Grounded For Spring Break by Mom (F/M) - Part Three Added

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Grounded For Spring Break by Mom (F/M) - Part Three Added

Post by Dukes_91 »

Part One

The front door to Anna's house swung open violently, "John!" She shouted from an attempt to get her son's attention from the dining room. Anna heard the sound of footsteps make there way through the hallway before seeing her son make his way over to the table, "go, sit-down. I just served it so it shouldn't be cold." Said Anna to her son as she picked at her dinner, a napkin tucked into her blouse which had a floral pattern printed onto it. After a light conversation about the day's events, Anna decided to address something that she had been waiting all day to confront John about, "So... Where were you last night" said Anna in a less playful tone as she flicked her shoulder-length brown hair before taking a sip from her glass of wine.

John continued to chew through his food for a minute before giving a flat response, "My room, why?" He said. He wore black socks, dark blue shorts and a black t-shirt, he shared many of the same qualities as his mother; the hair, the brown eyes and the face.

Anna looked down at her food and held her hands together with her elbows on the old wooden table, "Then how come when I went in your room... You weren't there?" She asked while leaning forward over the table.

John's mind raced for an excuse under the pressure of his mother's gaze, "OK, fine... I-uh went to dad's house. I just didn't want to tell you" he said, looking up at his mother while chewing his food, hoping the answer would satisfy her.

Anna squinted her eyes at him, "Well, I called your father the morning after and he said that you were never there" said Anna as she waited for her son's response. Dumbfounded and knowing that he had been caught, he hung his head and waited for his mother to say the words that he was dreading.

"You're grounded." said Anna in a more assertive tone as she leaned back into a relaxed position. A stony silence washed over the room, "You can go out again when spring break is over." she added as her son stared at his shoe laces. He looked up at his mother who was staring directly into his eyes with a stern expression, "but spring break just started like two days ago" John complained.

His mother shrugged her shoulders and took another sip of her wine, "you should've thought of that before you ran out... Oh and I forgot to mention, since I can't trust you to stay in your room without you leaving through a window, and I really hate to do this... but you're going to be tied down to your bed so that I know for sure that you won't be going anywhere." Said John's mother as she crossed her arms and looked across the table at him.

John's eyes grew to the size of saucer plates, for as long as he remembered, he enjoyed the idea of being tied up but even through his eighteen years of living he had never experienced it before. Anna saw the visible shock on her son's face, "I'm deadly serious, infact when you're done eating, I'll tuck you in" she said while slowly nodding her head.

John felt his heart race, he felt a flurry of different emotions which he couldn't decipher all mixing around in his stomach which was doing flips on to itself, "I-I I'm not hungry" he said while fumbling over his words trying to contain his emotions.

Anna's chair slid backwards across the old oak floor, "Very well then, let's go!" She said while standing up from her seat. As they made their way up the cream-carpetted stairs to his room, John felt hesitation as his anxiety swallowed him, however he knew that he couldn't back out now with his mother shooting daggers into his back as she walked behind him up the stairs.

As John opened up his bedroom door he saw coils of thick soft white rope tied around all 4 of his bed posts, a new emotion swarmed his body. Excitement. He finally understood what he was feeling at the dinner table, excitement blended up in worry and hesitation. In his mind, he compared it to the feeling of stepping onto a tall rollercoaster.

"Move!" Said Anna as she planted her hand into her son's back to gently nudge him through the doorway. His feet were planted on the bottom of the door frame as he looked into his room, his mother's nudge bringing him back from his deep state of thinking. The two moved cautiously through the relatively small bedroom which had a twin size bed in the corner adjacent to a night stand, across from a wardrobe. Anna guided her son, "just lie down on your back and slip your hands and feet into the restraints" Anna said as she commanded her son in a soft tone.

The butterflies in John's stomach wouldn't rest while he put his limbs into the small loops of rope attached to each wooden bed post. Anna went to the foot of the bed where her son's feet were restrained, "it's best if you don't struggle while I do this" she said in a matter-of-fact tone while tying up the loose end of the loop to hold John's foot in place.

John helplessly looked down at his mother while she tied up his second foot, feeling the rope constrict around his ankles as the knots were put into place, he looked side to side and saw his wrists in the loops of white rope, waiting to be bound.

Next, Anna moved up to her son's wrists, she sat on the mattress in order to reach the wrist restraint facing away from her. He could feel his freedom being ripped away as she finished knotting up his rope cuff, though the feeling of trying to move his hands away from the bed posts only to be firmly and swiftly restrained by the ropes did make his heart race. Too distracted with his other restraints, he almost ignored his last limb being tied down to the bed post, "There we go. Was that so hard?" Said Anna as she took a step back from the bed and put her hands on her hips, proud of her work.

John's body was spread out like an eagle over his bed, his wrists and ankles were jammed against the solid wooden bed posts. Impossible to move, the ropes like steel. The feeling of being restrained in this way was new to him, though he enjoyed it, exhausting all options, wriggling his body, he was not getting out until the morning. It dawned on him that he had truly given up any freedom that he had until that moment.

Anna looked down at her struggling son, "how do you feel? Too tight in some places? Too loose maybe?" She said trying to fish a response from her son. John grunted as he struggled, "it's tight but I don't mind it" he said as he became accustomed to his restraints.

Anna looked up and down his body to ensure that he was tied down securely, "OK good... Wait I forgot something" she said cheerfully as she reached into the back pocket of her denim jeans. She pulled out a long thin white stretchy cloth, "I forgot to put the gag on your mouth" Anna said playfully as she draped the cloth around John's face over his nose and under his chin. The cloth was thin enough that John could breathe through it easily. The cloth was tightened securely around the back of his head, so tightly that his lips were held together by the stretchy material, giving a prominent outline of his lips. His jaw too, was also held shut with the cloth, aided by the stretchy going over his nose.

John felt a unique sense of powerlessness feeling the cloth wrap around him, completely silencing him, only allowing him to speak at the discretion of his mother. Anna patted her thighs and looked around the room making sure she remembered everything that she wanted to do, "OK, well if I see that you've gotten out or tried to get out in the morning I can show you a whole other world of fun... Goodnight!" Anna said as she slinked towards the door and tuened off the light, "Sleep tight!" She said playfully before shutting the door. John shook his arms and looked at the door, "Gooph ni-mph!" He shouted back.

Left alone in the pitch blackness, John struggled furiously. He was equally relieved and frustrated that his bindings wouldn't leave him easily. Several grunts and groans made their way through the tight cloth. After many hours of the headboard banging against the wall from his relentless thrashing, he grew tired and stared at the ceiling. He had imagined for years what it would be like to be tied up, especially he had little to no control over his situation, much like he was now. In some ways it was better than he expected and in other ways it wasn't as good as he thought it would be.

One thing that surprised him was how quickly he became desperate to escape. When imagining it he always thought that he would stay still and quiet, enjoying it. But now that he was actually tied up, his only thoughts were of trying to escape and frustration at the difficulty of that task.

As he stared into the pitch blackness he thought about an incident that had happened a few years before when his big sister was nineteen and living in the house. At the time he was fifteen and heard what sounded like a quiet argument between his sister and her mother. He sneakily poked his head into his sister's room to see what was happening where he saw his mother standing over his sister who laid on her bed. John at the time could quite clearly make out his mother's voice as she spoke but his sister's voice sounded hushed, muffled and impossible to make out what was being said. His sister was on her bed with her ankles touching her thighs with what looked like a brown leather strap binding them together with a connecting strap wrapped around her wrists which were behind her back. Nevertheless John slinked away before he could be seen by his mother and back into his room. For a moment he was bewildered by what he saw, but thought nothing of it. Now, however it made a lot more sense to him.

Early the next morning, John awoke in his bed, still tied down with the cloth over his mouth. "GHHHHNNPH!" John shouted in an attempt to get his mother's attention, eventually she heard him and walked into his room wearing a white robe.

"Did you sleep well?" Said Anna as she undid the knots around his feet. "Ymnh" replied John impatiently waiting for the ropes to be removed from him. After his wrist restraints were removed he sat up with the cloth still around mouth, quickly untying the right rag from his head, "Finally!" John said, "Do I need to do that every day for the next two weeks?" He asked.

"I'm afraid so." Said his mother flatly as she walked out the room. The same feeling of thrill that he had felt before engulfed him, throughout the day whenever he looked at the loops of rope still wrapped around his bed posts, waiting to hold him down that night.

Come evening, when the two had finished their dinner and John had prepared for bed, he sat on his bed, patiently awaiting the arrival of his mother. Anna walked in wearing a red dress black satin gloves, holding a few lengths of white rope and a roll of grey duct tape, "I'm going out with my friends tonight so I need to tie you down extra tight, ok?" She said as she walked towards the bed. John obliged and slipped his hands and feet into the ropes on his bed though he was curious what his mother had in store for him.

While his mother was tightening and knotting off his normal restraints, John was curious, "Did you ever punish Sara like this before she moved out?" He asked as his wrist was secured to the bed post. Anna took a length of white rope that she had brought in and held it, "Your sister did something similar to what you did when she was nineteen and I punished her in a similar way" she said as she wrapped the length of rope under and over the bed where John's waist was.

Another length of rope went under and over the bed where his stomach before a last piece went under and over the bed where his upper chest was. Each piece of rope was tightened, pinning his body firmly against the bed, "What did you tie her up with?" John asked while attempting to move his torso. Anna opened up one John's clothes drawers and dug through it, "I just used a few of my old belts, why?" She asked him before pulling out a pair of white socks.

"Just wondering." Said John whole looking up at the ceiling, his suspicions had been confirmed, he did really see his sister in restraint when he looked through her door those years ago. "That's enough questions for today I think" said Anna as she rolled up the pair of socks into a tight cylinder.

"No but really, wh- NMNNMM!" said John before he was muffled by the socks jammed into his mouth. "Shh... I think for a gag to be effective it needs to accomplish three things" said Anna while pressing her thumb down on the socks as the stuffing barely fit between his lips, before grabbing the roll of duct tape.

"It needs to muffle the cries of the prisoner" she said as she tried to pick at the silver tape through her gloves before resorting to using her teeth to unravel it. The sound of the tape ripping was powerful and echoed through the room, John could feel the sound in his chest, physically and emotionally. Anna firmly pressed the tape over John's mouth and smoothed it across his cheeks with her gloved fingers. She repeated this action over the entire lower half of his face, pressing, smoothing, sealing the sticky silver tape on his face.

"The prisoner can't be able to remove it themselves" said Anna after pressing down the last piece of tape over her son's mouth which gave a clear impression of his lips through the tape. Shocked by the speed and the gracefulness of how his speech - or any ability to make noise for that matter - had been ripped away from him in such a seemingly kind way.

"And finally, for a gag to be effective it must drive the prisoner crazy" whispered Anna into her son's ear before making her way to the door in complete silence. "I won't be home too late, goodnight!" She said before turning out the light and shutting the door leaving her son stunned at what had just happened.

As he heard the car pulling out the driveway he stayed mostly still and played around with the knots tying up his wrists above him. Due to his lack of energy and the security of his bondage he didn't find a chance to undo any of his ropes, choosing instead to lay still. After a few hours of falling in and out of sleep he managed to get a knot almost loose, he picked and picked and picked until it was loose enough that he could slip his hand out with enough effort.

That was until he heard the front door to the house open up, he knew his mother would check up on him so he ceased his efforts until she went to bed. The door to his room swung open, "I'm back! Are you sleeping" she announced to the pitch black room. "Nmmm!" Responded John, the rolled up sock muffling and silencing him.

Anna made her way closer to the foot of the bed, "Anything itchy that I need to scratch?" She said looking over him, "should I scratch these?" Said Anna before gently tracing shapes over John's soles. The soft black material running against the bottom of his feet caused him to struggle and move wildly - though the ropes around his stomach and chest severely limited his struggling. "GNNMMM!" he violently shouted and pleaded while looking at his mother at the foot of the bed.

"Calm down." She said in a reassuring voice, "I'm just teasing you... Goodnight" she said before turning the light off once more. Now that she had left him alone, John could focus on his attempted escape. After twenty or so minutes of picking at the knot and then pulling with all his strength, his hand slipped out. After one hand was out it was relatively simple and quick to untie the rest of his restraints.

In the pitch black he stood up next to his bed, ripped the layers of creased tape over his mouth and spat out his rolled up white socks which pressed against every corner of his mouth. With his new found freedom he had no idea what to do. Leave the house again? Call his dad? Call his sister? Try convince his mom? Thoughts raced through his head as he paced up and down his room. It was then that an idea popped into his head, he quickly took all the ropes that had been used to tie him up and laid them in a pile.

John hastily grabbed the pile and sneakily made his way to his mother's bedroom door. Slowly he pushed down on the handle and carefully he pushed the door open to the pitch black room. As his eyes adjusted to the dark he saw his mom sleeping on her stomach, he laid the pile of white ropes on the mattress and then lifted her covers.

Anna was wearing black thigh-high stockings, a black night dress and the same black satin gloves that she had been wearing earlier. Her back faced him and the side of her head was smooshed against the pillow with her wrists already somewhat behind her which was convenient for her son.

After taking deep breaths and building up the courage to himself, John wrapped the white rope around Anna's wrists before cinching it tightly, holding her hands tightly together as he did so. As she groggily came to, another piece of rope was cinched over her ankles, binding them together tightly. Next, a third piece of rope was tied under her chest to hold her upper arms in place, then with a fourth piece he tied a loop around her stomach to hold her wrists in place against her body.

"WHA- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Shrieked Anna in suprise as she felt her limbs being constricted and encircled by the soft white ropes. The fifth and sixth pieces of long white rope went around Anna's thighs and upper legs respectively, completely immobilising any movement of her legs. The seventh and last piece of rope went around Anna's upper chest, pinning her shoulders to her back. "Let me go!" Anna demanded as she twisted and shook in her restraints.

"We'll talk about it in the morning" said John dismissively. He opened up his mother's nightstand in search for an eye mask, "Can I ask who wears gloves when they go to sleep?" Said John trying to hold a laugh while opening the drawers. Anna looked up at him unamused while still desperately rolling and pulling into the ropes while lying down on her bed, "what? My fingers and my toes get cold at night that's why" she said while continuing her desperate struggle.

After a few seconds of digging he found a sleep mask, as he pulled it out, what he saw underneath shocked him. He had found a white two and a half inch wide ball gag lying underneath the eye mask, accompanied by 4 pairs of handcuffs. John lifted the gat up in front of his mother, "What is this?" He said while chuckling in amazement.

Anna's face turned red, a mix of embarrassment and anger swallowed her body whole, "put it away and let me go" she said sternly. John sat on the bed and pulled his mother upwards so that she was sitting up right, "I always wondered how effective these were" John said as he shifted Anna so that her back was turned to him.

"I mean it put it aw- aarrphh!" Anna shouted before the large white ball was slid across her tongue and put behind her teeth before the black leather straps were locked in place, fully silencing any of her complaints.

John got up from his sitting position and looked down at his mother who was bound head to toe. Her tongue, her shoulders, her elbows, her gloves hands, her legs and her ankles were all tangled up and restrained in some way.

In response to John's condescending, pitiful look, Anna's eyes exchanged a glance of pure fury before being covered up by her black silky eye mask.

To be continued...
Last edited by Dukes_91 1 month ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Gluba »

So HOT! the mother should tie him up and gag him with her dirty panties!
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Post by Dukes_91 »

Part Two

After John used a pair of his mom's cuffs to anchor her feet to the foot of the bed he stood back and watched as Anna flopped around like a newly caught fish. He couldn't believe what he had done, he knew that she would not be happy when he inevitably had to let her go. The ropes around her stockinged feet held still as she desperately pulled and wiggled, the restraints in her chest and arms holding her still as she did so. Anna's cheeks sucked in and out as she became acclimated with the large white ball locked behind her teeth, pinning down her tongue and muffling her.

After Anna was left in the dark to struggle helplessly, John had a restless night of sleep, anxious about what would happen in the coming days. At the crack of dawn he moved back into his mother's room, untethered his mom's feet from the bed and lifted her over his shoulder before carrying her down to the living room. Anna's silky brown hair thrashed side to side as she struggled on top of his shoulder, completely unaware of her surroundings. She occasionally kicked and yelped through her gag before she was sat down on an old wooden chair, a shoelace was wound across her stomach to hold her down to the chair like a seatbelt.

After sitting down on a similar old creaky chair across from his mother, John reached over and removed Anna's blindfold. Her head shot back as her eyes adjusted to the light, "Gnnnmmpha!" She shouted at him, not in anger like the previous night but in desperation as she gestured to her bound, gloved wrists and her bound ankles. Seeing the drool running down her neck and the rest of her body, John decided to ungag her by sliding his index finger under the black leather strap and pulling it, making the large white ball slide out from behind her teeth where it dangled around her neck, next to her silver heart necklace.

"Thank you!" She cried in between breathing and adjusting her jaw, "That thing was killing me all night" she said. John sat back in his chair and gave her a dismissive look, "I find that hard to believe, what is it that you want?" he asked.

"Untie me, please" said Anna, she was not angry, she was pleading. She gestured to her hands which were behind her, by shaking them and looking back at them. "No" said John flatly before grabbing the leather strap once more and lifting the ball back up to her lips.

"Wait, pleas- nm!" Anna said before the ball was locked behind her teeth once more. She let her head fall back to look at the ceiling as she contemplated how she ever found herself in this situation, completely helpless and immobile. It was no use however, as her eye mask was slid back over her eyes leaving her in the dark once again.

"I brought you down here so that I can keep an eye on you while I have breakfast but I'll make something for you in a few hours" John said as he walked into the kitchen leaving his mother tied down and looking up at the ceiling. All she could do was listen as she heard John make himself and eat breakfast right across from her before sitting down at the couch to watch TV. She was confident that she wasn't looking at him though she couldn't be sure, so she began trying to undo the rope around her stomach, holding her down to the chair.

When she arched her back forward she could just about reach the knot which was behind the chair. She grabbed it and fiddled with it between her fingers, untying a knot would be difficult wearing her satin gloves and especially harder blindfolded with most of her movement restricted. After enough toying with it she got an idea of the knots general shape and began to pick at it, loosening and loosening it each passing minute.

Suddenly she felt relief on her stomach as the rope fell to the ground beside the chair. Now, Anna couldn't see but she did remember the layout to her house fairly well so when she stood up and began to hop she had a fairly good idea of where she was going. Anna had to make sure that when she hopped, she wouldn't land on a creaky floor board which would quickly alert John to what she was doing. Her best bet was to hop to a remote corner of the house and use a corner of the wall to grind down the ropes holding her wrists together.

Hop! Her stockinged feet lightly touched the ground, in her minds eye she was close to the door leading down the large hallway connecting the living room to the upstairs and the front door, Anna heard the noise of the TV continue, she was safe.

Hop! Hop! Hop! She made her way down the hallway though she was still in the possible line of sight of John if he turned around, so she continued to hop. Five more hops later she felt that she had reached the end of the hallway and so turned left to reach the stairs, she was light on her feet like a cat, so John was none-the-wiser to what she was doing. With each hop she struggled to keep her balance, with no visual reference of where she was, bracing herself incase she might hop straight into a wall.

She turned her body left to face down the hallway with the stairs at the end of it. Slowly but surely, her bound body shifted inch by inch towards the stairs. Again, she turned left with the wooden floor having little to no friction on her black stockings. Anna jumped attempting to reach the first step however her foot got caught in the carpeted step and she fell onto the stairs shoulder-first. The loud bang caught John's attention, he turned around to discover a coil of rope on the floor and his mother nowhere to be found, "Mom?!" He shouted, his voice echoing through the house.

"GUUNNNMMMM!" She shouted and kicked her bound legs in frustration but as she heard her son's footsteps get closer she began to laugh at the absurdity of her situation. Without a word exchanged she was bridal carried back into the living room, kicking and squirming the entire way with muffled begs added in.

"I can't even trust you to sit on a chair?" John said, pretending to be disappointed in the same way that Anna was disappointed in John. In quick succession, Anna was tied down to the same chair which was dragged to beside the TV before having her hands wrapped into little balls of duct tape, preventing her from picking at the knots.

As John sat back down on the couch to watch the TV with his bound mother beside it he watched as she complained through the gag, "GNNNMMGU!" she wailed. The soft material of her black satin gloves would surely be damaged now that they were wrapped up in layers of tape. Still she had no control over her situation so her cries went ignored.

After two slow hours of struggling and panting, she felt her ball gag be ripped out from her mouth, "I made you something to eat" said John as the toast grazed against her newly freed lips. Without saying a word she chewed on it, letting the crumbs fall onto the plate held by her son. "Do you need anything to drink?" He asked her as he stood up straight.

"Water please" she said softly, most of the fight had left her body by this point. As the water touched her lips she felt a great sense of relief, feeling the cool water enter her stomach. Naturally in her sweaty and delirious state, she yearned for water, however the relief was short lasting as she felt the leather strap of her gag be lifted and the ball fitted back into her mouth. "NMMM!" She shouted as she twisted her head in order to get away only for the large white reflective ball to easily lock itself back into its usual spot behind her teeth.

"Struggling will only make your life more difficult" John said as he sat down at the couch. Ignoring his advice, Anna continued to struggle and thrash against the ropes. Any movement of her arms would result in tightness at the corresponding point in her torso. Her legs were equally useless, wrapped up like a bundle of sticks.

Paying attention to the TV was difficult for John when right next to the TV was his mother tied down, gagged and blindfolded. He could see more and more drool going down her each minute with little bubbles forming at the corners of her mouth as she pleaded with him.

Eventually though he listened to her plights and pulled on the strap to remove the ball from her mouth, "wait!" Anna said frantically, "if you untie me we can forget about this whole thing, I'll unground you please!" She begged with him. John thought to himself for a minute while he was face with his blindfolded mom, "You sound desperate...OK" he relented, internally relieved that the situation could be over.

A sigh of relief left Anna's lips, "thank you!" She said before the blindfold was removed. Anna felt and looked like a mess, her hair was frizzy and all over the place and saliva had dropped down as far as her stomach. She looked down at her lap as John reached down behind her to untie her wrists. Waves of relief echoed through her body as she felt the ropes come loose and the tape unravel from her fists. Anna moved her arms in front of her and stretched with her no found freedom as the ropes around her stockings were undone.

"I'm a mess." Anna said inbetween laughter as she stood up and held the ropes, tape and gag in her arms, "I'm going to have a shower" she said. She was relieved by the fact that her gloves were undamaged as a result of the tape though her skin had superficial marks from the tight ropes that held her still for the previous twelve or so hours.

The two mostly avoided eachother for the rest of the day until it came time to have dinner. They sat opposite eachother at the table, John was forced to look away from his mother because a ray of sunshine poked through the windows into his eyes from her direction, "so... I'm not grounded anymore right?" Asked John trying to break the cold silence.

"I guess not." She said while piercing a potato with her fork, "Are we even now?" Anna said jokingly.

"Yes we are." Said John cheerfully while looking around the room, "Though I think I was a bit meaner to you" he said.

"At least some parts were fun" she said before looking up at him, "when I escaped from the chair it was like a game of hide and seek." She said while chewing.

"Really?" John said in suprise, he attempted to look up at her only to be blinded by the sun, "For me, trying to escape was pretty fun I guess" he said.

"I really did" Anna said cheerfully, "I did something similar to ground your - as you know - but I really wasn't expecting you to take the fight to me" she said gleefully.

"Can I ask, what happened when Sara got grounded?" Asked John as he looked down at his plate.

Anna looked up and thought to herself for a moment, "Well..." She hesitated for a moment, "she had snuck out of the house in the middle of the night and then she took my car for a joyride with her friends" She said.

"Woah really?" John chuckled before swallowing a potato, "So what did you do to her?" He asked.

"Well uh..." Anna became flustered as she looked up from her plate, "You know my old sewing machine?" Anna said while pointing to a remote cabinet in the kitchen where the sewing machine gathered dust, "I sewed a dozen of my brown leather belts together and used it to restrain her" Anna said before returning to her gaze back to her plate.

John was bewildered, not only were his suspicions correct but there was a lot more beneath the surface. John looked up from his plate, his brain filled with questions which pour our from him, "How did it work? How long was she in it at a time? How come I didn't hear anything?" John said in quick succession.

Anna was set back for a moment due to the onslaught of questions spewed at her, "So essentially there was one large lethere strap which ran the length of her spine" Anna began to explain, "The central strap had other straps branch off from it and buckle around different limbs. At the bottom there was two belts which held the lower legs and the thighs together. Then one belt would hold down both forearms at the same time putting their arms into the shape of a box behind their back. Then the last two belts would be strapped to the upper and lower chest area... The runner's trap was my nickname for it" Anna said before returning to her food. The other two questions rolled around in her mind for a moment while she thought about them, "She was in that thing for 20 hours a day for a week, it absolutely drove her nuts... But it was either that or grounded for two months" Anna said.

A cloud drifted over the sun allowing John to see his mother across from him without being blinded by the sun. He gazed up at her as she began to talk once more, "As for why you didn't hear her I'm not sure, though there was a few times when she argued too much I would get one of my white silk scarves and tie it up behind her teeth" Anna said as she motioned sticking a cloth between her teeth.

Surprised by the thoroughness of the answer, John slowly nodded his head before going back to eating his dinner. The air that night was heavy and humid with the new spring heat permeating every room in the house. To keep himself cool, John slept in just a pair of grey cargo shorts on top of his bed covers, even still he was restless and sweaty the whole night. He owned a fan but it was old, loud and rusty as well as having no front cover - the idea of a metal blade spinning close to his face with no protection did not put his mind to ease at all - so he didn't bother with it.

Despite his discomfort however he was able to slip unconscious. That was until he was awoken in the early morning by the sound of metal belt buckles hitting eachother and brown leather stretching as it was tightened. As consciousness was restored to his body he slowly realised his predicament one sense at a time; he heard straps tightening, he felt straps tightening and finally when he turned around from his face down position he saw straps being tightened.

His legs were folded up and held still, his right palm touched his left elbow and his left palm touched his right elbow with his forearms secured together. "Don't struggle" a familiar voice said before a strap around his chest was tightened and buckled tightly.

"Gnnn!" John groaned as another strap was buckled around his shoulders and upper chest. Anna flipped John over onto his back, which was uncomfortable considering all of his limbs were behind his back. Anna shoved a large orange sponge into John's mouth, letting it expand and conform to the shape of the inside of his mouth, then sloppily plastered on four or five strips of duct tape going in all kinds of different directions. "Mmm... The cherry on top." Anna said cheerfully.

"There we go. Perfect." Said Anna standing back and looking down at John. Each one of his restraints were interconnected via the main strap, so that any struggles would have an opposite reaction. John wasn't used to this kind of restraint, or any kind for that matter. He had been in for less than a minute and he was already being driven crazy, though being locked up this securely did bring him a sense of fun and challenge.

John looked up at Anna as she looked down at him with glee, her arms crossed and her head tilted to look into his eyes, "You're going to regret what you did to me" Anna said smugly.
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Post by beeblebrox883 »

Great continuation. Looking forward to the next part
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Post by milagros317 »

Wonderful chapter! :D
Looking forward to the continuation. :twisted:
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Mommy's Naughty Boy
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

This is an amazing story! Mom and son are so much fun to read about....
I really loved reading about her dressed up and wearing long satin gloves (my favorite) I thought she was going to tickle him with her gloves.
I really hope she does a number on him!
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Post by GermanTUGFriend »

Great written chapter of this story ! I really enjoyed reading it ! :)
No proper TUG without gagging and hooding ^^ And don't forget a blindfold ;)
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Post by hafnermg »

Great story so far! I'm only disappointed there aren't more chapters yet l! Keep it up!
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Post by Dukes_91 »

hafnermg wrote: 1 month ago Great story so far! I'm only disappointed there aren't more chapters yet l! Keep it up!
I'm glad there's been a good response to the story, also don't worry more parts are coming :lol:
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

Dukes_91 wrote: 1 month ago
hafnermg wrote: 1 month ago Great story so far! I'm only disappointed there aren't more chapters yet l! Keep it up!
I'm glad there's been a good response to the story, also don't worry more parts are coming :lol:
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Post by Gluba »

Such a hot story!, Please more punishment and domination of the son by his mother! :twisted:
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Post by Dukes_91 »

Part Three

Three hours later, John found himself back into the same position he was initially when he had woken up. During those three hours he was fed, watered and had his teeth brushed for him as well as his mother going for a quick nap. The same orange sponge filled the inside of his mouth and the same roll of silver duct tape was ripped into pieces and used to smother his lower face.

"You know I really thought that you damaged these when you wrapped that tape around my hands" Anna said while looking at the front and back of the black satin gloves that she was wearing. As well as her gloves, she wore some black sweatpants and a plain white v-neck, she stood over John as he laid on his stomach looking up at his mother. John had nothing to say to her so he kept his gaze on her eyes.

"Can I get your opinion on something?" Anna said after a lengthy pause, she suddenly flipped John onto his back and with his limbs strapped up behind him, his torso stuck into the air. "When I grounded your sister, one way that I would motivate her to struggle more was to tickle her" Said Anna, making John's body turn into an explosion of movement and noise, he pleaded to his indifferent mother who took off one glove from her arm. "I'm going to put a blindfold over your eyes so that you don't see me coming" Anna said as she took the pillow case off John's pillow and draped it over his eyes.

"Does it tickle more when I do this?" Anna said right before digging her bare fingers into John's ribs causing him to thrash violently and laugh through the sponge and tape. The sensation that he felt in his ribs was sharp and inescapable, incontrollably causing different muscles to tense up and pull against the restraints.

"Or when I do this?" Anna said before using her gloved hand to dig her fingers into his sides causing an even stronger reaction than before. The gloved fingers wriggling around his ribs felt impersonal, like an emotionless machine was inflicting it on him.

"Hmm... I think I know our answer" Anna said smugly before slipping the glove back onto her hand and up her forearm. Anna tied up her hair behind her into a pony tail before sitting down on the bed beside John who was fully restrained on his back, "If I'm going to be here for another three hours I may as well get comfortable" Anna said as she adjusted her seating position.

John, realising the implications of what she said, began to plead, "GNNNMMMMPH!" he yelled, his voice muffled and silenced by the gag. "There's nothing you can do about it" Anna laughed. It was too late for pleading however as Anna got to work tormenting him. Initially his struggle felt cramped with his limbs tightly wound up and smooshed together with his back on top of them. He could only scream and struggle so much however as he soon lost the energy to protest or struggle.

He noticed that when he stopped fighting, the whole process became a lot easier on him, his limbs didn't feel as constricted, he slowly began to enjoy the feeling of having to escape but having no where to run. His muscles would still occasionally twitch however but for the most part he stayed still and let himself experience his feelings.

After the first hour and a half his muscles were weak and exhausted. His mother occasionally talked to him, "I was thinking the other day that my stuff is pretty outdated so I bought some new stuff online... Super strong duct tape, some ropes and a few other things" she said while continuing to torment John, "Your sister struggled a lot less than this, be like her" she teased.

By the end of the three hours, John was mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted, "we're going to do that every day for the next two or so weeks" she said while standing up from the bed, "any problems with that?" She said.

"Mphhmnn!" John said in frustration with the last sliver of energy in his body before rolling onto his stomach and looking up at his mother. "Didn't think so." Said Anna sarcastically as she stuck out her ear is if to listen closely to what he was saying. Anna bent down to speak into John's ear, "Nobody is coming to help you... At least not with this tape on your mouth" she said bluntly, the words shot down John's spine and made him feel a unique mix of helplessness and frustration. Anna pushed the tape down with her gloved hand and smoothed it over before standing back up and walking out the room.

"MMMMMNNNNN!" Shouted John as the door clicked shut in frustration, every once in a while his emotions would shift between frustrated and helpless. During each shift these emotions would swallow him whole and he could think of nothing else other than how powerless he was.

Over the next three days he relived that same experience day in and day out. He has no degree of autonomy except when he was allowed to wash or relieve himself, only then was he able to have any sense of freedom.

One such morning he awoke from his sleep to his mother standing over him wearing pink yoga pants and a loose fitting white hoodie over it, she dangled a white ball gag in front of his face, the same one that he had used on her, however now it was cleaned. She sat down on the bed in front of his face and guided his chin to look up at her, "I'm getting a bit bored of the rags and duct tape so I wait to try something different" she said before peeling the large collection of strips of silver tape from his lips, followed by a white rolled up pair of socks leaving his mouth. The ball was strapped in tightly behind his teeth, he had seen pictures of these things before but having one locking down his tongue was different.

"I'll leave that there while I go do something for five minutes" Anna said before storming out the room. "Nmuun!" He shouted, testing the silencing ability of the ball, after only a few minutes the issues began to arise. He felt his jaw slowly become more uncomfortable and to his displeasure he found a line of drool which was slowly picking up speed down his chin. He finally understood why his mother was so desperate to get out, he was also surprised by how effective it was at keeping him quiet, despite his mouth being wide open.

"How does it feel so far?" Anna asked as she walked in and shut the door behind her before using her index finger to remove the ball from his mout, much in the same way that John had done to her previously. "It's tighter than I expected" he muttered as the gag hung around his neck while his limbs were twisted and tightened in the belts.

"Good, that means it's working!" Anna said cheerfully before effortlessly readjusting the strap so that the ball was again locked behind his teeth, "oh- I forgot to mention that your sister is coming over soon so I really need you to be quiet, ok?" Anna said as she unbuckled the strap to retighten it, "I'm going to go get dressed up in something... Better, for when Sara comes over... But I would never want to leave you here bored" Anna said before picking up two electric toothbrushes off the ground.

John was confused where this might be going but it's not like he had much of a choice, the two toothbrushes were taped to his soles with the brushes rubbing against his feet. His legs were tightly buckled together so no amount of movement could shake them off.

Suddenly, the two toothbrushes came to life, scrubbing his soles. "MMMMNNNNM!" screamed John with his lips closed over the ball. "I know that nothing can replace my fingers dancing on your ribs but that worked a lot better than I thought it would!" Anna said happily as she exited the room. John shook and struggled but the straps, as always held his limbs down tightly. Unlike when he was being tormented by his mother, he had nobody to plead or beg to. He was bound, gagged and in an empty room, even outside his room the only person who could be within earshot was his tormentor.

John went through the usual shifts of emotions that he felt when having his sides dug into by gloves fingers. Frustration at his inability to escape filled his whole body, soon replaced by helplessness at the fact that nobody was coming to rescue him. His emotions shifted quicker and quicker as he desperately struggled and moaned into his gag.

Some time later, Anna entered the room once more in a flash, "your sister is here so stay quiet" she said before unravelling the tape holding down the toothbrushes. The exhausted John felt a wave of relief as the brushes were removed from his soles, "Ggnnnmmm!" Said John as a cathartic scream. Just as quickly as she had entered the room, she left. Soon enough John heard the two women greeting eachother, his mother welcomed Sara in.

Sara had olive skin, blonde hair with a hair band on her head which went down to her back, she wore a grey tanktop aswell as grey trousers which her tanktop was tucked into. From his room John could hear the conversation progressively get louder until it gradually got quieter. Seeing his chance that his sister might possibly hear him he intentionally rolled off his bed, causing a large bang. However after another lengthy pause of silence, nothing happened.

Confused at why no one was speaking especially after a noise like that, he began to shout, "HEELMMMPH!" he shouted. Silence. His cloud of confusion was quickly blown away however when Anna walked in holding Sara in a bridal carry. "WHHGGM ARPH U DOPHNG?!" John shouted as his sister was put laid down on his chair, the same kind of chair which could be found in the dining room, old, wooden and creaky.

"You're sister asked too many questions and when she realised what I had done to you, she refused to leave until you went with her" Anna said while rushing to the nightstand where she left the duct tape. Anna had changed into high heels, tights, white opera gloves and a black dress which consisted of a short skirt and a corset. She was characteristically over-dressed, John thought to himself.

Without a word he was lifted up by his restraints and put back onto the bed where he watched as his sister was tied up. Sara's wrists were crossed over in front of her and were taped together vertically and horizontally. The sound of the duct tape was deep and strong, John could feel it in his chest as the tape unravelled and wrapped around Sara's wrists. Anna used her teeth to rip the tape before moving on to wrapping tape around Sara's waist, fully pinning her wrists to the front of her body.

"All it took was one sleeping pill and she was knocked out... I'm going out for groceries after I finish up with her" Anna said as she wrapped tape under and over Sara's breasts in order to restrain her arms. John could do nothing as he watched his sister get taped up, "GNNNMM!" He argued.

"Shove it!" Anna snapped as she began to wrap up Sara's ankles before wrapping her thighs up in the silver tape. Anna rushed as she wrapped tape around Sara's body and the entire chair to prevent her escape when she woke up.

Lastly, Anna tied two of John's white socks together, creating a knot in the middle. She walked over to Sara's slumped over head and pushed it up before shoving the knot in between her teeth. The thick white socks were tightly knotted behind Sara's head, "you don't mind if I use your socks as a gag do you?" Anna asked John sarcastically before leaving the room, shutting the door behind her swiftly.

"phunc yonnph!" He shouted at her as the door slammed. John heard as his mother pulled out the driveway and sped off. "MMMPH!" John tried to shout throw the white ball gag which was leaking saliva everywhere in order to get his sister to wake up. Of course she did not respond to any of his gagged requests.

After thirty minutes or so of crushing boredom, Sara awoke from her slumber, "hmph?" She said as consciousness entered her body. When she saw the tape wrapped around her she instantly began kicking and shouting until she saw John. They gave eachother a look of recognition.

"Hemph me!" She said while gesturing to the tape around her hands. "I canf!" He said back while wiggling the system of belts which kept him locked down. "Kom herf!" He shouted while gesturing his sister, he was hoping that she would wobble her chair over to him so that he could work on the tape with his hands.

Slowly but surely, inch by inch the chair hopped over to John's bedside. He turned so that his back was facing his sister so that his bound hands could grab onto the tape. John had trouble at first finding the duct tape which held her body to the chair but when he did, he yanked, pulled and twisted. It took minutes of sweat inducing labour but eventually he created a tear in the tape which Sara easily tore through.

"Uph te phan!" He stressed to his sister who was now standing over him, he gestured to the old broken fan which had no front cover, she could use the fan blades to cut the tape off from her hands. "Yeph!" She excitedly shouted with John's socks muzzling her speech, she hopped over - not allowed to walk due to her leg restraints - to the fan and rubbed her taped up wrists against the rusty fan blades. She rubbed and rubbed and rubbed until she heard a rip. Seeing a tear in the tape she pulled and fiddled into the tear ripped open and split her wrist and hand restraints in two.

"Ow!" She yelped as the tape stung at her hair as she pulled off the rest of the restraints. The remaining restraints were easy as cake to remove now that her hands were free. She untied the long knotted white cloth from behind her teeth and rushed to her brother's side.

"You poor thing are you ok?" Sara asked as she unbuckled the ball gag from John's mouth. "Thank you, that was really starting to hurt my jaw!" Said John gratefully.

"Where do I even begin with this?" Asked a dumbfounded Sara as she looked at the complicated web of buckles, straps and restraints. After a second of hesitation she undid the restraints holding his legs to his thighs allowing John to stretch his legs bringing him great relief.

Next she unbuckled his wrist restraints before finally unbuckling the two belts which held down his chest. For the first time in a long time, John stood up and stretched without being tied up, "What do we do now?" Asked John.

Sara was unsure of what to do, "I think she'll be back within the next ten minutes... So let's get ready for her" said Sara, "when she comes through the door we'll tie her up and we can end this... How long were you even in that thing anyway?" She asked her brother.

"she first put me in that thing a few days ago" John said while grabbing the duct tape from the floor. The two moved towards Anna's bedroom, reasoning that if she had more restraints they would be in there.

"Mom had me in that thing for a full week" said Sara as she walked down the hallway beside John, "I hoped that you would at least hear me shouting but apparently you didn't" she said before opening the door to Anna's bedroom.

"I- you had a gag in your mouth and also how was I supposed to assume what was happening?" John said, trying to defend himself while he dug through her closet.

"Well either way it was hell, she tickled me for hours on end but I would've rathered that than grounded for months" Sara said as she dug around in a different corner of the room, "I found something!" Sara called out.

"Let's see" John said while he paced to Sara's corner of the room. Underneath her bed Anna had put the restraints that she ordered online; leg cuffs, hinged handcuffs, ropes and many other things that they would make use of. "This is a gold mine!" John chuckled to himself as they looked through everything.

Suddenly, they heard their mom's car pull into the driveway, they quickly scrambled to the door, John holding a roll of duct tape and Sara holding a few chains and cuffs. The door swung open and Anna walked in holding a bag of groceries in her same black dress. As she turned the corner into the hallway which lead to the living room, John and Sara were waiting for her at either corner of the turn.

John moved a small strip of duct tape towards his mother's lips, she moved her hands and tried to grab his wrists, dropping when groceries in the process, before Sara grabbed her arms from behind and cuffed her gloved wrists together in hinged steel restraints.

"MMM!" Anna called out as the cuffs clicked and the tape smoothed over her lips simultaneously. Sara locked her right arm over Anna's chest and held her back as the tape was further pressed down over her mouth. Soon after, John bent down and grabbed Anna's legs and used at as leverage to pick her up.

"MMMHHMMMHHM!" Anna moaned and groaned, the tape vacuum sealed around her lips giving a clear impression through the sticky silver tape. While in the air - John supporting her lower half and Sara supporting her upper half - John cuffed Anna's ankles together with her heels and tights still on her.

John called out to his sister over the noises of gagged moaning and restraints rattling "Let's take her up to the attic, it will be easier on us!"
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

Whoa! Yes! This is getting so good! A little tit for tat now two against one! I love it.
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Post by hafnermg »

Can't wait to see how she ends up!
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Wonderful story of siblings in bondage.
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