The Escape Artist [F/M] (Story Complete)

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The Escape Artist [F/M] (Story Complete)

Post by puddy300 »

They called him “The Escape Artist”. Mostly because that's the name he gave for himself. People all over campus knew that he considered himself Houdini, and would make a little money on the side, betting people that he could escape any rope bondage they could think of. People had tried several different methods, but his remarkable flexibility and their lackluster rope skills made them easy marks. The Escape Artist had, in fact, escaped every time.

His real name was Diego, and Charlotte admired him from afar. She liked his thick and shaggy mop of black hair as well as his self-assurance and confidence in himself.

She also liked to see him tied up, she thought he looked good. She felt that the fact that no one could keep him that way was a shame.

So Charlotte decided that she would be the one to best him. She called a friend that she knew, who was into bondage, for some tips. She studied videos on YouTube, and practiced on herself as best she could. She formulated a strategy that she was sure that wouldn't fail. And so she approached Diego one evening and said, “Mr. Escape Artist, I think you won't escape from me.”

Diego put on a look of amusement. “Sure, Charlotte.” He knew her from a stats class they'd had last quarter. But they hadn't talked much. “$20, as usual, as long as you don't mind losing it.”

Charlotte waved a $20 bill in his face. “I'm more worried that you won't have the money to give me.”

“Don't worry, I'm good for it. I have one saved for anyone that beats me. Of course...I plan to never have to give it up.”

Charlotte didn't want to waste any more time on grandstanding. “You ready now?”

He shrugged. “Sure, why not.”

As usual, the deed would be done in his dorm room, where he kept some rope. His roommate saw what was going to happen and made himself scarce, leaving Charlotte and Diego alone.

“Here is the rope,” Diego said, pulling out a huge pile of various sizes. “No limit to how much you use, but try not to use all of it, that's a sign you don't know what you are doing.” His eyes twinkled.

“Don't worry.” Charlotte grabbed some rope with her own confidence. “Hands behind your back. Your escaping days end here.”

As Charlotte started to simply tie his hands behind his back, Diego sighed inwardly. He was so hopeful that someone could best him. He was so good at escaping that he wanted to know what it felt like to really be unable to do so. So far, Charlotte was just tying his wrists together, something pretty much everyone did. He hoped she had more in her.

She did. After warning his she was going to get personal, she used a piece of rope to tie a simple hip harness, then another to do a chest harness. Diego was more intrigued, but also not concerned that he'd be unable to escape.

Charlotte told him she was ready for him to lie down. She helped him crawl onto his bed and lie face-down. Now the ropes around his wrists were tied first to the chest harness, then the hip harness. She wanted them as immobile as possible, to mitigate his flexibility.

Diego thought it was a good plan, but already could feel the ropes with his fingers and tell that he wasn't stuck. The knots were, he had to admit, well placed, but not totally out of reach. It would be a struggle, but he still wasn't satisfied that Charlotte would beat him.

Another rope was looped around his elbows, tied tightly but not too much so, and Charlotte finished off knots on both arms so it wouldn't slip down. Then she tied his ankles together, brought his bare feet over his buttocks and then tied them as tightly as she dared to his chest harness. It was a good tie, Diego had to admit, well done, tight, secure. But not good enough.

“Okay,” he said. “Are you ready to watch the magic?”

“One more thing, Mister Escape Artist.” Charlotte used a small piece of rope to tie Diego's thumbs together. This was a trick her bondage friend had told her. She looped it around and around, back and forth, and used several knots to make sure it couldn't come loose. She knew that what she had done up to that point wasn't good enough. But no one, no matter how flexible, could pick knots without thumbs. The thumbs were tied down to the hip harness. With all the knots on the wrist ties located above the hand, opposite the fingers, Charlotte knew there was no way Diego could reach them.

“Or should I say, Mister Former Escape Artist,” said Charlotte, ready to bask in the glory of her work.

Diego was shocked. No one had ever tried the thumb tie, and certainly not with the level of thought that Charlotte had done. He was certainly now nervous, for the first time ever, that he would not be getting out of this tie. The thought scared him, a little (how well did he really know Charlotte, he thought), but his fear was being completely overwhelmed by his excitement.

Trying to sound like he was still imperious despite being in a almost assuredly inescapable hogtie, Diego said, “It might take me a bit more time than usual, so you might want to grab a book.” Charlotte did not want to grab a book. She wanted to watch him struggle. If he got out, then fine, she'd given it her best shot, but she didn't think he would. She couldn't wait for him to realize he'd lost and admit defeat.

Then the real fun would begin, she thought, patting the roll of duct tape in her pocket.
Last edited by puddy300 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Londit »

This first part is so great I hope you will post the rest really soon. Really good job :)
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

I really really hope there’s a second part!!!
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Post by Xtc »

Nicely done so far. Thanks for posting this.
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Post by harveygasson »

Great start! I hope you carry on with it
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Post by puddy300 »

Charlotte watched Diego struggle fruitlessly at his bonds. She enjoyed the show. Diego's thin, tall frame was folded up into a tight hogtie, facing Charlotte as she sat down with the ease of someone who already knew they had victory wrapped up. She had added a quick, final, completely unnecessary bit of rope to tie Diego's big toes together, and liked the way the soles of his bare feet waved back and forth together as he made his effort to escape.

As he had feared though, the thumb tie that Charlotte had saved for near the end of her bondage work was a game-changer for Diego. He was unable to do anything to loosen it, and with that in place he had no hope of reaching any of the other knots. All his struggling was pointless, and he was only doing it so he could see what it was like.

Diego had only ever been able to imagine what it would be like to be in bondage. Not tied up, that was something he could always escape. He was good at picking knots, double-jointed and as flexible as a yoga master, and so keeping him from being able to escape was nearly impossible. No one had cared enough to work to make sure he couldn't like Charlotte. Now he was absolutely, positivity, stuck. He found that this made him feel excited. He imagined Charlotte as his captor, his life and well-being in her hands. That this was actually true and not at all an imagination only increased his excitement.

So this is what it felt like. Diego loved it. He didn't want to be untied. He didn't even want to decide when he would be untied. But, he figured he would look weird if he said that. So, instead, he said, “I...I think you got me.”

Charlotte thought she detected something in his voice. Was it happiness? Or respect for her? No matter, she thought. “As I said.”

“So, let me go, and I'll give you the $20. Good work.” Now she thought she heard disappointment in his voice. Well, that made sense. He'd lost. But she now needed to disabuse him of the notion that he was getting free anytime soon.

“Not quite yet,” she said.

Diego brought his head up in surprise. “What?”

Bringing the roll of duct tape out of her pocket, Charlotte said, “I didn't actually want the $20, Diego.” She leaned in close to his ear and nearly whispered, “I wanted you.”

“What?” he said again.

Charlotte made a show of ripping off a piece of duct tape. “This will go better if you stop talking.” Before he could react, Charlotte placed the tape over his mouth and smoothed it on. A couple more pieces held his duct tape gag well in place. “You're lucky you keep yourself clean-shaven,” she said. She picked up her phone and started texting. “I'm going to bring in some help for the next part, but don't worry, no one is going to hurt you.” She paused. “Embarrass you, perhaps. But not hurt.”

Diego wished he could ask what Charlotte meant by that, but was afraid to try to talk through the gag and sound silly. Charlotte looked to be finished texting and now appeared to be taking some photos of her handiwork. Trying to put that out of his mind, Diego tried to use the time to work on his ropes again, see if he could make some progress.

“Hold still,” said Charlotte, clearly wanting to take some clean photos. With a small flash of defiance, Diego decided to disobey, and over dramatically wiggled back and forth. Charlotte grimaced, then jumped on top to sit on his back. “Are you ticklish?” she asked.

Panic rushed through Diego. He was, but he tried to not give anything away. He thought maybe she'd go back to taking pictures if he lied still like she wanted. Unfortunately for him, she was in fact curious now that she'd thought of it. She ran a nail up and down the soles of his feet, first his right, then his left. Diego managed to stifle his reaction to the touch on his right foot despite it feeling like an electric charge running from his feet to to his head. But the scratch on his left foot caused him to twitch and his gag didn't quite muffle the giggle that popped out. “Interesting,” said Charlotte, and got back off him. “Now, will you hold still?” Diego did. She was in complete control and they both knew it.

Her picture taking satisfied, she said, “Now about those ticklish feet of yours.” But before she could try to see just how ticklish he was, there was a knock at the door. “Ah, perhaps later,” Charlotte said. She opened the door and three girls walked in and immediately focused in on the hogtied and gagged Diego lying helpless on the bed.

“Oh wow, Char, you really did it.”

“This is amazing work, you sure he can't escape?”

“Oh my gosh, he's so adorable like this.”

Diego's face flushed and his cheeks burned. He thought this was just going to be Charlotte and himself, but now he was distinctly aware of the four pair of eyes that were looking at him. He realized that he recognized all of them. Each one had tried and failed to win his challenge. He wondered if they were here for some sort of revenge.

Charlotte rounded up her new posse of girls. “All right. You have everybody in the TV room?”

“As many as we could find,” one girl named Lily said.

Charlotte turned to Diego. “I have to make a confession. I was so sure that I'd tie you up so well that I made sure beforehand that everyone who couldn't keep you tied up would know that I would win. I found out that pretty much all of them wanted to see you when I did. So...your audience awaits.”

“Also Char wanted to show off,” said one of the other girls, Felicity, rolling her eyes.

“That too,” admitted Charlotte.

Lily and the final girl, Tami, left the room momentarily, then brought a cart normally used by the janitorial staff into the room. “Your chariot awaits, Escape Man,” said Lily. Diego recalled that she had been very unhappy with how quickly Diego had escaped from her poor ropes and knots.

The four girls gingerly worked Diego onto the cart, trying to be careful not to hurt him. Diego himself was so tightly bound that he could be of little help to them, he was merely a delicate parcel to be placed onto the cart like a decorative centerpiece. Finally, they had him safely onto the cart. Charlotte found another two pieces of rope and used them to secure him to the cart. One at the knees, the other at the elbows. “Don't want you falling off,” said Charlotte.

“I kinda do,” muttered Lily.

“That's not nice, Lily,” said Charlotte. For all his helplessness, Diego did feel like Charlotte truly did not want to hurt him. He felt safe with her. If she left him alone with Lily, however...

The girls wheeled the cart with Charlotte's trophy out into the hallway. Some people walking by stared at Diego as they made their way through the dorm halls to the TV room. He was quickly becoming used to being an object to stare at, he found.

There was a decent-sized group of people in the TV room. Most he saw were also people, guys and girls, who had lost $20 to him. Some were not, maybe just there for some TV and maybe there because they want to look at someone who was tied up.

“Look upon my work and weep,” boasted Charlotte, clearly enjoying her triumph to ridiculous proportions.

The peanut gallery oohed and aahed. Phones were whipped out and so many people were taking photos that it was like the paparazzi had caught a celebrity out at a night club. Diego was practically blinded by the number of flashes going off.

Now Diego got to think about the situation he was in. He was, for the first time in his life, actually in bondage. He'd been working at his ropes for a while, but had absolutely zero progress. Now not only robbed of his freedom and his voice, he'd been put on display for the whole dorm to gawk at. There were enough pictures of him in a hogtie and a duct tape gag that they'd probably end up on the Internet and who knows how many people would see them. This wasn't how his tie up experience was supposed to go. And yet, as he looked at Charlotte, who regarded him with a shit-eating grin on he face, he realized that in spite of everything – his aching arms and legs, his embarrassment in front of his dormmates, the fact that he had no agency at all – he liked what had happened to him. No, he decided, he loved it.

And he needed to figure out how to get Charlotte to do it to him again.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Really really great! Really hoping for a sequel!
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Post by MaxRoper »

Very good!
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Post by Solarbeast »

This was a great story. I very much wish I was in Diego's shoes with his failure to escape from what Charlotte had in store for him.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Solarbeast wrote: 5 years ago This was a great story. I very much wish I was in Diego's shoes with his failure to escape from what Charlotte had in store for him.
Same here! Really great story, I wished I could be in Diego’s place! :)
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Post by gaggednbarefoot »

Hey I hadn't seen your stories before today. Excellent. I wish I was the barefoot, trusses up protagonist in them.
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Post by slackywacky »

Great read. Thank you for posting.
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