Paul’s Mom and the ABC’s m/F

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Post by Ianc1980 »

Glad to hear you’ve been inspired to write more stories with this theme. Maybe Paul AND his friend could work together to tie Mrs C up!
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Post by damsel »

This is one of those stories that really seems plausible. All in how it's presented, I guess! :)
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Post by Wrappedmouth »

This story is great! Stories with older women getting bound and gagged are great. Maybe the narrator meets Paul's mom as an adult!
You gag me, I'll gag you. MMMPH! 🤐
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Post by LordNelson »

Wrappedmouth wrote: 4 years ago This story is great! Stories with older women getting bound and gagged are great. Maybe the narrator meets Paul's mom as an adult!
An interesting idea...maybe a future story!
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Post by RopemanSteve »

Wrappedmouth wrote: 4 years ago This story is great! Stories with older women getting bound and gagged are great. Maybe the narrator meets Paul's mom as an adult!
Damn, that would be way cool....might have to be in the adult section though :)
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Post by Dustysmate »

This is great work!
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Post by Dpsiic »

Amazing stories mate. I hope you have more fun with mrs C and the picture really helps with visualisation
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Post by sagitarium »

Lovely story. I enjoyed it immensely 😊
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Post by OldTUGger »

Fun story! Light, good-natured, and, as always, well-written!
Links to all of my stories can be found here in the Story Catalog:
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Post by LordNelson »

Thanks to everyone for their kind comments which are encouraging me to add more stories to Mrs C's collection. I know that I wrote her off in my latest offering but I will be exercising an authors right to change his mind as I have a few ideas to add to her legacy.
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Post by Ianc1980 »

This is great to hear, look forward to reading the next installment!
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Post by RopemanSteve »

Looking forward to it.
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Wonderful bondage story.
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Post by emca753 »

LordNelson wrote: 4 years ago Paul’s Mom & The ABC’s
Part 2 Plan B

According to Murphy’s Law everything that can go wrong will. So far everything had gone wrong and as a result I was lying on top of my best friend’s mother after having accidentally tackled her. It could have been a bad situation but from my current point of view things didn’t look too bad. In fact it was more like heaven than hell. Unfortunately my time in heaven was far too short. She asked me to sit up and pay attention. I lifted my head as high as my trapped arms would let me.

‘I’m not going to do all thinking for you so you are going to have to figure out what to do next and I’ll give you advice along the way. How does that sound to you?’

I was in no position argue so I suggested that the first thing to do would be for us to get up. Since I was on top I would have to go first. My right arm was easier to pull out so I did it first. I reluctantly let go of her knee but when my fingers stroked across the back of her other knee I felt a tingle. I kept my fingertips in contact as long as I could but eventually had to place my hand on the floor.

My left arm was pinned to the floor under her legs and was a little more difficult to extract. She lifted her legs slightly to help. I withdrew my hand slowly savoring the contact. Once it was free it was only a split second before I brushed against her other thigh. I tried not to be too obvious as I ran my fingers over her stocking but I think I was actually trembling by this point.

I placed my second hand on the floor and was able to lift myself a bit higher. It now looked like I was about to do push ups except for the fact that I had a woman under me. My body was still between her legs forcing them apart so that the outside of her thighs were against my forearms. It was not as stimulating as it had been in my hands but it was still a thrill. I was about to stand up when she spoke to me.

‘Don’t move. Not an inch. What do you think is going to happen when you get up? I’m an enemy agent. I’m going to jump up and escape and before I do I’m going to give you a good kick where the sun doesn’t shine.’ I was speechless. I was so wrapped up in my new found sensations that I hadn’t given any thought to the game. It occurred to me that my first opportunity to tie up a woman was going to slip by if I wasn’t careful.

‘Now order me to roll over. I’m less of a threat if I’m face down.’ She couldn’t roll with me between her legs so we had to shift our positions. I lifted one leg and she slid hers over. Then we did the other side. I was now straddling her. Her slightest touch gave me shivers and right now she was really touching me. Her new position, since I had shorts on, meant that my bare knees were snug against her thighs. This alone would have been enough to give my head a spin but there was more. Her high heels were pressing against my calves. The cold smooth leather gave me goose bumps.

I gave her the order to roll and I was glad I did. As she turned onto her side one thigh rubbed up my arm and her calf traveled up the inside of my leg. Then as she turned face down they both brushed down the other side. Now her rear end was directly in front of my face. None of the girls at school had rear ends worth noticing but this was a woman’s derriere. The curve of her hips and the roundness of her cheeks gave me a sudden introduction to the beauty of a well-shaped bottom.

‘What do we do next?’ she asked. I said that it was time to take her to Paul’s room and tie her up. ‘Forget about Paul. He didn’t have the guts to take me down; he can sit this one out. Tie me up here and complete the mission. Close the door and lock it so that he can’t come poking around. When they hand out the medals you’ll be standing alone and proud.’

I could see why Paul liked playing with her. She really got into it. I jumped up, closed and locked the door and returned to my position. She warned me that the moment I gave her a chance she was going to try to escape. I had a brief moment of panic as I realized that Paul had the ropes and the gag. I looked around and the nearest thing I could see to tie her up with was a scarf that was sticking out of the pocket of the coat she had dropped when I tackled her. I leaned over to reach for it and she made her move.

She scrambled up onto her hands and knees and tried to crawl away. Had I considered that I was about to assault a grown woman I may have hesitated but I was caught up in the game. I grabbed her by the ankles and pulled her legs out from under her. She flopped back to the floor face down. I moved up, sat on her bum and grabbed her arms. I bent them around behind her and pinned her wrists to her back. Now I was stuck.

I couldn’t reach the scarf, I couldn’t let her go and I couldn’t think of what to do next. After an awkward pause she realized I was at a stalemate and she made a suggestion. ‘Why don’t you use my belt?’ Ten seconds of silence was her clue that I had no idea what she was talking about. ‘Take my belt off and use it to tie me up. Just slip your hand under me.’ It was easier said than done.

It took several tries to figure out how to hold both wrists with one hand. Each time I screwed up she pulled one arm or the other away and I had to fight to get it back. I tried to get my hand under her but couldn’t; she was going to have to lift up. I slid back off of her rear onto her legs. I was still holding her wrists so now I was awkwardly bent forwards. I leaned to one side and tried to get my hand under her. She lifted her butt to help and it pushed into my face. I turned my head and we wound up cheek to cheek. With the side of my face resting on her bottom I fumbled with the buckle for a minute with no success.

‘Let my hand go and I’ll do it for you or we will be here all day.’ I sat up and released one hand and she reached under. She undid the belt and pulled it off. I took it from her and proceeded to create another screw-up.

I wrapped the belt three or four times around her wrists and when I was done the end did not reach the buckle. It was short by less than an inch. I undid one loop, put it through the buckle and this time I ran out of holes before it was tight. ‘Take it off and wrap it around tighter this time. Pull it good and it will reach.’ I followed her advice and this time it worked but it was really tight. She never complained. ‘What’s next?’ she asked. I told her I needed to tie her legs and then gag her. She directed me to the closet where I would find more belts.

To prevent another escape attempt I took hold of her ankles again and dragged her towards the closet with me. I selected a narrow black belt and used it on her ankles. I buckled it up quite tight. I sat back to admire my work. It was then that I noticed what had happened. When I pulled on her ankles I had dragged her out of her skirt. Her hemline was across the middle of her butt. I finally found out why they were called pantyhose and I also had my first glimpse of a woman’s panties through the sheer nylon.

She was aware of what had happened and asked if I would please fix her skirt. She lifted her bottom and I pulled the skirt back down. I only pulled it far enough to cover her panties. The sight of the full extent of her legs was something that I wasn’t about to cover up just yet. ‘What have you got planned next?’ she asked. I told her it was time to gag her but she suggested tying her more securely first.

With her directing me I sat her up against the foot of the bed. Then I took a few more belts and tied them above and below the knees and used another to pull her elbows together. Once she was satisfied that I had her securely bound she was ready to be gagged.

‘In the drawer over there I have some scarves. Go take a look and see what you can do.’ I opened the drawer and selected a nice thick red scarf. I passed it between her teeth and tied it around the back of her head. ‘How does that look’ she asked ‘are you satisfied with it?’ Everything looked fine to me and I nodded my head yes. ‘Do you realize what is happening right now? I’m talking to you. Your gag isn’t very effective. Take it off.’

I removed it and she had me get another scarf. She told me to roll it up into a ball.

‘You are going to stuff that into my mouth to keep me quiet and then you are going to use the first scarf to tie it in. Before you do that let’s get one thing clear. I need to get changed and start cooking supper soon so once I am gagged this is what we are going to do. I will try to escape. You will give me five minutes and then you will let me go if I can’t get out by myself. If you ever hope to do this again, and I think you do, do not be tempted to keep me tied up longer than that because sooner or later you will have to let me go and I won’t be very happy.’

My hands were trembling as I went to gag her. This is the most exciting thing that I had ever done. At the same time it was the most terrifying. I wasn’t about to go a second over five minutes.

To be continued…
Very sexy
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Post by emca753 »

CapturedCarol wrote: 4 years ago Hey, I like this,very much and wonder how I missed it. I suspect however Mrs C is 10-20 years younger than me.
You could be a tied GILF
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