Stalker (M/m)

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Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 219
Joined: 6 years ago

Stalker (M/m)

Post by alkaid_ »


Finally, Mauricio review the pics he had jus taken. 20 pics, to be more precise.

The 16 years old boy is a social media fan and upload at least 2 pics in his Instagram account, since 2 years ago. He has no a lot followers, maybe he has 350 fans among friends, family, and some stranger people.

He wish become a famous instagramer, and maybe will become a guy who anyone sponsor him things like clothes, tennis, some concert tickets and, in the future, a vacation trip.

And to make his wish real, he know that only could do anything: upload pics, the best pics, in the good and amazing places

Mauricio isn’t stupid either. He’s not going to make a pic in places or situations that put his life at risk. He know stories about people, instagramers, twittstars or youtubers who ended dead trying to take the “perfect selfie”. And dying isn’t in the boy’s plans.

And although he don’t have the amount of followers he wanted, at least he know is happy because every pic he upload gain 80 to 100 likes in the first 24 hours online.

“Yeah!, if I got more than 60% of my followers react to my photos in the first day, oh my god!... if only I have more followers…” The kid always imagine with a lot of enthusiasm.

Mauricio is optimistic. In the last 8 months, his account had increased in followers for almost 150%. His vacation pics in Universal Studios, the time he go to a Dallas Cowboys game, the pics from his soccer team tour to a tournament in Rome, and the pics from the concert he went in the last year , help him to increase his followers.

And Mauricio know it, he was soccer player crack and a genius in math. But in the school, he’s not good in grammar and had a lot of problems in chemistry and had a lot problems with arts.

Mauricio always try to show his angelical smile in his pics, his captivating glance like a TV handsome actor, and like an innocence kid he was. He try to show how much he had a fun in his life and with his friends, and when he could do, he shows his little six pack abdomen.

The kid always like show 2 especial escenarios. First, he’s excited to show to the followers his victories with his soccer team. He show far away, in close up, the proud of being member from his soccer team and wear with proud his yellow and blue soccer uniform, with the soccer socks above the knee. He’s a fan from America (America is a Mexican soccer team), and he´s a member from an America Academy, and he feels so proud of them. Sometimes he upload pics from the games he score and sometimes he publish videos where his followers can see the play where Mauricio scored.

And second, his days and moments with Diana, his girlfriend since two years ago.

“I love you, my dear”, “You’re my life motor and my motivation to go out and being success every day”, “May I can lost the breath, but, I never lost my faith if you’re by my side” are the romantic and gossip messages that Mauricio write to Diana.
And that day, Mauricio selected the pic where he looks more handsome. He review which pic favored him and in which pic show his most photogenic side. He spent 10 minutes to decide the perfect one, although the others pics were stored in his phone they seemed identical.

The pics looks like identical for anyones eye, but not for the kid. He was convinced that in one he looks with an eye more open than other, in other pic has better hairstyle, and things like that.

The light blue shirt, with the top button unbuttoned it looked like rebel guy. The strecht shirt showed his slim and athletic body.

The black blazer give him a touch of formal appearance. The skinny beige pants let see his thin and long legs. A black moccasins complete his outfit, and his pants let show his uncovered ankles.

Mauricio is preparing for the party night. He’s going to with Diana to a 15th birthday party of a school friend. Mauricio has taken a lot of pics to publish them.

“XV years only live one time. Happy B-Day and more days like this will be coming. Lets have a fun and dance all night long @MilaYess_099”.

Next to review all the pics and a very especial analisis, Mauricio upload the third one. He preferred the one where he send a kiss to his friend than other one he smile and showed his teeth.

Almost a minute later, Yessenia, Mauricio’s friend, was the first follower gave like Mauricio’s post and answer with the next message: “You’re a sweetheart… you owe me a valls. #DontStopTheParty”.

Mauricio looks the message, read it and smile again. Five minutes later, his new post has more than 30 likes and more than 25 comments.

“Handsome”… “Look that cute face”… “You also take out to dance, don’t forget it”… See you in the party? Hoy #XVYess”… Mauricio can´t hide his happiness for his last post.

The kid was Uber aboard and going to Diana’s home, when he hear a notification tone.

“Rolo_Rodo130 was comment”… “You have a Rolo_Rodo160 message” appear in his phone screen.

Mauricio was more excited. Rolo_Rodo_160 was the first stranger Mauricio’s account follower. Rolo gave like and comment all pic what Mauricio post.

“That is my heartbreaker… i´m sure you will be the night star… lets break it”. Mauricio can’t hide the happiness from that follower message.

Rolo_Rodo160 usually chat with Mauricio. They chat about music, soccer, make mutual recommendations from movies or series in Netflix, or whatever.

Mauricio thinks that follower was a nice, friendly and witty guy.

Rolo has videogames knowledges that sometimes youtubers gamers didn’t have. Mauricio can complete Grand Theft Auto and Metal Gear missions thanks to Rolo recommendations.

Mauricio feels comfortable talking with Rolo about his soccer feats and enjoys read Rolo’s everyday hacks tips.

The kid told Rolo that he was encouraged because his followers increased step by step and Mauricio talk to his friend for his illusion of reaching 1000 followers at the end of year.

“Lets go heartbreaker, have a lot of fun tonight”…

“Thanx man, I wish you enjoy this night… Wut’re you gonna do tonight?

“I’m going to watch a series that recommended to me.. let see it… And if you go to the dance floor, what your friends take a video from you. If you do it very well, I’m sure will become viral and puuum!... the sky is the limit and your followers going to up”.

Mauricio smiled enthusiastically for the idea. He like the proposal that a video of him, dancing at the party, and that went viral and caused a sensation on the web.

“I like the idea… let see whats happen…” he answer the message.

This was the first time that Mauricio receive from Rolo a make a video or content idea for his Instagram to make his goal of followers real. They talking about for this goal almost a year. Usually, maybe one time every 15 days, Rolo proposed Mauricio make a escapist challenge and upload to Instagram and that way increase the amount of followers.

Mauricio didn’t understand what Rolo talking about, but his friend explain what he need to do.

“You must be in a escenario where you ended like a hostage and fight for your freedom… for example, being tied with rope or tape… you will see, people likes that kind of things and videos… get onyoutube and you will see…”

Mauricio was never convinced of those recommendation.

Almost six months ago, Rolo tried to persuade him to make a ducktape challenge. Ask to one friend to tie you up whit tape… ducktape… the strongest one… If you will be free or not, the people going to enjoy and have a fun and they want that kind of vids and give you a like… if you gonna do two challenges, puuuuummm!... your followers must be a lot of more…”

Mauricio was never convinced of those recomandations and although he wasn’t feel bothered by the insistence of those kind of pics of videos, and he also ignored them and never strongly reject the proposals.

“Naaahhh… I don’t know… Its… I think no…”

And despite the repetitions of this kind of picas and vids, where Mauricio should appear as a guy in trouble, he never feel uncomfortable and threatened.

And this recommendation to dance at the party and being recorded and uploaded to Instagram excited him too much.

But the resultd didn’t go as Mauricio expected. He went to the dance floor, he appears in a video dancing a very popular cumbia, and although receive very goods comments and likes, the video didn´t end up becoming a viral video as the boy wanted.}

“Don’t be sad, the sun shine every day… and you will be have a new opportunity and have new ideas…”

Rolo tries to encourage his friend by direct message.

A little disappointed Mauricio thinks his cyberfriend is right, and decide not be sad after his XV party dance video results.

“You should listen to me… do a ducktape challenge… I’m sure it will gonna works for you… I’m fucked sure…”

One more time, Mauricio read that message, but this time, faced with the frustration of what happened with the last post, the kid was annoyed for the insistence.

“What a fuck man… why the pleasure of watch me tied up? It was lot , don’t you believe!”

When Mauricio push “Send”, was a there was a some annoyance in his face.

“Well… it was a idea… those kind of videos are very funny and makes the people share them… but there you…”

Mauricio says no with his head. The Rolo insistence from make a video where Mauricio appear tied up by any one and trying to escape, makes the kid feels uncomfortable right now. The kid never experienced that sensation in his life, and although he wasn’t afraid of being restrained, he felt a kind of annoyance towards that proposal.

Mauricio preferred leave the game in peace and close Instagram for a few hours.

Several days later and Mauruicio noticed that the only activity from Rolo were his likes. And Mauricio didn’t remember a lot the proposal of escape or ducktape challenge he had received.

Two weeks later, Rolo send a direct message to Mauricio again.

“How was the concert?”

The kid went to a Coldplay in his city. Mauricio was publish pics and videos from the concert. The kid upload videos from songs moments, pics from the stage, from Chris Martin singing and a little video when the band playing Paradise.

“Yeah… was very Good… Really, I left the concert very late and keep awake a lot… I felt very sleepy a lot in the school today”.
Mauricio still felt tired and sleepy. He was still yawning because he had a very active day at school and the soccer training had been intense.

“I envy you… I really would love to go!, but when I know about the ticket sales, I didn’t get any one”.

Mauricio understood what Rolo talking about. Some times the same thing happened to him… he didn’t get any ticket with U2 concert and months ago the same happened with America’s soccer game.

“I get notifications of a lot of concerts, if you want, I will say you if Coldplay come again and let you know when the ticket sale start”.

Minuts later, the kid receive a Rolo’s message thanking him for the gesture”.

Mauricio smiles a little, and seconds later, he receive a new notification and when he saw the pic, his face change a little. He feels some strangeness, disbelief and some anger.

Rolo send Mauricio three strangers pics. Mauricio was the staring from the pics. He was surprised because the pics was weird. Mauricio recognized parts of his body: his legs, his torso, his arms, and his face. But the pics were assambled like a puzzle and a very good photoshop work.

In the first pic, Mauricio appears like he was sitting in the floor, whit ropes around his torso and ankles and his arms looks like his wrist were tied behind his back and his lips sealed with ducktape.

The second pic suggested what Mauricio was struggling and the third one showed Mauricio free by himself from his hands and dorso and trying to take off the tape from his lips.

Mauricio shaking his head sayed no, like he didn’t understand what happened and what his eyes seeing. It was something of the weirdest thing he ever what sees and only can answer it:

“WTF men?”

Seconds later, he receive a notification: and laughting emoji and next an explication

“A Little leisure time. It’s a suggestion, it’s the true. Maybe, if you’re not become a soccer start, maybe as an escapist or magician could do it in a great way”.

Mauricio still showing those altered pics from him, and had a little nervous laugh. Look at himself tied for first time makes him a little nervous but at the same time he laugh a little. But even so, he didin’t like the idea of post a pic or vid showing him trying that kind of challenge.

“Well… like isayed you… was a lot of leisure time and I’m a Photoshop crack. Are you going to deny me that was good work?”

Mauricio can’t deny. Rolo was very pacient to make that kind of photo edition work. Look for the ideal pics, cut the parts he need, assemble them, and put the elements to give the appearance that the kid was completely tied and restrained.

“Well…yes, you’re right… It was a very fucking awesome work, but wtf… jajajjajajajaja”

Mauricio received a similar answer, Rolo send him some a lot of laugh emojis.

The days pass and Mauricio received at 7:30 night, almost like a scheduled thing, a message and a pic from Rolo.

Another similar pic edition work, where Mauricio appears completely tied.

Mummified with ducktape, hogtied with his soccer uniform, tied, gagged and blindgoled like an X to a bed, tied to a chair, and the most chilling: hanging from his feet to a butcher’s hook.

“Hey dude! What a fuck whit you!”

Rolo’s answer was with an emoji like he was crying from the laughter.

Mauricio felt a little disturbered by Rolo’s answer.

“Hey dude… what a fuck… the first timewas funny, but I think you already fuck me a lot”

That pic, where Mauricio appears hanging from his feet, makes him very angry an worried a lot because the stranger nature of that follower.

“Don’t be mad… I think I exceeded a little, but it’s only a joke”.

Mauricio feel uncomfortable with that pic.

“Dude… that’s a lot”.

The kid was really angry. The insistence of make a ducktape or escape challenge, and the pics from the last weeks, makes his patience was filled.

“Don’t be mad my friend… see it like a game. I’m think you really sees good if you would be tied. And I’m really want be the guy who tied you up… jajajajajajjaaja”

That last answer makes Mauricio explode. “What a fuck whit this dude… oh my good…!” Mauricio didn’t understand why this dude wanna see him tied.

“Lets go… fuck you.”

Immediately, Mauricio block Rolo.

One week later, Mauricio notice that Rolo_Rodo161 had become his follower and sent him a new message.

It was a pic like the previous ones. Mauricio standing, tied with his hands above his hands to a one thing upside and with his cuffed ankles.

The kid sees surprised and upset.

“You´re a bother… you fuck me a lot”, Mauricio blocked that follower again.

And for the next two weeks, a new Rolo_Rodo appears again like his follower and send Mauricio the same kind of pics, and Mauricio insulted and block him again. The kid didn’t know what to do.

Mauricio didn’t wanna make private his Instagram account, because that not going to prevent find him and sent him a new message. The only thing he can do was close it and open a new account, but it would start again and lost all the followers since 3 years ago.

Think about it makes Mauricio felt more angry. He felt confused and with some fear of that guy who was behind Rolo_Rodo and not knowing what to do.

Until the day that Mauricio feared arrived and should have done: close his Instagram account.

And that as a result of the appearance of the last Rolo_Rodo, it was Rolo_Rodo205.

The last message had four new pics from Mauricio, new photoshoped pics where he appears tied up in more than uncomfortable and strict positions

Aquel nuevo mensaje llegó con cuatro fotos de Mauricio, nuevas fotos de montajes de él atado en posiciones más que incómodas y estrictas.

“Son of a bithc… I’m gonnadenounce you with the police… let see if you stop of fuck me, damm pervert”.

Mauricio blocks Rolo_Rodo again.

Five minutes later, Rolo_Rodo206 send him a new direct message.

This time, the pics were not Photoshop ones. There are pics from him, in weekend his soccergame taking far away with a professional camara and lens. Pics where Mauricio appears in close up, running in the field, shooting the ball, celebreating or regretting one action. There are 8 pics from him.

“If you tell to the police about me, asshole kid, I’m gonna slit the throat to your parents like if ther were chickens and you’ll ended tied up in the most uncomfortable ways for the rest of your youth”

At that moment, Mauricio felt real terror. That dude know wher he plays and went to see him play and take photos from him. And maybe know more things about him. But how was it possible?

The kid noticed that in many pics he tagged his ubication. In that way, rolo_Rodo can know a lot of thinks from him: where he go to his soccer training and plays, an where he go to school. Mauricio notice it right away . And the warning for him and for his parents makes him feel a lot of terror that he preferred to close his Intagram account a few seconds later.

Mauricio didn’t sleep well that night. He had a lot of nightmares, had a cold sweet and can’t couldn’t fall asleep.

The next day, Mauricio still very nervous. Even though he closes his Instagram account, other social media ones like Facebook, Twitter or Snapchat still active. He was scared, because in his accounts can read “follow me in FB, TW y Snap like mau_1912”.

His facebook account was hide, but he need change his twitter and snapchar nickname.

At nightfall, Mauricio feel a bit of peace, because none of his social media was receive message from rolo_Rodo or someone like him.

Diana was the only person who send him a message.

“My dear, why you close your Instagram? I’m wating your pic from the day”.

“I had a problem with my account, dear. I expect open it again in a few days. Just wait the exams period ended”.

Diana’s message make Mauricio feel comfortable.

“Well honey… I wish you’re fell good. I see you tomorrow and invite you the frappe you like it”

Mauricio smile next to read Diana’s message, leaves his phone and went to sleep.

One month later and Mauricio don’t receive a threatening message or an assemble pic where he appears bound and gagged.

The kid opened a new Instagram account, but this time used a new nickname.

“Either way, start again”, Mauricio thinks.

A few days and Instagram post later, Mauricio felt the nightmare was ended. Looks like Rolo_Rodo go away.

That day, Mauricio left his soccer training. He’s wearing his soccer team jersey, a black stretch sweatpants, and navy blue tennis.

The kid still sweat for the intensity training and the warm he can feel, even though was 7 pm.

Mauricio said goodbye to his teammates when he hear his ring tone. A notification from Uber, the cab he requested to take him home had arrived.

The kid saw in a corner a car with the flashlight on and the license matched whith the car and the driver was Uber assigned. The kid run to the car and asked: “¿Jorge?”

“Yes sir…”

The kid smile and take the car. The car start to move towards home. The travel ended usually in 30 minutes, but the cars traffic was bigger than usual.

Mauricio was litte tired when he receive a phone notification.

“@YorchRolo_Rodo follow you. @YorchRolo_Rodo sent you a message”

Mauricio’s face change from tiredness to nervousness and fear.

“Did you miss me?”

The kid stat to feel shaking chills. That dud appears again.

The driver notice the kids face and start to talking with him.

“What’s wrong kid?... Are you ok?”

Mauricio trying to get out of the bewilderment when he answered.

“Ehh... no, no… nothing… don’t worry”

The driver follow the casual conversation.

“Don’t worry, don’t be mad… just answer the question… do you miss me?”

Mauricio was frozen.

“That’s right Mau… did you miss me…? I can’t ask you where the Arctic Monckeys coming? When start the ticket sale?”…

Mauricio didn’t know what to do. He tried to open the car doors, but the safes are on and locked and the windows was closed immediately.

“Don’t shut, don’t do anything stupid my dear… If you know what is better for you, will be good boy…”

“Why…? Why are you doing this? What do you want for me?”

The kid voice was tremble and full of dread.

“Be calm, don’t be afraid… I’m gonna do what you ever dream… make you an internet star, and I know how do it”

Mauruicio start to feel panic, tried to yell for help when that guy took advantage from a red light, turn around to theat the kid with a gun.

“I said you… don’t be stupid… shut up and don’t make any drama and nothing wrong gonna happen to you”.
The driver continues the way to the kid home. He stop in front of Mauricio’s home and pointed to the app that the travel are ended.

The dude start the engine again at same Mauricio watched helplessly as the dude keep him like a hostage. Mauricio tried to send an emergency message to his father, but something wrong happened: his phone didn’t work. He can´t send a whatsapp message.

“No kid… asking for help will not be useful. I have a device that will not let you connect to internet and you will not be able to call for help… so, give me your cellphone”.

Mauricio sayed no without saying a word while he saw the car was entered to a mart store subway parking.

The car stop and that guy go away from the driver seat. Mauricio looks with fear how that dude opened the backseat door and using his strength overpower the kid and use a syringe to apply a strange substance in the kid neck.

Mauricio start to feel weakness and sleepy, but he still awake. But nervously, he feels that guy use pair of handcuffs in his wrist behind his back and use another one to cuff his ankles.

The dude take his hostage by his shoulders and armpits and take away from the car. Closed de car door and quickly open the backseat door of the car was parked at his side. He placed Mauricio and made him lie on the backseats.

The guy look for in the sweatpants kid pockets and took his cell phone. Next, take a blanket an cover his hostage.

Immediately, the men put Mauricio’s phone in front of and under the back wheel of the new car, next to go to the driver door, put himself back of the wheel, start the engine and go away from the parking.

Mauricio was laying in the backseats while felt how he was taking away to a unknowing course. The weather in the car was cold, because the air conditioning car system, and the boy was trying to yell for help. But he felt more frustration because his attemps for screaming were barely audible whispers.

Mauricio trying topay attention to the words of thet stranger dude, but he didn’t understand any word he said, although the dude talking about what gonna do whit his hostage.

Few hours later, the boy began to feel the car was slowing, stop a little, move a little meters, and finally, the engine stops.

The dude go out from the car, opened the backdoor and pulled out Mauricio… Put the kid over his shoulders , walk a few steps and enter to a room, and next put his hostage over a bed

The dude go away from the room and minutes later came back with 2 suitcases and a bagpack.

Mauricio was still weakened, and began to fell was the blanket was taken away. Next, the handcuffs were removed but later his wrist was tied up with rope. The cuffs from his ankles were removed too, but his knees and ankles were tied with rope later.

“The effect of the drug ended soon, so it’s better I’ll be prepared”

That dude pulled out from his bag a ballgag what put in his hostage mouth, who can’t do anything to stop him.

Mauricio was placed on the floor and next, the kid felt how was put over the bed cobertor. Slowly, he was rolled in the cobertor like a taco, and next, the cobertor was secured by turns of ducktape. The dud carry Mauricio again and put him over the mattress.

At that time, Mauricio was free of all the druf effects. He notice he was in a motel room. There was only one bed, the courtains were closed and didn’t let anyone look inside the room. There was a watch on the wall and sait it was 10:45 night.

The kid was more worried and start to cry. His parents should already looking for him.

“Don’t cry my boy, everything will be okay”

The kid was whining, but thanks to the ballgag they were barely audible. Mauricio was tired and had a lot of hugry and thisrty.

“I’ll give you some of food and water if you promise me no yell for help. If you become an asshole, no just slap you a lot of time, you will be no receive food and wather, understand?”.

Mauricio sayed yes with his head and was agree with his captor.

The dude remove the ballgag and feed Mauricio with a ham torta and a bottle of water.

The air conditioning system in the room prevented Mauricio feels a lot of heat inside that cobertor in what the kid was wrapped.

As soon Mauricio ended with the torta and the bottle of water, the dude put the ballgag again in Mauricio’s mouth without the kid being able to say or did something or scream for help.

The clock in the room marks 11:30 at night, and the kid trying to fight against his bonds, but he can´t do anything wrapped in that cobertor-prision.

That dude, Rolo Rodo, pulled from his backpack a professional camera and a laptop. Mauricio felt uncomfortable with being a photomodel while was tied up in that way.

“Look kid, you will see how popular these kind of pics and videos are.”

Immediately, the dude put the laptop in front of Mauricio. On the screen appears a weird web site with photos and videos from kids between 11 and 17 years old, tied in a lot of ways, with different and with different devices.
Mauricio felt inconfortable and missed for what he was watching. On the left side of the screen, he can see a kid, around 13 Y.O. siting and tied to a chair. The kid was gagged with a green handkerchief between his teeth. And trying to free by himself.

On the left side can read the comments. The video was uploaded 3 months ago and had 1500 lokes and more than 3000 comments.

“Cute”, “Tie him tighter to the chair, the kid can move…”, “Put itchy powder over him, for more fun”, “you miss blindfoled him…”. Mauricio can read all the comments.

Mauricio threw groans into his gag. It bothered him see that. He didn’t understand and know why that dude was trying to show him that kind of videos.

Mauricio was more disturbed when he saw the video from a 11 Y.O. in a ballet dancer leotard, being completely tied up in a very uncomfortable form. The kid was tied with his arms behind his back, his ankles crossed and tied with a rope, and a rope keep him tied ankles to wrist. Another rope were tied in a weird way to keep the kid gagged and force him to keep his head raised, because the rompe was tied to his wrist.

More than 3000 likes and 1800 was Mauricio can saw. The kid still like this for almost an hour. That dude force Mauricio to saw the laptop screen. The kid trying to close his eyes to refuse to see the screen, but when the dude notice it, he holding Mauricio’s hair and with a sweet and thereatening voice tone, force Mauricio to keep watching.

It was 1 at night-morning, when the dude stand up from the bed, take the laptop and turn off and put it on the little bed table was in a corner of the room.

The guy go to the room door to make sure all the locks and padklocks were closed,

“Time to sleep, kiddo. Tomorrow will be a long day…”

The dude pullout his bagpack a roll of ducktape, take a piece and put over the kids eyes.

“Very good Mau, this is for you sleep well…”

Mauricio listen a few steps, the click from the principal room light switch, other few steps and next, he felt wat the dude lay down over the bed, next to his left side. The last sound the kid heard was from the light switch from the bed lamp.

“Good night Mau… see you tomorrow.”

The kid felt more uncomfortable when the dude put his arm over him. Mauricio shaking inside his bounds and quilt prison. He made some sobs of fear, nervousness and despair. The kid tried to fight against his bounds and wanna free by himself, but was very firmly tied and wrapped like a taco in a quilt, so he can’t move a lot.

Despite the barely audible sobs, the dude didn’t even flinch and didn’t react for the kid cries. Maybe the dude enjoy listen the kid sobs, or maybe he was very tolerant of his hostage whining. Oy maybe the dude was completely asleep.

Mauricio was very tired and makes the kid ended completely asleep.

Hours later, a little and soft slaps made Mauricio awake. The dude warn the kid it’s breakfast time, so he going to remove the ballgag for feed him.

Mauricio moves his head saying yes, and immediately the ballgag was removed, but he was still blindfoled. The dude feed his hostage with a ham torta and a bottle of orange juice. When the kid finished his breakfast, the kid was ballgagged again.

Several minutes later, Mauricio felt that dude start to work with his bounds over the quilt what keep him wrapped.

“I’m going to untie you up. You can go to the bathroom, so none funny games or dirty tricks. I’ve been very good with you and I wannacoutinue do it, but if you do any stupid thing, you’re gonna regret it, understand it?”.

Mauricio was full of fear, so he sayed yes moving his head. His wrist and ankles were freed but he felt pain when the ducktape were removed from his eyes.

To Mauricio’s discomfort, the bath door still open an the dude watching every move from his hostage. The kid hoped have privacy time for have time to try something to escape, but before the watchful eye of that man, every escape attemps were highly likely to fail.

The kid flush the toilet and next to step in front to the sink to wash his hands. Almost instantly, and by surprise, the dude appears back to the kid and reinject the drug that left Mauricio weakened and sleepy.

The dude took his hostage by his armpits and dragging him and laid him over the bed.

After feeling completely weakened, Mauricio began to cry in fear and despair. He felt his arms were placed behind his back and next feel a rope slowly and firmly start to bind his wrist. More rope was used to restrain his ankles, legs, thighs and his arms to his torso.

The dude made Mauricio lie on his back and the kid look to the ceiling. The dude looks like enjoy the kid face expression, who was terrified and helpless and bound and gagged again. Mauricio saw a smile from the dude, a satisfaction one, from the dude who keep him like a hostage..

“I don’t wanna see that sad eyes… lets fix it now”

The dude take the roll of ducktape again, take a piece and put it over the kid eyes and keep him blindfoled again. Next, he take his hostage and made him sit on the bed.

“Nice, that ballgag function very good, but make it more effective”.

The dude turn the tape around his hostage mouth 5 times and the kid lips were completely sealed and his sobs were barely audible. Next, the dude carry the kid over his shoulders and take him to the room garage. The dude go to the car and open the back door and laid the kid between the front and backseats. And next put a black blanket to cover the kid, so no one outside can see his hostage.

Minutes later, the dude was placed in front of the wheel and start the engine car again.

It had been more than 12 hours since Mauricio had disappeared. Almost since 11 at night, Mauricio’s parents go to the police to report their son’s disappearance.

The parents didn’t know anything about their son when they call him to his cell phone. The connect call indicated that the police was switched off or outside the service area.

The parents had also testimony of some their son’s training mates who told them that Mauricio had taken an Uber to his home.

Mauricio’s parents found a police cops who made a serious investigation and start to conducting the investigations. However, the results were slow and around 7 at morning they had information from the Uber, which indicated that Mauricio’s route ended almost 40 minutes later he take the service, because the traffic of last night.

With some cameras from the city security system, they were able to follow the Uber trip, since the boy got in the car until the car stops in front of the kids home. Great was the surprise when the cops saw Mauricio never go out to the car.

Several meters later, the track was lost but was located 5 km from the kid’s home and go on the mall parking. The track results sayed them the car never leave the parking.

A police team go to the mall parking and began to looking for to the car. A few minutes later, they found it. Some moans and cries for help where coming from the trunk car. And where the trunk were opened, the cops found a 40 Y.O. man who was tied with ducktape.

The man sayed his name is Jorge, and indicated the last day he receive a request service from a dude named Rodolfo, but five minutes later, the passage injected him a something and Jorge lost consciousness.

Next to the car, the cops found the remains from a cell phone who had been crushed by some object.

It was 3 in the afternoon when Mauricio’s parents recognized the cell phone case as their son.

The cops didn’t know what happened in the parking, because the store didn’t have a camera security in the parking.

The boy’s search was hampered because the city monitoring cameras didn’t cover the 3 parking mall exits.

At the same time, on a country highway, a car move very fast. That car had a bound and gagged 16 Y.O. boy lying between the front and backseats. The drug effects had already passed out, and Mauricio start to fight with all his strength against his bounds and trying to yell for help, even thought his mouth was ballgaged and sealed with tape.

The captor don’t worry by his hostage complains. The music at somewhat loud volume made the boy’s calls for help attempt barely audible.

While in the city, the only thing the cops could do was start an Ambert Alert and recommended Mauricio’s parents stay tuned to his phone, because it could be an attempt of kidnapping for ransom.

Besides, the cops starting an investigation against Rodolfo, that dude was the main suspect in Mauricio’s disappearance.

On the highway, the car stoped back of a little restaurant. It was almost 4:30 at afternoon. The dude was hungry and wanna some food.

While the dude go on the restaurant, Mauricio still completely tied inside the car.

The kid keeps his fight against the rope who keep him tied and fight against his frustration for stayed like a hostage.

Minutes later, the dude came back to the car. Take his place on the driver seat and start to eat. He had a pambazo, a bisteck huarache and bottle of coke. The dude ate his food while enjoyed the music without paying attention to the help moans from his little hostage.

When the dude ended his food, he go out to the car and go to the backdoor. He opened it, discover the blanket that keep the kid hide, take him by his armpits and make him sit over the backseats.

Mauricio felt the pain caused when the dude remove the ducktape from his lips and finally, the ballgag was removed.

Immediately, the kid starts to yell for help.

“Wait, wait, wait… shhhh… no scandal… nobody going to listen you and nobody gonna help you… Stay calm so I can feed you”.

The dude make Mauricio calm with handgag and pulling him from his hair. Mauricio’scriesforhelpturnedintosorrowsofpain.

The dude fed his hostage with a cheese quesadilla and bean tlacoyo. And the captor gave the kid a bottle of lemonade.

When the food were finished, the kid was ballgagged again and a ducktape sealed his lips again. Next, he ended lying between the front and backseats. The dude take his place on the driver seat and start the engine car again.

In Mauricio’s home, their parents stayed tuned to his cell phones and his home phone waiting for a call. They waiting a connect call from his kid and sayed them where they can found him or a call for ransom. The hours passed, but nothing happened.

It was 7:30 pm, the car began to move slowly. It was coming on to a town and drive through the streets without any obstacles and without attracting the neighbors attention.

Th car stopped and the dude go out to the car. Mauricio could hear in the distance the squeack that made him think his captor was opening a door. Moments later, the dude came back to the driver seat and the car moves again, moves a few meters and finally the engine was turned off.

While Mauricio wait bound and lying on the car backseats, the dude closes the doors home.

Moments later, Mauricio heard the backdoor was opened and felt his ankles were untied.

“Lets go, my Mau… you’re not as light as I thought, so you need to walk a little… You’re not gonna be a lazy kid… and I don’t want you to get a nasty kid, we need have a good time…”

When the kid ankles were untied, he felt his ankles were cuffed. Finally, the dude untied the ropes from his thighs and legs.

The dude take out Mauricio from the car, and began to guide him inside the house. Mauricio fight and tried to resist. The kid felt a lot of despair, because he was in an unknow place and can’t see anything.

The kid and the dude enter to a room. The captor tried to pull out from his pocket a syrnge, but at same time what Mauricio felt a little time of freedom, he start to fight again and shake violently.

The syrngewas fall down and ended broken because the kid and his captor fight and the drug dose lost in the floor.

“Oh my fucking god kid… well, you wanna in that way, kiddo”

Mauricio felt how that guy held him in a such way that he ended up falling to the floor, with his abdomen and face facing to the ground and with the weight of his captor overpowered him.

Suddenly, Mauricio felt a pain he never that never experimented in his life and also felt an electroshock.

“I don’t wanna do it, but you forced me, Mau…”

The dude use a taser to overpowered and calm down his hostage. Mauricio cries in pain and his moans was keep in his gag. At same time, the kid felt like that man placed a kind of leather belts on his chest, torso, waist, and individual ones on his thigs, legs and ankles. The kid tries to shake his feet, but realized that something held his ankles tied even they were not tied together.

Mauricio began to catch his breath and tries to move when he felt a new electroshock hit him.

“It would be easy for you if you didn’t fight…”

The dude made his work with calm while Mauricio keep crying in pain.

The kid heard a metalicnoise and next heard some clicks that sayed him a kind of padlock was placed. Moments later, Mauricio heard an intense sound, as if it were a lever and chains what start to move.

Mauricio’s breathing began to stir mor, but he felt that he was slowly to rise into the air. The kid was move a lot as he was suspended until finally his elevation was stopped.

Mauricio heard a steps closer to him. Suddenly, an annoyance and a burning coming from his face. The dude was not very nice when remove the tape that keep his hostage blindfoled since the morning.

Mauricio realized that his head and his captor head was at the same level. The dude smiled satisfied with his work. Mauricio began to move his head trying to see where he was

The kid notices it was a room without windows, and what was inside it made him think he was into a dungeon. A metal bed was in a corner, a cage in the other corner. A table reloaded in another corner. Some cabinets with drawers attached to the walls. The kid realized he was hanging from a pulley system attached to the ceiling. His ankles were restrained by a thin metal pipe of approx. 30 cm long.

Mauricio graned in despair. He begged that dude released him.

“Please, I swear you… I won’t tell anyone… please… let me go… I beg you.”

The kid word were a mhhpppps barely audibles.

“Very Good, my Mau… time to make you famous”.

Click… Click… Flash…click… click… flash… flash…

That dude take a lot of pics with a professional camera, from a lot of angles. The captor would tried to capture every scene he thinks would be his work of art.

“You’ll see… in a little time you will be very popular than the kids you see last night… don’t worry…”

Mauricio tried to close and squeeze his eyes, he can’t believe what was happening.

The photo shoot continue until suddenly he heard the dude stop taking pics.

“I don’t like that… I don’t wanna see you cry, my Mau… I need to fix it…”

The dude went to a cabinet and take a roll of ducktape. Took a piece of tape an put over his hostage eyes. Thephotoshootstartedagain and continueforsome minutes.

The dude took another camera and a tripod from one drawer in the cabinet. He put the camera on the tripod in front of Mauricio. The lens pointed to the kid and the dude. The dude looked the camera screen and notice that his hostage and his restrains were perfectly visibles.

“Very Good my Mau… it’s time to review all the pics, selected the better ones and open your profile… I’m dying for see and read all the comments…”

Mauricio heard a few steps go away and then, the sound of a heavy door closing and he sound of several locks and padlocks.

“Help!... Help…!... Helpmeeeeeeeeeeee!”

Mauricio implored for help screaming through the ballgag and his sealed lips by tape. He was shaking against his bounds with all his strength. It could hear the sound of the stirring chains, although the kid know it was useless and almost imposible to escape. However, hisdespairmadehimfight and shakehard.

All his moves, fightings, moans and callings for help were recorded by the camera.

The kid know he need do anything for escape of that nightmare. He begged for heaven help.

“Please..please god… help me… please…”

After several minutes, the kid stopped his fight. His head was tilted down like defeat mode.

“What are he going to do to me?... why me?...”

Mauricio lamented by himself, while the camera recorded every moment, every second, every sound, and every bound.

Click… Click… Flash…click… click… flash… flash…
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Post by Scottstud94 »

This was a fantastic story, and I love the happy ending. Mau will come to realize his new fame is what he always wanted.

There is great detail, and while it seems English is not your first language, it was a really good story
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Post by alkaid_ »

Scottstud94 wrote: 4 years ago This was a fantastic story, and I love the happy ending. Mau will come to realize his new fame is what he always wanted.

There is great detail, and while it seems English is not your first language, it was a really good story
Thanx... thanx a lot.
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Post by spandexer »

Please continue these great story. I'm curious about what Mauricio will experience in that dungeon.
And if there would be such a great web page in real life I would be the first customer.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by alkaid_ »

spandexer wrote: 2 years ago Please continue these great story. I'm curious about what Mauricio will experience in that dungeon.
And if there would be such a great web page in real life I would be the first customer.
glad you like this story!!!

well... i must say i plan this story to be one part story with an open final... sometimes i think open endings have something special and interesting...

but i can tell you that mau had a good time with rolo_rodo... he spent time almost all the time and rolo_rodo tied him in a lot of ways...

then... when rolo_rodo thinks he had enough he free Mau... poor mau.. he ended very very traumatized and he forgot his dream of being a famous influencer
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