that chair wedgie in the cafeteria, and in return you ran right to Troy and ratted me out for it. Then you ripped my new boxers and caused me to get dragged to the football team's locker room. Then when you tried to "Help" us escape, you messed that up too. Then I find out that you came here early to try to make your own side deal with Cole to fulfill your own gross foot fetish in return for making us have to clean Cole's house! So ya, I don't really like you", hissed the angry freshman.

Owen let out a loud and frustrated sigh, but did not reply immediately. After a moment to collect his thoughts, Owen finally spoke. This time with a flutter in his voice, like he was crying, or close to it. "I am sorry about telling Troy. I didn't want to, but he kept punching me in the stomach, and kicking me after I fell down. I told him I didn't know who it was, but that made him more angry. He wasn't going to stop until I told him the truth. It really hurt!", cried the nerd.

Brayden didn't know what to say. Was he telling the truth, or was this more of his slimy snake act?

After a moment to stop crying, Owen continued, " I am sorry about ripping your boxers, but we were in a wedgie war, and I won fair and square! I didn't cheat or do anything wrong! You had every chance to beat me and reverse the outcome. As for trying to save you, screw you! at least I was trying to save you when I got caught!"

Brayden started to feel a little bad now. Owen was right. Maybe he had been out of line. Much like Mark, he too was redirecting his anger about being bullied on to poor Owen.

Owen continued his rant again. "As for the deal with Cole, you aren't even close. Cole tricked me. He told me if I "accepted my nerd punishment" and was his slave this morning, that he would take it easy on all of us today. I didn't like having to lick his feet! That was gross! Then he made me agree to cleaning the house or he was going to invite Troy over. I had no choice!" Owen was outright sobbing by this point.

Brayden wasn't sure if he was being completely truthful, but still felt bad for Owen.

Brayden could hear the sounds of a video game being played downstairs. He recognized it as Zombie Hunter 3. The one thing he knew that he could actually beat those muscle bound meatheads at, and he was stuck here instead. Life wasn't fair!

[mention]The slave[/mention]
[mention]David Han[/mention]

Thank you Bondagefreak for not only the countless hours you spend writing the masterpieces that we all love, but also for inspiring many of us to write our own works as well. When it comes to a nasty sock gag, or sleeping bag bondage, no one does it quite as well as you, sir.
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Post by John2222 »

Great chapter! Enjoyed it completely!
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Post by The slave »

Wow really awesome i love it
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

John2222 wrote: 1 year ago Great chapter! Enjoyed it completely!
The slave wrote: 1 year ago Wow really awesome i love it
Thanks for the comments. I appreciate the feedback.

There is probably only one or two more chapters left in this part of the storyline. I still have a few loose ends to clean up before then.

I have a busy couple of weeks coming up, so I am not sure when the next chapter will be out yet.
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Post by blackbound »

Take your time, no need to rush a good thing.

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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Chapter 14 - A Rude Awakening

As Brayden slowly started to wake up, panic set in. He couldn't move his arms or legs. He was hot, and his body was damp with sweat. His eyes shot open. He was laying on his back, staring at a white ceiling. The room was dark. He was about to yell for help when his brain finally started to catch up. Slowly he remembered where he was. He remembered the events of the previous day. His heart rate slowly came back down to normal. He could hear rain softly hitting the window. He had no way of telling the time. The house was quiet, aside from Owen lightly snoring on one side of him. To the other side he heard the swooshing of a nylon sleeping bag as Aiden moved in his sleep. Eventually, the teen fell back asleep.

Once again Brayden awoke. He could hear a commotion in the room. This time there was only darkness when he opened his eyes. He could feel fabric touching his face, and it had the distinct smell of sweaty balls and stale farts. Horrifyingly, the next thing he heard was an earth shattering PFFFHHHHHTT! accompanied by the feeling of warm air on his face. This was immediately followed by the most noxious and rancid smell that he had ever smelled.

As the enormous underwear clad bum lifted from the nerd's face, the bright light of the room further attacked another one of his senses. The unmistakable deep booming hysterical laugh identified his attacker as Tex. The Giant muscular beast crashed down on the floor beside Brayden as he continued to belly laugh uncontrollably. The massive Jock was literally rolling on the floor laughing.

Judging by Owen's nasially whining and gagging, combined with Cole's laughter, The four eyed nerd had suffered the same rude awakening.

Over in Aiden's direction, Mitch let out a short squeaker then boasted, " I thought I was going to I shit my pants". This caused his two hysterical athletes to laugh even harder. None of the freshmen nerds found the situation quite so funny.

"Great! Now I am probably going to get pink eye!", cried Owen. This did nothing to calm the rowdy bunch.

Eventually, the laughter subsided, and the foul smells dissipated. Mitch and Tex started untying the many knots that trapped Brayden and Owen in their puffy cocoons. Cole worked to unwind the many layers of ultra sticky tape from around Aiden's face. Once the spit soaked wad was removed from his mouth, the tiny nerd meekly asked for water. His mouth was dry from many hours being gagged. Cole sat the sleeping bag bound twerp upright and slowly poured a bottle of water in his mouth. Once the whole bottle was gone, Cole smirked as he said, "Okay, ready for the other sock now?" Aiden erupted into a verbal tsunami of begging, crying and pleading. After giving him time to tire himself out, Cole finally laughed and replied, "I was just joking, runt". The nerdy freshman looked embarrassed yet relieved.

Once all three nerds had been freed from their confinement, they were left to shower and get dressed as the seniors went downstairs for breakfast. Brayden was the first to shower. Once he was done, Owen went next. Brayden waited in the bedroom with Aiden, as he knew he was probably going to be ambushed by the seniors, if he went downstairs alone. The smaller teen quietly played on his phone, while Brayden took the time to roll up the sleeping bags and coil up the lengths of rope. He hoped the good deed would prevent more forced chores today.

Once Aiden went for his shower, the two remaining nerds sat in awkward silence. The tension from last night's conversation was still strong. Brayden was the one to finally speak up. He apologised for the misunderstandings. Owen seemed unsure how to react. He was not used to people apologising for treating him poorly.

"It was actually kinda brave of you to try to save us in the locker room", commented Brayden. "Why did you even do it?

Owen thought for a second, then blushed with embarrassment.

"What?" asked Brayden, curiously.

Reluctantly, Owen replied, "It will sound even stupider saying it out loud, but I hoped if I repaid the favor and helped free you, maybe you guys would let me sit at your table at lunch". The nerd fidgeted awkwardly, then added, "I know, stupid, right?!".

"You know that we aren't exactly the popular kids table, right?" questioned Brayden. This caused Owen to chuckle a little. "You are always welcome at our table, friend", added Brayden.

"Really? You mean that?", asked Owen in disbelief.

Brayden nodded, and replied, "Yes"..

Owen lunged at Brayden and latched on with a bear hug.

"What the heck!" shouted a very confused Aiden, as he opened the bathroom door.

The two teens broke apart. Brayden was clearly embarrassed by the situation. Owen tried to hide his excitement and act cool.

As the three nerds left the bedroom, Aiden whispered to Brayden, "What was that all about?!"

Brayden replied, "He is just a little excited for lunch at school tomorrow. He really likes mac and cheese day I guess".

Like three nerdy ninja's, The freshmen slowly and very cautiously ascended the stairs. They tried to remain as stealth as possible. The lower level was far too quiet. The trio was expecting the seniors to have an ambush ready, but where?

[mention]The slave[/mention]
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Post by The slave »

I can't wait to find out if they'll get revenge on Owen's big brother Mark or not lol
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Post by harveygasson »

Blimey these three are certainly being put through it!
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Ok, a quick update, and strange thing that happened.

First, the update. I am working on the next chapter. I have had to change the working title because the boys have gotten themselves in another "situation". Bad for them, but good for us, because we get another chapter added in the series. It will be posted as soon as I am done.

Now the strange thing. This is 100% true, not part of the story. This morning I was laying in bed, scrolling through social media, and a scrolled past one of those random videos that appear in your feed. It was one from an amusement park in Florida that posts videos of people on a ride called sling shot. The two people on this ride were what I assume was a brother and sister. Aiden and Emma. Emma was about the same age as the Emma in this story (15-17). She even kinda looked like the picture i have in my head of her. Aiden was quite a bit younger thou, maybe 8-10 years old, but kinda looked like a younger version of my idea of aiden. The even stranger part was that aiden was wearing a captain america costume while on this ride. For those that have read my other story, freshmen hell-o-ween, that has always been Aiden's halloween costume since he was a young child.

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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Chapter 15 - Wheaties and Wedgies

The boys could smell bacon coming from the lower level. As they slowly crept to the main floor, Cole was casually sitting on the couch, playing on his phone. The other two were missing. Nervously, the nerds forged on.

Cole gave them a puzzled look, then finally asked, "what's wrong with you losers? Why are you acting so strange?

"Where are they?", questioned Owen, as he looked around nervously.

"Who? Tex and Mitch? They went to the gym. They practically live at that new All Inclusive Gym downtown. Were you expecting them to jump out and scare you or something?", replied Cole with a laugh. "Tex finished off all the bacon and eggs I made, but there is cereal or toast. Don't make a mess", said the jock, without taking his eyes off his phone.

As the three nerds sat around the table, eating bowls of Wheaties, Aiden and Owen argued about who would win a fight between Captain America and Batman. The pair had become quite loud and very defensive of their opinions. In contrast, Brayden was quietly fixated on his phone.

Cole rose from the couch and casually walked toward the kitchen table. As he looked over Brayden's shoulder, he noticed that the freshman was watching baseball highlights from last night's Blue Jays game. Although he wasn't overly athletic, Brayden did enjoy watching baseball. It was a love both he and his father shared. The Toronto Blue Jays were their favourite. For his last birthday his dad took him to Toronto for a game.

The senior continued to casually walk around the table. Once behind Aiden, he reached down the back of the tiny twerps jogging pants and grabbed a handful of red boxer-briefs. The ultra light teen squealed in pain as he flew up from his seat and bounced in the air. The nerd's underwear shot halfway up his back. Cole hooked the waistband over the back of the chair. Aiden's lack of body weight coupled with non stretchy underwear caused the tormented teen to remain uncomfortably suspended off the seat of his chair. It could only be described as a hanging chair wedgie.

As the muscular Jock continued down the line, Owen cowered in his seat, anticipating what was coming next. Cole ever so slowly crept his fingers down the back of the four eyed dweebs pants. Almost at slow motion speed, the football player latched his fingers on to the waistband of the trembling nerd's bright white briefs. The anticipation was killing Owen. After what felt like an eternity of anxious waiting for the inevitable, Owen's tighty whities finally skyrocketed upward. The nut crushing force caused the nerd to let out a high pitched girlish scream. Cole let out a grunt, as he struggled to try and stretch the bright white nerd diaper over Owen's head. Eventually the defeated Jock gave up on an atomic wedgie, and began aggressively forcing the nerd's skinny arms through the stretched out leg holes of the briefs.

Once the shoulder wedgie was complete, Cole growled, "Don't you dare touch those wedgies before you get home, or you will be chewing on Tex's jockstrap while tied to a goal post tomorrow at school! Got it?!" Owen and Aiden nodded vigorously in agreement.

Cole returned to lounging on the couch. The nerdy trio continued to eat in silence, until Aiden finally whined, "Why doesn't Brayden get a wedgie too? That's not fair!". Brayden shot his friend an evil death glare.

Cole let out a frustrated huff, before snapping back with, "because he wasn't pissing me off with your nerdy superhero bullshit! You know, you dorks bring it on yourselves. You pretend that you hate it, but then you go around just begging for more nerd punishments!"

All three of the freshmen thought long and hard about what Cole had said. Were they really subconsciously attracting unwanted attention? Or was this just Cole's way of justifying terrorizing those less popular than him?

Once breakfast was done, and Brayden had loaded everyone's dirty dishes in the dishwasher, Cole informed the freshmen that it was time to go home. Seeing as it was now raining quite heavily, The senior generously offered to drive the boys home.

Brayden led the way to Cole's SUV, which was parked in the driveway. Owen waddled behind him. Every step caused the shoulder wedgie to further attack his most sensitive areas. Aiden had managed to unhook his underwear from the chair, and was quickly reminded by Cole about picking the wedgie before he got home. The pint size twerp dashed toward the SUV, shouting "shotgun!" as he pushed his best friend out of the way. As he grabbed on to the door handle, Cole locked the door using his remote.

"Brayden, I want you to give him a melvin for acting like a little brat with ADHD!" Barked the irritated senior.

"It's ok, I don't mind sitting in the back", replied Brayden, attempting to avoid a situation.

"Give him a melvin, now! Or all three of you losers are running laps around the school track in only your underwear, in the rain!" angrily growled the Jock.

Reluctantly Brayden grabbed a hold of his best friend's boxer-briefs. He silently mouthed the words "I'm sorry", before launching his tiny friend in the air. Aiden's existing wedgie quickly turned into a squeaky clean, as it both burned like a blow torch, and crushed worse than a kick to the nuts. The tiny teen's eyes began to water as he squealed in pain. Brayden felt horrible as he dropped his friend back onto his feet. Aiden did his best to hide his crying as he climbed into the back seat, next to Owen.

As they drove away, Cole gave Brayden a fist bump and joked, "You are pretty good at wedgieing nerds. Have you ever thought about joining the football team?"

[mention]The slave[/mention]
[mention]David Han[/mention]
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Post by blackbound »

No matter what they do, the wedgies are eternal...

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Post by The slave »

I love this
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Post by bondagefreak »

Wedgieboy69 wrote: 1 year ago When I got to this part in the story, I knew what I wanted. I wanted it to be like many of my favorite works on this site. Works written by the master of this forte. This chapter was written from the inspiration of the many stories written by the legendary @bondagefreak. There is no doubt why his stories are some of the most popular on this site. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as one of his own.

Chapter 13 - A Tasty Bedtime Snack
Just caught up to Chapter 13, and I really must say, it was phenomenally well-written.
I absolutely loved the sleeping bag bondage and the ensuing rope encasement. Aiden getting his mouth gagged with that putrid sock was blissful. The lousy excuse the jocks came up with - about the gag being for his own safety - was just the icing on the cake. Loved it!

It's sort of unfortunate that this story taps into such a specific niche and doesn't get the attention it deserves. But then that really comes down to the lack of tug scenes in the earlier chapters. With that being said, chapter 13 could easily be adapted into a standalone format.

That was a really fun chapter and I'm super honoured you dedicated it to me.
You have a lot of talent, mate. Will be catching up to the rest now 8-)

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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Thanks [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] . I appreciate the kind words. This chapter was a lot of fun to write, and to step outside my comfort zone as a writer.

Honestly, this story was never meant for this site in the beginning. Although it has some tug throughout, its not tug focused. It wasn't meant for the masses and the response shows that. Understandably, it has faired much better on the other sites that its posted on.

That being said, now that this series is almost at the end, the ideas for future spin offs are mostly tug short stories.
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Well folks, here is the final chapter of what started a few years ago as a one and done short story. It's been a blast, but after sixteen chapters, the story of the first week of highschool (and then adding the weekend now) has been told. It was the first creative writing I have done since highschool, but probably not the last. Don't be surprised to see some of our young friends in future stories more centered around TUG.

on a side note, if you are nerdy enough to get Owen's joke, you should probably give your tighty whities a yank for being such a dweeb.

Chapter 16 - Riding in cars with Nerds

The rain continued to come down heavy as Cole drove through the quiet middle class neighborhood.

The noisy windshield wipers battled for audible supremacy against the angry music pouring from the car speakers

In the front seats, Cole and Brayden talked baseball like old friends. In the back seat, Aiden watched angrily. The little twerp was quite literally still butt hurt from his most recent wedgie. It was a painful undie assault by his traitorous so-called friend.

"I hate jocks!" whispered Aiden.

"Ya, you could say that they are all made up of copper, nitrogen and tennessine", laughed Owen.

Aiden looked puzzled, clearly not understanding what the hell his four eyed friend was talking about. Owen was about to explain that it was a science joke, but realized that would probably just end up earning them another "nerd punishment" from Cole.


The first stop was Owen's house. The nerdy teen thanked Cole for the ride, then waddled through the torrential downpour as fast as his shoulder wedgie would allow.

As Owen hurried out of the rain, and into the garage, he noticed that his parent's Toyota Prius was absent. He remembered that his mother had told him that they would be out of town at his little sister's dance competition. They were not expected home until late in the evening.

As the nerd wiped the rain drops from his glasses, he took the opportunity to finally pick the wedgie that Cole had given him earlier that morning. As he was about to head inside the house, something caught his eye. He noticed a wide roll of sticky duct tape and a bag of heavy duty looking zip ties sitting on his fathers work bench. This weekend's events had ignited a new curiosity in the dorky teen. Owen quickly thought up a plan. He scooped up the items into his backpack and headed toward his bedroom.


The next stop was Brayden's house. He and Cole exchanged a fist bump as they said their goodbyes. The budding bromance made Aiden want to gag.

"See ya at school, Aiden", yelled Brayden as he waved, before he dashed through the pouring rain. Aiden didn't respond. The bitter teen just glared back.

"Aren't you going to move to the front seat", questioned Cole.

"I am fine", grumbled Aiden.

"Suit yourself", replied the senior, as he began driving again.


Brayden entered the house through the mud room. He hung his hoodie on a vacant coat hook, and neatly tucked his shoes away under the bench.

"Sweetie? is that you?", Called his mother, " How was your sleepover? Come sit down. I want to hear all about it!"

"It was fine, Mom. We just hung out and played video games", lied the teen.

"Boys your age should be outside getting exercise, not playing video games all the time!", lectured his mother.

Brayden helped himself to a healthy snack, as he dashed to his bedroom. He wanted to avoid any more of his mothers prying.

The lingering question was still on his mind. Would unfriending Aiden stop all his bully problems? Could he really do it? As soon as the teen put on the headset and picked up the video game controller, all his worries melted away. He was no longer a skinny freshman that got bullied. He was a god! He was a zombie killing machine! All hail the great brayerslayer_3721 !


As the car stopped out front of the Thompson household, Aiden got out and started walking away. "Bye! your welcome for the ride!", said Cole, sarcastically.

"Ya, whatever! thanks!", spat the grumpy freshman.

"See you at school tomorrow, Dork", Said Cole as he drove away. Aiden immediately began to regret giving attitude to the vengeful jock.

Aiden slowly sondered up the sidewalk leading to his front door, picking his wedgie along the way. The torrential rain quickly soaked the small teen. Once inside, Aiden yelled "I am home!", as he dropped his backpack on the floor of the front entryway. The same followed with his soaking wet jacket. After leaving wet foot prints halfway down the hallway, he kicked off his running shoes, leaving them in the middle of the floor.

"How was your sleepover at Cole's?" asked his mother.

"Cole? I thought your new friend's name was Brayden?', questioned Emma.

"They had a sleepover at Cole Wilson's last night", answered their mother.

"Since when does Cole Wilson hang out with losers like you?", teased Emma.

"Emma! That's enough!", warned their mother. "Besides, I think that Cole is a good role model for your brother. Maybe he could help Aiden get on the football team".

Emma laughed out loud at her mothers idea, while Aiden just looked horrified at the thought.

"Aiden on the football team?!, I guess they could use him as the football!", laughed the older sibling. Aiden couldn't help but giggle at her joke too. Their mother just gave her a stern look, while obviously trying to hold back a laugh herself.

Their mother announced, "Well, either way, we will be seeing a lot more of Cole again. I have asked him to tutor you again this year. Isn't that great, sweetie?"

Aiden was speechless. This had to be a joke! This nightmare just kept getting worse. His start to highschool was becoming a freshman hell!

The End

@The slave
@David Han
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Absolutely amazing
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Post by blackbound »

Congrats on finishing the story, @Wedgieboy69. The lack of response can be discouraging, especially in the summer months, but I'm glad you didn't let it stop you.

I get the joke after you pointed it out, so I'm just going to wedgie someone else.

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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

blackbound wrote: 9 months ago Congrats on finishing the story, @Wedgieboy69. The lack of response can be discouraging, especially in the summer months, but I'm glad you didn't let it stop you.

I get the joke after you pointed it out, so I'm just going to wedgie someone else.
Thanks. I realize that this is not the best venue, being that it's not a totally tug focused story. The fact that its in the everyone section and not the adult section hurts most stories as well. That being said, it had better followings on other sites that I cross post on.

Atleast one of the potential spin offs I have in my head will be more of a tug based theme. The second is a mix of tug and messy gunge. I have a third one that has been half written for a while that is tug and (m/f+), but I had lost interest when I started writing more chapters of freshmen hell again.

No matter what direction I decided to go, it will make it here eventually.
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Post by Scottstud94 »

Aiden should be a lot more grateful. Cole gave him a ride home. And if Brayden is part of the crew he can get Aiden in or at least protect Aiden.

I’m interested to see what happens when Cole starts to tutor Aiden. Will he actually tutor him? Or will it just be another way to torture him? Im guessing the latter, and no doubt that threat to dip a sock in hot sauce and gag him with it could certainly happen. Honestly the way Aiden was acting I’m surprised he wasn’t tortured even more. He could be Cole’s prisoner for an entire weekend even.

I think Brayden will pick up a sport. Maybe not football because he’s small, but maybe baseball or soccer.
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Post by socjuc »

@Wedgieboy69 Congrats on finishing this story! Like the spinoff potential ending. Looking forward to what tutor lessons will be like :lol: :lol:
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

socjuc wrote: 9 months ago @Wedgieboy69 Congrats on finishing this story! Like the spinoff potential ending. Looking forward to what tutor lessons will be like :lol: :lol:
Thanks. I have a few spin offs started in my head, and I am working on a new story with Aiden and his sister called the the bound bratty brother. It's more TUG based than freshmen hell was.

Once that one is finished, I will probably work on Owen's next adventure, then move on to Cole and Aiden. I have lots of ideas, just need the time put all the parts togetrge and to type it all out.
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Scottstud94 wrote: 9 months ago Aiden should be a lot more grateful. Cole gave him a ride home. And if Brayden is part of the crew he can get Aiden in or at least protect Aiden.

I’m interested to see what happens when Cole starts to tutor Aiden. Will he actually tutor him? Or will it just be another way to torture him? Im guessing the latter, and no doubt that threat to dip a sock in hot sauce and gag him with it could certainly happen. Honestly the way Aiden was acting I’m surprised he wasn’t tortured even more. He could be Cole’s prisoner for an entire weekend even.

I think Brayden will pick up a sport. Maybe not football because he’s small, but maybe baseball or soccer.
Aiden will get an attitude adjustment very soon. Don't you worry.

As for a sport for Brayden, my other story, swim team hell covers that. Spoiler alert, it's swimming 😆
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