Julie's Surprise/Kenny's Turn f-self f/m

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Julie's Surprise/Kenny's Turn f-self f/m

Post by herdfaninrva »

The day after Julie and Kenny had explored her burgeoning interest in bondage, Kenny arrived at Julie’s apartment to begin to explore his. He had given a lot of thought to how he wanted her to tie him and do to him. Most of his ideas had to be put away, possibly for the future. Still he had come up with a couple that were appropriate for where they were in their friendship-possibly-becoming-a-relationship. When he arrived, received a strange text, “You’ll have to let yourself in. My pass code is #####.” What made it even stranger was that the time stamp on it was several hours earlier. Julie was well known for her fun and games, but this was definitely NOT something he was expecting. As he made his way in, memories of her shenanigans over the years flooded his mind. He had an idea that whatever she was up to had something to do with their games yesterday no clue as to what. Entering the apartment, he was greeted by another cryptic note. “Go to the freezer.” Obviously, his friend’s devious yet harmless mind had been working overtime. When he opened the door, there was a third message that explained the situation. “I am cuffed in the bedroom. The keys to the locks are in the block of ice with the red food coloring mixed in. Yes, you will get tied as you wanted, but first you must rescue me. How long that will take is up to you. If you’re in a hurry, put the ice in the pan in the sink, turn the hot water on and melt it. As hot as the water is here, it won’t take long. The only thing I ask is that you get some pix before you release me. The ones you took yesterday were awesome! On the other hand, you can bring the ice into the bedroom, put it in the bowl on my nightstand, and let it melt naturally. While you’re waiting, you can do anything you want as long as you don’t go inside my clothes or take them off. You don’t have to worry about me breathing as you’ll see when you get in here.”

“That’s Julie!” he thought. Though he was in a hurry to begin his experience being tied, he knew that both of them would regret him not taking the note’s latter path. Besides, if they did want to speed things up, he could always go back to the other plan. In the bedroom, he found Julie wearing a bright red string bikini. Four cuffs held her securely in a spread eagle position on her bed. As always, she was barefoot, and she was blindfolded. Her gag was made from a golfball that had holes in it so she could easily breathe. His first thought was to tickle her like he had the day before, but he opted for a more subtle approach - at least for the time being. Taking the ice containing the keys, he lightly touched her belly button. Instantly, she pulled against her bonds, but they held firm. Something that he interpreted as, “Hi, Kenny,” came through her gag.

“Hi, Julie. You’ve really gotten yourself into a jam this time, haven’t you?”

She shook her head, “no.”

“I’ve got to take your gag out for a minute,” he laughed. “That answer needs some explaining. I’ll put it back in after we talk a bit...OK, spill it! Why did you say no?”

“Because I’m not in a jam at all,” she replied. “I’m completely at the mercy of someone I would trust with my life. Anything you do will be fine with me, because all it’s going to do is add to the helpless feeling that I have come to love. All I have to do is lay here and enjoy it. When that’s over I get to put you in the same position. Can’t get any better than that!”
“You’re right, as usual,” he said. “And I know that I’m going to feel the same way in a bit.”

“I hope so. You set an awfully high standard yesterday, and I hope I can make you as happy as you made me, especially since I don’t know what you want me to do to you. But we can talk about that later. Right now, I just want to be helpless again,” Julie said with a smile.

“Thanks, but Julie, what you did this morning was not a good idea. I love the trust and seeing you like this, but what if I had been in an accident or something else had happened to keep me from getting here? There’s no way you could get yourself out of this. You’d have been stuck until who knows when,” observed Kenny.

Julie agreed, “You’re right. Fortunately, my roomies will be back soon, so they’d find me.”

“Wouldn’t that be embarrassing for you?” he asked.

“It would, but sooner or later, they’re going to find out. I may let them catch me on purpose just to get that done,” she told him. “You’re right, though. This was a risk I shouldn’t have taken without some kind of a back up. You can do what my mom did when I did something stupid.”

“What’s that?” he asked.

“Do what you were going to do, but when you get finished, spank me.”

“Are you serious?” he asked incredulously.

“Absolutely! Her paddle is in my dresser. I use it on myself sometimes when I do something I shouldn’t. It would be better though if you do it. Just turn me over, take my bottom off, and give me 15 good swats.”

“Take your bottom off?”

“Absolutely! I’m sure you’ve seen a girl’s naked butt at least once. The bottom doesn’t give me much physical protection, but it gives me a lot mentally. I don’t want that,” she explained.

“As you, wish, my dear!” he agreed.

“Great. You can put the gag that I had in back, but when you spank me take it out. Make me count, thank you, and ask for another. If I don’t or count wrong, you start over at 1.”

“That sounds mighty harsh, but OK.” Kenny took Julie’s original gag and stated to put it in her welcoming mouth. Suddenly and without thinking, before he did, he gently kissed her on the cheek and whispered, “I don’t know what I did to earn this level of trust from you, but I’m glad I did it,” into her ear. Julie instantly flashed him her best smile before opening widely again.

Once she was somewhat silenced, he began his onslaught. First her ribs and then her feet were the targets of his tickling. Next, she felt the cold of the ice on her stomach and legs. “Be right back,” he told her. “Don’t go anywhere.” Only the blindfold hid her glare from him. As he started out the door he turned and looked at his friend/captive. “How can anyone look so helpless and at the same time so beautiful?” he thought to himself.

After what seemed like hours to Julie but in fact was less than 5 minutes, he returned with a tube from his baseball bag. Being careful to keep it away from her nose (He knew she would recognize the smell.) he put a small amount of the contents on his finger then lightly touched her belly button with it. She squirmed as first the cold on her skin and then the warmth deeper in took effect. “Where next?” Kenny laughed. “Feet? Under your arms? Ribs?” Julie squealed into her gag at each suggestion. “Or maybe you’ve had enough so we should go for your spanking now.” Julie emphatically shook her head at that idea. Despite her gag, he clearly understood the word “no.” Without hesitation, he went straight for her feet. Julie wanted the sensation but could not keep from trying to avoid it as her bonds would allow. Next came her underarms and ribs to the same reaction. Finally, he washed the remaining cream off his hands and attacked her with one last tickling onslaught followed by a bit of cold water from the ice. By now, it had melted enough to allow him access to the keys. Removing her gag, he asked. “How are you doing?”

“WONDERFUL!” she exclaimed. “But ashamed, too.”

“Why are you ashamed? I loved every minute of what we were doing. You were awesome!”

“Because I tried to resist you doing exactly what I wanted you to do. I need to be punished for that.”

“We’ll talk about that later. Remember, I came here for you to tie me up - not that I mind your surprise. You can surprise me like this anytime you want to. I know we have all day, but I’m ready to see what your devious mind will come up with. You ready for your spanking?”

“I sure am,” Julie replied happily.

Kenny unlocked her wrists and ankles. “Do you need to stretch for a minute?”

“Thanks, but no. I’m fine.”

“OK, roll over. Hands and feet same position they were in. Do you want me to slip your bottom down your legs or untie the strings?”

“Tie me up then untie the strings. See if you can stretch my legs a little tighter. That way I’ll feel the paddle more.”

“Julie, are you sure you want to do this? What I’ve already done was pretty intense,” said Kenny.

“I’m sure,” she replied firmly. “Honestly, that was all pleasure. I like being tickled, and what you did with the Icy Hot made it even better. This is not going to be pleasant, but I deserve it for taking the risk that I did and for delaying the experience you came here for without asking you.”

“I’ll go along with that first part but not the second. Like I said, you can surprise me like that whenever you want, and I don’t want you to ask...Tied OK?”


Kenny hesitantly untied the strings of her bikini bottom and laid the back of it between her legs where it fell. “Ready?” he asked.

“Not quite,” she answered. “Pull it out from under me. I know you’re trying to be the gentleman that you are, but that’s not what I want or need. I don’t want any thoughts of dignity or protection. And, Kenny, my dear friend, don’t hold back. If you’re being too hard I’ll say, ‘May I have a yellow one.’ That will mean go a little easier, but just back off a little. Don’t stop.”

“OK. Here goes,” he told her.


“One, thank you. May I have another?”


“Two, thank you. May I have another?”

Without interruption, the sequence continued.

“Fifteen, thank you. May I have another?”

“No, my dear Julie, you may not. You’ve been punished more than enough in my book. I don’t know which is redder, your butt or your bikini. I’ll untie you. Don’t move until I leave the room so you can get dressed in private,” he told her.

“Still the gentleman!” she laughed.

A few minutes later, having just put the bottom on and nothing else, Julie made her way to the kitchen. Now without her blindfold for the first time that day, she saw Kenny barefoot and clad in the same red, white, and blue swim trunks as the day before as he stood at the refrigerator with his back to her. “He’s been hitting the weight room at college,” she thought. “He’s even more handsome than I remember.” Silently, she slipped up behind him and gave him a hug. “My knight in shining armor! Thanks for rescuing me!” she giggled.

“My pleasure to rescue such a beautiful damsel,” he replied, “even if your distress was self-inflicted. Here’s some ice water. Your mouth has to be dry after all this time.”

“It is. Thanks! I know you want to get tied up, but if it’s OK I need a few minutes to rest.”

“Absolutely. In fact, I insist,” he told her. “Let’s go in the living room...When we get there, tie me up. I don’t want you to do anything else until you rest a bit.”

“OK, but I have another surprise for you before I do...Open that box on the coffee table,” she instructed.

“What the…!!!???” Kenny exclaimed.

“You’ve seen me tied in a bikini. It’s only fair that I get to see you in the male version. Those trunks have to go. Go in that bedroom and put it on.”

Taking the black Speedo from the box, Kenny smiled and replied, “You’re right as usual. Fair is fair.” When he got back, he asked, “Happy?”

“Very,” said Julie. “You looked hot in the trunks, but if you looked any hotter than you do now, I’d have to call the fire department.”

“Thanks! How do you want me?”

“Face down on the floor. Hands behind your back. Ankles together.” She tied both tightly together then asked, “Can you sit up on your own?”


“Good. Hands touching your feet.” When he did, she tied the ropes together then blindfolded him. “OK?”

“I’m good.”

“Think you can get out of this?” she asked.

“Probably if I tried, but I’m not going to try,” he answered.

“So you like it?”

“I’d like it a lot better if I could still see you,” he laughed, “but I don’t want to know what you’re going to do to me. Being able to see would take that away. You doing OK?”

“My butt hurts like crazy as it should. I really had that spanking coming, and you did a great job. Otherwise, I’m fine. Just need a few minutes to catch my breath. Time to focus on you. What do you want me to do to you? I got to choose, so it’s only fair that you do, too,” Julie told him.

“I honestly don’t know,” he admitted. “I’ve always been the perceived as the ‘tough guy’ that nobody tried to do anything to. I don’t think I’d like feeling vulnerable as often as you seem to, but I think I’d like to occasionally with someone that I trust. You’ll just have to try whatever you think of, and we’ll learn together how I react. This tie is good for now, but I know I want you to tie me a lot tighter as we go.” For a long time, Julie didn’t say anything. “Did I say something wrong?”

“Exactly the opposite.” Julie replied. “You said something so right that it left me speechless. You said you think I like to feel vulnerable a lot. You couldn’t be more right. I have been so happy when you had me tied up that I can’t even begin to put it into words. Funny thing is that I’m almost as happy seeing you as you are now. Like you said, I wouldn’t want to have someone at my mercy often but as a change of pace occasionally, yes. But, enough serious talk for now. Time for me to have some fun with you.”

Last edited by herdfaninrva 4 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
"I can't tell why I love the smell of coal smoke, valve oil, and steam." Johnny Horton
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Post by Emma »

This is very well written--and it's good that you mentioned it's a sequel to your earlier story. It gives people an incentive to go read that first, if they haven't before :P
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=5915
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Post by gagged86 »

Emma wrote: 5 years ago This is very well written--and it's good that you mentioned it's a sequel to your earlier story. It gives people an incentive to go read that first, if they haven't before :P
In fact I came here first, but then went to the first chapter to read it properly from the start, and loved all the story so far :)
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Post by CapturedCarol »

What an excellent story
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Post by herdfaninrva »

Finally getting back to this one. Not sure when it will be done, but it is in progress.
"I can't tell why I love the smell of coal smoke, valve oil, and steam." Johnny Horton
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Post by slackywacky »

herdfaninrva wrote: 4 years ago Finally getting back to this one. Not sure when it will be done, but it is in progress.
We'll be waiting patiently (or not so patiently, but tied up) for the next chapter...
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by herdfaninrva »

The day after Julie and Kenny had explored her burgeoning interest in bondage, Kenny arrived at Julie’s apartment to begin to explore his. He had given a lot of thought to how he wanted her to tie him and do to him. Most of his ideas had to be put away, possibly for the future. Still he had come up with a couple that were appropriate for where they were in their friendship-possibly-becoming-a-relationship. When he arrived, received a strange text, “You’ll have to let yourself in. My pass code is #####.” What made it even stranger was that the time stamp on it was several hours earlier. Julie was well known for her fun and games, but this was definitely NOT something he was expecting. As he made his way in, memories of her shenanigans over the years flooded his mind. He had an idea that whatever she was up to had something to do with their games yesterday no clue as to what. Entering the apartment, he was greeted by another cryptic note. “Go to the freezer.” Obviously, his friend’s devious yet harmless mind had been working overtime. When he opened the door, there was a third message that explained the situation. “I am cuffed in the bedroom. The keys to the locks are in the block of ice with the red food coloring mixed in. Yes, you will get tied as you wanted, but first you must rescue me. How long that will take is up to you. If you’re in a hurry, put the ice in the pan in the sink, turn the hot water on and melt it. As hot as the water is here, it won’t take long. The only thing I ask is that you get some pix before you release me. The ones you took yesterday were awesome! On the other hand, you can bring the ice into the bedroom, put it in the bowl on my nightstand, and let it melt naturally. While you’re waiting, you can do anything you want as long as you don’t go inside my clothes or take them off. You don’t have to worry about me breathing as you’ll see when you get in here.”

“That’s Julie!” he thought. Though he was in a hurry to begin his experience being tied, he knew that both of them would regret him not taking the note’s latter path. Besides, if they did want to speed things up, he could always go back to the other plan. In the bedroom, he found Julie wearing a bright red string bikini. Four cuffs held her securely in a spread eagle position on her bed. As always, she was barefoot, and she was blindfolded. Her gag was made from a golfball that had holes in it so she could easily breathe. His first thought was to tickle her like he had the day before, but he opted for a more subtle approach - at least for the time being. Taking the ice containing the keys, he lightly touched her belly button. Instantly, she pulled against her bonds, but they held firm. Something that he interpreted as, “Hi, Kenny,” came through her gag.

“Hi, Julie. You’ve really gotten yourself into a jam this time, haven’t you?”

She shook her head, “no.”

“I’ve got to take your gag out for a minute,” he laughed. “That answer needs some explaining. I’ll put it back in after we talk a bit...OK, spill it! Why did you say no?”

“Because I’m not in a jam at all,” she replied. “I’m completely at the mercy of someone I would trust with my life. Anything you do will be fine with me, because all it’s going to do is add to the helpless feeling that I have come to love. All I have to do is lay here and enjoy it. When that’s over I get to put you in the same position. Can’t get any better than that!”
“You’re right, as usual,” he said. “And I know that I’m going to feel the same way in a bit.”

“I hope so. You set an awfully high standard yesterday, and I hope I can make you as happy as you made me, especially since I don’t know what you want me to do to you. But we can talk about that later. Right now, I just want to be helpless again,” Julie said with a smile.

“Thanks, but Julie, what you did this morning was not a good idea. I love the trust and seeing you like this, but what if I had been in an accident or something else had happened to keep me from getting here? There’s no way you could get yourself out of this. You’d have been stuck until who knows when,” observed Kenny.

Julie agreed, “You’re right. Fortunately, my roomies will be back soon, so they’d find me.”

“Wouldn’t that be embarrassing for you?” he asked.

“It would, but sooner or later, they’re going to find out. I may let them catch me on purpose just to get that done,” she told him. “You’re right, though. This was a risk I shouldn’t have taken without some kind of a back up. You can do what my mom did when I did something stupid.”

“What’s that?” he asked.

“Do what you were going to do, but when you get finished, spank me.”

“Are you serious?” he asked incredulously.

“Absolutely! Her paddle is in my dresser. I use it on myself sometimes when I do something I shouldn’t. It would be better though if you do it. Just turn me over, take my bottom off, and give me 15 good swats.”

“Take your bottom off?”

“Absolutely! I’m sure you’ve seen a girl’s naked butt at least once. The bottom doesn’t give me much physical protection, but it gives me a lot mentally. I don’t want that,” she explained.

“As you wish, my dear!” he agreed.

“Great. You can put the gag that I had in back, but when you spank me take it out. Make me count, thank you, and ask for another. If I don’t or count wrong, you start over at 1.”

“That sounds mighty harsh, but OK.” Kenny took Julie’s original gag and stated to put it in her welcoming mouth. Suddenly and without thinking, before he did, he gently kissed her on the cheek and whispered, “I don’t know what I did to earn this level of trust from you, but I’m glad I did it,” into her ear. Julie instantly flashed him her best smile before opening widely again.

Once she was somewhat silenced, he began his onslaught. First her ribs and then her feet were the targets of his tickling. Next, she felt the cold of the ice on her stomach and legs. “Be right back,” he told her. “Don’t go anywhere.” Only the blindfold hid her glare from him. As he started out the door he turned and looked at his friend/captive. “How can anyone look so helpless and at the same time so beautiful?” he thought to himself.

After what seemed like hours to Julie but in fact was less than 5 minutes, he returned with a tube from his baseball bag. Being careful to keep it away from her nose (He knew she would recognize the smell.) he put a small amount of the contents on his finger then lightly touched her belly button with it. She squirmed as first the cold on her skin and then the warmth deeper in took effect. “Where next?” Kenny laughed. “Feet? Under your arms? Ribs?” Julie squealed into her gag at each suggestion. “Or maybe you’ve had enough so we should go for your spanking now.” Julie emphatically shook her head at that idea. Despite her gag, he clearly understood the word “no.” Without hesitation, he went straight for her feet. Julie wanted the sensation but could not keep from trying to avoid it as her bonds would allow. Next came her underarms and ribs to the same reaction. Finally, he washed the remaining cream off his hands and attacked her with one last tickling onslaught followed by a bit of cold water from the ice. By now, it had melted enough to allow him access to the keys. Removing her gag, he asked. “How are you doing?”

“WONDERFUL!” she exclaimed. “But ashamed, too.”

“Why are you ashamed? I loved every minute of what we were doing. You were awesome!”

“Because I tried to resist you doing exactly what I wanted you to do. I need to be punished for that.”

“We’ll talk about that later. Remember, I came here for you to tie me up - not that I mind your surprise. You can surprise me like this anytime you want to. I know we have all day, but I’m ready to see what your devious mind will come up with. You ready for your spanking?”

“I sure am,” Julie replied happily.

Kenny unlocked her wrists and ankles. “Do you need to stretch for a minute?”

“Thanks, but no. I’m fine.”

“OK, roll over. Hands and feet same position they were in. Do you want me to slip your bottom down your legs or untie the strings?”

“Tie me up then untie the strings. See if you can stretch my legs a little tighter. That way I’ll feel the paddle more.”

“Julie, are you sure you want to do this? What I’ve already done was pretty intense,” said Kenny.

“I’m sure,” she replied firmly. “Honestly, that was all pleasure. I like being tickled, and what you did with the Icy Hot made it even better. This is not going to be pleasant, but I deserve it for taking the risk that I did and for delaying the experience you came here for without asking you.”

“I’ll go along with that first part but not the second. Like I said, you can surprise me like that whenever you want, and I don’t want you to ask...Tied OK?”


Kenny hesitantly untied the strings of her bikini bottom and laid the back of it between her legs where it fell. “Ready?” he asked.

“Not quite,” she answered. “Pull it out from under me. I know you’re trying to be the gentleman that you are, but that’s not what I want or need. I don’t want any thoughts of dignity or protection. And, Kenny, my dear friend, don’t hold back. If you’re being too hard I’ll say, ‘May I have a yellow one.’ That will mean go a little easier, but just back off a little. Don’t stop.”

“OK. Here goes,” he told her.


“One, thank you. May I have another?”


“Two, thank you. May I have another?”

Without interruption, the sequence continued.

“Fifteen, thank you. May I have another?”

“No, my dear Julie, you may not. You’ve been punished more than enough in my book. I don’t know which is redder, your butt or your bikini. I’ll untie you. Don’t move until I leave the room so you can get dressed in private,” he told her.

“Still the gentleman!” she laughed.

A few minutes later, having just put the bottom on and nothing else, Julie made her way to the kitchen. Now without her blindfold for the first time that day, she saw Kenny barefoot and clad in the same red, white, and blue swim trunks as the day before as he stood at the refrigerator with his back to her. “He’s been hitting the weight room at college,” she thought. “He’s even more handsome than I remember.” Silently, she slipped up behind him and gave him a hug. “My knight in shining armor! Thanks for rescuing me!” she giggled.

“My pleasure to rescue such a beautiful damsel,” he replied, “even if your distress was self-inflicted. Here’s some ice water. Your mouth has to be dry after all this time.”

“It is. Thanks! I know you want to get tied up, but if it’s OK I need a few minutes to rest.”

“Absolutely. In fact, I insist,” he told her. “Let’s go in the living room...When we get there, tie me up. I don’t want you to do anything else until you rest a bit.”

“OK, but I have another surprise for you before I do...Open that box on the coffee table,” she instructed.

“What the…!!!???” Kenny exclaimed.

“You’ve seen me tied in a bikini. It’s only fair that I get to see you in the male version. Those trunks have to go. Go in that bedroom and put it on.”

Taking the black Speedo from the box, Kenny smiled and replied, “You’re right as usual. Fair is fair.” When he got back, he asked, “Happy?”

“Very,” said Julie. “You looked hot in the trunks, but if you looked any hotter than you do now, I’d have to call the fire department.”

“Thanks! How do you want me?”

“Face down on the floor. Hands behind your back. Ankles together.” She tied both tightly together then asked, “Can you sit up on your own?”


“Good. Hands touching your feet.” When he did, she tied the ropes together then blindfolded him. “OK?”

“I’m good.”

“Think you can get out of this?” she asked.

“Probably if I tried, but I’m not going to try,” he answered.

“So you like it?”

“I’d like it a lot better if I could still see you,” he laughed, “but I don’t want to know what you’re going to do to me. Being able to see would take that away. You doing OK?”

“My butt hurts like crazy as it should. I really had that spanking coming, and you did a great job. Otherwise, I’m fine. Just need a few minutes to catch my breath. Time to focus on you. What do you want me to do to you? I got to choose, so it’s only fair that you do, too,” Julie told him.

“I honestly don’t know,” he admitted. “I’ve always been the perceived as the ‘tough guy’ that nobody tried to do anything to. I don’t think I’d like feeling vulnerable as often as you seem to, but I think I’d like to occasionally with someone that I trust. You’ll just have to try whatever you think of, and we’ll learn together how I react. This tie is good for now, but I know I want you to tie me a lot tighter as we go.” For a long time, Julie didn’t say anything. “Did I say something wrong?”

“Exactly the opposite.” Julie replied. “You said something so right that it left me speechless. You said you think I like to feel vulnerable a lot. You couldn’t be more right. I have been so happy when you had me tied up that I can’t even begin to put it into words. Funny thing is that I’m almost as happy seeing you as you are now. Like you said, I wouldn’t want to have someone at my mercy often but as a change of pace occasionally, yes. But, enough serious talk for now. Time for me to have some fun with you.”

“Open wide,” Julie told him, and he gladly complied. She took a washcloth, carefully folded it, and stuffed it into his mouth. An elastic bandage would hold it in place. Next, she took a rope tied it off on his right upper arm then wrapped it around his upper chest before tying it off on his left arm. “Better?” He nodded that it was. Silently, she slipped out of the room. When she returned, she had replaced her red bikini with a black latex bikini top and black pantyhose under extremely short black shorts. She had thought about adding some “Domme boots” to the outfit, but she hated boots. Barefoot was her style, and she wasn’t going to change just for show. “I’m going to take your blindfold off for just a minute,” she told him. “Close your eyes until I tell you to open them.” He nodded his agreement. When she had uncovered his eyes, she stepped back far enough that he could see her entire body. “OK, open them. Like it?” Kenny’s eyes left no doubt as to his answer. “Enough of a look for now. I promise I’ll leave this on after we’re done.”

Julie went behind him and put the blindfold back on, removed the rope connecting his hands and feet, and untied his ankles Her hands under both arms indicated that she wanted him to stand, and he complied. Taking a long rope, she wrapped it tightly around his waist a couple of times and tied it off on the one holding his wrists. Gently but firmly grabbing his arm, she told him, “Walk.” He offered no resistance as she led him around the apartment. Even though he had been barefoot there before, he had never noticed how many different textures the floors had. Suddenly, he realized that she had led him onto the pool deck. Was anyone watching? He really didn’t care. He knew that Julie would not do anything that would cause problems for either of them. If anyone was there, it would be someone she trusted to know their secret. Soon, they were back inside. He didn’t know exactly where he was, but he did know it was somewhere in the living room area. “Stop. Ankles together.” He did as instructed, and she tied them tightly together. “Is there anything that you did to me that you don’t want me to do to you? If there is, I’ll take out your gag so you can tell me what it is.” Kenny emphatically shook his head no.

Julie smiled then guided Kenny to the couch. Being careful to stay out of his sight, she took off his blindfold and told him to kneel on it. After putting it back on, she untied his hands, guided them over the back, and tied them to a rail running parallel to the floor. She tied a rope to his ankles and attached it to a like one along the front. “Do you like being my prisoner?” Again, he nodded. For a few minutes, she ran her hands over his body. Most of the touches were just that - nothing particularly sensual. Occasionally, she would massage him a bit or test a spot to see if it was ticklish. She found a few on his ribs and feet and made a note of these for later.

Meanwhile, Kenny was in his own complex but happy world. Love for Julie, arousal and relaxation from her touches, joy that he had trusted her to take him on a journey to who knows where, and enjoyment of not having to think but just react all mixed together in his mind. SMACK! Suddenly, Julie’s hand crashed into his butt. He yelped into his gag more from shock than pain. Alternating cheeks, Julie rained a series of swats in rapid succession then stopped as abruptly as she had started. After what seemed to him like an eternity to him, he felt a light touch on the sole of his foot and instinctively tried to pull away. “If you don’t hold still, I’m going to go harder on you,” Julie told him. He nodded his understanding as she grabbed his foot and began to tickle in earnest. Screaming with laughter into his gag, he did all he could to hold whichever foot she was attacking in place with varying degrees of success - usually little to none. Wordlessly, she shifted her attention to his ribs. Here, there would be no gradual build up nor variation in intensity to her efforts. It was all she had until his breathing became such that she knew the gag needed to come out. “You OK?” she asked.

“More than OK,” he replied with a huge smile. “That was the most intense experience I’ve had in my life!”

“Better than hitting that grand slam to win the state your senior year?”

“I can’t compare them. They’re too different. There are a couple of things that I like better about this. If you’re willing, this can happen again anytime we want, and you’re more than a teammate and friend. You’re someone who in the last two days has taken me to places I never imagined existed and whom I truly love. I’m ready to take this up a little anytime you are. Are you crying?”

Through her biggest smile, Julie replied, “Tears of joy, my love. You’ve taken me to the same places you talked about! And yes, I am willing, and yes, I love you! Are you sure you want to keep going?”

“Absolutely, Just change my position. My knees need a rest. A fresh gag would be good as well. You can do whatever you want to me, but I do want the paddle.”

“Do you want it bare butt?”

“Anything I did to you you can do to me. Or anything else you want.”

Julie released him from the couch, replaced his gag with a fresh cloth, and took him into her bedroom. There, she untied him completely and took off the blindfold. “Get up there, same position as me.” To her surprise, Kenny first took her in his arms and kissed her then did as commanded.

They hadn’t bothered to take the ropes and cuffs off the bed, so he placed his limbs by them and offered no resistance as she secured him in place. When she did he mumbled something through his gag. At first, she couldn’t understand and thought of removing it but finally thought she could tell what he was saying. “Are you saying this is too loose?” He nodded that he was then it hit her. Kenny was four inches taller than her, so ropes that had actually stretched her a bit were completely slack on him. One at a time, Julie loosened the ropes and took the slack out of them until each of Kenny’s limbs were stretched tightly enough to be just a bit uncomfortable. When she had finished, she stepped back to admire her work and to let him think about what was coming next. Kenny expected her to immediately pull his trunks down and start spanking him, but Julie knew that so went a different direction. She began by tickling him in the areas where she had gotten the most reaction earlier. Next, she did pull his trunks down and give him a few swats but quickly pulled them back up. After giving him a few more minutes to wonder what was next, she began applying the Icy Hot to the soles of his feet. As he had done, he instinctively tried to pull away. “You know what’s going to happen if you don’t hold still,” she cautioned. He nodded that he did and managed to hold still as she continued. As the sensation gradually increased, he simply let his mind relax and began to enjoy it. In fact, he was so focused on that that he didn’t notice her baring his butt again. Only when he felt her first blow with the paddle did he realize it. For the next few minutes, she attacked with varying degrees of force with both her hand and the paddle. Then just as abruptly as she had begun she stopped, pulled his pants back up, and began to untie him. When he was free, they embraced, kissed, and headed back to the living room. As they did, he finally got a good look at her in her new outfit.

“Julie, I’ve been blessed to see a lot of beauty in my life, but never anything as beautiful as you right now!”

“I gotta hold my own with my handsome friend,” she replied. “How did I do?”

“I think you have quite a future as a Domme,” he answered. “I was completely under your spell and loving every minute of it. You gave me just enough pain to be enjoyable, not unbearable. The mixture of sensations was incredible. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.”

“Thanks, I did enjoy it, but only because I was doing what you wanted me to. I have no desire to be in control. You can tie me up and do whatever you want to me anytime. No need to ask. In fact, don’t ask. You can tell me to put on whatever you want, tie me as tight as you want, and leave me as long as you want. That is if you want that kind of relationship. If you want to go back to just being friends, I’ll be sad, but I’ll do it and still love you just as much.”

“Do you really think we could go back to just being friends after the last two days?” he asked with a smile.

“No, I know we can’t, and I couldn’t be happier about that!”

“I agree. One problem, though. Once your roommates come back, I don’t know how we’re going to get much time to do this. I can’t just walk in and tie you up or spank you with them in the same room. If we go in the bedroom, they’ll think we’re doing things that we may want to do someday but not now.”

“Who says I can’t be tied up or spanked with them around? Liking that is nothing to be ashamed of. Heck, they might enjoy seeing me helpless. I’m sure there’ve been time they thought I was being a brat and needed a good spanking. Them seeking you do that to me would be justice served in their eyes.”

“Are you crazy? You’d actually let them see us doing this?”

“Yes and yes!” Julie laughed “And the sooner the better. I think Lexi’s going to find me tied up tomorrow when she gets back.”

“I thought we agreed no more tying yourself with no one around,” Kenny countered.

“We did, so I guess you’ll have to come over, tie me up, then hang out until she gets here.” Then putting on her best pouty face, she added, “Or I’ll have to be disappointed and not surprise her.”

“Well, we can’t have that, can we?” Kenny conceded. “Now, go change into that awesome red bikini, and let’s go for a swim.”
"I can't tell why I love the smell of coal smoke, valve oil, and steam." Johnny Horton
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Post by herdfaninrva »

[mention] Emma [/mention]
[mention] slackywacky [/mention]
"I can't tell why I love the smell of coal smoke, valve oil, and steam." Johnny Horton
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Post by Emma »

Very good story!

The characters are interesting, and makes you hope you'll see them again. We certainly do :)
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=5915
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Post by damsel »

Hot story!
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Post by RopemanSteve »

Cool story! Hope you write again soon.
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Post by slackywacky »

That was anther great read. Believable, enjoyable, easy to read. You know I will be waiting to see if there is a continuation, even if you said the story was finished. :-)
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by BindPam »

I just now found this again, and really like it. Hope it continues.
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Post by RopingRingers »

Wish I had a friend like that lol, all mine have been very transient. I have like one friend I grew up with 😂
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Post by sensitivefeet »

This is all I can say... I never thought such a consensual story would have this kind of effect on me...
That is a very well written story indeed!
Remind me: once hogtied, just before I placed the ballgag... you said:"Please, anything but the feet"?... Good...
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