The Bound Bratty Brother (fffm/m) *Complete Feb 7 2024*

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The Bound Bratty Brother (fffm/m) *Complete Feb 7 2024*

Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Here is my newest story that I have been working on. I started it a while ago, but put it on the back burner when I decided to continue work on Freshmen Hell last spring. It features Aiden, and takes place just before the Freshmen Hell series starts. Its a little more tug based then my previous works. I hope you like it.

@the slave

Chapter 1 - The Pint Sized Pest

After dropping in to Tilted, in a battle royale, the enemies were in sight. One by one, they were picked off in a full on ambush. The room was filled with high pitched screams of agony.

"Stop it dork! MOOOOMMM !!! Aiden's down here shooting us with his stupid nerf gun again!" screamed Emma.

"Aiden Lucas Thompson! I told you to leave your sister and her friends alone!" Yelled their mother.

The bratty younger sibling retreated to the safety of his bedroom, and began watching tic tok videos on his ipad.

Eventully, boredom got the better of him, and he returned to the basement rec room, occupied by his older sister Emma, and her two friends Jen, and Kate. The three teenagers were having a "girls night", as calling it a sleepover sounded way too junior high for the highschool sophmores. Aiden quietly walked up and stood directly in front off the couch that the girls were sitting on.

"What do you want, nerdling", demanded Emma. Aiden didn't say a word. He simply turned around and let out a very loud and rancid fart. "OMG gross!", cried Jen. "Eww, you are discusting!", yelled Kate. Aiden was giggling uncontrolably, as he began to run out of the room. "you're dead, Rodent!" screamed Emma, as she chased after him.

About three steps from the top of the stairs, Aiden tripped and fell. Before he could recover, the full rath of Emma latched on to the bright white fabric that was poking out of his black basketball shorts, sending his tighty whities skyrocketing. The air was filled with high pitch screatchs of pain, and sound of fabric ripping and popping. She almost had them atomic, when their Mother shouted, " Emma Lynn Thompson! How many times do I have too tell you to stop doing that to your brother?! I may want to have grand children one day!" Emma released her grip and Aiden quickly waddled away to his bedroom. A bright white whale tail was still hanging out of the back of his shorts.

"But Mommm!" whined Emma, "He is so gross! and he won't leave us alone!"

"Be nice. You think its bad that he bugs your friends now? Give it a few years and he will be trying to date all of them", teased Mrs Thompson.

"Ewww! Gross!", revolted Emma, as she stomped back down stairs to her friends.

About an hour later, their mother called both siblings to the kitchen. She looked upset, and worried as she addresses her teens. She told them that Aunt Helen had taken another fall. Aunt Helen was children's great aunt. "Em, I need you to watch your brother while I take her to the hospital to get checked out", said the matriarch.

"I dont need a babysitter! I am thirteen!", protested Aiden.

"Really? you look and sound like you are eight and act like you are still five", mocked Emma.

"Just behave you two!, and listen to your sister, sweetie", replied their mother.

As Mrs Thompson hurried out the door, Emma wispered in her little brothers ear, "you are SO dead, twerp!"

Aiden bolted to his bedroom, locking the door behind him. The pint sized pest climbed into his gaming chair, put on his headset, and became lost in the blood bath of Zombie Killer II.

Without any of his own friends to play online with, the introverted teen was paired up with a random single player named brayerslayer3721. This random player was actually really good. The pair made a great team. As they disemboweled the undead, Aiden vented to his new virtual friend about how his sister was put in charge while their mother was away for the evening. The other player agreed that it was crazy that a 13 year old should need supervision from a group of teenage girls while home alone.

About an hour had passed when Aiden's gaming was rudely interupted by a knock at his bedroom door. "Go away Emma!", screatched the tiny teen.

A sweet and heavenly voice called back, "Aiden, it's Jen. Your sister wanted me to tell you that there is pizza in the kitchen if you are hungry, cutie".

"Ok, thanks," replied Aiden, without as much as taking his eyes off his game to blink. Soon however, his stomach began to grumble. His desire to slaughter zombies was slowly being over powered by his desite to eat pizza. Reluctanly, he ended his game, and bid fairwell to his random partner.

Aiden slowly peaked out his bedroom door. The coast was clear. Much like in his game, the teen causiously crept down the hall, sweeping the area for enemy threats. As he approched the kitchen, he could see the pizza boxes sitting on the counter. But was it a baited trap? Was that ugly zombie queen Emma and her undead army going to ambush him, and eat his brains? Aiden could hear music playing and teenage girls talking loudly downstairs. The zombie killing master quickly scooped up three slices of cheese pizza and a can of soda before heading back to the safety of the base.

He was sure to twist the lock on his door handle as he closed the door behind him. Not wanting to risk get any crumbs or grease stains on his new gaming chair, Aiden chose to eat at his desk, sitting on the less than comfortable old wooden chair.

Aiden heard a noise behind him. Before he could turn to look, a hand reached around and clamped firmly over his mouth, while an arm bear hugged his chest against the back of the wooden chair. The teen despretly tried to yell for help, but only a muffled "HMMMMPF!" sound came out. He thrashed around like a fish out of water, but it was no use, his attacker was far too strong. In an act of pure desperation, Aiden did the only thing he could think to do.....

Last edited by Wedgieboy69 4 months ago, edited 9 times in total.
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Post by alkaid_ »

well... seem aiden gets caught in his safe place and he dont have any idea why and who can did it...

interesting know how things gonna happen
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Post by harveygasson »

Great start!
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Post by Scottstud94 »

Aiden seems to be in for a long week
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Aiden's POV

I fought with all my might to break free from my attackers' superhuman strength. I heard the bedroom door slam open behind us. I was sure that I had locked the door just minutes ago. I was now outnumbered and out muscled. In a last ditch effort, I did the first thing that came to mind. I stuck my tongue out and began licking the hand that was covering my mouth. Surprisingly, it worked! I heard a girl's voice scream in my ear, "EWWW! he licked me! Gross!" The kidnapper recoiled and released her grip on me.

Immediately, I leapt from the chair and turned to run away. Unfortunately, I was instantly tackled to the ground by my evil older sister. We both slammed hard against the carpeted floor, with Emma ending on top of me. She quickly pinned me down by repositioning herself straddling my chest. At the same time, Jen tightly gripped my wrists, stretching my arms above my head.

"Let me go!" I demanded.

"Shut up, Runt! You had one job, Jen!" barked Emma.

"It's not my fault! The little freak started licking me!" Argued Jen.

"I guess your ingenious idea to put a strip of tape across the door latch makes up for it," said Emma.

I continued shouting my demands, "Get off me, you Cow! I'm telling Mom! Let me go now! Leave me alone. "

Instead of listening to my demands, Emma reached back and plucked my left shoe right off my foot. This instantly grew protests from her two assailants. You see, my running shoes are notorious among my family and classmates for being weapons of chemical warfare. For a little guy, I have big foot odor.

This led to me yelling more colorful demands to my captor regarding giving my shoe back. Which she gladly complied. Unfortunately, instead of putting it back on my foot where she found it, she held it over my defenseless mouth and nose.

The warm vinegary air that I was forced to inhale induced a coughing fit. My eyes began to burn and water. My verbal assault came to a halt as I was now far too busy concentrating on not throwing up.

As if things could not get any worse, I felt my sister's free hand slide up the front of my shirt. I had been in this position enough times to know where this was going. I started begging, but the shoe just muffled my pleas. As predicted, Emma pinched my left nipple with her thumb and finger as she started to twist. I may or may not have let out a less than masculine sounding high-pitched shriek.

"Say five nice things about me, and I'll stop," cooed my evil sibling.

I doubt she could even understand my answers through the shoe covering my face. I quickly spewed out the first five things that came to mind. True to her word, she released her talon grip on my sensitive nipple.

I let out a sigh of relief before realizing that she was going for the other side now. Sharp stinging pain shot through my right nipple.

This time, she calmly said, "Now tell us five reasons why girls are better than boys."

I am not sure if it was the vicious purple nurple I was receiving, or the puke-inducing foot odor that I was forced to inhale, but I could feel tears running down my cheeks. I was mortified. I hoped the shoe was covering enough of my face to hide my tears. My older sister has seemed me cry literally thousands of times before, but not her friends. Being an 8th grader beat up by a trio of grade 10 girls was bad enough, but if the kids at school found out that I cried too, I would never live it down. My hopes and dreams of popularity, friendship and social acceptance when I start highschool in the fall would be ruined.

As Emma looked down at me, we made eye contact. Her demeanor quickly changed. I think she could tell that she had gone too far. She released the purple nurple that she was giving me, then removed the shoe from my face. It felt great to finally breathe fresh air again.

"I am sorry. I promise I won't bug you again tonight. I just want to play my game. I promise", I pleaded.

"You aren't getting off that easy, Twerp!" replied my seemingly unconvinced sibling.

"Let me go now!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Throw me a sock from that pile of dirty laundry," ordered Emma.

Kate quickly complied. My sister's friend looked repulsed as she held a pair of yellowish stained socks outward, as far from her body (and nose) as she could. I couldn't blame her. They were admittedly a little ripe. Ever since our mother decided that we were old enough to do our own laundry, I had a tendency to make clothing last as long as possible between washes. Those particular socks had been used for the better part of a week. That's five whole days of school, gym class, and running around at recess. Five whole days of living inside my rancid sneakers.

Emma snatched the foul wads up and held them in front of my face. The smell hit me like a truck.

"Open up, Shrimp", demanded my sister.

I definitely shook my head, while clamping my jaw shut.

Emma looked frustrated as she said, "Oh, we are going to play this game? This is the part where I am supposed to pinch your nose closed till you open up for air, then shove them in?". Instead, she latched on to my already sore nipple, through my t-shirt.

I involuntarily let out a cry of pain that was quickly muffled by a putrid sock. The strong cheesy salty vinegar taste of the socks caused me to start gagging. I may have gone cross eyed at this point. Relentless, my tormentor managed to force both biohazardous garments into my now bulging cheeks. Before I could try to spit them back out, layers of sticky pink duct tape were applied over my overstuffed orifice.

"Aww! He looks like a cute little chipmunk", teased Jen.

"Time for phase two of Operation Bound Bratty Brother", announced my sinister sibling, "let's get him tied to the chair".

I did not deserve this! I was just doing my duty as a little brother. It's my job to bug my older sister and her friends. That's the rules! Unfortunately, it seemed that I may have frigged around a little too much, and now I was about to find out, as they say.

Last edited by Wedgieboy69 9 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by milagros317 »

You should correct the tag on this fine story to fff/m.
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

In my rush to post the newest chapter last night, I copied and pasted a pre-spell checked version. I apologize for the many spelling and grammar errors. I have re-uploaded the proper version.

I have also added a poll to see what everyone thinks is going to happen next. Feel free to elaborate your guesses in the comments if you like.

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Post by Scottstud94 »

I don’t know I think Aiden might get out of this. I mean he’s been tied up plenty before and the fact that the girls used pink duct tape, I just don’t know if they have the experience to tie him up well enough.

It’s so easy to keep someone tied up and unable to escape. Chain his ankle to a pipe and secure it with padlocks. A dog cage. Lock him in a locker. I’m eager to see what the girls do to him now that he’s gagged though.
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Scottstud94 wrote: 9 months ago I don’t know I think Aiden might get out of this. I mean he’s been tied up plenty before and the fact that the girls used pink duct tape, I just don’t know if they have the experience to tie him up well enough.
True, but don't forget, this story takes place just before freshmen hell. None of those tie ups have happened yet. As far as we know, the only tie ups Aiden has experienced at this point is by the mean kids at scouts. Although we know he did get good at getting out of their knots.
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Sorry everyone for the lack of updates on this story. Trust me, it's not dead. I will post more eventually, when time and motivation permit
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Post by harveygasson »

Completely missed the second part of this so a belated well done for a great second post. Looking forward to more
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Chapter 3 - Making the Worst of a Bad Situation

As I thrashed around and begged for mercy through my rancid gag, Emma reached down and pinched my defenseless nose shut. Unable to breathe now, my fight went into panic mode. This only exhausted my oxygen supply even faster. My lungs began to burn, and I became a little lightheaded.

Finally, Emma calmly spoke. "Pay attention to me, and I'll let you breathe."

Like a puppy whose owner was holding up a treat, I instantly stopped struggling and gave her my absolute attention.

"Good boy," teased my evil sibling as she ruffled my hair.

"Alright twerp! Listen up! This is how this is going to work! We are going to let you get up. You are going to plant your scrawny little butt back in that chair and cooperate. Because if not, your night is going to get a whole lot worse!"said Emma, punctuating the last part with a short pinch of my nose again. "Understand?"

Given no other choice, I could only nod in agreement.

Have you ever done anything incredibly stupid that you immediately regretted? What happened next was one of those moments.

Jen had released my wrists, and Emma was getting up from sitting on me. As she was off balance while standing up, for some reason that I still can not understand, my brain told my body, "Hey dummy, you should push her over now." Apparently, my body was stupid enough to listen. She tripped over my gaming chair and landed on the mountain of dirty laundry.

As soon as I realized what I had done, I panicked. I lept to my feet and bolted toward the door. I had no clue where I was even going to run to or how I was going to get out of this mess.

I didn't have long to worry about those details, though. Jen attempted to grab me by the legs and "accidentally" yanked down my shorts as I started my escape.

Within the first couple of steps, I tripped on my shorts and face planted hard into the door that Kate slammed shut in front of me, foiling my escape.

As I lay on my floor in pain, I was filled with a whole new level of terror and regret. I knew that I had messed up big time. I was going to suffer dearly for that stunt.

I expected the full rath of Emma, but Kate was the first to reach me.

"Are you okay?" she asked, with a tone of concern in her voice. I nodded, trying to act tough through the pain. I was still a little dazed.

"Well, not for long, shrimp!" roared Kate, as she effortlessly picked me up of the floor by the back of my tighty whities. She bounced me a few times in the air before slamming me back down into the old wooden desk chair.

No one warned me that the pretty and popular teen was also a top lacrosse player. I was later informed that she had no issue squaring off against competitors twice my size.

Emma and Jen wasted no time securing me to the chair before I could act out again.

I was understandably very embarrassed by the fact that my shorts were still around my ankles, and my wedgied white breifs were on full display. My captors seemed to be unfazed by my situation.

Jen wound layer after layer of sticky pink tape to bind my legs to the chair, all the way from my ankles to my knees.

Still very angry with me, Emma was far less gentle. My disgruntled sibling used a ridiculous amount of tape to ball up my hands into fists. This was followed by taping more dirty socks over top. Next, she used lengths of rope to bind my wrists and forearms to the back of the wooden chair.

I had lots of experience getting out of knots from being tied up by the mean kids at scout camp, but without use of my fingers, escape was far less likely.

Jen looked up at me with a mischievous look on her face. She ran he fingers along the side of my ribs and up to my defenseless arm pits. I squirmed and let out a giggle into my putrid sock gag.

"How about we tickle the little brat until he wets himself?" suggested the cheerleader.

" I say we strip him naked and lock him outside. That worked when Skidmark tried to fight back against the girls' lacrosse team. He didn't make that mistake twice, "laughed Kate.

Emma leaned in behind me and whispered in my ear, "Both sound like great ideas! What one should we choose, baby bro? "

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Post by Timh »

I hope the second one will be used!
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Post by FelixSH »

I've read the first chapter, don't have time for the rest at the moment, but will come back later.

Nice start, in any case, looking forward to reading more.

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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Chapter 4 - Netflix Without the Chill

I vigorously shook my head while pointlessly attempting to pleed through my overstuffed gag. I was understandably not at all interested in either option that I had been presented with.

"Don't start the pity party with me, Runt. You brought this on yourself," scolded Emma.

"We were just going to stop you from bugging us all night. But you just had to keep digging a deeper hole for yourself!" Explained Jen, with a tone of frustration in her voice.

They weren't wrong. Maybe my "bratty but adorable little brother" routine was finally running its course.

This wasn't the first time that my immature behavior and questionable social skills had caused others to lash out at me. Sadly, this isn't even the first time it has led to me being bound and gagged.

After triple checking my bonds, Emma turned on my TV and clicked on Netflix. She giggled as she selected the horror movie IT. She knows how much I hate scary movies and clowns!

Back when I was nine or ten, Emma made me watch that stupid movie right before Halloween. I had nightmares for weeks after. I will admit that to you. Now, Emma will try to tell you that I also wet the bed out of fear. That's just not true!

Anyway, since I could not physically stop this inhumane torture, I shut my eyes as tight as I could. I kept screaming into my gag to help block the sound of the movie.

"Ok! calm down, loser!" Laughed Emma. I opened my eyes to see that she switched the movie to the single greatest film of all time, Captain America: The First Avenger.

As the trio left to prepare for the next phase of their evil plan, Jen held my chin and looked me in the eyes. "Now you wait right here, cutie. And no funny business, or it will be a Pennywise marathon all night long!"

Once I was alone, I took the opportunity to test my bonds. After a few minutes of struggling, I was satisfied that there was absolutely no weak links. For a bunch of dumb smelly girls, they really knew their knots and knot placements.

Given no other option, I settled into the movie and eventually lost track of time.

Once the movie was over, I was left with a dilemma. Should I make noise and try to get the girls to come put another movie on, or sit in silence and avoid them for as long as I could?

Like someone was reading my thoughts, my door swung open. To my suprise though, it was not the girls.

Standing in the doorway was a teenage boy. He was tall and athletic looking. His blond hair was meticulously styled and faded. He had a Parkview Panthers hoodie on. Maybe he knew my friend Cole?

Either way, He looked as surprised to see me tied to a chair in my tighty whities, as I was to see him.

Who was this guy, and why was he in my house?!

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Post by Scottstud94 »

So far so good for Aiden. Got to watch a good movie and his tie at least isn’t terribly uncomfortable. The girls aren’t being overly cruel, but guessing our new friend who has come over might have something to say about that.
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Post by harveygasson »

Really enjoying this story and interested to see where it goes next
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Sorry fof the lack of "action" in this chapter. I got a little carried away with character development and backstories. I promise more "Good stuff" to come.

I have posted a poll to help decide some details of a future chapter. Let me know how you want this night to end for our bratty protagonist.


Chapter 5 - A Pretty Little Punishment

After an awkward silence, the mystery teen finally spoke. "You are so mean!"

Jen snuggled up beside him in the doorway. "Oh, you're one to talk, Mitchell! We have all seen what you and your friends do to those poor kids everyday".

"Ya, but those nerds deserve it! And at least we are picking on losers that are our own age! Not some poor little kid! What is he, like 9 or 10?" Rebutted the jock.

I was quick to try and correct him. I tried to tell him that I'm almost fourteen. My putrid sock gag caused my protest to come out, "mmim mmommst mirrtteen!!!"

The jock looked confused by my muffled protest. Thankfully, Emma was quick to clear things up. "He's thirteen. He will be a freshman in September, " explained my sister.

"Really? At Parkview? Poor kid! Better lose those tighty whities before then, bro, " laughed the boy.

This time I was the one who looked confused. Poor kid? What did he mean by that? Was the schoolwork going to be that much harder in the 9th grade? What did my underwear have to do with anything?

The boy, I had now figured out to be Jen's new boyfriend, Mitch Wright.

Emma was going to be in so much trouble once I told mom that she had a boy over! I bet she gets grounded! It's going to be great!

Mitch moved closer to me as he began inspecting the rope work that bound me to the chair. "If you can't tie a knot, tie a lot?" Teased the jock.

"Keep it up, and you might just join him," spat Kate.

"Don't threaten me with a good time," laughed the cocky athlete.

A good time? Who would ever think that being tied up by stupid girls was a good time? This kid was weird!

At this point, Emma walked over to me and dropped her pink cosmetics  bag on my lap. I know there was a boy here to impress, but this hardly seemed the time for her to touch up her makeup.

That's when reality hit me. Emma wasn't the one about to get a makeover! I was!

Repressed memories of my early childhood flooded back. Except back then, I didn't have an audience, and I was just happy that my big sister was paying attention to me. This was much different now. My social life was over before it even started. There is no way I would ever live this down!

My heartless sister teased, "Ready for the full beauty treatment, baby bro?"
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Post by harveygasson »

Haha wow a mean sister for sure but definitely interested to see how it all progresses and what will happen now Mitch is here too
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Chapter 6 - Don't have a cow!

My heartless sister teased, "Ready for the full beauty treatment,  baby bro?"

She knows I hate being called her Baby Bro. I am not a baby! I am a teenager!

I started shaking my head and thrashing in my bonds. I begged and pleaded incoherently through my putrid sock gag. Clearly, I did not want a makeover from my sister and her friends. Unfortunately, they didn't seem to care what I wanted.

Kate pointed her phone at me with an evil smirk on her face. "Listen up, Princess! you are going to cooperate and behave while we make you look really pretty, or this goes on tiktok, and the whole thing goes viral! Got it!

There was a glimmer of hope as Jen pointed out a huge flaw in their plan. "It's going to be kinda hard with all that tape on his face and his hands covered in socks."

My sister let out a frustrated sigh. "Alright Twerp! We are going to remove your gag. If you say as much as a peep, not just will the socks go back in, I am scrubbing the toilet with them first. Got it? " Threatened Emma.

Reluctantly, I nodded my head in agreement. I didn't really have any choice in the matter.

"Not a peep!" warned my evil sister.

Once the tape was removed from my face, I tried unsuccessfully to push the soggy fabric out using my tongue. The socks were too tightly packed into my diminutive oral cavity. After letting me struggle briefly, Emma aggressively yanked the saliva soaked garments from my mouth.

My mouth was dry from the socks. I desperately wanted to ask for a drink of water.  I knew better than to call my sisters bluff and speak.

In order to be able to paint my fingernails, Mitch removed the knots that were securing my wrists to the chair. One at a time, my arms were freed, and then my biceps and elbows were strictly bound to the chair back. My wrists were then teathered together in front of me using another length of rope and a series of intricate knots. I was left looking like a ridiculous t-rex with tiny arms out in front of me.

Mitch's rope work was far firmer than what the girls had done, but still not too tight or painful.

Jen ripped off the duct tape that was holding the socks to my arms, ripping out some of my arm hair in the process. Without thinking, I let out a loud scream, then yelled, "THAT FREAKIN HURT, YOU DUMB COW!"

Almost instantly, I felt a hand clamp over my mouth. Mitch leaned over my right shoulder and growled, "What did you just call my girlfriend, twerp??!!"

Emma and Katie just looked on in shock and disbelief. I tried to apologize but could not get a word past his steel trap grip on my lower face.

After pausing for a moment to let the paralyzing fear fully marinate, the muscular football star released the hand gag and grabbed the back of my already streatched out breifs with both hands. He effortlessly launched my tiny frame airborne, chair and all. I remember hearing stitching popping and fabric ripping. I was bounced in the air three or four times before being slammed back down on the ground.

By this point, I was a sobbing mess. It felt like the fabric had torn me in two. Tears ran down my cheeks.

Mitch secured the waistband of my no longer tighty whities to the back of the chair. I could now add a chair wedgie to my long list of problems.

"Another outburst, and you will be wearing them as a hat, Shrimp," hissed the angry jock.

Emma started on my makeup, while Katie worked on putting my hair in elastics and hair clips. The happy couple worked together on my nails. Jen painted my fingernails a bright pink. The girls unanimously volunteered Mitch to carry out my pedicure.

It was sweet revenge hearing the big tough football player coughing and dry heaving at the delightful scent of my feet. It made my sore privates and friction burned butt crack feel just a little bit better.

For a finishing touch, Emma fastened one of her pink bras over my shirt. 

Once they were done, I was repositioned in front of the mirror. I looked absolutely ridiculous! Instead of looking looking like a girl, I looked like some sort of freak!

Being that my hair was too short to style, it was just randomly bunched in elastics and hair clips. My makeup was heavy and overdone. I looked more like a clown than a girl.
Both my fingers and toenails were painted a hot pink. My wedgied  briefs, pink bra, and t-rex looking arms only added to the unique look.

I couldn't help but giggle a little. As bad as this horrible night had been, I had to see the humor in the situation.

Once the group had taken their selfies with me, I mustered up the courage to finally speak. "I REALLY have to go pee," I embarrassingly admitted.

A silent panic fell upon the group. Clearly, they hadn't planned for this part....


The final chapter is almost here! If you haven't voted for how you think Aiden will spend the night, get on it now!
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Post by harveygasson »

Aww poor kid, at least he got a laugh with his new look.
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Post by Scottstud94 »

I love how they tape the socks over his hands, that’s so smart
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Well, it came down to the wire, but the poll is finally finished. It looks like poor Aiden will be spending the night Mummified in a sleeping bag. As if the poor nerd hasn't been through enough tonight already.

I hope to have the new chapter up this week, which will probably end up being the second last of this series.

I have posted a poll on Freshmen Hell to see what the next spin-off story should be. Pop over there and cast your vote.

When it's time for Aiden to go to bed, how should the girls leave him?
You may select 1 option

Let him sleep free in his own bed, he has suffered enough tonight
No votes
Mummified in a sleeping bag downstairs with the girls

Tied spreadeagle in his bed
Keep him in the chair downstairs

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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Chapter 7 - Drowning in Attitude

After a rather lengthy discussion about the best way to deal with my need to relieve my bladder, my captors finally agreed that I would need to remain bound during the trip. Apparently, my earlier shenanigans had foiled any chance of being trusted to behave.

After very politely reminding everyone about the urgency of my situation, Jen rudely threatened to shove the foul socks back in my mouth. I know, right?!

Fortunately, Emma and Katie finally began to remove the ropes and tape that had been securing me to the old wooden chair.

Katie used more of the super sticky duct tape to bind my ankles and knees together. The tape growled loudly as it was unwound from its roll. Ten wraps of the industrial grade tape around each spot seemed like overkill for the short bathroom break.

Emma untied the ropework from my elbows, biceps, and wrists. She was about to tape my wrists together behind my back when Mitch stopped her.

"Unless you plan on 'holding it' for him while he goes pee, you might want to tie his hands in front of him," advised the Jock.

Good point, it's probably too small for me to hold anyway, "teased Emma.

"Ohhh! Burn!"laughed Jen.

"Screw you! It's huge!" I shouted

"Huge for a toddler?"teased Jen

Already embarrassed enough by the conversation, I decided it was best to just shut up and let it go.

Once Emma finished wrapping layers after layers of the sticky tape around my wrists, Mitch effortlessly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, then followed our entourage down the hall.

Once we made it into the bathroom, the brute set me back down on my feet. Everyone just stood there watching me.

Frustrated, I shouted, "Can I get a little privacy, please?"

"No way! Mitch, you need to stay in there with him. He may try to lock himself inside or climb out the window, "ordered Emma.

"Not a chance! Besides, he is your brother. You watch him, "argued Mitch.

"Stop being stupid, Mitchell! It's no different than being in a public washroom or the locker room together!" Shouted Jen.

Reluctantly, the pussywhipped Jock followed his girlfriend's commands, and closed the door.

I couldn't help myself. "I can see who wears the pants..."

I was immediately cut off by the ill-tempered teen. " says the virgin who is not wearing any pants over his tighty whities because he got owned by a group of girls!? Shut the hell up before I use your head as a toilet brush!" Threatened the Jock.

With things now more awkward than ever, I went back to the task at hand. Unfortunately, I couldn't pee. Mitch standing there was giving me stage fright.

"Hurry up!", grumbled Mitch, "I thought you had to go SO bad?"

"I do! Maybe you broke it when you gave me that wedgie! "I spat back.

Mitch snapped back, " you need to learn you place in the food chain, Nerd! He kicked the back of my legs as he pushed down on my shoulders, causing me to land on my knees directly in front of the toilet. "How long can you hold your breath, Twerp?" Growled Mitch, as he started to push my head towards the bowl.

Having seen a swirly before in a movie, I had an idea what was about to go down. I begged for him to stop but my cries fell on deaf ears. As my face entered the bowl, I stopped pleading and braced for impact. I closed my eyes and mouth and held my breath.

As my face hit the room temperature water, I waited for the flush. But after an eternity of tense waiting, there was no flush! I tried to push back, but the Jock just pushed harder on the back of my head.

My poor, stretched out briefs once again attacked my already sore nether region. The unexpected undie assault caused me to scream in shock, which ultimately left me with a mouth full of nasty toilet water. Mercifully, my assailant finally released his palm from the back of my head. I lifted my face from the bowl as I began coughing up the disgusting toilet juices.

Once I had finally stopped my coughing fit, I attempted to greedily take in air to fill my deprived lungs. Unfortunately, this was quickly cut short by another trip into the gross water. This time, however, there was a flush, followed by a rush of ice cold water swirling around my head. The sound was thunderous as it echoed throughout my porcelain dungeon.

As I was left to drip over the toilet bowl, I took a moment to reflect on my first swirly. I felt dirty and gross. I could almost feel the germs crawling around on my skin. I felt humiliated and degraded beyond anything I had already felt throughout this messed up evening.

"If you don't drop that attitude, then you better get used to that when you get to high school, kid. You aren't big enough and tough enough for your mouth, "scolded the Jock, as he handed me a towel and helped me to my feet.

After struggling to dry myself off with my bound wrists, I resumed my original task of relieving myself.
Eventually, I was able to finish my business before being manhandled to the rec room where the girls were waiting for us.

Laid out in front of me was a few more rolls of the super sticky industrial duct tape that they had used earlier, along with a giant roll of plastic saran wrap, and my socks and running shoes. I wasn't sure exactly what they had planned, but I knew I wasn't going to like it.

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Nightly Binds
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Poor Aiden, he may be a bratty pest ,but his tormenters are all worse then him at this point, now I kinda hope he gets revenge on them or they all get Karama...mainly Mitch as he taking it the furthest with the antics. ( the swirly bit he went overboard )
Last edited by Nightly Binds 4 months ago, edited 3 times in total.
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