From Babysitter to Baby (ffF/m)

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
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Nightly Binds
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Oh check on this story and seen it had been updated ! glad I did ! great to see it be continued ! talk about the worst of of Humiliation ! not only was he made to wear that Diaper,but now he actually used it ! Poor " Kylie ! " and yet the Baby torment doesn't end ! :D great work ! loving every bit of this series thus far !
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Post by Simo »

Love it! Hopefully he gets fed something super humiliating and messy next while he is still tied up at the girls mercy!
Keep up the great work!
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Post by SchooledBoys »

Part VI: The Girls Take Charge

Hours after they'd left for their 'date' with Kyle's friends, Tracy and Daisy pulled into the driveway in David's car.

"Shit, the lights are still on, do you think Mom's still up?" Tracy asked her sister.

"How are we going to get these two into house?" Daisy glanced in the direction of the trunk, where David and Clark were busy thumping around.

Leaving the engine running, the girls popped the trunk to check on their tightly packaged cargo. There in the dim glow of the car's brake lights, they grinned down at pair of rowdy boys grunting and grinding against one another. Bound and gagged with several rolls of silver duct tape, the sweaty teens wriggled around in taut hogties, their belts entwined and buckled together at the waist to keep them face to face. Their noses, chests, and hips constantly rubbed together as the two vocally protested their predicament as the pair of smugly smirking girls loomed over them with their hands on their hips.

"Mmmmm mmm mmmm! Mmmmphh! Mmmmph! Mmmmm mmm mmmm mmm mmm! Mmmmmm!"

Tracy opened her mouth to speak but paused, biting down on her lip and watching them wrestle against their thick, sticky bindings. Starting from his ankles and following the bowed shape of his figure, she thoroughly examined the integrity of David's bindings, studying each band of silver around his shins, knees, and thighs. Her gaze lingered on his hips as he shimmied and jerked against Clark before letting her eyes wander past his helplessly flapping hands and travel up his heaving chest before finally settling on his red face.

"Sorry to interrupt your bonding time, boys, but there's a bit of a hiccup in our plan that we need to deal with. You two don't mind waiting our here for a little while longer, do you?" Tracy rhetorically asked.

The boys furrowed their brows and defiantly wiggled their bodies at the girls, both of them trying to shout over Daisy as she spoke next, "You two aren't still mad about what went down at the movie theater, are you? Why are boys always so bitter when girls get the better of them?"

"Lnnng mmm gmm! Wnnnd mmphh ymmm thnngg mmm dmmm?! Lnnng mmm gmmm!" The boys tried to make their gagged shouts sound as masculine and menacing as they could.

"Stay here sis, I'm gonna go inside and see what's up." Tracy instructed, giving a wink and a head pat to Clark before she left.

Daisy sat down on the lip of the trunk, crossing her legs and reaching inside with an outstretched arm, "Are you boys ticklish?"

Tracy quietly giggled to herself when the boys began roaring and laughing through their gags. She turned around to see the car rocking even more violently from side to side before returning her attention to the slightly ajar front door. Quietly letting herself in, she crept through the house and listened for sounds of activity. As she passed through the kitchen, she noted a dozen empty bottles of wine, and wondered whether there'd been a party or if their mom and aunt had died from alcohol poisoning.

"Anybody awake?" Tracy cautiously called out.

There in the living room she found both women passed out on the couch in a wine induced hibernation. While her mother was slumped on one half of the sectional, her aunt was slumped over on the other half with her legs resting on Kyle's shoulders with the fuming teen's wiggling head trapped between her locked thighs. Clasping both hands over her mouth, Tracy stifled a giggle at the sight of her big brother on his knees, still frog-tied with his legs splayed open wide, and fruitlessly trying to pull himself free from the head-scissor hold he was trapped in. The bulb of his pacifier rhythmically bobbed up and down in his mouth as he idly sucked on it out of what appeared to be sheer boredom.

"Oh my God, you're still tied up?" Tracy whispered at her brooding brother.

His body jerked in surprise and his face turned red at being caught in his humbling predicament, "Mmmmph! Trmmpphhmm, gnnng mm mmphh mmph hmm!"

Kyle shook his rattles and wiggled his head, motioning for help in dislodging himself from between Allison's thick thighs. Taking out her phone, Tracy began taking pictures, "This is too funny, I can't even..."

"Mmmmph! Trmmphhmm...TRMMMPHHMMM! Nnnnnng! Gnnngg mmm mmphh!"

Allison drowsily shifted her body, causing both teens to freeze in place as they waited to see if she'd stir from her slumber, but she merely shifted her curvy hips before settling back into a deep sleep.

Letting out a breath, Tracy continued, "So, big bro, what did I miss? Your tights are gone and you're wearing a different diaper, did they... change you?" Tracy covered her smile as if she'd just learned a scandalous secret, "You didn't have an accident did you?"

She watched Kyle wiggle his hips and bitterly concede that that's exactly what had happened, "Oh my God. Did my big brother wet his little diaper?"

Tracy playfully fussed with the pigtails of Kyle's wig, "I can't believe I missed it! Did they powder your butt too?"

"Fmmphh ymmph, fmmphhmmph bmmphh!" Kyle's head violently wiggled from side to side between his aunt's thighs as he pushed against the pacifier with his tongue.

"Shhh, you wouldn't want to wake up Aunt Allison and Mom, would you? You haven't even heard how our date went yet."

Letting out a frustrated groan, Kyle bitterly glared up at his cocky sister's confident victory pose. He continued to stare forward while the rest of his body gently twisted from side to side, his soft grunts and crinkling diaper the only sounds in the room as his sister relished his humiliating situation. Tracy eventually snapped out of her distraction, remembering Daisy was still outside waiting for her.

"Stay." Tracy calmly commanded as if she were speaking to a dog, patting him on the head and letting out a girly giggle before standing up and skipping out of the room.

"Nnn-mm. Nnn-mmm! Trmmphmm, gmmm bmmphh!" Kyle called after his sister, shaking his rattles at her until she was out of sight.

Left to stew in his predicament, Kyle urgently shook his rattles and forcefully wiggled his head between his aunt's thighs in one last desperate attempt to wake her up before his sisters returned. Surely, he thought, they would untie him now that he'd been kept as a bound and gagged baby all day. But no matter how viciously he squirmed, Allison's only reaction was to gently squeeze his head between her legs without any sign of waking. Minutes slowly ticked by with nothing more for him to do than listen to the sound of his own noisy diaper crinkling as he uncomfortably shifted his hips.

"Shhh! Stop squirming!" Daisy commanded from the front door.

Kyle listened to the approaching commotion coming from the kitchen until he saw his sisters struggling to carry Clark into the living room as he defiantly wriggled around in their grasp. The rabid teen had duct tape wrapped around his forehead that looped around and attached to his ankles, keeping him bowed and bent as the girls hauled him through the house. The boys made brief eye contact with one another, both of them sharing a look of mortified embarrassment as they grunted and mumbled at one another. Looking him up and down, Kyle raised an eyebrow when he noticed an unmistakable bulge in the crotch of his friend's jeans that Tracy was using a makeshift handle to help carry Clark.

Tracy smirked at her brother, who was still angrily wiggling his head between his aunt's powerful thighs and cooed, "Good boy! Stay, stay! Don't go anywhere, we'll come back for you soon."

"Tracy, shut up!" Daisy harshly whispered, "You're going to wake them."

"Girl, if they were going to wake up they would have. Those two are out. Now let's get this loser upstairs."

The girls' giggles echoed through the hall all the way up the stairs, the teens almost losing their grip on the wiggling boy several times before finally managing to carry him into their bedroom where they stuffed him head first into Daisy's laundry hamper. With one final heft, the girls shoved him into a pile of worn gym clothes. Taking a few minutes to catch their breath, Daisy closed the lid to the hamper and took a seat on top of it, crossing her legs and wiping the sweat from her brow.

"Phew! I can't believe we have to do that one more time, you boys are heavy!" Daisy teased as Clark's feet kicked against the hamper lid.

"Twice, actually. We can't risk Mom and Aunt Aly waking up and letting our big baby brother go, he'd squeal about his friends being in here with us the moment they take the gag out of his mouth."

"Mmmmmmphhh! Lnnngg mmm mmphh mmm hrrr!" Clark groaned in disgust as he demanded to be let out of his new prison.

"Deep breaths, Clark. Deep breaths." Tracy playfully coached Clark through his disgusted fit of bucking and writhing.

"Sorry about the smell, Clark. Just say something if it's too much for you to handle." Daisy teased.

Daisy was almost bounced into the air when Clark channeled his strength for a few powerful kicks against the hamper's lid. The overwhelmed boy wallowed in a confusing storm of hormones and emotions as he tried to stop himself from making embarrassing noises that made the pretty girls laugh at him. After being teased, tickled, squeezed, and humiliated, it was impossible for him to collect his thoughts. The memories of him making fun of Kyle for being bound and gagged by his little sisters were still fresh in his mind, and was the state he was left in when the girls turned their attention to getting David into the house. He listened to the girls laugh at the gagging noises he made until the only sound left in the room was his heavy breathing. In the girls' absence, the only signs of life in the room was a laundry hamper that slightly rocked from side to side.

Out in the driveway, the girls once again stood with their hands on their hips as they watched David rock back and forth on his stomach, listening to his labored grunts. Confident that the women wouldn't wake up anytime soon, they both sat on the lip of the trunk and toyed with the flustered boy. They rolled him from side to side, rocked him on his stomach, and tickled him all over. In the span of a few minutes they had turned him into an absolute mess of hormones and mixed emotions similar to Clark, to the point that he was no longer able to prevent his jeans from bulging just as Clark's were. There was little he could do to hide the impact the girls were having on him, and he was becoming less subtle about where his eyes wandered. It was in this state that the girls grabbed him up and carried him into the house, pausing so that him and Kyle could become properly humbled by the thought that three strong boys had been trussed up and gagged by a pair of girls smaller than them.

Soon after, Kyle was finally rescued from his aunt's sleepy scissor hold, but in the last way he wanted. When his would be rescuers finally came to his aid, they did so reluctantly, taking their sweet time about it. His sisters had changed out of their 'date' outfits and now sported more comfortable cotton booty shorts and camisoles, confidently posing in front of him with their hands on their hips as if they were modeling the outfits for a catalogue. Refusing to meet their gaze, he stared straight ahead at their cocked hips, watching their curves shift back and forth as they relished the sight of him on him humbled on his knees.

"What's wrong big brother?" Daisy sweetly asked, "You're still tied up and gagged? I thought you would have used your superior boy muscles to escape by now. Or maybe you're nice and comfy between Aunt Aly's thighs?"

Kyle pouted into his gag, making a show out of trying to pull his head free as his body made quick, angry jerking motions. He watched their hips shift back and forth as they both stood there taking pictures of him. Camera shutter noises and the sound of his constantly crinkling diaper filled the air for several long minutes. In what was the worst possible timing, all of the baby formula the soccer moms had made him guzzle hours earlier finally got the best of him. In the relative silence of girly giggling, camera shutters clicking, and his frustrated grunting, the soft sound of his bladder emptying into his diaper was unmistakable. Feeling his face flush with heat, he squirmed in total embarrassment as his the girls watched him soak his diaper. Shrill, excited squeals of delight erupted from them both, and he watched them point and laugh at him as the tell-tale indicators on the crotch of his diaper changed color.

"Heeheeheehee! I can't-!" Daisy switched from taking pictures to recording video, proudly posing in a wide-legged stance.

"Kylie!" Tracy mockingly gasped, struggling to catch her breath between squeals that were so high-pitched only a dog could hear them, "I guess we better put down some rubber sheets for you tonight!"

Kyle let out a long, humiliated groan as both girls used their free hands to engage in their obnoxiously long and complicated secret handshake even as he was still emptying his bladder. As he watched the insufferably cocky girls celebrate the death of his masculinity, he felt like he'd lost the gender war on behalf of all boys everywhere, and wondered how two little brats had done this to him. He'd been holding it for so long that it took at least a solid minute for him to finish. It just kept coming, and coming, and coming, making him feel like the moment would last forever.

"What do you think, sis, are you sure we shouldn't just leave our big baby here to sit in his mess?" Daisy playfully bumped her booty against Tracy's.

Tracey bumped her hip against Daisy's and responded, "I think we should take him with us and make the boys watch us change him."

"Nmmph! Nmmph! Nnn-mmm! Nnn-mm! Mmmph, mmmph, mmmphh! Mmmph! Mmmph!"

The girls carefully pried their brother's head from between their aunt's thighs, giggling among themselves as he squirmed all the way up the stairs and into the their bedroom...
Last edited by SchooledBoys 6 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by milagros317 »

I am so glad to see this wonderful story continued! :D
And it will be just great to read about Kyle suffering the humiliation of having his diaper changed by his younger sisters with an audience to watch. :twisted:
Last edited by milagros317 6 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by Scottstud94 »

Another great addition! At least Kylie has some friends now.
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Wait, the girls kidnapped Kyle's " Friends " :o well, that took an unexpected turn, I hope we'll get an explanation for that next chapter, cause that's taking things to a different level ( Humiliating Kyle was one thing, but kidnapping people now ?) either way curious to see where it goes, and I do look forward to see what more things will happen to Kyle with his Babyish torments !
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Post by Helena14 »

Simply one of the best stories on tug stories.
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Post by Scottstud94 »

I just realized they’re going to have to untie Kylie to change his diaper. At least his legs. But the girls are certainly strong enough.
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Post by Bigcahuna »

Looking forward to the next part.
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