The History Assignment (m/fff)

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The History Assignment (m/fff)

Post by smokeyfoggynight »

Hello, Steven here again with another story.

In early 2004, when I was still 12 years old, my class had just gotten back from Christmas break when our teacher decided to give us an assignment. We were to give a presentation on a subject that we had covered in our history class last year. This was to be a project done in groups of four, randomly selected by our teacher in order to get us used to working with people who were not in our friend circles. There were 24 kids in our class that year, so it would be six groups of four all together. When my group was selected, I was slightly surprised to find that I had been put in a group with three girls: Denise Silverman, Jaime McCabe, and Rachel Warner. I'll describe each girl briefly.

Denise Silverman had brown eyes and long dark brown hair that she often kept tied back in a ponytail. She was bright, friendly, and bubbly, always chatting with everyone but hadn't spoken with me very much, since I was still at that age when boys tended to play with other boys and girls played with other girls.

Jaime McCabe was a country girl who was born and raised on a horse farm. She had green eyes and shoulder-length blond hair. She was very laid-back, as friendly as Denise but without the energy.

Rachel Warner had blue eyes and long, straight light-brown hair. She was very shy, and usually just hung around with one or two of her close friends.

Anyway, we had a month to put together our presentation, so we met up after class and arranged to work on our assignment on the weekends. We would meet at each other's houses over the next four weeks, with my house being the location of our final meetup before giving our presentation next Monday. Fortunately, none of the kids in my group were shirkers, and when we met up at my house to complete our assignment in February of 2004, our work was nearly done. We had arranged to meet up for three hours from 1 pm to 4 pm, but everything was put together and ready by 3 pm. This meant that I had to find some way to entertain my classmates for an hour before their parents arrived to pick them up!

I should take a couple minutes to describe what we were all wearing that day. I was dressed in black jeans with a blue long-sleeved shirt. Denise was wearing black pants with a blue jean jacket over a white shirt. Jaime was wearing faded blue jeans with a dark green sweatshirt. Rachel was wearing dark grey capris with a dark blue sweater and a black head band. We were all wearing white socks.

As our story begins, I was standing in my room with my work group, and we were discussing what to do for the next hour. I had no lack of toys, but they were all boy's toys that my female classmates had no interest in. As we were talking, Rachel was standing off to the side fiddling with an eraser. She dropped it, it bounced awkwardly and rolled under my bed.

"Oops," she muttered, getting down on her hands and knees and groping around under my bed for her eraser. I turned around to continue talking with Denise and Jaime, but then I heard Rachel's voice again.

"What's all this?" I turned and saw with a jolt that Rachel was kneeling beside my bed with my bag of ropes and gags in her lap! The bag was lying open for all the world to see, including Denise and Jaime, who walked over and peered with interest into my biggest secret. Rachel looked up at me, and coloured slightly when she saw the look on my face.

"I'm sorry," she said quickly. "I was just looking for my eraser and I moved this bag aside, then I saw the rope and was curious-"

"Is this stuff yours?" asked Jaime, looking over at me and grinning.

A thousand highly implausible explanations raced through my mind in the space of a few seconds. I realized that any attempt to cover this up would probably just arouse their suspicions, so I decided to just react as though it was no big deal, and hopefully they would too.

"Yeah, that's my kidnapping gear," I said with a shrug.

"Your kidnapping gear?" asked Denise, laughing. "You don't kidnap people with this stuff, do you?"

"Sure I do."

"Yeah? Who?"

"My mom, and Mrs. Miller next door."

"Your MOM?" exclaimed Denise, with her eyes opening wide. "But she could probably get loose really easily, right?"

"No, she couldn't," I answered, folding my arms. "I had to untie her." The girls all looked at each other, and then down at the bag of ropes. For a few seconds I stood there, wondering how they were going to react to all this. Finally, Jaime looked up.

"If you tied me up, would I be unable to get loose?" she asked. Denise and Rachel both looked at her in surprise.

"Yeah, me too!" cried Denise. "I wanna be tied up too!"

"Uh," I stammered, not really expecting this turn of events. "I could try. No promises, though."

"Cool!" said Denise. "I mean, we've got an hour before our parents come to pick us up, so that should be plenty of time." she grabbed Rachel by the shoulders. "Come on Rachel, you should get kidnapped with us!" Rachel nodded, but didn't say anything.

"So, how is this going to work?" asked Jaime. I thought for a moment, and then pointed to the floor by my bedroom door.

"Sit down on the floor there, and put your hands behind your back." The girls all seated themselves shoulder-to-shoulder on the floor and crossed their wrists behind their backs.

"Me first! Me first!" Denise cried, looking at me over her shoulder excitedly. I knelt down behind her and began wrapping rope around her wrists, when all of a sudden Mom poked her head into my room. She looked down at the three girls sitting on the floor with their hands behind their backs, and me kneeling down behind Denise tying her hands, and gave me an "I might have known" type of smile.

"Well, well," she said. "What's going on here?"

"We're being kidnapped!" Said Denise. Jaime nodded in agreement.

"Yup," she said. "Steven got the drop on us when our backs were turned."

"I see," Mom answered. "Aren't you supposed to be working on your assignment?"

"We're all done." I answered. I pointed over to my desk, where we'd put our work. "It's over there." Mom nodded and stepped past the girls on her way to check our work while I finished tying Denise's hands and moved over to begin tying up Jaime.

"Hey Mrs. Clarke," said Denise as she watched me tie Jaime's hands. "Steve told us that he tied you up, is that true?"

"Yes it is," Mom answered as she browsed our presentation. "I was playing my music too loud, unfortunately, and Steven decided to take matters into his own hands. So he tied my hands and feet, and gagged me as well."

"Hey Steven," said Denise, "will you gag us too?"

"If you want," I answered. I finished with Jaime's wrists and got to work on Rachel. Meanwhile, Mom finished looking over our homework and placed it back on my desk.

"Everything looks good here," she said. She walked out of my room, taking care to step over the girls on her way out. "You kids have fun!"

After I finished tying Rachel's hands and then scooted in front of the girls and tied their legs together at the ankles and above the knees. I got a handful of the rags out of my bag to use as gags, but before I started I remembered what Mom had told me back when I had tied her up.

"Hey," I said, "do you guys know how to hum 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'?"

Jaime stared at me. "You want us to hum 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' while we're tied up? That's kind of weird, but if you get a kick out of it-"

"No, no," I interjected quickly. "When I gag you, you're not going to be able to talk, so if you want me to take your gags off or untie you, just hum that song and I'll know you want to be let go."

"Oh, okay!" The girls all said. I stuffed a rag in Denise's mouth and sealed it in with another rag, tying it off behind her head just under her ponytail. She immediately started "mmmphing" into her gag, shaking her head from side to side as though she was trying to dislodge it herself. Jaime grinned.

"That look kind of suits you, Denise," she teased. "Now I know that if you're ever talking too much in class, we can just get Steven to bind and gag you again." Denise growled in Jaime's direction. I gagged Jaime and Rachel in the same way as Denise and stood back for a moment, watching the girls sitting on the floor, staring up at me.

"Hold on," I said. "Before you start struggling, I've got an idea on how you can sit." I took hold of Denise and Rachel and turned them around, so they were sitting back-to-back-to-back with Jaime with their shoulder all touching. Then I grabbed one of the longer lengths of rope from my bag and wound it round them several times, binding them together. "Okay," I said, "see if you can get loose!"

The girls immediately started squirming around in the ropes. For a little while the only sounds in my room was the rustling of clothes, the creaking of ropes, and the gentle grunts of my captives as they struggled. While they were trying to get free, I walked around them in a circle, wanting to see them from every angle. I soon discovered that each of the girls had their own struggling strategies. Denise was a very active struggler. She thrashed around energetically, turning her body every which way as she tried to pull her arms free. She also shook her head from side to side, causing her ponytail to swish around. All the while she was constantly trying to talk to her fellow prisoners through her gag, but of course all that came out was, "Grmms, smm mm ymm cnn rrmmph mmm hnnph!"

Jaime, on the other hand, was less energetic and more deliberate in her attempts to escape. She would look up at the ceiling, her jaw set in concentration as she twisted her wrists around behind her back, groping for any knots she could undo. She didn't try to communicate with the others, instead just letting out little grunts of effort as she flexed her arms, looking for weaknesses in my ropework she could exploit.

Rachel was a bit of a puzzle for me. As far as I could tell, it didn't look like she was trying to get loose at all. She would wriggle her shoulders around, gently tugging at the ropes as though she was just testing the restraints hold on her. She would clench and unclench her hands, but didn't seem to be seriously trying to get her hands free. I also noticed that when I walked around so I was facing her, she would always look me straight in the eye while I was watching her. The other two girls might look up at me for a few seconds before looking away so they could focus on struggling, but Rachel would watch me the whole time I was watching her. She would also be completely quiet unless I was watching, in which case she would make gag noises like "Grrmmm, mmmpphh!" It almost seemed like she was pretending to be an actress on stage.

For a long time the girls sat there struggling, none of them making any real headway in getting free. Eventually, Denise and Jaime tried working together to untie each other, but it was difficult since Denise quickly grew frustrated with Jaime's inability to understand her garbled gag-talk. Denise began thrashing about so much that she and Jaime fell over onto their sides with Rachel draped over them, giggling into their gags. This succeeded in mostly undoing the rope I had wrapped around their middles, at least, but then Mom poked her head into the room again.

"This is your five-minute warning, girls!" she said. "Your parents should be here to pick you up, soon."

"Okay, Mom," I said. "I'll let them go, then." I really didn't want their parents showing up to get them and having to explain to them why I had their daughters tied up. Denise groaned as I got to work taking off their gags and setting them free.

"Pah!" she exclaimed, spitting out the gag. "Aw, man! I was getting close to escaping!" I did notice she had made some progress with the ropes around her wrists.

"Man, I'm dry," said Jaime as I removed her gag next. "Could I get some water?"

"Sure," I answered, and left Denise to help Jaime and Rachel out of their ropes while I ran to the kitchen to get some bottles of water for them.

The girls stood by drinking from their water bottles while I cleaned up, except for Rachel, who knelt down and assisted me in untangling and packing up the ropes and rags. Denise's mom arrived to get her first.

"Bye, Steve!" she called cheerfully as she headed upstairs. "You'll have to tie me up again sometime!" I grinned and nodded. A few minutes later, Jaime's dad arrived in his pickup truck.

"So long," said Jaime with a grin as she left. This just left me alone with Rachel. I remembered that of all of them, she was the one who never explicitly asked to be tied up, and I began to worry from her general silence that maybe she hadn't liked it, but didn't want to be left out.

"I hope this was okay," I said to her. "I'm sorry if you felt pressured to let me tie you up-"

"Oh, no!" cried Rachel. "I liked it!" She paused, turning pink in the face. "I mean, I had fun. So don't worry."

"Okay, good."

"Rachel," Mom's voice came down from upstairs. "Your mother's here!"

"Okay!" Rachel answered. She paused just before walking out of my room. "Well, um, bye." she said with a small smile. The she turned and left. I finished packing up and putting away my ropes and sat down on the side of the bed. These were the third, fourth, and fifth girls I had tied up in less than six months. I was beginning to wonder if finding girls willing to be tied up wasn't going to be as rare as I thought.

P.S. My group got a 92/100 on our presentation, which we were quite happy with.

If you liked this story here are links to my other stories:

Tying up Mrs. Miller (m/F):
Mom's Favourite Song (m/F):
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Post by SquidIncMaster »

Last edited by SquidIncMaster 3 months ago, edited 1 time in total.

Post by smokeyfoggynight »

SquidIncMaster wrote: 11 months ago Great story! Love to keep hearing about the lucky adventures you have!
Thank you!
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Post by laz »

good story

Post by smokeyfoggynight »

laz wrote: 11 months agogood story
Busy Damsel
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Post by Busy Damsel »

This was really creative, I really enjoyed it.
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Post by Flyingfoxman »

I love this story.

Post by smokeyfoggynight »

Flyingfoxman wrote: 11 months ago I love this story.
Thank you!
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Post by Bandit666 »

I post a comment here, but having read all three tales I have to say it’s been a very enjoyable way to spend some time, I hope to read more in the future so thank you for posting, sometimes the simply gentle stories can prove to be the most entertaining
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Post by Dpsiic »

Great story, I wish school had been like that for me.

Post by smokeyfoggynight »

Bandit666 wrote: 11 months ago I post a comment here, but having read all three tales I have to say it’s been a very enjoyable way to spend some time, I hope to read more in the future so thank you for posting, sometimes the simply gentle stories can prove to be the most entertaining
Thank you very much!

Post by smokeyfoggynight »

Dpsiic wrote: 11 months ago Great story, I wish school had been like that for me.
Thanks, so do I! :lol:
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Post by Canuck100 »

Very good story! The way you wrote it make it sound like it happened for real. Hopefully there will be a sequel!
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Post by Neostardustdragon101 »

Please tell me Rachel is gonna be a regular in these and the love interest ❤️

Post by smokeyfoggynight »

Canuck100 wrote: 11 months ago Very good story! The way you wrote it make it sound like it happened for real. Hopefully there will be a sequel!
Thanks, there could definitely be more to come!

Post by smokeyfoggynight »

Neostardustdragon101 wrote: 11 months ago Please tell me Rachel is gonna be a regular in these and the love interest ❤️
Heh heh... maaaayyybe. ;)
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Post by Neostardustdragon101 »

This gives me inspiration for Naruto tie up games
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Post by IrvinKlaw »

Wonderful story, off to read more of your work now :D :D
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Post by tomato »

Very enjoyable read. Loved the depth and thought that was put into each girls' personality and story.
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