The Housekeeper: Nothing out of The Ordinary (M/f) (f/f/F) Complete

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The Housekeeper: Nothing out of The Ordinary (M/f) (f/f/F) Complete

Post by chaos846 »

Part 1: Another Thrill

The rest of the week went as ordinarily as one does in spite of The Parents being absent from the house. Maddy kept up on her work load, but paced herself a bit slower as per Mrs. Harn's advice. Although no one had to dress up formally, Beth and Tony still had their own list of chores as well. Tony still had to participate in conference calls concerning the stock exchange he and his Father owned, and Beth was busy with online school, and homework.

Maddy would sometimes participate with Beth's schoolwork when the class was let out as a means to improve her own education. Most of it went over Maddy's head given that her education mostly stopped around age ten, but both she and Beth agreed that anything was better than nothing at all. She knew enough about numbers to do some basic maths, as she calls it, for Tony during his calls as well.

Maddy woke up at her usual time, and decided to treat herself to a nice bubble bath on this fine Sunday Morning. Fifteen minutes, and a decent scrub later, she exited the bath, and was ready to get dressed for the day. She had actually worn T shirts, Jeans, Sweatshirts, and such for the first time in a long while this week. Today, however, She went with a red Fred Perry polo shirt with white stripes on the collar and cuffs... ... _v1_2x.jpg
and tucked it into green and white plaid school skirt... ... Y._UY_.jpg
She also put on a pair of black socks to keep her feet warm.

With her outfit on, She adjourned to her bathroom, and put her hair into her usual half-up style using a white scrunchie. Maddy left her bathroom, and stood in front of her closet mirror. She did a quick twirl, flung her hands behind her back, and smiled vibrantly at her reflection. She was very proud of how she looked, and with that, she strutted her stuff out of her room.

Maddy made her way down the hall, and down the stairs in the empty house. Other than a couple lights here and there, it felt as though she was the only one in the house at this time. The simple fact is: She was. Tony had to pay a visit to a security consultant regarding the failed robbery, and Beth was out visiting a friend.

Maddy didn't have much on her plate for work today, so She decided to get some breakfast, sweep the kitchen, give the living room a light dusting, and then adjourn to the study to pick up where she left off on a book she was reading.

Maddy made her way to the TV room, and into the small kitchen located in the back. She got herself a blueberry muffin along with a bowl of fruit, and then sat down in front of the TV. She turned it on, and enjoyed a show while she had her breakfast.

Once Maddy was done, she took her dishes back to the small kitchen, and loaded them into the dishwasher. While she did need to sweep the main kitchen, she decided to sweep the small one here for good measure as well. For the big kitchen, she decided to use her mind to bring another broom into play to speed things up a bit.

With her current chores completed, she was now ready to head to the study, and continue her reading. She had reached a point where a young damsel had been captured by a villain who was quite obviously as ruthless as he was charming, or at least that's what Maddy's imagination was saying, although in a bit of a sarcastic manner. Her mind then drifted back to the beginning of the week.

She couldn't help but wonder when Tony would tie her up and gag her again. Their parents were returning soon, and as everyone knew, the only time they could sneak something in was when their parents were away, so she was curious about when the next time would come around. Granted this was Beth's thing, and not really hers, but still, curiosity was beginning to get the better of her.

Her mind then drifted back to that fateful day of the robbery, and how she stopped it with both hands tied behind her back...literally. The more Maddy thought about it, the more she thought she did enjoy it as well, but for a different reason. Beth enjoyed it for what she described as therapeutic reasons. Maddy was still trying to figure this part out. For her though, she enjoyed it for the false sense of security that she could lure her captors into. They would see this poor helpless young damsel with no idea of what they were really up against.

Maddy giggled to herself a little bit at the thought, and went back to her book again. She had reached the part where the damsel was now pleaded with her captor only to have her mouth shut by a gag. A rag was tied over her mouth, and this was apparently enough to silence her.

“Only in the books and movies,” Maddy said to herself. She knew darn well that this was completely useless without something else to support it. Maddy decided to put this to the test. She put her book down, and headed back up stairs to her bedroom.

Maddy made her way across the room to her dresser, and pulled out a simple knee length black sock. She placed it over her mouth, and tied it in place behind her head.

“Oh, yeah, this is useless,” She said to herself all too clearly. She then looked at herself in the mirror. “Still, it looks kinda nice though,” She then said, looking at herself. She put her hands behind her back to give the appearance of also being tied up as well. After a moment though, she took the sock off. Maybe if she put something else in her mouth, it could work.

Maddy went back to her dresser, and pulled out a small ankle sock. She balled it up, and stuck it inside her mouth. Not more than three seconds later, Maddy lurched a bit, and took the sock out of her mouth. “Okay, bad idea,” She said to herself. She now understood why Tony and Beth used tape as a gag. A buzzing sound from her phone quickly distracted her from her experiment.

“I'm turning in the gate,” A Text from Tony read. Maddy set her phone down, and then made her way down the stairs. A few minutes later, Maddy opened the door for Tony so he could walk inside.

“Hello Tony,” She greeted.

“Hello Maddy,” Tony greeted back, “You look quite sporty and chipper today,” He then pointed out. Maddy just chuckled.

“Thank you,” She chirped, as she took his coat and scarf, and hung them neatly in the nearby closet. “So, how did the meeting go?” She then asked, her hands retreating behind her back again.

“We have nothing, but that's not the worst of it,” Tony stated. Maddy just blinked.

“What do you mean?” She asked. Tony just sighed.

“Can I confide in you?” He asked back. Maddy responded by mentally opening, and closing the closet doors. She was reminding him of what he could reveal as well. Tony nodded at the gesture.

“What is going on?” Maddy asked.

“I think our Security Consultant is in on it,” Tony stated. “But I can't tell Dad given that they've known each other for over five years,” He then added.

“That's a sticky spot to be in for sure,” Maddy agreed. “What makes you suspect him?” She then asked.

“A lot of the answers he gave just detailed what we already knew, and there was something in his voice,” Tony answered.

“What was it?” Maddy asked.

“I had this feeling that he was trying to coax me into leaving as soon as possible,” Tony explained. Maddy just blinked.

“I don't know what to tell you,” She said, as she had no knowledge of situations like this.

“As I said, He and Dad have been friends for a long time, so I don't know if I should bring this up to him,” Tony stated.

“I don't think it would hurt to at least mention it to him,” Maddy responded. “He might surprise you,” She then added.

“You may be right,” Tony sighed. “And i'd like to keep this little chat between just us, understand?” He then requested.

“My lips are sealed,” Maddy said, as she then turned to head to the study.

“Oh, Maddy,” Tony called, to which The Maid turned to face him again. “Would you be okay with me actually sealing your lips for a little while?” He then asked, with a grin. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out.

“Any particular reason you want me to wear a gag?” Maddy asked, in an inquisitive tone. Tony just shrugged.

“No reason. I just think a gag would look really cute with that outfit,” Tony confessed. To Tony's surprise, Maddy actually smiled.

“Well, when you put it that way,” She stated, with a sly look in her eyes, to which Tony nodded, and headed upstairs to get his rolls of tape.

Maddy just paced patiently at the foot of the stairs for Tony to return, and he soon came back down with his standard two rolls of duct tape and microfoam tape.

“Ready?” tony asked her.

Maddy nodded. She then pursed her lips together for the microfoam tape, and the black duct tape was applied over the top soon after. Tony gave her an approving nod, as she beamed at him.

“Simply adorable,” He stated. Maddy lifted her hands up to the tape on her mouth, and playfully ran her fingers across it. She couldn't help but giggle a bit. This was the first time she was feeling her gag with her hands.

“Fmnlv grmnp,” She said.

“Can I trust you to not take it off?” Tony asked her. Tony raised an eyebrow when he saw her shake her head no. “Well, then I guess I have to do something about that,” He then stated, to which Maddy nodded yes.

Tony went back upstairs again to grab his handcuffs. Where he kept them Maddy was uncertain, and it was probably best she didn't know. When Tony returned, he gave both of them to her. Maddy let one go, and it floated over her wrist, and gently wrapped itself in place. She then did the same with the other one.

“Show off,” Tony snorted. This made Maddy giggle. “Okay, hands behind your back,” He then instructed. Maddy shook her head no again.

“M wmnp ymn tn dm mp,” She insisted while pointing her finger at him.

“Oh, I see how it is,” Tony said, as Maddy giggled again. Tony walked behind her, and her heart began to flutter. It was happening again. Tony took hold of her left wrist, and Maddy noted that he never gripped her in any way. He seemed to nudge her hand into doing what he wanted. He guided her left wrist behind her back, and then did the same with her right hand. Maddy heard the padlock click in place. The clicking sound that confirmed she was now bound and gagged again.

“There we go. Now you won't be taking that gag off,” Tony stated, in a playfully triumphant tone. Maddy shook her head no.

“Mm mm, M'm bmmnd n gmggdd pml ymn lmp mh gm,” Maddy said, looking quite happy.

“Good,” Tony stated. “Now, I trust you'll still be able to do your job?” He then asked. Maddy giggled again, and nodded yes. Tony nodded back, and left her to do her thing. Again, the usual rules of bondage didn't apply to Maddy, as all she needed was any reflective surface to set herself free. One quick trip to any of the bathrooms around the living room was all it would take, and Tony knew this. This was the only reason he felt he could head upstairs for a little bit.
Last edited by chaos846 2 days ago, edited 11 times in total.
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 2: Just dealing with it

Maddy just sighed to herself a bit. She didn't know why she agreed to this, but she did. She told herself that she wasn't as into this as Beth, and yet here she was: bound and gagged again. Maybe curiosity was getting the better of her. Beth always just enjoyed the feeling, and it seemed as though it was growing on Maddy as well.

There was also the aesthetic value. Tony seemed to really like how She and Beth looked while bound and gagged. Maybe she should once again see how she looked as well. A standing mirror was located in The Study, and this room seemed like a more appropriate location to look at herself in the mirror.

Maddy made her way to The Study, and saw the standing mirror in the far left corner of the room. She forced herself in front of the mirror with her eyes gently closed. After taking in a breath of anticipation, she opened her eyes up.

“Mm mh gmndnphh!” Maddy chirped into her gag. She saw a lovely young Maid all bound and gagged looking back at her. Maddy did a couple poses as well to get a good look at herself. She turned to the side to get a good look at the cuffs keeping her hands behind her back. She then faced forward, and admired the gag keeping her mouth shut. Maddy just sighed, and blinked, as she looked on at herself one last time. She then left the mirror, and headed back to the living room. She had chores to do after all.

Maddy started by having a linen closet door fly open, and mentally pulling a vacuum cleaner out. The plug flew into a wall socket, and soon the room was filled with the sound of a vacuum cleaner. Maddy slowly paced back and forth with her eyes fixed on the vacuum as it acted on it's own. It was as if a pair of invisible hands was controlling it.

“Never gets old,” Tony said, as he was coming back down stairs again with what looked like his laptop case in his hand. Maddy just smiled behind her gag, and shrugged a bit, as she then mentally lifted one end of the couch up, and vacuumed under it. She then did the same with the other end, and then set the pillows back in place. Tony was grinning from ear to ear. Watching this girl perform was a treat and a half.

“Smnm pmnplh jmnp hmvn mp,” Maddy said, with a bright smile in her eyes. She then turned her attention back to the vacuum, and it started moving again.

“You know, you say it's not your thing, but I think you do enjoy it as much as Beth does,” Tony stated with a grin. Maddy paused for a moment, switched the vacuum off, and looked at him. “It might be for a different reason, but I think you really do enjoy being bound and gagged,” Tony told her. Maddy's shoulders slumped bit, and she just scowled at him.

“Whmp mnkph ymn phy thmp?” She asked him.

“Just now,” tony answered. Maddy just blinked at him. “Not once have you wasted an opportunity to try to talk through your gag,” He explained. Maddy felt her heart rate increase a bit. He was certainly right about this one. “You know you can't speak, yet you always try anyways,” Tony stated. Maddy just scowled at him again.

“Phm whmp mph M dm?” She asked him. Tony just held up his finger.

“Whoa, hold that scowl for me a moment,” He requested, as he set his laptop case down, and pulled out his phone, so he could take a photo.

“Mm brmphrr,” Maddy have sighed, half growled. Nevertheless, she held her eyes in place, so that Tony could get a snapshot of her scowling at him.

“You really do have a beautiful scowl,” Tony complimented. Maddy's expression changed to one of losing patience.

“Mrm ymn dmnn nnw?” She asked him. Tony just responded by smiling at her, and picking his laptop back up. He then made his way down to what looked like the TV room. Maddy just giggled, and went back to her job. Within a few more minutes, she was done. She put the vacuum away, and then got out the duster. It hovered in front of her, as she made her way back into the living room, and it then proceeded to scrape every spec of dust off the end tables, as well as a few shelves within the large room. Maddy carefully examined each one, and only moved to the next one when she was sure it looked perfect.

Maddy only had two things to truly worry about: A blindfold, or the wrong person catching her in the act. Other than that, she was pretty much unstoppable. Being bound proved to be no setback for her at all. Being gagged still was, but she didn't need to speak to perform her chores. She could enjoy all the aesthetic values of being bound and gagged, and still perform her duties as The Maid.

Maddy's next target was The Kitchen. She had already swept the floor earlier. She now ran a lightly soapy cloth over the counters to give them a quick cleaning as well. Once she was done with that, she walked over to fridge to chack on a few things. A few drawers opened, and a few products shifted around, and she saw that the bratwurst had finally thawed out enough for her to use. She nodded, and then closed the fridge. She then checked the pantry, and soon a box of pasta, a can of olives, and a new bottle of Italian vinaigrette dressing were suspended in front of her. She placed the items on the counter, and then made her way out of the kitchen.

She walked her way down the hall, into the living room again, and down the hall to the TV room where Tony had headed down earlier. The door opened, and she took a glance at the TV to see Tony was watching what looked like an old Theme Park Rides documentary from the late 90s.

“Wmph thmph?” Maddy asked. Tony couldn't help but notice her instant fascination with it.

“Oh, this is an old thrill rides show Beth and I saw a long time ago on an old VHS tape. Our VCR stopped working, and we could no longer watch it. I just found it on youtube, so I'm watching it on the big screen while I go over a few numbers,” Tony explained. Maddy just nodded, and sat down at the other end of the couch, as she was watched a gondola of some kind with people strapped into it got launched up a tower.

“Mh mm,” Maddy said, in response.

“You like theme parks?” Tony asked her. Maddy looked over to him and nodded yes. “I've always enjoyed rollercoasters too,” He then said. She then continued to watch.

“Adding to the thrills is the Ride's awe inspiring location,” The Narrator spoke. The camera zoomed out, and she could now see where the launch tower was located. The camera revealed it was sitting on top of an extremely tall tower of it's own.

“Mh mm gmd!” Maddy stated, with wide eyes.

“The Big Shot hovers one thousand feet above the Los Veges Strip atop the Stratosphere. One of the World's Tallest Hotels,” The Narrator then explained.

“Nn thmkkymn,” Maddy said, as she shook her head no.

“I couldn't do that one even if it was on the ground,” Tony said. Maddy looked at him.

“Wmy nmp?” She asked.

“Too much constant up and down movement makes me sick,” Tony explained. Maddy nodded in understanding, but then paused.

“Rmllrrcmphprrf gn mp n dmnn tmn,” She pointed out.

“Rollercoasters are also moving forward along a track with twists and turns as well,” Tony told her.

“Mm, M gnt mt nmw,” Maddy said, now understanding what he meant. “Bh phh wmy, Ymnph gnppnn rmnlh gmmd mp mmndrphndnng mh gmg tmnk,” She then said, with a smile behind her gag.

“I'm sorry, what,” Tony asked. Maddy's smile dropped.

“Mm phnd: Ymn'rh gnmd mp mmndrphndnng mh gmg tmnk,” She said. Tony just shook his head.

“I'm sorry Maddy, but I can't understand you,” Tony said to her. “You have a gag keeping your mouth shut,” He then explained, in a rather teasing manner.

“Mm phmp mp,” Maddy scolded, giving him her lovely scowl again.

“No I think you're the one who's forced to shut up,” Tony said back, confirming that he could understand her this time. Maddy just continued to glare at him while Tony continued to grin at her. With each passing moment, it looked like both were waiting the other out. Who would break first? It wasn't long before they both snorted, and began chuckling.

“Ymn'rh phmp m tmnph!” Maddy scolded, but in a tone of admiration

“You take my teasing a lot better than Beth does,” Tony pointed out.

“M phnd mp...mndrrnng,” Maddy said, with a sly look in her eyes.

“Endearing?” Tony asked. Maddy nodded yes. Tony just smiled, and paused. “Oh, you obviously came in here for another reason: What was it?” He then asked. His question instantly jogged her memory.

“Mm! Rmngp! M wmnpmd tn lmp ymn knmw thmp thm brmpwrmph ms rmndh, nmd M phmmnp M'd mnkh Lmnph phr mph,” Maddy suggested.

“Okay, that one I genuinely missed,” Tony admitted, which made Maddy giggle. “Here, I think we can take this off now,” He then suggested. Maddy nodded yes, and scooted over to him. Tony then slowly peeled the tape from her mouth.

“Thank you, Sir,” She said, in a gracious tone. “Anyways, I said that the bratwurst is done thawing, and I thought I'd make lunch for us,” She then said, now that her mouth was no longer taped shut.

“Oh, I was gonna order delivery take out, but if you want to make something, that's fine too,” Tony said to her. Maddy just smiled ,and then got up off the couch. He got a good view of her bound hands as she turned to leave the room. “You want me to take the cuffs off too?” He then offered. Maddy turned back to face him.

“Oh, I don't think that will be necessary,” Maddy stated. “I'm quite comfortable like this,” She then added, in a confident tone. Tony just grinned, as he followed her in the direction of the kitchen.

“I suppose it really doesn't make much of a difference given that you almost always keep your hands behind your back anyways,” Tony said.

“True, but with the cuffs on, I don't have to put any actual effort into doing so,” Maddy explained. Tony just snorted. “Although, I do have to wiggle from time to time to make sure my arms don't get stiff,” She then added.

“Right, good idea,” Tony said, as they continued down the hall.
Last edited by chaos846 8 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by some_wanderer »

Cute story, just an ordinary day for them.

But it lacks Beth tied and gagged. 🤔
If your story has a little sister tied up by their brother,

I'll be there with comment and rating 👍
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Post by chaos846 »

some_wanderer wrote: 8 months ago Cute story, just an ordinary day for them.

But it lacks Beth tied and gagged. 🤔
Auther's Note: Oh, We'll get to that * winky face *
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 3: A Bit of Reflection

Maddy and Tony continued their way to the kitchen, and once they reached the door, Maddy saw that Tony had picked up his pace a bit, and rushed ahead of her. Tony had in fact rushed ahead, so that he could open the door for her, and allow her entry first. Maddy nodded to him graciously, and proceeded inside. Tony then followed.

“I see you already have a few things prepared,” Tony said, noticing a few of the items that Maddy had gotten out earlier.

“Yep,” Maddy chirped, as she walked over to the fridge, to have the bratwurst package fly onto the counter. Tony then watched as Maddy put on one heck of a magic show for him. First she set the oven to heat up. While it was getting hot, She lined a sheet pan with foil, and applied some cooking spray to it. The package of bratwurst had opened, and all five of them were laid out on the pan.

“How long are those going to cook for?” Tony asked her.

“About twenty six minutes, maybe twenty seven,” Maddy answered. As she went back to the fridge to pull out a bag of spinach as well. She then walked over to the spice rack, and a few bottles flew out, and onto the counter beside the spinach. “And now we just wait for the oven,” Maddy then said. She just turned her back to the counter, and leaned against it. Her bound hands preventing her back from digging into it.

“You know, I can't help but notice the vast improvement in your self-confidence since the first day I met you,” Tony pointed out. Maddy just chuckled.

“Yeah, I was a nervous wreck that day,” She said back. “But a lot of what you told me helped out,” She then added.

“Do you still have that photo I took of you in your uniform for the first time?” Tony then asked. Maddy smiled, and nodded yes.

“Your Father helped me print out a copy, and I keep it on my desk as a reminder to, as you said: Take a little pride in myself,” Maddy explained. Tony smiled at her.

“I remember telling you to hold your chin up a little bit, and place your hands behind your back for that picture,” Tony said. “Is that why you almost always have your hands behind your back all the time?” He then asked.

“No, as I said before, I had been taught good posture from a young age, but it did augment it a little more,” Maddy answered, as a beeping sound filled the kitchen. The oven was ready. Maddy stepped away from the counter. The sheet pan lifted itself up, and Maddy then slid it into the oven. Tony watched as the timer set itself for twenty six minutes, and Maddy then returned to where she was.

“Where were we?” Maddy asked.

“The first photo I took of you,” tony reminded her. Maddy then nodded. “And since that day, you wore that uniform dress non stop until this week,” He then pointed out. Maddy was smiling and nodding as he said it.

“After wearing halfway clean trousers, jumpers, and T-shirts almost my entire life, it felt so wonderful to wear something that looked elegant and ladylike,” Maddy answered.

“Yeah, Mom thought you should have something formal, but also relaxed, and, for lack of a better term: felt at-home,” Tony explained. Maddy just nodded

“Of course, at the time, it was all I had to wear other than my old clothes, and I have Beth to thank for helping me fill my wardrobe with other things,” She said back.

“Yes, I can tell that Beth had an influence on that,” Tony said, making note of her current outfit, as it was very similar to what Beth usually wears. Maddy just chuckled.

“Beth should become a Fashion Designer,” Maddy then suggested.

“That's exactly what she's aspiring to be,” Tony stated, with a grin. “She's been doing experiments with different clothing items, and eventually she wants to start her own clothing line,” He then explained.

“Well, good for her,” Maddy chirped.

“What about you?” tony then asked her. Maddy just shrugged.

“I dunno, honestly,” She said. “I don't even know if I should think about that kind of thing until I get my citizenship confirmed,” Maddy said.

“Oh, it's never too early for that kind of thing Maddy,” Tony stated. Maddy responded with a nod.

“I think the first thing I should do is get my education caught up first,” Maddy insisted. “Perhaps something down that road will present itself,” She then suggested.

“It's a good start,” Tony agreed. Maddy's eye began to twitch a bit. She lifted her right hand to rub it, but she soon remembered that her hands were bound behind her back.

“Tony, I have a small itch on my eye, can you rub it please?” She asked. Tony simply walked up to her, and rubbed her right eye with his thumb a bit.

“Better?” He asked.

“Much better, thank you,” She chirped.

“Are the cuffs becoming uncomfortable?” Tony then asked.

“Oh, no, they're fine,” Maddy said, as the oven beeped again. The bratwursts were finally done. Maddy's mind slid the sheet pan out of the oven, and was placed on top of the stove so that the sausages could cool off. Now she began to heat water to cook the pasta.

“By the way, something a bit off subject, but weren't you and Beth supposed to be putting the Christmas Tree up this week?” Maddy then asked, now remembering that little detail from the day their parents had left.

“Oh, I texted Dad, and let him know we'd wait till they got back to do that,” Tony answered.

“Ah,” Maddy responded. The kitchen had a small TV inside, and Tony turned it on, and after flipping through a few channels, he had found the one he wanted featuring The Cowboys facing The Panthers. Maddy's attention was on the water, as it had now come to a boil, and the pasta was now pouring itself inside.

“Have you ever seen American Football, Maddy?” Tony asked her. Maddy graced him with her scowl again.

“I've heard of it, and I could never understand why it's called football when the teams rarely kick it,” She stated. Tony just snickered.

“It's called Football, cause the ball, itself, is a foot long,” He explained. There was an awkward pause for a moment or two, as Tony's answer had finally processes in Maddy's mind.

“Oh,” She chirped, now seeing the light. “Well, alright then,” She added. She then got a knife out of a drawer. The brats moved themselves over to a plate, and the knife began slicing the brats into discs. As she worked, tony began explaining how the game is played.

“So, because it's forth down, if they fail to get the ball passed that line, they have to turn it over. This is usually when the punter comes out to kick the ball down the field so that the other team has to travel farther down the field with it,” He said, as the sequence he explained played out.

“And it increases the chances of the other team having to forfeit the ball by that little bit as well,” Maddy then guessed. Maddy's attention was still mostly on the food. As she sliced a bratwurst, she'd then stir the pasta with a wooden spoon. It was at this time, she started wilting the spinach down in another pan, and added the seasonings that she got out a bit earlier to it as well.

With the spinach ready, everything was placed into a large mixing bowl, and Tony watched with a smile, as the entire thing was mixed together with the vinaigrette dressing, and topped with some Parmesan cheese. Maddy's Mind then scooped out a portion of it for each of them into a bowl, and two spoons flew out of the drawer for them to use.

“You know, most people have to pay a lot of money for a show like that,” Tony said. Maddy just laughed, as her spoon collected some of the pasta for her to take a bite. As the two of them ate, Tony continued to teach her how the game of American Football was played as well. Maddy still didn't fully understand it, but she nodded along anyways, and continued to enjoy her food.

As Maddy's spoon lifted itself to her mouth again, it quivered for a second before finally allowing her to take the bite. With the second bite, the spoon dropped halfway, and tony gave her a worried look.

“Maddy, are you okay?” He asked. Maddy shook her head no.

“No, my vision is getting blurry, and I'm... feeling... a bit light headed,” She explained. Tony rushed over to her, and the first thing he did was unwrap the cuffs from her wrists. She nodded a thank you, and leaned up against the counter. Tony just held his hand to her back, and watched her carefully. Maddy looked at her food, and then at Tony. Her eyes were beginning to gray out now.

“Maddy?” Tony asked her.

“I think... I might... pass... pass... pass,” She said, just before she lost consciousness.

Author's Note: So, for 50 points, who can guess what just happened?
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Post by some_wanderer »

Good lord! Did someone drug Maddy... or maybe it's just the vegetables? 🤔

Or she just need some rest, realizing it shouldn't be her tied up but Beth. 😏
If your story has a little sister tied up by their brother,

I'll be there with comment and rating 👍
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 4: New Player

Maddy would have fallen out of the stool, and onto the floor had Tony not been there to catch her. The first thing he did was make sure she was still breathing. Thankfully she was, and she had just simply fainted. The reason for this was still a big mystery though. Naturally, he did not leave her on the kitchen floor. Tony cradled her in his arms, and took her into the Lounge within the dining room.

Tony laid The Housekeeper on one of the sofas within a corner of the lounge. He could still see that she was breathing, but didn't know what do about this situation. Furthermore, what had caused it? Tony sat down in a nearby chair, and tried to fit what pieces he had together. His mind was going through the events that had transpired so far today, but nothing out of the ordinary had least by Maddy's standards at least.

Tony went over each possibility one by one. He knew he didn't spike her food with something, so that was ruled out. If there was something bad in the food, he would have been subjected to it as well. Perhaps she had an allergy to something. It seemed unlikely, as the food items used were quite common, so she would likely have known something beforehand. Unlikely, but still possible. Perhaps Maddy lost control of her telekinetic abilities. Tony ruled this out, as she'd been using them for over two months without a problem, and given how she conducted herself in the robbery, she knew what she was doing.

As Tony continued to ponder what had happened, he also took it upon himself to clean up the kitchen given that the one responsible for this chore is currently out of commission at the current moment. He scraped the remaining pasta into a plastic container, and put it in the fridge. He then scraped the bowls clean, and loaded them into the dishwasher. cleared the dishes. Every few minutes or so, he'd Check on Maddy to see how she was doing.

* * * *

Maddy began to stir, and when she opened her eyes, her vision was a bit blurry. She rubbed her eyes a bit, and her eye sight finally came back into focus. She realized she was no longer in the kitchen, but now in the dining room lounge. She moved herself to a sitting position on the couch, and thought for a moment. What caused this to happen?

Maddy then felt a throbbing headache hit her. She winced as she held her hand to her forehead. She began to breathe deeply in an attempt to power through the pain. After a minute or so, she got up from the couch, and made her way back to the kitchen. She fumbled through a drawer that served as a medicine cabinet, and pulled out some pain relievers. She popped two in her mouth, and swallowed them with a glass of water.

She sat down on her stool again, and held onto her forehead as she waited for the pain to finally subside.

“Oh, you're up,” A Voice to her left said. She turned to see Tony had entered the kitchen. “Headache?” tony guessed, and Maddy nodded yes.

“I took some pain killers, and i'm just waiting now,” She told him. “What happened after I passed out?” She then asked.

“Well, I caught you before you fell from the stool, and I then carried you to the couch in the lounge,” Tony answered. Maddy almost looked embarrassed.

“You picked me up, and carried me?” She asked.

“Yes,” Tony said, now wondering if he should have revealed that. Thankfully, Maddy just smiled.

“Thank you,” She said, in a sweet tone.

“Your welcome,” Tony responded.

Maddy was finally able to stand up again, and she took a few steps forward while holding onto the edge of the counter for support. She finally let go after a second, and it looked as though she was back to normal again. She looked over at a nearby banana, and tried to will it over to her. It wiggled a bit before she felt a sharp pain in her forehead again, and Maddy firmly held onto her forehead with both hands. Tony was now finally putting pieces together.

“Maddy, how often do you use your telekinesis on a daily basis?” He asked her.

“Usually when I know for sure I have privacy,” She answered, as the pain finally began to subside again.

“And there's usually periods of time between each time you do it, right?” Tony asked. Maddy just nodded yes. “I think you may have finally hit a threshold,” He then explained. Maddy was now seeing the light, and putting the rest of the puzzle together as well.

“I've been doing it non stop all morning while I was bound and gagged,” She now realized. “I think you might be right,” She then added.

“In that case, I think it might be a good idea for you to not try to use it for the rest of the day, as tempting fate is usually not a good idea,” Tony suggested.

“Quite right,” Maddy agreed.

“It might also be a good idea for you to not join Beth and Fiona in their current session,” Tony then stated. Maddy blinked for a moment, and then realized that a new name had entered the picture.

“Who?” Maddy asked.

“Oh, The Friend that Beth was visiting, I forgot you hadn't met her yet,” Tony explained. “Yeah, Beth had invited her back here for a little while,” He then added.

“And She knows about You and Beth doing your thing,” Maddy guessed given Tony's choice of words a few seconds ago.

“Yep, Fiona was the one who got Beth and I into it,” Tony stated, just as Beth had rounded the corner. She was followed by another girl about her age as well.

“Feeling better, Maddy?” Beth greeted. Maddy just nodded yes. Beth was dressed in a pair of black long socks, with a matching knee length skirt, and a red jumper, as Maddy calls it.

“I still have a bit of a headache, but I'm fine,” Maddy answered.

“Anyways, Madelyn, Fiona. Fiona, Madelyn,” Beth introduced. She looked just a bit taller than Maddy with brown eyes, and light brown hair. She was dressed in a pair of blue jeans, and a red long sleeve plaid flannel shirt.

“My pleasure,” Maddy greeted, with her hand outstretched.

“Likewise,” Fiona greeted back, as she accepted Maddy's hand. “What exactly is it that you do here?” She then asked.

“I'm just the Housekeeper,” Maddy said, placing her hands behind her back, and trying to sound as though she wasn't super special in any way.

“And part time Guardian Angel from what I heard,” Fiona stated. Obviously Beth had told her about the excitement at Thanksgiving.

“Well, I hope Beth isn't revealing all of my secrets,” Maddy said, with a grin.

“Maybe not all of them,” Beth joked, with a giggle.

“Now does she know about-” Fiona started when Tony, Beth, and Maddy all nodded yes. “Okay then,” She then finished.

“If you don't mind me asking, what got you started?” Maddy asked, as Beth was now getting out some packets of hot cocoa mix. She also noticed that Tony had placed two more mugs down. Tony then held up two fingers, and Beth responded by getting out two more packets of mix.

“Well, it started as a game of Cops and Robbers with my two brothers and sisters,” Fiona started. “They asked if they could barrow me as a hostage one day, and I kinda enjoyed it,” She then explained.

“I see, and how did Beth become involved?” Maddy asked.

“Um, I was in the middle of one of their games when she was visiting one day, and she...caught me,” Fiona answered. Her face was starting to turn a bit pink. Beth was giggling, as she began filling the mugs with hot water.

“Oh dear,” Maddy responded, looking over at Beth to see her insufferable smirk. She then decided to expedite the conversation.

“So, to make a long story short, I got curious, and we then brought it to our house while Mom and Dad were out one day,” Beth explained.

“I then entered the room, and saw both of them with tape on their mouths, and a few ropes on the floor in the TV room,” Tony chimed in. Maddy just blinked.

“I'm sensing a theme here,” She stated, as she sipped her hot cocoa. Maddy remembered that this was exactly how she caught Tony and Beth as well.

“It is likely the most common way others find out,” Fiona stated.

“It's how she found out, as well,” Tony said, gesturing towards Maddy. It was now Beth's turn to blush.

“But you've joined them from what I understand?” Fiona asked. Maddy shrugged slightly.

“Maybe a little,” She answered. “Beth enjoys it whenever she gets the chance, but I usually just go along with it to humor her, or Tony,” She then explained.

“Fair enough,” Fiona said. Beth took another sip of her hot chocolate, and then looked thoughtful for a moment.

“Maddy, would you be up for assisting Fee and I in the TV Room?” Beth asked her. Maddy was currently drinking from her mug, and set it down to answer.

“Sure, as long as I don't have to move around too much,” She said.

“Nope, we just need you to handle a deck of cards,” Beth told her.

“I can do that,” Maddy stated.

“Well, if you start feeling ill again, just stop what you're doing, and rest on the couch,” Tony instructed, and with that, he left the kitchen.

Maddy rinsed out the mugs when everyone was finished, and loaded them into the dishwasher. She didn't really pay attention to what Fee and Beth were discussing while she did her work. When she was done, all three of them headed for the TV room.

The first thing Maddy noticed when they entered the TV room was Beth and Fiona had what looked like a YouTube video of a Roller Coaster front row ride on pause. She then made her way around the couch, and spotted some lengths of rope, the two standard rolls of tape, and a deck of cards on the floor. How did all of this connect?

“Okay, I'm curious,” Maddy stated.
Last edited by chaos846 5 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 5: Rigged.

“So, what I need you to do is deal five cards to each of us, and then we'll decide if we want to get rid of some of them or not,” Beth explained.

“And whoever has the lowest hand at the end has to have their mouth taped shut,” Fiona then added.

“I see, and at what point does this come into play?” Maddy asked, pointing at the length of rope on the ground.

“That's if the same person should win two hands in a row,” Beth answered. “If I was to win twice in a row, I then have to tie her hands behind her back with the rope before the roller coaster completes it's course,” She then explained.

“Okay, that answers my next question,” Maddy said. Beth and Fiona giggled a bit.

“Oh, are you familiar with poker hands?” Beth asked her.

“I've read a few books, and yes, I know um,” Maddy answered. Beth and Fiona took seats on the floor next to the rope. Maddy slid off the couch onto the floor as well, and used the couch to rest her back.

“Ready to get whooped again?” Fiona asked her.

“Someone's getting whooped, but it won't be me,” Beth said, confidentially. Little did they know, they were both about to get whooped. Maddy took the deck, and fanned out the cards face up before gathering them up, and turning them face down again. She did a few shuffles, and even knew how to cut them as well.

“I see you've shuffled cards before,” Fiona pointed out. Maddy just gave her a smile, but Beth knew this was Maddy's “I'm getting away with something, and you can't stop me” Smile. The same grin on her face during the failed thanksgiving robbery. Maddy dealt cards to each of them. Beth discarded two while Fiona discarded three. With new cards in hand, it was time to reveal. Fiona had a full house while Beth had only a pair of sevens.

“Nuts,” Beth said. With that, Fiona had earned the right to tape her friend's mouth shut. It was the same as before. One layer of microfoam tape, and two layers of duct tape.

“Much better,” Fiona teased. Beth scowled at her.

“Nmp fmr lmng,” She insisted. Maddy shuffled and cut the cards again. Fiona won the next hand as well. Now she would get to tie Beth up. Fiona however took hold of the remote, and gave it to Maddy.

“I start when you press play,” She instructed. Maddy nodded, and waited a few seconds. When she hit play, Fiona grabbed the rope, and went to work on Beth's wrists. Maddy couldn't help but notice how tall this coaster was. It had to be three hundred or more feet in height. The impressive roller coaster however was eclipsed by how fast and elegently Fiona wound the rope around Beth's wrists. She was so fast and efficient, Maddy couldn't even keep up with her.

“Done,” Fiona called, and looked at the video. The Roller Coaster hadn't yet reached it's final break run. Something about the smile on her face told Maddy she had won this round as well. “That's another round for me,” Fiona stated.

“What does this mean?” Maddy asked.

“Mf shm wmns mnphrr hmnd, thmn shm gmf m pmnpp,” Beth answered through her taped mouth. Maddy just blinked at her.

“I think what my friend tried to say is that if I win another hand of cards, I get a point for the session.” Fiona explained, in a language that Maddy could understand. “Honestly Beth, speak English,” She then insisted. She then just laughed at the scornful look on Beth's face. Maddy just shrugged. Once again, she shuffled and cut the cards. Once again, she dealt them to each player. Beth had a bit more of an awkward time on this one as she had to move them around so that Fiona couldn't see them, but also make sure she could. Given that her hands were tied behind her back, this was a bit more difficult.

“Three,” Fiona called.

“Tmn,” Beth called, and held two fingers for Maddy to see. Maddy nodded, and dealt the cards accordingly. This time, Beth had won the hand.

“Oh dammit,” Fiona moaned, and Beth was now laughing through her gag. She turned around to Fiona could untie her, and she then removed the tape from her mouth.

“You hate to see it,” Maddy told her.

“You were that close,” Beth said, holding her fingers to showcase it. It was time for a new game though. Beth took the remote, and started looking through more rollercoaster videos.

“Fury 325?” Fiona suggested.

“Nah, that one might take too long,” Beth said, and searched through a few more. She landed on A B&M Inverted Coaster. “Raptor should be a good one,” She said. She set the video to the top of the lift, and it was time to play cards. Maddy once again fanned out the cards face up, she then split some of them, and began to shuffle and cut them again. This time it was Beth who won the first hand.

“My turn now,” Beth claimed, as Fiona gave her a fake pouting face. Fiona, much like Beth, seemed to be quite comfortable with her mouth taped shut. “Much better,” Beth chirped. Fiona scowled at Beth.

“Jmpt dmnl thm cmrdv,” She tried to say, as She pointed at the cards. Another shuffle, another cut, and another deal. Beth won again.With this, Fiona turned around, and crossed her wrists behind her back. Maddy hit play on the video, and Beth went to work. Beth was a bit more sloppy than Fiona, and the Coaster hit the final brakes just as Maddy was preparing to tie the knot.

“Ymn'rn wmy tm slmw,” Fiona said, and only then decided to take the tape off her mouth.

“I'll catch up to you one day,” Beth insisted. Fiona just shrugged.

“We'll see,” She said.

“Who usually wins these?” Maddy asked.

“I do,” Fiona said. “I've just had more rope practice than her, so I usually can beat the timer,” She then explained. Maddy just nodded, and shuffled the cards for the next one.

For the next hour or so, The game was at a stalemate. No points had been won at all. There were a few close calls here and there, and as the game went along, most of the time was being spent trying to find another roller coaster video that suited their desires. By this point, Beth had gotten her hand, and then set it down briefly.

“Something wrong, Beth?” Fiona asked.

“This is the longest we've ever gone without a point being scored,” Beth said, now turning her scowl to Maddy.

“That usually happens when the deck is rigged,” Maddy confessed, and oddly willingly. Both girls turned scowls over to her.

“I'm sorry, what?” Beth asked her.

“Yep, i've been keeping you both in limbo this whole time,” Maddy stated, with a chuckle.

“How?” Fiona asked.

“I'm afraid I can't tell you,” Maddy answered. Both girls frowned at her. “But I will show you,” She then said.

“Alright, let's see it,” Fiona demanded. Maddy just held up her finger.

“Ah ah, first a vow of silence,” She said, and took hold of the microfoam tape. “All three of us,” She instructed. Fiona and Beth nodded. All three girls took off a piece of tape, and taped their mouths shut with it. This was followed up by the duct tape as usual.

Maddy fanned out the cards face up, but this time she pointed at one of them. She then collected them, and showed that when she split them up, the card she wanted was on top of the deck face down. As she did the first shuffle, she showed them that nothing was wrong. Fiona and Beth nodded, but Maddy held her finger up, and took hold of the deck again. This time, she showed what she did from a side view. Maddy was using her hands to hide the fact that she never squared the deck up fully, and so when she cut the cards, the deck was unshuffled, and the card she wanted on top was still on top. She revealed this by turning it face up.

“Mm mh gnd!” Beth moaned very loudly, as Maddy began laughing. Fionna just cupped her face in her hands. It was so simple, and yet so devious. Maddy then dealt the cards out to each of them as before. She then revealed that the same card was still on top of the deck.

“Mr ymn dmnlnng frmn mndmr thmp crnd?” Fiona asked her.

“Mm hmm,” Maddy answered. “Thph mh cmllnd dmnlnng fnncndv,” Maddy explained, and then revealed that whoever she wanted to have that card would get it.

“Mrr ymn ambl tm dm thmp wmph mvrh crnd?” Beth asked.

“M cmn't dm mp wmph mll thm crndv, bnp M cmn dm mp wmph m fmw,” Maddy asnwered, with utmost glee in her eyes. She then nodded, and began to peel her gag off. The other two girls then did the same.

“Where did you learn all that?” Fiona asked her.

“It was one of the few things I had to entertain myself when I was living with my Foster Parents,” Maddy answered. “They had a deck of cards they didn't care about, and a book on card tricks, so it was something I had practiced for over a year,” She then explained.

“So, in other words, Fiona and I should deal the cards from now on,” Beth stated. This got Maddy to laugh again.

“Go ahead, I've had my fun,” She said.

“Yeah, and maybe keep your mouth shut too,” Beth suggested. Maddy shrugged, and pulled a few new pieces of tape off the roles. She then sealed her lips together once again.

“Yeah, I think she looks much better with her mouth taped shut,” Beth said, and then turned to Fiona. “Don't you?” She then asked.

“For this moment, yes,” Fiona agreed. Maddy just shrugged, and giggled.

For the next part of the game, now that Maddy was barred from card dealing, the next one went in Fiona's favor, and she got the first point of the session. Maddy held out a hand, and decided to look at the rope bindings on Beth's wrists. Fiona was an artist. The coils were in fine rows tightly close to each other. The knot was tied on top of the bindings so that Beth's fingers couldn't reach it.

“You like it?” Fiona asked her.

“Lmnkf vmrh nphh,” Maddy complimented.

“Maybe next time we see each other I can teach you,” Fiona offered. Maddy blinked at her.

“M'd lmkh thmp,” Maddy said, and nodded.

Late Evening...

After dinner time, Fiona had to say good-bye. As Fiona's ride pulled up into the driveway, She and Beth chatted for a little bit at the doorway while Maddy assisted her with her coat. Maddy also made sure that she had all of her belongings as well. When it was just Her, Beth and Tony, Beth decided to address the previous problem.

“So what really happened in the kitchen earlier?” Beth asked.

“Tony suggested that I might have hit a limit on my telekinesis, and I think he might be right,” Maddy explained.

“Yeah, she was bound and gagged all morning long, and she was using it non stop to still complete her chores,” Tony added.

“How does such a thing have a limit?” Beth asked.

“Well, it's not like we have a lot of people we can ask about this, Beth,” Tony pointed out. “But maybe it's like a car engine: you run it at top speed long enough, it will eventually burn out,” He then suggested.

“It means I have to be more careful with it if I'm going to join you on your sessions,” Maddy stated. Beth nodded in agreement.
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