Put your hands up! (f/MF)

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Put your hands up! (f/MF)

Post by ILoveHandsUp »

Alright, so this is my first attempt at a tie-up story, and one featuring me as a compliant captive.

It was summer, and some new neighbours moved in next door. They had a little daughter, Sally, 11 years old, who obviously didn't have friends yet in the new neighbourhood, and also needed a babysitter as it was the summer vacation. As the next door neighbour, I volunteered when I was asked. Sally and I immediately got along, and she really got to like me babysitting her. I guess she also developed some little girl crush on me. You know, when we were children we all had those crushes on a grown-up who we thought was really pretty. I guess it was the case here.
After a couple of days of watching TV, helping with summer assignments and playing various board games, I asked Sally:
- You must miss your friends from your old neighbourhood.
- Yes. I still don't know anyone here. And I really miss the games we used to play.
- What kind of games?
- Well, we used to play kidnap games. We would kidnap each other, and would hold each other hostage. It was so fun. I talked to my friends yesterday. They told me they played another kidnap game, and it was so fun. I am so jealous! Hey... maybe I can kidnap... I don't know... you?
- Me? Well, I guess you can kidnap me. I don't mind.
- Really? I can? Are you willing to... surrender?
Having a huge surrender fetish, the word "surrender" got me interested even more.
- Will you be kidnapping me with a gun?
- Of course!
- Oh, then I will surely surrender! How can you not surrender to a cute girl with a gun?
- Great! Let's play!
I looked at the clock.
- I don't think we have time now. How about tomorrow?
- Oh... alright, but tomorrow you surrender and let me kidnap you! Promise?
- Promise! Wait a minute... why do I think there is a catch about this game? You seem to be too excited about it. Is there something you're not telling me?
- Well... I will also tie you up and gag you!
She said it like it was an obvious thing, that didn't need to be mentioned.
- Wait, you want to tie me up? Is this what you play with your friends?
- Sure! What did you think? It is a kidnapping, so the kidnapped player must be tied up! Please, let me tie you up! I've always wanted to tie up a grown up. When I tell my friends, they will be so jealous!
- Um... I don't really know about this... And telling your friends...
- Oh please! You promised you would surrender! And if you surrender, it means you have to do everything I say!
- Well... alright! I'll play your kidnap game, but you must untie me before anyone can see me like this, and you are only allowed to tell your friends you have tied up a grown up, nothing more!
- Alright! I agree. I didn't plan to tell anyone other than them anyway, and of course I don't want anyone to see you tied up, because I think maybe I'll be in trouble if I would.
So we agreed to play this kidnap game the next day. I was nervous and excited at the same time. I was obviously excited about surrendering myself at gunpoint, but I was nervous about being tied up and gagged. "How bad it could be?" I thought to myself, calming myself down. When Sally and I were left alone, she gave me a big excited smile, knowing what was about to happen.
- Nice shirt! I've never seen you in a button up shirt before. I thought you didn't wear these.
- Oh, I rarely do. Except on special occasions, like when I have to surrender myself.
In addition to the surrender fetish, I also have a fetish for button up shirts, so I wore a short-sleeved plaid buttoned shirt and jeans.
- Alright, let me get everything ready, and let's play!
She went to her room, and brought a gun, rope and a gag. She put the rope and the gag in the kitchen, where there was a chair ready for me to be tied up to. She then came back to the living room, and pointed her gun at me.
- Put your hands up!
I immediately put my hands up.
- Please don't hurt me, lady! I surrender! My hands are up! I will do everything you say!
- Good boy! Now, walk over there, keep those hands where I can see them! Move! I cannot wait to get the ransom for you!
I walked to the chair in the kitchen with my hands up, enjoying every moment of my helpless surrender.
- Alright! I'm here. What do you want me to do now?
- Sit on the chair, hands up!
I sat down, keeping my hands in the air, enjoying being the hostage. Sally then took the gag and wrapped it around my mouth. I tried to say something, but could only mmmph. She then tied my legs together and then to the legs of the chair. Next was wrapping rope around my chest, tying me to the chair, as I was still keeping my hands up. Then she said:
- Hands behind your back!
I put my hands behind my back, and she tied them up too. I couldn't move. I was tied up pretty well, although I felt that by applying some force, I could manage to get loose. This made me calm, and I just sat there, tied up and gagged. Sally pointed her gun at me.
- Don't even try escaping! Sit here, as I wait for your ransom!
I was sitting there for about 30 minutes, I guess. And Sally was chatting online with her friends, bragging about tying up a grown up. She was telling me all about how jealous they were of her. Eventually she said:
- Alright, the ransom has arrived. Let me release you.
She ungagged and untied me. I got up from the chair and put my hands up.
- Oh, no need to surrender now. You are free to go! The game is over. Unless... you want to play again?
- Well, let's leave something for next time, alright?
- Sure. I wanted to also play other games too, and maybe watch some TV together.
- Well, you have a gun, so I will do anything you want!
- Oh! Well, in that case, put your hands up!
I put my hands up a lot that day between games and activities. It was really fun playing hostage-babysitter. And Sally seemed to also really enjoy having me put my hands up.
- Will you tie me up next time, Sally?
- You bet I do! Can I keep you tied up and gagged for longer next time?
- I don't know... It may be fun for you to keep me tied up, but I get kind of bored. I tell you what, how about you don't tie me too tight, and let me run away, and catch me? We can do it lots of times!
- Sure! We can do this too. I even like it better!
- Then we are agreed.
The next day, I was again wearing a short-sleeved plaid buttoned shirt and jeans. Sally had some chores she had to do, and I helped her with them. When we were done, she asked:
- So, can I play a game with you?
- What game you want to play with me?
I asked this playfully and got a playful reply.
- Oh you know what game I want to play with you!
I smiled and put my hands up.
- I surrender!
- Oh, great! I don't even need the gun with you! You are the best hostage ever! Hey, you know, with my friends we have this rule that if someone puts their hands up, it means they are willing to play a tie-up game, so let's make this rule in our games too. If you put your hands up, it means you agree to be tied up and cannot resist.
- Agreed! I cannot and will not resist!
With that I was marched to a chair in the kitchen, and tied up and gagged the same way as before.
- Alright, I will go to another room now, and you will have five minutes to get free and hide somewhere.
Sally didn't tie me too tight this time, and I was able to get loose quickly. I then looked for a place to hide, and decided to go for a big closet in the living room. When Sally came back, she was really happy to play this type of hide and seek game with me.
- Well, he couldn't get far! I'm sure he is somewhere around here.
When she passed the closet, and went to a side room, I decided to switch hiding spots and quickly got outside. She caught me doing it, however, and shot her gun in the air.
- Don't move! I got you! Put your hands up!
I put my hands up, surrendering to my predicament.
- Alright, alright, you got me! I surrender!
The tie up game was then resumed and I was tied up and gagged to the chair, this time tighter. Still, I have managed to escape once again. This time, I went upstairs. Luckily, the house was big enough to play hide and seek. Sally and I were having lots of fun, and I was clearly outsmarting her, always hiding in a new spot when she didn't notice, but as it is when playing with kids, you do want to help them win sometimes, so after a while I came out with my hands in the air, saying:
- Alright, Sally! I cannot hide anymore, you win, I surrender! You'd better tie me up better this time!
- You bet I will! Now, walk! And keep your hands where I can see them! I don't want any surprises!
I walked with my hands up in the air to be tied up for a third time. This time, I did not try to escape, and waited for the ransom. It was really fun, and I really got into this game.
- We will play again next time, right?
Sally asked before I left.
- Oh, yeah, about that, Sally. I will be busy tomorrow, but next week, I'll be babysitting you again.
- What? I was so looking forward to tying you up again!
- I know, but you will have to wait. Your babysitter tomorrow will be Vanessa. I'm sure you girls can also have fun together.
Vanessa lived across the street, a very beautiful girl, lovely brown hair, a little lower than shoulder level, beautiful brown eyes, and a really nice body! Needless to say, I had a huge crush on this girl! I didn't know, however, if she felt anything, but I was about to discover it.
I saw Vanessa after her babysitting experience, and asked her how it went.
- Oh, it was really nice.
- I knew you two girls would get along well!
- Oh, we did. We also played a really cute game together.
- What... game?
- Kidnap! It was so fun! She said she and her friends would always tie each other up, and I said she could tie me up, if she wanted. She was so excited when I sat on a chair and placed my hands behind my back to be tied up! It was really fun... between you and me, alright?
- Sure... Well... between you and me, she tied me up too.
- What?! Seriously? You? Alright, now I just can't stop imagining you tied up! Hey... you think she could tie us both up? How about next time you babysit her, I also drop for a visit?
- Seriously? It would be nice, I guess...
- Great! See you next week! Um... hug?
- Oh, sure.
Vanessa and I hugged. It felt really nice. Does she actually also have feelings for me? I was so excited! I really wanted to spend some time with Vanessa, but spending time with her tied up and gagged? This was something I did not expect!
So the next babysitting session was the next week. I was once again wearing a short-sleeved buttoned shirt and jeans. I asked Sally how was playing with Vanessa like. She said she had a lot of fun with her.
- Did she put her hands up?
- No, she went straight for the hands behind her back pose. She didn't mind being tied up at all, unlike you.
- Are you going to be tying up all your babysitters from now on?
- Maybe...
- You are so naughty!
- Guilty!
- Hey guess what, Vanessa promised to drop by and play!
- Really? Both you and Vanessa? Wait 'till my friends hear about this!
Vanessa arrived after a few minutes. She was stunningly beautiful! She wore light summer shoes that showed her pretty feet with red nail polish on her toenails. She had matching red polish on her sexy fingernails too. I always admired feminine hands, and her hands were wonderful, so gentle and elegant, and those long sexy fingers... Amazing! Vanessa also had on her a cute floral buttoned summer dress. She kept the bottom button unbuttoned, revealing some more of her beautiful legs.
- So, who wants to be kidnapped?
I put my hands up. Vanessa looked at me and smiled. Sally decided Vanessa needed an explanation.
- Oh, we have a rule that if you put your hands up, it means you surrender and will not resist being tied up and gagged.
- Oh, alright... So, I need to put my hands up... like this?
Vanessa put her hands up.
- Yes! Now, say that you surrender, both of you!
- We surrender!
- Yes, we surrender!
- Vanessa, say also "our hands are up".
- Our hands are up!
- Good! Now, you are my hostages! Walk to the kitchen, hands where I can see them!
And so Vanessa and I walked to the kitchen with our hands up in helpless surrender. She looked so sexy with her hands up in her buttoned summer dress. And I could tell she was having so much fun. I asked Sally to tie me up first because I wanted Vanessa to keep her hands up longer. And she really got into this too, keeping her hands in the air and playing along, happy to surrender. Vanessa and I were tied up and gagged, hands behind our backs, legs tied together, and with rope around our chests holding us against the chairs. Vanessa seemed to have so much fun mmmphing into her gag, playing helpless and surrendered.
Vanessa and I talked after this babysitting session, and decided it would be nice to play tie-up games together, which we did pretty much every time we had the chance. And this is how I discovered the secret of the cute girl across the street and her tie-up passion. From now on, Vanessa's hands were either up in helpless surrender or tied behind her back, and she loved both positions!

Hope you enjoyed this. I'm sorry if it came off a little not heavy on the bondage side, but I gave it a first try, and maybe I'll come up with more stories from time to time.
Hands up!
My gallery on DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/wwthuis
Feel free to contact me here or on DA.
Will RP with girls who either want me with my hands up or want to put their hands up!
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Post by slackywacky »

> Hope you enjoyed this. I'm sorry if it came off a little not heavy on the bondage side, but I gave it a first try, and maybe I'll come up with more stories from time to time.

Yes, I did. Using a little more space in the story might make it easier to read, not everybody on this board can read as easy as others do. Thanks for writing, don't stop!
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by ILoveHandsUp »

Thanks. I don't think if I write another story it will be this long. This one came out really long, yeah.
Hands up!
My gallery on DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/wwthuis
Feel free to contact me here or on DA.
Will RP with girls who either want me with my hands up or want to put their hands up!
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Post by caplund »

I have this fetish, what I used to do was travel to busy places and have a camera, usually disposable, where I would approach a pretty girl or girls alone maybe working at a store, I would ask them if they wanted to participate in a "crime and safety" seminar I was assisting with, I told them they could just pose as if they were at gunpoint and that later I would "super impose" (a tech. term I made up) the gun wielding robber on the film in the lab so they wouldn't be traumatized, I got MANY "hands up" pics this way they never knew the real truth...
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Post by Tuckerton7 »

Great story
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Post by Tugs4fun »

Great story, I liked everything about it. A little innocent fun at first and then the neighbor gets tied up with him!
Discord: #3312 @Tugs4fun
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Post by ILoveHandsUp »

caplund wrote: 3 years ago I have this fetish, what I used to do was travel to busy places and have a camera, usually disposable, where I would approach a pretty girl or girls alone maybe working at a store, I would ask them if they wanted to participate in a "crime and safety" seminar I was assisting with, I told them they could just pose as if they were at gunpoint and that later I would "super impose" (a tech. term I made up) the gun wielding robber on the film in the lab so they wouldn't be traumatized, I got MANY "hands up" pics this way they never knew the real truth...
Seriously? It sounds like a pretty wrong thing to do...
Hands up!
My gallery on DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/wwthuis
Feel free to contact me here or on DA.
Will RP with girls who either want me with my hands up or want to put their hands up!
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Post by Gooner97 »

Cool story ! Hope this continues !
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