WALKIES (MF/mm) Postscript added 17th Jan

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WALKIES (MF/mm) Postscript added 17th Jan

Post by Xtc »


This story was incomplete when the old site went down. I shall post about one episode a week as long as there is any interest.



1 Saturday Morning

D' y' know what's worse than having a big brother who enjoys hiking? Well, how about having a big brother who enjoys hiking and is too fucking idle to carry his own gear? D' y' know what's even worse than that? Having a big brother who enjoys hiking, is too fucking idle to carry his own gear and is just about to post a video of you entertaining yourself on the bog with a certain sort of mag in your free hand! Let's face it, I wouldn't want anyone to see that vid even if the mag was a girlie one let alone one that wasn't. I was stuffed. That's how I came to be in this situation.


It was Saturday morning and I'd just finished in the bathroom and slipped on my boxers when I heard Ed calling me. I went along the corridor and poked my head round the door to his bedroom. "Hi, Shrimp, take a look at this." At fifteen years old I'm already five foot nine and ten stone but, before I could object to his usual sobriquet for me, I saw what he was watching on his computer. "You know that web cam I bought? It works. You know, you really should be more careful when you're beating the bishop; you never know who might be spying on you."

OK, the rest of the exchange was fairly predictable and certainly does not bear reporting in delicate company but what it boiled down to was, "Watch your language, gay boy, and do what you're told if you know what's good for you". Well, gay I may be but I am not stupid so I listened very carefully to what "Smegward" had to say.

He'd decided that he fancied a stroll on the hills and he'd decided that I was going to be his native porter. He knew a trail where the passes weren't too high but one that would end with a scramble down to a pine-fringed lake. He didn't think we would meet many other hill walkers but he suggested that, if we did, I should just confirm his assertion that I had lost a bet and was paying my forfeit. He also explained the alternative outcomes to any less satisfactory encounters. Oh, and that I had better go and change my clothes.

I became suspicious. "Yeah, I laid some gear out on your bed while you were shaking hands with an old friend." I thought the accompanying hand gesture was somewhat redundant. "OK. Dismiss." I opened my mouth but was too astounded to speak. "Get a move on, Donkey Boy, or I'll just post this little - erm - entertainment now." Two seconds was a long time then but, when I saw him move his index finger theatrically towards the keyboard, I departed with great haste but very little dignity.

When I looked on the bed, I saw my walking boots, one pair of thin socks, one pair of walking socks and Ed's somewhat battered old running shorts. You know: those baggy little white ones that he had to wear to training sessions when he was a member of the cross-country club at school - NObody wears that sort of thing anymore. That was about it.

I picked up the tatty little shorts and stormed along to Ed's room. "Oi, Smegward, why no briefs? I can't wear my boxers under these things.

"Oh, bum! I thought I might have time to put captions on the video before posting it. Oh well, never mind, here we go."

"No, no, please, I'll wear them but I might pop out."

"They're lined, should keep yours up OK. Let's face it; it's not very big in any case." (I deny that, by the way.) "Any more questions?" Ed moved his finger of fate over the keyboard.

"Watch your back from now on, Smeggy."

"Ooooh, the gay boy just stamped his foot. Just go and get dressed. I want to get going - - - or shall I post this little teaser for the main event?"

I had no choice. Defeated, I returned to my own room. I wasn't looking forward to the rest of the weekend or the next year in general, really. Ed had just finished the second year of his university engineering degree and was going to be back living at home for about a year on a work placement prior to his final year.

I stripped and stepped into Ed's cast off shorts. Surely they should have been thrown out years ago. I was probably a bit slimmer than my brother had been when he last wore the embarrassing scrap of material but the tie-cord held them up OK. I didn't feel very securely contained by the lining, though. Once I had put on both pairs of socks and my lightweight boots, I was still feeling vulnerable; I really did not want to be seen out walking through our housing estate like that.

I sat on my bed waiting miserably; then I heard the call. "You ready yet, Shrimp? Don't forget to go to the bathroom and put on some of that sun-block. Use lots, we're going on a long hike. You can wear your shades and my old bush hat as well." Oh great, that completed the nerd's outfit; Ed's old bush hat was probably nearly as embarrassing a garment as his old running shorts. So, there I was: boots that, because of my lack of trousers, made me look as if I had clown feet, shorts that barely covered my arse-crack and that I was probably going to have to keep tucking my bits back into, and the world's weirdest bush hat. I really DID NOT want any of my friends (or my enemies!) to see me.

You might not credit it but there was worse to come!

Having slathered myself in factor 30, I reported to Ed's bedroom as ordered. I was obviously going to have to take his rucksack, which was sanding already packed in the corner. I knew he wouldn't have packed too much for one of us and I had a good idea which one of us that would be. At least that might keep the weight down. He had all the latest lightweight gear but I couldn't help thinking about the way an aeroplane has to carry enough fuel to carry the fuel and that pack was probably going to be considerably heavier than it would have been if Ed had packed what only he needed. I looked at the high-packed bag suspiciously. "Oh, don't worry, Shrimp, it's only about 17 kilos, I weighed it. Of course, I could always take out some of the stuff that I won't need if you ask nicely." I'm not that thick and I could guess whose things he would remove. I quite thought I might need my sleeping bag and carry mat, both of which I could see strapped onto the outside of the pack.

I awaited the order to pick up the pack but Ed had another surprise in wait. He produced what looked like an old hemp rope. "OK, Shrimp, hold your hands out like this."

"Oh, come on, you fucking bastard, you know I can't afford to escape, there's no need to tie me up."

"Oh, what naughty language. I know there's no need, but I just thought it would look good." Things were getting worse: now not only would everyone see me dressed like this and laden like a pack mule but I would be tied up like a slave as well. "Now, just keep your wrists still."

Ed had obviously been practicing. He doubled the rope, passed the bight back over the double strand and formed two loops which he slipped onto my left wrist. He pulled tight and wrapped the double strands several times round my wrist before tying off through the original bight. "OK, let's just make you comfortable." So saying, Ed took my wrist in both his hands and sort of massaged the coils until the pressure was evenly distributed. It was uncomfortable but, in truth, it wasn't as painful as you might think. With another "reminder" not to move my wrists, Ed trailed both free ends across between my arms and wrapped my right wrist several times before tying off to the linking strands. There wasn't much trailing rope but Ed bound what there was round the connecting strands. Then he massaged the coils round my right wrist.

At least he hadn't tied my arms behind me and I was sure that he wouldn't be able to keep an eye on me all the time. It would be quite easy to reach the knots on the improvised handcuffs. All I had to do was bide my time. But . . .

"OK, Donkey Boy, climb through those ropes, get those hands behind you." That wasn't good but I thought I could probably still manage to untie my cuffs when Ed wasn't looking. I sat on his bed and did as I had been told. I was still sure I could untie myself when Ed wasn't looking.

"Just never say I don't do anything to help you. Back up." Ed had picked up the 80 litre rucksack and swung it up onto his study table with all its straps unbuckled. He threaded he padded waist strap between my arms and my abdomen and buckled it before pulling it tighter than I was enjoying. "Ah, ah, ah, any more of that language and I shall have to think of something to do about it. You know the weight should be on your hips." It certainly was when Ed pulled me away from the table. The pack remained upright as he threaded the shoulder straps into place. The pack hardly sat on my shoulders at all. Careful adjustment of the clever back system soon had the straps correctly positioned and the pack standing proud of my head.

Ed manhandled me to check his work before expressing his approval. Then he took a few photos. I was stuffed, I couldn't afford to disobey him and now I couldn't even reach the knots of my cuffs or tuck myself in if I fell out of the none-too-secure integral briefs in Ed's tatty old shorts. I had no dignity left to lose and I begged Ed not to make me walk through the estate so that everyone could see me. I was suspicious when he assured me that I had nothing to worry about and that he wouldn't dream of doing so. Then he produced a length of chain.

Following a certain amount of debate, during which my contribution didn't seem to be required, my brother decided not to fasten it round my neck but to padlock it tightly round my waist just above the waist belt of the rucksack. There were about two metres of it draped down in front of me and trailing across the floor.

"OK, ready, then? Let's go, my little pack mule." So saying, Ed ran his hand along the chain starting at my waist until he had a lead about a metre long in his hand and some of the chain wrapped around it. He led me downstairs (not pleasant) and out of the house. He locked the door and we started down the drive. I tried begging once more.


You know I said that I didn't have any dignity left to lose? Well, I must have been mistaken. I plumbed new depths of self-abasement with the flattering terms I applied to my brother as he was obviously leading me into public view. I can't even bring myself to tell you all the things I said and what I promised if only "The Mighty and Totally Compassionate Ed" would be generous enough to reconsider what he was about to subject his "humble little worm of a bother" (I think you get the idea.) to. Then he stopped well short of the gate. I thought all my toadying might have been worthwhile.

Ed felt round in the pockets of his Rohans until he found what he was looking for. We had come alongside the battered old 4by4 that he used for all sorts of purposes ranging from off-roading to bonking any girl he could seduce into it. Ed was brandishing the key. "OK, my humble little worm, climb up."

That was not going to be easy but I did try - anything rather than have to walk past people I would probably know. I put my foot in the rear step and tried to haul myself aboard but came into conflict with the rear frame and dropped to the ground again. I would obviously have to climb and crouch at the same time without landing forcibly on my face. I put my foot up again and started to push up but before I could get very far into my next attempt, Ed lifted me by the rucksack and more or less launched me into the rear of the filthy old wreck. That wasn't exactly pleasant but with the tarp in place and the tailgate raised at least I would be hidden from the gaze of anyone whom we might pass. That was one worry alleviated. Then Ed clambered in beside me.

"You know how fond I am of you, don't you?" I did not bother to respond. "Can't have you rolling around, can we? You might hurt yourself."

"Nooooo!" Ed opened the lid of one of the boxes that ran down each side of the vehicle. You know: the ones that can be used to store things in and which form gang seats once the lids are down. I really did not want to be consigned to what was basically a coffin. "Please, - Ed, - I - I promise I won't call you Smegward any more! - Honest! Please."

I saw the crocodile grin spreading across the big oaf's face. "Now, with bag - without bag? Nah, with, I think. Save time later." Then he picked me up as if he was carrying his bride across the threshold (Did I tell you he'd taken up rowing at uni?) and rolled me onto my side in the box. "Don't worry, Shrimp, the side boxes have to have holes in them or the stuff you put in them gets manky." The box was plenty long enough for me to lie full length although it was a bit of a push for width all the while I had Ed's bag on my back.

"Oh well", I thought "I can always roll over later." Then Ed reached for the chain that was still draped over the edge of the box and looped it around my left ankle after he had brought it towards my bum. Once he had padlocked it, I had only one leg left that I could straighten. I hoped the forthcoming journey was not going to be a long one.

"Sorry, Shrimp, can't have you getting out and hopping away."

"Oh, ha, ha! You know I can't bloody afford to escape. You're enjoying this, aren't you, you bastard?" Actually, the word I used was shorter than "bastard".

That grin again. "Yeaaah! Enjoy the journey." Then the lid slammed shut.


I don't know how long the journey took but, however long it was, it was too long. At least Ed had not left me much room to rattle around but I was trapped on my side the whole time. Eventually the swoosh of gravel could be heard as Ed brought the ancient vehicle to a halt into what turned out to be a lay-by in a not too distant range of hills.

I squinted somewhat as Ed lifted the gang seat and allowed light into my dingy cell. "You haven't asked me if we're there yet."

"Just get me out of here; it stinks of your old socks."

"No, it doesn't, it's just where we left that load of veg. in it too long last week. Went all sludgy." I sighed thinking about what I had probably been lying on. Now I would not only look like a slave but I would stink and would probably look like Baldrick on a bad day as well.

Ed released my chained ankle and flipped me out of the box leaving me on my back on the bed of the vehicle. He jumped down, dragged me to the edge and helped me to sit up. "OK, my little donkey, down you get.” I slid myself to the ground and, impeded by the rucksack, staggered somewhat and hoped that the cramp in my left leg would subside soon.

Ed climbed back into the 4by4 to retrieve his old bush hat from the box (I had mixed feelings about that.) and his day pack and one other item from the bed of the vehicle. The day pack did not look as if it was exactly overstuffed. Having dismounted and raised the tailgate again, Smegward pulled his bush hat down tightly on my head, readjusted the backpack (Without thinking, I automatically thanked him for that.) and checked that I was still securely bound. He had no need to worry; I was!

"Just thought I ought to complete the 'gold prospector's donkey' image." So THAT was what the frying pan was for.

"Oarr, please, haven't you done enough to me already?"

Ed stopped as if considering the question. The crocodile grinned again, "Nah!", and he fastened the blackened pan into the ice-axe loop on the rucksack. I knew that every time I moved from then on, the damn thing would swing like a pendulum whenever it wasn't bashing against either my legs or the pack.

"Watch the birdie!" The evil deed was done before I could even react. Ed seemed to object to what I called him then. "That, Donkey Boy, was a VERY bad move." Without saying anything else, Ed yanked me towards the vehicle and padlocked the chain onto the rear frame of the 4by4. It was too late to avoid whatever was in store for me so I got full value out of using language of which the Vicar would certainly not approve. Ed seemed to ignore me as he went about his business.

I'll give Smegward one thing, he was certainly well prepared. He took his sharp sheath-knife (You know, the sort that all Scouts try to get Skip to let them buy when they're in a camping store.) from his day-pack along with something in a freezer bag which he left in the back of the transport. He hacked a thin, vertical branch from a nearby stooled hazel tree and ostentatiously set about his self appointed task.

Ed held the almost straight growth horizontally in front of my face, closed one eye and moved his head from side to side as if measuring something. Then he nodded and started hacking about a foot off the thicker end of the stave. He was obviously happy in his work because he was certainly singing tunelessly to himself as he shaved all the bark from the shorter part and carved notches all the way round the stick about an inch from either end. Now, I'm not thick, believe me, but I can't believe my own naivety; I still didn't realise what he was doing.

The tuneless drone modulated to an even more annoying aspirated, scrooping whistle and the happy craftsman didn't seem to be in the least interested in reacting to even my most poisonous remarks concerning his parentage and personal habits. Eventually, the whistling stopped and Ed held his creation up in front of my face. He seemed to be evaluating something. Then he grinned.

My skanky brother then sheathed his knife and replaced it in his day pack before collecting the freezer bag which he opened and from which he produced what looked like a leather bootlace. That's because it WAS a leather bootlace; I told you he was well prepared. Even once he'd folded the thong in half and tied it tightly into one of the grooves on the short stick, I didn't really realise what he was about. I embarked on a string of totally meaningless threats about what I'd do to him if he used "that f***ing whip" on me. Smegward's grin got broader.

"Now, I'm going to ask you to hold onto this."

"Oh yeah, and I'm really going to do that, en' I?"

"Oh, I think you will. Now, are you going to hike with shorts or without shorts?"

"You wouldn't 'king dare!"

"I'll just get my tablet." I glared at my beloved older brother. I'd often wanted to be an only child! Ed held the freshly shaved stick up to my face. THEN I realised what he was about to do. "Open up."

Realistically, I had no choice. Ed obviously would be prepared to strip me and I had no way of preventing him. OK, so he would be in real shit at home but, by the time I had told on him, pictures, and probably a video as well of my rosy cheeks, would have been enjoyed by not only people who knew me but many others who, as yet, did not as well. Ed remarked that it was much nicer now that I had stopped being abusive and that he was sure that I would understand if he took steps to secure the continuation of that benign state. Yes, I now he's a thug but he's an intelligent and articulate thug. I was screwed.

It took him very little time to tie the stick into my mouth like a horse's bit; he even told me that, to make sure I couldn't spit it out, as the leather thong stretched, he had put it into the freezer bag when it was wet! I declined his offer to tell him how clever he was.

"OK, you will let me know if it's too tight, won't you?"


"No, I think you'll find that you're the runt round here. Won't be a mo. I'll soon be ready to go. Something else to do first." Ed retrieved his knife and picked up the rest of the long pole that he'd cut from the hazel rod and cut a length off the thick end from which he shaved all the protrusions to make himself a trekking pole. Even at that stage I didn't like that look on his face when he wondered aloud whether it might not come in useful for something else later on.

"Oh well, waste not, want not." Ed retrieved the remains of the branch, inspected it and hacked about two feet from the growing tip. He stripped it of leaves and knobbly bits and gave it a few swishes in the air. That time I cottoned on to its potential use almost as soon as the job was complete. "OK, My Little Donkey, just a little something in case you need encouragement." I restrained myself from expressing my love for my big brother just in case he understood enough of whatever I would have said to give him the excuse for trying out his latest creation. I had to settle for seething with resentment.

Ed threw the remaining timber over the hedge (I don't know why), sheathed his knife and stowed it safely once more. Having fastened the switch onto the side of it, he shouldered his day pack and released me from the 4by4. Taking my lead in his left hand Ed smiled broadly, collected his trekking pole, rendered the opening five words of "I'm Happy When I'm Hiking" and pulled me after him as he set off for I knew not where.

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Post by cj2125 »

Glad to see this story and nun lwast favorite big brother return! Now at last I may know how it ended :D
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Post by Xtc »

Let's hope so.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Pup »

:O No M/M tags? :O
Hypocrite. ;)
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May I say, in all sincerity, "I prefer kittens!"

Thanks, I'll do it now.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Pup »

Xtc wrote: 6 years ago May I say, in all sincerity, "I hate puppies!"
You wot now?!
Anyway- Will be nice to reread this great story, once it is properly tagged of course... ;)
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Post by Xtc »

Such is the problem when one edits repiles in mid conversataion.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Johnsnow »

Good to see another old story back up again!
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for the reassurance.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Veracity »

Woo-hoo! I already have the previously posted parts of this story saves, so I’m going to wait, oh so patiently for the rest.
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks. I think past history teaches us that saving is a good idea.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Tsuhaya »

It's good to see this story again.
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Thanks. And thanks for your contribution to the "Lurkers" conversation.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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2 A Stroll in the HiIls

If I'd been with my mates, I would have enjoyed the trek through the not very demanding hills. We would have talked, told disgusting jokes, boasted "creatively" about our girlfriends (I still think it's a better idea to pretend all the while I'm living at home.) and generally put the world to rights. In my current situation and with just Smeggy Eddie for company, however, things were less enjoyable. At least the terrain made few demands on the need to use my arms to balance myself and, even though Ed, being hardly encumbered by his very slight burden, got a bit of a shift on, I could breathe reasonably easily in spite of that wooden bit. After a while, however, I started to become concerned about what would happen as its bindings contracted.

I don't know how far we'd walked while I had to listen to my big brother carrying on about how wonderful he was and about all the girls who had fallen into his bed at uni but I started to wish my eardrums would melt. The sun was pleasant enough and I certainly didn't need a shirt. Indeed my back was very sweaty indeed. D' y' know that feeling when sweat trickles down your back and gets channelled down your crack? I hate that! I couldn't even use my hands to try to divert it. Eventually, Ed thought it was time he took a break.

"Right, Shrimp, I need a little rest. Sit down there." My captor indicated a Scots pine and pushed me backwards towards it. "Now, before you sit, would you like me to remove your pack?" I indicated that that would, indeed, be my preference. "Then say, 'Please, Mighty Edward, Sir, please take off my pack because I am such a weak little worm who can't carry it any longer.'" Ed didn't remove the pack. I felt myself in collision with the tree and said pack tried unsuccessfully to work its way up over my ribcage as the old, blackened frying pan moved to the side and I landed on my bum with less dignity than a cat swimming out of a garden pond. "Shame, really, you only had to ask!"

Ed then forced my right ankle up towards my bum. I didn't even notice where he got that padlock from but I was soon unable to straighten my right leg because he had wrapped a length of the chain lead round the ankle and locked it. "There, just so that you don't get any ideas of escape while I take a rest." He grinned and gave me a couple of little slaps on the cheek; then he turned his back and headed for another nearby tree to take his ease.

Ed announced that I obviously had the right idea and that, after he had taken a much needed drink, he thought he would remove his top as well. He removed his canteen from his daypack along with a large tube of sunscreen. I was simply not prepared to beg to be allowed a drink as well even though I badly needed one, it was just too humiliating. Not only would I have to grovel, I would sound like a total gimp while I did it. I would just have to settle for going thirsty. At least I believed that Ed would not really let me get too dehydrated; I had to believe it.

Once Ed had removed his top, it was obvious that he had bulked up even more over the previous year and I wondered whether his rowing and weight training left him any time to work on his engineering degree. He applied the sunscreen as best he could and remarked that the annoying patch of skin that he couldn't quite reach would be shielded by his daypack in any case. He took a bandana out of his pack and tied it round his forehead before replacing his cap so that its peak would protect the nape of his neck. I thought that just went to prove that, when you put a "Gunners" cap on, it lowers your IQ by ten points and that it lowers it by ten points more when you turn it backwards.

Ed came over to me, pushed my head downwards dislodging the bush hat so that he could examine my neck for sunburn. No, I didn't think I would do as invited and tell him how kind he was for taking such good care of me. He then let me raise my head again and replaced the tatty old hat. I knew I needed it but it was no more stylish for that. The lining of Ed's old shorts had worked itself well into my crack and there was no way I could alleviate my consequent discomfort. I started to think better of my refusal to beg my brother to remove the rucksack that was no longer sitting where it should have been when he announced that it was time we got on. Ed knelt and undid the padlock securing my ankle, he took the hazel switch from the side of his under-filled pack and gave it a few demonstration swishes as he suggested that I hurry up and get to my feet.

I don't think he understood all of my barely moderated imprecations as I struggled to my feet by pushing back against the tree, but I knew that he would be likely to wait for a convenient target before taking his revenge for those that he could decipher. At least the pack had settled into place by the time I was standing unaided.

"Right, Donkey Boy, stand still." That knife came rather too close to my face for comfort but the leather cords holding that bloody stick in my mouth immediately slackened off. "Don't worry, I was very careful with the knife - - - I've still got plenty of leather left to put your bit back in again later." That grin again. Ed unwound the leather and pulled the gag from my mouth. At least I got a drink from the plastic bottle that he had taken from the side pocket of my pack, he even administered it carefully. I did not thank him for his consideration.


Once more Ed examined his pack slave to ensure that I was still securely bound, and lifted the back of those grubby white running shorts up for me. Now, that was needed after I had been made first to sit down and then to climb to my feet once more but, predictably, he took things too far. At least with the pack in place, he could only administer a minor wedgie but it still hurt 'down there', if you know what I mean, and my reaction caused the crocodile smile to resurface. At least my package was still adequately contained and, before I could react to prevent it, that hazel twig had been forced into my mouth once more but it was noticeably not tied as tightly as before.

You know that I implied earlier: that I had to believe that my big brother would not seriously endanger me? Well, like I said, he had inspected my neck for sunburn and now he took a second bandana from his daypack, poured some water onto it and tied it like a Scout necker to protect my neck. At least this time I didn't automatically thank him.

The over-sized frying pan was already swinging around and, whenever I moved to any extent, it came into contact with me. It wasn't in any way painful but, because it was just hanging loosely, it was going to be a constant irritant as it swung against me. Ed grabbed the chain and announced that, as I had been a good little donkey ("apart from all that foul-mouthed braying"), he wouldn't make me walk on a lead for the next leg. He then took the hanging end of the chain, fed it up between where it was digging into my waist and my person and pulled. His Little Donkey brayed again as he pulled it though. I was glad it was a welded chain so that the scratching was kept to a minimum. By the time Smegward had finished, there was a loop of chain hanging down to just past my knees and the free end hanging down just a little further. "There, now you won't trip. En't I thoughtful?"

I could do little more than wheeze as I recovered from the 'adjustment' to my bonds that I had just experienced. A couple of seconds later the implications dawned on me. THAT'S when I started begging. Ed didn't seem to understand what I was saying. I wondered whether it was still possible to cut the brake cables on a motor car.

Ed gave the hazel switch a couple of demonstration swishes and ordered, "OK, on your way, Donkey Boy, I'll tell you when you need to turn off the path." The sting, as the switch made contact with my skimpy shorts, wasn't really painful, just enough to ensure that I would want to avoid too may repeats so I got underway with the frying pan bumping me from behind and all that bloody chain massaging my most tender parts in front. I only hoped no one would approach from up ahead.

Even from behind me, Ed was well aware what was happening and he can't have tormented me like that for more than about ten minutes before calling a halt. There was absolutely no point in my trying to hide my 'embarrassment' from my brother as he came round to face me. I settled for glaring at him as he explained his 'new incentive scheme' to me. At least he had the decency not to take any photographs.

What he had to say boiled down to his offer to remove my gag and to arrange the chain in a less tormenting conformation as long as I was prepared not only to kneel down and beg him to do so but to promise to stay silent and to get more of a move on than I had done so far. I had nothing left to lose. Getting up again with a large pack on my back and without being able to use my arms for balance was not particularly easy. If you don't believe me, you should try it some time.

Ed's knife made short shift of the leather thong once more and I soon forced the nutwood stick from my mouth. Ed made a show of tidying the thong, which now sported two knots in it, and placing it carefully in that plastic bag again. The implications were very clear and I decided not to push my luck. The thong and the stick were soon stowed along with the sheath knife. I wondered whether it would be safe to remind Ed about the chain. I didn't need to do so but I didn't exactly enjoy the prospect of its being withdrawn. This time Ed forced his fingers between my abdomen and the portion of the chain that was tightly locked around my waist, creating some space before pulling the free end clear. To say that I made an intake of breath would be unwarranted litotes.

"'Awright, Shrimp?" I had to nod. "Good boy. Just stand still and I'll make sure you don't trip over this thing." So saying, Ed wrapped the chain round my waist and once more that other padlock miraculously appeared. The loose chain went twice round my waist and a bit more besides and was padlocked to the chain belt at my hip leaving only a few centimetres hanging free.

It had gone unsaid that, if I wanted the gag replaced, I knew how to ensure that it was and Smeggy Eddie announced that it was time to hit the road. A sharp sting in my backside helped to reinforce the message and I did my best to make good headway.


By now we had reached the summit of the nearest hill and Ed indicated that we were going to turn along a ridge towards the next rise so that he could enjoy the views as we walked. Yes, the countryside views from our local hills are renowned but I was glad that there are some tracks that are little frequented by grockles even in high summer. After a fairly long trek, Smegward announced that his exertions had earned him another rest. I decided that it was not an appropriate time to earn myself a further taste of that bit.

Ed offered to remove my pack 'If I asked nicely' so, following some careful mental calculations, I asked as nicely as I was prepared to. It was good enough for him but not before I had sat and crossed my ankles. I could guess what was coming next and, sure enough, Smeggy soon had the chain locked round my ankles robbing me of any opportunity to stand until he would be good enough to release me. Sitting like that, I couldn't even enjoy that floating feeling; you know the one: that feeling you get when you put your pack down after a few hours hiking.

Ed dumped the pack against a handy hedge and I eased my aching muscles as much as possible. Ed checked my bonds and did, at least, announce that my rope marks "weren't too bad" before declaring that, "You know, someone really skilful must have tied you up this morning." I had hoped that he would untie me once I was safely chained but that was obviously not to be. Past experience of being 'kept out of trouble' by my big brother should not have encouraged me to hope in the first place.

Ed took a slug from his canteen and gave me some now rather warm water from my bottle. It's surprising how civil we can be towards one another in some strange circumstances and I thanked him when I'd had enough. He even shared his 'Kit-Kat' with me although I did have to cope with each entire finger once he had placed them individually in my mouth. That sight seemed to amuse him, I can't think why. I also got a few slices of apple and, I thought, a rather mingy portion of Kendal Mint Cake. One more draught of water and Ed laid himself down with his head on the large pack for a rest. Needless to say, I could not lie down unless I wanted my legs bizarrely displayed in the air.

At least, while he was resting, I got a rest too - a rest from his boasting, self congratulations and exaggerations; and the cooling breeze unimpeded by the hills was quite refreshing. Not refreshing enough for me to want to repeat today's excursion too soon, though.


`Eventually Ed decided that it was time to get on and he had some proposals to put to me concerning that chain. As he put it, I had the choice: would I like to be on the end of a lead again, would I like it hanging down in front of me again, would I like him to wrap it round my waist like he did before or, perhaps I might like to have my feet shackled with it. He waited for me to choose.

Of course, I had to ask nicely. "Please, Edward, wrap it round my waist," there was a hiatus, "Please."

"Since you ask so nicely, OK." I exhaled. "There's just a small price to pay." I should have known better. "Now, now, would you like me to put that stick back in your mouth?"

"No" I answered almost before he could finish. There was a pause, " - - - - Please!"

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, 'or should I find some other way of ensuring a peaceful walk in the hills?'"

"Please, Ed, no. Have mercy." It would seem that I wasn't humble enough and Smegward reached into his day pack. Did I tell you he was obviously well prepared?

"Remind me, d'you like fruit?" I was puzzled as I looked at the lemon he was holding in one hand but at least I knew what that was. That black stuff in his other hand soon resolved itself into what looked like the remains of a pair of the tights that he wore as a base layer when he went running in the winter after it had been attacked by a maniac. In fact, as you've guessed, that's exactly what it was. I was still puzzled as to the purpose of the two ill-matched items.

"Now, I just need to go into your pack. Where did I put the tent spares?" It was a purely rhetorical question that he needn't have asked, he always packed very systematically and I saw no reason that anything he was likely to have packed for me would be likely to disrupt that system. "Ta-da!". My caring brother produced the little draw-string bag that held the tent pegs, repair kit and spare guy line. He put most of the contents back carefully and closed the pack again.

Ed had that habit of whistling tunelessly to himself when he was happy in his work. The happier he was, the more tuneless and annoying the noise became. He seemed to be VERY happy!

As he worked, I managed to put things in context and made a very good guess as to what he was constructing. When he heard my suppressed, "Oh, shit", the awful noise stopped briefly. It's impossible to whistle while you grin! Ed tied a clove hitch round what was effectively a lycra stocking somewhere near the middle of it and pulled tight before binding a few more rounds of the guy line near the original hitch and tying off tightly a few times. He slipped the lemon into his creation and tied another binding near the captive fruit without cutting the cord. He left the end of the guy line with the tensioning runner in it dangling and the runner quite close to the lemon.

Ed held up his creation admiringly and gave it a quick twirl. He seemed to be even more pleased with himself than usual. When he approached, I thought it would be inadvisable to open my mouth in protest at the time but Smeggy Eddie appealed to reason. "You know where my boot is now? Well, how do you want that chain hammering against it while you're walking?" I opened wide and Edward removed his boot from the front of my shorts. "Good boy."

The lemon, fortunately, was not a large one but the fabric stretched my lips and was far from comfortable once my tormentor had tied it incredibly tightly multiple times behind my neck.. Perhaps I should have chosen the bit after all? "Don't worry, Shrimp, it's lycra, it'll stretch a bit with wear - - - I think."

"Ngghh!" Perhaps it was fortunate that my exclamation was completely indecipherable. Smegward just smiled and patted both my cheeks at once.

"OK, Donkey Boy, on your feet."

"Hnnn! Hnn! Hn!"

"Oh, sorry, forgot, just shuffle your feet up towards your bum a bit." I did as I was told (I was beginning to learn that such was usually the best course of action.) and Ed unlocked my ankles. Even after so short a time I was ready for that. We both examined some prize-winning indentations round my ankles. I thought I saw just the merest hint of concern flicker over Ed's normally smug fizzog. "OK, up you get, Donkey Boy." Perhaps I was wrong. "Feel free to run away." Smugward held all the cards, he knew I couldn't risk that. At least it was easier standing up without that great big pack on my back.

Once I'd had the loose chain fastened in the least inconvenient manner, Ed helped me into the pack with some difficulty. I thought it was about time he had to do some work. The waist belt was tightened above my hips and the shoulder straps adjusted more or less comfortably. "Right, you see that track there? That's where we're going".

Although I recognised all the paths we had taken so far, I had never been down that particular descent before and I couldn't help wondering whether it might not have been a god idea but I could hardly express that reservation to my captor. He simply announced that he'd loosen the top straps on the pack so that I could balance more easily on my way downhill. The top of the rucksack fell back slightly and Edward picked up his pack, held on to his trekking pole in one hand and "Hazel", as he had taken to calling the switch, in the other and made his final pre-flight inspection of his pack carrier.

"You still safely contained down there?" Smegward gave the front of my shorts the lightest of taps with Hazel. I nearly tripped as I jerked backwards with a yell of surprise. "Uh - uh - uh, no language, please. We'll discuss that later". I steadied myself. "Like I said, 'Is Willy still snug down there in his hammock?’" I just glared; he could make of that what he liked. "OK, suit yourself. Off you go".
I headed towards the unknown path before Hazel could speak to me again.


With the pack reducing my arm movements to complete insignificance, my progress was somewhat tentative to say the least and I experienced several, admittedly none too vicious, encounters with Hazel which were more humiliating than painful. Even so, I made little attempt to moderate my yelps until it became obvious that the resultant muffled sounds were nearly as embarrassing as being whipped like a gold prospector's donkey in the first place.

Soon the gradient became much less steep and Ed called another halt. He thought that, now the going would be less demanding, I might as well help him with his burden. I won't bother trying to convey to you the sounds I was making because they would probably make even less sense to you than they seemed to be making to my 'driver' at the time; just understand that our Gran would not have approved of the language.

Ed took out his tablet, fiddled with it, and put it to me that he could, "Just press this little 'send' button", or that I could just shut up and stand still. I must admit that my language did moderate slightly and I certainly stopped jerking around.

Ed undid the buckles of his day pack which was soon lodged under my chin and held in place by the shoulder straps while he forced the waist belt between the larger pack and my back. In spite of my lack of clothing, this was obviously going to be a very sweaty walk. Ed gave Hazel a quick swish but I took the hint before she could come into contact with my person.

The path was shaded by the trees on each side of it and the slope was still becoming more and more shallow as it zigzagged down the unfamiliar side of the hill. Laden as I was, I didn't mind having to walk further as long as the increased distance was compensated for by having to negotiate a less steep gradient. Then I saw the fence, the locked gate and that sign. That was why the path was so little frequented.

You don't often see a kissing gate onto what was obviously private land. But there it was. The sign said that the land was private and belonged to the Curmead Estate and that trespassers would be prosecuted. There was a padlocked five-bar gate that could have admitted a vehicle (as long as it was capable of negotiating the approaching paths), and a kissing gate alongside it. Ed pointed towards the smaller gate saying that at least it wasn't a style so I wouldn't have to climb over it. I didn't thank him for his consideration.

Anyone who has tried negotiating a kissing gate while bearing even a single pack will know that the easiest way is to remove the pack and lift it over the gate whilst squeezing through the aperture. Ed showed no signs of helping. Well, I suppose he did push the gate back for me. Some help! There was no way I was going to be able to force both myself and my burden between the swinging gate and the 'v' shaped surround. I looked at Ed with an expression that should have conveyed my feelings of deep love for him - either that or a mixture of confusion and defeat.

"Ok, Shrimp, don't say I never do anything for you. Up!" He held the gate with his left hand and pressed me against the surround with his right. "Go on, up!" He was obviously expecting me to climb onto the horizontal beams of the structure. He certainly needed all that strength wile I did it. My feet stood on the lowest beam and that just about left the packs clear of the top rails. I made sure to lean forwards because I certainly didn't want to fall backwards into the Estate lands. I thought at the time that it would surely have been much easier for Ed if he would just remove the packs but he seemed to be enjoying my attempts to make suggestions and the difficult position I was in.

I gradually worked my way sideways to the further component of the gate surround and Ed let me down again on the far side of the gate. "Phew, that took some effort; I think I'll go the easy way." The bastard pulled a key out of his pocket, unlocked the large gate, passed through it and locked the gate again.

"Ngoo ngaaf'uu'"

"I don't think so, Little Brother, Mum and Dad were married two years before I was born but I sometimes wonder whether you're adopted." My fury as I stood propped against the kissing gate was completely wasted. Ed just grinned once more as he scruffed my hair through that appalling bush hat. I was so incensed that it didn't even dawn on me that he shouldn't have had that key.

As I continued giving my brother the benefit of my opinion, he unlocked the end of the chain from my waist and hooked the padlock through the last link. I thought I would be wise to shut up. "Good decision." There was a pause. "Ready?"


"I'll take that as a 'Yes.'" I felt myself yanked away from the fence and Ed pulled away down the path, trailing me along behind him on the chain. That tuneless whistling noise resumed and I stumbled along as best I could. At least he wasn't behind me 'assisting' my progress with the end of that hazel branch. We must have continued along the winding Estate path for about half an hour until I caught sight of the lake, our obvious destination.

Of course I knew the lake was there from looking at maps but I also knew that that particular estate did not encourage anglers or visitors in general. I started to wonder what the landowner's reaction would be if we were caught. I was rather hoping that we would be, really; at least Smeggy Eddie wouldn't be able to blame that on me. It was then I started wondering about how he got hold of that key.


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Post by Veracity »

Dammit! Now I find myself reading this story FOR THE THIRD TIME!
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

*sigh* Reading this story actually makes me glad my only siblings were older sisters. :lol:
Welcome to Snowden! Enter at your own risk!
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Post by Xtc »

MisterMistoffelees wrote: 6 years ago *sigh* Reading this story actually makes me glad my only siblings were older sisters. :lol:
You should have net Sally in her prime! She was my youngest big sister.

Veracity wrote: 6 years ago Dammit! Now I find myself reading this story FOR THE THIRD TIME!
A sort of deja vu encore?
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Xtc »


3 Lounging by the Lake

The last few hundred metres of our trek were uneventful; the trees cleared as we neared the lake leaving a green forest lawn leading down to a pebble beach where a nearby stream ran into the lake. The sun was nowhere near setting and my dear bother suggested that he would probably take a well-earned rest while I established camp. At last! Now he'd have to untie me.

"OK, Shrimp, come here and I'll help you out of that lot." Ed put down his trekking pole and, I was glad to notice, Hazel as well. The first thing he did was to undo the shoulder straps of the day pack. I still don't know whether he was just behaving like a twat or whether he did it deliberately: the pack fell forwards, hammering against my nuts before I could recoil. He did at least support me before I fell over.


"Khungh!" I was beginning to think that the smug grin was the only facial expression in Ed's repertoire.

"Go and lean against that tree." Surely, I thought, he's not going to chain me up like this. "Brotherly hugs!!" Ed lifted the day pack against my chest and pushed his torso against it. 'Brotherly hugs', my arse; it only made it easier for him to unbuckle the waist strap of the trapped day pack. He soon had both packs lying on the ground and then I felt that odd floaty feeling that I had been denied previously.

I tried to inform him that I had an urgent need but Ed, predictably, carried on following his own agenda. "Now, you can't get any real work done with your hands behind you." I turned my back to him so that he could untie me. "What' you doing that for?" I shoved my wrists towards him to give him the idea but he didn't seem to see the need to help me. "I've left you plenty of rope, do it yourself." So saying he took a seat against a tree in the shade.

D' y' know that moment after you've pulled your shorts down exposing your arse as you try to slip your bound hands over your bum? Well, then!

Once I'd managed to negotiate the trailing chain and reposition Ed's grubby old running shorts, I managed to yank the lemon out of my mouth but before I could give Ed a mouthful, he was sitting astride me with his hands over my mouth.

I must admit that his point about the advisably or otherwise of my making a run for it was well made before he explained what I was to do after I had untied my wrists. “Understand, Shrimp?” I nodded as best I could. DeadEd dismounted and found himself a shady tree where he ostentatiously gave some attention to his tablet. Now, I can take a hint so I settled for sending evil thoughts while I untied my rope cuffs and untangled the knots in the lycra that was hanging round my neck.

Ed looked up. “Don’t drop that in the dirt, Shrimp. You might need it later.” I decided that a reply would be inadvisable. “Want that chain unlocked?” I indicated that I did. “Thought so. Tough!”

I still managed to keep my counsel. Honest! Once I was free of the ropes and of Ed’s old tights (or should that be tight?), I stood and made off for a discrete tree.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“Need a piss.”

“OK, and when you’ve finished strangling the ferret, piss off into that lake and wash my shorts. They’re fucking grubby.”

“Oh yeah, and what am I supposed to wear afterwards?”

“No one’s going to see you.”

“You are.”

“Yes. - And?”

“Fuck off! - - - Nooo! No, don’t send it. Don’t send it. No! Alright! I’m going. I’m going.” God, I hate my brother.

I reached the nearest available tree (Why do we always do that?) and made water with more than a little satisfaction. Unfortunately, if I didn’t want to feature on the phone screens of all my friends and, even worse, some of my enemies as well, I needed to be a good little brother and launder Ed’s appalling, skimpy, old running shorts. I supposed that he was right and that no one other than him would see me and we were not exactly unaccustomed to seeing one another in the nude. I still felt uneasy about it, though. It’s not the same as being in a changing room or sharing a bedroom when you’re visiting relatives and, even then, you can take steps to preserve your modesty if you’re shy.

I tucked myself away and turned reluctantly towards the lake. Ed called, “Oi, Donkey Boy,” I turned to face him without thinking, “Catch.” Ed threw something in my direction. “Don’t say I never do anything for you.” What he had thrown didn’t reach me but, when I saw what it was, I ran the few steps towards it and picked it up. I really must stop automatically saying, “Thank you,” to Smegward. He had obviously been through my drawers at home and found my jammers, the ones I wore for swimming lessons at school. He obviously hadn’t brought my boardies as well but even the jammers alone were better than having nothing to cover myself at all. I almost felt happy for a few seconds.

“Now fuck off and rinse out those shorts. You might need them later.” I moved off towards the lake more quickly than I had done a few seconds ago.


When I reached the lake, I sat and took off my boots and both pairs of socks. I thought I might as well give them a freshen up while I was at the laundry. Then I stood up and had a careful look round. Ed was right, no one was likely to see me and I knew that he was unlikely to perve on me and it was an ideal spot to go skinny dipping so off came the nasty little shorts and my shades and into the lake I went wearing only the bandana that my considerate brother had given me to protect my neck and carrying both the shorts and my stinky socks.

Laundry done and thrown to the grassy shore, I took some time for a few strokes out into the lake. Even with the chain wrapped around my waist, the water provided much needed refreshment for my poor, over-burdened body Ed showed no sign that he was even watching me so I took some more time to myself. I made myself a promise that I would return here on my mountain bike but only when Ed was nowhere near. I started to feel happy and relaxed. The water was clear and the lake was deep enough to swim in but also shallow enough to stand up in. I started to believe that my life could be almost good. I even started to make plans to return with Dave. He was my judo partner. I fancied him something chronic and this place would make a great camp site with no one to bother us. All I had to do was to persuade him that he wanted to come camping with me. I started to hope.

Then it happened, “Oi, Shrimp, get back over here. You’ve got work to do.” That over-developed torso certainly hosted a fair set of lungs!

I considered ignoring him – just for a millisecond. Then my sense of self preservation prevailed. I swam to shore and located my jammers. “OK. On me way!” I thought it was wise to say something before DeadEd could “accidentally” spoil my entire future.

“Be quick, Gaylord, I’m getting hungry and you know how that makes me irritable. Don’t keep me waiting – unless you want to be a video star.”

Did I tell you that I hate my big brother? “Can’t I get dressed first?”

“Take your time. You’ve got two minutes. Don’t leave anything behind.”

That was pushing it: I had to get to the shore, get my jammers on, collect my boots, shades and socks (and Ed’s skanky old running shorts) and get back to where Smegward was standing. I even briefly, very briefly, considered making a nuddie run but thought I could just about make it without having to do that. I pulled the tight swimming shorts up crudely but didn’t even take the time to arrange myself properly inside them, collected the clothing and ran to where my big brother was sitting in the shade once more.

“Good time, you’re getting fitter, Shrimp.” The next minute or so was taken up by Ed telling me that I should find the stove and the supplies and get the meal ready, serve him his food and then get the tent pitched. To add insult to injury, he then said that, once I had done all that and tidied up, it would be my bedtime. For Christ’s sake, there were at least two hours of daylight left. “Any questions?” Ed ostentatiously fingered his tablet. “I thought not. Dismissed!”

I had no choice and set to work.


I took a few seconds to adjust my jammers (and what they almost concealed) and to reinstate my lightweight boots. I didn’t bother with the wet socks although I did hang them and those shorts, along with my shades and the wet bandana, over a convenient branch on my way to find the stove.

I know how Ed packs his bag for hiking so it took very little time to locate the “Trangia 25”, the kettle from which had been dispensed with long ago, set it up and attach the gas canister. Ed had not bothered to pack the smaller “Trangia 27” like he would have done if he was carrying his own pack but I had soon poured most of the water remaining in my bottle into the smallest saucepan and covered the pan with the frying pan to speed things up. I laid out four sachets beside the stove. At least I knew now that Ed had not packed more food than we would need for the day and for breakfast the next day and that cheered me up somewhat. In any case, we didn’t have enough water to stay out any longer than that and I noticed that Ed had not packed his water filter. At least I could see the end of my ordeal in sight.

I crouched to watch the pot boiling until Ed said that he would be kind enough to keep an eye on things so that I could get on with pitching the tent. I didn’t bother to tell him how kind he was. Once again, he could have packed that great little lightweight Power Lizard that weighed not much more than a kilo. I wouldn’t have minded it being a bit cozy but no, that three-man Vaude that he made me carry came in at about five kilos! He even packed the footprint on the basis that he didn’t want to get the groundsheet dirty!

The tent was easily pitched and I had it safely guyed before the water came to the boil, an event to which my brother kindly drew my attention even though he couldn’t be bothered to shift himself to do anything about it. I up-ended the frying pan, opened the sachets and stood them inside it before pouring the boiling water over the dehydrated meals. At least he had chosen something edible.

We ate straight out of the packets once the food was ready. Needless to say, Smeggy Eddie claimed that he was trying to save me the effort of washing up. The hot puds were prepared in a similar manner and the cutlery (spoons – British racing pattern) were washed up in the traditional fashion, that is to say they were licked clean before being replaced in the rucksack. Ed then demanded that I use the last of the water from my bottle to make him a brew. We still had his nearly full canteen so that should have been no problem until after breakfast and I knew that even SmegEd would not deny me water. I’m still trying to decide which of my names for him is the most suitable, perhaps you have an opinion?

“Ok, Shrimp, time for all little kiddies to go to bed.”


“I want to watch videos and text my friends and, anyhow, you’re going to need your sleep ready for tomorrow.”

“What time is it?”

“Oh, nearly half past seven. Get your boots off,”

By then I’d had enough; I just went. What I said was something along the lines of, “Listen to me, you fucking mouth-breathing dicksplash, I am fifteen years old and I am not going to bed at half past seven just so that you can watch porn and keep yourself company inside those shorts.”

D’ y’ know that moment when you realise you shouldn’t have said that? Well, then.

That crocodile smile again. I shut up immediately. There was a short pause.

“Well now, that’s unfortunate.” Ed was being calm – too calm. He was putting on his ‘I am being sincere and reasonable’ voice. I knew that always meant trouble. “I was going to let you go to bed without being tied up but now you can see that I have to tie your hands behind you.”

I was still not completely calm but I tried not to swear at him again. “Why? You know I can’t afford to escape.”

“But you know how much mum disapproves of bad language.” She does! “And if I don’t tie you up, you’ll be able to remove your gag, won’t you?”


“Please bring that lemon thingy here – or the stick if you prefer that one. Either that or feel free to run away. Off you go.”

Once again, I was stuffed. I didn’t have long to come to a decision. I quickly decided that, if I was going to be gagged all night, I wouldn’t want that stick poking out either side of my face. I picked up the lemon with its still soggy lycra wrapping and threw it onto Smeg ’ead’s lap. He let that ride.

“Time go wee-wees, I think. It might be a long night.”

Yes, if it was only half past seven, it was likely to very a very long night. I thought I would be wise to collect the trowel and the bog-roll from the rucksack and try to find somewhere to squat. I soon found a suitable tree to lean against and – but I don’t think I need to relate the next proceedings. Suffice it to say that I returned after about ten minutes more confident that I could last out until Smeggy Eddie was ready to release me in the morning.

When I returned, Ed had obviously found something to his taste to watch on his tablet and he didn’t even look up when he told me to lay my carry mat and sleeping bag out in the tent. Possibly the most humiliating aspect of my predicament was that he didn’t even need to keep an eye on me; I was totally unable to resist his demands in any way if I didn’t want to be the most popular boy on social media, for all the wrong reasons, when we got home.

“Done that? Right, come here.” At least Ed took to his feet at that stage. “Gag first or hands first? You chose.”

I couldn’t be bothered to waste my breath and just turned round. Ed had taken the rope that he had previously used to bind me and I noticed, before I turned round, that he had tied a loop in the middle of it. I felt him hang the rope over my shoulders with the loop behind my neck and the ends hanging down in front of me. He informed me that he had “Seen this on the tele.” and told me to hold my hands away from my body. He also advised against making any movements that were not caused directly by his actions. The next five minutes or so were occupied not only by his “getting me ready for bed” but by a running commentary about what he was doing and how the Chinese police seemed to use the technique as they were walking people to their execution. I was hoping that was not quite as appropriate as it might have sounded.

Ed soon had one of the free ends of the rope wrapped several times round my right arm and tied off crudely at my wrist. He did the same on my left arm and told me get my hands behind me. I felt the ropes tightening unpleasantly as I did so. “Don’t worry. I’ll put that right in a minute.” And, to be fair to him, he did. I felt him untie the temporary knots and bind both my arms together just above my wrists. Obviously I couldn’t see what DeadEd (No, y’ know: I think I prefer “Smegward”.) was doing but he lifted my wrists into the small of my back and I felt him threading the ends of the rope through the loop he had originally created. He pulled my wrists a little higher and bound them together again. As soon as I tried moving my elbows apart, I figured out how it worked. My wrists were not tied painfully tightly but there was no way I was going to be able to withdraw them from the coils of rope that entrapped them.

I wasn’t looking forward to spending the night like that.

“Right, hand me that gag. Nah, only joking. Open wide.” I soon had that bloody thing lodged behind my teeth again but I’m convinced that Ed hadn’t tied it as tightly as he had previously. Nevertheless, the upcoming night was looking less and less enticing by the minute.

“Nearly done. Why don’t you go on over to your sleeping bag?” Have you ever tried crawling into a hike tent with your arms bound behind you? It’s not easy, I can tell you but I eventually managed to crawl onto my open sleeping bag. Then Ed ‘remembered’ something. “I suppose I’d better make sure you don’t run away.”

“Ngo – ‘aa – ngu’y – ‘aa” (1)

“No, seriously, it’s no trouble.” Ed produced the padlock key and unlocked the loose end of the chain. I thought I knew what would happen next, and I wasn’t far wrong. He took some delight in pulling the coils out from under me. I tried asking why he didn’t do that when I was standing up but he didn’t seem to understand me and started muttering about needing to untie the gag and stuffing his running shorts into my mouth before re-tying it. Once again I thought silence was my best resort.

Once he had uncoiled the free chain, Ed removed my boots but he did at least leave them tidily under one of the porches. He then seemed to measure the chain against the length of my legs and allowed a little more before starting to wrap the chain a couple of times round my left ankle and then a couple of times round my right ankle. I wondered, just for a second, why he hadn’t chained them closer together. By the time he had wrapped the remaining chain round the links between my ankles, I knew that he didn’t need to do so and it only took the single padlock to leave me unable to escape the resultant hobble. At least he had not forced me to bend my legs.

“OK Shrimp, I’ll just tuck you in and see you in the morning.” Ed pushed my feet into the foot of my sleeping bag and zipped it up to my chin. He also tied the hood so that I had the choice: see out or breathe fresh air. “Nighty night, don’t let the bed-bugs bite.” At least he didn’t kiss me goodnight.

I struggled to get comfortable but it didn’t take me long to realise that that would be impossible. If I lay on my back, I had to lie on my arms and lying on my belly was completely out of the question. Even if I turned onto my right side, the ropes round my arms tightened unpleasantly. My sleeping bag had been fastened completely on one of the warmest nights of the year so far and I didn’t even enjoy the usual bag of clothing stuffed into the hood as an improvised pillow. As I’ve said before: I was screwed.


I don’t know exactly how long I had been lying there trying to relieve my discomfort but, by the time my brother came to bed, it had been dark for quite some time and the sun sets at about a quarter past nine at that time of the year so, taking twilight into account, he must have crawled in at about ten o’clock.

He’d already stripped down to his loose, blue cotton boxers and left his clothes, such as they were, neatly folded in the same porch as my boots. I found out later that he had even stowed my socks (and those embarrassing shorts) in my boots. He shoved me over to what he had designated as my side of the tent with completely believable threats about what might happen to me if I collided with him in the night.

The next development was somewhat unexpected, though. I wondered why he was unzipping my sleeping bag and releasing the drawstring of the hood. “Don’t worry, Shrimp. Just promise to stay quiet and I’ll untie you a bit. Promise?”

I was, to say the least, suspicious but what did I have to lose? I nodded silently. Ed flipped me onto my front and, in a few minutes had completely removed the rope. He must have made a good job of tying me because it didn’t hurt much as my circulation returned. I kept my reaction to a low, gag muffled moan. OK Shrimp, well done but don’t push your luck. When your arms have recovered, you can pull that gag out but leave it round your neck as a reminder. It was a surprisingly easy thing to do. I really MUST stop thanking Ed for doing not much more than allowing me to live!

I thought that Ed might be going to remove my chain as well but he showed no sign of doing so, he just laid himself on his open sleeping bag and arranged his bag of spare clothing under his neck. I plucked up courage and asked. “Like I just said, ‘Don’t push your luck’”. Oh well, I suppose that my new situation was, at least, an improvement. “Oh, and don’t rattle that chain when you turn over.”

“Oh, ha, bloody ha.” (1)

They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Xtc »


4 Sunday Morning

I don’t know how but I did sleep, even if I did so fitfully, and, whenever I turned over voluntarily, I managed to keep the chain tight enough to stop it rattling. I can only assume that any turning in my sleep did not disturb the snorting grampus that was Ed Rogers. That row made it difficult to get back to sleep whenever I woke up, though. I even considered a sharp slap to his guts but, with all the “evidence” he held against me, I always managed to think better of it.

I was ready to get up well before Ed stopped driving his pigs to market and, looking at myself, I was glad that he was the only one who was likely to see me - and not only because I was in chains. You know how, unless you have a dong like a donkey, you can usually package it up discretely in a decent pair of speedos? Well, jammers don’t work like that, especially when they’ve been worn for as long as I’d just worn them. By now mine was poking down the left leg of my jammers and was far more prominent than I would like anybody else to see. Did I tell you that I denied what Smeggy Eddie said about mine not being very big? Well, I am a growing boy. Ho, hum. I supposed I just had to put up with the embarrassment.

Eventually, Sleeping Ugly woke up, coughed, farted (again), scratched himself comprehensively and adjusted his boxers. Then he announced that he was going for a crap and that I should start making breakfast.

“Aren’t you going to unlock me then?”

“I don’t see why. I’ve left enough chain between your ankles so that you can walk – sort of. Or, there again, I could tie you up and gag you and do it myself. You chose.”

I chose.

At least Ed didn’t hang around to watch me struggling to my feet and shuffling clumsily across to where I had left the stove. I should have known better: Ed had packed it away; he always has been a systematic camper. OCD or what? By the time I had noticed that the stove was not where I had left it, I was half way there and had to return to the rear of the tent where Ed had left the rucksack.

Without drawing out the description unnecessarily, I slopped a couple of “all-day breakfast” tins into the smaller pan and stirred it until it was uncomfortably hot by which time Ed had returned in his zipped off Rohans and his flip flops. I hadn’t bothered with footwear. I poured half the meal into a mess tin and handed it to Ed (I made sure that the goodies were shared out equally – honest!) who told me that I could use the water from his flask to make a brew. He magnanimously declared that I could get a hot drink as well. Ed was obviously in grandiose mode that morning.

My brother agreed that we could hardly do the washing up in what little was left of our drinking water so I went down to the lake. There won’t have been much detritus after the Rogers brothers had licked the vessels clean and wiped them with tissues. Ed had even put the rubbish bag out. It must have been then that I failed to pick up the signals. I was expecting to have to strike camp and pack ready for the return trek. We had only a little water left and I was hoping that the warm early morning would not brew up into another hot day. Ed seemed to have different ideas, though.

I returned from the lake to find Ed lounging on his carry mat and examining his tablet. I couldn’t help hoping that the battery would run out soon. I know that I would still not be free from the threat of blackmail but at least I wouldn’t have to put up with listening to his conversations with certain gullible young ladies. Obviously my progress was slow due to the bundle of chain between my ankles but, obviously, Ed seemed to find the need to record my humiliation ‘just for the record’. Have I told you I’ve always wanted to be an only child?

“Good one, Shrimp. Want that chain removed?” I did manage not to make a sarcastic remark because I could see Ed forcing his pack mule to hike home with his ankles chained as well as his arms bound if I made one. “OK then, on your back, feet up.” It wasn’t worth arguing if I wanted my ankles freed so I did what I was told. Ed unlocked the padlock and unwrapped the chain before telling me that I should stand up. Once the chain at my waist had been unlocked, I was free of restraints for the first time in about twenty four hours. It even looked as if I might not have to hike on the end of a lead on the way home. Things were looking up.

“OK, give your dents a bit of a rub; I’ve still got a couple of texts to send.”

After about ten minutes I was feeling a lot better and started to strike camp. Ed said that I shouldn’t bother yet. OK, that should have rung the alarm bells; perhaps I’m more naive than I like to believe. After another half hour or so Ed seemed as though he was about to get ready to go. He told me to get the rope and bring it to him. I tried pleading and promising far more than I could possibly deliver if he would kindly deign to let his little brother walk unfettered on the journey home. Ed put on his Mr. Reasonable voice but the gist of his reasoning was, “No way, worm. Now, shall I post that video?”

I held out my wrists. This time he made a much more impressive job of cuffing my wrists but he certainly left much less space between them. I did wonder how I was supposed to pass them under my bum. That was another sign I missed.

“OK Shrimp, get that rag off your neck.” Why Ed didn’t tell me to do that before he tied me up, I didn’t know. OK, so after I had struggled to get the job done, I figured it out. That smug grin was getting really annoying. “Go and get that bit, it should still have the leather thong tied to it.” I opened my mouth. Ed’s face took on a stern set. I went for the bloody bit gag. The leather laces were gaining more knots with every time Ed cut the thing from my mouth and this time he certainly pulled it well back against the corners of my lips. At least this time the ties were dry.

Resigned to my fate, I sat down and started trying to feed my left leg between my arms. At least Ed would have to strike camp on his own. “Don’t bother. Just sit there for a sec.” Ed was obviously going to get something. He returned with his hazel trekking pole. “I knew this would come in handy later.” I was puzzled. “OK Shrimp, hug your knees.” That took a bit of explaining but I was soon sitting with my knees raised between my arms and my wrist cuffs down near my ankles. “OK kid, breathe in.” Shiiiit! Ed forced the stave between my forearms and the backs of my knees so that it was sticking out about equal amounts on either side of my body. I could hardly move at all. Where the hell had he learned all these techniques? Surely he didn’t get this idea from watching videos of the Chinese police?

Ed went back on his tablet.


By now I was really giving it some in spite of the gag but Ed was totally ignoring me. Eventually, I toppled over sideways and my barely decipherable swearing moderated to a rather pathetic pleading noise. Ed stirred himself at last and approached me. “See what happens when you’re a naughty boy?”


“Now, if I sit you up, are you going to behave?” I indicated that I was. “And that includes being quiet.” I nodded again. “Good boy, we’ll discuss that bad language later.” All I could do was to emit a frustrated wheezing noise. Ed sat me up again and returned to his tree. Surely he must have noticed that look, the one that was supposed to drill right through his smug forehead.

Ed stopped texting and made a phone call. “Hi. - - - Yes, all ready. - - - OK, about fifteen minutes, then. - - - See y’, bye.”

Now I was almost as much intrigued as I was furious. Surely Ed hadn’t just arranged to meet someone? Not here, surely? Not all the while I was like this? No, even he wouldn’t do that. Would he? Whatever was going on, Ed didn’t see fit to explain it to his little brother.

Time passed, I got very fidgety because I was in some discomfort already so I hoped I wouldn’t be left in that state for long. Ed ignored me. Surely that battery would run out soon. Then things got worse.

She was fit and when I say, “Fit,” I mean as in fit enough to kick-start a tractor. Not only was she fit, she was also heading in our direction. Ed took to his feet. “Hils, hi.” He greeted her like an old friend. OK, so it was bad enough being visited by one of Ed’s Amazonian friends but she was not alone.

I thought I was being hard done by but I certainly wouldn’t swap places with the little guy who was with her. When I say “with”, I really mean being led along by her on a collar and lead while he was dragging a sort of trek cart. I even vaguely recognised him, funny when you think I was a good thirty miles from home.

“OK, Rodent, kneel.” The porter wasted no time doing as he was told. “Ooooh, is this the Shrimp? He’s so cuuute!” She soon had my chin cupped in her hands and she patted my cheeks as I was forced to look up into her face. I felt violated. This woman took no prisoners.

“Thanks for this, Ed, I owe you one. This is the Rodent. If he’s being a good boy, his name’s Frank.” That rang a bell; Frank was in the year below me at school. He wasn’t particularly popular as I seemed to remember. Something about dishonesty. I think he was called ‘Vole’. “Problem is, he didn’t want to come here. If he’s naughty, just put him across your knee and smack his bottom. He doesn’t like that.” From what I could see of Frank’s expression, that indeed appeared to be the case. “Yes, and thanks for the loan of that tripod; you were right: it made a great video. I’ll send it to you later.”

She turned to Frank. He was quite well muscled and very tanned but even so he managed to blush deeply, or at least what I could see of his face certainly went very red. “You didn’t like it when I saw your rosy little cheeks, did you? No you didn’t.” There was genuine fear in the guy’s eyes before he got the same cheek-patting treatment as I had just experienced while she baby-talked him. I resolved to keep very still.


OK, I suppose this must be sounding very bizarre now. I didn’t understand what was going on at the time but I’d probably better explain what I found out as things went on. Hils, or Hilary, was a friend of Ed’s from uni. She was also the daughter of the landowner. That’s how Ed got the key. Her folks had got landed with looking after her cousin, Frank, for a couple of weeks so that his folks could get away without him for a while.

Hils had drawn the short straw for a few days. Her folks were taking a short break and had left Frank in her care. Hils didn’t really mind that because she had ways of coping but she needed him out of the way for a while so that she could honour a previous social engagement. So she called her friend, Ed. I had obviously been manipulated by experts. My parents wouldn’t even question why their sons had gone on a camping expedition, they would just be happy that we weren’t arguing all the time at home.


As Hilary went through the routine for Franks ‘welfare’, it was just like leaving instructions for the cat-sitter. “He shouldn’t need the potty for some time but you should probably give him water in a couple of hours, though. Just take his gag out and let him take a drink. Gag him again afterwards though; mouth like a docker’s parrot.” All I could see of said gag was round after round of transparent adhesive tape that seemed to be holding in place something that was bulging out of his mouth. I doubted that he could breathe through his mouth at all.

“Oh, and if you want a bit more control over him, put this on him. It’s only a sleep mask but yesterday he managed to rub it off. He won’t do that again, I ended up wrapping packing tape round his eyes a few times. You didn’t enjoy picking all that adhesive out of what was left of your eyebrows afterwards, did you?” Once again, it would appear that he did not. I wondered how long the poor little tick had already been dominated by the mighty Hilary.

“Oh, I’m afraid I didn’t bring any spare clothes for the Rodent, just strip him off overnight and rinse out his swimmers. It’s all boys together, isn’t it? You won’t mind these two seeing your little acorn dick, will you?” I cringed. Frank started trembling noticeably. I was almost grateful for the way Ed treated me in contrast.

Ed seemed to be impressed (He had better have been.) and asked Hils if she would “like a go with the Shrimp.” I was already bundled up into a ball and I tried vainly to contract even more so that she would not notice me.

“Perhaps when I get back. Let me know how he behaves. Unless you’d really like me to smack his bottom for you before I go?”

I yelled! I also jerked frantically.

“No, let’s give him a chance; I wouldn’t want to hold you up.”

“Yes, good point. I think I brought all those things you wanted and I even threw in a few more things that I thought you might appreciate.” So that’s how we were going to be able to camp out for longer. “Right, Ta-ta. Feel free to release the Rodent from the cart but I’d make sure to tether him to something if I were you; he’s probably stupid enough to try to run back to my place. Ciao.” A brief kiss for Ed and the whirlwind was gone.


Well, there was Frank; it was like when you go away on holiday only to find the neighbours in the same hotel. He didn’t seem to look any less frightened now that Hils had departed. I only found out what she had told him about Smegward later on. I think I would have been frightened too.

Frank was short for his age but with a muscular build, not bizarrely so like a body builder but, as he was drawing the cart behind him, I could see that he was deep chested and narrow waisted with powerful legs. His dark brown hair was cut in an old fashioned ‘college boy’ style that fell over his right eye. At least Ed had allowed me footwear but Frank wasn’t so lucky. In fact, all Hilary had allowed him to wear was a pair of swim-briefs. Not the very tight, very brief sort that divers prefer but those with a sort of ‘relaxed fit’ that tend to leave the wearer pointing the way to Jericho. I found out later that they were his water polo team kit (mainly gold with two broad white stripes) and that he had never before worn them without a tighter pair underneath.

Now Frank was still kneeling and still attached to the cart. Ed thought he would release him from the handle on the front of the carriage and leave him somewhere where he wouldn’t move our stores around. His hands had been cuffed behind him rather like Ed had cuffed mine in front of me (I was beginning to understand where he learned his roping techniques.) and, once the connecting rope had been taped all the way along its length to the handle, Frank could still grip the bar to drag the vehicle.

“Right then, Rodent, or Frank rather; it is Frank isn’t it?” The head surrounding those frightened eyes nodded, “Let’s get you away from that cart.” Frank nodded again and a slight noise escaped from his nose. “On your bum, feet in front of you.” Frank seemed only too happy to comply. Ed dipped into the cart and came out with a leather belt that had been doubled up somehow. “Oh look! Hilary told me about this technique.” Frank was already well aware of it. Ed knelt down and helped Frank to feed his feet through the loop. Frank crossed his ankles; he seemed to have been well trained. “Nah, mate, don’t do that. You need to be able to stand.” Frank’s eyes flicked suspiciously. Ed tightened the restraint and located the prong of the buckle into a hole in the leather. “Good God, it works!” Frank could have told him that.

Having ensured that Frank couldn’t run away, Ed went for his trusty sheath knife. Frank flinched mightily as Ed brought it near his wrists. “Don’t worry, mush, I’m only going to cut the tape.” And that’s exactly what he did, carefully, leaving the rope cuffs completely undisturbed. Frank tried to nod his thanks.

“OK Rodent, on your feet.” Frank looked desperate and shook his head. “OK. I’ll give you a hand. Ready? Uuuup!” Ed lifted the smaller guy by gripping him under his armpits and left him standing unsteadily on the grass. “We’re going over there, out of the sun.”

Frank nodded. “Nnnn.”

Ed grabbed the dog lead that Hilary had used to encourage her cousin to make good progress as he was transporting all that equipment to our site and yanked Frank forwards. The alarmed yell was hardly audible but he did manage to keep his footing and to bunny hop over to the shade that Ed was indicating. “Well done, kid, now on your belly.” Frank fell to his knees, sat on his heels and lowered himself to the ground prior to flattening himself.

“Head up.” Frank did his best and Ed unclipped the dog lead from the collar. He did not remove the collar. “Oh look, Hils has even given you a dog tag.” She’d had ‘Rodent’ engraved on a circular dog tag and attached it to a d-ring on the collar. “I think I’ll have to get one for the Shrimp.” I didn’t think much of that suggestion.

“OK. Sorry, mush, but I can’t leave you like that; you might slip your hands under your bum when I’m not looking.” Frank tried to assure him that he would not but Ed didn’t take head shaking as a promise and he had a lot to do – or at least I did. He made Frank raise his shins and threaded the chain of the lead between his ankles and on to pass between his wrists. A turn of the chain between his wrists and another turn round the strap securing his ankles left Frank in a none too strict hogtie. Once the clip on one end had been fastened round the leather loop on the other end, Frank was quite secure.

“Right, Frankie boy, behave and don’t roll around and I’ll let you out of that when the Shrimp has finished pitching camp. On the other hand, I could tighten that lot up quite a bit if I have to come back over here. Understand?” Frank nodded. “Good lad.” And Ed gave Frank’s cheek a little double pat.

They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Thanks for the repost. Definitely worth a second reading.
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Post by Xtc »

And thank you for the support. Perhaps it will be completed tihs time!
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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5 All Mod Cons

Having secured Frank to his satisfaction, Ed turned his attention to me. “You remember what Hils said about letting her know how you behave?” I froze. “Just bear it in mind. Now, one or two things: one, you are going to sort that lot out,” Ed indicated the contents of the cart, “and two, you are NOT going to talk to HIM. You are not even going to go anywhere near him,” Ed indicated Frank, “Without my say-so.” He had not even left Frank looking towards the campsite and he didn’t dare to try to turn himself around. “Understand?” I nodded.

Now, I know that you’ve probably already decided that I’m not the most perceptive kid you’ve ever met but I was getting the impression that Ed did not want to run the risk of getting it wrong as far as Hilary was concerned. I could understand that.

“Right, what do you think? Untied?” I nodded. “No gag?” I nodded again, being sat like that with the stave preventing any chance of easing my discomfort was bad enough but I really wanted that gag out. “Promise to behave?” Let’s face it: that was no choice at all so I affirmed that I would behave. Ed seemed to understand what I said. He withdrew the stave. I swore and collapsed. Ed certainly understood what I said that time. “I’ll keep that one for later. OK. Give me your hands.”

I suppose that I didn’t appreciate the craftsmanship in the way Ed had tied my wrists at the time but he certainly made what I now know was a very stylish job of it. He merely undid the final knot and told me to get on with it. I waved my arms around, causing the wrappings around the connecting strands to unravel. When the free end of the rope snagged against me, I continued by using my teeth. Yes, Smegward WAS taking photos! Having removed the bindings, I encountered the next knot. By now I could bring my hands together and from then on my task was comparatively easy. Other than for that bloody wooden bit, I was once more free from restraints. Ed suddenly clapped his hand over my mouth.

“Right, you can take that gag out because you might need to ask me for orders. One word, except to ask what you have to do next, and it goes back in – and those lovely little shorts of mine as well. Get some sun-block on and your boots. You’ve got work to do. Pulling the hazel bar out of my mouth was not easy and, at one stage, it trapped my lower lip against my chin. However, I eventually had the thing hanging round my neck and then completely clear of my person.

I went for the sun-block and looked towards Frank. “What about him?”

“As long as he’s a good boy and stays where I put him, he’ll be in the shade. You are going to be a good boy, aren’t you?”

Frank nodded vigorously. “Mmmmmm!”

“You know: I don‘t think it’s fair, really.”

I risked an, “Nnn?”

“Well, poor little Frank is bound like a strung bow and you’re free to move around as you like.” Ed picked up the chain that I had worn overnight.

“No. Ed, pleeease.”

“Did I say you could beg?”

“But how can I finish pitching camp if you chain me up?”

“. . . or argue with me? I see that tasty twig going back in once you’ve finished your work - - - unless you can make me reconsider while you get on with things. Well?.” My shoulders must have slumped in resignation. “Good boy. C’mere.”

Ed had certainly taken into account the fact that, if I could not work, then he would have to do something for himself for once as he picked another padlock out of a bag in the cart. Once more he locked one end of the chain rather too tightly round my waist (So that I wouldn’t trip over it according to Ed) but this time he wrapped the other end round my left ankle and locked it on. He seemed to be examining the amount of loose chain critically. “Spread ‘em. Wider. No, a bit closer now. That should do it.” He locked a loop of the chain round my right ankle. He must have planned this. He got the chain between my waist and my right ankle tight enough to leave very little slack but so that I was not forced to bend my leg. The section between my ankles would certainly allow me to walk reasonably easily, as long as I didn’t trip over it, but I didn’t think I was going to enjoy the way the vertical component would probably massage my bits if I wasn’t careful. I carefully moved things round a bit. Ed grinned again. SURELY he HAD planned all this?

OK, long story short, Hilary had brought, or more accurately Frank had brought, enough equipment to allow a patrol of scouts to camp out for a week! I had to haul certain items off the cart and set them up where my big bother wanted them. At least the back of the cart could be dropped because someone whom I shall not name obviously had no intention of helping me lift things over the sides. So, a family size barbecue and fuel, a porta-potti (I was glad to see that) and the associated chemicals and a large aqua-roll full of water were soon set up and a chair, just one, as well. There was even more stuff still in the cart including a lot of food. Now I was getting even more worried than I had been before.

Other than the equipment that I had set up, there were also several metal marquee stakes, a sledge hammer and an awful lot of rope. Even I could figure out what Ed might have wanted with them! I didn’t dare to speculate about what was in the bags and the plastic crate that remained in the cart.

His Majesty’s chair was established and the self-appointed King of Lakeland took his ease and surveyed his kingdom. “Now let’s discuss that gag.”


At that stage, I even considered kneeling and begging not to have to chew on that wooden stick again but Ed was almost sure to film me and then ignore my pleas in any case. I decided to wait and see. “I’m feeling generous.” That wasn’t totally comforting. “Go and get that lovely lemon gag.” On balance I thought that I would prefer that option. “Hils has given me an idea.” All of a sudden, things had taken a dark turn. I went for the item and for the rope that Ed had demanded and for a roll of gaffer tape as well. The King of Lakeland’s final demand (for now) was that I should also find the other leg of his old running tights. I was not looking forward to the next few hours.

“Now, I need to punish you for all that bad language, I’m sure you understand that.” It was no use, no matter how hard I wished it, Ed was still not consumed by spontaneous combustion. “Undo that thing and hand me the contents.” I was puzzled but did not question my instructions. I picked at the knotted cord that trapped the lemon in the lycra tube, freed it and presented it to Ed’s outstretched hand.

“Good. Now just unpick the end of that roll of tape.” Ed was not only a knuckle dragger, he was also a nail-biter and I don’t think he could have done that particular job himself so I resigned myself to preparing whatever new torment he had in mind for me. I turned the loosened end over and returned the roll to Ed. “Right, stuff that in your gob.” I inserted the lemon. It sat more or less behind my teeth but the protrusions on either end extended into my cheeks. I already knew what to expect and, sure enough, that was already uncomfortable! That shark-like grin appeared again as Smegward pulled a generous length of silver tape free from the roll. He plastered the end onto my left jaw, secured it across my mouth and warned me not to move as he kept the tape tight and continued to wrap it round my head. I could already imagine the pain of trying to remove the stuff from my hair later. By the time Ed had completed three laps with the tape, I didn’t hear him freeing any more from the roll. I dared to hope that he had finished.

“Tell your big brother how much you love him.”


“Now, now, look what your bad language has already earned you.”

“Fwss!” How do you write that wheezing noise that escapes from your nostrils?

Ed smoothed the layers of tape against my jaw and my top lip and examined his work critically. “Just one little refinement, I think.” I heard that ripping noise again. “Good job you’re not shaving yet, Shrimp.” Ed secured the tape just in front of my left ear and pressed it into place. That was when I lost the self control that self interest had so far enabled me to exercise, and I raised my hands. “Oh, bad move, Shrimp, looks like I’ll have to ask Hilary to smack your bottom when she comes back.” I jerked my head from side to side and ostentatiously held my hands behind my back. The newly released roll of tape described a bizarre arc as the loosened tape stuck to itself and the roll hit against my body.

Smugward saw that I had obviously submitted and interpreted my squeal of distress correctly. “Well, as you ask so nicely, perhaps I won’t tell her this time. We’ll see.”

That wheezing noise again.

Ed ripped the tape that he had applied to my temple unceremoniously from where it was now hanging and detached the tangled tape from the roll and turned the new end over on itself. I might well not be shaving yet but d’ y’ know that tuft of hair by your temple? Hurts like fuck when it’s pulled or twisted, doesn’t it? Well, mine did then!

“Right, I’ll help you to keep out of trouble. Get me that rope.” My token objection was hardly discernible and I picked up the rope that still had the loop tied in the middle of it, hung my head and handed the rope to my brother. Ed was obviously going to secure my arms behind me as he had done the previous night and it didn’t take him long. This time, though, he forced my wrists higher up my back before wrapping the unused rope around the vertical strands. That would certainly stop me raising my hands to him again. “Just don’t say I never do anything to help you. Say, ‘Thank you’.”

“An’ uh.” (2)

“You’re welcome. Now, where were we?” Once again Ed fixed the tape to my face over what was left of the hair on my left temple. I was more determined than ever to cooperate before he needed to rip the tape off my exposed skin and start again. The strip of tape was taken under my chin and secured to my right temple. That annoying scrooping noise signalled that Ed was happy in his work. A few more layers were added so that they passed under my chin, gradually covering the exposed flesh before Ed secured them in place with several more layers wrapped around under my nose. The result must have looked like a muzzle.

Ed took my jaw in his right hand, stood back a bit and turned my head from side to side. “Yes!” He was always easily satisfied with his own work. “Just testing.” With the index and middle fingers of his left hand, he pinched my nostrils shut. I panicked but Ed used his right hand to hold me in place. After about ten seconds (I suppose) he released me. “Yep, looks like it works.” He could see my heavy breathing as I staggered away from him. “Don’t worry, Shrimp, I won’t do that again. - - - Unless you make me!”

I didn’t notice it at the time but Ed must have given me nearly a minute to recover my equilibrium before carrying on. “OK, Shrimp, let’s go and see how the Rodent’s getting on.” Ed picked up his hazel switch and gave it a few demonstration swishes. “Need any help?” I shook my head and started heading towards the shade where the unfortunate Frank had managed to turn onto his side even though he had not turned round and so had probably not been able to see anything that had happened on the camp site.


As we approached the deeply tanned youngster, he started getting more agitated than he had previously been. He was nodding his head and looking down. Even Smeggy Eddie could not pretend that he couldn’t understand what Frank was trying to say as he grunted and snorted.

“Oh, you want that gag removed?” Frank nodded enthusiastically. “Well, I’ve got to take care of my little brother here first. – Sit down.” I sat. “- And our mum doesn’t like him to hear bad language.”

“Nnnggggg!” Even I could interpret that with its accompanying desperate expression as “please”.

Ed ploughed on, “And I remember what HiIs said about your language.” Frank shook his head silently, trying to reassure Ed that she was mistaken. “I’ll tell you what: the Shrimp deserves a rest so, if you can do his tasks for him, I might consider leaving that thing off once I give you that drink that Hils recommended. How’s that?”

Frank became still for some seconds. He was obviously mulling things over. Then he nodded his head. All that tape had come free from the little guy’s cheeks and chin long ago but the layers still adhered to themselves and they still held that blue thing in place forcing his jaws wide and preventing any comprehensible speech. Later on I found out that he’d had a blue dog toy forced into his mouth before most of a roll of wide Sellotape had been employed to secure it in place. When I eventually saw it, it was somewhat smaller than a tennis ball but nowhere near as squashable. That was when I decided that being gagged with a lemon, demanding as it was, was probably not so bad after all.

Ed advised Frank to behave himself for a couple of minutes while he made me ‘comfortable’. Frank stayed on his side, watching what was going on. Ed had come equipped for making me as comfortable as he was prepared to and had hung certain requirements round the wrist that wielded Hazel. He had also brought the previously unused portion of his old running tights.

“See this?” Ed was displaying a rubberised strap of some kind. It’s a tree tie, Hilary got a few from the estate gardener. She thought they might come in useful. I reckon she was right. I wanted some cable ties but she said that they really hurt and, besides, they weren’t strong enough. Isn’t she lovely?” I didn’t answer. “On your belly. Feet up.”

I was obviously not quick enough and Ed picked up the switch again. Isn’t it surprising how quickly a bound boy can do as he’s told as long as he has the appropriate motivation? I quickly lay down, rolled over and raised my feet. Lose, lose situation: my flimsily covered arse was now exposed to the stick. That stung!

I couldn’t see how the tree tie worked at the time but, upon later inspection, I had a sort of strap round my ankles with a spacer between them. The buckle had obviously been pulled tight and, rather like the ones on a rucksack, would bite unless I could get my fingers to it whereupon it should release easily. There was just one problem with that!

Ed turned me over, checked his work, dragged me deeper into the shade and sat me against a tree. At least he wasn’t going to hog-tie me like he had done to poor Frank. I was quite happy about that. I was even happier when Ed took the keys and released me from the chain. Things were looking up. Then he held up that other leg from his torn tights.

“Now, because Frank’s going to need your chain, I need to make you a bit more secure. I’m sure you’ll understand.” I did not! Ed shoved what was effectively a lycra stocking over my head and pulled it down to my shoulders. Then he kept pulling as the toe end approached the crown of my head. I wasn’t going to tell him, but I could still vaguely see through the stretched fabric. I Heard tape being ripped from the roll. Ed seemed to be pulling the fabric down as far as possible before wrapping tape round both the fabric and my neck. Alright, he did it snugly but he made sure that it wasn’t throttling me. It was only afterwards that I realised completely what he was about as he drew the loose fabric back up, forcing it up against the three rounds of tape and completely obscuring what was left of my vision. He then scrunched up the opening to the tights leg and secured it with more tape.

Ed lifted me by the armpits so that my bum was closer to the tree and let me go again. “OK, Shrimp? Try not to miss me too much while I Iook after Frank. Don’t get jealous, will you?” Then he scruffed my lycra top-knot. I could see nothing of what happened for what I assumed was about the next two hours.

“Wanker.” (2) (It’s amazing what you can get away with when you’re strictly gagged.)

They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by bondagefreak »

I tried asking why he didn’t do that when I was standing up but he didn’t seem to understand me and started muttering about needing to untie the gag and stuffing his running shorts into my mouth before re-tying it. Once again I thought silence was my best resort.
Mmm...perfect 8-)

I'm only starting chapter four, but am enjoying this one a lot, Xtc.
The sleeping bag bondage at the end of the third chapter definitely had a secondary effect on me ;)

These chapters are LONG though. Makes them a little inconvenient to read during my lunch breaks.
Loving this. Will be reading some more later tonight.

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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for that. It's good to know you're on board.

Yeah. I suppose the chapters are a bit long (but hark who's talking ;) ), but they seem to me to have a senisble narative arc and, although I have edited the original posts, I have not bothered to re-distribute the chapters.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Hahaha :lol: [mention]Xtc[/mention], you are too good!
Eventually, Sleeping Ugly woke up, coughed, farted (again), scratched himself comprehensively and adjusted his boxers. Then he announced that he was going for a crap and that I should start making breakfast.
Sleeping Ugly, Shrimp, Rodent. My friend, the colourful titles you keep inserting everywhere just makes reading this even better!

I love the lengths you go to describe something as simple as a young man-to-be's state of arousal (in the paragraph above the one I quoted), only to switch a shockingly crude style with farts, ball-scratching and crapping ;)

You are one of a kind, sir. Inimitable.
Well done!

The guys who aren't following this don't know what they're missing.
Too busy fooling around on the "chat" me thinks.

You know what they say though. You snooze, you lose 8-)

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