Father/Son "Bonding" M/mmm (Part 3 Added)

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Father/Son "Bonding" M/mmm (Part 3 Added)

Post by Redman »

Chad woke up to someone climbing into his bed. The 34 year old rolled over and stretched out, finding his youngest son Jack sitting on the bedside. Since his wife had passed, his three sons had become more clingy. But Jack more than the other two. At 9 years old, the boy took the loss the worst, and never wanted to be far from Chad. But this morning, Jack had a strip of grey duct tape over his mouth, and his hands were in a pair of toy handcuffs.

"Good morning buddy." Chad said, chuckling at his son. "What's this all about?"

"G'mornin daddy." Jack said, the tape already useless. "I'm just playing. CJ and Sam had me tape them up last night, and I wanted to play too."

Chad tore the useless strip of tape away and gave Jack a quick tickle on his tummy. "Well, I guess I'd better go check on them. Do you want to be taped up properly?"

Jack nodded, so Chad got a roll of tape from his closet. Removing the toy cuffs, he taped Jack's hands behind him, then his bare ankles. Chad stood up to see what his older sons were up to. But Jack called out. "Dad! You forgot to tape my mouth."

Chad laughed and tore a strip off the roll. Jack drew his lips back so the tape wouldn't be directly on them. And Chad pressed the tape to Jack's mouth, smoothing it with his thumbs.

He then went down the hall to the attic. The house was a three bedroom, but they had converted the attic into a bedroom for Chad Junior, or CJ, just before he turned 13. He went up to find both of them duct taped on CJ's bed, fast asleep.

Sam, the eleven year old middle child, was curled up at the foot of the bed with his back to the room. CJ was at the top facing it. Chad went over and gave Sam's bare foot a tickle. "Wakey wakey" he said. Sam almost jumped out of his skin and squealed. CJ woke up and his eyes went wide as saucers and his skin went crimson.

Chad laughed. "Stay put, guys. I'm going to fix breakfast." He left them there and peeked in on Jack, who was happily struggling on the bed. Chad went down to the kitchen and began fixing up oatmeal with brown sugar and maple syrup and yogurt on the side. He poured three glasses of orange juice and put straws in them while his coffee brewed. Once breakfast was ready, He went back up to the attic where CJ and Sam were still taped on the bed, looking embarrassed. He threw the two of them over his shoulders and carried them downstairs.

See, Chad was in good shape. He was 5'10" and weighed 190 pounds of muscle. (1.78 meters, 86kg.) His boys on the other hand, were still small. CJ was 4'11" and weighed 75 pounds (1.49m, 34kg) while Sam was 4'6" and weighed 50 pounds. (1.37m, 22.5kg.) In short, they were easy to carry.

He sat them at the table, but didn't remove the tape from their mouths yet. First, he went to get Jack, who was still rolling around and giggling at his predicament. Chad put a shirt on first (none of them slept in shirts) and cradled his 4', 45 pound son (1.22m, 20kg) to carry him downstairs.

Once all three were seated at the table, Chad placed their food and juice before them, then tore the tape gags off. "Okay guys. Eat without your hands, then hop into the living room when you're done." Breakfast was eaten in silence, as the older two were still embarrassed.

Once breakfast was done, Chad gathered up the dishes and rinsed them out while the boys hopped to the sofa. He joined them a few moments later, ready to give them a fatherly speech.

"Okay. First of all, I'm not mad. I used to play tie ups too. All I want to know is when it started, and why you did it overnight?"

Sam sighed. "Me and Ceej have been doing it for a while. We wanted to be taped up together for once, so we asked Jack to do it."

"Yeah," CJ added. "But then he didn't let us out."

"Hey!" Jack protested. "You guys WANTED to be tied up all night!"

Chad held up a hand for silence. "Regardless of who's idea it was, I just want to know why."

CJ stared at the floor, blushing. Sam winced. "Well Dad…" he began. "I kinda like… the way… it feels. I sometimes pretend… you know… that I got…kidnapped."

Chad nodded. "How about you CJ?"

The oldest boy nodded. "Same thing." He mumbled.

"Well." Chad said. "I don't have a problem with this. Just so long as you are being safe. That means no more overnight sessions. Now, if you boys want, we can go get some ropes so you don't hurt yourselves with the tape. Sound good?"

All three perked up. "For real?" Sam asked?

"Yeah. Just let me get you guys free, then you can go get dressed."

As Chad began cutting the tape off his boys, Jack asked the question that all three wanted to. "Dad, can you pretend to kidnap all of us? I had fun too."

Chad pondered it. "Well, if you guys agree to that, you stay tied up all day. Got it?"

"Yeah!" All three chorused. Once free, they all ran to their rooms to get dressed while Chad cleaned up. Then he went to put on a pair of jeans and some socks. His wife had never let them wear shoes in the house, and even though she was gone, they still abided it.

In short order, all three were in the living room. CJ wore blue jeans with a grey t-shirt and black ankle socks. Sam had black shorts, a green long sleeve shirt, and white crew socks. And Jack wore grey sweatpants, a blue t-shirt, and blue ankle socks. They all put on sneakers at the door. They were all Nike fans. Chad wore black running shoes, CJ wore white basketball shoes, Sam wore grey ones that were similar to Chad's, and Jack wore black indoor soccer shoes.

They piled in the grey Subaru and headed for the store. "Okay, everybody pick a color" Chad said.
"Black" CJ said.
"White" Sam said.
"Blue" Jack said.

"Ok." Chad said. "That's your gag and blindfold colors." And off they drove....
To be continued….
Last edited by Redman 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by bondagefreak »

As an avid writer and reader of father/son type tales, I'll be following this tale with great interest.
Squirrel too should find this to his liking, as should Sniffingyoursocks, Harlequinn22 and many other members.

I bet many guys on here would've loved having a dad like Chad.

Keep it up, mate!
Can't wait to see where you take us with this.

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Post by DomTiesMen »

This was indeed a very cute story. It's interresting how the older boys wanted to be bound and gagged and asked for the smaller one do the job for them, usually is always the big ones that ties up the small ones. It's nice to see something different too. Of course, the young one also wanted to be bound and gagged and asked his father to do it! I like it!

Seems interresting they are going to go shopping only to get some tying material. The story is very fun to read so far, cannot wait for the next chapter.
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Post by Redman »

Thanks guys! I'm working on chapter two right now. I should have it up later on today.
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Post by Redman »

Part 2

An hour and a half later, Chad parked the car at an empty park. The family had gone to that hardware store first and bought a lot of soft nylon rope and a couple rolls of duct tape. They then stopped at a walmart to buy bandanas and handkerchiefs. Each of the boys were bouncing with excitement as Chad began to cut the ropes into 10 and 20 foot segments. (3.05m and 6.09m.) Each of the boys tore open the bandana packages and began folding them up.

"Okay." Chad said. "You're all being kidnapped as of now. Hop out of the car and put your hands behind your backs."

All of them did as he said. Chad tied each one's hands behind them, crossed at the wrists, and cinched in the middle. He then tied a bandana over their eyes for blindfolds. Next, he tied a knot in each of the leftover bandanas. For Jack, he simply pulled the knot behind his teeth and tied it in place. For Sam, he had folded a hankie into the white bandana before tying the knot. And CJ got a rolled one stuffed into his mouth before the knotted cleave gag was added.

Chad helped each of them sit in the back of the SUV, where he removed their shoes and tied their ankles. Then he got in the front and drove them home. Aside from an occasional grunt or giggle, the boys stayed quiet.

When they arrived, he backed up to the garage and opened the door. He would have pulled in, but with three boys, the garage was full of bikes and outdoor toys. In short, there was no room for the car. He opened the back of the SUV and pulled his boys out to set them in the garage floor, then closed it. He put. Jack on his shoulders and made the other two hop into the house, leaving their shoes in the car.

In the living room, he set the. Boys on the floor and tied their knees and arms. He sat CJ and Sam back to back and tied them there. Then he turned to Jack, drew his ankles back, and tied them to his wrist ropes. Then he went to get a duster from the closet.

"Now…" Chad said. "Who's still ticklish?"

Immediately, all three of them began to squirm and giggle. And he hadn't even touched them yet! He started by pulling their socks off their feet one by one. He did this slowly, to build up their anticipation. Once they were all barefoot, Chad went to get the duster from the closet.

He began pointing at each of his sons and teasing them. "Eeny. Meeny. Miney. MOE!" Chad settled on Jack first and brushed the duster across his feet. Jack squealed into the blue gag and rolled onto his side, but Chad grabbed his legs to hold him still. He tickled the youngest for a minute straight. Then he moved to Sam. The middle boy thrashed wildly, causing CJ some discomfort, but the older boy used his bound hands to hold Sam still. Somewhat. A minute later, it was CJ's turn. He laughed into his gag as well, but was the quietest of the bunch due to being the most effectively gagged.

Once each had been tickled for a minute, he began to randomize his attacks. He would mix up who he tickled and how long. He would also tickle their sides and bellies. Sam and CJ were easy to tickle at the same time, while Jack had more access as he wasn't tied to his brothers.

After a while, Chad gave them a break to fix sandwiches for lunch. He returned and removed Jack's gag and set him on his knees to feed him.

"You feeling okay?" Chad asked?

"Yeah" Jack said. "A little hot now though. Can I go change into shorts and use the bathroom?"

"Of course." Chad said. Once Jack was finished, Chad replaced the gag, but untied him and took the blindfold off. "Now, you have to stay gagged. Do what you need to, then get back here as fast as you can."

While Jack ran off, Chad took CJ and Sam's gags off to feed them. They ate their sandwiches and asked to use the bathroom as well.

"Dad, did you turn the heat on?" Asked Sam. "My hoodie is too hot for me now."

"I'm good" CJ said. "Don't know what he's talking about."

Chad had to laugh. But he still untied them and replaced their gags. Sam went upstairs while CJ used the downstairs bathroom. While they had been eating, Jack had returned to the room wearing blue shorts and a red sleeveless shirt with a picture of spiderman on it.

Chad began tying Jack's arms to his sides, cinching in between his arms and his body. He sat Jack on a chair and tied him to it at his torso and his lap. He then tied Jack's ankles and knees, and replaced his blindfold.

CJ gestured to the front coat closet. "You want to go in there?" Chad asked. CJ nodded. So Chad gathered up the ropes. He blindfolded CJ again and tied his hands in front of him. CJ stepped inside and Chad tied his wrists above his head to the top bar. Then he tied the boy's legs at his ankles, knees, and thighs.

While he was tying CJ, Sam had returned wearing the same black shorts he had been wearing, but had ditched his shirt entirely. He was now tickling Jack.

"Oh, no you don't." Chad said, scooping the eleven year old up. "You just earned yourself ten minutes of tickle torture."

Sam giggled into his gag as Chad tied his wrists and elbows behind him, and then tied his ankles and knees. Sam was placed on the floor face down, and Chad tied one rope from the wrist ropes to the knees, and from the ankles to the elbows. Sam was blindfolded. After that, Chad put him on his side and began to fake his fingers along his son's belly, up his sides to his armpit, then jumped to his feet. Sam squealed and giggled as he was tickled mercilessly.

At the end of ten minutes, Sam was breathless and Jack was giggling approvingly from his seat. Chad looked over. "Don't laugh too hard, bud. You're next."

Jack cackled like a hyena… well, a muzzled hyena, anyway. Chad's fingers danced over his feet and belly for five minutes, but it may as well have been a half hour. Chad ruffled his hair, then checked on CJ's bonds.

"Your turn, big guy." Chad said, approaching the open closet door…
Stay tuned for part 3!
Last edited by Redman 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by squirrel »

A very nice story :)

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Post by cj2125 »

Nice story! This forum needs more father/son stories XD. And I really enjoy it! Keep it up!
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Post by Volobond »

An adorable father/son story so far!

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by Redman »

This may be the last part. Unless I get some inspiration to continue.

Chad stepped into the closet and started tickling CJ's armpits. The boy squealed into his gag and squirmed. He stomped his feet on the carpet and laughed as he was mercilessly tickled on his armpits, his belly, and his neck. Chad decided to give his oldest the ten minute tickle treatment, and randomized his pattern.

Eventually, the boy's hair was soaked in sweat and he was gasping. Chad got him out of the closet and re-tied CJ's hands behind him. He also took the knee and thigh ropes off so he could relax. That position was tough, even for an athletic 13 year old. Chad laid his oldest son on the couch and returned to Sam.

The boy's bare feet were sticking out as if begging to be tickled some more. So Chad obliged. Sam wasn't expecting it and bucked against his bonds while he laughed into his gag. Chad then turned his attention to Jack's feet. He squealed and laughed so hard that he would have caused alarm on tbe next street over. If he wasn't gagged.

Finally, Chad took the blindfolds off his sons and loosened Sam's hogtie so he was just bound hand and foot. Jack was let off the chair and tied the same way. He sat them all on the couch and checked their limbs. Nobody was injured. No marks, beyond the indents on their skin where ropes had held them. Chad went to the kitchen and got three bottles of water and three straws, then he removed the boys' gags.

"Everybody feeling okay?" Chad asked.

"Yeah Dad. I'm good." CJ said, voice hoarse from having his mouth stuffed.

"Me too." Sam added.

"This is fun!" Jack said.

Chad smiled. "Good. I'm glad. Let's go easy for a while now. I'm going to put on a movie. Anybody want to be untied?"

"Nope!" All three said at once.

"Dad? Can you gag us again?" Sam asked.

"Yeah please Daddy?" Jack asked, giving Chad tbe puppy dog eyes.

CJ agreed. "Yeah, it feels good."

"All right." Chad said. "Finish your drinks, then I will replace your gags."

As they drank their waters, which were set on the coffee table, Chad picked out a movie for them to watch. He settled on Star Wars: Episode 1 and loaded the dvd. Then he took the soggy gags that he'd used earlier and untied the knots in the middle, and took them to the laundry room. There were still three clean bandanas to use.

Once the waters were done, he took the bottles away and tossed them in the recycling bin. Then Chad went behind the couch with the cloths he'd used as blindfolds. He tightened the folds on them. CJ's black one was first, followed by Sam's white one, then Jack's blue. Each boy was cleave gagged without a knot or stuffing.

Then Chad sat on his easy chair and started the movie. The boys sat quietly for the most part, giggling at Jar-Jar's antics. At one point, Jack hopped over and squeezed onto the chair beside Chad. To keep the other two from getting jealous, Chad scooped his youngest up and moved to the couch between CJ and Sam, holding Jack on his lap. That is how they sat for the whole movie.

"So, I think we're done for today." Chad said. "Anybody want one more tickle sesh?"

"Yesh preash!" All three said through their gags.

So Chad spent the next several minutes tickling his sons gently. Then he untied them and had them all help him gather up the ropes. They wrapped them up and placed them in a box, which was set in the closet beside the duster. The bandanas were sent to the laundry room.

"Okay guys" Chad said. "We can do this again sometime. You guys can play alone too. But there are going to be rules. First off, no tying anyone against their will. Rule two, no leaving a gagged prisoner alone. Rule three, respect each other. This is supposed to be fun."

"Okay Dad" the boys all agreed to the terms, then ran off to play. Chad decided to do some laundry before fixing dinner. He wondered how long it would be before his sons were asking to be tied again.
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Post by DomTiesMen »

That indeed was a very cute and enjoyable story! Shame it was so short, but it was good while it least! I liked how all the kids had their moments being bound, gagged and represented on the story, and everyone had his own collor for blindfold and gag, what makes a very interresting detail! I like how Chad took care of each one of them and also tied them in different manners though the story! This movie part was such a tender moment between then!

Really cute story! Hope to see more stories from you!
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Post by Redman »

DomTiesMen wrote: 4 years ago That indeed was a very cute and enjoyable story! Shame it was so short, but it was good while it least! I liked how all the kids had their moments being bound, gagged and represented on the story, and everyone had his own collor for blindfold and gag, what makes a very interresting detail! I like how Chad took care of each one of them and also tied them in different manners though the story! This movie part was such a tender moment between then!

Really cute story! Hope to see more stories from you!
Thank you so much! I may revisit this family sometime. Provided I get inspiration.
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Post by Blakenome1999 »

I would like to see what this family’s dynamic would look like when the kids get older, like late teens and early 20’s
I’m young and impressionable, I need someone to guide me through this world... preferably on a leash... and then tie me up afterwords... or before... and I guess a gag could be used as well... :D
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Post by Redman »

Blakenome1999 wrote: 4 years ago I would like to see what this family’s dynamic would look like when the kids get older, like late teens and early 20’s
An excellent question. I may have to ponder on that.
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Post by alkaid_ »

oh my god!

I love this story... a dad spent quiality time with their sons...

playing tie up games all the day...
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Post by harveygasson »

That was such a well written, lovely, wholesome story. Well done to you on such a great job
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Post by cj2125 »

That was a cute story! It was a joy to read, goood job!
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Post by Redman »

Thanks all!
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Post by LuchoDz_007 »

The story is great.

The truth is, it would be fun if I had a younger brother and together we ended up tied up by my older brother.
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Post by szlm1515 »

Awwwww, cute story :)
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Post by briefkid »

CJ could maybe convince a friend to be tied back to back with him and Jack and Sam could also be tied together back to back.
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Post by briefkid »

It is a great story. I hope there is a chapter 4.
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Post by Redman »

briefkid wrote: 3 years ago It is a great story. I hope there is a chapter 4.
I'm glad you enjoyed it! There may be, but I'm not sure. I've been working on other projects these days.
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Post by Killua »

I read that story a long time ago but I haven't commented back then. It's time to do it now then :lol:

It's really a cute and lovely story. I really enjoyed reading it. After you finished your other projects, another part of this story is definitely always welcome and appreciated.
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