Careful What You Wish For (FF/M)

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Careful What You Wish For (FF/M)

Post by guardian741 »

I work at a fast food chain and frequently talk with two co-workers: Brittany & Sam (short for Samantha). Brittany is shorter - 5’6 - brown hair, brown eyes and medium build. Sam is a little taller – 5’8 – blue eyes, dark blonde hair and is a skinny build. Both of them are 27 and pretty attractive.

I don’t even remember how it came up, but we somehow got to joking about being kidnapped so that we wouldn’t have to work for a few days. I joked that they’re welcome to kidnap me whenever. We laughed, and went back-and-forth some more.

A few days later, we were heading to our cars after our shift that ended at 2:00pm. Sam beckoned me over to her car,
“Hey, come here”

I walked over to her and Brittany and asked what was up.

“Well,” said Sam, “we decided we’re going to kidnap you”

I just laughed a little and said “Heh, Ok Sam”

Sam then grabbed my arm and pulled me toward her car, pushing me into it. Brittany opened the back door of the car, then assisted Sam with pulling me in. I began to legitimately struggle, but between them having the drop on me, and me being in an awkward bent-over position (as they forced me head-first into the car), I couldn’t really fight them both.

They managed to push me most of the way into the backseat with me laying on my stomach. I started yelling at them to let go, but Brittany – who was virtually kneeling on top of my back - clamped her hand over my mouth, silencing me quite effectively. Sam grabbed a new roll of duct tape from the floor of her car and started to wrap it GENEROUSLY around my wrists. She then wrapped it around my elbows. Once my hands weren’t an issue, she began taping the ankles of my kicking legs – Brittany still keeping a firm hold on my mouth. Once my ankles and knees were taped together, Brittany finally let go of my mouth.

“You bitches better let me go right now!”

“I told you we were going to kidnap you!” Sam said “You even SAID we could!”

“I thought we were kidding!” I shouted as I struggled – in vain – against the tape.

“Oh, you’ll be fine” Sam reassured me “you’re just being a baby. We’ll take you back to my place, probably laugh at you for a bit, then we’ll let you go”

“Seriously let me-“

“BUT,” Sam interrupted, “we are obviously going to have to do something about your mouth because I am SO not listening to you complain the entire way home”.

Brittany began pulling a large piece of tape off the roll. She ripped it off and set it on the seat, next to my head. Then I felt her – still on my back – shuffling around. I tried to turn my head to see what she was doing, but before I even turned it too much I saw a dirty white sock (with pink on the toes/heel) presented in front of my face and quickly forced into my mouth. Within only a second or two Brittany had used finger to work the sock all the way into my mouth, picked up the strip of tape and slapped it over my mouth.

“THAT was for calling us bitches. You can enjoy that for awhile.” Brittany said as she smoothed the tape over my mouth with both hands.

The sock was pretty disgusting. I could tell it was sweaty by the salty taste overwhelming my tongue. I tried to push the sock through the tape, but the tape held strong. I moaned in disgust while the girls laughed. I struggled more feverishly (although, you probably couldn’t tell) as Sam and Brittany worked on fitting me the rest of the way into the car – pushing on my legs and pulling on my shoulders.

“Don’t go anywhere” Sam said with a laugh as she closed the door.
The girls stood right next to the window my head was near and each lit a cigarette. I tried shouting at them, but they either didn’t hear me or didn’t care. I fought against the tape, trying desperately to break (or at least loosen) the wrap around my wrists. But the tape had not only been wrapped several times, but also up and down my wrists, keeping them tightly together and unable to move hardly at all. After a couple minutes, I realized I was stuck and just laid there in defeat, trying to avoid touching the sock with my tongue while the girls enjoyed their smoke.

After about 7 or 8 minutes, the girls had finished and got in the car – Sam was driving, Brittany in the passenger seat. Before she even put on her seatbelt, Brittany turned her whole body to look at me and with a big smile asked, “So how does my sock taste?”

I glared at her and shouted a sock-gagged version of “disgusting”.

“Glad you like it!” She retorted “Still got my other one if that one loses its flavor!” She laughed to herself as she faced the front and put her seatbelt on.
Sam pulled out of the parking lot, Brittany turned up the radio, and I laid and chewed on the sweaty sock in my mouth for the rest of the 15 minute drive to Sam’s house.

The drive was pretty uneventful. I was mostly ignored besides Brittany asking if the sock still tasted good, and letting me know how much her feet sweat.

Once we got to Sam’s house, the girls got out of the car and propped-open the front door of the house. After checking to make sure no neighbors were out, they opened the back door of the car and began pulling me out by my legs. I shouted muffled protests, but was completely ignored – the girls far more interested in communicating with each other how to best lift me into the house.

And, surprisingly, the pair of them were actually able to carry me. They carried me into the house, into the living room and dropped me – fairly unceremoniously – on the carpeted floor, on my back.
They both kicked off their shoes. Sam was wearing unmatched striped socks – one of them pink and black stripes, the other green and black stripes. Brittany had her white and pink sock on one foot, the other was bare – the partner sock still taped in my poor mouth.

“I’m gonna go change, Britt” said Sam, “you should probably ungag him for a minute and give him water – there are bottles in the fridge”.

Sam went down the hallway, presumably to her room. Brynn grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and walked over to me with her big cheesy grin.

“Heeeyyyy, budddyyyyy. How’s it going? Still enjoying my tasty sock?”

Getting irritated with her teasing, I shouted a slurry of muffled protests and wiggled around fruitlessly, once again trying to break free of the tape. And no, I was not enjoying the sock – it was still pretty salty.

“Oh, relax. Sammi said I had to ungag you. I know how much you love my socks, though, so I thought I’d treat ya while I do it.”

She took her socked foot and planted it on my face. She rubbed it around saying “mmmmm, smells like flowers, huh?”

It definitely did not. The strong cheesy scented pierced my nose and made my face twist accordingly. I moved my head around to free my nose from her socked foot, but her foot followed diligently. I mmmphed my protests, but between my sock gag and her foot over my mouth, I definitely couldn’t be heard.

After about 15 seconds of that crap, she said she was going to take the tape off with her socked toes. I still tried to shake her foot off my face, but she just snapped at me:

“You can squirm if you want to, I have no problem leaving you gagged. I like it better, personally”

I DID want the sock out, so I just gave an angry grunt and held my head still and glared at her while she smiled back down at me.
“That’s better”

She spent the next few minutes trying to get at the corner of the tape with her socked toes, and was doing horribly. Her foot odor was overwhelming my nose, but everytime I tried to move my head away she yelled at me to stop moving. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally worked a corner up and used her toes to pull the tape off my mouth, then pinched the sock in my mouth between her first two toes and pulled it out. Before I could get a fresh breath, she planted her socked foot over my mouth.

“Kiss it and say thank you!”

Begrudgingly, I puckered my lips and muffled a “thank you” into her foot. She finally took her foot off my face and helped me drink some water.

“Will you please let me go now?” I pleaded

“Oh come on! We’re just having fun!” She laughed

“I beg to differ. Can you at LEAST promise to keep your sock out of my mouth? It was pretty fucking disgusting” I said

She laughed “Ha, sure. I told you my feet sweat a lot! I just wanted you to suffer for calling us bitches! Now we’re even!” She took off her other sock and threw it next to the soaked one that was in my mouth.

“Weapons of mass destruction!” She said while laughing.

About that time, Sam came back into the living room, now changed out of uniform. She wore jeans “bedazzled” in random spots and dark green tank top.

“All done!” She said “I still have some of your tops, Brittany, if you want to go change in my room.”

“Sounds good!” Brittany said, and went down the hallway.

“So how’s it goin’?” Sam asked me

“It’s getting old. When are you going to let me go?” I asked.

“I like you better gagged” Sam responded.


“Ya know, some guys would be HAPPY to be tied up by two girls! It’s not like we’re going to really torture you or anything, I’m just going to use you as a foot rest while I watch tv…”


Sam laughed as she started pulling my bound-self over to the couch.

“I figured that would be a good way of torturing you without actually torturing you. And It’ll make for a HILARIOUS picture, just in case we need it.”

“FUCKING SERIOUSLY?!” I shouted and began to squirm against the tape again.

“God!” Sam said, getting irritated, “Loosen the hell up! And I’m done with your mouth!”

Sam grabbed the duct tape and reached over and grabbed both of Brittany’s socks and started balling them up.

“No! No!” I shouted, hoping Brittany would hear me and explain the promise she made me to Sam.

“Britta-mmp!!!” But Sam had gotten the wad of socks into my mouth and was using her fingers to work them into the corners of my mouth all while taunting me: “mmmm, yummy”.

She barely got them to fit completely… but she got them to fit. Once my mouth was thoroughly stuffed, Sam wrapped the tape around my mouth and head 3 times.

Sam sat down on the couch and said “ahhh, that’s MUCH better”

My taste buds were once again overwhelmed by the awful salty taste of Brittany’s socks. Before, I was able to keep my tongue away – for the most part – from the sock, but this time my mouth was so stuffed, there was no avoiding it.

I moaned – half in disgust, half in frustration – and squirmed around on the floor.

“Oh shut up, you big baby” Sam said as she grabbed the remote and turned the TV on.

“MMMMMMMMMPH. MmMMPPH!” I shouted a slur of profanities at her, all of them significantly muffled by the socks and the tape.

Sam finally found a channel she liked, leaned back into the couch and kicked her socked feet up onto my face.


For the second time in a very short period, I had sweaty feet pressed up against my face. The stink from her socks quickly made its way into my nose. While her feet were not quite as pungent as Brittany’s, they were still far from pleasant.

Sam slowly rubbed her feet back-and-forth across my face. I shook my head, but she just maintained her slow rubbing. It didn’t matter if my nose was pressed against her toes, her arch or her heel, her foot still smelled and I was sick of being in this position. But, there was nothing I could do. I grumbled my last complaints into the dirty socks and just laid still, with my face towards the TV. Sam eventually brought her feet to a rest, her arches on my cheek and her toes just skimming the tip of my nose.

Sam wiggled her toes over my nose. “Having fun down there?”

I didn’t dignify her with a response. She cupped her toes over my nose, bringing the smell to a stronger level.

“MMMMPHHH!” I retorted in disgust.

“That’s better” Sam said.

Brittany came back into the living room now wearing yoga pants and a loose-fitting white shirt. She started laughing when she saw Sam resting her feet over my face.

“Just to let you know,” Sam said to Brittany, “I owe you a pair of socks – I had to borrow yours”

I groaned.

Brittany laughed. “Hahaha, alright then.” Brittany looked at me and just gave a shrug.

I laid there for the next hour. Brittany rested her feet on my stomach, Sam kept her feet on my face, cupping her toes over my nose every few minutes asking if I was “still alive down there?”. Brittany’s socks were still god-awful and the disgusting flavor of them was starting to make me feel sick. I groaned and mmmphed as loud as I could –which could barely be heard over the TV – but was rewarded only with Sam cupping my nose with her toes again, forcing me to endure her foot odor some more.

Sam eventually got up to use the restroom. This did not provide the break I was hoping for, though, as Brittany slid down on the couch and dropped her bare feet on my face. Whereas Sam casually rested her feet on my face, Brittany was more about intentionally making me suffer.

When Brittany’s stinky feet first assaulted my nose, I turned my head to glare at her. She quickly pressed one foot down on my forehead and the other on my mouth. With my nose virtually pressed against her foot, I got the full effect of her foot smell – and it was BAD.

“MMMMphh. MMMPMMMM, MMMMPH!” I mumbled into my gag, complaining.

Brittany just laughed. “HA, HA! You have to smell my feeeeeeettt!”

Keeping my head pinned to the floor, her other foot roamed my face again – mostly hovering around my nose.
“Stinky feet! Stinky feet!”

The smell was awful. Between her putrid feet and her sweaty socks, it was pure hell.

“And how are my socks? Are they still as delicious as you remember? It’s like you’re having the entrée’, now!”

I groaned. But there was little else I could do besides silently smell Brittany’s stinky feet. I was praying Sam would return soon – her feet were far more tolerable.

After another 2 or 3 minutes of dealing with Brittany cupping her toes over my nose, then asking me if I liked the smell yet (and repeat… like 20 times), Sam FINALLY came out of the bathroom.
When I saw her, I mmmphed at her, somehow thinking that would convince her to save me.

“How about now? Do they smell like flowers yet?” Brittany asked as she cupped her toes over my nose for the 21st time.

“Brittany, you know YOUR feet will NEVER smell like flowers – they’re fucking rank” Sam said, stifling her laughter.

“Haha, I know” Brittany replied, “I was just trying subliminal messaging”.

I angrily mmmphed in my gag (and her foot), upset that I could not correct her

“I think he likes my feet better, though” Brittany told Sam, “He didn’t really move his head at all for me, AND he kept moaning like he was enjoying it.”

What?! She had my head pinned! And I was moaning in disgust!

“Oh, REALLY?” Said Sam. “Well, it’s not a fair comparison, because you’re barefoot and I’m not. Scootch over!”
I cursed into the gag as Brittany slid down and Sam started taking off her socks.


Sam dangled her socks over my face so that they brushed against my mouth and nose

“If you don’t shut up, I’m taking out Brittany’s tasty socks and I’m shoving MINE in there!”

I nodded my head vigorously – her socks couldn’t be anywhere near as bad as Brittany’s.
Sam just laughed, though, and threw her socks to the other end of the room. I groaned again, re-accepting my fate to these disgusting socks.

“Now just be quiet and enjoy the aroma of my feet” Sam giggled.

Sam’s bare feet quickly filled my view. Without socks, her feet smelled a little more pungent, but still not as bad as Brittany’s. I turned my head away, but her toes quickly found my nose.


“Oh No,” Sam said, “you’ve gotta smell my feet just like you smelled Brittany’s. It’s not fair if you smell her toes a whole bunch and not mine!”

I tried to shake my head, but Sam used one foot to press the side of my face to the floor while the other foot’s toes cupped my nose. And I stayed like that for the next half hour. I tried to plea into my gag, but couldn’t be heard over the TV and was largely ignored.

After their show was over, they decided they needed another smoke break.

“We’re going out, but we don’t want you to miss us” said Sam

Suddenly Brittany pressed the opening of a worn tennis shoe over my mouth/nose. Sam wasted no time in wrapping tape around my head and the shoe, holding it in place.


They laughed.

“I bet you’ll LOVE that shoe” Sam said, “Ive had it for a whole year now, and whenever I run I make sure to wear those.”

The warm stench of the worn shoe overwhelmed my nose immediately.

“MMMPH! MMMMPH!” I tried begging through the socks to remove the shoe. The girls just watched and laughed as I tried to push the shoe into the floor to dislodge it from my face.

“We’ll be back in a little bit” Said Sam as she blew me a kiss and her and Brittany started heading out to the porch.
I took advantage of the time I was left alone and decided I was going to try to get a knife or a pair of scissors from the kitchen. I rolled to my side, then bent my legs (my thighs weren’t taped!) and rolled back onto my legs so that I was on my knees. From there I worked my way to standing up, using the couch as a prop. Finally I was standing.
I began hopping towards the kitchen. I only made it about 5 hops before Brittany came back in.

“Just coming in for Sam’s back-up lighter – WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?”

I cursed into my gag, knowing that this could only go poorly from here.

Brittany kicked the back of my leg behind my knees to make my legs buckle, and from there was able to push me back to the floor pretty quickly.

“Even tied up, you’re still a pain in the ass!” Brittany said “Apparently, you’re just not tied up well enough!”

Brittany quick ran to Sam’s room, and then came back with a large handful of scarves of varying sizes and colors. She tied one around my ankles and one around my wrists. At first I wasn’t sure what she was doing – it seemed redundant since the tape was doing a perfectly fine job of keep me bound. However, I better understood once she took the 3rd scarf to tied my hands to my ankles. I still had a good 4-5 inches of wiggle room, but this new add-on would definitely keep me from standing up.

Sam came back in as Brittany was finishing,
“How long does it take to grab a lighter?” Sam asked?

“Our hostage was standing up and trying to escape!!!” Brittany exclaimed

“What?! After how nice we are to you?” Sam asked.

“Mmmph.” I grunted and glared at her.

Sam came over to me and inspected Brittany’s work.

“Not too bad, Brittany. But this is still too loose. Only the tightest for our little escape artist!”
Sam began to re-do the scarf ties, and added a few. She tied my ankles to the scarf she had tied around my elbows, and then my wrists tied to my knees. I suddenly could barely move an inch.

“We’re gonna change your gag too, while we’re at it.” Sam declared. She untapped the shoe from my face, allowing me a few much-appreciated breaths of fresh air. She began unraveling the tape around my mouth until it was down to the last layer, but then got up and went to her room.

“MMMMMMMMMPHH!” I called after her. I was excited to get Brittany’s socks out of my mouth, FINALLY! Why is she stopping?

Sam came back pretty quickly, though, and dropped 4 socks (of all different colors and designs) in front of me. She then took off the last layer of tape and FINALLY pulled out Brittany’s dirty socks.

“Bet you’re grateful for that, huh?” Chuckled Brittany.

“He shouldn’t thank me yet” Sam jumped in.


“Put a sock in it” Sam laughed, mostly at the cheesiness of the line. She then grabbed one of the socks and shoved it into my mouth. These were clearly dirty as well. Again, not as disgusting as Brittany’s socks, but they were still salty and gross. Sam then shoved a 2nd one in. These socks were smaller and not as thick as Brittany’s – they only went slightly past the heel.

I moaned as the taste of Sam’s dirty feet filled my mouth. Sam continued to force a 3rd sock into my mouth, stuffing it fairly full. She picked up her 4th sock and brought it to my mouth – there was no way that was going to fit. She tried anyway. She got the tip of it in, then balled the rest of it and pressed it to my mouth. She then took another scarf and tied it around my mouth & head, knotting it tightly in the back. My mouth was jam-packed and could barely close.

“mmmmmmmmmph” I moaned, already quite uncomfortable.

“There. You didn’t realize how good you had it, did you?” Sam said, watching me chew on her dirty socks. “Let’s go back outside, Brittany”

“Be right there” Brittany said “gotta use the bathroom first.”

Sam went back to the porch and Brittany came over to me and started untying the scarf around my mouth!

“Those probably don’t taste that good, huh?” She asked.

“Mmmph” I replied the negative.

She took the scarf off and I spat out the wadded ball of socks.

“Thank You! My jaw was kil—MMMPH!” I was cut off by a sock being stuffed back into my mouth. The horrid salty taste was all too familiar. I began to cus Brittany out as I realized she had put one of her socks BACK into my mouth.


Brittany just laughed as she stuffed two of Sam’s socks back into my mouth, stuffing my mouth uncomfortably full again. She finished with the scarf tied around my mouth.

“There ya go” She said “I know you like the taste of mine, so that should make it easier to deal with Sammi’s!”

Brittany taped Sam’s shoe over my nose again, then headed back outside.

I let out a long frustrated groan. The taste in my mouth was horrible – Brittany’s awful socks and Sam’s who-knows-how-old socks created a very stale/salty taste, but DID keep me incredibly quiet. The stinky shoe over my nose just worsened the experience; the smell itself was stale and unpleasant, making each breath torturous, but it was also humiliating; I had been tied up by a couple of girls, and was now sniffing one of their shoes, basically until they want me to stop. I struggled against my bonds, but I was very strictly tied. I could squirm my whole body a little, but that was it. My arms and legs couldn’t move an inch.

After 10 minutes or so the girls came back in. Both of them plopped down on the couch and put their feet up on me – Brittany’s on my back, Sam’s on my cheeks – as if it were the most natural thing in the world!


“Are you saying you like my socks, too?” Sam asked as she flipped through channels, “good! I imagine they’re better than Brittany’s!”

I mmmphed loudly (or at least, tried to be loud), trying to signal that I DID still have Brittany’s sock in my mouth, but Sam had already gone back to ignoring me. Brittany kept rubbing her feet on my bound hands, as if she was taunting me: “You can’t tell her, you can’t tell her”

They kept me like that for another hour, despite my muffled protests; sucking on sweaty socks, sniffing a putrid sneaker and Sam’s feet in my face. Brittany kept rubbing her feet on my hands saying “You should rub my feet while you’re just lying there!” I tried to pull my hands away but they were tightly secured to my knees.

Finally, Sam took the shoe off my face and announced what I was hoping to hear several hours earlier:
“Ok, I think we’re about ready to let you go.”

She untied the scarf from my mouth and let me spit out all of the socks. However, she tied the scarf around my eyes, blindfolding me.

“Sam, what the hel-MMMPH!” I was AGAIN cut off mid-sentence, but this time, I felt the distinct shape and taste of a foot in my mouth. All of the toes and about 1/3 of the ball of the foot was shoved into my mouth. The bitter taste of sweaty feet flooded my mouth.


“We’re gonna play a game first, though” Sam started “We’re going to shove a random foot in your mouth and you’re going to guess whose it is! You should be an expert by now!”

“NMMMMOOMPPH, TMMHIMSMPP, SMMMPID!” I complained around the foot in my mouth.

“So, who’s is this foot?” Sam asked

“GAMMMLOOGMMMMPH!” I complained more – trying to tell whoever it was to stop grabbing my tongue with their toes.

“1 Mmph for me, 2 mmphs for Brittany” Sam announced.

I figured I was going to have to play.

“That’s right!”

The second foot was shoved in and tasted significantly saltier and made my face twist-up.

“Mmmph Mmmph! Mmmph Mmmmph!” I tried to answer quickly, to get it out.

“Don’t rush us!” Sam yelled.

It was, in fact Brittany’s foot. And so this “game” went on for another 15 minutes or so. Sometimes it was toes being shoved in my mouth, sometimes their heels, or their whole side of their foot. They eventually transitioned to socks – I had to guess how many of whose.

Finally, the game was over and Sam said they could release me. They began untying me. Sam got a phone call, so she took it in her room.

Brittany said: “Fuck this, if Sammi’s not here to tell me what to do, I’m keeping you a little while longer!”

She rolled me onto my back, then I saw her reach for both of her white/pink socks.
“SAAAM! HEELLLL-MMPH!” I shouted as the filthy socks once again found a home in my defenseless mouth. Brittany placed a single piece of tape over my mouth.

“Ahhhh….” Brittany cooed “See, I like you SO much better with my socks in your mouth, you’re so much quieter and less annoying!”

I angrily mmmphed at her. She responded by plopping both of her feet down on my face, my nose again assaulted by her foot odor. She rubbed her feet around my face for the next 10 minutes until Sam finished her phone call and MADE Brittany untie me.

When it was all said and done, they apologized and said it was just for a laugh. They took me out to dinner and each gave me $50 as a no-hard-feelings gift. I accepted. Luckily, they didn’t tell anyone at work – it was our secret. But occasionally, those conversations come up: “God, I wish somebody would just take me away from this place”, and if they’re nearby they’ll chime in: “I dunno, be careful what you wish for!”
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Post by sockgaggedsissy »

Great story!
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Post by Socklover2.0 »

Amazing story, so much detail and I love the sock gags and sock torture, especially when it’s done by girls
The WinterShuffle
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Post by The WinterShuffle »

I’m shocked this only has two comments. This is one of my all time favourite stories on this site. The detail of the sock gags and shoe smelling are fantastic as well as being plentiful.

This story has inspired one of my biggest fantasies of being kidnapped by my coworkers for a day, and I’m glad to see it back on the front page
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Post by guardian741 »

Super appreciate the compliments!
I know this site is largely M/M, M/F preferred, so most of my stuff just goes to Deviant Art.

And yeah, this story was definitely based on one of my fantasies as well. The personalities of the gals reflect the co-workers i was imagining 😁
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Post by Tuckerton7 »

Very nice. Lucky dude.
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Post by gaggedude »

Amazing story m8, i would fucking play to live a thing like this. What's ur deviantart channel? :D
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