Jack's Story (F/M, etc) (updated 03/03/2022 Ch. 78)

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Jack's Story (F/M, etc) (updated 03/03/2022 Ch. 78)

Post by volatiledesire »

Thank you for clicking on the rather uninformative title. Perhaps a quick synopsis is in order.

Jack is a regular guy living in a regular family, two kids and two parents. He is quiet, rarely noticed, not considered attractive, or important in any of his broader pursuits. Everything changes when his sister decides to give him as a birthday present to a younger friend of hers named Polly. Polly is a vivacious redhead who is so popular she doesn't even notice. I guess I should say his sister "gives" him as a present should be translated as "ties him to Polly's bed."

Book 1 - The Beginning Book 2 - Selena Saga Book 3 - Polly's Vacation Book 4 - Party and Promotion Book 5 - Abductions Book 6 - Enter Alex Book 7 - Events and Occasions Thanks for reading!
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 1 - A Polite Knock

All things considered, the day was going pretty well so far. I survived the school day and now the aliens and monsters flashing on my computer screen were dying as fast as I could click the mouse. Then came a knock on the door. I suppose to most folks this is not a big deal but in this house no one ever knocks, not ever, they just walk in.

"Hey Jack, can I come in?" A feminine sing-song voice said muffled by the hollow door.

My heart clenched, not only does no one ever knock in this house, my sister rarely speaks to me. So if she is both knocking on my door and politely asking me if she could enter then something big was going on.

I did the only thing a self respecting 16 year old boy would do in that situation. I ignored her.

The fact that it took nearly an entire minute for my sister to lose patience and knock again just moved the importance level of whatever she wanted a few notches higher. "Jack, I know you're in there, I need a favor."

With those words the mouse froze in my hand and the aliens and monsters began to have their revenge. My hands eventually unclenched enough to close the game. My brain was screaming at me some tired old line about curiosity killing cats but my legs were not listening and I found myself moving toward the door. I opened it just as she was about to turn the knob her patience having finally run out.

"What is it Kat?" Her name is Kathy but everyone just calls her Kat. She looked at me her brown eyes so similar to Mom's that every family reunion there was someone who would talk about how much she looked like our Mom when she was young. My own brown eyes and brown hair also favored our mother but without the long curls that Kat maintained the resemblance was hard to see.

"I need your help." Kat said flipping a lock of her hair over one shoulder that had drifted in front of her face.

"Help?" I said in mock surprise, having already figured that out from her uncharacteristic knocking. "Whatever could your younger, annoying brother do for you?" I said my voice dripping with sarcasm.

Kat narrowed her eyes and brushed past me into my room. "I need a favor." She wore a pair of cream colored leggings and an oversize blue sweatshirt with the logo of our school written on the front it white lettering. She was barefoot since our parents did not allow shoes on the upper floors of the house to preserve the carpeting.

"It must be big for you to knock and all." Jack said.

Kat turned and frowned at the door just now realizing she had tipped her hand. "Well yes it's kind of big."

The last time my sister asked me for a favor flashed through my mind, well I tried to remember the last time and came up with nothing. She was a fiercely independent soul and asking favors of anyone violated her foundational ethics. Asking favors of her brother whom she merely tolerated would be akin to self immolation, at least it seemed that way. Either way this was going to be interesting. "Ok, how can I help you?" I said with a smile I learned from watching car salesmen and game show hosts.

"I need to tie you up."


More silence.

Kat waited simply shifting her weight from one foot to the other. My brain had simply switched off. Of all the scenarios my prefrontal cortex had been attempting to anticipate, this one was so far off the grid that the whole thing short circuited.

"Did you hear me?"

The question had the effect of rebooting my speech and audio centers. "Uh, what?"

"I need to tie you up." Kat said again.

I shook my head stepped back and sat on the corner of my bed. Kat folded her arms under her breasts and let her weight fall onto her back leg in an attitude of annoyed patience. "I'm willing to pay you."

I shook my head and glanced at the window to make sure that the sky was still blue. "What for?"

"It's for a gift but I can't tell you any of the details because it would ruin it. Just tell me what you want. I'm on a schedule, we have to have it done within two hours."

"How long..." Why did I not simply push her out of my room with a kick to her ass for good measure.

"Two hours tops, so what do you want?"

I racked my brain for what I needed from my sister, but came up with nothing. Mostly because I was astonished that I was even considering this. She really wasn't a bad sister, mostly indifferent to me, until this moment at least. "Uh, I can't..."

"Do your chores, pay you money, what?" Kat asked impatiently.

I am a bright guy, and I know that when you are handed a free wish you take some time to think about it. Rushing things is how all the guys in the Djinn stories keep getting screwed. "I'll do it." Still having trouble believing I uttered those words. "And you'll owe me three favors."

Kat's eyes narrowed. "Three favors."

I nodded.

"I get to refuse one of them." Kat said shrewdly.

"Ok, but you will still owe me the favor."

Kat held out her hand. "Deal."

"Ok," Her hand was cool and delicate but her grip was firm.

"Come with me, your two hours start after I finish tying you up."

I followed her downstairs a bit perplexed as to where she was going. "Uh, where are you going?"

"Can't tell you that." She left the house and got into her small late model Honda.

"What? Not in the house? I'm not going to be tied up in public."

"Not in public you ninny." Kat sniffed. "But not at our house either, no more questions because I can't answer them." She pulled out of the driveway. "If you're going to back out now you get to leap from a moving vehicle."

She drove for twenty minutes to a neighborhood I was familiar with but did not know anyone who lived there, she pulled up to a two story house that looked a little nicer than our own house. "Who lives here?"

"You don't get to know that." She turned off the ignition grabbed a duffle bag from the back seat that I had not noticed before. "Come on."

She ran around to the gate on the side of the house and opened it. I followed her into a backyard that was definitely nicer than ours. A pool and hot tub with a small waterfall splashing down some rocks filled the majority of the space, the rest was landscaped beautifully. Kat ignored all of this and moved toward the expansive deck that connected the pool area to the house. She entered through the back door, kicked off her shoes which she instructed me to do also, and led me through a nice kitchen to a stairway leading up. At the top of the stairs she opened a door and pulled me into a bedroom, a girl's bedroom. There was a large four poster bed in the center of the room with white end tables on each side. A deep green bedspread with a white feminine accent pattern covered the bed completely though it did appear to be concealing rumpled sheets beneath. There was a open closet on one wall that showed the varied colors that could only be feminine clothing. Male clothing never has pinks and pastels.

"Ok Jack, stand at the foot of the bed facing the closet." Kat ordered.

I hesitated. This was not at all what I was bargaining for. "What's this all about, I don't want to get in trouble."

Kat sighed. "Look, you won't get in trouble. Just trust me."

I gave Kat my most withering look. "I need something more that that. This looks illegal to me. Breaking and entering, or at least entering."

Kat sighed. "Ok, this is the house of a friend of mine, this is her bedroom. She is a year younger than I and a year older than you."

"Ok, so..."

"She has a huge crush on you." Kat sighed, obviously revealing something she did not want to.

Again for the second time in one day my brain switched off. Silence.

Kat stepped closer and waved her hand in front of my face. "Hello, Earth to Jack."

I shook my head. "Sorry, what were you saying?"

"Ok maybe not huge, but definitely a crush." Kat corrected.

My brain managed the new information better this time around. "Wow, is she cute?"

Kat rolled her eyes. "Very, but I'm not going to tell you who it is since it will ruin the surprise, and I want you to be surprised too."

"Why?" I asked becoming worried that she was trying to trick me.

"If you knew who it was you would probably act different. You already know she likes you, that will have to be enough. Grab the bed posts with your hands."

The bed was larger than my own and had large posts at each corner that rose to a height a few inches higher than my head. I stretched my arms out to the sides but not higher than my shoulders, and could just touch each post with my finger tips.

"Ok don't move." Kat pulled out a silk scarf from the bag that she wrapped around my wrist and the post and tied in a knot. She repeated this with my other hand effectively stretching my hands between the posts. I thought I could untie the knots with my fingers with a bit of effort. Kat also must have realized this because she then wrapped my hands from the wrist to the post with a kind of stretch bandage that seemed to stick to itself. When she was done the scarf binding my wrists were completely hidden beneath the dark blue wrappings and I could barely twitch my fingers let alone untie any knots.

"Uh..." I said feeling a wave of vulnerability pass over me.

Kat cocked an eyebrow in my direction. "I would say it's a little late for second thoughts. Spread your legs."

She tied my legs to each of the bed posts adding a bit to the tension in my arms as my spread legs shortened my height and therefore raised my arms a bit. It was not yet uncomfortable. Kat did not bother with the bandages around my ankles since I could never untie knots with my toes.

"Ok, we're almost done. But there is one more thing I must do since you insisted on my telling you she has a crush on you."

"Oh really, what?"

Kat reached down into the duffle and pulled out another length of silk. She folded it into a thick square and pressed the silky mound of material to my closed lips. "Open up."

I shook my head. "Look Jack, you'll say something stupid. You'll ruin it if you can speak."

I shook my head again.

Kat closed my nose with her other hand. I couldn't breath, and I couldn't move. Finally my lungs were screaming so loud my lips could no longer ignore them. I tried to breathe through my closed teeth but when my lips peeled back Kat pushed, and pushed hard. The pressure against my gums hurt, a lot, and I opened wider to avoid the pain. And was rewarded with a mouth full of silk that was warmed by her hand.

"Thank you." Kat smiled and dexterously used her toes to grasp the roll of blue bandage and pass it to her hand whilst her other hand held the packing in my mouth. She then wrapped the bandage over my mouth and around the back of my head four or five times.

I tried to yell my anger but it made no sense to me let alone anyone else. She smiled and packed everything into the duffle bag. She then revealed a wrapped gift and set it on the floor between my legs. It was small, maybe 8 inches by 3 inches.

"Ok Jack, have fun. And I want to hear all the details when you get home. I told Mom and Dad you were studying with friends tonight so they won't expect you home till late. Ta. Ta." She waved and closed the door.
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Post by cj2125 »

Nice start! Now I’m intrigued of what this mysterious girl is planning to do with a Jack
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Post by volatiledesire »

cj2125 wrote: 6 years ago Nice start! Now I’m intrigued of what this mysterious girl is planning to do with a Jack
Hold onto your hats, there's a bunch more. It's great to have new readers.

All the best...
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 2 - Unwrapping the Present

I pulled hard at the bonds holding my hands stretched wide between the posts but was rewarded with only a slight creaking of the bed. No movement at all. I strained my fingers trying to pierce the wrapping around my hands but the wrappings only bulged slightly when I made a fist. I stretched my jaw and chewed the silk but the elasticity of the wrapping only made the gag more effective and I feared that anymore attempts would cause me to choke. I was stuck.

Time passed incredibly slowly. I was more nervous than I ever had been in my life, and scared. Scenarios of terrible things passed through my mind. What if this girl's parents walked in, what if she had an older brother. What if the house caught fire. What if... The door knob turned.

I held my breath as the door opened and a redhead girl swept into the room. She had headphones on and a backpack slung over one shoulder. Her back was too me and she was dancing. Her long red curls flew about her head as she shook her head to the rhythm. Her firm athletic legs were encased in shiny green leggings and her torso was covered by a man's white tank top that hung low over her bottom. During her wild dance the shirt flew up and revealed an amazing ass that shook slightly as she gyrated her hips to music only she could hear.

Her erratic movements finally brought her attention toward me and she stopped suddenly and our eyes met. And then she screamed. An ear piercing sound that made me thankful for the wrappings that partially covered my ears. She dropped her backpack and stepped backward toward the door, she tripped over the same backpack and landed on her shiny green ass. Her bright green eyes were wide and frightened but one thing was obvious, she wasn't just cute, she was beautiful. I knew her, though I did not know she was a friend of Kat's. Her name was Polly.

The jolt of the fall seemed to give her brain time to process what she was seeing. Her eyes moved over my arms and legs. She brought her hand to her mouth to hide a smile. "Jack?"

I just watched and studied her. The loose white tank top did little to hide a green sports bra that matched her green leggings. She had freckles under each eye and across the bridge of her nose, a dimple in her chin and her mop of curly red hair made me think of Merida from the Disney movie "Brave." Though Polly's looked much softer.

She slowly disentangled herself from the backpack and stood up, turning briefly to push the door to her room closed. She pulled the headphones from her head and disentangled them from her hair. She tossed her things onto her bed along with a cell phone from her pocket. She then silently stood in front of me with an odd smile on her face. "Kat said she had a present for me. How will I ever thank her?"

Heat rose to my face. I did not need a mirror to know my face had just passed through three shades of red. Polly's eyes twinkled in delight. "Oh my, you are cute when you blush."

Her foot brushed the package between my feet and she knelt down to pick it up. "What do we have here? Another present, today really is my birthday." She leaned close to my face, even though my legs were spread I was still a bit taller than her. Her hair smelled delicious, like vanilla and roses. "Actually it's not until next week." She whispered. "We won't be interrupted with silly things like birthday parties."

She tore open the package and her eyes blazed with a green fire when she looked in the box. She then held the box before me so I could see what was inside. A simple pair of scissors. I was confused for a second. The delight in Polly's eyes made me expect something less mundane until my brain sorted through the situation enough to realize what the scissors meant. Three more shades of red passed through my body.

"Where shall I start first?" Polly's breathing was quick. The wide neckline of the tank top did little to hide her bra and I saw the hard little lumps at the ends of her breasts more clearly than I had moments before. Polly was excited, very excited. Her hands trembled as she gripped the scissors in her hands. "Just speak up if you want me to stop." Again her eyes blazed in delight at her joke.

The scissors slipped beneath the collar of my shirt and the material parted. "I am going to take this slowly. I always like to take time to unwrap my gifts, don't you?" Polly shredded my shirt into many small pieces, taking her time to slowly expose my chest and belly. The cool touch of the scissors soon warmed with the heat of her fingers. It seemed like hours before my shirt lay at my feet in pieces no larger than an inch square.

"Oh no, your shirt is all gone." Polly said in feigned disappointment. "What ever shall I do?" I felt the scissors glide down over my bare stomach and into the waistband of my cotton shorts. My eyes widened as the draw string split and only my spread legs were keeping them in place. Her patience seemed to be waning because the shorts hit the ground quicker and in larger, less numerous pieces. I looked down at my body, only my boxers and socks remained. Polly did not seem interested in my socks.

She smiled and slid the metal of the scissors across my sternum. "I am a little sad, the wrapping paper is almost gone." The scissor slid over my hip and slowly cut through the waistband of my boxers. "Let's go slowly." She withdrew the scissors and moved to my opposite hip and repeated the cut. Then she extended the first cut a little further before switching back to the first.

My body quivered. There was nothing I could do to stop her from seeing my naked body. My crotch was already swollen and my rapidly failing boxers would soon expose everything, my own excitement would be obvious. It would make the small hardening lumps beneath her bra seem insignificant. She stepped closer and looked into my eyes, "Your sister is so thoughtful, if I had known that my passing comment about your cute butt..." Her hand slipped around behind my back and slowly squeezed my buttocks. "...would have done this, I would have said something sooner."

Without moving away from me or breaking eye contact she cut the remaining material holding my boxers in place and they fell to the floor. My eyes went wide and rolled up into my head as my turgid manhood brushed against the tight fabric of her leggings. She giggled moving her hand lower and lower, and then the bedroom door opened.
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Chapter 3 - Hi Mom

The door opened and another redhead peaked around the white wooden door. "Polly, I have a meeting tonight...." The woman paused and gasped.

Polly quickly stepped back from me and her skin flushed to match her hair. "Mom... I..." Words died in her mouth as the situation proved impossible to explain.

Polly's mother stepped fully into the room and closed the door behind her. She had the same red hair as her daughter and if it had the same curl it was impossible to tell due to the intricate braid it was woven into. It nestled neatly between her shoulder blades covering the zipper of the cream colored dress she wore. It was a tightly fitted dress that compressed her curves while at the same time displaying them. The neckline was high enough to hide cleavage but tight enough to make cleavage unnecessary. It was sleeveless and fell to mid thigh where it hampered her stride a bit as she walked. The delicate swishing sound of her nylon encased legs was easily heard through the silent room. She was barefoot and the red of her toes could be seen from beneath the shiny flesh-toned nylon.

She was beautiful, where Polly was a flower of beauty, her mother was the final luscious fruit. She moved with a sensual grace that girls tried to mimic but only succeeded in exaggerating to a comical degree. The woman that Polly would become stood before me surrounded by a fierce anger in a nearly visible aura. "Polly, explain yourself, we have rules about boys in this house."

"I didn't bring him." Polly stammered. Her mom looked dubious. "I mean, he's a birthday present." The greened eyed stare bored into her daughter. Polly then proceeded to shakily tell her Mom the story about her off hand comment to my sister and what she had done since she got home leaving out the slow removal of my clothing.

Her mother looked at the bits of clothing on the floor and scissors in her daughter's hand. Polly looked away, but I caught the twitch of a suppressed smile in the corners of her Mom’s mouth. She met my eyes and knew that I had seen it. "Did you willingly come here?"

I nodded, looking down, until I realized I was staring at her chest and then quickly looked away.

"Did your sister tie you to my daughter's bed?"

Again I nodded.

"You let her, no blackmail or coercion?"

I struggled over what she meant but realized that she thought Kat had some sort of leverage over me. I shook my head again .

Polly's mother stood there for several minutes. Several long interminable minutes. Polly never moved but she periodically glanced at me and her mother. "Ok, it seems you did not violate any rules."

Polly shook her head and let go of a breath she was holding.

"Do you like this boy?" Her mother asked.

Polly froze and stared at her mother unsure of what to say.

"Simple question Polly, do you like him?" Her mother repeated.

Polly nodded.

"Ok then, please leave the room, I need to get some information from him in private. He will speak more freely if you are not here."

Polly hesitated, while I tried to figure out how I would speak at all. Maybe she would take this awful gag out.

"Don't worry, I’m not going to hurt him. Now go." Her voice was firm.

I watched as Polly left the room and then turned to look into a set of eyes that were like Polly's but full of a lifetime of experience. She was reading my mind. She stepped back and allowed her gaze to sweep across my body, slowly. My embarrassment had peaked, there is no darker shade of red than blood and sweat started to bead on my face despite the coolness of the room and my lack of clothing.

Polly's Mom just stood there and watched me. Our pet dog watched us eat bacon in exactly the same way that Polly's Mom was looking at me. She stepped closer and the soft fabric of her dress touched my skin, she leaned forward and I could feel the gentle pressure of her breasts. "Do you like my daughter?" She asked quietly with deliberate precision. Her hair also smelled of vanilla and roses but there was also a spicy scent just beneath the surface.

The gag prevented any nuance to my answer and she was not freeing my mouth like I expected so I just nodded slowly

"Ok then," She placed her hand on my chest to push herself back from me. "There are rules in this house and one of them is no boys unless I am home to supervise."

I nodded again.

"But," she smiled and her hand slid lower down my torso. My knees started to tremble. "I will make one adjustment to the rule. Your current predicament has given me an idea as to how to keep my daughter safe. Boys are stronger than girls and cannot always be trusted to control themselves. Do you understand?"

I nodded, though I had seen my own Mom control my Dad very effectively despite their difference in strength. She used her smiles and her eyes to get exactly what she wanted every time.

"You can be alone with my daughter if you are in someway bound. Perhaps not as elaborately as you are now, but not completely free, at least your hands tied." Her hand drew small circles around my navel.

I sucked in breath and closed my eyes at her soft touches and nodded again.

"Good, I wish I knew your name. But we can get to that later."

She stepped back a little further and allowed her hand to fall onto my extremely stiff manhood. I stopped breathing. She gripped me hard and looked directly into my eyes. "And if you break Polly's heart..." She whispered with undisguised ferocity. Her grip continued to tighten and a fire rose in her eyes. "...you will regret it." Pain caused my eyes to water until she released me. "I hope you can handle her."

She glided away from me only the gentle swish of her thighs rubbing together making any sound. "Have fun." She waved in exactly the same way that Kat had done nearly a lifetime ago. I let out my breath in a whoosh, but kept my eyes closed.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 4 - Polly's Solution

My arms were stiff, my legs ached, and my mouth felt full of sand. Polly eventually entered the room but ignored me and walked over to the window. "Ok, she is leaving." Polly then left again and came back with a black duffle bag which she pushed under her bed. She then fell onto the bed and I had to crane my neck around to see her lying there with a hand over her eyes.

I made noises, as best I could.

"Oh, sorry. I am just trying to process all of this." She stood up and walked around in front of me, she looked into my eyes. "I'm afraid to take off your gag. I'm afraid of what you'll say. I'm afraid you'll be mad."

I looked into her eyes and tried to communicate but I was starting to really hurt and I felt an acute stab of pain from one leg. I groaned.

"Oh god, you are pissed." Polly said.

I shook my head.

Biting her lip Polly began to peel off the wrapping that encircled my head. She had to pull the silk from my mouth as I couldn't get my tongue to do it. "I'll get you some water."

After a few sips I got my tongue to work. "Can you please release me, my body hurts."

Polly bit her lip again and folded her hands beneath her breasts with a look of concern. "Mom told me the new rule about you being restrained when she was gone."

I nodded.

"She told you too?"

I nodded again.

"So you see, I can't..."

"Just my legs then," I whispered. "To take the pressure off my arms."

"Ok, yes, and I can also remove the wrapping around your hands so you can sit down, will that help?"

I sighed. "That would be great." A few minutes later I was sitting on her bed with my arms still stretched to the side but much more loosely and the blue wrapping was removed. I felt a thousand percent better. "Thank you."

"I think you could get out now if you wanted. But I don't want you to break the rules already." Polly said. She was kneeling on the bed behind me and rubbing my shoulders. I was in heaven.

"Ok, but I am going to need clothes."

Polly giggled. "I don't know about needing clothes."

I looked over my shoulder at her. "You have clothes on."

Polly scowled. Female bodies are more attractive when clothed and therefore mine should remain a bit mysterious for a while yet, besides Mom doesn't think we should do that?"

"Do what?" I asked innocently.

"You know, that..." She pointed at my crotch. "Mom says it is a powerful thing, and should be treated like live dynamite. Metaphorically speaking."

"Mom and Dad say the same thing. It will be hard though, you are beautiful."

Polly blushed and quickly rolled off the bed. "Yes, it will be hard. Let me see if I can find you something to wear."

She was in the closet for several minutes, I could see her opening drawers and moving clothes aside. She looked at me and smiled several times. "I don't really have anything."

"Ok, maybe a towel to wrap around or something." I heard her pull the duffle bag from beneath her bed. I heard her moving stuff around before she pulled a black object out of the bag and hopped on the bed behind me. Seconds later my eyes were covered by a blindfold that completely shut out the light. "Hey what gives?"

"Now don't struggle." I felt the scarves being released on one hand and then the other. I groaned in relief as my arms fell limply to my sides. I wanted to pull off the blindfold but tingles of pain swept through my shoulders and I let them lay limply at my side. "Stand up."

I did and felt Polly wrap a metal band around one wrist, it clicked closed and she then pulled it toward my other wrist behind my back. "I don't know how to use all the other stuff Mom gave me but these seem pretty obvious." My wrists were connected behind my back.

"Other stuff?" I asked still feeling pins and needles in my arms.

"A whole bag of stuff, she said she would demonstrate how to use it later. Now I can look through my clothing options without your inquisitive eyes."

I was worried, why blindfold me if she was just looking for something semi-appropriate for me to wear. "Uh Polly what are you doing?"

There were several minutes that passed and I could hear nothing but my blood slowly increasing its tempo as it flowed through my veins. "Polly, what are you doing?" I repeated, louder this time.

"Nothing." Her voice was right next to mine. I jerked back in surprise. I felt her hand on my leg. "Raise this foot." She pulled something over my leg. "Now the other." She pulled something up my leg and settled them around my waist. They were soft, very soft, and I felt Polly's hand on my butt. "These belong to my Mom, I think it’s best that she not know about them."

"What are you doing?" I whispered quietly. With my hands behind me I could feel the smooth cool material covering my crotch and sliding over my buttocks.

"I am taking advantage of you, now you better cooperate or I will be snapping photos." She kissed me on the lips and slid her hands over my now smooth crotch. "Oh my, seeing you in those panties is so hot. I wonder why?"

I groaned, "Oh god this is mortifying. Seriously Polly?"

"Maybe that's it, maybe because you are at my mercy. Let's keep going."

"No please. Someone will find out, and that will be the end of me at school." I was sweating and my voice shook.

I felt her hands on me. "You are dating a semi-popular seventeen year old girl. I think you are going to be fine. I won't tell anyone." Her lips pulled my earlobe into her mouth. I shuddered at the sensation. "Besides, I am not giving you a choice. Now take a step forward."

“Dating?” I answered. “We’re dating?”

“We are now. Mom said so. Now step forward.”

I did as she bid, and felt my toes brush something on the ground. Then Polly pulled it up my body. The garment squeezed my legs together at the knee and hugged my waist tightly. She wrapped something behind my neck and I could feel a soft tightness from my neck to my legs while my arms and shoulders were bare. "Oh my, have a look."

The blindfold fell away and I saw myself wearing a shiny emerald green dress that was so tight you could see my obvious non-feminine bits. There was a delicate pattern covering the breasts of the dress that gave the illusion of depth where none existed. The neckline of the dress encircled my throat holding everything in place. "I wore this to a dance a couple years ago, no way I could wear it now since I have developed some. Seems perfect for you."

I was trying not to lose my mind which translated into firmly locking my knees together so my legs did not shake. "Please Polly you have sweats, or even leggings. Anything is better than this." I was so distracted by the dress that I had not noticed the delight on Polly's face. She was running her hands down her body.

Her breath came out in a hushed whisper. "No Jack, you are mine." She stepped forward and kissed me.

I almost forgot where I was and what I was wearing. Almost. She finally broke the kiss. "I love this."

I shook my head and muttered a sentence under my breath.

"What was that?" Polly asked.

"Just something your Mom said to me." I answered quickly.

"Really, what did she say?"

"She hoped that I could handle you." I said.

"What do you think?" Polly smiled and I thought her canine teeth seemed a bit more pointed all of a sudden. Her eyes flashed fire.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Polly laughed, not a giggle, but a full throated laugh. "As long as you will have me." She then picked up a dark green scarf off the ground that matched the dress I wore. She folded into a wide triangle and covered by head with it knotting it beneath my chin. She then produced some sunglasses and slid them onto my eyes. "There now, it would take more than a second look for anyone to know it was you."

"What are you doing?" I said nervously rattling the metal of the cuffs behind my back.

"I'm taking you home."
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Thanks for the re-post.
Anything more in the pipeline?
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Xtc wrote: 6 years ago Thanks for the re-post.
Anything more in the pipeline?
This story has an ending. Which a few more chapters off, then I'll probably do smaller stories. If that is what you mean.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 5 - Getting Home

"No way! I am not going out like this." I said stumbling back, the tight dress hindering my movement.

Polly shrugged. "Mom will be home in an hour or two. We can wait for her to take you home. What do you think she'll do?"

I bit my lip and stared again in the mirror. I hated to admit it but the scarf and sunglasses did hide my appearance pretty well. "How will I get inside my house, Mom and Dad are home."

"I will text Kat and see what she says."

"No, oh God, not my sister."

"Do you want to risk a mad dash to your bedroom?" Polly asked smiling.

"You are enjoying this."

Polly nodded. "I have not had this much fun in years."

"Ok text Kat."

"Can I send her a picture so she knows what to expect?"

"Dear god in heaven, please no pictures." I said in a near panic.

"Ok just checking." Polly laughed.

After several text messages Polly stood up and led me through the house stopping only to grab my shoes that were left by the bottom step. "I'm not going to let you wear tennis shoes with that dress, so barefoot or I have some matching heels that might fit?"

My glare must have been foiled by the sunglasses, because Polly's hair did not catch on fire. "Barefoot."

Polly shrugged and opened the coat closet. She extracted a long black coat which she settled over my shoulders and belted at the waist. "There we go, not even your legs will draw looks. You have lovely legs."

With my hands bound behind me I could not really resist the coat, at least I was more covered. She opened the front door and led the way to her car. She opened the door for me and buckled my seat belt. "All nice and snug."

I was shaking like a leaf being outside dressed as I was. The twenty minute ride to my house was over quickly the late evening sky combined with the dark sunglasses obscured my surroundings. As she parked in the driveway I noticed that both my sister and parents were home. "Can you take off the cuffs now?"

"Not until we aren't alone anymore." Polly answered.

"Come on, how will your Mom find out." Sweat trickled down my bare back. I felt the compression of the dress around my waist and thighs intensely.

"It's the principle of the thing." Polly picked up her phone and moved her finger over the surface. Seconds later my sister appeared on the porch waving.

"Now you stay here while we clear the way." Polly said.

My eyeroll was again foiled by the sunglasses. I couldn't unbuckle the seat belt let alone open the door.

When there is nothing to see but shadows and darker shadows there is opportunity for thought. I reviewed the events in my head and decided that I have never had a more extraordinary day. If a few hours earlier you would have told me I'd be sitting with my thighs locked together out of fear that my tight skirt would rise too high I would have asked what drugs you were on. However if this is the price of having the beautiful, enigmatic, sometime's scary Polly as my girlfriend, then I can live with it. I took a second look at that thought. What are my limits with Polly? Is there anything I would refuse her? I spent the remainder of the long silent wait in the car trying to come up with something I would refuse and came up short..

Kat followed Polly out the front door. I was helped out of the car while Kat's eyes were dancing wildly with undisguised mirth. "Your parents are all watching television, I already talked to them and introduced myself we will just sneak up the stairs."

"I am going to get caught."

"Not if you're quick. Now come on."

I walked after Kat followed by Polly. We entered the house and I could see the blue flickering light of the television coming from the living room. We ducked into the kitchen and ran up the stairs to my bedroom. Polly untied the belt of the coat and pulled it off my shoulders. Kat gasped. "Oh my, is that the dress you wore to the winter dance a few years back."

"Yeah, I went with John Jenkins, what a bore that guy was."

Kat nodded. "Nothing has changed, all he talks about are sports and video games."

"Uh, ladies, if you could..." I shook my wrists fastened behind my back at them.

Polly looked around the room. "So this is your room?"

She was stalling, enjoying the control she had. Kat was grinning maniacally, so much so I expected an evil cackle of laughter to bubble from her lips. "Yes this is my room." I sighed.

Polly opened the closet and pushed some of my clothes around. "So much space, where do you keep your clothes."

"Chest of drawers, I don't have many clothes that deserve to be hung up."

Polly turned toward me with a look in her eye. A look I was fast learning to dread. "Ok, I will unlock you but you have to keep the dress hanging in your closet."

"What? Why?" I asked.

"To remind you of our first day as a couple."

Kat pressed her fingers to her lips and whispered. "Oh, a couple."

"What if Mom sees?" I ignored my sister's annoying paroxysms.

Polly shrugged. "You could tell her the truth I suppose." Kat started coughing suddenly. Polly just arched an eyebrow at me. It was an imperious gesture that made her look about two years older and more like her mother.

"How long do I have to keep it?" I was trying to figure out a way to keep it hidden.

"Until I want it back I suppose." She hefted her breasts with her arms "But since it won't fit me anymore that might be a while. Who knows."

"Ok just unlock the cuffs please."

"I have your word." Polly said.

"Yes," She then folded down her leggings and extracted a small key from a hidden pocket on the inside waistband. "Turn around."

I did and felt the cuffs come free.

"Do you want me to help you with the dress?" Polly asked.

"Yes, but I would like Kat to leave."

Kat was already walking toward the bedroom door. "Stop by my room before leaving Polly."

"Ok," The door clicked shut behind her. Polly turned to me and smiled. "You survived, and earned yourself one genuine girlfriend."

I had began to work on the knot that held the scarf in place over my hair. "There is that." I turned to the mirror so I could see the knot.

At that moment I heard Polly's phone take a picture. I whirled around. "Hey no photos."

She turned the phone around to show me that it was taken from the side and did not show my face. It looked like a young woman checking her face in the mirror. "Come on just one momento. Please Jack."

I rolled my eyes, wondering if I could ever say no to her. "Please help me out of this."

Polly quickly removed the scarf and unfastened the clasp of the dress behind my neck and pushed it to the floor. I hesitated briefly before removing the panties, they were the same green as the dress and very shiny. I quickly opened my drawer and pulled out fresh boxers and socks, followed by more shorts and a T-shirt. "Feel better?" Polly said as she was closing the drawers I had left open and now was hanging the dress in the closet along with the scarf. I would have to make it more inconspicuous later.

"Yes, I feel better."

Polly knelt down and picked up the panties. She walked over and tossed them into the same drawer as my boxers. "You keep them, just in case."

"Polly." I sighed.

"Just keep them," She stepped closer and wrapped her arms around my waist and pressed her fluffy red head against my chest. "Thanks for being a good sport, I had a great time."

"You are something." I said.

"Something you like?" She said looking up at me.

"Yes, something I like."

"I better go." She kissed me on the lips. A lingering kiss that gave me time to run my hand over her buttocks feeling her skin through the tight spandex. "See you soon."

"Tomorrow at school, I hope."

"Ok. Bye."

Polly left my room, leaving the gentle scent of vanilla and roses in her wake. I moved the dress to the back of the closet and stuffed the panties back into the back corner of my underwear drawer. I then laid on the bed and thought about the most extraordinary day of my life.

There came a polite knock at the door. Normally two knocks on my door in the same day would seem impossible but not today. "Come in Kat."

Kat walked in and looked around with a nervous expression. "Look Jack, I didn't know...that thing with the dress...I'm sorry."

"It's ok Kat. Polly is amazing. I'm just worried she is not for real, like she is faking it or something."

Kat pushed her hair out of her face and sat down on the bed next to me. "I walked her to her car and she seems really excited about you. I don't think she is faking."


"Yeah. She mentioned you met her Mom."

I felt a twinge from my crotch and winced. "Yeah her mom is ... intense."

"Oh, how is that?"

"Told me that if I broke her daughter's heart, I would regret it." I would not be sharing with Kat what Polly's Mom was holding in her hand at that moment.

"That's a little scary." Kat said. "I didn't know it would turn out like this, I expected Polly to run and call me and I would have had to come get you."

"Heh." I laughed. "That sounds normal."

Kat laughed at that. Then I laughed back until we were both laughing so hard, we could not speak. Finally Mom came in and stared at us. "What is so funny?"

"You would have to be there, Mom." Kat said.

"It's good to see you two sharing a moment." Mom said.

We started laughing all over again.
Last edited by volatiledesire 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 6 - A New Normal

I woke up the next day and pinched myself, was it all a dream. I showered and shaved (all three whiskers) and went to Kat's room. After raising a hand to knock, I shrugged and pushed open the door. Kat sat at a desk doing her makeup for school. "Knock much?" Kat turned to me with a small smile.

The moment I saw that smile I knew it was real. "So I do have a girlfriend."

"Thought it was a dream, eh?" Kat snickered.


"Get out of here." She turned back to her mirror.

During breakfast I ate my food without tasting it and worked out in my head how to know if Polly was for real. I worried she was just playing with me and once she got around her peers, they would pressure her into retracting everything that happened. She was a year older than me after all.

I knew very little about Polly and was determined to find out more. The broad hall where the students a year older kept their lockers was packed with people. A flash of red hair caught my eye and there she stood, surrounded by three friends. A brunette taller than Polly, about my height, saw me first and nudged Polly with her hand and pointed my way. That was a good sign, her friends were aware of me.

Polly turned around with a huge smile and waved me over. She was wearing a flared green skirt and a long sleeved white shirt that would have displayed her navel if not for the high-waist of the skirt. It was gorgeous, her legs on full display. I walked over and Polly hooked her arm through mine and began introducing me to her friends. "Ladies, this is Jack."

I smiled and swept my eyes over each of therm.

"This is Tamara." The tall one who had pointed at me.

"This is Belle." A blond girl even shorter than Polly gave me a dimpled smile. "She is here to make me feel tall."

"And this is Kristy." A brunette with long curly hair pulled into a ponytail looked at me over the rim of her glasses. I thought I knew a couple of the guys she had dated. She was extremely attractive.

"Hi everyone." I said not sure what else to say.

Kristy leaned forward and said. "Polly tells us that her mother likes you, that seems unlikely. She has despised the last four guys Polly has been interested in."

I arched and eye at Polly who smiled and remained silent waiting for my answer. "Well, it happened like this." I moved closer and lowered my voice. "Polly here had just cut all the clothes off my body with a pair of scissors." Kristy held her hands over her mouth and giggled. Tamara and Belle both cocked there eyes toward me skeptically. Polly playfully whacked me on the arm.

"No it's true." I paused for a breath. "Then her Mom walked in."

"No way," Tamara said.

"Yup, Scout's honor," I held up the Boy scout salute, or some facsimile thereof. "We had a brief conversation, and she told me that if I broke Polly's heart I would regret it." I smiled and let my words hang in the air a moment. "And that's how it happened."

"I am thinking not." Kristy said.

I shrugged. "Believe what you will. Did I mention Polly had me tied to the bed at the time." I winked at Kristy.

Tamara laughed at that.

"Stop it Jack, you're making Belle blush." Polly said.

"Yeah, and I get all splotchy." Belle giggled and waved a hand in front of her face.

I turned toward Polly. "I want to see you later." I said looking into her beautiful green eyes.

"You will," she pulled me close to whisper in my ear. "Come over to my house tonight, wear my Mom's panties." My eyes widened and my ears burned. Timeout! Hold the goddamn phone. It was my idea to use the nearly complete truth to embarrass Polly and she is so unfazed she can still make me blush. She plays this game in a whole other league.

I walked away my face burning with four sets of curious eyes burrowing into my shoulders. I knew they would be interrogating Polly ferociously after I was out of earshot.

It took just shy of six seconds for the story to spread. I suppose I wasn't being all that quiet when I spoke with Polly's friends and my attempts at hiding the truth within the truth were likely to be completely lost on all the ears who were eavesdropping. Ollie, one of my best friends sat down next to me in math class, he just stared at me.

I looked at him and cocked an eyebrow in his direction. "What?"

"It's true, isn't it?" Ollie said as he pushed his long blond highlighted hair out of his eyes. Many young girls in the school found this simple affectation unbearably attractive. I had never been able to master it myself, it was probably the hair.

"What is true?" I continued pulling stuff from my backpack.

Ollie sighed. "Jeez, you and Polly. Polly Fucking McGentry."

"McGentry. I never knew her last name."

Ollie spat a curse. "I can't believe it. Why didn't you tell me?"

"It just happened last night, and I was still pinching myself this morning to make sure it was real."

Oliver swore again loudly.

"Language, Oliver." The teacher had just walked into the room.

"Sorry, Mrs. Bates." Oliver swept his hands through his locks again and coyly looked away from the teacher's eyes.

Mrs. Bates eyed Oliver and then smiled. Not only the younger girls were susceptible to his charms it seemed. "Let's get started class."

* * *

The rest of the day was much the same, my closer friends demanded details, my more distant acquaintances whispered behind my back, and every girl watched me as if I might have some secret super power hidden beneath my jeans and T-shirt. Kat found me after school in my usual spot sitting on the steps waiting for her to take me home. "Where's Polly? I figured you would catch a lift from her."

"She has drill team practice."

"Ahh right. They won't let guys watch that will they?" Kat nodded.

"Nope, too many wolf whistles I guess." I answered.

"I'm sure she will give you a show later." Kat smiled.

My eyes shot up. Kat laughed and led the way to her car.

"Can you give me a lift to her house tonight?" I coughed and said more softly. "And her phone number."

"You don't have her number." Kat said shaking her head.

"I was kind of distracted last night. I know she texted you."

Kat tossed her phone over and I transferred the number. "What about that ride."

"I suppose, but she has a car." Kat said.

I sighed. "I feel weird asking her to drive me, and I don't know if I should ask her over yet. Mom and Dad don't know." I quickly texted a message to Polly to let her have my number.

We sat silently for a few minutes. "Listen Jack, there are a couple of guys that had their hopes set on a date with Polly."

I looked over and raised my eyebrows.

"Seniors, Jack. They aren't light weights either."

"You think they'll try something?" I asked.

"I don't know, just keep an eye out."

"You worried about me Kat?" I asked with a smile.

"I don't want to have to kick a guy's ass, little brother. I might have a hard time getting a date. Most guys are intimidated by a strong woman." She smiled.

"I'll do my best to keep that from happening, who are they?"

"Caster and Drake."

I pursed my lips and let the small ripple of fear flow up my spine. Those were some big guys, football players, linemen. "Ok, thanks for the heads up."

My phone beeped. It was a message from Polly. "My house at 7."

Kat looked over at me.

"7:00?" I smiled. "Please?"

"Ok, but it counts as one of the favors I owe you."

I nodded. Truth be told I had forgotten about the favors I extracted from her before tieing me to Polly's bed. I mean seriously, I did get the good end of that whole crazy day. I had Polly.

* * *

I rang the doorbell at 6:58. I heard some rustling inside and Polly's Mom opened the door. Whatever her occupation, it required her to dress in really nice clothes, today was a red sheath dress that accentuated her figure. The makeup, the jewelry, the high heels all screamed the same thing, "I am beautiful, I know it, and don't mess with me."

I swallowed. "Hello, Mrs. McGentry."

"Ah, that explains it."

I was a bit puzzled by this greeting and my face must have showed.

"Come in Jack, I was just wondering why Polly had not yet changed out of her drill team outfit yet. Now I know why. And please call me Lisa."

"Ok, Mrs... I mean Lisa." I don't know if I could ever really get used to calling her that. At least not while she was dressed like she was now. I stepped through the door and took a quick look around, I was desperately hoping to catch sight of Polly in her uniform.

"Come into the kitchen, that is kind of where we live mostly."

"Yeah, same with us, when there is nothing on TV anyway." I stepped through the door and stopped suddenly. Polly was there, her back to me leaning over the counter reading a textbook. As her Mom said she was still wearing her drill team uniform. It consisted of a pair of shiny black tights and a deep purple, nearly black leotard. The leotard had a subtle shine with silver threads winding their way in a swirling pattern across its surface. As she turned around I could see that the sleeves and bodice were a semi transparent black nylon that stopped just above her breasts, the silver threads spread across the opaque and transparent areas equally. I swallowed, saying nothing and could not move even as her Mom slid past me.

"Seems your ploy worked." Polly's Mom said smiling at my catatonic state.

"Ploy? Whatever do you mean Mother?" Polly smiled while watching me with a triumphant grin on her face. "What do you think of my hair, Jack?"

I had not noticed the elaborate braid woven down her back and of course this was exactly why she mentioned it. My mouth was suddenly dry. "Uh..." I coughed a few times. "It is beautiful. My god, you are beautiful."

Polly beamed at her mother, "I think I'll keep him." Her mother just rolled her eyes.

A phone chirped from the counter and Polly's Mom reached for it and left the room. Polly extracted a chair from beneath the bar and sat down indicating the one next to her. "How are you in Math?"

"Pretty good. Why?"

Polly began to show me the homework she was working on and I helped her through it. Math was my best subject and though she was older I was advanced for my age. "Wow. A cute butt and brains."

I blushed.

"And there he is, the blushing beauty."

This was ridiculous. The more she spoke the more flustered I became, the more flustered I became the more she seemed to enjoy it. It was a vicious ( or virtuous, depending on your point of view ) cycle. I was saved by her mother. "Ok, kids I have to go to the office for a couple hours." She strolled over carrying a multicolored scarf in her hands that matched her dress. "Let's see those hands, Jack. You know the rules." She seized one wrist and then the other.

I was surprised until I remembered the rule about being alone with Polly. "Uh, I can leave."

"Not necessary, this will work just fine." I felt the cool silk wrapping around one wrist soon followed by the other. I had not noticed the Polly was watching the process with rapt attention.

"So you wrap it between the wrists too?" Polly asked.

"Yes, it tightens everything up and makes escape less likely. If you want practice you can use the stuff I gave you."

Polly frowned. "I didn't see scarves in there."

"Look again, they are in a separate pocket. Got to go."

I watched Polly's Mom open the door to the garage and heard her heels click down the stairs while testing the silken cords holding my wrists behind me. It was immediately obvious I would need help getting free.

I looked at Polly and saw a Cheshire Cat sized smile on her face. "Now Jack, let's see how obedient you were." She reached her hands into the cotton shorts I wore and her mouth shrank into a pout. "Oh poo, you didn't wear the panties like I told you to."

"Uh, I thought you were just trying to make me blush." Her hands were still in my shorts rubbing slow circles over my cotton boxer covered buttocks.

"I was, that is true. But I was hoping..."

I did not know what to say. She had raised her knee and rubbed it against my bare thigh. "Hoping?" I whispered, the air required for a louder response was suddenly unavailable.

"I think," she paused and kissed my lower lip drawing it into her mouth. "You should have done what I said." I could feel her hot breath on my face as she spoke.

"Ok." I said slowly.

Now I know some folks are saying "No way!, no way would I do that," especially the macho men among you. You would never let a girl dress you in her clothes or underwear as I have already done. But let us examine the facts. Polly is a curvy, gorgeous redhead currently wearing a sexy leotard and shiny tights. Her hands are doing crazy things to my butt and I can feel the hard little nubs of her nipples poking at me through her leotard and my shirt as she slides her body against mine. If you add in the fact that I'm sixteen years old and boiling with hormones... Well, truth be told, she could have asked me to drink blood and site passages from the Necronomicon and I would have just nodded my head.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 7 Polly's Pastime

Polly immediately stepped back and grabbed my arm. "Great! Let's go."

I stumbled, nearly falling, as she tugged my arm. "Hey wait." I said trying to recover my balance.

"Oh sorry." She slowed still moving toward the stairs.

Upon entering her room she pulled the black duffle from beneath her bed. I caught glimpses of various colors, black, purple, and pink while she rustled through the bag. She was deliberately trying to keep me from seeing inside so I could not identify anything. "What's in there?"

"Surprises." Polly grinned over her shoulder. "Ah this must be it." She extracted a white silk bag with a drawstring closure from the duffle and returned it beneath her bed. She pulled several silk scarves in various patterns and shades from the bag. Selecting one that was silver with a blue triangle pattern she moved behind my back and I felt her tying it near my wrists. Once done she nudged me toward the bed where she attached the other end to the bed post. Polly had connected the new scarf to my existing bonds and tied it high up on the bed post so I had to bend at the waist a bit to take the pressure off my shoulders. I could stand up straight if I wanted but my wrists were pulled higher up my back. "Ok, don't go anywhere. I'll be right back." Polly darted out of the room.

I discovered if I crossed my wrists I could more comfortably stand straight but my hands were pulled higher up my back forcing my elbows to stick out. I tried to reach the knots but my searching fingers were incapable of finding any. Polly returned moments later gripping something shiny and red in her hand.

"Found some." She twirled the shiny red fabric around her finger.

"I have to ask? Is it wise to take those from your Mom?"

"We'll I don't have any like this and I doubt she'll even miss them since they were stuffed in a bottom drawer she rarely ever opens."

The mundane queries had allowed my mind to process what was about to happen. "Don't you think this is a little odd?" I asked.

Polly stopped and scrunched up her brow in confusion. "Odd? What do you mean?"

"You know, what you are about to do."

Polly laughed at my inability to verbalize. "Oh you mean slowly remove your shorts and underwear and slide these silky little panties over your cute little bum?"

I closed my eyes and tried to think icy thoughts. "Yes." I whispered.

Polly shrugged, "I don't know, let me check?"

"Huh?" I asked snapping my eyes open.

Polly had her phone out and was running her fingers over the surface with practiced ease. "There we go."

"What? You asked somebody?"

"Yeah, I texted Kristy?"

I swallowed hard. "You texted Kristy what exactly?"

She held the phone up to my eyes.
Polly wrote:"Hey girl, if you could, would you dress up Ollie in a pair of sexy panties?"
I laughed. "She likes Ollie?"

Polly shrugged. "Most girls think he's cute. I don't know if she would date him or not." She tossed the phone onto the bed. "Now where were we?"

She slithered up beside me and again pushed her hands down into the waistband of my shorts her hands passing beneath my boxers and over the tensed muscles of my buttocks. She continued downward slowly pulling everything down my legs. I looked down to see my shirt tenting outward over a prominent erection. "See, you like the idea too." Polly giggled having noticed my new extremity.

"We'll he does." I nodded my head toward my waist. "But he's an idiot."

Polly snickered. "He has a mind of his own?"

"Oh, definitely."

She rubbed her hands down my legs slowly pulled on an ankle. My dignity demanded attention, I had to at least try and forestall the unusual trend this relationship was following. It was important to see what happened if I was less accommodating to her wishes. So I firmly kept my foot on the carpet. She waited a heartbeat and then slowly stood back up. "Are you going to be difficult?"

"Maybe." I said trying to look serious.

Polly stepped back and folded her arms beneath her breasts. Heavens above, she was beautiful standing there with a slight scowl on her face. She seemed to know I was enjoying the view. She quickly turned and disappeared into her closet, she returned moments later and spread a shiny blue short sleeved leotard on the floor in front of me. Beside this she unfurled a pair of nude colored hosiery. "Since you want to be difficult you will have to wear this as well."

"If you can't get me in the red underwear," I hate saying the word 'panties'. "How do you figure you'll force me into a leotard, especially with my hands tied?"

Polly smirked and removed the scarf binding my hands to the tall post of her bed. She then passed this scarf through my legs and used it like a leash to lead me from her room. "Come along, Jack." If I did not keep pace things would get really uncomfortable.

She led me down the hall into a much larger room with plush white carpet and a similar sized bed which had shorter but more ornate posts at each corner. A large desk and chest of drawers lined one wall and a archway on the opposite led to a bathroom as large as my own bedroom. There was a television and a treadmill inside the bathroom with room to spare. Polly led me over to the nearest bed post and tied off the scarf with it still between my legs. If I did not stand on tiptoes the scarf would slip between my buttocks which was not a pleasant feeling.

"I'll just leave you here until my Mom arrives home. If you were curious what it's like to wear thong, just rest back on your heels." Polly laughed and started toward the door.

I choked a bit, Polly's Mom was as intimidating as hell, and she was not afraid to be extremely hands on, so to speak. I had no desire to be caught half naked in her bedroom . "Ok, ok you win."

"Ask me."

"Please Polly, take me back to your room." I said with a whine coming into my voice.

"And?" Polly said her voice rising in impatience.

"And hurry?" I asked hopefully.

"Fine if you can't figure this out smart guy, I will just leave." Polly left the room.

"Wait, Polly." I yelled. "Please."

Polly's head stuck back into the room. "Last chance." She had the most irritating smirk on her face.

"Please take me back into your room and put the red underwear on me." I said my face growing ridiculously hot.

"And?" Polly said taking another step into the bedroom.

I sighed and mumbled a long sentence. I could not even understand it and it was coming from my own lips.

"I didn't catch that." Polly said placing her hands on her very lovely hips.

"And dress me in the leotard and tights," I said really fast.

Polly's face split into a wide grin. "Ok, if you really want me to."

My chin fell to my chest.

Polly untied the scarf and we returned to her room the same way we left. Polly whistled some kind of happy tune the whole way. I was soon standing with my back against her bed post with my wrists nestled into the small of my back. She tugged the shiny, too small wisp of silk up my legs. "There we go, nice and smooth." She said as she patted my crotch with her hand.

She grinned while I twitched at her touch She picked up the nude hosiery and rolled the nylon into her hands and knelt down at my feet. The tight material rose over my legs. There was a significant shine to the nude colored hosiery making my legs twinkle in the light of the bedroom.

"Ok, now for the leotard."

"Really? You can't get it on me with my arms tied." I said hoping she would stop.

"Raise your leg." She flicked her finger against my right leg, ignoring my comment.

I complied with the release of a long breath and seconds later she was pulling the garment over my waist and beneath my shirt. She then grabbed my cotton shirt, pulled it up over my head, and slid it down my arms. From the bag beneath the bed she grabbed something, I soon felt the cool touch of metal. There was a ratcheting sound and my left arm was attached firmly to the pole. "Try not to move, I don't want to pinch you."

"Right, don't move." Sarcasm, it is all I have left. My dignity is dead and buried.

Polly quickly untied the scarves from both my wrists and the pole which left my right arm completely free. My shirt slipped to the floor. I turned to the left and could see my left arm connected to the pole by a metal handcuff. The sleeve of the leotard rose over my free arm followed by my shirt. I was surprised she put the cotton T-shirt back on. I assumed she wanted me totally exposed in the extremely feminine and humiliating clothing.

A few minutes later she had repeated the process with my left arm and then tugged my shirt down so that it mostly covered the leotard. My shorts were yanked into place before Polly tucked my boxers into one of her own drawers. "You don't need these anymore." She then released me from the pole after making sure my hands were still firmly scarved behind my back. "Let's go see what's on TV."

The walk down to the main floor of the house was a new experience. The nylons compressed my toes and reduced my grip with the floor. I was extra cautious walking down the stairs. Polly led me into the living room and sat on the edge of the couch while grabbing the remote control, I fell onto the plush leather and realized immediately that without my arms I would have difficulty standing up.

We watched some television or at least Polly did since she spent her time lazily moving her fingers across my spandex clad body. I couldn't tell you what was happening in on the screen since my eyes were screwed shut with pleasure.

"When do you have to go home?"

"I need to be home around ten." I responded.

"Let me get my phone and we'd better take off." She was back in moment carrying my shoes and her phone. "Hey check this out." She held the phone before my eyes.

I saw that Kristy had responded to her previous text.
Kristy wrote:Damn straight, sister.
I just shook my head. "I wonder what Ollie would do if Kristy tried it?"

"Kristy is hot, I bet he'd be wearing panties." She touched my nose with her index finger. "Just like you."

I shook my head.

"We'd better go, it's past nine o'clock." She knelt down and began to put on my shoes and socks.

"Seriously?" I said with obvious irritation. "I have to go home wearing this?"

"It's way better than last time, your normal clothes cover it mostly." Polly smiled up at me from where she was putting my shoes on. She spent a few seconds rubbing her hands across my nylon-covered legs sending jolts of electric pleasure through my body. "My legs are pretty obvious."

"It's dark outside." Polly countered.

"Not inside my house." I said my voice rising a bit. "Please Polly."

"Nope, and make sure you keep my leotard and tights with your other fun clothes, I may want them back."

I rolled my eyes. "Do you know what would happen if Mom or Dad caught me like this?"

"No, do you?" Polly responded with a look back over her shoulder.

I paused to think about it for a second, they would both require an explanation of course but I was not sure if they would be upset or amused. Dad would be happy I had a girlfriend, he was always teasing me about girls. Mom would... "No, I don't know, but that's what scares me."

Polly leaned forward and kissed me on the lips before helping off the couch. "I bet they would think it was cute. Just like me."

I followed Polly to her car and knew that compared with my experience in the green dress, this was much better, It would be hard for anyone to see what I had on unless they looked closely or saw my legs. We soon pulled into my driveway and Polly had me lean forward to remove the scarf binding my arms. "Ok, there you go. See you tomorrow." She kissed me on the cheek.

"You aren't going to text Kat to clear the way like last time."

"No, you are pretty well covered. Hop out, see you tomorrow."

I glared at her and remained sitting. She just smiled and waited patiently. I reached for the handle of the door and quickly reversed myself flinging my hands into her hair and behind her neck pulling her into a tight kiss. She flinched away at first and then slowly melted into the embrace. Several moments later I relaxed away from her. "I have waited for a long time to do that."

Polly was breathing heavy. "Wow. Just wow."

I opened the door and walked toward my house. I waved to Polly and then made a quick circuit of the house to make sure my parents were not in the kitchen. I then quickly entered the back door and shouted. "Mom... Dad... I'm home." And then sprinted up the stairs into my room and closed the door.

I had gotten my shirt and shorts off when Kat opened the door sticking her head in. She immediately started laughing. She closed the door behind her quickly. "Need some help?"

I dashed into my closet and pulled the door shut. "No, Kat."

"Man can I pick 'em." Kat said still giggling. "Any regrets yet?"

"No, not really. I just didn't expect this little quirk of her's when dreamt of having a girlfriend."

Kat nodded. "Yeah, I bet."

"You are going to have to tell Mom and Dad soon. They are suspicious."

"Ok, I'll tell them tomorrow." I came out of the room and placed the leotard and tights in a rarely used drawer.
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Chapter 8 - Telling Mom

School sucks for bright kids. I don't mean to brag but high school was not a challenge to put it lightly and now that Polly exploded into my life, well high school was such a drag. I could see her at lunch and we often talked between classes when the timing was right but being a year younger means your lockers are further apart, combine that with her dance practices, and I rarely saw her during the day. We texted back and forth and...well, I tried not to seem desperate but she's like a new toy and I really wanted to play with her. Patience is a virtue, patience makes the heart grow fonder, or was that distance, either way patience sucks.

I arrived home on Friday with no chance to see Polly until the next day. I tutored a bit on Saturdays, so it would not be till evening. Tutoring math was decent money and if I ever wanted my own car I had to stick with it. "Anybody home?" I yelled upon entering.

"Jack? Can you come up here?" Mom said from somewhere upstairs.

I jumped up the stairs. "Where are you?"

"I'm in your room." Mom called. I stopped in my tracks. What was she doing in my room? At the speed of thought I ran through the list of things I kept hidden that Mom might find, most were benign things like swimsuit calendars and lingerie catalogs, embarrassing but not punishment worthy. No drugs or anything, so I walked in and stopped when I saw Mom holding Polly's green dress across her lap still on the hanger.

My mind switched off. I just stared at Mom and what she held in her hand. "Uh..."

My Mom was attractive I suppose, I don't really think of Mom in those terms. She is not overweight or underweight just normal and rarely wears any clothes that could be considered sexy. There were one or two occasions where she attended a party with Dad and she really looked great, but she did not really seem like Mom at those times. Today was no different, she wore a pair of loose cotton pants and a flowery blouse which was partially obscured by the satiny confection that was Polly's dress. Her red gold hair was pulled behind her head in a simple tail. "Is this yours?"

The oddness of the question managed to trick my gray matter into a quick reboot. "What? No, it's not mine?"

Mom seemed to relax a little. She may have been trying to come to terms with her newly unique son. "Ok, than what's it doing in your closet? It doesn't belong to Kat."

I took a deep breath, I was going to tell them about Polly anyway I just was not planning on this particular prelude to the conversation. "The dress belongs to Polly."

"Polly," Mom repeated wrinkling her brow in thought. "Kat's friend we met a few nights past?"

"Yes, that's her. Polly McGentry."

Mom nodded. "And you two are...a thing?"

I smiled as Polly's flashing green eyes and wicked smile rolled through my mind. "Yes, I asked her to be my girlfriend. Or something like that."

"And she said...."

"I think her exact words were, 'As long as you'll have me.'" I smiled remembering the moment.

Mom nodded more relief spreading through her body. "But that really doesn't explain this dress."

I paused for the several seconds. Mom waited patiently but I could tell she was wondering why I was having trouble talking about this. I pulled up a chair from my desk and Mom laid the dress on the bed beside her. "Here's what happened. Kat knocked on my door a few days ago..."

I told her the whole tale, I left out the nudity and Mrs. McGentry's new house rules but everything else was in there. When I finished Mom took longer to respond than I did to start the story.

"Ok, so you walked into this house wearing this dress while your Dad and I watched TV, because you were forced to by Polly."

I nodded.

"And you still like her?" Mom said looking intently into my eyes.

"She's got some quirks but man is she gorgeous."

"She is very pretty." Mom agreed. "So why are you keeping this in your closet?"

"She told me to keep it here so I would remember her, and she has this thing about embarrassing me." I responded.

Mom nodded and stood to replace the hanger in the closet and then sat back on the bed closer to me. "You know how big of a deal sex is right?"

"Yes, we have both agreed not to do that."

"She has seen you nearly naked though, I mean how would you get that dress on unless you were almost completely nude."

"Not completely, I had underwear on." It was the literal truth, sort of, Polly had seen me naked but I also had those panties on beneath the dress, which is underwear. A fine line perhaps. My mom doesn't need to know more.

"Right, ok." She took a deep breath. "I have to trust you." She paused and thought some more. "Kat tied you up?"

"Yes, that was irritating at first but it turned out so well, I couldn't stay mad at her."

Mom scrunched up her eyes in thought. "That must have been what you two were laughing about the other night?"

I nodded. "Yeah, that was it."

I saw in Mom's eyes that she had reached some kind of decision. "I would like you to get me her parent's phone number please."

"Parent. Singular. I don't think Dad is around. No pictures of him in the house anyway, just Polly and her Mom."

"Ok, her mother's number then. I think we should share a meal and talk."

A few minutes of effort on my phone with Polly got Mom the number she needed and I was able to spend a few minutes on my computer zoning out by playing games. Sometime later Mom walked into my room. "I got a response from Polly's Mom, she says we should get together tomorrow night at her place."

"Everyone?" I asked.

"Yup, she seems real nice."

I nodded with a bit of a scowl.

"You don't think so?" Mom asked.

I shrugged. "She’s kind of scary."

Mom laughed. "Well you are going to be spending a lot of time with the most important person in her life."

"I guess so."

"Well I think she sounds fun. She had a lot to say about you." Mom smiled.

"Really? What?" I asked with genuine curiosity.

Mom smiled and walked over to my chest of drawers with a quick movement she opened my underwear drawer and began to move things around. Then with a calm smile she removed the green panties hidden there and held them up. I turned red as a tomato. "I understand why you didn't tell me, but seems to me that you need to be careful around Polly. You don't want to make any mistakes that may alter your future choices, like getting a girl pregnant."

"I passed sex-ed Mom, and I'm sure we both have to be naked for that to work. I haven't even gotten close to that with Polly."

"It's obvious she has with you." Mom said carefully twirling the garment around her finger.

"Well, yes, but I was tied up at the time."

Mom placed the panties back into my underwear drawer. "Let's keep it that way until you're older." She winked at me.

I tried to work through the phrasing. Did she mean I should keep allowing Polly to tie me up and see me naked or did she mean no sex until I was older? Before I could ask she turned to leave but at the door she smiled. "Oh and she mentioned the hot tub would be open and you should bring your swimsuit."

I nodded.

She stuck her head again. "Or Polly would provide one for you." She laughed at that.

I blushed at the thought of what Polly's idea of a borrowed swimsuit would be. "Right, don't forget swimsuit, check." I coughed.
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Chapter 9 - A Tale of Two Dads

A lot can happen in a week.

A week ago today I had no girlfriend and no prospects and today I am riding with my parents to Polly's house for dinner.


Beautiful Polly.

Quirky Polly. I can't deny that. She has a strange fascination in seeing me blush and squirm beneath her control but it is well peppered with soft touches and softer kisses. I really can't complain.

Mom, Dad, and my sister all seemed relaxed. We dressed casually and only Dad seemed interested in talking. "So, are you nervous?"

Of course I was nervous. Every other time I had entered their house I left in an incredibly awkward situation. So if this time proved no different my parents would be there to witness the whole thing. "No." I answered. "Not really." It did seem unlikely. Polly attempted to keep things private and when her Mom walked in on us that first day we met she was blushing as much as I was.

"You have your swimsuit?" Mom asked.

"Yes, Mom." This was the third time she asked. She could not keep a small smile from passing over her face. Though it was equally obvious that she really did not want me to be embarrassed or she would have said nothing at all. At least Dad was oblivious to it.

We arrived on time and Polly met us at the front door. She looked gorgeous in a dark green V-neck sweater and black wet-look tights. I stared and quickly recovered in an attempt to be as gentlemanly as possible in front of my parents. If my tongue rolled out of my mouth it would simply be too obvious. Polly held no such reservations and pulled me into a full hug. Her hair was loose around her shoulders and the scent of vanilla and roses was fast becoming my aphrodisiac. "This is so cool."

Dad smiled. "Not bad son, she is adorable."

Mom punched her husband in the arm and I groaned while Polly held her hand to her mouth to stifle a giggle. "Be polite, dear." Mom hissed toward Dad.

"Dad, you're embarrassing her." Kat piled on.

Dad was still laughing when Mrs. McGentry appeared in the doorway wearing an apron that partially covered a simple blue T-shirt that displayed a local college logo and a pair of cream colored leggings. Both Polly and her mother were barefoot.

Mom took over at this point and made the necessary introductions as we were all invited in. Taking a cue from our hosts we doffed our shoes and gathered in the living room.

"Oh Lisa, that smells wonderful." Dad began.

"Hope you like chicken," she smiled.

"Can I help you out?" A timer had begun to beep in the kitchen as Mom spoke.

"Oh sure, there's always something to do, and if not, we will just tell stories about our kids." Lisa laughed.

Dad followed Mom into the kitchen since he would be left alone with us teenagers. Kat and Polly soon entered a whirlwind of a conversation which could not hold my attention so I wandered into the kitchen and joined Dad in listening to his wife do the same thing his daughter was doing in the other room. "I can't talk like they do." I said to Dad.

He chuckled. "Yeah, its a female thing."

"What was that, honey?" Mom asked looking up at her husband.

"Oh nothing, Jack was just noticing how you ladies always talk so easily."

Mom shook her head. "Here then, you two set the table since we are boring you."

"And how they manage to keep men busy." Dad said to me loud enough for everyone to hear.

That is how it went for the night. Pleasant conversation, great food, and Dad asking as many questions as he could to embarrass Polly while at the same time making her Mom laugh.

"It was his butt right? That's what you like about Jack." Dad whispered to Polly so everyone could hear.

"Dad!" Kat yelled.

"Mark!" Mom yelled at the same time.

Polly sank down into her chair and held her napkin over her face.

Dad and Polly's Mom roared in laughter at the reaction. I just shook my head and tried to turn invisible.

Polly left quickly after dessert and returned wearing a dark green one piece bathing suit that made her eyes and hair glow. A small golden anchor was stenciled on the front of the suit stretched between her youthful curves and was cut low enough to show a hint of shadowed cleavage. "Hey you two, I hope you brought your suits. The hot tub is awesome when it's cold outside."

I did not move. I could not move. Polly's spell over me had already been dialed to eleven with the early hug and the swimsuit was a car-sized amplifier. I suppose it is possible that my sixteen old self was just not up the task of handling Polly. I mean how hard should it be to speak to a girl, even one with the piercing green eyes that can read your thoughts? Well on second thought, pretty hard I suppose.

"I think we'll need the jumper cables." Dad said looking over at me and my frozen posture. Again Mom punched her husband in the arm. Dad just loved to tease his kids.

That worked, my Dad's childish sense of humor knocked me out of orbit around Planet Catatonia. I looked away from Polly with a half hearted laugh, but it took all my effort. I rose from the table and hesitated remembering the manners hammered into by my Mom. "May I be excused, Mrs. McGentry?"

"If you don't start calling me Lisa, you'll be getting a severe spanking." Her eyes flashed at me. This was just too much. I mean come on, I am sixteen for crying out loud, you should not be putting those images in my head. I was again frozen in mid rise, "Can I be...."

Dad let out a harsh guffaw. "You are absolutely out of your depth here, son."

I gave up trying to be polite, grabbed my bag, and ran to the guest bathroom. Closing the door I leaned my back against it, the image of Polly in that tight one piece swimsuit was fighting with the image of lying across Mrs. McGentry's, (I mean Lisa's) lap. A small knock interrupted the erotic warfare.

"Hurry up in there, I have to change too." Kat said.

I quickly pulled on my suit and headed toward the back door of the house. Polly was not yet in the hot tub so I slid into the deliciously warm water and sat on the opposite side so I could watch Polly arrive. Predictably she waited for Kat and they walked out together. Now Kat was beautiful, at least all my friends told me so, but she was my sister and despite the rather fetching black swimsuit I only had eyes for Polly. A white cloth surrounded her waist that parted with her every step to reveal a soft milky white thigh. The light from the deck hid her face in shadow but came through her hair giving her the appearance of some eldritch goddess with a halo of fire. She walked with a sumptuous grace and though her face was backlit by the house lights I knew her eyes were boring into mine despite her uninterrupted chatter with my sister.

"Not the first time you two had a bath together I wager." Polly was saying while easing her body into the steaming water.

"Ha!" Kat barked. "Not since we were both in diapers."

"Oh I bet you were cute in diapers." Polly giggled sliding against me so our hips touched.

I was silent with my arms beneath the water. The warm water had freed my libido and standing up would reveal a prominent problem to the two girls and Kat did not need any more fuel for my future humiliation. I simply smiled and wished for an emergency change of subject. "Sorry about Dad in there, he loves to make jokes." Kat rescued me.

Polly laughed. "Oh I think he's great. I can tell he is a lot of fun to have around."

Kat and I looked at each other. "Yeah, he jokes a lot but I suppose he is there when it matters."

Polly's smile fell at the comment. "I wish my Dad was as cool as yours."

I looked at Kat who was frowning at Polly. She said nothing though and I took my cue from her.

"My Dad is an asshole, I don't know what my Mom ever saw in him." Polly looked suddenly startled at what she said. "I'm sorry I don't want to bring the party down."

"It's ok," I said. "I always wondered why there were not pictures of him around your house."

Polly sighed and a cool breeze blew across the backyard making us all sink deeper into the heated tub. "He hit my Mom."

Kat sharply inhaled and put her hands over her mouth. "My God, Polly."

"It happened when I was much younger, six or seven years old. I remember a lot of it. Screaming, fighting, things breaking." She took a shuddering breath. "Mom's bruises."

Polly swirled her hands through the water as I watched the dancing light reflect off the sides of the hot tub. "When he hit me once, though, Mom had him arrested."

Silence filled the air. Polly took a deep breath. "I've seen him on occasion but I don't like him. Arrogant, angry, talks about how Mom screwed him over. There is a restraining order against him, he can't come within 100 yards of either of us."

"Wow." My sister said. "I'm sorry."

"I'm used to it, but seeing your Dad in there joking with everyone and really loving on your Mom...well I just realized what I missed."

Polly fell silent. I understood with a sudden clarity why Polly's Mom did not trust me around her daughter. The strange house rule for being alone with Polly also made a lot more sense, though it was still pretty odd. "Has your Mom ever, you know, dated anyone?" I asked.

Polly shook her head. "Nope. Never. She doesn't really like men." Polly smiled at me and I knew exactly what she was thinking.

I nodded, but Kat was suddenly curious. "How is it that she likes Jack?"

Polly shrugged. "He’s different." Polly's eyes quickly lost their sadness, the familiar fire flaring from the ashes of her grief.

I swallowed and shuddered. Maybe I could read her mind too.

Kat looked confused her eyes shifting from me to Polly and back again.

"He is more willing to follow directions and the rules I think." Polly said still watching me.

I was trying to stay perfectly still, not letting my expressions give anything away. If Kat knew I could never be alone with Polly without being firmly bound, I'm not sure what she would do.

Kat thought for several seconds and then shrugged. "Jack does have that nice-guy vibe going for him."

"Totally." Polly laughed and placed her arm around my neck pulling me close.

The dangerous moment passed. I melted into her body, feeling the softness of her arms and the softer parts of her body covered by the swimsuit.

"Stop that or I'm leaving." Kat interrupted.

Polly laughed and released her embrace. I spent several moments steadying my breath and then leaned back and watched the few stars that were visible through the lights of the city with the buzz of the girls' conversation washing over me. I felt bad for Polly. Her Dad was a real nightmare and I wondered how that would affect our relationship. I was also surprised how angry I was. When she spoke of getting hit I could feel the man's hand was squeezing my own heart even though it happened a decade before I knew her.

I did not talk much while in the hot tub. If I ever got bored then it was a simple matter of gazing at Polly to make the time flow by. There were a couple instances when Polly caught me doing it and she would send me her own very direct look. Eventually Kat would clear her throat and their conversation would resume right where it left off.

The adults finally came outside and stood around the tub. "It's about time to go kids." Mom said rubbing her arms vigorously against the chill.

"Wow, this is a nice setup back here." Dad commented as he looked around.

"I wish I had more time to use it. It would be great if you can come back when it's warm and we can all get my money's worth out of it."

"Sounds fun," Dad answered. "We could grill and have a grand ol' time."

"Ok kids, let's go, it's pretty late." Mom said

There were towels for us all and we quickly darted inside away from the cold air. I was again treated to the delights of Polly's body as the cold air did interesting things to the front of her swimsuit. I managed to hide my interest before anyone noticed. We quickly dressed and bid our farewells to Polly and her Mom.

The car ride home was quiet though I longed to hear if Mom and Dad had discussed my involvement with Polly any further.

"I wonder how often the parents meet before the couple actually goes on a real date?" Kat asked to the car.

Mom and Dad looked at each other. "Oh I don't know, probably more often than you think." Dad said and Mom smiled. I could have swore she blushed but the car was too dark to be sure.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 10 - Polly's Birthday

Polly's birthday was Tuesday. I spent Monday in a fog of worry trying to come up something that she would like. My experience with giving gifts to my girlfriends was less than limited. I didn't even remember attending my classes, just the constant image of disappointment in Polly's eyes.

On Tuesday morning after a crappy night's sleep I walked into Kat's room. Again she was sitting at her desk doing makeup. How long do girls spend doing that in a lifetime? "Help me Kat. Please!"

Kat turned holding small brush in her hand. "Polly again?"

"Yes!" I nearly sobbed. "Today is her birthday and I can't think of anything. I need a homerun."

"I know the perfect thing." Kat smiled.

"Tell me, I beg you." I said with as much desperation as I could push into the statement.

"Second favor." She said.

I nodded vigorously. "Yes, yes. I don't care about those stupid favors."

"Go buy a single red rose, show up at her house tonight, and give it to her."

"That's it?" I said skeptically.

"Yes, and tell her Happy Birthday." Kat turned back to the mirror.

I mulled it over and decided the idea enjoyed one benefit of being better than anything I came up with. "Can you give me a ride tonight?" I asked while heading towards the door.

"Last favor." Kat said.

"Sure," I answered.


"Are you sure this will work?" I asked pausing at the doorway.

"It would work on me." Kat answered.

I thought about that and nodded. "Good enough."

* * *

It happened right before lunch. The day started out so great, Polly's birthday was solved. I should have known better, good days never last. The smell of cheap cologne and locker room preceded their arrival more clearly than an orchestral soundtrack. Drake spun me around and grabbed my shirt. He pushed me hard against the locker the latch digging painfully into my buttocks.

Caster and Drake loomed before me filling my view with their irritated, slightly vacant, expressions. The were physically enormous, each having probably seventy pounds on me. "Jack, Jack, Jack." Drake began shaking his head. He said my name as if I had been caught smoking in the bathrooms.

Caster was taller than Drake and he stepped up close so that his breath, smelling of Cheetos and rotten meat, nearly gagged me. "My friend Drake here had his heart set on a date with Polly."

Drake nodded sending me a crooked smile. At some point in his football career he had his nose broken.

"And now I hear that you are dating her. Is that true?" Caster continued.

The hallway had gone quiet, it is really hard for a hallway full of teenagers to become quiet, unless of course someone is about to get there ass kicked. I really wished that someone was not me.

I want to spin a tale of how I spat my defiance in the two larger boys' faces, but I was terrified, pissing-my-pants terrified. I could feel blood draining from my face and felt light headed. The two ogres seemed to swell as if feeding off my terror. I answered in a squeak. "Yes, I am."

"You are young Jack. Find someone else, someone your own age. Give Drake a chance." Caster snarled.

I looked at Drake and knew immediately that Polly would rather date a corpse. My mind worked itself free of terror with the thoughts of Drake drooling all over Polly. I had known Polly less than a week and those days had been the best of my life. I suddenly did not care what these idiots did, there was no way I was going to leave Polly. She was more precious than, well, more precious than all but one thing. "Are you going to kill me?" I said managing this time to suppress the squeak.

"What?" Caster said, his animal brain must have picked up on the change in his prey, his fingers loosened ever so slightly.

I spoke louder, the hallway was so quiet everyone within 100 feet could hear me. "Are you going to kill me?"

Caster looked confused unsure of what to say looking toward Drake for support.

"Because if you are not going to kill me, you can kick my ass every goddamn day." I started yelling. "Polly is worth more pain, more blood, that you two ass holes can dish out!" I spit the last sentence letting my anger override my fear. I really should not have called them assholes. I could see the insult registering in their Cro-magnon brains. Caster's face twisted into a snarl and his knuckles whitened.

"Caster! Drake!" Mrs. Bates spoke from across the hall.

I was saved.

"Release him. Now!" Mrs. Bates barked and the two behemoths stepped back.

"This isn't over, kid." Caster said as he walked away.

I decided that silence was the better part of valor and watched them walk down the hallway through a corridor of onlookers who scurried out of their way. "Thank you, Mrs. Bates."

Mrs Bates wore a dark skirt suit with her hair in a fancy roll behind her head. Her eyes met mine and she smiled. "Polly huh? Polly McGentry?"

I nodded the adrenaline making my knees shake and I sunk to the floor onto my butt.

"Lucky girl." Mrs. Bates said and then turned on her heels ringing in the still and silent hall.

I watched her go, wondering at the comment. Ollie found me several minutes later, I had not moved. "Dude, are you ok?"

"Yeah, just trying to get my breath back."

"So it's true, you stood up to Drake and Caster?" Ollie said with wide eyes. "Both of them? At the same time?"

"Not really, Mrs. Bates broke it up just before they started pounding me into a smooth red paste." I answered.

"Dude, that is not what I heard." Ollie said.


"Everyone is talking about how you told them off. How you said Polly was worth taking a beating."

"Yeah, so?" I remember saying it for no other reason than the pure simple truth of the statement.

Ollie shook his head. "You're making it hard for a player like me to operate with all your god damned nobility. Every girl over twelve is talking about you like your some kind of cross between Don Juan and Prince Harry."

I shook my head. "Don't care."

"Let me know if you still feel that way after talking to Polly." Ollie smiled.

I skipped lunch to recover and waited in my next class alone with my thoughts. I did not expect to see Polly that day. Our schedules were just too different and she was crazy busy. I just went through the motions for the remainder of the day. After school I sat on the stairs leading down from the main building keeping an eye out for Drake or Caster when Kat plopped down next to me.

"Rumor mill is lit up like a Christmas Tree about you." Kat said.

"Don't believe everything you hear." I said.

"I don't. Come on, I'll give you a ride and you can tell me your side of the story."

I explained what happened and Kat laughed. "Polly is going to marry you."

"What? I don't get it. Ollie said something similar about the other girls."

"You are hopeless, little brother."


"What you did was probably the most romantic thing I've ever heard."

I looked out the window trying to figure out how my nearly bloody and bruised body was romantic.

Kat shook her head. "Most guys would have pissed their pants and done whatever those meatheads told them to do. Not you, you told them to take their best shot."

"Most guys aren't dating Polly."

"Oh Jack, little brother, you keep saying such things when Polly isn’t around to hear them." Kat shook her head.

* * *

I spent the next two hours getting ready. I hoped to surprise Polly at her house, I figured she was mostly likely to be there around seven which was a few minutes after the drill team wrapped up their practices. I wore nice pants and a polo shirt. Not Sunday-morning-church nice but better than what I wore to school. Kat nodded when she saw me and graciously allowed me to stop by the store for a single red rose on the way to Polly's.

She dropped me off and as she drove away I noticed a car idling on the street in front of Polly's house. "Must be someone from her Mom's work." I whispered and walked up the driveway.

Loud voices came from the backyard muffled by the distance. It was warmer than Sunday so I thought perhaps Polly or her Mom was in back. So instead of wasting my time on a doorbell they would not hear, I opened the gate quietly as not to interrupt any possible business meetings and walked through the dim side yard. The voices were louder now and angrier. I thought it was Polly's Mom. "Oh no, what did you do Polly?" I whispered while starting up the steps of the deck.

Light spilled out the sliding glass doorway that separated the small dining area from the deck. There was shattered glass all over the wooden planks. I stopped, stunned. I thought perhaps the glass was the reason for the angry voices. Inside the house I could see a man standing near the kitchen counter. He was average height with salt and pepper hair and a stout build that I thought looked similar to a few of the wrestlers at school. He was breathing hard, his face flushed with blood, staring across the kitchen at Polly's Mom.

Lisa McGentry wore a dark green skirt suit and her eyes were streaked with tears. Her face was scared, no that is not quite right, she was terrified. Her normally healthy glow had been replaced by a stark white terror. She held a phone in a shaking hand. "Get out David, you can't be here. I'm calling the police."

With darkness outside and the bright lights spilling from the kitchen no one saw me standing there. I watched as the man called David rushed toward Mrs. McGentry and swatted the phone from her hand. "You can't keep me from seeing my own daughter." He yelled, it was the voice I heard from the front, now louder and vicious. "I'm going to take her out for her birthday."

"You aren't going anywhere with Polly." Mrs. McGentry yelled back.

"I won't go with you, leave us alone." Polly said from somewhere to the right where I could not see her.

The man's face contorted in rage. "You've poisoned her against me." He took a step closer. "You bitch!" He struck her across the face with the back of his hand and she crumpled to the kitchen floor.

I froze, stunned at the violence of the strike. I fumbled with my pockets to call the police when a flash of red ran across my line of sight. It was Polly. "Leave her alone," she screamed and slapped the man hard across the face.

"Argh!" He yelled and when he turned I could see three bright lines of red blood on the side of one cheek where her nails had broken the skin. Polly darted back but was too slow, the man whipped his hand out and struck her viciously across the face and Polly stumbled back.

A bomb exploded in my brain. Time slowed and my eyes recorded in high definition slow motion the slow fall of Polly toward the ground. Her red hair spraying in a fan around her face. She collapsed and rolled out my line of sight I was three steps closer to the door before I even remembered starting to walk, my cell phone fell from my hand. By the time my conscious mind realized I had moved my feet were running. The red rose I bought for Polly was gripped in my fist the thorns piercing my palm.

I saw the dark man's eyes widen in surprise as I appeared from the deck. I'm not a fighter, I don't know how to handle an adult male. I simply knew that the beast in front of me had struck Polly; beautiful, vivacious, Polly. He hit my Polly. He had to be put down by any means. I leapt toward him and tackled him. The ferocity of my surprise attack sent the vile excuse for a man to the ground beneath me. With the rose still gripped in my fist I pounded on his face the rose petals jerking back and forth as my arms hammered at him.

I wish I could say that my courage and anger won the day, but that is not real life. David was an adult male, maybe not as large as Caster or Drake but he made up for in experience what he lacked in mass, and he was still larger than me. He quickly recovered from the initial surprise and pulled his forearms over his face and my fists began pounding into hardened muscles instead of his softer cheeks and eyes. This allowed him to recover and one of his legs knocked me to the side. His fist found my mouth and a white hot flash of pain sent me rolling off of him into the corner of the kitchen. I saw Polly's Mom on the ground looking at me in shock her mouth agape filled with blood. David stood and kicked me in the ribs, I heard something crack. "Who the fuck are you?" David yelled rubbing his hand across his face wiping off the blood onto his shirt. I had split his lip.

A groan escaped my lips as I tried to order my thoughts against the torrent of pain signals.

This was obviously Polly's Dad, the bastard had come back. His eyes twitched to the rose still gripped in my hands and a glint of amusement brightened his eyes. "Boyfriend, eh?"

I looked into his cruel eyes and knew that part of him was reveling at the possible consequences of my interference.

"For that little stunt, you get to watch me dispense a little parental discipline on my daughter. Then I will deal with you." I watched in horror as he unbuckled his belt and pulled it from the loops on his jeans, the sound was like a snake coiling to strike. He turned toward Polly and I realized what he intended with the belt. My imagination displayed a full color image of this bastard striking Polly with that horrid belt. Her imagined screams striking my ears in full stereo sound. Another spike of cold fury welled up inside and I no longer cared about the pain, I no longer cared about breathing. I released the rose and grasped the head of a broom that leaned in the corner where I fell. I stood quickly as the monster stalked toward Polly around the corner. I could hear her muted sobs.

Some part of me realized that the stakes in this fight were life and death. I made no sound, gave no warning, and swung the handle of the broom as hard as I could while holding the stiff bristles in my fingers. It made a 'whooshing' sound as it sliced through the air. The sound alerted the the bastard, and he turned his head. The wooden handle struck him right above the eyes. "Arghh!" He screamed and staggered.

I swung again without hesitation while screaming. "You will not touch Polly."

The man was quick and caught the handle on my second strike and tried to yank it from my grasp. I held onto the straw bristles. Blood streamed from the head wound and into his eyes. I leapt onto his back with the momentum loaned to me by his attempt to jerk the broom and grabbed the collar of his shirt pulling backward with all my might. I coiled the cloth into my fists. "You won't touch Polly." I screamed my voice cracking into an animalistic screech.

The worm of a man choked and gagged flailing his arms wildly trying to dislodge me from his back. I held on, a mad man determined to ride this bull to the ground. The bastard didn't lose his footing, instead he rushed backwards and slammed my back into a mostly glass curio cabinet which shattered with the impact. Molten wires of hot fire sliced into my back but I refused to let go knowing on some instinctual level that if I did that this piece of human filth would kill me without a thought. I saw Polly crumpled on the ground beneath the table and fresh rage fueled my arms. "You won't touch Polly." I growled into his ear using the pain to fuel my voice.

His arms flailed widely but I held him without a thought for anything other than holding on. He staggered into the living room, his legs churning in lazy arcs as my choke hold cut off the precious supply of blood. My arms burned with the effort. He fell across the couch trying to knock me off as we rolled toward the ground. His head cracked against the coffee table and my shoulder slammed against it a moment later sending fresh agony into my already panicked mind. "You will not touch Polly." I snarled.

He wasn't moving anymore. I held on. "You will not touch Polly."

I screamed. The words incoherent. "You will not touch Polly."

I suddenly felt a cool hand on my face and Lisa's face appeared before my red tinged vision. She was screaming for some reason. "Let go, Jack. He's unconscious."

I pulled tighter. "You will not touch Polly."

Lisa pulled at my wrists. "You will kill him. Let go."

That got through and color flowed back into my white knuckles as I loosened my grip. My hands were covered in blood. The cockroach on the floor did not stir. I stood and looked towards Polly who was on her hands and knees staring at me. Pain flared from my back and I reached an arm behind me. My fingers brushed against something hard and sharp my fingers were wet with blood.

Polly crawled nearer. Her mouth was moving but there was no sound. The carpet of the living room suddenly got a lot closer, I did not remember falling. "Happy Birthday..." I whispered. Blackness, silent blackness.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 11 - Aftermath

The world was white; the sky, the ground, everything. The only spot of color was a pool of red hair, Polly's red hair, she was lying just as she had been beneath the table after that monster hit her. I ran towards her but she receded from me as quickly as I ran. Sound exploded through the mist. "Son, can you hear me?"

A bright light flickered into my eyes. I was lying on my side, the bed was moving. "What's your name? Tell me your name?"

Pain lanced through my body, it felt like worms burrowing through my back and ribs. "Jack," I rasped desperate to return to the field of white. Wish granted.

* * *

My eyes opened to a blank wall and an empty chair. I was on my side and had neither the desire nor the ability to move. "He's awake." Someone said.

Mom appeared before my eyes kneeling down on the floor next to the bed. "Oh baby, are you there?"

"Mom," I said slurring the word.

Relief flooded her face and Dad soon joined her on the floor. I realized I was lying on my side and strange sheets were gathered around me. Blandly colored paint covered the walls and harsh fluorescent light emanated from the ceiling. The scent of bleach and antiseptic was mixed with the metallic smell of blood. "Do you remember what happened, son?" Dad said.

I struggled to put my mind in order and then a single red rose flashed through my mind carrying a torrent of memories in its wake. My muscles tensed and I tried to move my arms, tubes and wires pulled taut. "Polly, oh my God, Polly. He hit her." I breathed in ragged gasps trying to struggle free of the bed. I had to get up, I had to find Polly.

Dad threw himself onto me. "Jack, don't struggle. You're hurt."

"Polly!" I tried to scream but it came out in a laryngitic whisper. "He hit her."

"Kat," Dad barked in a voice of surprising authority. "Bring Polly in here now!"

With Dad holding me my meager struggles were useless, the powerlessness of the situation broke through my terror and tears flowed from my eyes. "He hit her. Mom, he hit her."

Mom's eyes welled with tears as she spoke. "I know, but Polly is ok."

The door opened and a blurry corona of red appeared beside Mom on the floor next to the bed. I could not wipe the tears away. "Jack, I'm here, I'm ok."

Her voice was like a shot of morphine, my body relaxed and I took two deep breaths. Slowly blinking away the tears I gazed into the most beautiful sight in all the universe; Polly's green eyes. They were bright with tears and a red swelling marred her cheek but she was safe. Her hand gently touched my face and the panic retreated from my body taking all my energy with it. I slumped back into oblivion.

* * *

Drugged sleep is good sleep, at least until you wake up. My eyes opened into a room dark with shadow. The quiet buzz of machines and air flowing through duct work were the only sounds. "Hello?" I whispered.

The empty chair was soon filled by Dad who was shaking sleep from his eyes. "Hey Jack, I'm here."


Dad grabbed a white mug and settled the straw against my lips. The cool liquid washed away the sandpaper pasted to the inside of my mouth. Pain throbbed in my back. "Where am I?"

"Hospital." Dad said simply waiting for the information to work its way through my thoughts.

I remembered more easily this time, the memories vivid but without the panic and terror. Pain came from a hundred different places on my body and I tried to assess the damage.

Dad recognized the look on my face. "134 stitches on your back, two cracked ribs, a dislocated shoulder, and minor contusions everywhere else."

"Wow, really?" I said.

"They took enough glass out of your back to make a window." Dad finished.

"Do you remember the fight?" Dad asked

The memories of fury, pain, and blood swirled through my mind. I nodded. "Where's Mom?"

"It's 4 a.m., they are getting some sleep at home. She'll be back early in the morning. This gives us a chance to talk."

"Talk? Am I in trouble."

Dad chuckled. "No, I'm just worried."


"Jack, you have your Mom's eyes, your Mom's hair, your Mom's facial features, but you got something of mine."

"What's that?"

"When someone you love gets hurt, you kind of lose your mind."

I wrinkled my brow.

"Do you remember seeing Polly getting hit?" Dad asked.

The memory flashed. "Yes." I whispered.

"What did you feel?"

I thought back to the moment silently letting the memory wash over me.

"Why did you decide to attack the man?" Dad asked into the silence of my thoughts.

"I didn't decide really, I just acted, I was angry."

"Just angry?"

"Uh, well more like a fire in my mind, it kind of burned away everything else."

"Bingo," Dad said. "It burned away your sense of self preservation. It worked out for you this time, I doubt you could have survived against that psychopath if you hadn't fully committed, but sometimes you'll need to think things through first."

"How? I don't think I had much control."

Dad shrugged. "You know now, and knowing is half the battle."

I looked at him and smirked. "G.I. Joe, seriously?"

"Hey it works." Dad smiled. "See if you can sleep, Doc says you'll recover."

"How long?"

"Didn't say."

"One more thing."

Dad turned. "Yeah?"

"Polly's Dad?"

"Don't let Polly hear you call him that." Dad shook his head darkly. "Let's see," He ticked off a list on his fingers, "Lacerations, crushed larynx, concussion, under 24 hour police guard in a different hospital, and heading to jail for a long time."

I let out a breath I never realized I was holding and promptly fell asleep.

* * *

If you want to get rest, the hospital is the worst place to do it. The sun was barely up and the nurses were changing bandages (that hurt), checking my vitals, and helping me find the toilet. With a bit of effort we managed to angle the bed high enough to keep the majority of my weight off my back, this at least allowed me to face forward.

Mom and Kat came in during my breakfast wearing almost identical outfits consisting of sweatshirt's and jeans. Dad kissed his wife with a tired sigh. "Hang in there Jack, I'm going to catch a few Z's."

I waved to him with a mouth full of fruit salad.

"You look better," Mom said giving me a peck on the cheek.

I looked at the I.V. in my arm. "Good drugs maybe."

Kat sat down on the bed and handed my cell phone over. "I can't be your agent or publicist anymore, I was up half the night taking calls and texts. Rumors are spreading like brush fires."

"Heh." I laughed. "I can imagine the stories."

"No you can't," Kat shook her head. "You really can't."

"Don't stress him out, Kat. He still needs rest." Mom chided.

"Ugh, maybe I can just call an assembly at school and tell everyone once instead of a thousand separate times." Kat said.

"Seriously? There's not that many people that give a crap about this."

Kat threw up her hands. "After Drake and Caster you were already the talk of the halls, and this is like pumping gasoline on the flames. Half the kids think you killed Drake, the other half think Drake put you in the hospital."

Mom looked perplexed. "What is this about Drake and Caster?"

Kat explained while I finished breakfast. She had the details almost exactly correct except for my extreme terror.

Mom turned her attention to me with an eyebrow raised and said nothing.

"Do you think Polly will visit?" I asked between sips of water.

Kat tossed me a look of extreme incredulity. "Uh, yeah. She's skipping school today to be here."

"She's here?" I said trying to look around Mom's shoulder.

"It's 6 o'clock in the morning I doubt she will be here this early. And don't expect her to stay all day, the hospital may not allow it." Mom responded

The doctor entered a few minutes later and Kat and Mom waited near the single window while he looked over my injuries. "I'm going to recommend you stay the night. You are young and healthy but infection is nothing to mess around with. If everything looks as it does now in the morning, I will discharge you." He left with a nod towards my Mom.

"Thank you doctor." Mom said as he left.

I dozed while Mom and Kat texted and made phone calls. Family members had to be notified and Kat showed me a few of the crazier queries people were asking from school. "Mom called your math teacher, Mrs. Bates, and gave her the truth so maybe some of this will calm down once she is able to tell the real story."

Mom's phone rang and she stepped into the hallway. Kat turned to me. "I'm sorry about just leaving you there last night, I noticed that car but didn't think anything of it."

I furrowed my brow at her. "Seriously? You did nothing requiring an apology, though I am tempted to get a recording for Ripley's Believe It or Not."

Kat turned away not laughing at my clumsy attempt at levity. "When the call from the police came, Mom nearly broke down. Dad wasn't home yet, and..." Her shoulders shook. "They didn't tell us anything on the phone, except that you were badly hurt." Kat was crying, actually crying. The fiercest, strongest, toughest girl I knew was crying.

"I'm sorry Kat."

"You did nothing wrong." She wiped her eyes and took a deep breath. "It's been a stressful few hours, feels like days."

I remained silent while Kat pulled herself together.

"You better get used to the water works when Polly gets here. She is on the edge. Her Mom isn't much better off. She heard you call her name last night after you woke up, she was clawing at the door when I opened it. After you passed out after seeing her, well, she lost it; went completely nuts, screaming and crying. Dad carried her from the room and they found her a bed for her to lay down on. She just curled into a little sobbing ball."

I thought about the terror they must have felt before I even arrived at their home. The terror they must have felt seeing me attack a man who should have swatted me down like a fly. My heart lurched at the thought of Polly in so much fear. "She was brave. She hit him once."

Kat nodded. "Polly and her Mom are safe now. They spent the night with us because of the mess at their house." Kat leaned down and whispered. "Polly slept in your bed."

My eyes widened at the thought. "Wow." And then thought again, "I hope you changed the sheets."

"Of course," Kat said.

I smiled at the thought of Polly in my bed, a look Kat noticed.

"Cool your jets, no way would it have happened if you weren't hospitalized."

"Still though, my bed?"

* * *

Pain is unique, when it is bad enough you can think about nothing else, but when you have nothing to do even minor pain can become really awful. When Polly arrived a couple hours later the pain was really starting to get to me.

There was a soft knock on the door and a redhead peaked around the corner. Polly's green eyes looked worried and relieved as she saw me sitting up in bed. The door opened further and she approached slowly as to not shake the floor lest I feel some discomfort. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she wore the apparent outfit of the day: a sweatshirt and jeans. Her face was marred now by a purpling bruise over her left eye pinched nearly closed by the swollen flesh.

A surge of anger swelled within me at the sight of the injury. It was apparently visible on my face because she raised a hand to her cheek. "It doesn't hurt. It just looks bad."

I steadied my breath. "You are ok then?" I patted the bed next to me.

She gingerly sat down and nodded. "Thanks to you."

Lisa had followed her daughter into the room also wearing a sweatshirt but choose simple black leggings instead. She stood on the opposite side of the bed. Kat and Mom left the room, closing the door behind. Lisa (I guess I can finally call her that now) pulled a chair close and placed her elbows on the bed. She had a small butterfly bandage near her lip where she had been struck. "Jack, I want to..." Her voice caught.

I waited looking at her not sure what to say.

"I can never really thank you." She managed to get out and a tear flowed from the corner of one eye. "He was drunk." She took a deep breath. "He was always a monster but a vicious monster when he drank."

"Uh...I" I looked toward Polly. "When he hit Polly...I kind of snapped."

Lisa smiled. "I am sorry you got hurt."

I thought for a moment. "I'm not sorry. Not really."

Lisa paused and nodded. "Better you than Polly?"

I nodded. "I'm not trying to be noble, that's just the way it is."

Lisa smirked. "I'd wager the most noble people in the world have never once tried to be noble."

Polly found my bandaged hand. Her touch was soft and gentle. I returned the grip fiercely and promptly forgot that Lisa existed. I gazed into Polly's eyes and was silent, losing myself in the vibrant green pools. I don't know how long we stayed that way but a knock on the door interrupted us and Lisa had settled back into her chair.

A policewoman entered carrying a small notebook. Lisa nodded to her, "Officer."

"Hello, I need to talk to Jack and get his statement."

"Can we stay?" Polly asked.

"That's fine, but please don't interject anything, I need it from Jack alone."

The officer had me tell her what happened from start to finish and said nothing, quietly scratching on her notepad with a pen. After I was finished she asked a few questions and had me repeat several parts while starting from a different point. It seemed to be some kind of formula, likely intended to test the veracity of my memory. After about thirty minutes she thanked me.

"Is there any chance he will be released?" Lisa asked.

"Not anytime in the near future, he is a public threat, at least the evidence suggests that he is, I am not the judge. Thank you for your help."

The officer left.

The remainder of the day was much the same, a few friends stopped by for brief visits, mostly Polly's friends but Ollie came as well. Jokes covered any uncomfortable silences and the nurses kept people from lingering too long.

The oddest experience happened in the evening when Mom and Dad entered. "Hey champ there is a news lady outside and she wants an interview. Are you feeling up to it?" Dad asked.

I squinted in disbelief. "What do they want to talk to me for?"

Dad shrugged. "Slow news day maybe."

"Ok, where's Polly?"

"Here." Polly said squeezing between my parents. She played with her hair and glanced into the mirror over the sink in the bathroom, the swelling on her face had gone down a lot during the day. She sat down next to me on the bed and grabbed my hand.

A woman wearing a bright red dress entered. A string of pearls decorated her neck and matching pearls clung to her ears. Bright red lips parted in a smile. "I'm Janice from KATM news."

Another man entered holding a large camera to his face and knelt down in the corner pointing the large lens toward us.

"You must be Jack and Polly." She held out her hand kneeling down at the left obviously conscious of the camera's position.

Polly and I both nodded and took her offered hand.

Janice faced the camera and began a brief exposition about the events that had transpired. The words sounded like they were pulled from a police report. She then turned to Polly. "It must be awful to be attacked by your father like that." She held the microphone towards Polly.

Polly's hand gripped mine harder and a small stab of pain spiked from the increased pressure. "He's not my father."

Janice recovered. "Of course, but you must have been terrified?"

Polly's face became paler at the memory. "Yes, it was horrible." She looked away from the microphone.

Janice switched to me. "Jack, how does it feel to be a hero?" The microphone appeared before my lips.

"I'm not a hero."

"Oh? I don't know about that." Janice smiled.

"My Dad would have done the same thing." I countered

Janice nodded. "What were you doing at the house last night, that seems incredibly fortuitous?"

I thought for a second. "I was bringing Polly a rose, it was her birthday."

Janice gasped and Polly's mouth opened with tears welling in her eyes. The room became still. Finally Polly managed a whisper. "I didn't know."

"So you two are a couple?" Janice asked.

I looked at Polly and met her eyes. "As long as she'll have me."

Janice smiled so bright her teeth seemed to glow. "I think that says it all, back to you in the studio Fred." She made the cutoff sign by slashing her fingers in the air across her neck. "Thank you, that was great." Janice and the cameraman left the room.

Polly and I watched the interview on the small television hanging in the corner of the hospital room, I had not realized they also interviewed my parents and friends and used our interview as a capstone of a larger story about the attack. "Good grief, they made me look like a superhero."

"That story Kat told about the dog that attacked when you were ten years old was amazing." Polly said.

I held up my arm to show her the smooth scars where the dog had bitten me. "I just got in the way. I did not want Mom or Kat to get hurt."

"You suck at not being a hero." Polly said

I rolled my eyes.

Polly touched my cheek. "You need to come to grips with it."

"Super heroes don't end up in the hospital with 134 stitches."

Polly shrugged. "Ok, just a hero then."

* * *

The doctor released me from the hospital the following morning with a bunch of painkillers and antibiotics. I was supposed to take it easy to keep the stitches from tearing out which meant no school for the week. The news story thankfully tamped down the rumors.

I was plenty stir crazy after just a couple days and there are only so many hours you can spend on computer games. Polly visited every night and we played cards where the loser had to kiss the winner. I enjoyed losing, and winning.

"Mom says we are going to have a private birthday party at my house when you are all healed up." Polly said one evening.

"Good, I can finally give you that rose."

Polly smiled and said nothing. She was hiding something.


"Nothing, just heal up and then we'll set a date. Mom says she has gifts for both of us."

"Both of us?" I said surprised.

"She wouldn't tell me anything. Maybe it’s handcuffs." Polly's eyes sparkled. "I've missed having you squirming at my touch."

I flushed red and shifted my position on the bed. "I always squirm at your touch."

Polly laid back on the bed with her head on my chest. The pain was nearly absent.

* * *

I was cleared to attend school on Monday. There were still a few visible cuts and bruises and I walked a bit stiff but otherwise I could handle a full day of chair sitting. Heck I spent most of the previous week sitting in the chair in front of my computer. My back would have stitches for three or four more days but my shirt would cover that.

In the morning I dressed carefully, struggling to keep my shirt from snagging on the bandages and came downstairs to have breakfast. I stopped in surprise. Polly stood at the counter chatting with Mom and Kat. She looked gorgeous. A green halter dress falling from just below her neck to mid thigh was belted with a thin silver ribbon. A similar green ribbon was woven into her hair keeping the loose red locks flowing over her shoulders and away from her face. She laughed at something Kat said an aura of joy and life surrounded her like a cloak. "Polly!" I said unable to keep a smile from my lips.

She stepped over and gently placed her hands around the back of my neck and pulled me toward her lips. I had never before kissed her in front of my parents but when her warm lips touched mine, I did not care. "Ready for your first day."

I looked at Mom whose mouth was quirked into amusement, Kat had resumed eating her cereal. "First day?"

"It's going to feel like it." Polly giggled.


"You'll see." Polly coyly touched my cheek.

Polly drove me to school, for some reason she was adamant that everyone see us together. It's not like she was ashamed of me or anything, but she had always kept her priorities straight. Her interest in boys was second to her education. At least it used to be. We parked and walked into the building hand in hand. Teens and teachers alike were pointing and talking to each other as we passed. I was embarrassed, Polly was positively glowing.

She kissed me at the junction where our lockers forced us to take different routes. She was surrounded by her cadre of friends immediately. I reached my locker before Ollie sidled up next to me and coolly leaned back against an adjacent locker. "Hey man, welcome back."

"Hey Ollie, how's things?"

"Pretty good. It felt a little weird for girls to be talking to me only to ask about you though. Not used to that at all." Ollie shook his head.

"That's dumb, I'm taken."

"I think that actually makes you more attractive not less." Ollie answered.

"Jeez, what's a single guy to do?"

Ollie laughed. "Girls, right, them's crazy."

I thought about Polly. "Yup, I love crazy."

Ollie shook his head and stomped off to class.

I received questions from everyone close enough to talk to me. "Was the news true?" "Was (insert crazy conspiracy here) really what happened. I showed my bandages on my back to a few curious kids who were brave enough to ask and lots of older kids gathered around to look. My shoulder actually hurt the most but you could not see anything except a few bruises that were pitiful compared to the mass of bandages taped to my back.

At the end of Mrs. Bates' math class she touched my shoulder. "Can you stay after, I need to speak with you."

I stayed at my desk while everyone else filed out of the room. Mrs. Bates was wearing her normal ensemble of a dark skirt with a jacket covering a silvery blouse. She was attractive in a stern sort of way and even before her timely rescue from Drake and Caster I considered her a favorite teacher.

"We need to talk about your tutoring, but I feel obligated to mention recent events."

I didn't say anything while she sat down on the edge of her desk and crossed her nylon covered legs. "Lisa McGentry is a close friend of mine and what you did for her and her daughter is laudable and I want to thank you personally."

"I...I did not know that you knew them."

She nodded and smiled. "We were classmates and we stayed in town after school so we enjoy each other's company from time to time."

"Small world."

"Small town perhaps, thank you again."

It felt weird saying 'You're welcome', so I wasn't sure what to say. "Uh..." My cheeks started to get red. "I was just in the right place at the right time."

"That, young man, is bull shit." Mrs. Bates said.

My mouth fell open and I stared at her in shock. She was constantly telling us to watch our language and then she drops that little bomb. "Harsh language should be used at appropriate times." She explained. "That was a ridiculous statement, I know of only one other guy who would have done what you did, who would have attacked a stronger more experienced opponent to defend two helpless women."

I looked away. "I... I just don't know what to say when somebody thanks me, Mrs. Bates. 'You're welcome' feels wrong."

She nodded with understanding. "I get that. Try saying, 'Just glad I could help.' or 'I am happy they are safe.'"

"Ok, I'll do that."

"Good, now onto business. There are several young women requesting your tutoring services, and I'm not sure what to do."

I laughed. I could not help it. This was just too funny. Mrs. Bates smiled at me and held her hand before her mouth her shoulders gently shaking. "Just pick for me. The one or two you think actually need help."

"Sounds like a plan. Have a good day, Jack."

I was still smiling when I left Mrs. Bates classroom and feeling that maybe, just maybe, I would survive high school when I rounded the corner and came face to face with Drake and Caster. I stopped and looked at them not moving a muscle. They also stopped and stared back.

I took a moment to analyze my thoughts and realized I was not frightened of these guys anymore. My thresholds had been harshly adjusted by the cruel crucible at Polly's house and these apes just did not warrant any kind of reaction. I folded my arms across my chest cocked an eyebrow at them and waited for them to speak. Whatever scoring system bullies use to pick their victims I must have lost my status because Drake nudged Caster and walked around me down the hallway. Caster looked at me for another heartbeat before following his friend. No words were exchanged but I knew those two were no longer a problem.

In a rare treat I met Polly in the hall moments later. She noticed me first and my brows were still knitted in thought after the silent exchange with Drake and Caster. I brightened up immediately when seeing her but she had already noticed. "What was that look for?"

"Funny thing just happened." I said while letting my gaze travel down her body. The beautiful dress flattered her and I could not help myself.

She began to self consciously pick at the hem beneath noticing my gaze. "Really, what?"

"I just stumbled into Drake and Caster."

Polly's eyebrows raised.

"And nothing happened, they didn't even talk to me. We just kind of stared at each other and then they moved on."

Polly shrugged. "I suppose they realize you're not going back down."

I smiled. "Drake likes you."

Polly's face screwed into a grimace. "I've turned him down three times." She shuddered. "I was looking for you to say that Mom wants you to come over for dinner and a movie tonight. Just the three of us."

"Sounds fun."

"7:00." Polly pecked me on the cheek and tried to move away but I reached my arms around her waist and held her there just breathing in her scent. "I have to go to class, Jack." Polly said without pulling away.

"Sometimes it just hits me," I whispered into her ear. "I'm so glad you're safe."

Polly sagged against me and I was forced to lean against the wall for support. People passed as we sat there just being together. The bell rang and Polly pulled away. "Hold that thought, see you tonight."
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 12 - Lisa Says Thanks

I arrived at Polly's house just before seven. Mom dropped me off having been notified by Lisa of the plans. I stopped and stared at the curb where a strange car had once been idling, I could still smell the exhaust and here the gentle rumble of the engine. I glanced at the gate where raised voices echoed down through the corridors of my memory. Phantom pain shot down my back.

I forced myself forward remembering it was probably worse for Polly. A note was attached to the door knocker with 'Jack' written across it in a feminine script. I opened it and read.
Lisa's Handwriting wrote: Jack,

I am on a conference call in my room tonight and won't be finished for a couple of hours. Polly is in the living room, have a good time without me. Door is open. Lock it behind you.

Adults and their careers, always changing the plans. At least Polly and I can spend some time together, though leaving the door unlocked was odd since Polly could just open it for me. I shrugged and entered the home, locking the door behind me.

I prepared myself for the assault of memories when I stepped into the living room expecting to see Polly smiling from the couch with a soda and pizza. My breath caught at the vision before me. Polly was lying on the coffee table with her head craned backward looking at me. She grunted and I realized that there was something white and shiny in her mouth.

A stab of fear rose from my groin and into my chest. I sprinted forward in panic. Polly was lying on the coffee table her face tracking mine as I neared. She wore her drill team costume consisting of a purple, nearly black, leotard over shiny black tights. Her hands were held at her sides with her knees bent as if holding her ankles. The white object resolved into a sphere held in her mouth by a black band. I rushed to her side and quickly noticed the look in her eyes, not fear, but anger. A pillow and blanket protected her back and neck from the hard wooden surface of the low coffee table. She raised her shoulders off the surface with a grunt of effort and then relaxed back.

"What the hell?" I said looking at her struggling to rise.

She jerked her hands and I noticed that a black cord surrounded her left wrist and her left ankle connecting them together. The identical position of her knees meant that both sides of her body were similarly restrained. I knelt down next to her hips and saw her hand trapped in a bag of silk constructed of a familiar scarf preventing her from picking at the knots. Another cord connected these bonds beneath the table ensuring that she would remain on the coffee table in exactly this position.

"Who did this to you?" I asked and Polly began jerking her head to her right side nearest the couch. I walked around and saw a note lying on the floor the piece of tape having failed to remain attached. I opened the note.
Lisa’s Note wrote: Jack, read this note aloud so Polly can hear as well.

I started over this time reading the note out loud. I cleared my throat. "Jack, read this note aloud so Polly can hear as well." I began as Polly relaxed.

"I wanted to thank you for your bravery. I did not know exactly what to give you, but thought you might enjoy having Polly as you see her before you." I stopped and looked at Polly who glared at me. I let my eyes wander down her body enclosed in the skin tight costume. Than I smiled widely and Polly rolled her eyes.

"The gag in her mouth should prevent her from talking you out of whatever you wish to do, and it is locked on. You don't have the key and I would be annoyed if you cut the strap." Polly lifted her head and I could see a tiny lock through the buckle.

I continued reading. "I would suggest you consider a couple of things before proceeding. One, imagine if the roles were reversed. What things would you like Polly to do to you, and conversely, what you would not want her to do. Two, remember that she will likely get a chance to have you in a similar position and you may want to keep that in mind."

"With that I give my blessing and I am just in the other room in case of emergency. You may simply release her if you wish, but on the day we met she was not in a hurry to offer that option to you. Again, my gratitude."

The smile split my face in equal proportion to the widening of Polly's eyes. I let the letter fall to the floor and sank to my knees. I pushed my face into the crook of her neck letting her scent fill my nostrils. The touch of her leg surprised me, my hand seemed to have moved of its own accord, the smoothness of the nylon beneath my fingers felt like liquid pleasure. My fingers slid slowly, patiently up her thigh from her knee while my lips found her ear. The tempo of her breathing began to increase. My hand soon reached her navel the tight garment making a springy bridge across the depression. I traced slow circles as water flows down a drain and moved slowly higher.

It felt as though my touch were a lever whose sole function was to increase Polly's excitement, the higher I let my fingers rise the quicker her breathing; the more flushed her skin. I slowed down as my fingers reached the rise created by her breasts made firmer by the tightness of the leotard. Slow spiraling circles forced a groan from Polly and I nibbled relentlessly on her ear lobe keeping her head still. In a slow spiral of agonizing patience I let the tips of my fingers cross the peak of her breasts, Polly jerked and the coffee table shuddered at the intensity.

"That's one." I whispered into her ear.

I switched to her other side and repeated the slow meandering touches on her left side using my other hand keeping my face buried near her face. Polly growled and shook her head when my sucking lips allowed her to make such movements. Her eyes closed and opened rapidly the pupils darting around the room. She tried to arch her back to make my hands move quicker, harder, but I would stop and wait until she settled back down to begin again.

On the tenth circuit at the hardened apex of her breast I stopped. "That's two." I whispered. "Let me see if I can find number three."

Sweat beaded her forehead and she looked dazed and frantic. I moved down to the end where her legs were bent at the knees. I delicately touched the back of her thighs moving closer with each circle toward her buttocks. She raised herself from the table each time I got close giving me greater access.

Finally my fingers began to dance on her inner thighs, Polly's head whipped back and forth and her eyes were squeezed shut. Her legs alternated from splaying open so that I could move my fingers freely to squeezing together so my dancing hands were flattened between the nylon covered flesh. I moved closer and closer to the warm center of her body, the area between her legs that she seemed to be psychically urging me toward.

It should be understood that I am just 16 years old and have nothing but a cursory understanding of what pleases a woman. I knew that perhaps, like me, they too enjoyed the gentle stroking of the area between the legs, beyond that I was woefully uneducated. Luckily with two layers of nylon and lycra material covering that part of Polly's body my lack of precision was not critical.

My short fingernails raked across the tight fabric sending Polly into a growls and moans. Her hair was plastered across her forehead and her eyes were wild as I moved my hands between her legs, sliding my hands from her clenched buttocks to her navel in a slow repetition. I quit suddenly and moved closer to her head. "I'm thirsty are you?" I said and stood up.

A scream of rage and frustration poured from behind the gag and if I could have understood the words I'm sure nightmares would have haunted me for days to come. She shook her head and arched her body knees flapping back and forth wildly. "Be right back." I said slowly with a smile. Spittle whistled past the gag from her labored breathing and her eyes held the promise of poison, a venom ensuring a slow death. I halted, a victim of the Medusian gaze.

I slid back to the floor and pushed the damp ringlets of red hair from her eyes. "I will be back, with a surprise." I wiped the sweat from her delicately freckled face.

She slumped in exhaustion and I stood up quickly moving toward the kitchen. There was new carpeting and furniture but the reason for these new purchases did not trigger any horrible memories. Instead, my thoughts were full of Polly, her scent, her desperation, her beauty. Had I stopped to think perhaps I would have thanked Lisa for choosing something so spectacular to flush the nightmare of that previous evening from my mind. I filled a glass of ice water and took a long drink with a smile cemented onto my face.

The cool water cleared the haze of lust from my mind and I leaned my head against the refrigerator. I had to cool down, my instincts screamed at me to rip the leotard from her body. Cold reason said such an action would only serve to prove that control was beyond my grasp perhaps vindicating Lisa's opinion of all males. "Was this a test?" I thought. Perhaps Lisa wanted to know what I would do. Polly would not stop me, my ministrations had moved her beyond rational thought. I had to be stronger.

I sighed and took another long drink. She felt so good, like butter melting on bread on warm spring morning. Her warm skin held firm beneath the liquid smooth fabric felt like chocolate tastes. Her beauty had been enhanced by the throes of her desire, as if some demon held in check by Polly's will had found release and filled her with an intoxicating power. I returned to the living room and gazed at Polly drinking her in more deeply than I ever could a glass of water.

I knelt down and rested my hand on her stomach. I felt the muscles ripple beneath my fingers. "Shall we begin again."

Her eyes widened; a glimmer of fear hidden behind an ocean of passion. I had taken her further than she had ever been and then stopped short. The brief respite had given her a chance to consider her reactions to my touch, she was unsure.

I knelt down. "I will not hurt you." Polly's eyes remained fixed on mine. "We have only one hour left before your mother is finished. If you nod your head I will continue, if you do not, I will release you."

My pulse raced as I watched her head jerk up and down as if there were two factions within her warring for control. I smiled and removed a cube of ice from the glass and let drips of water fall on to the white sphere of her gag. She sucked greedily as the moisture slid across the white surface to her lips. I slowly moved my ice-filled hand down her body. A drop fell onto the nape of her neck and she flinched. I moved it lower and another drop soaked into the leotard just at the rise of her left breast. As the ice cube made direct contact with the hardened nub that marked her nipple Polly hissed, moisture dribbling from the corners of her stretched mouth. "You had your chance to back out." I smiled attempting my own serpentine gaze.

I traced a circle and an 'X' across the hardened points of her breast. Polly vibrated on the coffee table making it difficult to perform my torturous work. "Be still, or I shall be forced to take drastic measures." My words were spoken while my left hand began to mimic the actions of the right with its own ice cube. Her body increased its maddened convulsions.

I stopped and Polly opened her eyes. "I warned you to be still." I reached into the glass and pulled free a large cube holding the glistening whiteness before her eyes. I then slid the ice into the leg opening of her leotard. She jerked and her legs began flapping. I slowly pushed the coldness over her stomach keeping the cube between the tights and leotard. My thought being the friction of the enclosing layers of fabric would allow me to better control over the icy invader. Slowly I pushed the ice lower, working my hands on the outer surface to tease the bulge it made in the fabric towards my intended destination. Polly's flailing legs hindered my progress but the small wet ball soon rested directly between her legs. She squeezed her thighs closed and opened them repeatedly rolling her head back and forth. Little gasps and shrieks escaped from behind the gag when she could get enough air through her nose. I placed my hand over the ice and pressed. Her back bent into a bow.

I began to play Polly like an instrument, a living instrument. I watched her movements and learned where to push, where to knead, or where to stroke. We got into a rhythm and slowly I began to be the melody to her harmony. I studied her body with the intensity of a musician playing a difficult piece. I knew with enough practice I could produce chords that would make Polly thrum with bliss and pleasure.

As I had this realization Polly's body went rigid and my hands were squeezed into fists by her thighs. I carefully timed my movements to the rhythms of her rocking body until a sudden spasm passed through her. A series of quick muscle contractions in her thighs and buttocks buzzed through my fingers. Her limbs had gone rigid and then, just as suddenly, she relaxed. Her legs fell open, her head rolled to the side, and her eyes fell closed.

I panicked and quickly began to release her hands from the silken bonds. Had I pushed too far?. Her hands free, she took a deep breath curling up into the a ball on the coffee table breathing deeply. I could not remove the gag but I pushed the damp hair from her face. Her eyes opened, they were heavy with exhaustion. "Are you ok?"

She nodded.

"Let me help you to the couch." I guided her body onto the soft leather and she fell over onto her side. I sat down and lifted her head so it would rest on my lap. She was asleep in seconds. I let my hand stroke the softness of her back and contended moans escaped her lips.

The next thing I remember was Lisa kneeling before me. "Wake up Jack. Wake up Polly. It's nearly 10 o'clock my work took longer than I thought."

Lisa gave me a ride home leaving Polly dozing on the couch. We did not speak until she pulled into my driveway. "Thank you Lisa." I said.

Lisa smiled and she said nothing just looking at me. Her eyes remained fixed upon mine beyond the point where the look became uncomfortable. "Jack," she paused. There was a tempest raging behind her steady gaze. "You... surprise me."

I cocked my head to the side not understanding. Lisa leaned over and pulled me into a fierce hug. Her body felt similar to Polly's but instead of softness beneath smoothness alone, a bar of iron ran through her body. Lisa released me and I opened the car door.

"You know," I said and Lisa looked back toward me.

"You forgot to take off Polly's gag."

Lisa laughed, holding her fingers to her lips. "Oops."

I watched her car pull away and wondered at her words.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 13 - Wheels p1

The stitches came out a few days later. It hurt a little but Polly was with me doing her best to keep my mind off the pulling and pinching. The day of the procedure she wore a long sleeve shirt with a neckline just high enough to hide her bra and a shiny green skater skirt that fell to mid thigh. While the doctor worked on my back she sat across from me in a chair and would slowly cross one leg over the other whenever I winced A couple of times she bent over to pick up some imaginary object off the floor giving me a direct line beneath her shirt while her eyes met mine twinkling with mischief. I am pretty sure the doctor caught her a couple times because he would occasionally pause his work at moments when Polly was being particularly provocative.

"That was fun." Polly said batting the sides of her skirt causing the material to fly higher on her legs as we walked from the clinic.

"I appreciate you coming along, now more than ever." I smiled at her.

"Mom wants you to come home, somebody from her office wants to meet you." Polly said.


"I just got a message from her." Polly wiggled her phone in the air.

"Why would someone from her work want to see me?"

Polly shrugged. "Maybe it’s a trick and the house is empty."

I stopped and looked askance at Polly who was holding her arms above her head plaiting her long red hair into a ponytail. "What would happen then?"

"You know the rules." Polly smiled with the look of an hawk studying a mouse.

I wanted that to happen so badly. We had been alone together only briefly since the night Polly was bound to the coffee table and it had been the erotic fodder for my dreams ever since. I grabbed her hand and pulled her close. "You know, I doubt your Mom still cares if we hold to that particular rule." I whispered into her ear.

"She has not told me of any changes." Polly placed her hand over her heart and looked at me through her eyelashes. "So as far as I'm concerned it is still in effect." Polly laughed and got in behind the wheel of her car.

Ollie has always given me a hard time about how nervous I am behind the wheel of a car. I just have not had much time to practice. I can drive. I am sixteen and have a license, but everyone around me is fiercely protective of their cars. Polly just laughs when I offer to drive and Kat doesn't bother with any words at all just a cold unyielding stare. I have driven Mom and Dad's cars but they are always using them. Buying one on my own is out of the question at this point, tutoring keeps me in spending money but that is about it.

Polly pulled her car into the driveway next to a sports car, a BMW. "Looks like there is somebody home."

"Nice car." I said.

"Meh." Polly shrugged. "Looks like an old rich man's car."

We entered the house and Polly shot me a smile when I saw an older gentlemen with silver hair sitting on the couch across from Polly's Mom. He was wearing an expensive looking suit tailored to maximize his masculine features, a cup of coffee held in one hand. They both stood when we entered. "Mr. Craddock, this is my daughter Polly." Lisa said.

The man smiled. "As lovely as your mother." Mr. Craddock said politely.

Polly smiled allowing him to take her hand.

"And this is her friend Jack." Lisa continued.

He had a good handshake, quick and firm, it spoke of a man of influence. "Ah Jack, just who I was hoping to meet."

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Craddock." I responded

"I am here to thank you for what you did for this family a few days past."

I took Mrs. Bates advice. "I am just glad they are both safe."

"Yes, we all are." Mr. Craddock turned and looked toward Polly's Mom with genuine affection. "Lisa here is my rainmaker, the firm would have suffered much had any ill befallen her."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Craddock. I don't really understand what Lisa does." I said trying to be as honest as possible.

"Well join the club, my boy." Bright white teeth showed when he laughed. "Arbitrage is an art more than a science, all I know is the profit margin is widening."

Lisa smiled modestly. "Thank you sir."

Mr. Craddock stepped closer gesturing with the coffee cup. "Listen, I'm being completely serious. If there is anything we can do for you just ask." He held out his hand again and I took it, ready this time for the aggressive shake. He nodded to Lisa. "I'll see you tomorrow then and thank you for the coffee."

He reached the door when I had a flash of insight. "Mr. Craddock, I thought of something."

He lifted his eyebrows in surprise. "Oh?"

"I could use a part time job. I do some tutoring but I would like more regular work, and since you asked..."

Mr. Craddock raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Well, I'm impressed. I thought you'd ask for a car or a pile of money."

I was silently kicking myself for not asking for a car, I had assumed such a favor was off the table. "Ok, Jack what are you good at?" He asked.

"I..." I wracked my brain for anything remotely resembling work that required people to wear suits like Mr. Craddock wore or dresses like Lisa and came up with preacher or fashion model. I really had no idea what to say.

"He's a math genius." Polly rescued me.

"Oh really?" Mr. Craddock smiled and turned to Lisa. "Lisa, please make the arrangements to have Jack start on a temporary, part time basis and we will see how he fits in, if anywhere." He turned back to me. "I'll give you through the summer, your success is in your hands." Mr. Craddock waved again and left.

Lisa closed the door behind him and stared at me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to give you extra work."

Lisa smiled and ruffled my hair with affection, she was three inches taller than me in the four inch heels she wore, and I recognized the dress as the one she was wearing when we first met; a tan sheath that clung tightly to her form. "Oh it’s no trouble. I will bring it up with the staff. They will probably want to help you as a way of kissing my ass."

The mental image of a bunch of suits kneeling down before Lisa's backside flashed through my thoughts but I quickly dismissed it. "Ok, good."

"I'm going to go change, what do you want to do tonight?"

"Can I stay?" I asked looking toward Lisa.

"I assumed you would. I told your Mom Mr. Craddock wanted to see you. There's pizza in the kitchen."

Lisa changed into a pair of sweats and a T-shirt and the three of us sat around the table enjoying the pizza while Polly told her mother how she managed to get me through the earlier doctor's visit.

Lisa shook her head. "He didn't see you, Polly?"

Polly shook her head at exact same moment that I nodded. "He did, at least twice."

Polly put her fingers to her lips and gasped. "What? You didn't tell me that."

"It doesn't matter, I doubt we'll see him again." I explained still smiling. "I am curious about something too."

Lisa raised her eyebrows.

"How did you get Polly tied up the other night?" I asked.

Heat rose in Polly's face at the sudden memory and she glanced toward her mother.

Lisa laughed. "Oh that was surprisingly easy. I just told her that I wanted to show her the best way to tie you up." She emphasized the word ‘you’ with a delicate punch of her finger.

I looked at Polly who was now carefully pushing a pepperoni around her plate.

Lisa came to her rescue. "It worked out well."

Polly looked at me and I smiled watching her face move through the memory of that evening. There was a long silence and though I could feel Lisa's eyes, I could not seem to stop gazing at Polly who returned the look with an unmistakable intensity, her lip twitched upward in almost feral snarl.

"Ok, ok, good grief, don't make me get the hose." Lisa said. "You kids make me feel so old." She looked at Polly.

Polly looked at her mother. "How's that, you are not old?"

"I used to have the passion you have, now all those sharp edges are rounded off by fear of consequences. Speaking of which, are you two thinking about those?"

I answered. Truth was I had been thinking about consequences, Dad's words had forced me to take a look at myself. "I have thought a lot about it, but probably not the consequences you are thinking of."

"Oh, tell me." Lisa said picking up her napkin and pushing the plate away from her.

"Dad told me in the hospital that I inherited something from him."

Lisa nodded.

I caught the gesture and looked up. "You know?"

"Your Mom told me. Let me guess, you are worried not about the consequences of sex but about losing Polly."

"It's like a curse." I said softly into the kitchen my eyes fixed on the middle distance. "I am with the most beautiful person in the world, and I get sudden anxiety about what might happen if I lose her."

Polly's hand slid across the table and gripped mine. "I'm not going anywhere."

"There are worse things than losing someone you love." Lisa interrupted.

I met her eyes but could not comprehend what she meant.

"They change, they turn into a monster." Lisa sighed. "I loved him once, maybe I was blind but I truly never believed he could become what you witnessed that night. I..." Lisa stopped and drew a deep breath. The memories of her life with her husband flickered painfully in her eyes. "Enough of this, we need something to lighten the mood." Lisa stood and picked up the plates. "Shall we watch a movie?"

Polly reached behind her and opened a cupboard beneath a sideboard along the wall. She pulled out a blue box with a cartoon family drawn on the front. Written across the top in bright orange lettering was the title Mr. Finklestein's Family Fun or Forfeit.

"Polly what are you doing?" Lisa asked.

"Lightening the mood." Polly answered with an innocent lilt to her voice.

I am not dense, I knew Polly was up to something. "A game? How do you play?"

Polly opened the box which consisted of a set of card and several dice along with a pad of narrow slips of paper. There were several pieces of the paper loose in the box where other players had tossed them after previous games. I grabbed a few of these. In Polly's handwriting I read, Hands tied. In another's hand writing I read, Shirt pulled over your head. In another, Shoes on hands.

Polly was shuffling the cards and setting out the dice while I read. "Uh, Polly, what does this mean." I held up the light blue piece of paper. "Wear Polly's bra."

Lisa barked a laugh and Polly smiled. "We played with a cousin of mine. Mom knocked him out of the game with that one."

I shook my head, "Maybe you should explain the rules before I agree to play."

Polly sighed. "It's simple really. You role the six dice and keep the highest number, repeating that a total of three times, like you do in Yahtzee."

I nodded since I'd played Yahtzee before.

"Then you draw a card. They have different things on them that may help you," Polly grabbed the top card. "This says, Take another roll." She showed me the card. "You can either use it or save it for later, you can keep a maximum of three cards. Get it."

"And these?" I asked holding up the multitude slips of paper.

"At the end of each round." She twirled her fingers in a circuit of the table. "The person with the highest score reads their slip of paper and the person with the lowest score has to do whatever it says or they take a strike." She held up a little cardboard circle with a red 'X' drawn on it. "If you get three strikes you're out."

"Forfeits can't be longer than five words, and no blindfolds." Lisa interjected.

"Having your hands tied would make playing hard." I asked.

"The other players help." Polly answered. "As long as you can see, that's why we have the no blindfold rule, you can't really be cheated."

I thought about it for a long moment. Polly had been awfully excited to play this and I had a sinking suspicion that she was going to try and get me into some embarrassing situation. The game provided an escape route with the strikes so no big deal. "Ok, I'll play."

Polly clapped her hands. "Goodie!"

"Hold on a second." Lisa interrupted her daughters excited claps. "I get veto power on any forfeits. If I think it's too crazy or intimate, then you have to pick something else."

Polly stuck her tongue out at her mom.

"Really?" Lisa said. "Mature much?"

"Fine, let's play. Write down your forfeit first." Polly said

I tapped the end of the pencil against my lips and thought. Polly and Lisa both had begun writing instantly so they obviously had some plan. I decided on, "Handcuffed to a girl." I thought myself rather clever with that one. If I won, I would get both the ladies in a single forfeit. We rolled, on my turn I drew a card that would force one of my opponents to re-roll their highest dice number. When all was said and done, Polly had won and Lisa lost.

Polly looked disappointed. "Oh poop, I was hoping to get you with this one." She looked at me. "The white ball gag."

Lisa looked askance at Polly and took a strike marker from the box. "No way."

Polly shrugged and grabbed the dice. "You start first this time," she slid them toward her mother, while she grabbed another slip of paper and began writing.

"I'm confused." I paused to think for a moment. "If we keep writing stuff down that nobody will do, like if Polly says, 'Wear my underwear.' I won't do it, I'll get three strikes and I'll be out. Game over."

"We usually play with an incentive." Lisa said. "Something the losers have to do for the winner. The game itself doesn't use such creative forfeits." Lisa looked at Polly. "Normally it is stuff like 'Dance like a chicken' or 'Crawl under your chair', fun stuff like that.

"What about the Put on Polly's Bra one I read?" I asked.

Polly looked at her mother. "Was that Thanksgiving?"

Lisa nodded. "Losers had to do all the dishes."

I nodded then. "See this won't work without something like that to make it worth performing the particular forfeits." I looked over at Polly, "And since you are throwing around stuff like gags, my guess is you better really make us want to win."

Polly nodded. "Ok, if you win, you can drive my car for a week."

Whoa. That was a big, I knew how carefully Polly treated her car. "Like take it to my house and everything?"

Polly nodded.

"Alright. Sounds good." I said.

"And if I win." Lisa said. "You two cannot speak to each other for a week, no texting, no talking, nothing."

My eyes got wide. "Seriously? How's that going to work? We go to school in the same building."

"I'll talk to your friends to make sure." Lisa said. "And I trust you to adhere to the terms."

Polly and I looked at each other and realized she had really upped the ante with that condition, there is no way I wanted to go a whole week without seeing Polly. "Ok, I guess."

Polly seemed suddenly nervous. "Ok," she croaked.

Lisa smiled. "And what happens if you win, Polly."

Polly immediately brightened. "I get to tie you both up. And you," she pointer at her mother, "have to teach me how."

"You need more details," Lisa said. "How long would we have to stay tied, for example."

Polly thought for a second. "How about this? I get you both all day Sunday. And you have to teach me the night before."

I shrugged. "Fine with me."

"Ok," Lisa said. "You're not going to win anyway."

Polly narrowed her eyes at her mother and then raised her hands suddenly. "Oh, oh, I almost forgot." Polly nearly jumped out of her seat. "I get to pick what you wear."

I snorted.

Lisa scowled at Polly. "Not naked." Her voice was precise and emphatic.

"No, of course not."

Lisa smiled at me. "Are you ok with that? You know what's going to happen."

"Like you said, she's not going to win." I responded confidently.

Polly turned a suspicious glance my way. "What are you two cooking up?"

Truth was Lisa and I were not cooking up anything, I had just noticed something that Polly had yet to realize. There was no percentage in this game for Lisa. It seemed unlikely she wanted us to stay apart for a week so she would get nothing for winning. And if I were to win nothing happens to her either, so the only person she really wants to lose is her daughter. Two against one, Polly is going to have a rough time of it. Luck is luck, though, and dice are all about luck.

"Nothing, how could we?" I said. "Besides, it's dice." I rolled two across the table.

"Ok." Polly said slowly trying to figure out if I had an angle. "Let's start over and play."

I smiled. This would likely be fun no matter how it turned out. Not to mention that spending an entire day on Sunday at the mercy of Polly would be pretty awesome. I just hoped that the gods of luck did not give Lisa the win.
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Chapter 14 - Wheels p2

Polly held the slip of paper before my eyes. I really did not want to look at it. Her eyes locked on my face and a wide vulpine smile spread across her face. "Do it, or lose."

The game had started out so well too...

* * *

The rustle of plastic was the loudest sound in the room, every time Polly took a breath the trash bag she wore moved with her. Lisa and I had teamed up and Polly lost the first round. I had written 'Wear anything but clothes' on my slip of paper and handed it to Polly with a smile. She returned the jovial smile and simply stepped into the kitchen grabbed a trash bag and returned from the bathroom moments later wearing the black plastic from her thighs to her shoulders. She had made two holes for her legs and two holes for her arms and used the yellow ties to fashion a halter around her neck. As the evening progressed her sweat stuck the plastic to her skin in distracting and interesting ways.

Combined with the black plastic bag, she also wore a turban of sorts made of kitchen plastic wrap. This was the result of Lisa's win. "Put peanut butter in hair."

Again Polly had shrugged it off and simply grabbed a jar of peanut butter and a spatula and began to spread gobbets of brown oily peanut butter into her red locks. "I hear this is good for your hair. Helps prevent split ends." She then wrapped it all in plastic wrap to keep the stuff from sliding onto the floor or table.

I am not sure what forfeits Polly had directed toward her mother, but Lisa's first strike had been the 'Wear anything but clothes' forfeit I had hit Polly with. Lisa had taken the strike without hesitation. Her second strike had been the same forfeit from Polly that had given me my first strike, 'Wear Polly's discarded clothing'. We made a ruling at that point she had to choose a different forfeit to keep the game fair.

The problem with inventing clever forfeits was the possibility they would be directed toward my ally Lisa. If I knocked her out I would be alone facing Polly who seemed willing to do anything to win. The turning point came after a particularly lucky play that gave me the victory over Polly. "Plastic wrapped to the chair." I read aloud from my paper. I had gotten the idea from Polly's plastic wrap turban. Lisa smiled around a white ball gag having lost a previous round and not taken a strike.

Polly paused tapped her finger against her chin. I knew the heat created by the plastic wrap combined with the sweaty garbage bag she already wore would be eventually unbearable. The twinkle in Lisa's eye told me she had the same thought.

Polly then flipped over a card in front of her. It was a 'Reflection Card', basically it gave her the ability to make the winner have to do his own forfeit or take a strike. There was only one in the entire deck of cards. Lisa snorted from her chair and shook her head. I was stunned having not realized that such a card even existed. "You've got to be kidding."

Polly just wiggled her eyebrows and grabbed the roll of plastic wrap holding it up expectantly. "Sure, wrap me to the chair." She welded me to the straight backed chair from my neck to my waist leaving my legs free. I was surprised she allowed such freedom until I lost the next round. Polly smiled and read from her slip of paper. "Polly shaves your legs." Now I understood why my legs were free, she would do it while I was wrapped to the chair. I thought for several long moments before using my second strike.

Lisa lost that next round to Polly who read from her paper. "Pink highlights on pigtails."

Lisa shook her head and removed the ball gag from her mouth. "I'm out." She placed the still glistening ball on the table, a faint ring of pink from Lisa's lipstick surrounded the white sphere. "You are on your own." She said to me.

Polly quickly wrote a new forfeit and sat back to watch Lisa roll my dice for me. My own plan had not changed, I wanted her welded to that chair in plastic wrap. Lisa, for some reason. could not roll worth a damn, I lost using all three cards I gathered to this point, re-rolling my own dice and forcing Polly to re-roll some of hers. I still lost.

That was when Polly held the slip of paper before my eyes her face fiercely grinning. I read it three times. I counted the number of words three times.

* * *

Polly danced. The soft flesh inside the plastic bag catching my eye. "I win both ways." She laughed. "I really don't care what you do."

Polly quickly hid the small slip of paper as Lisa knelt on the floor and whispered into my ear. Her breath was warm and smelled of the soda she had been drinking. "I have no desire to be tied up by my daughter for a day. Whatever is on that paper you should do it."

I looked at her with a scowl on my face. "She has no strikes. I can't win."

"You will regret it." Lisa said leaning in closer. "I will find out what she wrote on that paper, and whatever it is, will do it to you ten times worse." Her voice was soft but with a menace that was a little frightening.

Lisa sat back in her chair and Polly leaned down on the opposite side and began to whisper. A vision of two lovely angels whispering advice into my ears flashed through my mind, like the consciences of many a cartoon character. The only difference was both of my voices were devils. "Look, I can see you're scared of Mom, don't worry about her, her bark is worse than her bite." Polly squeezed my shoulder through the layers of plastic and lowered her lips to my ear pulling the lobe between her lips briefly. "I promise that on Sunday when I tie you up, you will not be doing what I wrote on the paper."

I shivered in my cocoon my knees actually vibrating against the wood. I either humiliated myself in front of Polly now or lived in fear of Lisa for the foreseeable future. I turned my head toward Polly and she leaned close. "No dresses on Sunday."

Polly frowned briefly and then nodded. "Fine, no dresses." She was obviously disappointed.

I looked back and forth between the two women. If I choose to quit I knew Lisa would do something truly insane but there was no way I wanted to do what Polly had written. In the end, I choose to fear the big scary monster standing right in front of me over fear of the monster hiding behind the curtains a few days from now. "I give up. Polly you win."

Polly did a quick encore of her happy dance which again filled my eyes with delicious movements hiding behind the thinnest layers of plastic.

Lisa shook her head and approached me with a steak knife. For the briefest of moments I thought maybe I had seriously underestimated just how crazy she was before the knife slid between my skin and the plastic wrap freeing me from its embrace. "Polly, go get cleaned up, I will take Jack home."

I shivered not from the sweat evaporating from my body but from actual fear of being in such close quarters with Lisa. She noticed the hesitation and smiled wickedly in my direction. "Get in the car Jack, you have to be at my office tomorrow right after school."

No words were spoken the entire twenty minute drive to my house. When she pulled into the driveway I opened the door, and turned back to her. "Look Lisa, I wasn't going to win. I couldn't..." I broke off not daring to reveal what was written on that slip of paper.

"You couldn't what, Jack?" Lisa said smoothly, a smile spreading on her lips.

"I couldn't do what she wanted." I answered in a rushed whisper.

Lisa leaned closer. "Oh but you will, Jack. Unless..." She stopped suddenly.

"Unless what?" I asked daring to hope for a reprieve.

"Polly better be extremely nice to me on Sunday, if you understand me."

I remembered the look of absolute delight in Polly's eyes and knew just how excited she was about Sunday. "Why did I play that stupid game?" I whispered watching my breath fog up the window of Lisa's car.

"I guess you wanted a car?" Lisa answered.

"It is going to be hard to get to your office, and school, and see Polly."

"That's true." Lisa nodded. "You know what's funny?"

I looked suspiciously at Lisa. "Not much is funny right now."

"I had already planned on letting you use an old company car the firm has for rush deliveries."

My jaw fell open and I sagged against the frame of the car as strength left my legs.

Lisa laughed. "You look like a cornered rabbit."

"For nothin', all of that for nothin'. Shoot me now and get it over with."

"Oh I will." Lisa put the car into reverse. "With a camera." I caught a flash of bright white teeth.

I walked up to the house and sat on an old rusty swing that still managed to stay attached to the roof of our porch. It made a slow creaking sound as I stared off into the cool night air. A flash of headlights announced the arrival of Kat. She saw me sitting there and added her weight to the swing that stubbornly refused to collapse. "You look like someone shot your dog." Kat said.

Kat had introduced me to Polly and I would be forever grateful. I really had no need to keep secrets from her. "Polly is going to tie me up on Sunday."

Kat barked a laugh. "Lucky you."

"She gets to pick the clothing, and her Mom is involved."

"Eww, that sounds embarrassing."

"Oh you have no idea, and Polly's Mom is being a little scary about it." I said.

"She's always a little scary, wearing those business dresses with four inch heels. She's got the whole Meryl Streep in "The Devil Wears Prada" vibe going on."

"Huh?" I said not catching the reference.

"Scary business lady." Kat said.

"Totally, even when she wears sweats and a T-shirt." I said. "What am I going to do?"

The gentle breeze and creaking swing filled the silence for several moments until Kat spoke suddenly into the gloom of my thoughts. "Don't cooperate, make sure everything is happening against your will."

I thought about that for a second. "I think Polly prefers that."

"Even better, give Polly what she wants and make her work for it at the same time."

"I'll try, I better get to bed, I've got a new job tomorrow."

Kat frowned. "New job? Tutoring?"

"No, working at Lisa's firm. Her boss came by to thank me and said he would help me out with something if I ever needed it. I asked him for a job."

Kat stood up and flew inside. "Mom, Dad, guess what? Jack's got a job." Kat yelled into the house.

For some reason the excitement of my parents about my new job seemed to dull the worry over what the future would bring. Kat's advice was also good, I could always claim it was all against my will. Sunday was still a few days away.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 15 - All Work and No Play

Lisa picked me up from school at 4:00 pm the following day and it was the first time I could remember not getting a chance to decompress for a few minutes on the front steps of the main building. Lisa waved at me from the window of her car which she parked in the street. I slipped into the front seat and tried not to stare at her long legs covered in a pair of tights that had a diamond pattern across the surface. This pattern disappeared beneath the hem of a short red skirt which she matched with a cream colored shirt that fluttered in the wind blowing from the registers of the car. "Are you nervous?" She asked.

"Yeah, a little."

"Don't be, I'm sure everyone at the office will be nice."

The office was near the school. Once inside her assistant, an older woman named Beth, met us in the elevator. "Take him around to meet the different departments and we'll chat later."

"Yes Ms. McGentry." Beth said. "Let's hit accounting first."

There were three guys in the accounting "bunker", as they called it, older men with too much fat and too little hair. "Hey Jack, we've heard so much about you." Pete said, the senior member in the department. "That was really amazing what you did for the boss lady." He coughed. "I mean Ms. McGentry."

"You would have done the same." I responded again taking the advice of my math teacher.

"No he wouldn't have," Rick, another man in the office, laughed. "We have a lot of fun in here though. If you decide to work with us we have a spot right over there." He pointed to a desk near a window already set up with a computer.

I raised my eyebrows, I kind of expected to be stuffed into some closet with no windows and barely enough air since I was a kid working part time. "Thanks guys, that's real nice."

They smiled and began to call me over to their desks.

Beth interrupted. "We have to visit all the departments guys, thanks for you time."

We exited the "bunker" and moved toward another office. "Just a little warning Jack, most departments think that if they get close to you they will have a line in with Ms. McGentry."

"Ah, I see. They are going to be seriously disappointed. I am allowed to date her daughter, but that wasn't for sure until after I knocked out her ex-husband."

Beth snorted suddenly her professional mask cracked by a broad smile. "That sounds about right."

The legal department, the sales department, and marketing department were similar experiences. Every employee was over-the-top friendly and most had a space set up and ready for me to use. An hour or so later, Beth escorted me back toward the north side of the building where the executives had their offices.. "So am I supposed to choose where I work?" I asked.

"I think so, but you will have to discuss that with Ms. McGentry." Beth answered.

We walked near a closed door tucked into the corner of the office space. It opened suddenly and the sound of fast moving fans and a blast of cold air poured out behind a young woman who did not see us. She had a laptop held before her and headphones on her head. She quickly ducked around the corner and slid into an office chair before a bank of computer screens.
The four large monitors covered the majority of her L-shaped desk, most were covered with lines of text but others had graphical charts that marched across in a slow progression. I stopped and marveled at the impressive computer setup. "Who's that?"

"That is Alex. I think it is short for Alexa but everyone just calls her Alex. She is our software gal, some of the other employees call her ‘the code monkey’."

"Interesting." Alexa had hair cut short in the back and long on the sides with the ends dyed a bright pink, perhaps it had all been pink at one point and slowly grown out. She wore a skirt similar to all the women in the office but it appeared to be chosen out of deference to the office dress code rather than a personal sense of style. The white button down shirt she wore was rumpled with a few coffee stains around the cuffs. She fiddled with a plastic toy with one hand while the other flashed between her mouse and keyboard. "She is a computer programmer then?" I asked.

"She works on projects largely supporting Mr. Craddock. Though I have seen her speaking with Ms. McGentry on occasion." Beth answered.

I caught Alex's eyes in the black reflection of one of her screens. Her look spoke not of dislike but complete apathy toward my continued existence. "She obviously doesn't care like the other employees."

"She's focused on her work, treats everyone the same, and she has no need to get "in" with the bosses. She's pretty invaluable and knows it." Beth said.

Beth continued walking down the hall until she stopped before a large office in the opposite corner from Alex's space. She knocked politely and Lisa's voice spoke from the other side in a crisp tone. "Enter."

Lisa sat behind a vast desk that was polished to a mirror sheen. Behind her a bank of windows illuminated the room with natural daylight. She had a small laptop connected to a single large monitor where a grid of numbers were displayed. "Will there be anything else?" Beth asked.

"No, thank you for your help, Beth. Jack have a seat." Beth left and I sat in the second of two tall leather backed chairs facing Lisa. "First things first, when you are in this building you can't call me Lisa. Either Ms. McGentry or boss lady." She smiled. "Probably Ms. McGentry when you are actually talking to me."

"Ok,” I sighed. “It took so long to get used to using your first name."

"Good, now I know everyone has been trying to get you to work in their areas. Do you have a preference?"

"You were right about the ass-kissing." I said quietly.

"I know my people. I reward those who do good work for me, I don't mind them pressing for an advantage," she smiled.

"What about Alex?" I said finally.

Lisa's gaze had drifted back to the figures displayed on the computer screen but they snapped back to me at the mention of Alex. "What about her?"

"Beth said she works as a computer programmer, I've played around with that at school..." I drifted off.

"Is that the only reason... mild interest?" Lisa said sitting back into her chair her eyes boring into me.

"Well she was the only one who didn't suck up. I figured instead of making one group happy I would just upset them all. It would be even that way and I wouldn't be asked to..." I shrugged my shoulders. "...talk to you about them."

"So the fact that she is a girl working by herself has nothing to do with it." Lisa said narrowing her eyes.

I jerked my head back in surprise just now understanding the source of her suspicion. "What?" I shook my head. "No. No way. I have Polly you know that." I studied her face and realized that her issues with men were not going to vanish just because I helped her out with her husband. "Lisa...I mean Ms. McGentry, I think about Polly all the time, there is no way," I held up my hands palms facing forward. "Absolutely no way I could be interested in another girl." I said each word slowly and crisply to emphasize the point.

This seemed to mollify her. It also had the benefit of being the God's honest truth. "Ok Jack." She picked up the phone on her desk. "Alex, could you come into my office for a moment?"

Moments later Alex stuck her head inside the office. She had a pencil stuck behind an ear and a straw between her teeth. "What's up?"

"Have a seat please." Ms. McGentry said indicating the chair beside me.

"I've got this thing running." Alex said pointing back toward her desk.

"Won't take a moment, have a seat please." Ms. McGentry said with obvious patience. She had obviously expected some push back having dealt with Alex in the past. "This is Jack."

"Yeah, I know." Alex responded with barely a glance my way. "Saved you life or somethin'."

"Yes, well, Mr. Craddock has offered him a part time position and Jack has expressed interest in learning what you do."

Alex's mouth dropped open and the straw tumbled from between her lips onto her lap. "You mean he's going to be asking me questions and shit? No way, I haven't got time for that."

I started to shrink back into the chair. This wasn't going they way I wanted.

Ms. McGentry’s eyes narrowed. Alex's attitude seemed to have sparked something inside her and a stubbornness passed through her features. "Make time, Alex."

"Oh man," she stared at the ceiling then turned toward me. "What do you know?"

"Uh...." I said with my usual intelligence.

"Java, SQL, C, anything?"

"We learned a little VisualBasic at school, but I learn fast."

Alex shook her head and turned back to Ms. McGentry. "What about a computer, he can't use my rig."

Lisa nodded and suddenly displayed her skill as a manager. "How about this, I'll let you buy whatever you want for yourself and Jack here will use your old setup."

Alex's back straightened suddenly. "Anything I want?"

I watched Lisa nod slowly. "Within reason, two or three thousand."

Alex whistled. "Ok that might work."

"Just let him get his feet wet." Lisa continued. "If he's incompetent you will only be out a little time."

Alex turned toward me. "Do you have a computer at home?"

"Yes." I answered.

"Ok, follow me."

I looked toward Ms. McGentry. She made a gesture indicating I should follow. Alex led me down to her office area and quickly wrote down a list of websites. "These are the docs and tutorials for the main language I use. Go home and get started on these, then when you are here I will give you simple stuff to do. If you have the knack I'll know soon enough."

In a blur of words and mouse clicks Alex rolled me through the overview of what she does on a day to day basis, the magnitude of her skill set was daunting. By the time Ms. McGentry arrived my knees were burning from where I was kneeling next to Alex's computer and my head was spinning. "Here's your procurement form, Alex. Get the equipment as quickly as possible."

"Yes of course," Alex responded. "When is he starting?"

"After school each day, plus some weekends. Nothing formalized at this point, he'll be on the clock."

Alex nodded.

"Come with me Jack, we have some paperwork to sign."

I went down to another office where I signed forms and agreements. The pay wasn't much but I was young and had no expenses, it was an opportunity that most kids never got.

"You are officially an employee, part time anyway, of Craddock Fiduciary Asset Management." Ms. McGentry smiled at me. "Now follow me there is one more detail we need to finish up."

I followed her into the elevator and then out to a parking lot where she led me to a small car that appeared to be abandoned. It was a late model Honda in a faded gold color. "This is the car you will drive, but only between my house, your house, school, and work. Got it."

I nodded silently. The car was old but a treasure, I could finally stop asking for rides every time I needed to get to Polly's. I took the keys from Lisa's fingers.

"It has been sitting here awhile, we stopped needing it for courier services a while ago. I would get the maintenance done on it. Everything about it is your responsibility aside from insurance which is covered by the company, if it breaks down or if you wreck it, you fix it."

I nodded. "Ok, thank you, Lis...I mean, Ms. McGentry."

She rested a hand on my shoulder. "See you tomorrow."

* * *

I was not in any way prepared for the depth and complexity of job I chose at Lisa's office. I spent a few hours each day after school at the office and then every evening closeted in my room trying to learn how programming worked along with the specific aspects of the business. All this to complete the few tasks that Alex was using to train me. On Saturday I spent nearly eight hours in the nearly empty office and after a quick dinner with the family I was back in my room continuing to work out issues that would probably take Alex six seconds to do.

I heard the door click open and assumed it was Mom trying to deliver laundry so I was surprised by the feel of something pressing against the back of my neck. "Don't move." The scent of vanilla and roses gave away the voice despite her humorous attempts at disguise.

I lifted my hands into the air. "Don't shoot, I'm unarmed."

Polly snickered before letting her voice drop an octave. "Stand up and turn around slowly."

I did and drank in the sight of Polly. She wore a black T-shirt that was tight enough to display the outlines of her bra. It had the word 'Dance' written across it in stylized pastel lettering. She combined it with a black pair of capri leggings with a broad white waistband barely visible beneath the shirt. She combed her fingers through her hair pulling the curly red ringlets over her shoulder, a gesture that forced me to lurch toward her with an involuntary step. She raised the plastic toy gun and poked it into my chest. "Whoa there buddy, what do you think you're doing?"

"I've missed you." I said reaching out a hand toward her.

"Pfft." Polly smirked. "You have a car and not once did you come over to see me."

"I've been so busy, I did miss you."

"Doesn't matter now. I am kidnapping you."

I smiled. "Oh really, where are you taking me?"

"That's for me to know," Polly said tapping my sternum with the plastic gun.

"This is Saturday right?" I asked.

Polly nodded.

"Isn't this the night your Mom was going to teach you the ropes, so to speak? You know that cleverly designed forfeit you wrote."

"Already done." Polly smiled and reached into her pocket. "I've been here for quite a while talking to your parents. Your Mom is an awesome cook. This is a note from her."

I was surprised she had spent so much time here without coming to see me. I unfolded the scrap of paper and read,
Mom wrote:Jack,

You've been working so hard this week I think you need a break. I know you've missed Polly so just do whatever she says and I don't want to see you until tomorrow night. I've cleared it with Lisa.

Love you,
My eyes widened and Polly snatched the note from my fingers. "I especially like this part, 'just do whatever she says.' Don't you?" Polly's grin blazed in the dim light of my room.

I looked back at my computer and the code that had been interrupted halfway through a variable name. "Kidnapping me, eh?"

"Yep, so don't move."

I raised my hands in mock surrender and watched as she retrieved a bit of fabric from a purse slung over her shoulder.

"Put these on." She flicked the shiny red fabric toward me.

My fear increased in direct proportion to how near the fabric got to my body, I elected not to catch it, watching it fall to the floor after it bounced off my chest. "Polly." I said with a hint of whine in my voice. "Please..."

Polly shook her head and sat on the bed. "Put them on or I go tell your Mom that you're being uncooperative. I'm sure she would have something to say on the matter."

I played the scenario through my head, what would my Mom do? I flashed back to the amusement on her face when she found out about the green dress that still hangs in the closet. She had left it alone. A bargain was in order. "Ok, I'll put them on but you can't make me wear anything else, no dresses," I pointed toward my closet. "Nothing else girly."

Polly smiled. "I promise that if you cooperate I won't dress you in anything else girly." She recited as if testifying in a courtroom.

I thought about the words, studying them for possible loopholes and then picked up the red satin panties that had fallen to the floor. I kept my eyes on her as I lowered my cotton shorts taking my underwear off at the same time.

Polly hummed a pleased tune as she watched, her hand idly toying with the plastic gun. "Very nice."

I turned a red to match the underwear as I pulled them in place around my waist and felt the smooth material cover my bottom and waist. My body responded to the cool touch of the satiny material and I quickly jerked my shorts back up my legs. I looked at Polly and held out my hands. "Ok, I did it."

Polly took a deep breath, "I do so love seeing you squirm."

I rolled my eyes. "I've noticed. Now what?"

"Turn around and put your hands behind your back." Polly smiled withdrawing a bit of white cord from the same purse that held the underwear.

I rolled my eyes before complying. Polly wrapped cords around each of my wrists positioning my hands palm to palm. I felt a wide band of cord wrapped around my hands and no amount of twisting would provide any slack. "Stop moving, Jack. I'm not finished." More of the same rope was wrapped above my elbows as she pulled them closer together forcing my chest outward and a grunt escaped my lips. "My you aren't very flexible."

"I'm not a dancer." A small bit of discomfort in my voice.

"We'll have to work on this." She wrapped the ropes between my arms and I could feel the tension on my shoulders increase slightly.

"Ugh, go easy back there."

A set of hands slipped down the back of my shorts and began to make circles over my satin covered buttocks. "You know you like it." Her hands began to move forward following the waistband of my new underwear. I jerked as they reached the front. "You'll be ok," The hands withdrew and Polly walked toward the door. "Come on, follow me closely or I'll get a leash."

I followed her down the stairs and saw Kat waiting by the front door. "Looks like you caught him," Kat smiled. She wore her usual Saturday black leggings and a sweatshirt and was holding her cellphone in one hand.

Polly smiled. "He put up a little fight, but that's how I like him."

I turned to see Mom approach with a grin on her face, she wore a button down shirt untucked over a pair of jeans, her hair pulled back into a simple ponytail. "Let me get a picture of you two."

"Mom." I whined. "No pictures."

"You hush," Mom patted me on the cheek. "Polly get in there close with him." Mom pulled out her cell phone and took a couple of pictures, one from the side to display my bound arms."

Kat stepped forward holding a small red gift bag. "Here you go, open this when you get to your house."

Polly brought her hands to the front of her mouth. "Oh how sweet. What's in it?"

"Oh, I think you'll like it." Kat looked at me with a grin that meant whatever was in that gift, I was sure to hate it.

Mom scowled. "Kat, I didn't get them anything. You’re making me look bad."

Kat shrugged. "Sorry it was a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing."

"Hang on a second, I just had an idea." Mom said and darted off up the stairs.

I looked at Kat but she just shrugged. There were a few thumping sounds from upstairs and Mom returned holding her hands behind her back. "Close your eyes Jack."

"Mom, no way." I said shaking my head.

"Polly." Mom said and I felt Polly's hands slide over my eyes.

Fingers tickled my lips and I stuck my tongue out to push them away. As I did a hard round object pushed against my teeth. Before I could clamp them shut the object had forced my jaw wide. A large sphere filled my mouth. Polly released my eyes and Mom was buckling a strap behind my head where I could not see her. Kat however was holding both her hands over her mouth in a shocked posture.

Mom entered my line of sight when she finished her task. My world had just done a backflip off the high dive. Mom had stuffed a ball gag in my mouth in front of my sister and girlfriend.

Polly recovered first. "Oh wow, it's pink."

I continued to stare at Mom. The simple homemaker I had always known her to be had just grown horns, even worse she had revealed a sexual side to her existence. This was not something I wanted to know at 16 years of age. What in the world was she doing with a ball gag, and more importantly why had she done this to me?

The shock in my eyes must have been obvious. "Come now Jack, every woman has secrets."

But not my Mom. I wanted to scream but was of course unable to.

"You two run along, I have already talked to Polly’s Mom."

Polly pressed a hand into my back and I allowed myself to be led into the night. The darkness obscured the nearby houses but I still hurried to Polly's car imagining the ball in my mouth could be seen for miles like a kind of beacon. I waited by the passenger door but Polly opened the back door of her car. I hurried to get in. She buckled my seatbelt firmly pinning my arms behind me.

"That was a surprise." Polly smiled at me in the rear view mirror as she started the car.

I shook my head and felt a line of drool sliding from the corner of my mouth.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 16 - Kat's Gift

Sitting in the back seat when there are only two people in the car is an odd experience, either you are so rich that your have a chauffeur or you are being incarcerated. I was in definitely in the latter category. My arms were securely tied and I could feel a slight tingling in my right hand. If my mother had not stuffed a ball gag in my mouth I would have been inclined to explain this to my girlfriend who was driving, but alas I was too focused on trying to not drench my shirt with drool to attempt any kind of speech.

Polly's green eyes flashed at me from the rearview mirror every few seconds. I watched her shift her hips in the seat as if to scratch an itch without taking her hands from the wheel. Each time we stopped at a stoplight I pushed myself back into the seat as not to be seen from the cars stopped in the adjacent lane. The streetlights were likely insufficient to reveal my situation to passers by, but the vulnerability of my position created a hiding instinct I could not ignore.

"You ok back there?" Polly smiled at me. "Those silky panties causing you any problems." I glared at her but could not help but shift in my seat as my attention was involuntarily focused on what I now wore beneath my shorts as if the gag in my mouth were not bad enough.

We pulled into the driveway of the McGentry house and thankfully on into the garage. Polly helped me from the car and led the way into the kitchen. Polly's Mom looked up from a cup of tea and closed a manila folder in front of her. "That took a while." Lisa wore a silvery robe over a matching chemise. Standing up from the table she quickly belted the robe so I barely caught a glimpse of the short nightgown that slithered over her hips falling to just above her knees. "I was about to go to bed." Lisa stopped suddenly. "Where did you get a pink ball gag?"

Polly took the questions in order. "Nancy insisted that I have a bite to eat and she is such a good cook I took her up on it. The gag was a gift from her."

Lisa's head jerked upward in surprise. "From Nancy, Jack's Mom?"

"Yup, you should have seen Kat and Jack's faces, it was like she had suddenly sprouted a tail."

Lisa laughed. "I thought that she was awfully relaxed about the things you two have been up to. No parent is ever as clueless as kids think they are." Lisa turned to me. "So your Mom's got a kinky side?"

I did not want to think about this. The flashes of my Mom's head on a dominatrix's body combined with other images that had no place being connected to my parents turned my bowels to water. I deliberately focused on Lisa's silky robe to keep my mind flooded with other ideas.

"Well let's see if you learned anything." Lisa said approaching me after securing her robe closed. A motion which further emphasized the deep valley between the silken folds crisscrossing her chest. Polly turned me around not noticing my interest in her Mom's clothing, not that I cared at that moment, anything to keep my mind off my own Mom.

"Tsk, tsk." Lisa said. "The elbows are way too tight, I bet he is going numb. That can be dangerous." I felt fingers picking at knots.

"He couldn't get his elbows as close as yours were." Polly complained. "It was different."

I imagined Lisa with her arms pinned behind her back with ropes while they talked.

"Yeah, he's not as flexible. Maybe over time we can help him improve, but let me show you what to do." The ropes came loose from my elbows and Lisa massaged the feeling back into my right arm. "Wrap the ropes several times around above the elbow joint like this." I could feel the ropes pulling my arms back. "But don't force his arms further back than they want to go."

"Then wrap the rope around those cords from one elbow to the other between the arms, so it looks kind of like cuffs."

"Oh, I see, but I bet it's loose enough for him to wiggle out of." Polly said.

"In that case you take another rope and tie it to the middle of the elbow binding then pass then ends under his arm, around the back of his neck, and then back under his other arm and back to the elbow binding. Do this a couple times. Then if you have spare length, you can go from the elbow binding to the rope behind his neck to tie it off."

I could feel ropes snugly pulling into each armpit. Another behind my neck connected to the elbow bonds kept the ropes from sliding down the tapered length of my arms.

"Oh that's cool, now there is no way it will slide down."


"Ok, let me try." Polly said excitedly. The ropes were removed and the process repeated, albeit more slowly. I felt like a shop mannequin with my only purpose being to stand still and possess arms. "How's that?"

I felt fingers slide between my skin and the ropes. "Yep, that's good. As long as you can get a finger between skin and the ropes, it should be fine."

I tried to speak around the gag. " 'ook, 'an I it 'own." I said while saliva spilled onto my shirt.

"You want to sit down?" Polly asked. She grabbed a towel off the kitchen counter and dabbed at my face.

I nodded and Polly pulled a chair away from the table.

"Here let me fix this problem." Lisa said and grabbed the towel from Polly's hands. She then pulled it across my mouth and tied it off in the back forcing the ball deeper between my teeth. "There, no more drool." Lisa smiled.

I narrowed my eyes and shook my head trying to dislodge the towel.

Polly knelt down and grabbed one ankle and began to wrap another length of rope around it while Lisa watched. She tied it so my foot was spread to the side of the chair and held off the floor by several inches. The rope was connected to the bindings around my elbows keeping the knots well away from my fingers. She repeated this with my other foot so my legs were spread and not touching the floor. Any movement would tug on my arms keeping me firmly against the back of the chair. "There you go, now you can't run off."

I lowered my head as if I even considered the possibility.

Polly pulled another chair out and sat down with her finger tapping against her lips. "I am forgetting something."

"I was thinking of watching a movie." Lisa said. "Maybe a chick flick, I'm sure Jack wouldn't object." Lisa smiled as I scowled at the comment.

Polly laughed. "We could always blindfold him if he did." Polly looked around the kitchen. "No there was definitely something I am forgetting." With a snap of her fingers she stood up from the table and dashed into the garage. I looked at Lisa and shrugged.

Polly walked back in carrying a red gift bag. "This is from Kat, she told me not to open it until I got home."

Polly tore open the bag around a staple and looked inside. She extracted a single four inch by six inch photo and held it so I could not see it. She had a confused look on her face but said nothing. Lisa leaned over the table and flesh shifted within the confines of her silver nightwear right in front of my eyes reminding me suddenly that I wore soft underwear as things stirred beneath my own shorts.

"Oh my god," Lisa exclaimed and quickly stepped back from the table and walked around to get a better look over Polly's shoulder.

"What?" Polly asked still staring at the photo in confusion.

Ants began to walk up and down my spine as I remembered Kat's look when she handed Polly the gift. What was on the photo?

Lisa knelt down and then whispered into Polly's ear. Polly's eyes got wide and she looked at me, and then back at the photo several times. The crawling ants grew into centipedes as a huge grin sprouted on Polly's face. She flipped the photo around. "I have to hear the story about this."

On the photo was a young girl wearing a shiny peach colored dress smiling at the camera. The dress had a high neck and short puffed sleeves. She wore white satin gloves that covered her arms to the middle of her biceps. A bit of peach netting peaked out from beneath the broad skirts that nearly obscured the white wicker chair upon which the girl sat. I closed my eyes as the memories of that day poured over me. Memories I had spent many long hours trying to forget. I had not even realized that Polly had moved until the pink sphere was pulled from my mouth and the towel used to wipe my lips.

Lisa held a straw near my lips and I drank slowly hoping to forestall the questions that were written large in my two captor's eyes. "This is you." Polly said tapping the photo sitting face up on the table.

I looked again and remembered the weight of the pearl necklace my Mom had decided I would wear. I remembered the softness of the skirts, the restriction of the undergarments, and the feel of the gloves compressing my hands. I nodded at Polly.

"How old?" Lisa asked.

"Eleven." I answered.

"You are adorable." Lisa continued.

I winced, though I knew the comment was coming. Everyone who had seen the picture had said the same. I had spent a long time trying to destroy every copy I could find but I knew a few had escaped my searches. Mom probably had one in the safety deposit box at the bank.

"What's the story?" Polly said. "No lies, I'll get it from Kat too."

I took a deep breath and recalled the fateful day five years ago. "We were supposed to get a family picture that day and I was joking around with my sister, being a pest. I was bored I suppose." I coughed. "Can I have more water?"

Lisa held out the glass while I drank and collected my memories. They were so wrapped up in the horror and embarrassment of that day it was hard to put them in order. "Dad was going out of town for a couple of weeks and Mom wanted to get the picture taken before he left. Like I said I was joking around and I did a little spin through the kitchen around Kat who was wearing a dress like that." I pointed at the photo. "I was wearing a matching peach colored shirt with a black tie, I guess Mom was going for a Spring theme, it was April." I took another deep breath. "I was spinning around her and knocked a glass of juice off the counter and spraying it all over my shirt and Kat's dress."

Lisa held her hand to her mouth and chuckled. "I bet your Mom was pissed."

I looked at Lisa pointedly and thought about saying "Well, duh, look at what she did to me." But instead just looked at the photo in response.

"Yeah, right." Lisa answered.

"So what happened next?" Polly asked.

"Mom started running around getting the clothes off of us and into some water, she managed to save everything but it was too late for the family photo. Dad had to leave. Two days later I was getting my photo taken as punishment."

"Were you wearing underwear, shoes, the whole nine yards?" Polly asked.

I nodded. "Mom thought it appropriate."

"How did she get you to smile like that? I mean you look like the perfect little cherub."

I groaned. "There were a lot of pictures taken. I wore the dress for hours."

Both Polly and her Mom fell silent just looking at the photo and at me. I wilted under their gazes. I was tied to the chair and two women had thoughts blossoming in their minds that I never wanted to germinate. I decided to plot revenge on Kat instead of imagining what Polly and her mother might be thinking.

"It's a shame that I cannot put you in a dress tomorrow." Polly said.

I sighed in relief having forgotten that was part of the deal I had brokered for giving up that game. "Yes, very tragic."

"Keep up the sarcasm and I'll put the gag back in." Polly said.

I clamped my mouth shut.

"Go easy on him Polly. He's had a tough night if you consider both presents you received." Lisa pointed to the pink ball gag.

"Yeah, I suppose." Polly stood up and knelt down behind me and my feet soon fell to the tile floor. "Let's watch a movie."

"I'll get popcorn." Lisa said.

"My arms?" I asked Polly.

"Don't worry, I'll feed you."

We moved into living room and I immediately noticed two new frames hanging above the rarely used fireplace. The one on the left was a large one where Polly and her mother were hugging amongst the boughs of a fall forest. The other was a glass covered frame that held a single dried rose. It looked to have been crushed and several loose petals were stylistically adhered to the frame around the stem. With my hands bound behind my back I walked over and looked closely at it. "Is this..."

"Mom did it." Polly said her voice falling to whisper. I turned and saw memory darken her usually vibrant green eyes. "My birthday rose."

"It's beautiful, Lisa." I said admiring the dried rose in its glass frame. "I thought I'd completely destroyed it."

Lisa smiled. "Thank you, it is good to have reminders of..." She did not finish the sentence.

We were all silent, lost in thought for a long moment. "I hope it works out between you and Polly." Lisa said.

I looked at Polly in sudden fear and saw the same look on her face directed toward her mother.

"Because there are so few men like you Jack. I just wanted a reminder..." Again her voice cracked and she placed the popcorn bowl on the coffee table. She stepped close to me and placed her arm around my waist. "I love you Jack, for what you did for us. I never want to forget you were there."

I did not know what to say. I got lucky that night and did not feel the hero. I remained silent.

"Ok let's watch a movie, it is getting late." The movie was 'You've Got Mail' another Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan romantic comedy and Polly and Lisa traded off quoting the dialog. I sat in the center of the couch between the two women leaning against Polly while she stroked my leg and fed me popcorn. It felt good and I was kind of disappointed when the credits rolled.

"Where am I going to sleep?" I asked.

"My room," Polly answered immediately.

Lisa looked askance at her daughter. "Then where are you going to sleep?"

Polly pushed out her lips in a pout. "Seriously? I'll tie him up."

Lisa laughed. "Sorry, not in the same bed. Save something for when you're older."

Polly sagged. "Fine, I'll sleep on the couch."

Lisa nodded and took the dishes to the kitchen. "Go tuck him in."

Polly smiled at that. "Come on."

I followed Polly up the stairs. "My shoulders ache a bit." I said after entering Polly's room which was neater than I had ever seen it before.

"Let me release you and you can go use the toilet. There is also a new toothbrush in their for you, it's the pink one." Polly smiled.

I rolled my eyes at the feminine color choice. Polly massaged my shoulders for a bit after releasing my arms and I performed my routine in the bathroom. When I got back Polly had turned down the green coverlet to her bed revealing ivory colored sheets that gleamed in the light. "Satin sheets?"

"Yup," Polly said. "I love 'em. I think you will too." She stepped closer and smiled. "Now about pajamas."

"I don't wear pajamas." I said.

"Really, what do you wear to bed?"

"Just my underwear." I paused realizing what that meant. "Uh, but tonight..."

"Oh no, I think your underwear will be just fine." Polly’s delighted smile gleamed in the dim lamplight.

"Polly, I think I'll keep my shorts on." I said.

Polly sighed. "Fine, be that way. Lay down and I'll get you fixed up."

I took off my shirt and layed on the soft sheets. Polly had rolled everything down to the foot of the bed and I snuggled my feet beneath the cool softness. "Fixed up?" I asked.

"Lay down and hold our arms out from your body a bit." Polly instructed.

I did so and Polly reached for a piece of cotton cord. "Polly I don't want to sleep tied up."

"I'm not letting you wander around my room, looking through my drawers, reading my diary." Polly said with an outraged expression.

"Do you even have a diary?" I asked.

"Maybe. None of your business. Now give me your hand or you can sleep in Mom's room."

I was not sure if the threat were serious but decided it was not worth the argument and allowed her to wrap the cord around my wrists. When she finished, my hands were spread away from my sides at a 45 degree angle from my body. The knots had been tied somewhere to the bed frame so even if I could reach my wrists I would not have access to the knots. She then reached for my ankles. "Oh come on Polly."

"You could use your toes." Polly giggled while wrapping more cord around my ankles.

I rolled my eyes, "You just love me helpless."

Polly nodded.

With my wrists tied she would eventually succeed at tying my feet no matter how uncooperative I tried to be. She connected my ankles to each corner of the foot of the bed. I pulled at the bonds and would be able to move enough to keep my legs and arms from getting too sore but not enough to escape. Polly then began to slide the covers up my body taking her time to rub her hands along my skin. "There now, that's not so bad is it? I have to sleep on the couch."

"I would have." I responded.

"I know, but this is more fun for me. Now I have to change, no peeking." She pulled the sheet and coverlet over my head blocking my vision. Her aroma flowed from the bed clothes engulfing me in a soft blanket of pleasure. I sighed in delight and unintentionally arched my back. "You enjoy that do you?"

"You have always smelled amazing." I answered.

Polly peeled back the cover and tucked it around my chin. "For that comment you can watch me change, just don't tell Mom."

My eyes got wide and I stared at her. Her shirt was already off her modesty maintained only by a green sports bra. She smiled and then leaned over to kiss me on the lips. "Just kidding." She flipped the thin ivory sheet back over my eyes.

I let out a moan of frustration. I could still see her silhouette though the thin material however and drank in the sight as she pulled the bra over her head. She knew I could see a little and ran her hands slowly over her body. I nearly wept with desire, the combination of my own vulnerability and her beauty almost more than I could contain. "Polly..." My voice cracked.

She knelt over me I could feel her body pressing mine through the layers of bed clothes. "Yes."

"I..." Again my voice failed.

Polly rubbed her fingers across my satin covered lips it felt like liquid electricity. "Go ahead."

"I am..." I hesitated.

Her fingers froze on my face. "What's wrong?"

"I know what love looks like Polly, I watch my Mom and Dad." I paused trying to decide if my words would frighten her. Polly did not move so I continued. "I am in love with you."

Polly pulled the sheet away from my eyes and I saw her face inches from my own. Unshed tears glistened in the corners of her eyes. She pressed her lips onto mine probing with her tongue with a force and passion I had not yet felt from her. She pulled back after what seemed like microseconds though I sucked in a long breath my vision tinged black from lack of oxygen. "I wish I had seen love like you have. All I ever knew was Mom's fear and anger, but I will trust you that this is real."

"Dad says that love is not the feeling, it's the commitment behind the feeling."

Polly nodded. "That's not what most people say."

"Don't say anything until you are ready."

She flipped the sheet back over my face and I heard a lot of rustling from the closet. The sheet disappeared moments later and she stood before me wearing a pair of drawstring pajama pants covered with pandas and a white chemise that barely covered her navel. I could see the distinct outline of her breasts. "Good night Jack."

"Good night, my Polly."

She looked back at me with a smile and flicked off the light.

I settled back into the bed and willed by eyes closed and mind to stillness. Moments later Polly re-entered the room. "You distracted me with your talk of love."

"Oh?" I said.

She pulled the sheets down until they were resting on my thighs. From behind her back she produced a pair of scissors. "I decided you can't wear your boy shorts in my bed."

"Polly, please."

"Shush now." She slid the scissors into the waistband of the shorts and sliced them away. She tugged the shredded cotton from beneath my bottom. "There now, that's how you normally sleep."

"Hardly," I said looking down at the red satin engulfing my burgeoning manhood.

Polly placed her hand over my crotch forcing my back to arch and head to jerk in desire. She kissed me from my navel to my lips without moving her hand and then pulled the sheets back up over my body. "See you in the morning."

I laid in the bed panting trying to calm the raging fire in my brain and in my loins.

Then the door opened again. This was getting ridiculous. "Back again." There was a flash of silver and the door closed. A weight settled onto the bed near my feet and I could hear a gentle breathing, my eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness and I could see Lisa looking at me.

"Since you haven't tried to crawl away I guess she tied you to the bed."

I nodded not trusting myself to speak. What was she doing?

"I won't embarrass you by looking beneath the covers." Lisa continued. "I should apologize though, I overheard you talking."

I continued to stare at Lisa but she looked away. "I'm sorry Polly didn't say it." A tear slid down her face. "I've made so many mistakes. I stayed too long with that monster, but I wanted..." A sob wracked her body.

I was terrified. I couldn't move and I did not know what to say to an adult woman. I knew nothing about what she had suffered.

"I wanted what your Mom and Dad have. I wanted it so badly that I stayed after he started beating me. I'm such a fool. Now my daughter finds someone and my mistakes are holding her back."

I remained silent hoping my legs would not start to tremble. Polly and I had only been together for a few weeks, I assumed everyone would think me a fool for expressing my love so soon and now Lisa McGentry, a strong and powerful woman, the kind of woman you expected men to grovel before, was crying her heart to me.

"Jack, please be patient with her." Tears were sliding down her cheeks.

"I would die for her." I answered. "Patience is no big deal."

Lisa chuckled and wiped her face with the back of her hand. "Too many movies Jack. Dying for her would be easy, living for her is the hard part. But I understand the sentiment. Thank you."

She squeezed my foot and left the room. I released a long breath and stared into the darkness until my thoughts and dreams combined into sleep.
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Post by Johnsnow »

One of my all-time favorite stories on the old forums anxiously awaiting more chapters
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 17 - Sunday Game

I woke up somewhat stiff. My wrists and ankles felt a little chafed, perhaps I had pulled against the ropes in my sleep. Light streamed in through the window and I needed the toilet badly. Luckily the reason for my waking still stood watching me from the side of the bed. Polly smiled over me. She wore a strapless black bikini with small ruffles across the top of the cups. A matching black bikini bottom was partially concealed by a translucent skirt tied at her hip. "It's a warm day, and everyone is going to be in swimsuits."

I groaned knowing my real swimsuit was at home. "Oh goody, where are my trunks."

"It's going to be fun, go take a shower it’s almost 10 o'clock. You've overslept."

"I was up at 6 am but...." I tugged at the ropes.

Polly snorted and began to release the knots from beneath the bed. "I changed into my swimsuit right here.” She pointed at the floor. “I was stark naked and your eyes never even opened once."

"Damn, sorry I missed that."

"Too right you are. Oh well," she pulled away the last rope. "Off to the shower with you."

I reached my hand beneath the sheets to tug them out of the way but stopped when I caught the flash of red coming from my waist. Polly just stood there and watched with her eyebrows raised. "Are you going to stand there and watch?"

"Umm," She tapped a finger against her lips. "Yes." She settled back to wait.

Rolling my eyes I threw the covers off my body. I stood up with only the smallest of trembles in my knees. Polly's smile widened as I step toward her pulling her into me. Her hands automatically fell to my satin covered bottom. "There you go, I did it." I kissed her on her grinning mouth.

"It's a good thing you are feeling frisky this morning, you're going to need it for later." She said as she retreated from my embrace. Polly picked up a towel and flicked it at my butt. "Now go shower."

I yanked the towel from her fingers and ran into the bathroom eager to be rid of the feminine underwear. I took my time letting the hot water extract the soreness from my muscles and awaken my mind to the worries of the day. What exactly was Polly cooking up in that mischievous mind of hers? Lucky for me, whatever it was, Lisa would have to be involved in some form or fashion which probably put a limit to the insanity of her actions.

I stepped out of the shower and made my way across the hall to the bedroom. Polly's room did not have an attached bathroom like her mother's but it was only a few steps across the hall. I wrapped the towel around my waist and stuffed the red panties into the bottom of Polly's hamper where I hoped they would remain.

My shirt and sliced up shorts were gone and the bed was made. Lying on her bedspread was a green one piece swimsuit. It glimmered in the light streaming through the window. The color I first took as green turned out to be a dense fish scale pattern covering black spandex as I stepped closer. The mermaid-like scales shimmered through various shades of blue to green depending on the angle of the light. I picked it up and noticed the straps crossed in the back while leaving a majority of skin exposed. The front of the suit had a hole the size of a cantaloupe to expose the navel and most of the wearer’s stomach. It would look great on Polly but since she was already wearing a swimsuit... "This isn't happening." I said to the room.

I sat on the bed keeping two feet of bedspread between myself and the suit trying to figure out what to do. "Don't cooperate, make sure everything is happening against your will." Kat’s words echoed in my head though the fond memory was marred by her recent action with the photograph.

I stood up wrapped the towel securely around my waist and walked out of the bedroom leaving the suit on the bed. I heard Lisa's voice from the kitchen as I drew near. "Is he coming?"

Polly answered though it sounded like her mouth was full. "Yes, he was in the shower."

"Not that I blame him, but he is taking his time." Lisa answered.

I stepped into the kitchen. Lisa was sitting at the counter next to her daughter and they were both eating some fruit and cereal. Lisa was wearing a swimsuit that was the exact twin of the suit that still laid on the bed upstairs in Polly's room. She looked amazing. The hole in the in the front revealed a well muscled stomach and was stretched by her breasts so the upper portion of the hole was not touching her skin. There must have been some padding in the bust since I could not see any sign of her nipples, the spandex was tight enough that they should have been obvious in the chill of the morning. She looked at me with narrowed eyes. "No way, if I have to wear this, so does he."

"You look great." I said in hopes of distracting her with flattery.

She smiled. "Thank you, but the suit is ugly and juvenile, with this giant hole in the belly." She turned around and I could see that the criss-crossed straps revealed most of her back though the cut of the suit around her hips was relatively modest by the standards of suits sold in swimsuit catalogs. In other words, this was not a thong, not even close. "And I prefer the suit to rise a little higher on my back."

"It's a good five inches from showing any butt cleavage." Polly said with an exasperated tone.

"I said I prefer it that way, not that it is immodest." Lisa answered. "Either way you said he was wearing it too. You said we were going to match."

Polly turned to me and lifted one eyebrow. "Should I have left a note, some written instructions. The towel is nice but with what I've got in mind you'll be naked in seconds."

"It's a girl's swimsuit." I answered.

"That's a girl's towel." Polly said.

I glared at her. "You know what I mean."

"Ok, if you would rather be naked. I thought you were shy." Polly turned back to her cereal.

I blushed more with anger than embarrassment. This was not working out how I had hoped. "Don't you have anything else?"

"You need to match Mom." Polly answered.

"I need to?"

Polly nodded.

"Why?" I asked.

"You lost the game and agreed to be tied up with Mom. I want you to match, and a swimsuit is not a dress. I guess you could both be naked." Polly said smiling at her mother.

"Very funny. The suit is fine." She turned to me. "Go put the suit on." Her eyes ignited into a fire I was familiar with from in my dreams.

I was feeling saucy so I decided to push it. "No, and you can't make me."

Lisa looked at me and her expression went blank save for the smoldering green eyes. She held up her hand toward Polly who was starting to protest but the gesture sent her back to her cereal quicker than a drill sergeant’s command. "Come into the living room, Jack."

I hesitated as a lead weight settled into my stomach. Part of me screamed to run away another part to submit or be crushed. I walked into the living room. Lisa was there waiting. "You agreed to this Jack, and I am wearing it so..." She whispered.

I pursed my lips and shook my head. "You-are-a-girl." I said slowly emphasizing each word for fear I would stammer.

Lisa shook her head and held out a hand. "Give me your hand."

I looked at my hand as it extended before me, I am quite sure I did not tell it to move. Lisa pulled me up the stairs. I wanted to yank my hand free but she seemed to sense the desire and turned toward me. "Jack, what are you going to do? Are you going to get all macho and aggressive?" We reached Polly's room and Lisa picked up the swimsuit with her free hand. "Or...are you going to hang out with two beautiful women all day?" Lisa placed the suit against the front of my body. "Now I want you to do exactly what I tell you." Lisa's voice whispered dangerously.

I did not understand what was going on. Was Lisa some eldritch goddess with power over men? My thoughts screamed at me to run, to fight, to do anything. Instead, I stood there, trembling slightly.

Lisa stepped behind me. "Now hold your arms straight out and don't move them."

I let go of the towel and held my arms out. Without my hands holding it in place the towel slipped to the floor in a pool around my feet. My will had been subjugated somehow, so I attempted rationalization. Lisa was beautiful, never in my life had I been capable of denying a woman of such beauty. That was it. Lisa had used her feminine wiles against me. Lisa walked slowly behind my body. From this position I doubt she could see my complete nakedness. "Such excellent skin tone. I would kill to have your legs too." Her hand slid across my hip, "Do you use any skin products?"

My hands started to shake and I balled them into fists. I shook my head in response to her question my vulnerability robbing me of the ability to speak. The part of me that wanted to resist crumbled at the touch of her hand and the calmness of her tone.

"Now raise your leg." Her hand touched the back of my right knee and I raised my leg as meek as a lamb. The leg hole of the suit soon encircled my ankle. "Now the other." She was still behind me as she tugged the tight fabric up my legs. She adjusted it around my waist. "Just put your hands through the straps."

I felt the spandex compress my upper body and I squeezed my eyes shut. Lisa pulled and tugged at various places. I could feel her fingers brush my navel that was exposed through the hole in the front of the suit. "There now, that's not so bad." She stepped in front of me and rubbed her hands along my chest. "It makes you look buff." There was padding beneath the part of the suit that would normally cover a woman's breasts.

I looked down. The neckline ended at my collarbone so the only skin I could see was at my stomach, everywhere else was shiny blue-green mermaid scales. “Oh god.” I whispered into the air.

Lisa nodded. "Oh I know the suit is ugly, but how does it feel?"

Such an innocent question, it set off World War Three inside my mind. On one side of the battle was the truth, the other side was the entirety of my ego desperate not to explore that question. The opposing forces kept me silent.

Lisa sighed. "You are not in control of this situation. Polly is. Now walk around a bit."

I made a circuit of the room and the tight suit settled in around my body. It pulled against my chest and the pressure radiated down my body. Feelings of pleasure started to twist around my nerve endings. Feelings that certain parts of my anatomy could not ignore. Lisa noticed this. "It may be a girl's suit but you aren't a girl and that proves it." Lisa said pointing at my crotch.

"Oh god," I said again and quickly covered myself with my hands.

"Maybe that's why Polly wants you to wear it." Lisa said

"There are male suits that are tight like this." I managed to say finally.

"True, she just likes to see you squirm." Lisa laughed and left the room. "Now come on."

I followed Lisa downstairs and prepared myself for Polly's reaction. I was ready for teasing and laughter. What I got was a look of shock. She stood up and slowly walked around me with her hands covering her mouth. Her hands shook as she reached out and slowly moved them over my body. "Oh my." Polly said.

I was so surprised I tried to duck behind the counter. "What is it?"

Polly's face turned red as she caught her mother's smile. "Oh nothing, you look..."

I looked down to make sure something important had not slipped out. "What? What is it?"

"You look...different." Polly said recovering somewhat but she sat down rather quickly in a chair in the dining room.

She was acting odd. She had seen me panties and a dress but this reaction resembled none of those instances. I looked at Lisa who hid a smile while she picked up dishes. I grabbed a clean bowl and poured myself some cereal. I sat at the table near Polly. "So, what’s going to happen to me."

She squirmed in her seat and did not appear to hear me.


"Oh..." Polly looked up suddenly. "What?"

"What's going to happen?" I repeated.

"I have to set some things up outside. You and Mom will have to give me about an hour." She stood up and exited the house onto the back deck closing the door behind her.

"What was that all about?" I asked Lisa who was still at the sink.

"What was what about?" Lisa said not looking at me.

"Polly was acting weird."

"You're wearing a girl’s one piece swimsuit." Lisa answered. "That is unusual."

"She's seen me in girl's clothes before, she's dressed me in them before." I said.

"Oh really?" Lisa answered. "She hasn't told me everything."

"A dress, underwear." I answered. "Oh, and a leotard with tights."

"Humm." Lisa said still working at the sink. "I wonder what's different this time?"

I took several bites of my cereal. "Nothing is different. Just as humiliating as always."

Lisa shook her head and sat down at the table. "It must have been something you said." Lisa flicked the end of my nose with her finger. "Still a male mind no matter what you're wearing."

My brow wrinkled in confusion. I went over the things I had said in the last few days but I could not square the circle. I shook my head. Lisa just smiled at me while I ate. "Women are weird."

"We prefer mysterious. Do you want to play cards while we wait?"

I nodded and we played blackjack at the table until Polly came back in several minutes later. "Ok you two. Follow me."

We stood and followed Polly outside. She turned around and smiled at us, the uncomfortable moment seemed to have vanished. "You two look so cute in matching suits."

I looked at Lisa with her long curly hair a shade or two darker red than Polly's cascading over her shoulders and the considerable bosom that stretched the fish-scale pattern of the suit over her chest and shook my head. "Yeah right, we’re nearly twins." My voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I know, right." Polly giggled.

Polly led us outside to the small area of grass which was all that remained of the backyard after the pool and hot tub were installed. It was small and sheltered in a corner of the lot. I glanced around nervously but there were no obvious ways any neighbors would be able to see me short of using a ladder or hidden cameras. A small inflatable kiddie pool was set up there and it was about a quarter full of a clear substance. It was too refractive to be water and the myriad reflections and swirls broke the light so it was nearly opaque. A slight breeze blew but did not ripple the surface proving it was quite viscous.

"What's in the pool?" Lisa asked.

"You'll find out soon enough." Polly answered and dug into a nearby basket retrieving a pair of handcuffs. "Your left hand please Mom."

Polly enclosed her mother's wrist with the cuff and then grabbed my right wrist and clicked the other cuff around mine. Lisa lifted her hands and looked at the keyhole as my wrist lifted with her own. "I don't like this."

Polly laughed. "Figured it out already. There is so much more." She knelt down at our feet with another set of cuffs with a short chain connecting them and repeated the process with Lisa's left foot and my right.

"I assume the keys are in the pool?" Lisa said. "What's in there?"

"In a minute." Polly said and extracted several lengths of lightweight chain from the basket. She encircled one around each of or our waists closing them with a padlock in the small of our backs. A much shorter piece of chain was locked around our uncuffed wrists and then connected to our new chain belts with a single padlock. A quick test proved that my hand would not be free without first unlocking the chain around my wrist.

"One last lock." Polly said. "Get closer together." Polly pushed us so that our bodies were touching she then encircled our belts of chain with a final small chain and locked it closed. I was locked to Lisa at the waist. I was about the same height and could feel the softness of her leg against my own. "In case Jack hasn't figured it out yet. The keys to all the locks are in the pool."

I barely heard Polly speaking. From the first touch of the handcuff to the final padlock a confusing sensation rolled through my heart and mind. The feeling was discordant and out of place. Lisa had always intimidated and frightened me and now I was helplessly chained to her. Nothing seemed to change about Lisa but I suddenly felt smaller despite the similar heights. Time slowed down as emotions twisted through my thoughts generated by the tight feminine swimsuit and the skin contact I was forced to have with Lisa.

"What's in the pool, Polly?" Lisa said but I had stopped caring. I let my eyes close trying to figure out what was going on. Every aspect of the situation created confusion. Without the chains, I would still be trapped by the suit I wore, where would I run off too? And Lisa had so easily dressed me by some mystical force of will that I did not understand.

"It’s corn syrup, I wanted to use honey but that stuff is expensive even in bulk quantities."

My thoughts raced forward not concerned with the contents of the pool that caused Lisa to growl and jerk at the chains. "I'm going to get you for this. Polly, I hate sticky stuff."

Polly laughed. But at that moment it was just background noise, I was in a different place. There was a large pile of truth forming in my head that I feared to look at. I opened my eyes and looked down at my shiny swimsuit body. I saw the stylized hole that exposed a large portion of my stomach and below that I saw the evidence of what I feared. It may have started when the handcuffs clicked closed around my wrist but this had been building ever since the bedroom experience with Lisa. I was enjoying this, or at least parts of me were enjoying this. “Oh god.” I said into a sudden silence I had not expected.

"Just wait I haven't finished telling you everything." Polly said not realizing the source of my involuntary statement. My knees were trembling and I could feel the same butterflies in my stomach I had when I saw Polly for the first time while tied to her bed posts. Excitement, a deep and warm pleasure. My rational brain was screaming at me, What the fuck is wrong with you?

Polly continued to explain with a bubbly delight. "I decided to make this a contest of sorts. Whomever gets free of all the cuffs and chains first is exempt from all the other activities I have planned for today."

I could suddenly feel Lisa’s eyes on me. I did not look at her. I felt ashamed for enjoying this. Red flow into my cheeks. I knew she wanted to win, and I wanted her to win. I felt sick. The war in my own mind was creating a physical reaction. Normal guys would never be feeling this way. What’s wrong with you?

"Ok Jack, we have to work together on this." Lisa said. "Move your right foot slowly."

I nodded without meeting her eyes and did exactly what she said. I felt bile rise into my throat when I realized how much I wanted her to just take control. The corn syrup was thick and slid between my toes. I tried to feel around for a key with my feet but Lisa interrupted my efforts.

"Ok, together now." I raised my other foot into the pool. We were then both standing up to our ankles in the sticky fluid. "Let's feel around for a key with our feet. When we both find one we'll try and retrieve it. But first let’s have a quick chat.”

The odd statement jarred me out of my internal conflict. I managed to look at her and saw that Polly was over by the pool getting a chair obviously preparing to enjoy the show.

“I don’t know what Polly has cooking in that little red head of hers but this particular scene was designed for me, she knows I hate getting sticky.”

I nodded mutely.

“This was deliberate.”

I looked away, the fire in her eyes ignited my own passions and the rational man, the one who wanted to be in control and in charge, started to burn away.

“Do you remember my promise when you gave up and lost the Finkelstein's game?”

I nodded, how could I forget. I could see the words written on the piece of paper. The memory gave new strength to my battered masculine ego. I could never do what was written on that paper, but the light caught my shiny swimsuit and I couldn’t help but wonder… “Uhh…” I moaned trying to cover my suddenly dry mouth. “You said, ten times worse.”

“Right, and I found out what was on that paper too.” She whispered into my ear.

I sucked in my breath and my hands started to tremble. I no longer knew if it was fear or excitement. “Y….you are bluffing.” I stammered feeling quite good I had managed that much defiance.

“Oui, oui, mademoiselle.” She answered in reply.

That was it, she knew. My hands trembled so violently Lisa grabbed my fingers as best she could with us cuffed together and squeezed. “It’s ok Jack just make it look good when you lose. Shhh, she’s coming.”

“What are you two whispering about?” Polly said as she sat down on a lounge chair.

“Just trying to coordinate, we can’t do anything separately thanks to you.” Lisa said. “Find a key with your foot Jack.”

“I’ve got one.” I said.

“Kneel down slowly I don’t want a face full of this stuff.” Lisa ordered and our legs were soon immersed. “Get the key you found and then I’ll get mine.” With our hands cuffed together we could only move as one. I grabbed the key I had currently pinched beneath my toes and then leaned over to Lisa, my arms sliding across the pillowy flesh on her chest leaving trails of sticky syrup after every movement. I had no choice but to keep my arm across Lisa's chest the firm softness further clouding any ability to think my way passed the situation.

“This looks like a handcuff key.” Lisa announced. “Let me try our cuffs and you’ll have an easier time with yours.”

She again pulled me across the front of her body so that she could use her right hand to get the key into the cuff surrounding her left wrist. I gasped at the feeling which brought a laugh from Polly. “How’s that feel Jack?”

“Shush Polly, he has little choice but to get up close and personal with my body, you did this remember?” Lisa said while awkwardly attempting to get the key into the hole of the cuffs. “Ugh my fingers are so sticky, it’s driving me crazy. I hate this feeling.” Any attempted response would sound muffled as my mind was distracted by the feelings of full figured bliss rubbing against my arms. “That’s it, got it.”

I felt my hand fall free now dangling the opened cuff. I quickly attempted the key on the padlock holding my left wrist imprisoned at my waist and was rewarded by the lock springing open. “Yes!” I smiled holding two free arms before my body before plunging them back into the viscous fluid to search for more keys. Lisa was using her one free hand to sweep across the bottom of the pool.

We were still attached at the waist and when Lisa bent forward I was forced to the same and we could not twist around at all. My fingertips touched something hard and metallic that was just beneath my butt when Lisa suddenly bent down hard moving her body toward the pool. “Arghh.” I yelled not able to stop my face from plunging into the sticky fluid as my arms were searching beneath me. I quickly recovered using my free arms to push myself up. I was blinded by the corn syrup and had to take several second to clear the stickiness from my face.

I was spitting and blinking while using both my hands to clear my vision. Then I felt something encircle my left wrist, before I understood what it was I heard the telltale sound of a ratcheting handcuff. I jerked my hands away but it was too late. Lisa had cuffed my hands together when I was blinded.

“Oh bravo, bravo.” Polly cheered. “Masterful strategy.”

I was still madly blinking trying to clear my eyes but clear sight was unnecessary to see the inevitability of my defeat. Lisa was already fiddling with a key that soon freed her right hand. I kept my one clear eye on her while frantically searching for the handcuff key. She then used the same key to open the lock holding our waists together.

“You can use the same key on all the padlocks?”

“Apparently.” Lisa smiled. Her hair had only the slightest bit of syrup dripping onto her shoulder. We were now connected only by the ankle cuff and I still had the waist chain and handcuffs.

Lisa sat down on her bottom and pulled her foot towards her she had a small key in her hand. If she managed to free her foot the game would be over. I lunged toward her trying to knock the key from her grasp but she held up her other hand, which revealed another key. “Tsk, tsk, Jack. This is the key to your cuffs.” She then pushed the key into the large stomach hole of the swimsuit down towards her crotch, and there was no way I would be diving after it. “Game over, Jack.” She freed her foot and then ran toward the pool leaving me sitting in the stickiness dripping from my entire body.

“Too bad Jack, she really nailed you by cuffing your hands together.” Polly said seriously with a huge grin fixed to her face. “That was worth every penny.”
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 18 - Jack The Loser

Ropy strings of corn syrup fell from my arms and face as I sat in the small kiddie pool. The sound of Lisa's riotous splashing echoed through the backyard as I tried to collect my thoughts. It was a success, right? Lisa won the game and was now free of her daughter's plans. A gobbet of syrup slid across my eyelashes and when I attempted to clear my vision the viscous fluid clinging to my cuffed hands only worsened the problem. I bowed my head and waited for the syrup to slide away.

"I was hoping you would lose." Polly said from nearby though I had not heard her approach. "It is embarrassing to kiss or touch you when she is so close."

I looked up my eyes still closed. "Do you want to kiss me now?"

"Later," I felt her hands moving across my face and much of the syrup was wiped away, enough for me to blink my eyes open. "Let me get you free of those cuffs." She produced a second set of keys that were neither buried beneath six inches of corn syrup nor sliding downward inside Lisa’s swimsuit. Polly freed me from the cuffs and chains taking her time to minimize the contact with my sticky skin. “That's got them all, follow me.”

“Can’t I get cleaned up first?” I asked.

“Nope, you lost Jack, you'll have to deal it.” Polly answered.

I tried to imagine the volcano-sized fury Lisa would be in right now had she lost. I decided that being sticky could be worse. Polly led me to a chaise lounge near the center of the yard far enough away from the pool that only the splashing water was visible above the deck. The chair could be folded into different positions but was currently spread out flat, the aluminum frame supported a latticework of white vinyl straps that acted as a cushion. “Lay down Jack.” Polly ordered.

The corn syrup acted like a thick lubricant as I tried to position myself comfortably. My body slowly slid into the center of the chair. I allowed my head to fall back but kept my eyes mostly closed against the brightness of the noon day sun. Polly meanwhile had extracted a handful of clear plastic strips from her basket. She knelt down next to my arms and gingerly poked the strip of plastic through the metal frame and vinyl lattice. “Put your wrist here.”

I realized what the strips were at that point. They were zip ties, the clear plastic nearly invisible against the shiny syrup. A staccato sound clicked from my left wrists and the pressure increased. She kept a finger between my skin and the zip tie to keep it from cutting off the circulation. "You're going to be my little lollipop when this stuff dries.” Polly laughed as she moved to the other side. “Should have tried harder.” Polly quickly repeated the process with my other wrist before adding more zip ties above my elbows, ankles and knees. She then used a pair of toenail clippers to cut off the dangling bits of plastic. I tried to shift around but my struggles were an exercise in utter futility.

I settled back and began to work through the tempest of my thoughts now that I was alone. How had I felt the first time Kat had tied me up? Or even more distant, how had I felt when dressed in that peach dress five years ago? I could only remember being horrified as Mom snapped picture after picture while I was trapped in the girlish finery. However I could not deny the sense of pleasure when tied to the post in Polly's room those few weeks ago. Puberty, that was a critical difference, five years worth of additional hormones.

I relived the experience in Polly's room, the feeling of the scissors as Polly stripped me of my clothes over the course of an hour. Why I had enjoyed it so much? Polly's beauty could be the reason, had the restraints anything to do with it? But..., and this was a big but, after knowing her only a few hours why did I allow her to dress me up in a dress? "Admit it." I said finally to myself. It was arousing, it was sexy, you enjoyed the loss of control, the dress proved Polly's power over you.

I went through the logic again and again as the minutes ticked by, I was shaking my head in denial by the time Polly came back. "What's wrong?" She said.

My eyes were now sealed shut by the crystallizing syrup. "I just feel weird." I said truthfully.

"Ha! I bet. I've got more work to clean up the mess in the kiddie pool." I heard a hose drag across the yard and the unmistakable sound of a garden sprayer. "Don't go anywhere." Polly laughed.

There it was again. The little statement from her only served to reinforce my helplessness. I imagined what I must look like from her perspective and started to involuntarily squirm in the lounge chair as much as the bonds would allow. "I am such a freak."

More footsteps approached. "Hey Jack." Lisa said. "How you doing?"

The syrup around my face had stiffened significantly and I pretended like I could not open my mouth. Lisa must have knelt down because I heard her clearly even though she whispered. "I feel better now, I'm going to take a long soak in the hot tub. Oh and you still better practice your French."

My breath started whistling faster past the the syrup around my nostrils. My heart began to pound. This is fear, not arousal. Fear, I insisted. My hips were sliding around on the syrup covered chair. Not something I usually did. I felt so helpless as my own body betrayed me.

"Leave him alone, Mom." Polly's voice said. "You are obviously upsetting him." There was no response from Lisa and some sort of look must have passed between them because Polly responded. "What? What is it?"

"Nothing dear. Nothing at all. I'll just be over here in the hot tub. Soaking."

Polly voice came from somewhere nearby. "What did she say?"

Oh no. No. No. No. I shook my head. The one question I can't answer. I groaned and pulled at the plastic restraints.

"You are acting weird Jack. And you are obviously excited. You can't hide that."

My fucking traitorous body. Now Polly would know all this was exciting to me, she would know I liked it. She would think me a freak. Or worse, if she knew I liked it so much what if she lost interest in me. My squirming was always something she seemed to enjoy.

"Just tell me." Polly said her voice much closer and a hint of worry coloring the edges of her tone.

I groaned unable to speak. I was afraid now, afraid of what Polly would think.

"Fine then. You can enjoy this." A weight hit my chest and I realized that she was pouring corn syrup over my body. The fluid oozed down across my skin filling the hole around my stomach. She coated my arms and legs and finally covered my face. I spit and spluttered as the fluid invaded my mouth and nostrils. I managed several panicked breaths after the passage of a few seconds. The quiet plop of the syrup hitting the ground reached my ears as the fluid rolled off me. Polly's voice whispered very near my head. "Tell-me-what-Mom-said." The words were clipped, emphatic, and angry with undertones of fear.

I opened my mouth and the stickiness pulled against my lips as if trying to hold my mouth closed. "Polly." I said.

"I'm here."

"I can't." I said.

There was a long silence and I soon felt the touch of metal near my wrists, with several soft clicks the zip ties were removed. "Turn over Jack."

My limbs were heavy and would not move quickly, ropy strands of syrup slowed every move I made. "Faster Jack." Polly said with additional anger entering her voice. I managed to lay on my stomach after some effort. Polly replaced the zip ties, keeping me restrained to the lounge chair lying face down. I felt a wet towel rubbing across my eyes. "Look at me Jack, the sun is no longer in your eyes."

I blinked a few times and saw Polly's face filling my entire vision her green eyes burning with an anger and a healthy dosage of pain. "Please tell me what my Mom said that made you so excited."

"I..." There was a flash of green and something wet and heavy hit the back of my legs before falling to the ground.

Lisa's loud voice came from the hot tub. "You can keep that swimsuit, Jack. Since you liked it on me so much."

Polly's eyes got wide and filled suddenly with tears. "What does she mean, Jack?" Polly said her voice cracking.

My mind tried to parse what was going on but the sudden realization the Lisa was probably naked in the hot tub seemed to muddle my thoughts. My head was so full of fear and confusion.

"Admit it Jack, you like my Mom more than me." Polly said crying.

The absurdity of the statement jarred me loose from my stupor. "No, not that."

"Then what Jack, you've been weird ever since..." Polly held her hands to her lips in an apparent epiphany. "Since you were upstairs with Mom in my room. Oh my god." Polly turned and ran towards the house.

"Polly!" I tried to yell but my voice failed me sounding instead like a labored whisper.

Polly stomped toward the hot tub her hair flying wildly around her head. "You bitch!" She screamed down toward the water before sprinting toward the house.

"Polly!" Lisa said in voice of complete and utter shock. "Come back here." It was too late. Polly fled inside.

I jerked at the bonds but I had no leverage against the zip ties. I would be going nowhere until someone decided to release me. I heard water splash and then footsteps moved toward the house. I tried not to picture a very naked Lisa walking across the deck in pursuit of her daughter.

Many minutes passed before Lisa appeared in front of me dressed now in simple shorts and a T-shirt. "What happened? Polly has locked herself in her room and I can't get her to open up."

"Polly thinks I like you more than her." I said.

"How did she get that idea, I'm more than twice your age." Lisa said.

"You threw that swimsuit, and then she seemed to think something happened when we were together in her room this morning. I don't really know what she's thinking."

Lisa got a confused look on her face. "And you said nothing."

"I..." Again I couldn't talk about it. I was just tormented by the whole situation; the corn syrup, the swimsuit, the restraints, fear of losing Polly, everything.

"I'm listening." Lisa pressed.

"She asked what you said. She saw...my body." I swallowed trying to form the words. "I couldn't tell her I was a freak." My voice rose until I was yelling the last word. It echoed across the yard until only the gentle murmur of the pumps from the hot tub could be heard.

Lisa rocked back on her heels and stood up a look of understanding and concern passing over her. I panted and squeezed my eyes closed trying my best to keep from crying but my breathing became a series of wracked sobs. Lisa said nothing and seconds later I felt the zip ties being clipped away. "Wash yourself off in the pool and then go a take shower in my bedroom."

I heard her walk away as I tried to control my emotions. The admission seemed to have broken a dam in my mind and I just laid there. It was all my fault, my own screwed up body felt some kind of twisted pleasure when tied up or dressed. Now Polly thought crazy things because I could not bring myself to admit the truth. "I am such a loser." I said to the world. It was several minutes before I could muster the strength to move. The corn syrup adhered to the swimsuit pulling it away from my skin and then released with an elastic plop.

I jumped into the pool and stripped off the swimsuit underwater rubbing my body and hair to expel the syrup. I had been covered for over an hour and it required tremendous effort to wash away. I slid into the hot tub where the warm water removed the last traces. I was naked but there were several towels lying on a nearby deck chair. I wrapped one around my waist and walked inside to Lisa's shower.

The warm water poured over my body while I tried to think my away around the confusion and turmoil. I had to talk to Polly, I had to convince her that I was not attracted to her mother. The notion seemed ridiculous in my head but my attitude probably seemed odd to her, she knew something was wrong. How could she think that though? "Argh." I sank down to the floor of the shower and water filled my ears cutting me off from the world.

I thought back to the days before meeting Polly the simple notions I had created of what having a girlfriend would be like. Even my dreams had never painted a girl as beautiful as Polly nor had they dreamed up the whirlwind of insanity we had experienced in the last few weeks. Would I take it all back? That was easy, not in a million years. I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. "I will do anything to fix this." I said to the blurry image in the steam covered mirror.

"Anything?" A familiar woman's voice said behind me. "That's good."
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 19 - Lisa Sends an S.O.S.

Leaning against the archway that separated the bathroom from Lisa's bedroom was my Mom. She faced away to give me some privacy. "Mom?" I double checked to make sure it was her but the strawberry blond head sat atop a posture I could have picked out from any crowd. "What are you doing here?"

"S.O.S. message from Lisa. I guess there has been a melt down of sorts? She's still trying to get through to Polly. Are you decent? "

I wrapped a towel around my waist. "Decent enough."

Mom turned and sudden amusement sparkled in her eyes. "Oh my."


Mom grabbed a second towel and wiped the mirror free of the fog created from the heat of my shower. The clean surface revealed my slightly red face sitting on top of a body that still bore the distinct outline of the swimsuit I had spent the last few hours wearing. "Oh shit."

Mom usually did not approve of such language but this was not a normal day. "Yes, you've got quite the tan line."

My skin bore the pink of sunburn wherever the swimsuit left the skin exposed, as it turns out corn syrup was a poor sunblock. From past experience this would quickly fade into the olive brown of a summer tan. I turned my back and saw the crisscross pattern of the straps and worse the bikini cut of the suit outlined on my skin. "What am I going to do?"

"Not much you can do except avoid swimming." Mom said. "Everyone forgets about sunscreen on the first warm days of the year." She was trying and barely succeeding to keep the laughter from her voice. "On the bright side, you don't have to explain about what you were wearing today. What happened?"

Mom and I walked into Lisa's room. I sat on the edge of the bed and Mom grabbed a chair from a nearby desk. I explained the events as much as I dared with some obvious holes surrounding what happened in Polly's bedroom with Lisa and the uneasiness I had with my own reactions to Polly's games.

Mom nodded after I finished. "Ok, but I'm confused about one part. Lisa just dressed you in the swimsuit? You just stood there?"

I don't know how, but Mom had zeroed in on my omissions with laser like precision. The resulting awkward silence only reinforced her suspicions.

"Right." She said. "What do you think of Lisa?"

"She scares me most of the time. Strong woman."

"What was in your head when she put you in the swimsuit?"

I sat there just trying to remember what I felt. How can I describe the feeling exactly? Silence continued.

"Let me take a guess since you are having some trouble figuring this out." Mom took a breath. "You were excited, probably aroused."

I looked at her sharply and knew the sudden expression on my face had confirmed her suspicions.

"It's ok Jack, your reaction is normal."

I sniffed. "Normal? No way. No normal guy would stand for it."

"Ok fine, we'll come back to that. Why did you let Polly think such idiocy about you and Lisa? Why not just tell her the truth?"

Mom did not let me stew in my own juices as long as before and went straight to the point. "Lisa told me what you yelled down by the pool."

I nodded.

"You think you're a freak? Why?" Mom asked her eyes studying my face.

I placed my elbows on my knees and just stared at the floor. "I don't think normal guys would feel the way I felt today." I pointed at my shoulders. "I was wearing a girl's swimsuit for goodness sake, and I... I sort of felt... a thrill."

"Normal guys? Are you thinking of some particular guy?"

I was not really thinking of any specific man, mostly the generic macho type of guy but I needed to say something. "Dad would never."

Mom nodded and took a deep breath "I should apologize for something." She said it with a sigh.

The discontinuity of the statement in the context of the current subject caused me to meet Mom's eyes in surprise. "What for?"

"The ball gag. I shouldn't have done that to you, I was just caught up in the moment and I thought it would be funny."

Now I was off balance. "Ok, what does that..."

"Speaking of your Dad." Mom interrupted. "He loves it when I force him to wear that gag, so I will probably need it back."

My eyes widened and images flooded my mind of my Dad being gagged by my Mom. "Uh..."

"What you are feeling is normal Jack, or at least common. Your Dad loves it when I take control of things, it's a huge turn on for him. You are much the same I see."

I was shocked and felt a little a twinge of shame for my Dad. Is it some genetic anomaly? "Just because Dad..."

"Jack, stop being so stubborn. People like what people like, and this particular facet of your life won't harm you in the least and now that you have found Polly, I would say it's a huge positive."

"Maybe." I said.

"You are not a freak. Just a normal kid with a hyperactive libido."

"The clothes though, the girly stuff, why?" I asked

"Who knows why? Part of the culture, I suppose. If blue jeans were considered feminine garments than I suppose you would be turned on by being forced to wear jeans."

"Does it have to be something embarrassing?" I whispered.

"Honey, if it weren't embarrassing it wouldn't thrill you."

"Oh god, this is weird talking to you about this." I said.

"I'm your Mom, what better person to talk about this stuff, and believe me I have a lot of experience."

"Please, Mom, don't tell me any more." I begged.

"Don't worry, it stays private." She answered with a grin.

I sat and took a deep relaxing breath the first I had managed in many hours. "Ok, I think I understand, but Polly will likely be irritated that I enjoy what she's doing. She seems to love it when I squirm."

Mom chuckled. "Are you going to stop squirming when she dresses you in cute pair of panties?"

I choked at Mom's words. "Mom! Stop that."

"See, I doubt there is any danger of losing your squirm. Stay here, I'm going to check in with Lisa."

"Mom, wait." I said suddenly remembering something.

"Kat gave Polly that picture of me when I was eleven." I said

Mom looked confused and then her eyes widened in realization. "That's what was in the gift?"

I nodded. "So don't tell Kat about today, please."

"I won't, son. I wonder where she got the photo?"

"Wish I knew, I tried to destroy them all." I said.

"Not going to happen. Don't worry about Kat though, she won't hear about this from me, though she's not stupid. She's witnessed your recent behavior." Mom said.

"What recent behavior?" I asked.

"You fell hard for Polly." Mom answered.

"Yeah so? She's gorgeous."

"The first day you met her she had you in a dress."

I considered that from Kat's perspective and realized that in some female-brain way, she may have been trying to help. Mom nodded as she seemed to read my thoughts. "I better go talk to Lisa."

Mom walked out of the bedroom. I heard muffled voices a few paces away. I held the towel tightly around my waist and went to listen by the door, Polly's room was only a few paces down the hall.

"Were you right?" Lisa asked.

Mom must have nodded.

"I should have seen that, I sometimes forget how young he is after all he has done for us." Lisa said.

"He's was terrified Polly would hate him once she found out." Mom said.

A door clicked open and I heard Polly's muffled voice. "Found out about what?"

"You were listening?" Lisa said addressing her daughter.

"I had my headphones on until a few minutes ago when I saw Nancy's car arrive. What does he not want me to know?"

I heard Mom take a deep breath. "I should really let him tell you this but since he is more than likely to stumble around the words..." Mom took another breath. "He was afraid you would think him a freak."

"A freak? Why?" Polly said in obvious surprise.

"Because he enjoyed what you did to him today. Well it's more complicated than that, he reacts strongly to being out of control, well that's not exactly it either. Men are complicated."

"Let me get this straight." I heard Polly begin. "Nothing happened between you and Jack."

"Heaven's no child, he's more than half my age, I've been saying that for the last hour." Lisa answered.

"So he was all cagey and furtive because he was worried that if he admitted to liking what was happening I would think him weird?" Polly said slowly emphasizing the words to prevent any confusion.

"More or less." Mom said. "These issues are why people spend a lifetime together. It is complex and all wrapped up around our self images."

"I'm such an idiot." Polly sniffed. "Not as much of an idiot as Jack, but still pretty stupid."

I ducked back into the bedroom at that point not wanting to hear the consensus opinion on my relative intelligence. I sat on Lisa's bed and stared out the window, the second floor bedroom had a nice view of the nearby park and I could see many families enjoying the warm weather. Time passed as I thought through the conversation with Mom. A knock at the door interrupted my quiet reverie.

Polly entered. She wore an ivory dress with crochet detailing around the neck. It flowed loosely around her body, the fabric falling in vertical waves to her knees. She seemed angelic in the light from the window. "Do you think we can talk?"

I smiled and drank in the sight of her. She was so beautiful. The red hair falling about her neck and shoulders, her delicate freckles decorating the bridge of her nose and chest, and the rosy hue of her cheeks from the additional sun she had been received combined to halt my speech despite my open mouth. My eyes lingered long until she blushed and turned away. "When you look at me like that..."

I shook my head. "Sorry, can't help it. I don't know if I should talk, I'm not very good at it."

Polly walked to the bed and sat down grabbing my hand and holding it in her lap. The dress slid up her legs exposing a pink thigh. "Sorry about your sunburn."

I had forgotten about that particular feature of the adventure. "You didn't laugh, not even Mom could manage that."

"I had some warning, thanks to your Mom." Her right hand held mine in the soft folds of her lap while her left slid across my thigh which was now exposed by the too small towel. "She helped me to understand some things."

"I don't like your Mom." I said before realizing what it sounded like. "I mean she's great but... not..." I sighed. "See, I shouldn't talk."

Polly giggled. "I know what you meant. I'm sorry I even thought such a thing. I feel so stupid for jumping to that conclusion."

There was a long silence where I simply enjoyed her scent and leaned into her. I could have stayed there forever.

"So you felt excited today?" Polly asked.

I said nothing not wanting to screw it up.

"Would you like to know how I felt?"

I looked at her and the familiar mischievous smile put my heart at ease. "Ok."

"Do you remember when you first walked into the kitchen after Mom dressed you in the suit?" Polly asked.

I nodded.

"I was amazed that I could belong to a genuine hero who would do anything I asked." Polly pushed me back on to the bed and straddled my body the loose dress tickling my chest in the most delightful way. She bent down and kissed me. "It was not until that moment I understood what it meant to be with you."

"What does it mean?" I whispered my breath quickening.

Polly pinned each of my wrists beneath her hands. "It means you are mine, Jack. As long as you'll have me. I love you." Polly snarled the last words and then plunged her lips toward my mouth and slowly moved down to my chest. Her hair fell across my face and I reacted in animalistic pleasure, my back arched and a moan of delight escaped my lips. If not for the knock on the door I am not sure I could have stopped moving down that particular road.

"Polly are you finished talking yet, I want to take a shower." Lisa said through the door.

Polly leapt to her feet straightening her hair and dress before pulling me to my feet and wrapping the towel more securely around my waist. She then opened the door. "Everything's fine, Mom. I'm going to get Jack something to wear home."

Lisa could not have missed the flushed look or the slightly mussed hair. "Ok, it's a school day tomorrow, so you better get him back by nine."

I followed Polly into the hallway. When the bedroom door closed she turned on me with a narrow eyed smile. "You know what that means don't you?"

"Uh?" I said with my usual rapier wit.

"You are mine for the next three hours. I kidnapped you remember, and it's still Sunday."

* * *

"Oh this bring back such fond memories." Polly said with her hands on my chest. I was standing at the foot of her bed my arms stretched out horizontally. Scarves encircled each of my wrists holding them to the tall posts that formed the corners of her bed. Additional scarves kept my legs spread between the bottom of each post.

I looked down my body and noticed the towel tucked in around my waist was in danger of falling to the ground. "Yes, very fond memories and I'm about to be as naked as I was that day."

Polly laughed. "You better stand still since I doubt my Mom would approve of such nudity at this stage of our relationship. I'll have to find something for you to wear in my closet." She disappeared into the door across from where I was tied. Seconds later she returned holding a shiny emerald skater skirt I had seen her wear at school. "Like this, I'm sure it won't bother your sunburn too bad."

I closed my eyes and pulled at the bonds holding my wrists, a wave of warmth passed through my body and this time I managed to control the associated sense of shame. I still could not manage to say anything.

"Oh my, you're trembling." Polly said. "Maybe I should loosen this towel so I can watch what happens next." She held the skirt up to my waist a few moments before flinging it onto the bed behind me. She wrapped her arms around my chest and the soft folds of the ivory dress tickled my skin doing nothing to ease my trembling limbs. She held me for several minutes and I relaxed into her. Her scent filled my nose with the unique and delightful combination of vanilla and roses. "Do you think everyone gets a chance like this?"

"You mean love?" I asked gently.

Polly did not answer but I could feel some tension creep into her body, she had said it once and that had cost her something. I would not push it. "I don't know, Polly. I doubt it. I think the world would be a better place if everyone felt like I do right now."

"Yeah, you're probably right." There was another long pause as her cheek rested against my neck. She then stood back, "I should get something for that sunburn. Let me ask Mom, be right back." She stepped back and touched the tucked corner of my towel with her finger. "It's getting looser, you better keep still." She flashed me an impish smile.

A few minutes later Polly reentered the room carrying a bottle of cream colored liquid. "Mom says this stuff should do the trick."

"Is she ok with me taking it home." I asked.

Polly gave me a confused look. "Why would you take it home?"

"Well I assume I have to put it on my skin."

Polly shook her head and squeezed a healthy dollop into her hand. "I'll be doing that now." My eyes widened as she approached me. "I think you are going to like this."

The cool cream felt like liquid pleasure as Polly massaged my reddened shoulders. The cool substance leeched the heat from the skin leaving behind a pleasant tingling. Only cats can purr as well as I did while Polly gently applied the lotion. Memories of cool sheets on a warm summer evenings filled my thoughts. "Oh my, that is amazing."

Polly grinned and continued applying the cream until she reached my waist. "What to do now?" She said. "You have a sunburn beneath this towel." She poked at the towel with her finger. The towel loosened at the touch and slid to the floor in a pool between my spread legs. "Oops."

"Polly." I whispered.

"I better get this stuff on while I have a chance." As her fingers began spreading the cream over my buttocks and hips my reactor core libido broke containment and I sagged against the bonds. Every touch brought a twitch and squirm that seemed to delight Polly more and more. She avoided the primary expression of my arousal through which seemed to make the whole experience even more erotic. She continued down my legs until she reached my feet. I shook my head with lust and desire. She smiled up at me one of her eyes hidden behind the hard evidence of my desire.

"That's done. And will you look at the time. Better get you home."

I groaned and tried to get my leg muscles to function again. I had little success. "What am I going to wear, someone sliced up my shorts. Did we ever find out who did that?" I smiled at Polly through the haze of lust that still fogged my brain.

"Despite your obvious tendency toward nudism, I have put some thought into your clothing." Polly said.

"I bet you have." I said with a smile.

"Since you had such a hard day. I will give you a choice. You can choose the outer clothes and I will choose the under clothes or we can do it the other way around." Polly suggested. "Pretty fair considering I don't have to give you a choice at all, don't you think?"

"That's easy, I want to choose the outer clothes."

"Ok, did you have something in mind. I don't really want you rifling through my closet and drawers."

"I want one of your loosest fitting T-shirts that doesn't have any kind of logo on it and a pair of black bike shorts that reach to just above my knee, I know you have worn an outfit like that before."

"Tight shorts." Polly raised her eyebrows. "I like it, shows off your bum."

"I think any other shorts you own would look pretty feminine. I know guys wear bike shorts too." I responded.

Polly disappeared into her closet and returned carrying a dark green T-shirt and then pulled a pair of spandex shorts from a bottom drawer. "There you go, now I get to pick your underwear."

"I put the red underwear in the bottom of your hamper." I offered.

"Oh, I'm not going to use those. I have something more appropriate, be right back."

Still stretched between the posts of the bed I could do nothing but worry about what was on Polly's mind for my return trip home. At least it would be covered with mostly normal clothing though the shirt did look a little small. Polly returned moments later holding the very familiar green mermaid scale swimsuit in her hands. "I figured you needed another souvenir to add to your collection. You'll be wearing this home. It has been laundered since I'm not sure if this is the one you wore or the one Mom wore."

"Is this some long term plan to move into my bedroom?" I asked with a smile. "Slowly get enough clothes in my closet."

"Interesting thought. I might consider it if you ditch the cotton sheets."

"After last night I would say they definitely bears consideration." I said.

"So you liked them?" Polly said with a smile.

"I'll never admit it in public." Polly started to release my arms and I quickly grabbed the suit pulling it up to my waist and then adding the bike shorts before pulling the straps of the swimsuit over my shoulders. I then tugged the T-shirt down over my head. It was looser than most of Polly's shirts but still tighter than any that I owned. A quick check in the mirror revealed a glimpse of fish scale patterned spandex around the collar but that was easily fixed by adjusting the shirt. "I guess I'm ready to go."

"Oops, it is passed nine."

I followed her downstairs and she waved bye to her Mom who sat at the kitchen table almost exactly like she had been when we first arrived the day before complete with her silver robe and matching silver nightgown. "Hey Polly wait."

Polly stopped with her hand on the door leading to the garage. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

Polly looked confused. "I don't think so."

"House rules." Lisa said nodding toward me.

Polly's eyes got wide. "Oh right." Polly ran back to her room and returned carrying the scarves that head recently held me to the bed posts.

"Really?" I said as Polly grabbed one of my wrists.

"Rules are rules." Polly giggled. "You agreed to them, and we will be alone in the car together."

I shook my head and allowed Polly to tie my wrists behind my back, she placed a scarf at my wrists and two more around my elbows, tied in such a way they would not easily slip downward. "There we go."

"One more thing." Lisa said. "Your Mom told me she was a bit impetuous when she gave this to us. She wants it back." She held the pink ball gag in her hand.

Polly grabbed it. "You might as well carry it, Jack. Open up." Polly held it to my lips.

"Polly I..." She cut off my words by pushing the sphere into my mouth.

"Wow, deja vous all over again." Lisa laughed.

I rolled my eyes and allowed myself to be led to the car. This time I sat in the front seat which was way more embarrassing when we stopped at lights. I looked away and intensely studied the hand brake between the seats if there were any cars next to us. I was relieved to see that Kat's car was not in her usual parking spot when we arrived home. "I better help you in."

I waved my arms in the air obviously desiring to be released.

"Nah, I'll remove them once we get inside." Polly answered. I hoped my Dad wasn't home though I was sure Mom was. "Your Mom seems cool with it, and I bet your Dad would find it funny. Come on." Polly pulled me from the car and led me up the porch steps to the house. Lucky for me only Mom was home and she was watching something on television. Polly moved toward the familiar blue light of the television but I darted upstairs toward my room.

Polly arrived moments later laughing. "Alright, let me have those hands." She released my arms and I worked the strap on the gag until it plopped free trailing lines of drool. Polly opened my closet and took a look at the green dress now hanging next to a blue leotard. "Make sure the swimsuit ends up with the others."

I nodded and gave her a lingering kiss.

"I know your busy with your new job, but I want to see you everyday, even for a minute." Polly said after we broke the kiss.

I nodded. "I will." I thought about saying the three magic words but decided to let her off the hook.

"Good night." She said and closed the door.
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