Thoughts of a Quiet Time (F/mm) (Part 2 Added)

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Thoughts of a Quiet Time (F/mm) (Part 2 Added)

Post by methuselah73 »

My day began when my son entered my room to tell me that his friend, Luis, was coming over in about 5 minutes. Now he was old enough that I could trust him to invite his own friends over, but at 8 AM on a Sunday? He could've gave me more of a heads-up and I said as such to him, "John you could have told me yesterday." He tried to apologise but I was too tired to hear it so I sent him downstairs.

I heard his friend enter the house and thought it was about time to crawl out of bed. I put on a button down white shirt with tights and a black leather skirt which at least made me presentable to our unannounced guest. I tied back my long brown hair and made it into a messy bun. I thought to myself that I looked like an uptight business woman but it was better than pajamas I guess. Before I could leave my bedroom I could hear the boys making a ruckus downstairs, I would have given anything to keep them still and quiet.

It was then I had an epiphany, we had at least 20 feet of unused rope in the garage. The idea of tying up your son and his friend because they are annoying you would remain an intrusive (though tempting) thought for most. However it was a thought which I was about to give in to.

I walked down the stairs where I found the boys making a commotion. They both turned to look at me like a dear caught in the headlights. After a second of silence I spoke "I think I have a good idea for a game you two could play. I will tie you both together and whoever gets out first can decide a punishment for the other person."

They looked at eachother and back towards me, "Sure!" John said. I motioned them to go wait in the basement while I got everything together. The basement was carpeted and relatively large in comparison to the rest of the house with large wooden overhead beams going across the whole thing. Over the years it became one giant storage closet for everything we weren't using at the time. Despite this there was a sizeable amount of free space in the middle where the game would happen.

I searched through the garage and found multiple lengths of rope which was easily enough to hold both of them still. As well as the ropes I took some duct tape and a few rags of varying sizes and lengths.

I came down the stairs of the basement with all the supplies in hand and laid them all out on an old wooden dresser which we had laying down there. "What's the tape for?" My overly inquisitive son asked, "incase I run out of rope" a lie which I told him bluntly. It's actual purpose was to keep them silent throughout the entirety of the game.

I took the hands of my son's friend Luis and put them behind his back and crossed his wrists. I wrapped the soft white rope around his wrists, vertically and horizontally before tying it off with a knot. He yanked and pulled but the ropes would not budge before I made him lie on the carpet. I took the loose end of the rope and pulled it tight then looped the rope around his ankles and then I wrapped the rope between his ankles.

After I finished tying it off I stood up and said "how's that for you?" To which he tried to push his legs down, making the rest of his body come up "it's quite snug" which made my son laugh.

I grabbed another bit of rope and turned to my son "OK it's your turn" he reluctantly turned which allowed me to grab his hands and tie them in the same manner as his friend. I layed him down on the ground and put his ankles around the rope which tied his friends legs together. I then tied up my son's legs and connected the rope to his wrist restraints.

I stood up and was quite impressed by my work. Years of being a girl scout finally paid off, I thought to myself. John and Luis were now tangled together by their ankle rope. They both made a fruitless effort to get out only resulting in noise of the ropes being pulled and strained.

It was then that I told them that for the game to be more difficult, they would both be gagged so that they could not co-ordinate with one another (the actual reason was that I wanted peace and quiet).

Neither of them were a big fan of this idea and both of them began to plead. "You see this is why I'm taping your mouths shut in the first place" I said while I grabbed the duct tape and rags from the dresser. Their pleading calmed until I sat on the carpet next to Luis and tore of a few pieces of duct tape.

Luis was a good sport about it and found the whole thing funny, only pretending to move his head away before letting me stuff a white rag in his mouth. I shut his lips, holding the rag in place until I smoothed out a piece of duct tape over his lips. I added 4 more above and below his lips, reaching just below his nose to under his chin. The tape made a skintight seal around his lips, which didn't stop him from testing the gag by moving his jaw up and down with full force. Despite all this and multiple attempts at screaming (which came out as a whisper) the tape held shape around his lips giving the imprint of a soft smile. The thin white cloth (which was actually one of my old dresses which I cut up) padded and drowned out anything he might want to say.

Even though I knew the tape was not going anywhere, I still didn't like the idea of him trying to get the tape off using his jaw. To stop this, I got a long, breathable white cloth (cut from an old sweatshirt) and draped it around the lower half of his face and tied it tightly. The cloth spanned from the bridge of his nose to the underside of his chin. This all but stopped any movement of his jaw.

My son, John on the other hand was much more difficult. When I sat in front of him with the tape, he shook and yanked and struggled. He giggled at my percieved difficulty at getting him to open up his mouth. However I knew it was only a matter of time. After only some seconds I dug my fingers into his ribs which made him explode with laughter, he said "wait wait I-" I crammed in 3 different bits of cloth into his mouth, making his cheeks bulge like a hamster. I held my hand over his mouth firmly (which annoyed him to no end) while he tried to spit out the rags until I unraveled some duct tape.

I wrapped the duct tape around his head at least seven times, swooping under his chin to hold his jaw shut. Now that the lower half of his face was entirely duct tape I gave him a kiss where his lips would be if he wasn't gagged. "Hmmmummph!" He said before I put my finger on his lips "shhh". I gave him a smug look and stood up to hear the constant "hhmph!" Of the two attempting to speak.

I placed a pair of scissors on the ground close to them so that they at least had a chance of escaping. They were relatively dull so that they wouldn't cut themselves however this would make cutting their ropes much more difficult. I sat on an old black office chair that was tucked into a corner and watched them writhe around. I couldn't help but find the sight amusing, they were both struggling and mphing while inching closer and closer to the scissors while they tried to stop eachother from reaching it first.

Of course, the humor wasn't just on my end, each of the boys took turns falling into fits of laughter, acting as an anchor, stopping the other from inching closer to the scissors. I saw John crawl using his shoulders towards the scissors while pulling his friend, who was trying to hold him back. After a few minutes of the intertwining ropes creaking while they both audibly struggled, John was close to the scissors. All he had to do now was manoeuvre himself so that he could take hold of the scissors with his hands.

Seeing this, I didn't want the game to end so fast and I felt like annoying him, so I picked up the scissors and put them on the opposite side of the room. He looked up at me "hmmphummph!" He said. I looked down at him while I was trying to hold in my laughter "What? I can't understand what you're saying. I didn't want you to cut yourself on those scissors." He was not amused to say the least.

At this point I returned upstairs to have a break, after I drank some water I noticed a hair brush lying on the counter. Suddenly I had the idea to use it as an encrougment to struggle more. Eager to irritate my son who had interrupted my sleep, I hastily made my way down the steps to see both of the boys out of breath and halfway delirious on the floor after making it half way towards the scissors.

I removed the socks off my son and his friend (to many a hmph from the two) and held my son's feet still while I used the hair brush on his soles. He immediately started kicking and tried to move away, however his friend moved in the opposite direction, holding down John's feet while I brushed them. The laughing and screaming sounds grew so I gripped my right hand over his mouth while my left hand brushed his feet. After a few minutes of this my wrists became tired and I slowed to a stop. By this point the tape around his lips wasn't sticky anymore, his speech was now stopped by just the cloth and the barrier of tape.

I left the two boys who were at this point exhausted and went up stairs to do some house chores, which is when I came across a pack of cable ties. Now, when I said that whoever got out first would be free, that wasn't true. I planned from the beginning to keep both of them tied up and out of sight. So I waited patiently in the living room for one of them to win the game and leave the basement.

Some time later I heard footsteps coming up the stairs of the basement. The door opened and out walked my son who looked like he'd just ran a marathon "That tape was painful to pull off did you really have to wrap it?" He said. I said "well if I didn't, I would have to deal with your pleading."

"What will his punishment be? Can you do the hair brush thing that you did to me?" John said. I waited for him to turn my back to me before I sprang up and zip tied his two wrists together. "What are you doing?" John said as he snapped to look at me. I told him "If I let you free you'll go back to being your noisy old self..."

I got a longer zip tie and tied it around his waist to pin his arms behind him, I took another and tied it around his upper stomach to hold his arms against his body, finally zipping a tie around his shoulders to fully hold his arms still behind him. "Do I really have to be tied up this tightly" he whined, but I ignored him and grabbed a large dish sponge from the kitchen and the duct tape. "Wait I'll be quiet, I wo-hhhmmmpphh!!" He said while I shoved the sponge in his mouth, cramming it into every corner then sealing it over with layers of silver duct tape.

I took the duct tape and some extra supplies downstairs to the basement where I saw Luis hogtied on the carpet. I walked over to him and placed my supplies on the floor where I sat, "I'm sad that you lost, I was really rooting for you" I said with some level of smugness. "Hhmmpphh?" He said, probably curious as to what I was doing.

I removed the white cloth which was over the bridge of his nose and wrapped a layer of duct tape around the already existing strips of duct tape which coated his lips. A few revolutions later and I stopped, then began to wrap some adhesive bandages around his mouth to further muffle any sound that might get out. For the cherry on top, I tied the cloth over his face again.

"Scream as loud as you can" I said to him. He responded with a quiet "hm." The whisper of a scream which he produced amused me a lot "I really did a good job with that gag didn't I?" I said.

After I was satisfied that he couldn't make any kind of sound, I placed a black silk sleeping mask over his eyes before placing ear plugs on him to block any sound from the outside world. Now that he was shut off from the outside world apart from his sense of touch, I got to work on his restraints. I undid the knot connecting the hogtie and tightened it until I heard the rope creaking. The soft white rope was soft on his skin but was unforgiving in every other aspect. I took a relatively long piece of rope and fastened it around the ankle rope then I threw it over a wooden ceiling beam and pulled it tight before finishing the knot. This had the effect of pulling his ankles up off the ground by an inch or two, holding his ankles and by extension himself, in place.

Now that Luis was tied in place, I headed up stairs to find John sitting on the couch bound and gagged. I lead him down the stairs and sat him down on the 4th to last step from the basement floor. I took a zip tie and attached his hand restraints to the stair banister, keeping him completely immobile seeing his friend tied up, gagged and blindfolded in front of him. His friend who was entirely unaware of the fact that he was helpless and right next to him. John struggled against the zip ties and the duct tape to no avail.

I took the hair brush and sat down on the old office chair which I wheeled over to Luis. I took the hair brush to his soles and began brushing. His struggling resembled a fish taken out of the water which was very amusing to me. The sounds which came from his gag was nothing more than a low hum. After a few minutes of struggling I said "say 'stop' if I should stop" in an attempt to taunt him before realising that he couldn't hear me, causing me to chuckle. I heard my son give a judgemental "hmph!" From his gag so I turned to him "Do you want to be next?" Which caused him to violently shake his head.

In total the punishment lasted about an hour, during which I switched between the feather and the hair brush. Both of them causing him to struggle an equal amount which was a lot. After I ended the punishment I went up the stairs, giving my son a peck on the check (which was just duct tape) and turned off the lights, leaving them to struggle for another 90 minutes. When I was upstairs I would hear the occasional creak through the silence which meant that one of them was pulling against their restraints.

Of course eventually I did have to free them from their binds and remove their gags and whatnot. Shortly after I freed them, John's friend left the house, saying that he enjoyed the game but would rather win next time. This was definitely one of the most enjoyable times where we played a game like this. I can't help but look on this occasion fondly despite the fact that I lost out on some good sleep.
Last edited by methuselah73 4 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Gluba »

So great!, maybe write a story where she gags them with panties!
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Post by gaggedbyawoman »

Definitely, without a doubt ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜œ the hottest, sexiest & kinkiest story I have read on this in a long time ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘ please, please, please write more stories like this.
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Post by methuselah73 »

gaggedbyawoman wrote: โ†‘4 months ago Definitely, without a doubt ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜œ the hottest, sexiest & kinkiest story I have read on this in a long time ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘ please, please, please write more stories like this.
That's high praise, thank you! I have already made a start on the second part.
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Post by gaggedbyawoman »

Fantastic, at some point can the mother character be wearing leather pants /leggings & heels?? ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ˜
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Post by milagros317 »

Fine story! I envy those boys. :twisted:
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by jasonammzb4 »

very much looking forward to the next part..great story so far!
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

I absolutely loved that story! Nothing better than mom tying the boys in different positions and with different methods.

Great job!
Thank you for sharing!
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Post by methuselah73 »

Here is part 2, hope you enjoy! :lol:

A few weeks had passed before the next incident occurred. It was the winter solstice with the sun setting only a few hours after it had come up. After we ate dinner, my son asked if his friend, Luis could come by tomorrow. I thanked him for asking me in advance and agreed to let him come over as it was the weekend and we didn't have any plans. I finished loading the plates into the dishwasher, with low visibility, only aided by a dim lamp. I went upstairs to do my usual night routine; I had a warm shower, I dried my hair, I tied it back into a ponytail, I got changed into a white tank-top and black yoga pants, then I went downstairs to watch TV.

Waiting behind the living room door however was John with a length of rope he got from the garage, grabbing my hands behind me and tying them up. With my wrists in the formation of an 'X' the rope ran vertically and horizontally stopping any kind of movement and serving as my rope cuffs. During the struggle for him to tie my hands I had ended up face-first on the carpet until he kindly picked me back up and sat me down on the couch. "Do we really have to do the game right now? I'm really tired an- umph!" I tried to say until he got a large cloth and tied it behind my head with a large knot between my teeth. "And what?" He said smugly, I looked up at him with a great deal of annoyance until he continued, "Let's go to the kitchen" he said while all but dragging me there.

When we got to the kitchen I could see all of his supplies laid out on the dinner table. He stopped me and turned me to face him, he grabbed a large piece of rope and began tying it around my body. The rope ran from my shoulders, down and crossed over itself giving the shape of an 'X' over my torso before winding around my waist and through my legs where it travelled up my back and was tied to the rope draped over my shoulders and tightened. It looked like a rock climbing harness and felt like I had been caught in a net.

My son sat me down on the wooden chair which had a cushion on its seat and convenient gaps on its back. He moved my arms over the back of the chair and he started to tie up the rest of my arms. I reluctantly waited, chewing on the bit of cloth which refused to leave my mouth. I could feel the white rope as he wrapped it around just above my elbows, winding it round and round before wrapping the rope vertically to secure his work. Now, I consider myself reasonably flexible, so when he tied my elbows so tight that they were touching, I could handle it fine. John continued the same process of tying up my upper arms until my arms would not budge an inch in any direction.

Then he tied every piece of rope in my arms to the rope which covered my torso, attaching my arms to my body and at this point probably making me look like a contortionist. Finally, John wrapped rope around me and the chair at my shoulders and my stomach, attaching me to the chair. Now that the entirety of my upper-body was immobile or otherwise restrained, he moved on to my legs. Tying above and below my knees and then my ankles. One thing that confused me but would become apparent very soon was the fact that he used more rope to tie up my ankles to the back of the chair and pulled it tight. This meant that my feet were pulled back and held still against the bottom of the seat, not allowing my feet to move an inch.

I thought that he would drink in his moment of revenge and then let me go. I tried to ask for water but given my situation it was quite difficult, eventually I repeated the word 'water' which came out as "wampher" he was kind enough to remove the cloth from my mouth and let me speak. "Can I have some water please?" I asked trying to hide my annoyance at the disruption if what should've been a quiet night. Thankfully he obliged "sure" he said while filling up a glass of water "how do you feel?" I sighed before coming up with a response "Very tied up. How else would I be feeling?" I said, letting some of my irritation out while taking a sip of the water that John held up to my lips with the saliva soaked rag hanging around me like a necklace.

After enjoying my sip of water, John set the glass down on the table and opened up the freezer where he took a bag of ice cubes and placed them on the table. Then he lifted the duct tape from the table and moved towards me "am I being gagged with tape now?" I asked, confused. He unravelled the tape "put your hands together" he said. Reluctantly I did it and asked "is this really necessary? 20 feet of rope on one person and then duct tape so I can't pick at it? I think a few zipties would have kept me tied up just as well." Of course, if I knew what he was going to do a few zipties would not have kept me still.

He walked over to the bag of ice which he had laid down before and took a few chunks from the bag. "Are you going to gag me with... Ice and duct tape?" I laughed to myself "it will just melt in my mouth did you really not think of that?" He stayed silent and waited for me to open my mouth which I did. I continuously laughed to myself as he stuffed my mouth with the chunks of ice and then wrapped the entire lower half of my face in the silver tape. Stopping my lips or my jaw from moving, he made sure to add strips of tape under my chin to make sure it covered everything. I confidently laughed at him through my gag for having such an idea. I said "ohhmmphamm" (oh yeah I'm quiet) in a sarcastic tone. My son added on to my laughter by saying "Don't talk while your eating" which made me just about start crying with laughter.

I noticed that my mouth began to become much colder and that the ice was not getting smaller at all, "That ice should take about 10 minutes to melt" said John. It was then that I realised that the ice was designed to drive my crazy rather than used to keep me quiet. The walls of my mouth began to become uncomfortable from the cold, leading to me trying to adjust it to allow heat to that area. All of this was in vain and soon I had what felt like the worst brain freeze I had ever experienced. At this point John collected a few ice cubes and dropped them into my yoga pants, which pinned the ice cubes against my body. It was then that John walked out the kitchen, leaving me with a sarcastic "Have fun!" as he left.

So began what felt like the longest 10 minutes of my life. The ice in my pants quickly became an annoyance but as I couldn't move my lower body there wasn't much I could do other than endure it. However the chunks of ice in my mouth would cause me unending discomfort, I moved my head in all different directions as it was the only thing I could move at this point. At some point I went delirious and struggled as hard as I could, leaving me hot and sweaty. It was then that I heard the footsteps of John coming down the stairs. As I heard him getting closer to the kitchen I shouted at him through the tape. I felt his hand grip my mouth and pull my head back, stopping any noise coming from me. He cut off the tape from over my mouth and I spat out a small chunk of ice, panting from exhaustion.

I was still sweaty and catching my breath when my son put my own sleep mask over my eyes. At this point I was in no place to argue "I'm not allowed to see now?" I said followed by a pause of silence "What's going to happen to me now?" After another pause he said "remember when you brushed my feet? I'm going to do that, but first I want to do something else." It was then that I felt my socks being removed, being blindfolded however it caught me off guard when they were shoved in my mouth but I knew that rejecting them wouldn't do me any good, still however he insisted that he keep his hand over my mouth just in case. I felt the tight cloth which hung around my neck being forced into my mouth, holding the socks in place, making my cheeks buldge as well as blocking any sound from my mouth.

The back of the cloth was pulled back, forcing my face to look up at the ceiling and then the gag was tied to the back of the chair, meaning that I was stuck looking at the ceiling (of course I couldn't see anything) with my head unable to move an inch. Now that I was entirely at his mercy with my hands, feet, legs, arms, mouth and now head tied up, he took the hairbrush and began brushing at my soles. I did nothing other than scream into the socks with the occasional muffled begging but it took him about 15 minutes to stop.

I had never felt so helpless in my entire life before, frozen in place like a statue while he focussed on making me suffer as much as possible. My son pulled up a chair next to me and began to dig his fingers into my ribs, making me beg through the laughter and the socks. After some time I stopped moving from exhaustion but my suffering hadn't stopped, if at all it had gotten worse as there was no way I could express my discomfort. He switched between tickling my ribs and using a feather that he had found to annoy me by tracing shapes on my face and body with it.

After 30 minutes which felt like an eternity to me, he grew bored because I was no longer screaming, only silently struggling. He opened up the door to the back yard and carried the chair which I was restrained on, outside where he took off my eye mask and untied the gag from the back of the chair. This gave me a lot of relief on my neck but the relief was short lived "I think this will cool you down" he said as he attached a hose to the water faucet on the house. The backyard was pitch black and the rain storm had slowed to a small drizzle however it was still frosty, which I started to notice. "Wmmph!" I tried to plead but it was no use, the hose was turned on and the water soaked into every inch of my body and my son made sure of it by soaking me at different angles.

Outside in the dark, tied up and soaked in water was not how I wanted to spend my Saturday night at all. I began to shiver and the rope began to tighten after the water was introduced, only making my situation worse. After a minute or two I was picked up and taken back inside "towmphl!" I repeated, trying to get a towel for my hair which was now drenched. My son was kind enough to remove my gag, spitting the socks onto the floor "What do you want?" He asked. "Can I have a towel please?" I demanded "because you soaked my hair which I just washed as well as my clothes." Without saying a word he got me a towel and aimlessly dabbed my face with it. "Now that you've had your fun torturing me, could you untie me?" I said in a more assertive tone. He thought for a second "I can untie you from the chair but you're staying bound in some way" he said.

I groaned with relief when I felt the ropes around my arms being loosened and replaced with a ziptie around my wrists. The duct tape which covered my hands and the rope which held my legs still were unravelled, as was the ropes holding my feet against the bottom of the chair. My legs were ziptied at my ankles and just above my knees, he also ziptied my upper arms just to make sure. "That's better!" I said with relief "what now?" Before I could finish my sentence he picked me up and carried me into the living room and sat me on the couch "wait! Put me down, I'm still soaking wet!" I protested while he was carrying me.

I sat, my hair slowly dripping onto the couch with my arms ziptied behind me, my legs helpless in front of me and the soaked rag hung around my neck which was now layered in water. I waited for my son to return from the kitchen until I heard the deafening sound of duct tape being unravelled. Suddenly I had an old white silky scarf crammed into my mouth, followed by the wrapping of duct tape around my head. I looked up at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes I could as I kissed the silver tape which made countless revolutions around my head and chin, making sure to go under my ponytail which I was thankful for.

My son stood up paced about the room, obviously mulling over what to do next "hmhmph!" I suggested. I could see the light bulb go off in his head "I think it's time for bed" he said. I looked at him with a confused "wumph?" I said before I was picked up and carried up to my room. I was dropped onto my bed, completely soaking it as I did. The zipties around my ankles and thighs were cut, each of my ankles were pulled to the bottom of the bed and ziptied at different corners. I helplessly watched as the same process was repeated for my hands, now I was tied face down spread eagle to all 4 corners of my bed with the water soaking into my sheets. It definitely wasn't a comfortable position but my son was not afraid to add to it by blindfolding me, again.

Of course, I was severely taunted by him, using the feather to draw shapes on every one of my limbs, as well as coming up with a fun game. "You have to say your full name through the gag" he said "and for every time you fail to say it, I'll dig my fingers into your ribs for a full minute." I was dreading having to do this game but also found myself falling into fits of laughter before each attempt. "Muphumph Dphumph" I said, knowing what was going to happen, laughing in anticipation. I was tormented all over again. The game was completely rigged, any time I would get close, and there were many times, my son would grip his hand over the tape stopping any speech. "Nophm!" I protested however it only ended up in more torment from my captor. No amount of pulling, struggling and yanking would help me. I was toyed with for 30 minutes before he stopped "Goodnight!" He said before turning off the light "if I hear any noise, I'll be in here all night, making sure that you can't sleep." I had never felt more powerless in my life, bound, gagged and blindfolded in my own bedroom on a night that I wanted to spend in peace and quiet.

Nevertheless, I was freed from my binds the next morning, never before appreciating the ability to talk or to move. I had always wondered what it would be like to be kidnapped or victim to a home invasion, I just never imagined that the perpetrator would be my son. However it would be very wrong to assume that I had somehow let this go or forgiven him for this. I knew what I was going to do.
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Post by milagros317 »

Looking forward to part 3 in which she gets her revenge on her son (and torments Luis as well, just for fun). :twisted:
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by jasonammzb4 »

damn, she needs major revenge
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Post by silvertejp590 »

methuselah73 wrote: โ†‘4 months ago I waited for my son to return from the kitchen until I heard the deafening sound of duct tape being unravelled. Suddenly I had an old white silky scarf crammed into my mouth, followed by the wrapping of duct tape around my head. I looked up at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes I could as I kissed the silver tape which made countless revolutions around my head and chin, making sure to go under my ponytail which I was thankful for.
Love this gagging description! And Iโ€™m loving these stories, hope we get more!
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

I agree, major revenge indeed!
Great story! Look forward to part 3
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