Paul’s Mom and the ABC’s m/F

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Paul’s Mom and the ABC’s m/F

Post by LordNelson »

I first posted this story a few years ago on the old site and it quickly became popular and got more response than any of my other postings.

Paul’s Mom and the ABC’s

Part 1 the A-Team

When I was eleven my best friend was Paul C. who had moved to my town about two years ago. I knew that his dad was his hero and his mom was his best friend. His parents were overly protective and wouldn’t let him leave his neighborhood. This meant that we spent a lot of time playing at his house. Paul’s dad was a former military man and we played a lot of military themed games. Paul’s mother was a stay at home mom, a gardener, an excellent cook and most importantly she always had time to join in our games if we needed a third.

Paul often started his stories with “me and my mom did this” or “me and my mom did that.” Until I came along she seemed to be his most constant playmate. I thought it was cool that a grown woman would be willing to play games whenever he wanted. In the short time that I had known him she had so far never taken part in any of our activities; until now.

One day Paul and I were part of a military elite force, the A-Team, who were in charge of National Security. As usual we spent more time planning our games than actually playing them. Our mission was to capture and detain an enemy operative. The objective was to have the enemy out of contact with their government at a critical moment. The confusion created would lead to his accomplices showing themselves while attempting to find him and revealing the spy organization to us.

We had a problem. It was a two man operation which meant that our victim would have to be imaginary. As we planned the details of our mission Paul suggested that we ask his mother to be the enemy operative. I was about to object to a parent being involved when I realized that detaining her could involve tying her up. I had wanted to tie up a girl for several years but hadn’t yet had the opportunity. His mom was no girl but it would be good practice. The mission plan took a new direction.

I suggested that once we had captured her we could tie her up. Paul was reluctant at first but I talked him into it. We went to his dad’s workshop and found some ropes. Next to the shop was the laundry room. I found a box of clean rags and picked out a pair to use for a gag. Paul was not to keen on gagging her but again I talked him into it. Last of all I proposed that we take her by surprise. Paul was adamant that we ask her first but once again I talked him into it.

We knew her routine and the plan was simple. Today she was at a church meeting and would be home in about half an hour. The first thing she would do would be to go upstairs to her bedroom and get changed before making supper. She always dressed up for church wearing a dress or skirt, stockings and heels but when she got home it was immediately back into jeans and a t-shirt.

When you go up to the second floor of their home there is a small landing at the top of the stairs. To the left is the washroom, straight ahead is Paul’s room and to the right is the master bedroom. I would hide in the bathroom and Paul in his room. When she entered her room we would pounce on her from behind, take her to Paul’s room and tie her to a chair. We watched for the car.

When she pulled into the driveway we took our places. I heard her coming up the stairs. I had the door open a crack and watched her enter her room. I burst out and crossed the landing. That’s when things went weird. Paul didn’t move, he had decided this was a bad idea and he wasn’t going to do it. I turned to see where he was and tripped over my own feet. She turned to see who was coming behind her. As I fell I grabbed at the first thing I could reach. It was Mrs. C.

When I slammed into her my arms were around her waist. By the time we hit the floor I was a little south of there. When we met the carpet my arms were around her knees and I was lying between her legs. She had a skirt and pantyhose on. My left arm was around her right leg and my hand was on the back of her left knee. My right arm was around her left leg and my hand was on the back of her right thigh. It was the first time I had ever experienced the feel of nylons on a leg. In spite of the circumstances it was amazing. But as wonderful as it was it could not match my other predicament. My face was sandwiched between her legs.

Somehow during our tumble her skirt had bunched up just enough to allow my head to come to rest between her soft stocking clad thighs. Today that would be my definition of heaven but back then my young inexperienced brain was going into meltdown. Not only had I tackled my friend’s mother but here I was holding her down with my head partially up her skirt. I tried to get up but with her lying on my arms I was unable to move. After a moment of struggling I felt a hand on my shoulder.

‘Relax’ she said ‘let’s get ourselves sorted out before we make any sudden moves. Can you explain to me why you knocked me down please?’

I lifted my head as much as I could. ‘Paul and I are playing a game. He said we could capture you. We were supposed to grab you together but he chickened out.’

‘What kind of game involves capturing his mother?’

‘We needed someone to be an enemy spy. We were going to capture you and take you to his room to tie you up.’

I was having difficulty coping with information overload. Each of my hands was telling me how good it felt to be holding onto her. My mouth was trying to carry on a conversation. My neck was getting sore and my face was sinking back into that nylon paradise. I wanted to be there but at the same time I didn’t. I was so confused.

‘So this was Paul’s plan and he chickened out. Did you have a plan B?’

‘What’s a Plan B?’

‘B stands for backup. You should always have a backup plan in case the first plan doesn’t work.’

‘We didn’t have a Plan B. I’ve never even heard of Plan B before.’

‘Since it’s my son who got you into this mess I guess it’s up to me to get you out. Give me a minute to think and I’ll come up with a Plan B for you.’

My neck couldn’t take it anymore. I may have been naïve but I knew that putting my face back between her thighs was probably not a good idea. I turned my head and tried to rest it across her legs. They were too far apart and I wound up snuggled in deep enough to have half of my face against the soft inside of her thigh. I gave up and turned my head back. I sank in up to my ears. She shifted just a bit to get more comfortable and she closed her legs slightly and her thighs began to gently squeeze my head. As far as I was concerned the longer it took her to come up with Plan B the better. I could really get used to being here.

To be continued…
Last edited by LordNelson 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Awesome and Cool Start to story
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by volatiledesire »

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how a life-long fetish is born.

Good start.
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Post by StephScottKitty »

Nice ❤️
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Post by Ianc1980 »

I remember this story, I love it! Please continue!
Lord N, did you also write another story called, “Trussing Up Mrs Vandenberg” as well?
Thanks for sharing.
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Post by Mask6190 »

I remember this one too. Thanks for reposting it!
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Post by LordNelson »

Paul’s Mom & The ABC’s
Part 2 Plan B

According to Murphy’s Law everything that can go wrong will. So far everything had gone wrong and as a result I was lying on top of my best friend’s mother after having accidentally tackled her. It could have been a bad situation but from my current point of view things didn’t look too bad. In fact it was more like heaven than hell. Unfortunately my time in heaven was far too short. She asked me to sit up and pay attention. I lifted my head as high as my trapped arms would let me.

‘I’m not going to do all thinking for you so you are going to have to figure out what to do next and I’ll give you advice along the way. How does that sound to you?’

I was in no position argue so I suggested that the first thing to do would be for us to get up. Since I was on top I would have to go first. My right arm was easier to pull out so I did it first. I reluctantly let go of her knee but when my fingers stroked across the back of her other knee I felt a tingle. I kept my fingertips in contact as long as I could but eventually had to place my hand on the floor.

My left arm was pinned to the floor under her legs and was a little more difficult to extract. She lifted her legs slightly to help. I withdrew my hand slowly savoring the contact. Once it was free it was only a split second before I brushed against her other thigh. I tried not to be too obvious as I ran my fingers over her stocking but I think I was actually trembling by this point.

I placed my second hand on the floor and was able to lift myself a bit higher. It now looked like I was about to do push ups except for the fact that I had a woman under me. My body was still between her legs forcing them apart so that the outside of her thighs were against my forearms. It was not as stimulating as it had been in my hands but it was still a thrill. I was about to stand up when she spoke to me.

‘Don’t move. Not an inch. What do you think is going to happen when you get up? I’m an enemy agent. I’m going to jump up and escape and before I do I’m going to give you a good kick where the sun doesn’t shine.’ I was speechless. I was so wrapped up in my new found sensations that I hadn’t given any thought to the game. It occurred to me that my first opportunity to tie up a woman was going to slip by if I wasn’t careful.

‘Now order me to roll over. I’m less of a threat if I’m face down.’ She couldn’t roll with me between her legs so we had to shift our positions. I lifted one leg and she slid hers over. Then we did the other side. I was now straddling her. Her slightest touch gave me shivers and right now she was really touching me. Her new position, since I had shorts on, meant that my bare knees were snug against her thighs. This alone would have been enough to give my head a spin but there was more. Her high heels were pressing against my calves. The cold smooth leather gave me goose bumps.

I gave her the order to roll and I was glad I did. As she turned onto her side one thigh rubbed up my arm and her calf traveled up the inside of my leg. Then as she turned face down they both brushed down the other side. Now her rear end was directly in front of my face. None of the girls at school had rear ends worth noticing but this was a woman’s derriere. The curve of her hips and the roundness of her cheeks gave me a sudden introduction to the beauty of a well-shaped bottom.

‘What do we do next?’ she asked. I said that it was time to take her to Paul’s room and tie her up. ‘Forget about Paul. He didn’t have the guts to take me down; he can sit this one out. Tie me up here and complete the mission. Close the door and lock it so that he can’t come poking around. When they hand out the medals you’ll be standing alone and proud.’

I could see why Paul liked playing with her. She really got into it. I jumped up, closed and locked the door and returned to my position. She warned me that the moment I gave her a chance she was going to try to escape. I had a brief moment of panic as I realized that Paul had the ropes and the gag. I looked around and the nearest thing I could see to tie her up with was a scarf that was sticking out of the pocket of the coat she had dropped when I tackled her. I leaned over to reach for it and she made her move.

She scrambled up onto her hands and knees and tried to crawl away. Had I considered that I was about to assault a grown woman I may have hesitated but I was caught up in the game. I grabbed her by the ankles and pulled her legs out from under her. She flopped back to the floor face down. I moved up, sat on her bum and grabbed her arms. I bent them around behind her and pinned her wrists to her back. Now I was stuck.

I couldn’t reach the scarf, I couldn’t let her go and I couldn’t think of what to do next. After an awkward pause she realized I was at a stalemate and she made a suggestion. ‘Why don’t you use my belt?’ Ten seconds of silence was her clue that I had no idea what she was talking about. ‘Take my belt off and use it to tie me up. Just slip your hand under me.’ It was easier said than done.

It took several tries to figure out how to hold both wrists with one hand. Each time I screwed up she pulled one arm or the other away and I had to fight to get it back. I tried to get my hand under her but couldn’t; she was going to have to lift up. I slid back off of her rear onto her legs. I was still holding her wrists so now I was awkwardly bent forwards. I leaned to one side and tried to get my hand under her. She lifted her butt to help and it pushed into my face. I turned my head and we wound up cheek to cheek. With the side of my face resting on her bottom I fumbled with the buckle for a minute with no success.

‘Let my hand go and I’ll do it for you or we will be here all day.’ I sat up and released one hand and she reached under. She undid the belt and pulled it off. I took it from her and proceeded to create another screw-up.

I wrapped the belt three or four times around her wrists and when I was done the end did not reach the buckle. It was short by less than an inch. I undid one loop, put it through the buckle and this time I ran out of holes before it was tight. ‘Take it off and wrap it around tighter this time. Pull it good and it will reach.’ I followed her advice and this time it worked but it was really tight. She never complained. ‘What’s next?’ she asked. I told her I needed to tie her legs and then gag her. She directed me to the closet where I would find more belts.

To prevent another escape attempt I took hold of her ankles again and dragged her towards the closet with me. I selected a narrow black belt and used it on her ankles. I buckled it up quite tight. I sat back to admire my work. It was then that I noticed what had happened. When I pulled on her ankles I had dragged her out of her skirt. Her hemline was across the middle of her butt. I finally found out why they were called pantyhose and I also had my first glimpse of a woman’s panties through the sheer nylon.

She was aware of what had happened and asked if I would please fix her skirt. She lifted her bottom and I pulled the skirt back down. I only pulled it far enough to cover her panties. The sight of the full extent of her legs was something that I wasn’t about to cover up just yet. ‘What have you got planned next?’ she asked. I told her it was time to gag her but she suggested tying her more securely first.

With her directing me I sat her up against the foot of the bed. Then I took a few more belts and tied them above and below the knees and used another to pull her elbows together. Once she was satisfied that I had her securely bound she was ready to be gagged.

‘In the drawer over there I have some scarves. Go take a look and see what you can do.’ I opened the drawer and selected a nice thick red scarf. I passed it between her teeth and tied it around the back of her head. ‘How does that look’ she asked ‘are you satisfied with it?’ Everything looked fine to me and I nodded my head yes. ‘Do you realize what is happening right now? I’m talking to you. Your gag isn’t very effective. Take it off.’

I removed it and she had me get another scarf. She told me to roll it up into a ball.

‘You are going to stuff that into my mouth to keep me quiet and then you are going to use the first scarf to tie it in. Before you do that let’s get one thing clear. I need to get changed and start cooking supper soon so once I am gagged this is what we are going to do. I will try to escape. You will give me five minutes and then you will let me go if I can’t get out by myself. If you ever hope to do this again, and I think you do, do not be tempted to keep me tied up longer than that because sooner or later you will have to let me go and I won’t be very happy.’

My hands were trembling as I went to gag her. This is the most exciting thing that I had ever done. At the same time it was the most terrifying. I wasn’t about to go a second over five minutes.

To be continued…
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Post by volatiledesire »

Enjoying the story.
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Post by Shanya »

Amazing <3 loving the interaction between the both of them!
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Post by LordNelson »

Part 3 Mrs. C

Sitting on the floor in front of me is my best friend’s mother. She is leaning against the end of her bed. She is bound hand and foot. I am about to gag her. The belt around her ankles is holding her high heels together so forcefully that the leather squeaks when she moves. Her legs are held together firmly by two more belts. Her arms are tied behind her. Her elbows are pulled together so tightly that her blouse is stretched across her bosom; the outline of her brassiere showing every detail through the fabric.

Now, as an adult, this scene would be erotic. Then, as an eleven year old, it was confusing, exciting and scary. I hadn’t even had time to figure out girls my own age and here I was experiencing my first tie up with a grown woman. Only recently had I discovered an infatuation for sexy legs. Studying the skirts and tights in the schoolyard had not prepared me for this. Mrs. C’s legs were long, slim and attractive. The nylons and high heels were extremely eye-catching to me but I wasn’t even sure why. Her breasts on the other hand were another matter. One of the first things that young boys notice is when young girls start to blossom. Even the slightest hint of a bosom is enough to cause a stir in class. Here I was with a pair of mature breasts staring me in the face.

Being too young to fully appreciate what was in front of me all I could do was to stop questioning my feelings and continue with the game. I had been hoping to tie up a girl for a few years now and the fact that my first opportunity was a woman had thrown me off but now I was going to get back on track. As I approached her with the gag she must have sensed the change in my confidence. She gave me a big smile and then opened her mouth wide.

As I went to insert the rolled-up scarf it appeared that it would be too big. I almost hesitated but I didn’t like the thought of her offering to help me again. I pushed it in, gently at first, and then more firmly until it was completely in. I placed the second scarf between her lips and she tilted her head forwards so that I could tie it in behind. Strengthened by my new found confidence I pulled the knot tight and then gave it an extra tug. She softly moaned as it sunk deeply into her cheeks. I tied the second hitch to secure it and stood back.

Years of damsels in distress on television and in books did not compare to having a live one of my own creation. I felt a rush of excitement knowing that I finally had the real thing. None of my fantasies compared to actually seeing the belts biting into her legs, her arms helplessly bound, the gag silencing her. She sat looking up at me and waiting. I studied her once more from head to toe. There was no point in trying to hide it any more. I’m sure that she suspected that this had become more than a game to me.

I took the alarm clock from the nightstand and when the second hand passed the twelve I nodded at her and started the five minutes that she had to try and get free. She started her effort to escape with her legs. She twisted her feet testing the bonds around her ankles. The black pumps on her feet squeaked as they rubbed together. Then she began working her legs back and forth in an attempt to create some slack. The belts held tight.

She continued her efforts with her arms but found no weaknesses there either. Knowing she couldn’t gain her freedom I think she chose to put on a show for me instead. Digging her heels into the carpet she pulled herself forward on her butt. I’m sure she knew that this would result in her slipping out of her skirt; which it did. After a few pulls she was clear of the bed and she rolled onto her side. By this time the hemline of her skirt was up past the waistband of her pantyhose and she was showing a narrow band of bare skin above the elastic of her panties. She continued to work at her bonds while she rolled from side to side.

At one point she rolled over face down. My attention was seriously divided between the curvy backs of her legs, the belt biting into her wrists and the sight of her black panties showing through the sheer pantyhose. She lay like this for a moment and then rolled completely over onto her bound arms. She arched her back lifting her bottom until only her feet and shoulders were touching the floor. The spectacle was like a three-ring circus. On one side was her strained face biting deeply into the gag. On the other side the muscles in her legs were tense against their bonds. But the main show was in the center ring. Her skirt was still fully up and the black V made by the panties in her crotch was there in all its glory.

At this point I think she realized that her efforts might be a little too vigorous for a boy my age. I realize now that she was probably enjoying it so much herself that she had forgotten about me. She lowered herself back down and rolled onto her side again with her back to me. For the last minute or so she barely struggled at all but I was fine with that. The extra bonds she had asked me to apply to her elbows and legs were something that I had never seen before. Her final position gave me a chance to study them in close detail and I liked what I saw.

When the five minutes ended I started to untie her. I took my time and took advantage of every opportunity to touch or hold her legs. The feel of nylon in my hands was a new sensation that I wanted to indulge as much as possible. I don’t know why but I left the gag until last. Once her hands were free she attempted to untie it herself. I took great pleasure in watching her fumble with the knot. She eventually gave up and for the first time I was treated to the wonderful sound of a woman trying talk through a gag. She gave me about a dozen “mmphs” before I caught on that she wanted me to un-gag her.

She was seated on the floor with her legs stretched out in front of her. As I worked at the gag knot from behind her I was looking over her shoulder. Her panties were still in full view which for an eleven year old is as exciting as Christmas. When she lowered her head to give me better access to the stubborn knot she saw it for herself and quickly pulled her skirt down. I finally managed to untangle the scarf. She turned her head towards me and I removed the wad from her mouth.

I thought that it would now become awkward as she was probably aware that tying her up had been a life altering experience for me. I had no idea what to say next but she was wonderful and put me at ease immediately.

‘Wasn’t that fun’ she said. ‘I could see that you were really enjoying yourself. I know that you had some problems a few times and maybe I gave too much advice but it all worked out pretty good if you ask me. It’s too bad that Paul missed out on all the fun but we definitely managed just fine without him.’

‘It was fun’ I replied ‘and I don’t mind that you helped. I learned a lot from you.’ I couldn’t think of anything more to say. My head was overflowing with images of high heels and stockings, bosom and bottom, belts and gags.

She stood up and straightened out her skirt. The pleasure I experienced from watching the simple act of her rubbing her hands over her thighs and rear end to smooth out the wrinkles was a fitting conclusion to our afternoon. I told her that I was going to go see Paul now.

‘Forget about Paul. He’s probably in his room sulking about the fun he missed out on. Go wait for me in the kitchen and I’ll be there in a minute. There’s some root beer in the fridge. We’ll have a cold drink together; that gag kind of dried out my mouth.’

As I waited for her I was still not able to comprehend everything that had happened. Years later I realized that she must have enjoyed being tied up and got caught up in the moment. From an adults perspective it was obvious that she was carried away by the pleasure she was experiencing not realizing that her response was way beyond what an eleven year old can understand. Her behavior afterwards was an attempt to mask her embarrassment and to soothe any shock or discomfort I may have been feeling. What she didn’t know was that I had been waiting for that moment for years and while it was overwhelming at times it caused me no distress. Quite the opposite, it was a tremendous learning experience for me as she showed me things that no boy my age had probably ever seen.

When she came into the kitchen she had changed into a more casual outfit. The t-shirt didn’t hug her bosom and the shorts and bare legs were no match for the skirt and stockings. The flip-flops were a big letdown after her sexy heels. We had a root beer and some cookies and chatted but neither of us mentioned our encounter. Paul finally came down just before I left. He apologized but his mom still gave him a hard time about letting his friend down. I said nothing. I was glad he had wimped out.

It had been an incredible afternoon and I had learned one important thing. When you’re all alone on the A-Team nothing is better than a Plan B from Mrs. C.
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Post by Sportsfan »

One of my all time favorite stories, thank you so much for posting it again.
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Post by volatiledesire »

LordNelson wrote: 4 years ago When you’re all alone on the A-Team nothing is better than a Plan B from Mrs. C.
That is a great closing sentence. Bravo.
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Post by LordNelson »

Thanks to everyone who took the time to comment, I appreciate it very much.
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Post by Sniper108 »

great story. waiting to see part 2
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Post by CapturedCarol »

Hey, I like this,very much and wonder how I missed it. I suspect however Mrs C is 10-20 years younger than me.
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Post by slackywacky »

Thank you for the story, great read.
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Post by LordNelson »

Paul’s Mom – One Last Time

After I tied up Paul’s mom I continued to suggest games that would involve her in hopes of getting another chance. He was still embarrassed about chickening out the first time and avoided the topic.

Over the next two years we gradually stopped hanging around together so much. He had become a talented musician and with lessons, band practice and other commitments I rarely saw him. One day in late summer a week or two before going back to school I was out roaming around on my bicycle on a Saturday afternoon when I realized that I was in his neighborhood.

I stopped by to see if he was in. His mom answered the door and invited me in to sit down. Paul wasn’t home; he had gone fishing for the weekend with his brother and father. ‘We haven’t seen much of you lately around here’ she said. ‘Paul is so busy and I’m sure you’re doing things too. It’s a shame because you two used to have so much fun. Such imaginations; I couldn’t wait to see what you two would come up with next. I actually miss playing games with him. When you became his friend I thought that would be over but I was so pleased when you two continued to ask me to join in.’

She was talking a mile a minute and looked tense. I found it odd because she was normally a laid back woman who had a fun attitude. ‘I really miss those games but he doesn’t play games any more. I don’t suppose you do either. You’re both growing up and leaving those childish activities behind. You don’t play those games any more do you?’ she asked.

Normally when people say things in an indirect way I totally miss their true meaning but I caught on to what she was getting at. She was bored and missed her little boy. I saw an opportunity to take his place for an afternoon and made the most of it. ‘Actually I miss those games too. Some people may think I’m too old for that kind of thing but I don’t see anything wrong with a little fun now and then.’

‘Are you thinking what I’m thinking’ she asked ‘because if you are I don’t want you to be too shy to say so.’ ‘I’m thinking that you would like it if I could play a game with you’ I replied ‘am I right?’

‘I’m glad you agree. You’re not going to feel awkward are you? I don’t want you to do this if you’re not comfortable with it’ she said. She paused for a moment and then continued ‘I’m babbling aren’t I. I do that when I’m nervous. I don’t want to come across as some kind of weirdo and scare you off. I’m going to shut up now. Please tell me honestly what you think.’

Now was the time to steer things my direction. When I had tied her up before I was nervous and uncertain and she guided me through it. Now it was time to assert myself and control the situation. ‘The last time you and I got together it was without Paul and it went fine. I think if we do it the same way again we will be alright.’

She thought about it and said ‘give me a minute or two and I’ll be right back.’ She stood up and went upstairs. I quickly dashed to the foot of the stairs and saw her going into her bedroom. The last time I ambushed when she was going into her bedroom. I reasoned that if I ambush her coming out this time then everything after that should be the same. I quickly hustled up the stairs and waited for her to come out.

As I waited I rehearsed in my head what I was going to say to her. If this was going to be a game we both had parts to play. The last time I was a Special Forces agent and she was an enemy spy. There was no reason why that shouldn’t work again. She seemed to take a long time.

When the door finally opened I made my move. I grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her back into the room. This time she stumbled instead of me. I kept my grip on her and lowered her to the floor dropping to my knees and straddling her across her thighs.

As I looked down at her my well rehearsed speech froze in my throat. She had a fancy black dress on. I should say she almost had a dress on. It was a very thin sheer black fabric with a second layer of lace underneath that showed through. The front was cut so low that it barely covered her breasts. It was held in place by thin spaghetti straps that passed over her shoulders. There was more pale bare flesh than dress. She noticed that I was having a brain freeze.

‘This is my dress for the New Years Eve party. I saw it on sale last week and couldn’t resist buying it. I remembered that the last time we played that you seemed to be paying a lot of attention to my legs and my high heels so I thought I would dress up again.’ For two years I had been thinking that I had done a good job of hiding my fascination with her legs. I should have known better.

‘Why don’t you get started’ she said. ‘Let’s just say that you’re the good spy and I’m the bad spy and you’re here to capture me.’ Then she pointed towards the bed which was within easy reach. Lined up neatly were the belts and scarves that I had used to bind and gag her the last time. She had anticipated what I was going to want to do and made sure everything was ready. It was then I realized that when she opened the door she didn’t step forward to leave; instead she had stepped back to let me in, her intuition anticipated what I would do. “Make sure that you do me up tight please.’ Just like she had done before she was taking control and guiding me. I didn’t mind at all.

I picked up a thin black belt and rolled her over to tie her hands. Once again I froze. The dress had a scooped back that went almost to her waist. I couldn’t have imagined in my wildest dreams that when I left home that day I would be seeing so much sexy bare skin. All that stood between me and a half naked woman was two thin shoulder straps.

I refocused and placed her hands behind her back. She was wearing black opera gloves; thin silk gloves that went up past her elbows and fit like a second skin. I had seen some on TV before and never paid much attention to them but seeing them up close was something else. They added to the whole classy look she had going. I wrapped the belt around her wrists and buckled it. With her gloved arms pulled back and the scooped dress there was nothing between those silk clad arms but bare skin.

I grabbed a second belt and turned my attention to tying her ankles. I should be getting used to surprises by now but again I hesitated. Her hemline was well above the knee showing most of her legs. She was wearing shiny black stockings and a pair of sling-back pumps with really high heels. A small gold buckle on the strap glittered. As I strapped her ankles together I was thinking that this woman was going to get a lot of attention at her party.

A second belt below the knees and another around her elbows and I thought I was done except for the gag. As I rolled up one of the scarves to use for a wad I saw the clock on the bed and I remembered that she had given me one rule the last time. ‘Are you ready to be gagged’ I asked ‘if you are we can start the five minutes.’

‘There will be two small changes this time my dear’ she replied. ‘On the bed is one more belt. I want you to put it between my wrists and my ankles. It’s called a hog tie. It’s something I thought you should know about in case you play any more of these games in the future. Once I’m fully tied and gagged give me fifteen minutes to try and get free. You did such a good job that if I have any hope of escaping I’ll need more time.’

Using the belt I pulled her feet up until her high heels were almost touching her hands. She gave a bit of a grunt as if in pain but said nothing so I continued. Since everything this time seemed to be a bit more extreme I decided to use the thicker of the scarves for the wad. I had to give it a good push but managed to jam it all in. From the remaining scarves I chose a black one with a gold floral design on it and tied it tightly between her lips.

When a bit of lipstick smudged the scarf I noticed that she had put on make-up. I had been so pre-occupied with my examination of her clothes and legs and all the bare skin that I hadn’t paid any attention to her face. She was not pretty or ugly; she could best be described as plain but the make-up made a world of difference. A pale blue eye shadow, darkened brows and lashes, a touch of rouge on the cheek bones and a pair of bright red lips wrapped around the gag made her look more attractive than I ever thought she could be.

I stood up and announced the start of the fifteen minutes. I watched in total fascination as she methodically tested each of her bonds to search for any slack that would help her to escape. When her efforts failed to find any she began to vigorously twist and turn to try to create some. She grunted, groaned and moaned. She bucked and rolled but in the end she came up short. The fifteen minutes passed and she was still as helpless as when she started.
I untied her and she sat up. ‘Why don’t you go ahead downstairs and I’ll be there in a minute’ she told me as she rubbed her wrists. The belt marks were deep and red. ‘You know where the cookies are and get us each a root beer.’

I put the cookie jar on the table and poured us each a root beer over ice. The last time she had changed into her casual clothes before coming down. I was pleasantly surprised when she came into the kitchen still in her party dress. She had touched up her smudged lipstick and mussed hair. We sat in silence and enjoyed our treats. I gave up on trying hide the fact that I was checking her out and told her that she ’looked really good’. She smiled and said ‘thanks for saying so.’

It was getting awkward to think of things to say so I told her I had to get going. She saw me to the door and as I left she gave me a kiss on the cheek and said ‘don’t be a stranger.’ I promised I wouldn’t be but I never did see her again.
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Post by LordNelson »

For those of you trying too image what Mrs. C looks like she very closely resembles this actor;
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Post by Hokies94 »

Great story! I hope you had a chance to tie her up again
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Post by RopemanSteve »

Epic tale!

Love the idea of tying up a friend's mother.
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Post by LordNelson »

Hokies94 wrote: 4 years ago Great story! I hope you had a chance to tie her up again
I have an idea for a story where Paul finally gets the courage to tie her up. I'm going to try to write it down in the next week or two.
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Post by LordNelson »

RopemanSteve wrote: 4 years ago Love the idea of tying up a friend's mother.
You're not alone. This story had great response before on the old site and it is getting some here too. It is inspiring me to continue tying up Mrs. C.
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Post by Emma »

I haven't had a chance to read very much of the story, but what I've read is really quite good. It's well written and well thought out.

Yes, I will finish reading :)
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by Ianc1980 »

Glad to hear you’ve been inspired to write more stories with this theme. Maybe Paul AND his friend could work together to tie Mrs C up!
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