Caught in the act 1, part 10 (M/m), (M/mm), New chapter - Jan 30th

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Post by squirrel »

@that1kid13 , sorry, I thought you might like it, that's all. I will untag you.

@gag1195 , who knows? It might be a VERY long time... 8-)

@Sockbound1234 , there will be more to come! Glad you like it!

@socjuc , haha, maybe he just wants to teach his son a lesson? :twisted:

@GoBucks , it was a lot of fun writing the scene, man :D

@The slave , thank you!

@harveygasson , glad you like it!

@ChairBoy , I hope you'll like what's coming next...

Thank you for the comments guys! I'll try to post the next part today :)

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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 4 - My cursed stupidity

Now that I was tightly hogtied and silenced by the monstrous gag my father forced into my mouth I thought he would just leave me alone in my bedroom. But instead he patted my cruelly duct taped lower face with his bare hand and then reached for his skin tight police leather gloves. I watched him put them on slowly; he pushed his palms into them, wiggling the fingers to adjust them to the gloves. When he finished and was again wearing them on his giant hands he once again patted me on my cheeks. I moaned quietly and Dad smirked; without saying even a word to me he forced my head on the floor, put his leather clad palm on my temple and pressed a little. The message was clear and didn’t need any further explanation; my father wanted me to lie still. I complied and didn’t move, so after a moment my muscular captor ruffled my hair a bit and left the bedroom.

When I was alone the first thing I did was testing my bonds; I was too afraid to do it when Dad was tying me up and now I had the opportunity to do it properly. Even a few tugs on the ropes were enough to realize that my father did an excellent job and that I wouldn’t be able to free myself without help. My limbs were wrapped in places where the bonds guaranteed the highest effectiveness, but even though they were tight and neat, they weren’t uncomfortable. My arms were pinned and immobilized behind my back, but the blood circulation was intact and I suddenly realized that I wouldn’t have any problems spending not only a few hours like that, but even a whole day. Since I was a quite flexible young jock, having my upper limbs twisted and securely bound to my bent legs wasn’t a problem. If Dad wanted this to be my punishment, I knew I could take it.

When I finished testing the bonds I got around to the gag. My father’s two socks stuffed into my mouth were forcing my tongue down and I couldn’t even dream about using it to push the putrid stuffing out. But even if I could find a way to get rid of the vinegary tasting wad, there were still multiple layers of my Dad’s extra strong and sticky duct tape wrapped mercilessly around my lower face. I was silenced extremely well and whenever I wanted to say something only a barely audible moan escaped my mouth. The gag was flawless and I have to admit that I didn’t expect that the brutal cop would apply it on me. I thought he would simply use some long pieces of tape to cover my lips, but he apparently wanted to give me the full treatment. Both he and I were fully aware that I was now his prisoner and would stay nicely tied up and silenced for as long as he decided.

After some time, maybe half an hour, when the emotions subsided I could try and actually enjoy being in ropes. I have been dreaming about it for I didn’t even know how long and now I finally had the chance to experience an expert bondage; comparing to it, all my self-bondage attempts were ridiculous and pathetic. With my limbs immobilized and mouth properly gagged I felt a familiar tingling welling up in me. I kept tugging on the ropes not to escape, but to feel how much I was restrained and whenever my movement was restricted it was amazing. I could only roll on the floor and moan quietly into the oversized stuffing in my yap and I didn’t want it to end. After some time I started to struggle for real to see if there was any slack I would be able to use to escape. To my great satisfaction I found none; I would have to stay like that until Dad decided otherwise. Being tightly restrained made me relax and calm down; it was so amazing that soon I began to doze off again.

I was lost in my thoughts and absorbed in the wonderful sense of helplessness, but was quickly dragged back to reality by my father’s heavy footsteps. When I realized he was approaching I turned my head to the door and awaited him, once again cursing my stupidity. Dad left me alone and gave me a few hours to think what I would tell him when he removes my gag, but instead I preferred to use that time to enjoy being restrained. I was really mad at myself; I probably lost the only opportunity I had to make up a good explanation why he found my tied up, gagged and alone in my own bedroom when he returned home. I realized that now it was all lost and that I would have to face him unprepared. Even thought I was aware that nothing serious would happen to me, but the prospect of explaining myself to my father was terrifying me to the core.

He entered the room and stopped for a moment to eye me up. Satisfied that I was still heavily restrained, Dad walked to me and squatted down; I felt his gloved fingers on my wrists and after a short while the rope connecting my wrists with my ankles got loose. Next he undid the one that fastened the ankles to the thighs and I could finally stretch my legs. A quiet moan of relief escaped my overstuffed mouth and I heard my father laugh at me predicament. Maybe it was my imagination, but for a brief moment I had a feeling that he was actually enjoying keeping me tied up; after all he had a great sense of humor and liked fooling around or joking with me. The glimpse of hope sparkled in my heart when he began untying my legs as well. But when I thought that he would free me completely he lifted my still restrained upper body and helped me stand up and grabbed the sports bag.

“You need to use the toilet, son?” He asked when he caught hold of my arm.

Mmmhh….” I nodded quickly.

He marched me to the bathroom door and, to my great surprise, pushed me inside. I turned around and started moaning, begging him to untie me; I had no idea how I was supposed to do my business with my arms firmly fastened behind my back, but apparently it wasn’t his concern. He just told me that I had five minutes and closed the door. I grunted into my huge gag, irritated. Even though it was really hard I managed to pull my shorts down and do what I needed. Just when I finished pulling it up again the door opened and Dad unceremoniously walked in. He flushed the toilet and took me outside. He marched me downstairs and headed to the living room where I saw a sturdy wooden chair standing in front of the couch. As I expected, he made me sit on it with my arms behind the backrest. He tossed the sports bag on the couch and took several coils of rope out of it. He used all of them to fasten my legs to the legs of the chair. He worked on my ankles, calves, below my knees and thighs to make sure I was properly restrained.
When I was once again fully restrained, Dad stood in front of me with a cigar between his teeth and his muscular arms folded on his shirtless chest. He smiled devilishly down at me and lit his fat stogie. I watched him puff on it for some time and then take several deep drags on it. Then he started walking extremely slowly around me, as if he was cornering me. I turned my head towards him, but he firmly held my jaw and ordered me to stay still. I nodded kept staring in front of me. My heart was pounding in my chest; I never saw a real interrogation, but I felt like I was my father’s prisoner. The sound of his combat boots on the wooden floor was echoing in the room, making me shiver, the cigar smoke was invading my nostrils and the helplessness seemed to crush all the resistance I could offer. Dad definitely knew how to deal with his arrestees.

When he walked around me, he sat on the couch and outstretched hi arms. I think it was another way to show me who was the boss there; while I could only stare at him roped up to the wooden chair, he could sit comfortably on the leather couch and do whatever he wanted. He was looking me in the eye all the time and I decided I wouldn’t turn my head away. After a while he smiled at me and leaned forward.

“I guess you and I need to have a little char, Mike. I’m gonna remove your gag now, but under several conditions: you won’t yell and you’ll speak only when I tell you to. Is that understood?” He asked calmly, but his voice was dead serious.

Mmmmhhh…” I replied and nodded my head.

“Good choice, kiddo…”

@Wedgieboy69 @Bradstick @mig137 @Gaybondage @bondagefreak @Smythdean @RopedBud @Muscle-Flex @Msueta@2 @BDBrit @gaggedfeety @MountainMan_91 @socjuc @MaxRoper @cj2125 @szlm1515 @DomTiesMen @sniffingyoursocks @Bradboi @Xtc @privateandrews @Bondwriter @wataru14 @DeeperThanRed @OrdinaryWorld @NeedControl @harveygasson @dahanband @KidnappedCowboy @Whitestorm @jackroper @Sockbound1234 @Mitchelaiden @Sockgaggedman @TightropesEU @GoBucks @Tsuhaya @Jb99 @ohazut @ShortSocks @Gagster92 @Guardianbound @Radio_Ralph23 @gurisc @noarmgr @Subboi @Ak610 @ChairBoy @abcdefsmith3 @brasileira2 @DuctTapedBoy22 @Stormee @Socksbound @gag1195 @Red86
Last edited by squirrel 8 months ago, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Smythdean »

My favourite chapter so far
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Post by socjuc »

hmmmm the conversation ....this can get real interesting.... :lol:

Now that Mike is tied, based on what he says well that could get him into more trouble? :mrgreen:

Looking forward to how this unfolds next! @squirrel
Last edited by socjuc 8 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ChairBoy »

I hope he gets in some major trouble, lies through his teeth, yells for help, struggles more… or maybe I’m just a little bratty or a sadist who knows
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Post by Footsub123 »

@squirrel I can't believe I just found out about this. It's amazing, loved the inclusion of the smelly socks and I can't wait too see what happens next, amazing start (I know it's 4 chapters in but still haha) :)
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Post by GoBucks »

Always love dads with stogies! So hot. I imagine this interview is going to be quite embarassing.
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Post by gag1195 »

This feels like a lose-lose for Mike. He lies, and remains tied up as a punishment. He tells the truth, and dad decides to keep him tied up!

Though I guess this could be a win-win for him...
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Post by wataru14 »

Simply glorious!
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Post by Nathaniel1998 »

Love father son stories like this 🤩
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Post by The slave »

Wow awesome
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Post by TightsBound »

Really enjoying this story so far. It’s making me wish I was tied up with all that rope. Well done!
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Post by TightropesEU »

Ropes, gags
Dad, son

Great story!

Can't wait for sequel
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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 5 - The truth revealed

I expected my father to remove the sticky duct tape from my mouth and finally let me spit his putrid socks out, but apparently he had another plan in his mind. Instead of letting me free, at least partially, he just kept sitting on the couch, looking at me and puffing on his fat cigar. After a short while I moaned into my thick gag, but Dad just smiled around his stogie; it was clear that he was enjoying the power he had over me and loved being in control. Even though I was looking forward to the moment when I would be able to get rid of the horrific stuffing from my mouth, to a certain point I was glad that I couldn’t utter a word; I still had no idea how I should explain to my father why I was bound and gagged when he returned home. I considered telling him it was just a prank or a challenge and that I got tied up by one of my buddies who just left me there for fun, but after a moment abandoned the idea; Dad would definitely demand the name of that friend and it was very probable that he would want to confront him. I sighed quietly and waited, still with no reasonable explanation in my head.

After some more time Dad finally decided it was time to talk with me; he stood up and slowly went behind me with the cigar between his teeth. I felt his leather clad fingers on my neck as he was searching for the tip of the tape. Soon he was unwinding it; it hurt, especially when he peeled it with my hair at my nape, but I kept silent. In a few moments my lower face was free and I started pushing the huge wad out of my parched mouth with my tongue. I expected my father to help me, but he returned to the couch and enjoyed watching me struggle with his two cheesy socks. When I finally managed to spit them out, they landed on my lap making a splash sound; they were all covered in my saliva and looked absolutely disgusting. I coughed a little and looked at my father; he was totally undisturbed with my predicament and it seemed that he was having a great time keeping me as his own prisoner. I wanted to ask him to untie me but didn’t dare speaking without his permission; something in his eyes told me it would be better if I stayed quiet.

“I bet you’re hungry and thirsty, right, son?” He asked nonchalantly as he blew the cigar smoke out.

“Yeah… actually yes, Dad…”

“Let’s deal with this first, then.”

I watched my father stand up again and leave the living room. I hoped I would have some time alone to struggle and test my bonds, but the shirtless cop was back in no time. When he returned he was holding a plate with three appetizing sandwiches in one hand and a glass of water in the other. When he placed everything on the coffee table I felt a glimpse of hope that he would simply untie me from the chair, let me eat and we would forget about the whole thing and maybe even turn it into a joke. But what he did next proved me wrong: Dad used the knife I hadn’t noticed earlier to cut the sandwiches into large pieces, took one of them and told me to open my mouth. I looked at him totally taken aback; I couldn’t believe he was going to feed me, as if I was a little boy. For a moment I wanted to protest, but one look into his stern eyes was enough to change my mind. I followed his order and he forced the food into my yap. He smirked at me when he looked the expression on my face, but didn’t stop and made me eat everything this way. Then he let me drink the whole glass of water, for which I was really grateful. Once the meal was finished, Dad took the dishes to the kitchen.

“Still hungry, or thirsty, kiddo?” He asked when he came back.

“No, I’m good. When are you going to untie me?”

“You’re not the one to ask questions here, boy! I didn’t take your gag out so you can talk all you want… If you do it one more time without my permission, you’ll regret it. Is that clear, son, or do you want to spend some more time chewing on my tasty socks?”

“No, please, Dad… I’ll be quiet, I promise!”

“That’s the answer I was waiting for….”

For the next several minutes Dad didn’t say anything else. Instead, he began walking around me again, eyeing me up and considering how he should deal with me. The sound of his black army boots was echoing in the house, sending shivers down my spine. I turned my head as much as I could to observe him, but it didn’t help much; I felt more and more as the predator’s prey. I knew that my father was a great cop and that he had his ways to get all the information he needed from his arrestees, but until that moment I had no idea how good he was. As he was passing me by and disappearing behind my back I felt extremely vulnerable and on his mercy; the sensation was really strong and I suddenly realized that he was totally in control. I gulped when he stood in front of me with his muscular arms folded on his broad chest and with the lit cigar between his teeth. He looked down at me and took a deep. He blew the smoke out and grabbed the stogie in his leather clad hand.

“Let me tell you what I think about all this shit, son. When I returned home, the front door was locked and there was no sign of a break-in. Everything in the house was in order, but I found you alone in your room, negligently tied up and with a single piece of duct tape over your mouth. There was no robbery, so it couldn’t have been done by an intruder. It might have been a prank or a joke performed by your buddies, but I really doubt they would be so stupid and careless to leave you like that and just go home. When you consider all this, and that’s only the beginning, do you know what is left, boy?”

“Erm… not really… Dad, why on the hell are you keeping me tied up?”

“Son, if you ever wanted to become an actor, drop this idea immediately…. Your acting skill are so lousy… But you know what? Let’s assume I believe you and carry on. I bet you remember when you and I watched movies and there was a scenes where a guy got tied up. You always were nervous during it. The same thing happened whenever I grabbed the duct tape in the garage or workshop; you turned you eyes away and seemed very uncomfortable. What is more, I noticed that those rolls got thinner and thinner and were placed not exactly where I had left them… the same thing can be said about the ropes. Do you have any idea what could cause that, son?”

I opened my mouth, but instead of speaking, I just stared at him agape; I felt cornered and I didn’t know how I could actually get myself out of this mess. For all that time I thought he hadn’t noticed anything, but it seemed that I underestimated him. I knew he wasn’t stupid and could put two and two together, but I had always been very careful with my self-bondage and paid extra attention to put everything back where it belonged. Apparently that wasn’t enough and now I had to admit to my own father the truth. But when I was about to say something another idea entered my mind; the chance that it would work was minimum, but at that moment I thought that everything would be better than telling my Dad that I liked being tied up. I decided to play a tough guy.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about… I might have used the tape once or twice to fix something, but that’s all! Can we drop this now? I’m already tired and could get some rest, you know. I admit you played a nice prank on me with all these ropes and gag, but I guess it’s time to end this.” I said in the boldest tone I was capable of.

To my great surprise Dad just smiled down at me and put the cigar back between his teeth. Without a warning he grabbed the wet socks from my lap and forced them brutally into my mouth. I grunted furiously, but all my protests fell on deaf ears; the alpha cop was focused completely on pushing the vinegary tasting wad into my yap and ignored all my pleas and moans. When he was done and my cheeks were bulging, the behemoth clamped one of his palms over my lower face and grabbed a new roll of extra wide and strong duct tape. He unwound some and immediately slapped the loose piece over my lips. The ripping sound was echoing in the room as he was mercilessly wrapping the monstrous tape around my head countless times; after the tenth layer I lost the track. When he finally stopped, my whole lower face was covered in grey duct tape and there was no way I could push the disgusting socks out. Once again that day I was my own father’s prisoner.

“Son, I know that between men many things can stay unsaid I don’t have problems with that. But I need you to know that I am smart enough to know what’s going on even if you don’t want to admit it. If you ever wish to talk about it, I’ll be there. And if you don’t, that’s fine too. But from now on, the rules in the house will change and I have a feeling you’ll like them…. Anyway, see you tomorrow, kiddo!” Dad said with an impish smile on his face and patted my tape covered cheek.

My eyes got wide as I saw him walk away; it seemed that from now on I would have someone to keep me restrained… but at that moment and I had no idea if I was more glad or terrified about it…

@Wedgieboy69 @Bradstick @mig137 @Gaybondage @bondagefreak @Smythdean @RopedBud @Muscle-Flex @Msueta@2 @BDBrit @gaggedfeety @MountainMan_91 @socjuc @MaxRoper @cj2125 @szlm1515 @DomTiesMen @sniffingyoursocks @Bradboi @Xtc @privateandrews @Bondwriter @wataru14 @DeeperThanRed @OrdinaryWorld @NeedControl @harveygasson @dahanband @KidnappedCowboy @Whitestorm @jackroper @Sockbound1234 @Mitchelaiden @Sockgaggedman @TightropesEU @GoBucks @Tsuhaya @Jb99 @ohazut @ShortSocks @Gagster92 @Guardianbound @Radio_Ralph23 @gurisc @noarmgr @Subboi @Ak610 @ChairBoy @abcdefsmith3 @brasileira2 @DuctTapedBoy22 @Stormee @Socksbound @gag1195 @Red86

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Post by Xtc »

I approve of modern demagogy. Patience is all.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by ChairBoy »

Every word in this story was so good! I love where this story is headed! I relate to the main character so much and love the dad
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Post by GoBucks »

The feeding scene was hot! Love this!
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Post by gag1195 »

Sounds like a lot of house arrest in his future! It's a shame he couldn't have been honest with his dad this time around...
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Post by socjuc »

I too thought the feeding of Mike as he was tied, was hot!

I think Mike is going to love/hate it....Love because he will get the bondage he has been seeking. Hate coz I think his dad might be a dom...and perhaps maybe more severe than he wants or than he bargained for... :lol:

Let's see how Mike deals with his ongoing treatment since it sounds like the house dynamic has now changed :mrgreen:
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Post by harveygasson »

Great work on this! Seems like he will indeed enjoy the new house rules
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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 6 - A real hostage

It wasn’t long before I realized how screwed up I was; Dad’s rope skills were absolutely flawless and I didn’t need much time to understand that all my efforts to escape the chair I was fastened to would be futile. Nevertheless, I tried struggling as much as my bonds allowed; it was true that I loved being restrained, but I also had my male pride and didn’t want to just give up without at least trying to free myself. After a few minutes of fruitless wriggling and fighting with ropes I resigned and panted heavily through my nose. My shirt and shorts were now drenched in sweat and I had to find a way to deal with this. I calmed down and took some deep breaths. Once I got nowhere with my tight bonds, I tried to get rid of the cruel gag, but the efforts to force the two rotten socks out of my mouth only resulted in spreading the disgusting taste around my oral cavity. Every time my tongue moved I felt the incredibly vinegary taste of my father’s feet, soaked into the massive wad. After a few moments I came to a conclusion, that the best way to get through my ordeal was to accept my fate, sit calmly and wait for the behemoth policeman to untie me in the morning.

I started dozing off when I heard my father’s footsteps getting close. The sound of his army boots echoed again in the living room when the muscular hunk approached me and stood behind the chair I was tied to. For a split second I was hoping he had changed his mind and decided to let me free, but the feeling was very short-lived. I heard the ripping sound of duct tape being unwound from the roll and soon I saw my father walk in front of me with a devilish smile on his face. I looked him in the eye and grunted angrily into my monstrous gag, but that only amused him and made his smile even wider. Without a warning he placed the loose piece over my eyes and started wrapping the tape unceremoniously around my head. I was moaning pathetically while he was applying the tight blindfold; after a minute or two he was done, ripped the tape and smoothed the tape over my face. I shook my head, but that was everything I could do at that moment. I heard Dad laugh, felt him pat my cheek with his giant palm and then walk away.
Even in my wildest dreams I never imagined I could be restrained so tightly and professionally. Whoever taught my father how to keep a prisoner tied up and harmless did an amazing jog. For a brief moment I was wondering how many guys he had to bind to achieve such mastery in roping, but that wasn’t important right now; as a soldier and cop he must have had a lot of opportunities to practices his skills. My main problem at that moment was that my father seemed to really enjoy keeping me his prisoner and I had no idea what he had in store for me. At first, when Dad decided not to untie me after he found me in my room, I felt confused and embarrassed, but now those feelings were replaced with genuine anxiety and fear. After some consideration I realized that, if my father really knew about my specific hobby, I could lure him into tying me up every now and then, but, on the other hand, he could also use it against me any time he wanted. My last thought of that evening was that bondage was a double edged sword…

When I woke up the next morning I was surprised how well I slept and how relaxed and rested I was. I expected to be sore and exhausted, but nothing like that happened. Although I was still mercilessly fastened to the chair, my mouth was stuffed with my muscular Dad’s sweaty socks and the sticky blindfold was still on, it actually felt very nice to wake up like that. I moaned into the oversized stuffing in my yap, trying to attract the cop’s attention, but it seemed that I was alone in the room. I tried to locate my father using my ears, but since they were also covered by the duct tape, I didn’t hear much. I sighed and hung my head; I had no other choice but wait for the alpha behemoth to come and release me. Fortunately for me, it wasn’t long before the familiar sound of my father’s military boots attracted my attention. I grunted into my gag, hoping he would get the message.

Dad came to me, but he ignored all my moans; he grabbed my chin and I realized he was wearing his favorite skin tight leather gloves again. He moved my head a little, probably checking if the gag was still as tight as it should be, and let it go. I hear a satisfied smirk; for a moment I feared that he would leave me like that and started struggling and tugging against the ropes. He just laughed and patter me gently on the cheek, deepening my anger and frustration. But the position I was in didn’t allow me to do anything about it; I would have to remain tied up, gagged and blindfolded for as long as my captor wanted. I tried to calm down, but it was really hard for me.

“It seems that I still remember the stuff I learnt in the army… I hope you’re glad to finally be tied up and silenced properly, son. Probably you never wanted to stay like this for the whole night, but you’re just the prisoner now…” My father said.


“Yeah, yeah… Don’t you worry, I’ll remove the gag soon. Just shut the fuck up and wait patiently… Not that you can do anything else anyway...”

I heard the cruel cop bustling around the house for some time. I tried to figure out what he was doing, but with the blindfold on it was impossible and since struggling and pleading was pointless I decided to just sit on the chair, like a good hostage, and wait. After some time the familiar smell reached my nostrils; bacon with eggs, our usual Saturday breakfast. I moaned when I smelled it and suddenly I realized how hungry I was; Dad laughed when I started wriggling in my bonds. I really hoped that he would let me eat, but after he had shown me what he was capable of, I wasn’t too sure about it.

“All right, prisoner, the breakfast is ready. I’ll remove the tape from your eyes and mouth and let you spit the gag out. I’ll feed you, just like yesterday. You’re not allowed to speak, boy. If you remain completely silent, I’ll untie you after the meal. If you say as much as one word, the gag goes right back into your mouth. Is that understood?”

Mmmmhh…” I nodded


The brutal cop started unwinding the tape and it hurt like hell, especially when he was removing the blindfold. I kept calm and silent, although I wanted to scream in the tight gag when my hair were forcefully pulled away. Soon the blindfold was removed and I had to blink a few times to adjust my eyes to the light. I looked at my Dad and saw he was wearing his favorite khaki pants, boots and leather gloves. He was shirtless, but that didn’t surprise me; he often liked walking around the house like that. Once he dealt with the blindfold, he started removing my gag and in soon I was able to finally spit his gross socks out. I coughed, but didn’t dare to say anything; I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to be let go. Being restrained was thrilling and I enjoyed it a lot, but after so much time spent in one position I was desperately looking forward to stretch my arms and legs.

Dad fed me as he promised. The scrambled eggs with bacon tasted unbelievably; it was amazing to bite on something else than my father’s worn out and sweaty socks. I was savoring the meal, but when it was over I was really afraid that the muscular hunk would simply force the wet wad again into my yap. Fortunately for me, the cop kept his promise and soon I was free. He laughed and told me to go get shower, which I gladly did; after all that time in ropes I was drenched in sweat and I desperately needed to use the toilet. When I left the bathroom I felt like a newborn. I went to my room, where I wanted to get some proper rest and maybe play on my video game console, but when I entered I was grabbed from behind and a huge, leather clad palm clamed tightly on my mouth.

“I told you I would untie you after the breakfast and I did. But I never said anything about tying you up again, right, son?”


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Post by ChairBoy »

Everything about this story is such a fucking horny dream fantasy that’s so fucking hot to me
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Post by harveygasson »

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Post by gag1195 »

Man, he really thought he'd remain free! Adorable! Can't wait to see how his dad plans on restraining him this time around!
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Post by socjuc »

OMG.....round 2 :lol: :lol: Yeah he got a lot more than he bargained for.... :mrgreen:

Awesome continuation @squirrel Always looking forward to your continuations!
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