If You're Going to be Tied Up COMPLETED (M/mm)

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.

What should happen in the sequel?

Tony babysitting Jamie for a weekend.
Steven and Laura having some bonding time.
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Ryan off at college gaining an education.
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All of the above.
I'll comment my own requests.
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Post by Pleasurechip95 »

harveygasson wrote: 5 months ago I hope you keep going with this story
Don't worry. One update left 😁
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Post by harveygasson »

Pleasurechip95 wrote: 5 months ago
harveygasson wrote: 5 months ago I hope you keep going with this story
Don't worry. One update left 😁
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Post by Pleasurechip95 »

Part 6

The rest of the day was spent fishing and swimming. Everyone was having a good time until dinner. Ryan and Jamie immediately flew into a shouting match over the last cookie. Tony sighed before moving behind the two boys and clapped a hand over each of nephews’ mouths.

“Honestly, Steve, you should teach your kids not to fight,” Tony chided.

Steven shrugged before snatching the last cookie and taking a bite. He then replied, “And what would you do?”

“I think they could use some bonding time together, don’t you?”

Steven agreed by saying, “I suppose so, but it’ll have to be quick. Laura is coming back tomorrow morning, and we need to get going.”

Tony groaned before muttering fine, “Fine. You boys up for another game?”

Jamie eagerly nodded beneath his uncle’s hand while Ryan shook his head. Tony relinquished his hold on his eldest nephew before he snatched Jamie up and carried the boy away.

Steven asked Ryan, “Everything alright, son?”

“Yeah, Dad. Just not in the mood… Are we going to tell Mom?”

Steven drummed his fingertips against the table before replying, “Only if she asks directly.”


“Mmphh! Dmphh! Hmphh!” Jamie cried beneath his uncle’s hand.

Tony merely tightened his hold and hissed, “Quiet, brat. Your daddy isn’t coming to save you.”

The man merely set his nephew down on the floor beside the box of bondage gear. Jamie immediately pointed to the bright red rubber ball and
asked, “Can I try that?”

“Absolutely not. Your father would kill me… I will let you pick rope or tape though.”

“Surprise me.”

Tony nodded before tying a rather large knot at the center of a blue bandana. The knot nestled between Jamie’s teeth easily as the ends were tied tightly at the base of his neck. Jamie immediately tested the cloth by attempting to shout for help before several strips of tape were smoothed over his already gagged mouth.


“That’s better,” Tony smirked before pulling the boy’s arms behind his back. “Ever heard of a box tie?”

“Not happening,” Steven snapped from where he approached with Ryan following behind them. “Jamie, time to go.”

The boy looked annoyed but nodded nonetheless. The gag was removed and goodbyes were exchanged before the three headed home. Tony watched them go as he mumbled, “Maybe I should visit more often.”

One more update to this left. Give me some ideas of what should happen.
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Post by lee4sox »

The boys should tie and gag the men , the men agree to the idea and are bound to chairs and bandana gagged
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Post by Pleasurechip95 »

lee4sox wrote: 4 months ago The boys should tie and gag the men , the men agree to the idea and are bound to chairs and bandana gagged
That would be amazing to see ❤️
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Post by harveygasson »

I don't think Tony's finished with the games yet and might take things forward on his own. Great story again!
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Post by briefkid »

Let Jamie try on the ballgag!
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Post by cmcm2789 »

Yo, I LOVED the double handgag. Could we bring that back somehow? Also, doesn't seem like dad or uncle would be down to be tied up by the kids...
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Post by Pleasurechip95 »

briefkid wrote: 3 months ago Let Jamie try on the ballgag!
One day ;)
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Post by Pleasurechip95 »

cmcm2789 wrote: 2 months ago Yo, I LOVED the double handgag. Could we bring that back somehow? Also, doesn't seem like dad or uncle would be down to be tied up by the kids...
Lol maybe one day. Maybe in the sequel ;)
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Post by Pleasurechip95 »

Part 7

The second the three returned home Steven immediately enlisted his sons to help with tidying up the house. The last thing he needed was Laura on his case the moment she walked through the door. He loved his wife but be nagged to death by him was not on his bucket list.

Eventually, the house was deemed acceptable. Pizza was ordered for dinner and practically inhaled by the three of them. Sometime after eleven, Steven declared it was bedtime. Everyone returned to their respective bedrooms to get ready for bed.

Jamie had barely been asleep before he was awakened by the pressure of a gloved hand positioned over his mouth. He stared up at the figure in black with a finger pressed against his lips before his eyes flickered over to where Ryan was still passed out asleep.

He was tempted to try to scream to get Ryan’s attention but figured it was just their father getting one last game in before their mother arrived in a few hours. The figure wasted no time in pressing a balled up cloth against the boy’s lips. Jamie opened his mouth without a second thought. The second the packing filled his mouth he was flipped over onto his stomach. Zipties soon ensnared his wrists and ankles.



Ryan chose that particular moment to wake up and groan. “Dad, it’s like three in the morn-mmph!”

The figure practically leapt across the room to slap a hand over the older boy’s mouth. Within seconds, he’d managed to secure Ryan’s wrists behind his back. Jamie took the moment to spit out his gag as he screamed, “Ryan!”

Steven was on his way back to bed from getting a drink of water when he’d heard Jamie screaming for his brother. Pushing open the door to his son’s room he froze when he saw a figure dressed head to toe in black wrestling with Ryan. Jamie was bound hand and foot on his own bed.

Putting his hands up, Steven immediately pleaded, “Don’t hurt my sons. I have money. I can-” before stopping as a pair of cuffs was tossed to him.

“Dmdph,” Ryan whined beneath the gloved hand pressed tightly over his mouth.

Steven pursed his lips before turned around to snap the cuffs around his wrists behind his back. Satisfied, the man relinquished his grip on Ryan’s mouth only to shove a cloth inside. He then tied a bandana over the teen’s mouth to keep the gag from being spat out. He bound the boy’s ankles as well. Jamie soon found the cloth replaced followed by a bandana to match his brother’s gag.

The man then turned his attention on Steven, who’d been muttering promises that everything was going to be alright. He merely grabbed the man by the upper arm and pulled him from the room leaving the two to mumble into their gags.

Steven was marched into his bedroom and tossed right onto the bed. His wrists were restrained to the headboard before his ankles were soon tied together followed by his knees.

“I swear if you hurt my children, I’ll kill you.”

The man smirked before pulling a bright red ballbag from his pocket. Steven’s eyes widened as the ball was forced between his teeth and buckled tightly. Sitting back, the man pulled the balaclava from his head revealing Tony. He grinned at his younger brother and promised, “Don’t worry, bro. Your wife will be home in a few hours to free you and the boys… Do you want to tell her about this or do I have your permission to raid your wallet? A simple nod will do.”


Is a sequel in order? If so, give me some ideas.
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Post by squirrel »

Amazing finish! I hope there will be a sequel...

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Post by Pleasurechip95 »

squirrel wrote: 2 months ago Amazing finish! I hope there will be a sequel...
Thank you ❤️ I'm thinking I'll do something but definitely open to suggestions 😊
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