Movie & Spa with Sisters In-Law (FF/M)

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Movie & Spa with Sisters In-Law (FF/M)

Post by guardian741 »

In addition to Kassandra (whom had tied me up previously), I have another sister in-law named Claire. She is about 35 – older than me by 9 years. She’s short, has brown hair and definitely has that “oldest child” persona.

Last week, she had invited me over to hang out – assuming I was bored because my wife was away for a couple of days for work. She said she just gotten zero horizon dawn (a video game), so I said I would definitely come by.
When I got there, Kassandra (my other sister in-law; about 30, slightly heavier-set, blonde) was there and laughed a little when she greeted me,

“Heeey Matt. How’s it going?”

I told her I was doing well, and the conversation went pretty normally from there. We both ignored the fact that a week ago she had tied me up to be her footstool. The night was going well; we had ordered pizza, I played the game for a couple of hours (which was awesome!), and it came up that I had never seen “The Sound of Music”.

“How have you NEVER seen The Sound of Music?!” Claire asked loudly. “It’s a classic and has been out forever!”

I shrugged in my chair, “I don’t know, I really don’t care for those older movies. Especially musicals; they just don’t keep my attention”.

Kassandra and Claire gave me crap a little longer, then we just watched me continue playing Zero Horizon Dawn. Claire got up and went to the kitchen. She passed Kassandra, whom said something to her in a hushed voice that I couldn’t hear, then she came back to the living room. Kassandra brought a high-backed kitchen chair into the living room and put it in front of the couch behind me (I was in a recliner) and sat in it.

After a few more minutes Claire asked, “Oh, Matt, will you stand up for a minute so I can check that cushion? I’m trying to find my other earring.” I stood up and moved to the side – unable to actually pause the game.

All of the sudden I see Kassandra bolt-up out of her chair and Claire turn to me, and before I had an extra second to comprehend that something fishy was going on they had each grabbed one of my arms (ripped the controller out of my hands) and were pushing me towards the couch. In no time, I was forced into the kitchen chair. Claire pulled my hands behind my back. I began struggling and shouting and Kassandra eventually sat on my lap – facing me – which not only forced me down into the chair and stopped most of my movement, but it also allowed her to reach behind me and hold my arms while Claire covered them in Duct Tape.

Once my hands were thoroughly taped together, they wrapped the tape around my upper-chest and the chair like 3 times. When finished, Kassandra got off of me and they both stood in front of me laughing.

“What the hell, guys?” I asked, quite pissed off, while I twisted and pulled at the tape around my wrists.

Claire had said between giggles, “We decided that.. ahaha… you needed to see the Sound of Music. And that this… ahahhhaahha.. ah… would help keep your attention”

“I’m not watching that fucking movie, LET ME GO!”

“I think it’s time to make you be quite” Claire said, still giggling.

She walked over to me and starting unrolling duct tape. I tried moving my head left-and-right but eventually she succeeded in plastering a long piece of tape over my mouth. Then two more for good measure.

“MMMMPH…” I groaned.

“Much better, isn’t it?” Claire asked.

“I like him better!” Kassandra said, out of breath from laughing.

“Still gotta finish securing him, though” Claire said and proceeded to wrap tape just about everywhere; she added more layers to my chest, she taped my ankles to the chair legs, she wrapped it over my thighs and base of the chair, and even over the bottom of my stomach/pelvis. About 2/3 of a duct tape roll later, she was done and stepped back to admire her handy work.

“Perfect!” she announced. Kassandra, who was just standing and watching agreed and said, “I think he’s ready for the movie!”

I mmmphed some nonsense into my tape gag and watched helplessly as Claire backed-out of my game and put in the Sound of Music DVD. I pulled against the tape, but nothing budged. Claire started the movie and said “Enjoy! I have to go to the bathroom real quick, then I’ll watch with you!” and she ran upstairs.

Kassandra smiled a devilish grin at me and held her finger to her lips in the “quiet” signal. She peeled off the tape over my mouth, letting it hang from the left side of my face.

“Please let me go” I begged.

She just smiled at me and said “mmm…. No.” She quickly pulled off both of her neon-blue ankle socks (inside-out).
My eyes widened “NO!” I shouted.

She laughed and said “YES” as she squeezed my jaw and pulled it open. She shoved the ball of sweaty socks into my mouth, deliberately packing it in with her finger, and sealed the tape back over my mouth. She clamped her hand over my mouth and shook my head a little,
“Isnt that better?” she asked.

“MMMMPH!” I shouted the negative. The saltiness of the socks was unpleasant and made my tongue tingle from the taste-overload. I groaned in disgust.

“Oh come on,” Kassandra said smiling, “If I remember right, my socks are your favorite!”

I just glared at her.
“At least I didn’t jog today, so they shouldn’t be too bad”

And while she was right, the socks were definitely less disgusting than the jogging socks she had shoved in my mouth last week, I still prefer my mouth dirty-sock-free.
Kassandra sat on the couch behind me.

“See, I love this movie” she said casually as she kicked her now bare feet onto my shoulders. I shouted outrages into my gag and struggled once again (obviously, with no success). The, unfortunately, familiar scent of her feet started making its way to my nose while she described how the music, acting, and “director’s vision” made the movie so great. I groaned into my gag and tried moving my head to the left and right – but there was a foot on either side.

Claire came downstairs and laughed when she saw me.
“Really, Kate?” Claire asked still laughing.

“Hey, might as well make him useful while he’s here. I don’t hear HIM complaining”

I shouted into my gag, trying to say I WAS complaining. Not only about the smelly feet near my face, but about my disgusting gag that Claire was unaware of. There was a part of me that hoped if I could bring her attention to the socks in my mouth, she would take them out, out of pity. But despite my shouting and deliberate chewing motions, Claire just laughed as she also sat down on the couch behind me.

They watched the movie while I sucked on dirty socks and smelled Kassandra’s feet. And no, the movie was NOT catching my attention. After I couple of minutes I resumed my struggling and mmmphing.

“Hey!” Claire yelled at me while she kicked the chair gently, “if you don’t shut up I’m going to find you a more effective gag, and it’ll involve some of my socks I have sitting in the hamper!”

“Yeah,” Kassandra said, nudging my head with her foot, “you wouldn’t want that, that would be gross”. I could feel her coy smile.

I gave up and sat there for 20 minutes, TRYING to enjoy the movie… as best as I could with feet in my peripheral vision, Kassandra’s red toes standing out. Kassandra, unable to leave me alone, rubbed the sole of her foot on the side of my face.

“Mmmmm… this is so relaxing…” she cooed

While the kitchen chair sat slightly lower than the couch, Kassandra still had to lift her legs a good way to prop her feet on my shoulders. I doubted it was comfortable. I actually got more ticked that she was willing to go through mild discomfort just to watch me squirm while smelling her feet.

I started complaining, but Kassandra just cupped the one foot’s toes around my nose. She laughed at my surprise/disgusted groan. I made a mental note that maybe I should buy her new sneakers for Christmas.
The next 90 minutes of the movie went largely the same. Claire didn’t say much aside from asking me “how I like it” or nudging my chair while pointing out some detail. Kassandra kept her feet on my shoulders, occasionally rubbing my face, or cupping her toes over my nose.

Kassandra went to the bathroom, giving me a wonderful 2 minutes of fresh air, but when she returned she immediately kicked her feet up on my shoulders and rubbed my face with her feet, bringing the musty smell back to my nostrils.

I now know the movie is 3 hours long and think that is WAY to long for a movie – especially if you’re bound and gagged the whole time.
The socks in my mouth were soaked, but still agonizing in their disgusting taste. I think even Kassandra was getting bored, because by the time we finished 2 hours she was mostly her rubbing her feet in my face, exploring my ear, nose, hair, and eyes with her toes, and discovering she could make a “tepee” over my nose if she pressed her feet together over my nose (which I hated – it meant I got 0% fresh air). And of course asking me every 10 minutes “do my feet smell nice?”

Finally Kassandra got up and announced to us that she had to get home and we should “do this again sometime!”

Claire laughed and asked “I think that sounds good, what do you think, Matt?”
I just groaned.

Claire was back engrossed in the movie and Kassandra kissed my forehead and said “Bye, Matt, I had lots of fun”.

Then she bent down and whispered in my ear,
“You can keep those socks, by the way. I promise I’ll have some better ones for you next time”

I shouted after her, but she walked to the door, put on her shoes, and left. I really hoped this wasn’t going to be a regular thing – her socks were disgusting.

I spent the last 20 minutes of the movie in silence; grateful to be rid of Kassandra’s feet, but still begrudgingly working the dirty socks around in my mouth. Claire spent the last 20 minutes talking over the movie, boring me with random facts and triva about the movie, the director, the recent re-make, blah, blah, blah. I moaned into my gag – unheard by Claire who was still talking – I was ready to be done with today.

Claire looked at her phone when the credits started and laughed.
“Ahhahaha, you’re not going to like this” Claire said to me.

I wasn’t liking any of this, but whatever.

“Kassandra said she’d give me $20 if I make you smell MY feet” Claire said with a giggle and a contained smile.
I mmmphed into my gag, put on my best pleading eyes and shook my head, begging her not to.

“Sorry, 20 bucks is 20 bucks!” she said with a laugh. “And really, you’re going to complain about this quick thing, but you’ll spend 2 hours with Kate’s feet in your face?”

Claire texted Kassandra back and rotated the chair 180 degrees so I was facing the couch. I moaned into my gag, I came to the conclusion that my begging did not work.

“Sorry about this” Claire said stifling a smile that made me think she wasn’t really sorry.

She stretched out her foot and I watched helplessly as the sole of her foot approached the center of my face. Eventually my nose was pressed into the ball of her foot, her toes blocking the view of both of my eyes.
The smell hit me like a truck, I actually coughed briefly into my gag. Her feet looked clean, but actually smelled pretty horrendous – definitely worse than Kassandra’s. If Kassandra’s “stink” was a 6/10, Claire’s was probably an 8, maybe even pushing a 9.

Claire just laughed at my twisted-up face. “I told you you wouldn’t like it!”

Claired rubbed her foot up and down, my nose be squished from the arch of her foot up to the base of her toes. I shouted nonsense into my gag while I pulled at the tape. Claire just watched and laughed and eventually took photos to send as proof to Kassandra. One was posed with both her feet over my face, one with her foot centered on my face. Through her toes, I could see that she held her phone up to the side and took a “selfie” – Claire gave the camera a big “thumbs up”. The final photo was with her toes cupped over my nose – the photo did not capture all my shouting.

She laughed and sent them to Kassandra, finally taking her stinky feet off of my face.

Claire played on her phone waiting for Kassandra’s response. I sat in disgust as the smell of Claire’s feet lingered in my nose.

Claire read the text message out loud: “lol, nice. Whose feet does he like better” and then Claire looked at me waiting for a response.

“1 grunt for Kassandra, 2 grunts for me” she said.
I wasn’t playing this dumb game, they were both unpleasant. I just glared at her.

Claire lifted both feet up to my face and started to rub them in my face – bringing the putrid smell back to its fullest.

“Boy, I suggest you answer!” She said as she kept rubbing – now just her toes – over my nose.

I shouted “MMMMMMPH!”

“Kassandra’s?” Claire asked. “1 grunt for yes, 2 for no”


“You little brat” Claire said with a grin. She dropped one foot from my face, but rubbed the ball of her foot up and down my nose while she texted Kassandra back.

I groaned.

“Oh, shut it” Claire said, not looking away from her phone.
When she got a reply, she laughed.

“Kassandra said that’s what she figured. She says her feet and you have a history”

I rolled my eyes. I was grateful, though, that the text message had distracted her enough that she dropped her other foot.

“She also says” Claired paused to laugh, “that she would up it to $50 if I gave you my ‘spa day’. Oh, you’re so screwed”
I didn’t bother try to ask, but I just looked at her and lifted my eyebrows.

“It’s a callback to when we were kids” Claire said, “I was the oldest, so I had to babysit the kids when they got home from school. Well, being the bitch that I was, sometimes I would pin them down and make them treat my feet well before I let them up. I called it ‘my spa day’”.

My heart sunk. I had a feeling she wasn’t about to let me go.
Claire could see me slouch (as best as I could) in my chair.

“Good news is, I PROMISE to let you go afterwards.”

I took a breath through my nose and steeled my nervous, ready to push through whatever dumb game Claire had in mind and finally be free.

“The bad news is that you’re not gonna like it. Especially since I apparently have to convince you that my feet are better than Kate’s”

Claired freed my ankles from the chair legs, but quickly taped them together. She then started undoing the tape that held me to the chair. She eventually just got frustrated and ran to the kitchen for a pair of scissors and carefully cut me free. She, of course, left my wrists and arms taped. She had me stand up and she moved the chair out of the way. After wrapping me with tape excessively AGAIN (taping my arms down, my wrists secured to my back and my thighs and knees together) she told me to lay on the floor.

I just looked at her and mmmphed “really?”

She smiled at me, “you can get on the floor, or I can push you on the floor”
I mumbled, but used the couch to ease my way down to the floor.

Claire went to her coat hanging in the closet and grabbed the thick black scarf from it. Despite my protests (which she just “shushed”), she tied it around my eyes, leaving me pretty well blindfolded.

I felt something soft hit my nose and a horrible, familiar, odor to accompany it.

“MMMMMPH” I groaned, quickly recognizing the smell as Claire’s foot.

“hahaha, sorry.” She said, “I couldn’t resist”

Next I felt the tape being ripped off my mouth and Kassandra’s disgusting socks (now soaked with my saliva) being removed.

“She’s a sneaky one, isn’t she?” Claire asked laughing.

“She did it while you were in the bathroom” I said while spitting out some sock lint.

“yeah, well, there are worse things she could have gagged you with” Claired said. I heard her moving to the couch.
“It’s the second time in like a week she ‘s done that, though!” I exclaimed, trying to earn some sympathy, “the first time was eve—rrmpppph!”

I was cut off my something being forced into my mouth. I was taken aback by how salty it was – it was almost bitter. My instinct was to focus on it’s size to figure it out – another sock? A towel? Tennis ball? – but my heart sank as the smell assaulting my nose gave me a pretty good idea.

“So, this is my heel” Claire began.

I groaned. My poor tongue was trapped beneath the salty heel of her foot and it filled my mouth pretty well.
Claire was continuing to talk despite me rocking my head to try to dislodge her foot. But she put her other foot on my forehead and pushed down, stopping my movement. Not that I was really succeeding in the first place.
“I’m going to keep it in your mouth to soak it and keep it soft. And it has the added benefit of keeping you quiet” Claire said with a giggle. “I told you there were worst things to be gagged with.”

Admittedly, her heel did already feel pretty soft – she must take care of her feet – but that didn’t help the flavor. I laid on the floor in defeat as her heel rested in my mouth. Claire starting watching TV, but I couldn’t see what it was.

About 5 minutes later she removed her heel, but before I could even lick my lips, my mouth was being invaded. It was the same size and taste, so I assume it was the heel of her other foot. Her wet heel being wiped on my shirt confirmed my theory. I groaned at the fresh taste of the new foot – it brought the saltiness back full-force.
Claire said nothing to my complaints, but simply rotated her foot (keeping her heel in my mouth) so that her arch was placed over my nose, bringing the smell to a much more intense level. Out of frustration at my situation I decided to bite her heel.

“oooh” Claire sighed, “that actually feels REALLY good, keep doing that.”
I stopped biting, not wanting her to enjoy this anymore than she already was.

“Hey!” Claire said, kicking me with her other foot. “Kassandra told me about your guys’ last ‘get-together’. I at least told you I would let you go after this, but if you would rather be hogtied for the rest of the night with my shoe taped to your face, we can do that!”

I shouted “No!” as best I could and shook my head, then started biting her heel.

“That’s what I thought” Claire said, bring her other foot’s toes to my nose. My face twisted at the horrid smell, but I kept working on the heel in my mouth.

A few minutes later she took out her heel and said “stick your tongue out”.

“seriously!?!” I asked

“Would you rather smell my shoe”

“uuugh” I stuck out my tongue. I was still blindfolded, but I knew where this was going. I felt her foot drop on my tongue, the slid down, essentially having me lick her ach and ball of her foot.

“uugh God” I said, exaggerating a little, but it was still pretty gross. Mostly the idea of licking my sister in-law’s sweaty foot.

As soon as my tongue was out again a foot came down and slid down.
I asked “when was the last time you washed your feet?” and was rewarded with a foot dropped into my mouth sideways, her arch pressing against my top lip.

“I showered this morning!” Claire said, “they’re basically clean, I just needed you to mouth-bathe them a little!” she laughed. I didn’t.

She took out her foot. I opened my mouth to speak and was rewarded with what was easy to distinguish as toes. Having small feet, Claire was able to fit all 5 into my stretched-out mouth at once. I could hear her laughing.
“mmmm, yummy” Claire said, still laughing.

“whmmp tmmph hmmphl?”

“I need my toes nice and clean before I paint them!” Claire said “and, I thought this would make for the best picture to send as proof to Kate.”

At that my eyes (under the blindfold) got wide – a foot in my mouth was not a blackmail picture I wanted her to have.

I tried to beg her not to, “plmmnph MMMPH!” but she shoved her foot slightly further in, having her toes basically hit the back of the roof of my mouth, and pinning my tongue under the ball of her foot.

After she snapped the photo she pulled her foot out a little so that it was just her toes resting in my mouth – my tongue desperately trying to avoid getting grabbed by her wiggling toes (and failing).

“I have a small confession” Claire said, “I LOVE having my toes sucked and it’s not often I get the chance to have it happen. So I’m just going to relax and enjoy this for a bit. Make sure you suck ‘em nice a clean.”

She giggle a little, then laid back on the couch, resting her other foot over my nose sideways (her toes hanging off the side of my face). For the millionth time tonight, I was stuck smelling her feet. I mmmphed a complaint, but it was ignored as she pinched my tongue between her big toe and second toe.

For the next 20 minutes she didn’t say anything, she just watched TV while I sucked her salty toes and smelled her foot.

FINALLY, when the show ended, she pulled out her foot and I heard her stand-up and walk towards her room. I tried seeing through the scarf to find her.
“Claire! Where’d you go! You can’t leave me here!”

She didn’t reply, so I laid and starting struggling against the tape, simultaneously praying that the disgusting taste in my mouth would go away.

I heard her walk back towards me.
“where’d you go? Are you letting me go?”

“Almost” she said, I could tell she was really close, “just gotta paint my toes, then you’re done!”
“I feel like its been long en-ARMPH! MMMPH MMMMMMPH!”

A BIG fabric was shoved into my mouth. Claire worked the entire thing in, but it filled my mouth completely – making it bulge. I felt a long strip of tape go over my mouth, then another, then another.

I didn’t even need her to say what it was.

“I got a dirty sock for ya, Kassandra says you like em.” Claire laughed. “Kassandra said you like them right off her foot; I didn’t have any fresh ones today, but I got that one from the bottom of the hamper. I hope you like it.” She started laughing hysterically.

I mmmphed loudly and struggled feverishly, mostly out of frustration. I was sick of being tied up, and the massive sock in my mouth was very disgusting. Salty and bitter… you could even say stale – probably since it was old. The flavor was definitely worse that Kassandra’s – even her jogging socks from last week (though, not by much). I groaned as I swallowed the first time and took some of the flavor of the dirty sock with it. I never thought I would have preferred to suck someone’s toes, but right now, I would have.

Claire just taunted me while struggled in muffled silence.
“I’m glad you like it”
“mmmm, how does that taste?”
“Better than Kassandra’s, right?”

I felt tape being wrapped on my forehead, then to the floor. Then over my mouth, and to the floor. Over my blindfold, then to the floor. 2 Minutes later my head was completely immobile and taped to the floor.

“Sorry, Matt” Claire said, “but I can’t have you wiggling around so much while I’m painting my toes”


I begged her not to, but before I even finished, I felt her sit on my pelvis, and I felt both of her feet plop onto my face. Once again struck by their stink I reflexively tried to move my head, but obviously couldn’t. Claire laughed and she freely and easily explored my face with her feet.

“Admit it” Claire said as she gently rested her toes over my nose, laughing at how little my head moved to evade, “you’re having fun. I know I am. Now hold still while I paint.”

I groaned into my gag, and laid there for the next 20 minutes as I sucked Claire’s dirty sock and smelled her stinky feet while she took her time painting 3 LAYERS of paint on her toes. I smelled the toe nail polish, and welcomed it’s smell as it masked some of the foot-smell.

“Just gotta let them air dry” Claire said, “make sure you take deep breaths through your nose to help them dry faster.” She laughed as she turned up the TV volume to cover my muffled yelling.

After enduring her stinky feet and gross sock for another 30 minutes while she watched TV she finally took out her dirty sock and shoved her freshly painted big toe into my mouth.

“Now, who’s feet do you like better, again?” Claire asked

Fearing further recourse I gave her the answer she wanted,

“Good boy”

She untied me after that, apologized for all the torture, but said it was just for fun and aside from the first “foot on face” picture, she didn’t send any others. She bought me a variety pack of beer and pizza the following week to make up for it.

She still brings it up secretly sometimes. Often when I’m talking too much she’ll exclaim, “I swear to God, if you don’t shut up I’ll treat you to a spa day”.
And I shut right up.
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Post by sockgaggedsissy »

God this is so fucking hot
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